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奶牛淋巴外渗是由于淋巴管破裂而引起淋巴液渗出于皮下组织的一种外科病。近年来,笔者接诊了7例该病,经过治疗,全部治愈,现将诊断及治疗情况报告如下:  相似文献   

鹿的淋巴液外渗在诊治时,如果肿胀较小,用注射器抽出淋巴液,然后注入95%酒精或酒精福尔马林溶液,停留片刻后,将其抽出,使淋巴液凝固堵塞断裂淋巴管。如果患处肿胀较大,外渗淋巴液较多,可无菌切开,排除淋巴液及纤维素,用酒精福尔马林液冲洗,并将浸有上述药液的纱布填塞于创腔内,作假缝合。当淋巴管完全闭合后,可按创伤治疗。临床实践证明:酒精福尔马林溶液治疗淋巴外渗疗效确实可靠。  相似文献   

鹿的淋巴液外渗在诊治时,如果肿胀较小,用注射器抽出淋巴液,然后注入95%酒精或酒精福尔马林溶液,停留片刻后,将其抽出,使淋巴液凝固堵塞断裂淋巴管.如果患处肿胀较大,外渗淋巴液较多,可无菌切开,排除淋巴液及纤维素,用酒精福尔马林液冲洗,并将浸有上述药液的纱布填塞于创腔内,作假缝合.当淋巴管完全闭合后,可按创伤治疗.临床实践证明:酒精福尔马林溶液治疗淋巴外渗疗效确实可靠.  相似文献   

淋巴外渗是机体受到外界挫伤和钝性刺激后,淋巴管破损或断裂,使淋巴液外流并蓄积在皮下、筋膜等组织内,使组织分离。随着淋巴液的不断渗出肿胀部逐渐增大,畜体日见消瘦,严重时影响饮食和正常生理功能乃至危及生命。近年来,笔者接诊了7例该病,经过治疗,全部治愈,现将诊断及治疗情况报告如下:1临床症状  相似文献   

淋巴外渗是由于钝性外力作用,使皮肤与皮下结缔组织分离,淋巴管损伤断裂,淋巴液聚集于组织内形成的闭合性损伤。  相似文献   

淋巴外渗是由于钝性外力作用,使皮肤与皮下结缔组织分离,淋巴管损伤断裂,淋巴液聚集于组织内形成的闭合性损伤。  相似文献   

<正>淋巴外渗是指在钝性外力的作用下,由于淋巴管断裂,致使淋巴液聚积于组织内的一种非开放性损伤。近几年来,笔者采用中西医结合疗法成功治愈梅花鹿淋巴外渗18例,治愈率达100%。报告如下。1临床症状淋巴外渗在临床上发生缓慢,一般于伤后  相似文献   

淋巴外渗是在钝性外力作用下,致使皮肤或筋膜与其下部组织发生分离,淋巴管断裂,致使淋巴液聚积于组织内的一种非开放性损伤。临床上仔猪、中猪的耳朵常有发生,有时伴发血肿。本文对猪耳朵淋巴外渗的临床表现、发病原因及临床诊治进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

牛淋巴外渗是在钝性外力作用下,由于淋巴管断裂,使淋巴液积聚于组织内的一种非开放性损伤。我饲养场高档育肥牛舍,采用散养自动饮食的饲养方式。由于所饲养牛只相互爬跨,吃料时的相互顶撞,使某些处于弱势的牛只的腹部,肋部出现囊状隆起。触诊时有的有坚硬感呈面团样;有的呈水样,叩诊有拍水音。穿刺可放出橙黄色液体,经临床诊断并结合饲养实际情况,初步确诊为牛的淋巴外渗。现将具体诊疗过程分述如下。1病因本病的发生主要是在钝性外力作用下,如牛只之间相互爬跨,顶撞,跌打,通过狭窄圈门时的挤压等。导致皮间和肋间淋巴管发生破裂,引起淋巴液…  相似文献   

<正>1发病原因及诊断要点马淋巴液外渗是在钝性外力作用下,造成皮下和肌肉淋巴管发生破裂引起淋巴液的局部积聚。初期局部肿胀不明显,经3~7d局部逐渐增大,形成囊状隆起有波动感。但热、痛不明显用手推动隆起部位,可听到拍水音,穿刺液呈黄色,是稍透明、粘稠且不易凝固的淋巴液,无全身反应。  相似文献   

动物皮下气肿成因复杂,鸟类(禽类)的皮下气肿常见于体内气囊破裂所致。德清县珍稀动物繁育研究中心2012年首次出现了1例人工饲养的朱鹮雏鸟在15日龄时发生皮下气肿。该气肿位于右侧大腿处,内部充气,气泡内未见其他病变。根据其临床症状,推测可能是由于患雏与其他雏鸟嬉戏打斗过度的充气,或受到撞击等原因使气囊破裂。诊断为右侧腹或后胸气囊破裂,引发皮下气肿。鉴于临床上穿刺排气效果不显著,以及开创排气易引起细菌感染等因素,本病例采用了自然恢复的治疗方式,将患雏转入安静环境,避免外界干扰,加强防护,减少剧烈运动,实行隔离饲养等措施,15日后气肿变小,25日后气肿消失。该病例的诊治及病因的推测,为珍稀鸟类临床上该病的防治提供了方法。  相似文献   

