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《蜜蜂杂志》 1 999年第 7期刊登的《独穴蜂针疗法对变应性鼻炎防治效果的观察与分析》是一篇很好的文章 ,是她教我治好了我爱人久治不愈、长达 2 5年的过敏性鼻炎。螫刺方法 :开始每天用 1只蜂交替螫刺双侧足三里穴 ,到 2 0天时 ,不见任何效果。于是 ,每天增加到 2只蜂螫到 3  相似文献   

子午流注蜂针经穴疗法临床研究(附97例病例分析)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用子午流注蜂针经穴疗法治疗风湿、类风湿、痛风性关节炎、中风后遗症、面神经麻痹97例。治愈10例,占10.31%;显效52例,占53.6%,好转32例,占32.99%;无效3例,占3.09%;总有效率96.9%。本组病例说明子午流注蜂针经穴疗法优于一般蜂针经穴疗法。通过实验研究表明:本法能显著降低血沉、抗“0”、血尿酸和促使类风湿因子转阴,改善体内生化环境;中风后遗症患者治疗前后血液流变学分析提示本法具有抗凝血的作用,符合中医活血化瘀的治疗原则。  相似文献   

本文就多年来引导学生参加课外实践、加强学生素质教育而进行的一系列蜂疗实验设计活动的结果加以总结。学生们在教师指导下应用活蜂针疗法,治愈了诸如肩周炎、肘关节炎、膝关节骨质增生、肌肉瘤、腱鞘囊肿等常见疑难病症。同时发现活蜂针疗法对体育运动中的跌、扭、撞伤也有非常明显的疗效。特别是在活蜂针刺健壮穴(足三里、涌泉)对人体作用的探究中,发现能显著提高耐力。  相似文献   

蜂疗临床应用特点和医疗保健机理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖伟  李位三 《蜜蜂杂志》2006,26(2):10-12
中医学的组成部分蜂疗,应用临床表现出别具一格的特点;在防治疑难杂症和养生保健上,具有较明显的功效;其医疗保健机理,主要是蜂针疗法选穴施治的综合作用,蜂产品的特殊功能以及蜂针疗法与蜂产品、中药相结合的叠加效应。  相似文献   

源于自然,采于自然的蜂疗法。对多种疾病,尤其是各种疑难杂症,有独到的治愈功效。虽然蜂疗法还未得到普及,但已得到广泛的临床应用。蜂疗法是一种新兴的中医保健疗法。由于其具有价廉、方便、高效的治疗效果,逐步得到医务人员和患者的认同。蜂疗医务人员或是爱好蜂疗事业的人,为了给他人治疗疾病,为了患者的安全,也为了不给医疗人员造成不必要的麻烦和损失,在蜂疗前必须严格做蜂针试验。蜂疗前试针是一项非常重要而不可缺少的工作,尤其是对药物过敏患者更为重要。试针一般常用曲池穴和志室穴。为什么蜂疗前必须严格试针,谈一下我免费为近200…  相似文献   

蜂针疗法配合热敷治疗类风湿性关节炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金军强 《中国蜂业》2009,60(10):32-33
目的:观察蜂针疗法配合热敷治疗类风湿性关节炎。方法:按疼痛部位,以阿是穴为主,采用蜂针疗法为主,配合青盐热敷。结果:近期控制4例,占11%,显效24例。占66.6%,有效7例,占19.4%,无效1例,占3%,总有效率97%。结论:以蜂针疗法为主,配合热敷,能短时间控制症状,临床疗效尚属满意。  相似文献   

正利用阴陵泉穴位治疗,在蜂针疗法的作用下,对不同病种进行探讨,有利于更好地应用膝关节附近的穴位进行辨证配穴处方治疗。蜂针疗法作用于经络穴位,具有蜂毒和针灸的双重作用。直接刺激浅表经络系统的皮部,改善血管和神经营养状态,有调和气血、疏通经脉等功能。蜂针刺入穴位后所释放的蜂毒含有多种肽类、酸类、酶类、微量元素等物质,具有良好的调节免疫、抗炎镇痛、恢复活动功能的作用。蜂针治疗取穴原则为:(1)全身治疗,根据病因病机取  相似文献   

蜂疗是对蜂产品入药治病的统称,蜂针疗法以它独特的魅力在蜂疗中扮演着重要的角色.蜂针疗法常用拇指和食指捏住活蜂双翅,或用镊子温和的夹住活蜂的胸部,尾部置于穴位令其点刺;也可用镊子将蜂针取下点刺或散刺相关穴位.蜂针疗法集蜂针液的药理作用与中医针灸学原理为一体,其发展已经受到医学界的关注与重视.综述了蜂疗针疗法在皮肤病、消化...  相似文献   

