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Three, 5, or 7 days after inoculation with bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus (n = 12) or Mycoplasma bovis (n = 12), groups of calves were exposed to aerosols of Pasteurella haemolytica and were euthanatized 4 hours later. Histologic lesions in the lungs and the ratios of neutrophils to alveolar macrophages, collected by bronchoalveolar lavage, were compared with those of clinically healthy calves (n = 8) and calves inoculated with BVD virus only (n = 4), M bovis only (n = 4), or P haemolytica only (n = 2). Inoculation with BVD virus or M bovis did not have a significant (P greater than 0.05) effect on the neutrophil/macrophage ratio in the bronchoalveolar lavage. Aerosol exposure to P haemolytica induced a marked and significant (P less than 0.01) change in the neutrophil/macrophage ratio (from less than 1:9 to greater than 9:1). The reversed neutrophil/macrophage ratio in calves exposed to P haemolytica correlated well with the histologic changes in which small bronchi and bronchioles were plugged with purulent exudate. Inoculation with BVD virus did not induce gross or microscopic lesions in the lungs. Inoculation with M bovis resulted in a severe peribronchial lymphoid hyperplasia with mild exudation of neutrophils and macrophages into the cranioventral parts of the lungs.  相似文献   

Immunity against pneumonic pasteurellosis was studied in calves after recovery from experimental respiratory disease with Pasteurella haemolytica. Nine calves were exposed to aerosols of parainfluenza-3 virus and Pasteurella haemolytica A1 six days apart to produce respiratory disease. After recovery from the disease, these nine principal and four control calves were challenged with aerosols of bovine herpesvirus 1 and P. haemolytica A1 four days apart. With this viral-bacterial challenge, the nine principal animals failed to develop clinical responses to this bacterial challenge and their lungs did not show the growth of P. haemolytica on cultures, whereas two of four control calves had elevated temperatures and developed necropurulent pneumonia with the isolation of P. haemolytica from the lungs. The principal calves had developed high levels of cytotoxin neutralizing antibodies in their sera following parainfluenza-3 virus-P. haemolytica infection. This demonstrated that immunity against pneumonic pasteurellosis can be achieved, with a suggestion that further search for an effective vaccine for P. haemolytica is warranted.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate whether sequential exposure to aerosols of parainfluenza-3 virus followed by Pasteurella haemolytica, or P. haemolytica followed by parainfluenza-3 virus, could lead to the production of pulmonary lesions in conventionally-raised calves. Twenty male calves with low serum antibody titres to both organisms were placed in five equal groups. Synergism of parainfluenza-3 virus and P. haemolytica was not demonstrated in any of the sequentially infected groups and pulmonary lesions were mild in all challenged calves. Clinical signs of disease were not present after exposure to parainfluenza-3 virus although the virus was repeatedly isolated from nasal secretions of all inoculated calves. Exposure to P. haemolytica produced a transient response which consisted of increased rectal temperatures and respiratory rates, with a mild neutrophilic leukocytosis and a mild left shift present six hours postinoculation and returning to normal within 24 hours. Results from this study suggest, although do not confirm, that reduced pulmonary clearance of inhaled P. haemolytica in parainfluenza-3 virus infected calves does not necessarily lead to production of severe pulmonary lesions and that previous exposure to aerosols of P. haemolytica may not enhance secondary parainfluenza-3 virus infection.  相似文献   

In four experiments, 22 calves were exposed to aerosols of parainfluenza-3 virus, followed by Pasteurella haemolytica at intervals of three to 13 days. The purpose of each experiment was to study viral-bacterial interactions in the respiratory tracts. Two experiments, in which the viral aerosols were diluted by the addition of air, produced sporadic temperature elevations while two experiments with undiluted viral aerosols produced consistent temperature elevations. Diluted viral aerosols produced lobular sized lesions in the lungs and hemagglutinating inhibition antibodies in sera, whilst undiluted aerosols produced a synergistic effect in the form of purulent pneumonia in ten of 14 calves when the interval between viral and bacterial aerosols was from three to ten days. Histopathological changes attributable to the virus only were seen in all experiments, and the histopathological changes due to mixed infection of parainfluenza-3 virus and P. haemolytica are described in detail. This is the first report of extensive purulent pneumonia in calves after parainfluenza-3 virus and P. haemolytica exposure. This was achieved using much smaller inocula than in experiments previously reported.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if parainfluenza-3 virus in calves interfered with normal pulmonary bacterial clearance. Three groups (A, B and C) of four calves each were exposed to an aerosol of parainfluenza-3 virus. Three days later the four hour pulmonary clearance of Pasteurella hemolytica was determined on the first group (A), seven days later on the second (B) and 11 days later on the third (C). Group A had a mean pulmonary bacterial retention of 3.6 +/- 3.5%. Group B was 83.1 +/- 35.9% and Group C was 41.2 +/- 30.9%. The results demonstrate that parainfluenza-3 virus interfered with the pulmonary bacterial clearance of Pasteurella hemolytica particularly on day 7 and also on day 11 but not on day 3. This inhibition of pulmonary clearance caused by the virus may be a key factor in the pathogenesis of pneumonic pasteurellosis. Histological examination of the lungs did not demonstrate a correlation between pulmonary retention of bacteria and the development of pathological changes.  相似文献   

