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试验选出253只健康、中等以上膘情的高原型藏羊繁殖母羊,利用2次肌肉注射氯前列醇注射液(PG)诱导法进行同期发情,试情后利用电刺激采精法对高原型藏羊种公羊采精,并用鲜精对发情母羊进行人工授精。试验结果表明:两次用药后发情的母羊191只,同期发情率为93.17%,人工授精后受胎率为97.9%,产羔率为100%,说明效果比较理想。  相似文献   

公羊采精前必须进行训练,才能顺利采精。采精前要备好采精架,选好台羊。台羊一般用发情母羊为好,而公羊作台羊效果较差,尤其同一圈养的公羊台羊更差,最好用母羊。因为母羊具有特殊的诱感气味,能刺激公羊性欲冲动,达到爬跨采精要求。 在假阴道准备就绪的基础上,将发情母羊置于保定架内,拴系好母羊,防止走动或羊身左右摇摆。然后把公羊牵到母羊处,使公羊嗅母羊阴户,尿液气味,提高公羊性欲。当公羊爬跨母羊时,采精员弯身右手持假阴道,用左手迅速将勃起阴茎调入假阴道内,待公羊靠近,身子向前耸动仰脸射完精时,随之将假阴道前端竖起放气,取出集精杯,送化验室测量采精量,进行精液品 质检验。 训练种公羊采精时应注意事项:1.采精时不能多人围看,大声喧哗,要保持肃静,以免影响公羊爬跨。2.开始调教宜用发情母羊,勿用同圈或同舍公羊,否则引诱力低,形成公羊不伸阴茎,常用前肢扒公羊臀部或假爬。3.调教采精时间,宜选早晨进行。因为经过一夜休息,性欲旺盛,一见母羊就爬,易训练成功。4.台羊要保定好,臀部不能左右摆动,身体前伸后退,以免降低公羊性欲。5.调教公羊采精要耐心,不能急于求成,往往调教2~3次即可成功。6.加强种公羊饲养管理,保持中等膘情,具有旺盛的性欲。  相似文献   

羊人工授精是人为的利用器械采取公羊的精液,经过品质检查和一系列处理,再通过器械将精液输入发情母羊生殖道内,达到母羊受胎的配种方式。人工授精可以提高种公羊的利用率,既加速了羊群的改良进程,防止疾病的传播,又节约饲养大量种公羊的费用。人工授精技术包括器械的消毒、采精、精液品质检查、精液的稀释、保存和运输、母羊发情鉴定和输精等主要技术环节。  相似文献   

祁连藏羊属于高原型藏羊,产毛量高,被毛中干死毛较少,各类型羊毛纤维比例适中,是我省“西宁毛”的主产区。为开展藏羊人工授精工作,提高种公羊的利用率,加快本品种选育进程,笔者于2009年7月在祁连县藏羊选育中心选择两只优良种公羊进行人工采精调教试验,经过45天精心调教,9月下旬采精成功,并对100只母羊进行了鲜精授配。现将此次调教过程点滴体会介绍如下:  相似文献   

因毛里求斯从未开展过羊人工授精,作者一行与毛国畜牧官员一道建立羊人工授精中心,训练种公羊连续2次采精,以保证精子的数量和质量;指导农民从外部观察和用试情公羊试情鉴定母羊发情;对发情母羊采用倒立式输精2次,已获得最佳妊娠效果;介绍了羊的早期妊娠诊断虹膜检查法。人工授精技术在毛国得以提倡。  相似文献   

为了提高优良种公羊的利用率,提高母羊的受胎率,节省购买和饲养大量种公羊的费用,在我国很多地方都进行人工授精。本文介绍了山羊常温人工授精的实用技术,内容包括器械准备、公羊训练、母羊发情鉴定、采精及输精技术等。  相似文献   

<正>羊人工授精是用器械,以人为的方法,采取公羊的精液,经过品质检查和一系列处理,再通过器械将精液输入发情母羊生殖道内,达到母羊受胎的配种方式。人工授精可以提高种公羊的利用率,比本交提高配母羊数十倍,加速羊群的改良进程,并可防止疾病的传播,节约饲养大量种公羊的费用。人工授精技术包括器械的消毒、采精、精液品质检查、精液的稀释、精液保存和运输、母羊发情鉴定和运输等主要技术环节。1器械的消毒  相似文献   

