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澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)、森林和木材产品研究和发展公司以及该地区针叶材的主要生产者正联合开发一种人工林的施肥体系,旨在为澳大利亚东南部和维多利亚西南部生长的辐射松Pinus radiata人工林确定最佳施肥计划。根据CSIRO林业和林产品发言人Barrie May先生介绍,改善林分营养的经营措施可显著提高澳大利亚辐射松人工林生产力,提高国内收益率和经营的灵活性。  相似文献   

澳大利亚在松属杂交育种等的研究和开发应用方面居世界领先水平 ,其经验和技术值得我们学习和借鉴。文章介绍了澳大利亚主要造林树种湿地松×加勒比松、南洋杉、辐射松的遗传改良及种子园经营技术  相似文献   

通过对澳大利亚的新南威尔市州和昆士南州辐射松苗圃和人工林实地考察,比较系统了解了澳大利亚辐射松从种子处理到造林和病虫害发生及后期保护情况,使我们在病虫害研究和防治工作中得到启发。  相似文献   

辐射松(Pinus radiata)是南半球若干国家人工林的主要树种之一。由于它生长迅速,所以新西兰引进栽培。但据有关资料介绍,它的养分需求量所引起的后果会影响林分长期的生产力,因而 Will 和 Orman 曾对新西兰25年生以上的辐射松人工林养分循环的特性和采伐物中养分潜在的移动进行研究。Forrest、Ovington、Madgwick 和 Mead等对在新西兰和澳大利亚各种营林方式和不同养分条件下的辐射松林分的干物质产量亦作过调查研究。本文概括了以前发表和尚未发表的辐射  相似文献   

澳大利亚辐射松遗传育种及其借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳大利亚辐射松遗传改良在过去的几十年中取得了较大的成绩, 其育种计划与育种策略在一定程度上反应了当前世界林木育种水平。较详细地介绍与分析了澳大利亚辐射松遗传改良的历程与成就, 供我国林木育种工作者参考。  相似文献   

本文研究了四川省引种栽培的辐射松的抗逆性。研究结果表明:辐射松幼林在四川岷江上游干旱河谷表现出较强的抗旱性和较强的抗病、抗虫能力;根据造林地海拔与林木受冻害的关系,提出在岷江上游河谷区适宜栽培的海拔上限为2100m。辐射松在气温较高、湿度较大的区域造林保存率极低,而且易感病虫害,不宜引种栽培。  相似文献   

<正> 辐射松原产美国西部,经驯化改良后,广泛引种到澳大利亚、新西兰、智利、西班牙等国,效果良好,已发展成为主要栽培树种。我国在湖南长沙、衡阳和浙江富阳、莫干山以及江西庐山都曾引种,但引种的辐射松苗期生长尚好,以后针叶变黄逐渐枯死,因而没有大面积引种。  相似文献   

在澳大利亚,辐射松无性系种子园的建立开始于1957年。至1973年,各地建立的这种种子园共有面积340公顷。本文介绍1974年在澳大利亚吉普士兰扦插5,000根插穗来建立辐射松种子园的基本作法。  相似文献   

本文简要概述了国内外辐射松的发展状况 ,分析了湖北省引种栽培辐射松的可行性 ,并进一步提出了发展辐射松的建议。  相似文献   

世界上人口不断增长,对植物资源,包括木材的需要不断增加,在满足人类木材要求方面,辐射松(Pinus radiata D.Don)起着重要的作用。辐射松每年每公顷生长量可高达24立方米,而且造林容易,成本低廉,是一个优良的造林树种。辐射松在原产地仅分布于加利福利亚滨海以及瓜德罗普沿岸岛屿大约4000余公顷的地区,而且形状和大小也并不出众。但在十九世纪后期引种到许多其它国家后,其生长一般比原产地好,智利、新西兰、澳大利亚和东非等国家和地区都采用它作为营造大面积商品林的树种。迄今为止,辐射松栽植最广的地区是智利和新西兰,这两个国家都有25万公顷以上的辐射松林,生产木材和发展造纸业。澳大利亚也有10万公顷以上的辐射松林,大部分  相似文献   

Timber quality and increment of Scots pines were analysed in two adjacent stands in northern Sweden. One stand originated from advance growth, and one from planted seedlings. Height increment of advance growth that was higher than 1.3 m when released was slow compared with advance growth lower than 1.3 m and planted trees. Timber quality of advance growth, > 1.3 m at release, was poor due to high incidence of stem damage, most likely inflicted during the logging operation. Potential timber quality of planted Scots pines was better among dominated than dominating trees. Volume production was more than twice as high in the plantation as in the stand originating from advance growth. Slash burning after clear felling had a positive effect on production in the plantation.  相似文献   

湿地松、火炬松适应性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在同样的立地条件和抚育条件下,在1~20 a内,湿地松的生长明显优于火炬松和马尾松。20~30 a内,国外松生长不如马尾松,而且对地力的适应性也不如马尾松。作为短轮伐期的速生丰产纸浆林,湿地松是适应性比较强的速生丰产的引进树种,但在立地差、集约度低或海拔高处应以本地树种马尾松为主。  相似文献   