Nasal passages of calves with a virus-induced respiratory tract disease became colonized by Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1 after they were inoculated intranasally with P haemolytica. Inoculation with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus caused a more severe clinical illness and resulted in a greater degree of colonization with P haemolytica than developed after inoculation with parainfluenza-3 virus. Nasal passages of parainfluenza-3 virus-inoculated calves were colonized to a greater degree with P haemolytica than were those of healthy, nonstressed calves. Calves were susceptible to P haemolytica colonization during or shortly after virus-induced illness, even though they had been previously exposed to P haemolytica and had serum antibody and nasal secretion antibody to P haemolytica.  相似文献   

Pulmonary alveolar macrophages are considered to be the main phagocytic cell of the pulmonary defense mechanism. However recent studies indicate that neutrophils may also participate in the defense against inhaled bacteria. The aim of this investigation was to study in mice the correlation between numbers of phagocytic cells in the bronchoalveolar space and the pulmonary clearance of bacteria. White mice were exposed to aerosols of Pasteurella haemolytica (n = 129) or Staphylococcus aureus (n = 129) in three different experimental replicates. Another group of mice (n = 22) was sham exposed to an aerosol of sterile phosphate buffered solution in a single replicate. Animals were sacrificed at various times postaerosolization. The numbers of neutrophils and alveolar macrophages in lung lavages and the pulmonary bacterial clearance rates were determined and statistically analysed. No significant differences (p greater than 0.05) were observed in the rates of pulmonary clearance between the two genera of bacteria, but P. haemolytica had a significant (p less than 0.05) replicate effect. The number of alveolar macrophages was not significantly affected by either bacteria or phosphate buffered solution. Exposure to P. haemolytica resulted in dramatic, significant (p less than 0.01) but transient increases in neutrophils in the bronchoalveolar space as well as a significant (p less than 0.01) increase in the weights of lung. The correlation between neutrophils and clearance was positive for P. haemolytica but negative for S. aureus. These results indicate that both species of bacteria are rapidly eliminated from the lung despite a rather different cellular response.  相似文献   

Calves inoculated with Pasteurella haemolytica serovar 1 developed lesions of coagulation necrosis in the lungs that were sharply demarcated by leukocytes. The P haemolytica antigen was detected in the area of coagulation necrosis in histologic sections, using an immunoperoxidase technique. In the central area of the necrotic tissue, the bacterial antigen was diffusely presented in the necrotic alveolar wall, fibrin, serous exudate, and degenerated leukocyte. The bacterial antigen also was found in some groups of degenerating leukocytes around the necrotic tissue. The bacterial colonies among these leukocytes had strong specific reactions against P haemolytica. The bacterial antigen was observed in the cytoplasm of macrophages in alveoli around the necrotic lesion. These findings confirmed that coagulation necrosis is an important lesion in calves with pneumonia caused by P haemolytica.  相似文献   

The potential synergistic effect of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Pasteurella haemolytica in the production of pneumonia after aerosol/intranasal infection of conventionally reared lambs was evaluated. A mild clinical response was observed in lambs given virus and/or bacteria. Gross pulmonary lesions were seen in 3 of 6 lambs given RSV and then P haemolytica 3 or 6 days later, respectively (groups D and E), and in 1 lamb of 5 given virus and bacteria simultaneously (group G). Gross lesions were not seen in control sheep (group A), in lambs given virus or bacteria alone (groups B and C), or in lambs exposed to bacteria and then virus 3 days later (group F). Bovine RSV and P haemolytica were recovered from the lungs of 5 of 7 lambs with macroscopic lesions. Gross pulmonary lesions were cranioventral firm areas of red consolidation. Microscopically, the predominant lesion was a suppurative bronchopneumonia. Bovine RSV was recovered from the nasal cavity of 8 of 27 (30%) lambs given RSV during days 3 to 6 after viral inoculation, including 1 lamb in group B, 2 in groups D, E, and F, and 1 in group G. Pasteurella haemolytica was recovered from the nasal cavity of 9 of 28 (32%) inoculated lambs, including 2 lambs from groups C and E, 3 in group D, and 1 in groups F and G. Viral antigen, as determined by immunofluorescence, was concentrated mainly in individual cells in alveolar walls, some alveolar macrophages, and a few bronchiolar epithelial cells. In vitro alveolar macrophage assays indicated decreased numbers of Fc receptors on those macrophages collected from lambs given RSV 6 days before P haemolytica infection, as compared with that in the other groups. These cellular defects disappeared after 24 hours of culture. Seemingly, bovine RSV does facilitate P haemolytica pulmonary infection in conventional, immuno-competent lambs and provides evidence for decreased Fc receptors on alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   