为提高青海高原型藏羊选育工作,探索羊的人工采精和细管冻精技术在高寒地区的应用效果,对青海省海北州祁连3只高原型藏种公羊和玛多县30只高原型藏母羊进行了选育试验,实验结果表明:藏种公羊鲜精采集量平均为1.5mL,呈乳白或乳黄色、无气味、有云雾状,平均活力冻前鲜精为0.65,高出一般羊精子标准活力的0.075,冻后为0.35~0.5,高出本省羊精子标准活力0.1,且经冷配后的30只藏母羊均无返情现象。本实验对于藏羊的改良有重要的实践意义,对于改善纯种高原型藏羊也有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

羊人工授精是人为的利用器械采取公羊的精液,经过品质检查和一系列处理,再通过器械将精液输入发情母羊生殖道内,达到母羊受胎的配种方式。人工授精可以提高种公羊的利用率,既加速了羊群的改良进程,防止疾病的传播,又节约饲养大量种公羊的费用。人工授精技术包括器械的消毒、采精、精液品质检查、精液的稀释、保存和运输、母羊发情鉴定和输精等主要技术环节。1消毒技术1.1器械的消毒采精、输精及与精液接触的所有器械都要消毒,并保持清洁、干燥,存放在清洁的柜内或烘干箱中备用。假阴道要用2%的碳酸氢钠溶液清洗,再用清水冲洗数次,然后用75%…  相似文献   

祁连县高原型藏羊人工采精试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了将人工授精技术应用于藏羊选育,2009年8月~9月在祁连县藏羊选育中心进行了藏羊人工采精试验。经过30d调教训练后从藏羊种公羊采精获得成功,采精量0.4~1.2mL,密度中等以上,平均活力0.46以上。试验证明藏羊种公羊经过调教训练完全可以人工采精,并用于人工授精。  相似文献   

为研究电刺激采精技术能否在甘肃高寒牧区藏系羊繁殖中推广应用,该技术是否对公羊精液品质和采精量有影响,项目课题组在甘肃省天祝县旦马乡进行了牧区藏羊种公羊电刺激采精实验。选择本土选育的欧拉型藏羊种公羊,配种期每日每只采精2次,即:首日(标注为d1)早上采用传统的假阴道采精法采精,下午采用电刺激法采精,次日(标注为d2)早上采用电刺激法采精,下午采用传统的假阴道采精法采精,依次不同采精方法交叉采精,减少误差,连续采精6d,及时检查采精量及精液密度、精子活力等品质。实验结果表明,甘肃天祝牧区藏羊种公羊电刺激采精所得精液量均在0.80 mL~0.96 mL之间,符合藏系羊正常精液量,平均精子活力均在0.80以上,平均精液密度均“中”以上,精液品质符合人工授精精液品质要求,可应用于藏羊繁殖生产实践。  相似文献   

采取人工授精技术可极大提高羊的生产性能,增加优秀个体所占比例,加快选育速度;可有效利用具有最优遗传性状的公羊,快捷而有效的增加优秀种羊的推广面与覆盖度;减少种公羊饲养管理费用与死亡率;防止因交配而感染疾病,提高母羊的受胎率。目前,研究人员在新鲜精液的基础上,又开发出了冷冻精液输精,冷冻精液可减少养殖场种公羊的饲养数量,控制养殖场的公母比例,大幅降低养殖成本,提高养殖场的经济效益。作者介绍了阴道输精技术及腹腔镜子宫角输精2种常用输精技术,同时简述了其优缺点;阐述了腹腔镜子宫角输精技术的各项操作流程及操作过程中的注意事项和术后护理等,旨在为腹腔镜子宫角输精技术提供理论依据及在实践过程中提供技术支持。  相似文献   