LIU Qiang  WANG Jun 《林业研究》2011,21(1):141-143
The height growth of Korean pine plantation was investigated for different ages of saplings in Benxi city of the eastern Liaoning, China. The sapling and seedling age were determined by branch annuals. Results show that the mean height of third- to eight-year Korean pines ranges from 13.31 cm to 111.73 cm and only 19.4% of the saplings reached the height above 130 cm. The height (Y) of eight-year-old Korean pine increases linearly with the increment of ground stem (x) (Y=3.1x+35.15). The relation between height and age can be described by an exponential equation. The second year after planting of the Korean pine is considered as the key period of Korean pine growth really adapting to the local environment; plantation management should be strengthened in this year. The Korean pine seedlings need two years to adapt to the local environment, thus early care and management should be taken in the second year.  相似文献   

从生产力资源利用和养分循环综合评价杉松混交组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方奇 《林业科学》1997,33(6):513-527
杉木和松树混交试验,都是按66%杉木加34%松树(湿地松、加勒比松、热带松、火炬松、晚松)混交组合的,只有对照区是杉木纯林。试验林的密度为2500株/hm ̄2,其中杉木1650株10.66hm,松树850株/0,34hm ̄2。均是一年生实生苗于1983年春季造林,小区面积全是0.2hm ̄2。10年生时进行了生产力调查,并计算了生物能积累,辐射能利用,养分利用效率和归还串等。试验结果表明:杉木火炬松混交林生产力最高达到6.55t/hnta,养分利用效率好,每吨养分可生产生物量73kg/hna‘·a:杉木加勒比松混交林辐射能利用率最大达到3.97%,生物能积累总计为17336kJJm2·a,养分归还率最好达到4.86%。从生产力、辐射能利用率、养分利用效率和养分归还率等综合比较,得分由大到小的顺序是:杉木晚松混交林)杉木加勒比松混交林杉木湿地松混交林杉木火炬松混交林杉木热带松混交林)杉木林。总之,经营杉松混交林经济效益优于杉木纯林。  相似文献   

澳大利亚杂交松在广西引种试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳大利亚杂交松(Pinus elliottii×Pinus caribaea)引种区域对比试验表明,杂交松能适应广西的自然条件,并表现出优良的速生丰产性状。杂交松的生长优于马尾松、湿地松和加勒比松,其平均公顷蓄积量分别比马尾松、湿地松和加勒比松大34.93%、82.44%和174.98%。杂交松年均树高和年均胸径生长量都超过了广西马尾松速丰林生长指标,适于在生产中推广。  相似文献   

Two biotypes of Lophodermium pinastri, perhaps differing in their pathogenicity, were recognised on Pinus sylvestris in NE Scotland. These biotypes are described in artificial culture and are shown to be associated with definite habitats on pines, both in the plantation and in the nursery. In the discussion it is suggested that the present results might help to explain the difficulty many workers have experienced in trying to infect artificially young pine needles with L. pinastri.  相似文献   

In a 13-year-old plantation of Austrian pine no apparent relationship between vegetative vigour expressed as height and as stem circumference, and susceptibility to blister rust due to Cronartium flaccidum was found. Under conditions which favour the development of the disease, it is possible to select vigorous and blister rust resistant Austrian pines.  相似文献   

调查近2~4年常德引种的16个杨树品种造林生长和抗逆性情况,以及不同立地条件、培管措施等因素对杨树品种生长的影响,从中筛选出适应当地发展的杨树品种,并对杨树造林提出建议。  相似文献   

The development of plantation plays a very important role in forestry industry development in China because of its unique advantages. However, the ecological and environmental issues urgently require sustainable plantation development. FSC certification for sustainable forest management balances the economic, environmental and social benefits and contributes to sustainable development of plantation. FSC certification for plantation is significantly important to China with the most plantation area in the wor...  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the pine reproductive process is confined to the developmental stages and time relations in a particular species. Lacking in the literature is a comparative analysis from a broader perspective such as pines from temperate versus tropical regions. Also, important information that may have beneficial implications for pine breeding and management purposes may be missed by going with a single generalized reproductive cycle model which is usually derived from well-studied northern temperate species. Detailed developmental analysis of the reproductive process is necessary, particularly for tropical pines where information is limited. Most pines undergo a reproductive cycle that spans three calendar years with two dormant periods. In temperate pines, many of the stages that are initiated by fall generally come to a halt during the winter and development resumes in spring of the following year. In tropical pines, reproductive development appears to be generally a continuous process characterized by a gradual rate of development with indistinct first dormant period. The distinct first dormant period in north temperate pines serves to synchronize pollen release and seed-cone receptivity which results in higher pollination success and seed production. Tropical pines exhibit asynchrony in pollen release and thus has extended pollination period. Relatively less pollen are available which results in lower pollination success and seed set. Interestingly, since asynchrony may enhance cross-pollination, tropical pines might benefit from this through the capture of genetic diversity. The length of the second dormant period is generally the same in temperate and tropical pines which indicates strong genetic control.  相似文献   

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