本文报道用蜂针疗法配合中药加味独活寄生丸治疗类风湿性关节炎50例,其中男性10例,女性40例,年龄18-65岁,平均年龄41.5岁;病程6个月-15年,平均7.75年,以上患者均经过中西医药物治疗效果不显而来我所治疗。治疗方法:蜂针治疗前,先做2-3次敏感试验,若无过敏,即可进行蜂针治疗。主穴华陀夹脊,在病变局部配穴。治疗时用活蜂螫刺,针留10分钟后拔出。治疗用蜂量逐日递增,最多不超过30只,每日或隔日1次,30次为1个疗程。配合加味独活寄生丸(独活、寄生、秦艽、当归、杜仲、党参、茯苓、熟地、防风、白芍、川芎、细辛等组成)每次服6g,每日3次,饭后半小时温开水送服,30天为1个疗程。治疗结果:50例中,近期治愈17例,占34%;显效20例,占40%;进步13例,占26%;无效0。总有效率为100%。  相似文献   

柯善英 《蜜蜂杂志》2010,30(5):34-35
<正>蜂毒具有独特而完整的生物医疗效应,它是治疗众多疑难杂症的良药,开发普及蜂针疗法,是人类健康的需求。然而,蜂针剧痛令人畏惧,蜂针过敏,甚至致死,令人恐惧。我在蜂针治疗中,曾出  相似文献   

A 1.5-year-old male castrated dog was presented in anaphylactic shock after suffering an apparent bee sting. Immunotherapy with bee venom was initiated based upon history, skin testing and serological testing for allergen-specific immunoglobulin (Ig)E. The dog was maintained on venom immunotherapy for five years and showed no signs of adverse effects from therapy or from repeated bee stings.  相似文献   

孙传利 《蜜蜂杂志》2012,32(11):34-35
报道腰间盘突出症55例,经蜂刺疗法获得良好效果:55例患者中,53例治疗结果优、2例良、0例进步、0例差。蜂刺疗法是按症状选择作用点或穴位进行蜜蜂蜇刺,本文介绍了操作方法、评定疗效标准和典型病例,并对蜂刺疗法作用机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

孙红兵  陈瑜 《蜜蜂杂志》2012,32(12):40-41
湿疹是一种常见易复发的变态反应性皮肤病。临床上中、西医治疗湿疹的方法很多,但疗效都不甚满意。近几年来,笔者采用蜂刺疗法治疗湿疹效果显著。报告湿疹患者38例,经蜂刺疗法治愈32例占84.2名,显效5例占13.2%,无效1例占2.6%。  相似文献   

The medically important groups of Hymenoptera are the Apoidea (bees), Vespoidea (wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets), and Formicidae (ants). These insects deliver their venom by stinging their victims. Bees lose their barbed stinger after stinging and die. Wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets can sting multiple times. Most deaths related to Hymenoptera stings are the result of immediate hypersensitivity reactions, causing anaphylaxis. Massive envenomations can cause death in nonallergic individuals. The estimated lethal dose is approximately 20 stings/kg in most mammals. Anaphylactic reactions to Hymenoptera stings are not dose dependent or related to the number of stings. Bee and wasp venoms are made up primarily of protein. Conversely, fire ant venoms are 95% alkaloids. Four possible reactions are seen after insect stings: local reactions, regional reactions, systemic anaphylactic responses, and less commonly, delayed-type hypersensitivity. Clinical signs of bee and wasp stings include erythema, edema, and pain at the sting site. Occasionally, animals develop regional reactions. Onset of life-threatening, anaphylactic signs typically occur within 10 minutes of the sting. Diagnosis of bee and wasp stings stem from a history of potential contact matched with onset of appropriate clinical signs. Treatment of uncomplicated envenomations (stings) consists of conservative therapy (antihistamines, ice or cool compresses, topical lidocaine, or corticosteroid lotions). Prompt recognition and initiation of treatment is critical in successful management of anaphylactic reactions to hymenopteran stings. Imported fire ants both bite and sting, and envenomation only occurs through the sting. Anaphylaxis after imported fire ant stings is treated similarly to anaphylactic reactions after honeybee and vespid stings. The majority of Hymenopteran stings are self-limiting events, which resolve in a few hours without treatment. Because life-threatening anaphylactic reactions can progress rapidly, all animals stung should be closely monitored and observed. In the following review article, we will examine the sources and incidence, toxicokinetics, pathological lesions, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for dogs and cats suffering Hymenoptera stings.  相似文献   