为探明辽西地区舍饲条件下母羊繁殖性能与缺硒的关系,本研究在对舍饲母羊繁殖性能调查和血硒含量测定的基础上,系统比较了添加不同量酵母硒对母羊繁殖性能的影响。结果表明,辽西地区3个半舍饲和3个舍饲羊群全血硒含量分别为0.0167μg/mL和0.0126μg/mL,舍饲和半舍饲羊群间血清硒含量的差异显著(P<0.05),低于正常机体需要量的0.06μg/mL;舍饲羊群的发情率、受胎率和产羔率等指标显著低于半舍饲羊群相关指标(P<0.05)。硒补充试验结果表明,无论是酵母硒还是富硒舔砖均对繁殖母羊的发情率、受胎率、产羔率和繁殖成活率有所改善,且添加0.2 mg/kg和0.3 mg/kg的酵母硒对以上各指标的影响更为显著。以上研究结果为缺硒地区繁殖母羊补硒方案提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

旨在研究杜蒙杂交母羊的繁殖规律。对内蒙古自治区乌兰察布市四子王旗范围内养殖的杜蒙杂交母羊(n=668)的首次发情时间、妊娠期、产羔率、产双羔率等指标数据进行整理;采用公羊试情方法,观察并记录杜蒙杂交母羊(n=302)的发情周期和发情持续时间。对上述指标数据进行分析,探究该地区杜蒙杂交母羊的繁殖规律。结果表明:杜蒙杂交母羊平均首次发情时间为8.5月龄(最早7.0月龄、最晚10.7月龄),平均发情周期为16.0 d(最短13.5 d、最长18.5 d),平均发情持续时间为24.0 h(最短20.0 h、最长27.5 h),平均妊娠期为146.0 d(最短143.0 d、最长149.0 d),产羔率为119.7%,产双羔率为19.7%。研究结果为掌握杜蒙杂交母羊自然发情规律,以及准确把握最佳配种时间提供了依据。  相似文献   

由于高原型藏羊繁殖率低,一年一胎,且每胎一只。为提高该品种的繁殖率,需要在生产中做到羊的同期发情,集中配种、集中产羔、集中管理、集中出栏。本实验通过高效繁殖技术的应用,对60只青年高原型藏母羊经同期发情处理后,其繁殖率高达84%,大大缩短了母羊繁殖周期,有效地提高了羊场和农牧民的经济收入。  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine the endocrine and ovarian changes in medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP)-primed ewes after ram introduction. Experiment 1 was performed during the mid-breeding season with 71 ewes primed with an intravaginal MAP sponge for 12 days. While the control (C) ewes (n = 35) were in permanent contact with rams, the ram effect (RE) ewes (n = 36) were isolated for 34 days prior to contact with rams. At sponge withdrawal, all ewes were joined with eight sexually experienced marking Corriedale rams and estrus was recorded over the next 4 days. The ovaries were observed by laparoscopy 4-6 days after estrus. Four weeks later, pregnancy was determined by transrectal ultrasonography. In eight ewes from each group, ovaries were ultrasonographically scanned; FSH, LH, and estradiol-17beta were measured every 12 hours until ovulation or 96 hours after estrus. The response to the rams was not affected by the fact that ewes had been kept or not in close contact with males before teasing. No differences were found in FSH, LH, estradiol-17beta concentrations, growth of the ovulatory follicle, onset of estrus, ovulation rate, or pregnancy rate. Experiment 2 was performed with 14 ewes during the nonbreeding season. Ewes were isolated from rams for 1 month, and received a 6-day MAP priming. Ovaries were ultrasonographically scanned every 12 hours, and FSH, LH, estradiol-17beta, and progesterone were measured. Ewes that ovulated and came into estrus had higher FSH and estradiol-17beta levels before introduction of the rams than did ewes that had a silent ovulation. The endocrine pattern of the induced follicular phase of ewes that came into estrus was more similar to a normal follicular phase, than in ewes that had a silent ovulation. The follicle that finally ovulated tended to emerge earlier and in a more synchronized fashion in those ewes that did come into estrus. All ewes that ovulated had an LH surge and reached higher maximum FSH levels than ewes that did not ovulate, none of which had an LH surge. We conclude that (a) the effect of ram introduction in cyclic ewes treated with MAP may vary depending on the time of the breeding season at which teasing is performed; (b) patterns of FSH, and estradiol-17beta concentrations, as indicators of activity of the reproductive axis, may be used to classify depth of anestrus; and (c) the endocrine pattern of the induced follicular phase, which is related to the depth of anestrus, may be reflected in the behavioral responses to MAP priming and the ram effect.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine the endocrine and ovarian changes in medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP)-primed ewes after ram introduction. Experiment 1 was performed during the mid-breeding season with 71 ewes primed with an intravaginal MAP sponge for 12 days. While the control (C) ewes (n = 35) were in permanent contact with rams, the ram effect (RE) ewes (n = 36) were isolated for 34 days prior to contact with rams. At sponge withdrawal, all ewes were joined with eight sexually experienced marking Corriedale rams and estrus was recorded over the next 4 days. The ovaries were observed by laparoscopy 4–6 days after estrus. Four weeks later, pregnancy was determined by transrectal ultrasonography. In eight ewes from each group, ovaries were ultrasonographically scanned; FSH, LH, and estradiol-17β were measured every 12 hours until ovulation or 96 hours after estrus. The response to the rams was not affected by the fact that ewes had been kept or not in close contact with males before teasing. No differences were found in FSH, LH, estradiol-17β concentrations, growth of the ovulatory follicle, onset of estrus, ovulation rate, or pregnancy rate. Experiment 2 was performed with 14 ewes during the nonbreeding season. Ewes were isolated from rams for 1 month, and received a 6-day MAP priming. Ovaries were ultrasonographically scanned every 12 hours, and FSH, LH, estradiol-17β, and progesterone were measured. Ewes that ovulated and came into estrus had higher FSH and estradiol-17β levels before introduction of the rams than did ewes that had a silent ovulation. The endocrine pattern of the induced follicular phase of ewes that came into estrus was more similar to a normal follicular phase, than in ewes that had a silent ovulation. The follicle that finally ovulated tended to emerge earlier and in a more synchronized fashion in those ewes that did come into estrus. All ewes that ovulated had an LH surge and reached higher maximum FSH levels than ewes that did not ovulate, none of which had an LH surge. We conclude that (a) the effect of ram introduction in cyclic ewes treated with MAP may vary depending on the time of the breeding season at which teasing is performed; (b) patterns of FSH, and estradiol-17β concentrations, as indicators of activity of the reproductive axis, may be used to classify depth of anestrus; and (c) the endocrine pattern of the induced follicular phase, which is related to the depth of anestrus, may be reflected in the behavioral responses to MAP priming and the ram effect.  相似文献   