犬耳痒螨病是由犬耳痒螨(Otodecees cymotis)寄生于耳道内引起的皮肤寄生虫病。犬耳血肿是在外力作用下致使犬耳部血管破裂、出血,血液集聚在耳软骨与耳廓内侧皮肤之间形成的肿胀。耳痒螨病是引发耳血肿的重要病因,一旦发病需要及时治疗,严重者采用手术疗法。对一例犬耳痒螨病引发耳血肿进行了诊治,特将诊治过程和相关分析做具体介绍,以供临床参考。  相似文献   

Congenital lymphedema was diagnosed clinically and confirmed radiographically in five dogs. In all dogs, hindlimbs were affected with painless pitting edema at birth or shortly thereafter. The absence of popliteal lymph nodes and lymphatic hyperplasia or lymphatic hypoplasia were detected by lymphangiography or necropsy (or both). Improvement was obtained by long-term bandaging in Robert Jones splints in one dog and by surgical excision of the affected superficial fascia and subcutaneous tissue in two dogs. The remaining two dogs were euthanatized after lymphangiographic studies and were necropsied to confirm the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Chyloperitoneum is a potential cause of colic in horses. Although rare in horses, chyloperitoneum can develop secondary to tearing of mesenteric adhesions and rupture of mesenteric lymphatic vessels. The prognosis for horses with chyloperitoneum depends on the underlying cause and the response to treatment.  相似文献   

A nephrotic syndrome caused by immune-complex glomerular disease was diagnosed in a 4-year-old male Great Dane. The syndrome was characterized by proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia, and subcutaneous edema. Renal biopsy revealed segmental membranous glomerular disease. The edema underwent complete remission 18 days after admission. Two months after admission, there was no clinical or laboratory evidence of glomerular disease. Periodic reevaluation of the dog during the next 2 years revealed recurrence of proteinuria, but no other clinical or laboratory abnormalities. Serial renal biopsies revealed persistence, but no appreciable increase, in the severity of the segmental membranous glomerular disease. The natural course of the nephrotic syndrome and immune-complex glomerular disease has been associated with unpredictable variability. It was concluded that the widespread use of corticosteroid or immunosuppressant therapy in dogs with immune complex glomerular disease should be withheld until the natural course of the disease has been evaluated in a significant number of patients and until the results of well-controlled clinical studies confirm or deny their therapeutic value.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical features of tracheal rupture associated with endotracheal intubation in cats and to evaluate the most appropriate treatment for this condition. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 20 cats with a history of endotracheal intubation that subsequently developed dyspnea or subcutaneous emphysema. PROCEDURE: Medical records of cats with a presumptive diagnosis of tracheal rupture associated with intubation were reviewed. Clinical and clinicopathologic data were retrieved. RESULTS: Cats were evaluated 5 hours to 12 days after a surgical or medical procedure requiring general anesthesia with intubation had been performed. Fourteen (70%) cats were evaluated after dental prophylaxis. All cats radiographed had pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema. Eighteen of 19 cats were initially treated medically. Duration of medical treatment for cats that did not have surgery ranged from 12 to 72 hours. Cats that had surgery received medical treatment 3 to 24 hours prior to the surgical procedure. Medical treatment alone was administered to 15 cats that had moderate dyspnea, whereas surgical treatment was chosen for 4 cats that had severe dyspnea (open-mouth breathing despite treatment with oxygen) or worsening subcutaneous emphysema. Eighteen cats had improvement of clinical signs, 1 cat died after surgery, and 1 cat died before medical or surgical intervention. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Most cats with tracheal rupture associated with intubation can be treated medically. Cats with worsening clinical signs (severe dyspnea, suspected pneumothorax, or worsening subcutaneous emphysema) should have surgery performed immediately to correct the defect.  相似文献   

Antihistamine (Allermin) was used sucessfully in the treatment of naturally occurring edema disease of swine under the field and laboratory conditions. A high recovery rate (88.8%) was obtained in the group of pigs with mild clinical signs. The intravenous route of Allermin administration had definite beneficial value. The release of histamine induced by circulating immune-complexes may be responsible for the clinical signs characteristic of edema disease.

Three pigs that recovered clinically following the Allermin treatment were examined histologically. Fibrinoid persisted in the vascular walls at least 30 days after the initiation of the treatment. The fibrinoid vasculitis, generalized eosinophilia at the tissue level, and favorable response of pigs to antihistamine treatment suggest that edema disease may be caused by allergy.


脾脏血肿是脾脏血管破裂,血液浸入包膜下形成的。该病临床上多由强烈外力造成,发病率低,诊断和治疗难度大。笔者就一经过临床症状检查、B超、X光检查、剖腹探查术等确诊为脾脏血肿的病例进行分析和总结,目的是为该病的临床诊疗提供理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

奶牛血乳症是由于奶牛乳房中输乳管、腺泡周围组织血管发生充血,血管壁明显扩张而破裂,导致血管中血红蛋白或红细胞进入输乳管、腺泡,从而分泌出的牛乳混有红色血液及血块的一种疾病。通常情况下该病可通过改善饲养管理条件而痊愈,但严重者需要加以药物治疗,否则会诱发奶牛乳房炎等其他疾病,导致奶牛泌乳量下降甚至死亡,而给奶牛养殖业带来严重的经济损失。本文通过对奶牛血乳症的机械性损伤、中毒、感染等多种发病原因进行深入分析,对该病临床症状和诊断方法进行阐述,提出西医和中西等不同手段的防治措施,并以实例进行了举证,为奶牛的健康养殖提供理论支持。  相似文献   

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