This case report describes a massive honey bee envenomation in a 14‐month‐old male Belgian Malinois dog from St. Kitts, West Indies. Acute and delayed onsets of hemolytic anemia, echinocytosis, spherocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hemoglobinemia, and hemoglobinuria developed following envenomation. The dog recovered after treatment with glucocorticoids and supportive therapy. Spherocytosis, hemolysis, and thrombocytopenia in patients with massive bee envenomation are likely due to the direct toxic effects of the primary components of bee venom, melittin and phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Mellitin causes hemolysis by forming large pores in erythrocytes resulting in leakage of hemoglobin and also causes spectrin stiffening and resultant echinocyte and spherocyte formation. Melittin also stimulates PLA2, a hydrolase that causes echinocytosis and spherocytosis, in vivo and in vitro, and mitochondrial breakdown in platelets. However, delayed manifestations could be attributed to immune‐mediated mechanisms from the generation of antibodies against damaged erythrocytes and platelet membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The effect of propolis [it is a water‐soluble derivative (WSDP)] and related polyphenolic compounds of propolis (caffeic acid, caffeic acid phenethyl ester and quercetin), honey, royal jelly and bee venom on tumour growth, metastasizing ability and induction of apoptosis and necrosis in murine tumour models (mammary carcinoma and colon carcinoma) was investigated. WSDP and related polyphenolic compounds showed significant anti‐metastatic effect (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001) given either before or after tumour‐cell inoculation. Oral or systemic application of WSDP or caffeic acid significantly reduced subcutaneous tumour growth and prolonged the survival of mice. Honey also exerted pronounced anti‐metastatic effect (P < 0.05) when applied before tumour‐cell inoculation (peroral 2 g kg?1 for mice or 1 g kg?1 for rats, once a day for 10 consecutive days). Royal jelly did not affect metastasis formation when given intraperitoneally or subcutaneously. However, intravenous administration of royal jelly before tumour‐cell inoculation significantly (P < 0.05) inhibited metastasis formation. When mice were given 105 tumour cells intravenously immediately after bee venom injection, the number of tumour nodules in the lung was significantly lower (P < 0.001) than in untreated mice or mice treated with bee venom subcutaneously. Local presence of bee venom in the tissue caused significant delay in subcutaneous tumour formation. These findings clearly demonstrate that anti‐tumour and anti‐metastatic effects of bee venom are highly dependent on the route of injection and on close contact between components of the bee venom and tumour cells. These data show that honey bee products given orally or systemically may have an important role in the control of tumour growth and tumour metastasizing ability.  相似文献   

蜂毒是一种成分复杂具有广泛药理活性的昆虫毒素,包括多肽类、酶类和非肽类物质。对近年来蜂毒化学成分及分离方法的最新研究进展进行综述,旨在了解蜂毒的成分研究及其高纯度组分的获取方法,为蜂毒合理利用提供理论依据和实践基础。  相似文献   

A group of 24 sows selected from herds affected by atrophic rhinitis was subjected to the study of the therapeutic effect of the administration of wide-spectrum antibiotics combined with an improvement of the zoohygienic conditions and with full-value nutrition in the pre-partal period and during lactation. It was found that the mentioned measures in sows before parturition and their housing in a sanitized farrowing house during treatment generally improved the health of the sows and enabled the rearing of healthy piglets. The mortality rate during rearing up to the age of 28 days was 12.5%. In the control group of piglets and sows the losses amounted to 29%; the clinical symptoms of rhinitis were found in 11% of the piglets already at the age of 28 days.  相似文献   

在兽医临床和畜牧生产实践中,因用药不慎人为造成牛过敏反应的病例经常发生,这种病例病因清楚,一般可以快速做出诊断并及时进行治疗,但因牛采食玉米秸秆而发生过敏反应的病例实属罕见。玉米秸秆因其碳水化合物含量高、水分含量相对较高、适口性较好、产量高等优点,是近些年来粮改饲推广的重要作物之一。牛采食玉米秸秆出现过敏症状的病例实属罕见,在查找病原方面兽医工作者往往不会往玉米秸秆方面考虑,而不能对病症及时做出准确的临床诊断并施救。笔者在诊疗过程中,遇到了一例因牛采食鲜嫩玉米秸秆而发生过敏反应,根据诊断结果应用抗过敏药物对症治疗,当日收到良好效果,说明诊断准确。通过对该病例的诊治报告,希望对兽医执业人员在该类疾病的诊治方面有所帮助。  相似文献   

[目的]优选鼻敏颗粒剂的最佳水提工艺。[方法]采用正交实验设计,以干浸膏得率、芍药苷含量为指标进行评价,对鼻敏颗粒剂水提取工艺进行了L9(34)正交实验。[结果]最佳提取工艺条件是加水量为药材量的8倍煎煮3次,每次2.0 h。[结论]水提取方法具有简便、科学、合理、可行的特点,有利于降低实际生产成本,可在保证鼻敏颗粒剂临床疗效持续稳定的基础上进行工业生产。  相似文献   

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