为研究半胱胺对藏绵羊经产母羊部分繁殖性能的影响,选择了藏绵羊为3~5岁健康经产母羊60只,随机分为2个处理。在35d试验期内,均为白天自由放牧,每晚每只羊补饲基础日粮250g/d,试验组添加CS300mg/(kg·BW),每隔1d添加1次;对照组羔羊补饲基础日粮不添加CS;预试期为7d。计算/记录情期发情率、受配率、受胎率、羔羊初生重和断奶重。结果表明,半胱胺可显著提高藏绵羊经产母羊情期发情率和羔羊初生重(P<0.05),添加半胱胺对藏绵羊经产母羊受配率、受胎率和羔羊断奶重的影响达极显著水平(P<0.01)。该试验研究为藏绵羊高效养殖提供了一个技术参考。  相似文献   

Multiparous Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewes were randomly allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure, during transition from anestrus to breeding activity, on reproductive performance. Treatments were: 1) ewes joined with two mature vasectomized Rambouillet rams for 15 d before breeding (DC), 2) ewes maintained across a net wire fence from two vasectomized rams for 15 d before breeding (FC) and 3) ewes maintained approximately 400 m away from rams (NC). At the end of the 15 d, all ewes were placed in one pasture and mated to three fertile Suffolk rams during a 34-d breeding season. A total of 96 Suffolk and 177 Suffolk-cross ewes was utilized during the 3-yr experiment. A greater (P less than .05) prebreeding ovulation percentage was observed in DC and FC than in NC ewes. Mating and lambing occurred approximately 6 d earlier for DC or FC ewes than for NC ewes. A similarly designed experiment was conducted using Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewe lambs allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure during the natural breeding season, but prior to breeding. Treatment differences were not detected (P greater than .05) for date of first observed estrus, date of lambing, percentage of ewes lambing in the first 17 d of the lambing season, number of lambs born per ewe lamb exposed or number of lambs born per ewe lamb giving birth.  相似文献   

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