The influence of pulmonary edema, hydrocortisone, immunization against Pasteurella hemolytica and concurrent infection with parainfluenza-3 virus upon pulmonary clearance of aerosolized P. hemolytica was studied in 31 calves. Following the various treatments calves were challenged with an aerosol of P. hemolytica. One control calf was killed immediately after the aerosol and the numbers of bacteria in the lung taken as 100%. Two calves were killed four hours after challenge and the numbers of bacteria in the lungs were compared to the 100% of the control calf. The result was the percentage clearance of bacteria at four hours.

Pulmonary edema was induced by three different methods: by an aerosol of histamine, by intravenous injection of endotoxin and by intravenous injection of croton oil emulsion. The edema impaired the clearance of P. hemolytica, which was reflected in high numbers of P. hemolytica present in the lungs at four hours after challenge: 260% after histamine, 300% and 400% after endotoxin and 92% after croton oil.

Six days of treatment of four calves with high doses of hydrocortisone acetate produced inconsistent results: two calves treated with a higher daily dose (36 mg/kg) had normal clearance whereas two calves treated with a lower dose had pulmonary edema and displayed lowered clearance with 111% and 31% respectively of P. hemolytica retained in the lungs four hours after challenge.

Immunization of calves by three different methods, a subcutaneously injected bacterin of P. hemolytica (2 calves), single aerosol (2 calves) and four aerosols (4 calves) of live P. hemolytica was reflected in an accelerated pulmonary clearance of P. hemolytica (with a mean of 1.55% of bacteria retained at four hours).

Concurrent infection with parainfluenza-3 virus did not lower the clearance of P. hemolytica in the lungs of 12 calves over 15 days except on the first day following the exposure to parainfluenza-3 virus. These calves had hemagglutinating antibodies against P. hemolytica before exposure.


Healthy nonstressed calves were inoculated intranasally with or subjected to aerosol exposure to Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1. Only 4 of 28 calves harbored the bacterium in enough numbers to be isolated from the nasal passages for more than 7 days. After apparent clearing from the nasal passages, 8 calves were inoculated intranasally with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus; 2 of these calves shed the P haemolytica during clinical illness due to the virus. The remaining 20 calves were aerosol-exposed to parainfluenza-3 virus; 6 of these calves shed P haemolytica during clinical illness due to the parainfluenza-3 virus.  相似文献   

Ninety-three calves comprising 16 experimental groups were exposed to viral (bovine herpesvirus-1 or parainfluenza-3 virus) and Pasteurella haemolytica aerosols. Serum samples from these calves were tested before and after exposure for antibodies to P haemolytica by a modified direct complement-fixation test. At slaughter of the calves, the extent of pneumonia produced was estimated for each calf and compared with the results of the modified direct complement-fixation tests. The extent of pneumonia was not related (P greater than 0.05) to the amount of anti-P haemolytica antibody produced by either naturally occurring or experimentally induced infection.  相似文献   

Pasteurella haemolytica was lyophilized in an enriched soybean polypeptone broth. Lyophilization in this medium resulted in a mean 10-fold loss in P haemolytica viability, as opposed to up to a 10(4)-fold loss in viability when other media were used. Lyophilized P haemolytica was reconstituted and used as a live vaccine in 3 experiments. Calves were challenge exposed by transthoracic injection with virulent P haemolytica. In experiment 1, 2 subcutaneous injections (7-day interval between injections) with 5 ml of recently harvested (1 X 10(9) colony-forming units [CFU]/ml) or lyophilized (1 X 10(8) CFU/ml) P haemolytica significantly (P less than 0.001) enhanced resistance against challenge exposure, compared with resistance in calves given saline solution or sterile medium (control calves) or calves vaccinated with lyophilized organisms at a concentration of 1 X 10(6) CFU/ml. In experiment two, 1, 2, or 5 ml of lyophilized P haemolytica (1 X 10(8) CFU/ml) significantly (P less than 0.05) enhanced resistance, compared with resistance in calves given saline solution (control calves). In experiment three, 1 or 2 injections of lyophilized P haemolytica significantly (P less than 0.01) enhanced resistance against challenge exposure, compared with that of calves given saline solution. The mean lesion score for calves given 1 injection was not significantly higher than the mean lesion score for the group given 2 injections. Vaccination with lyophilized P haemolytica vaccine caused significant (P less than 0.05) increases in serum antibody to P haemolytica somatic antigens, to a carbohydrate-protein subunit of the organism, and to leukotoxin.  相似文献   

The pneumopathogenicity in calves of 2 strains of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus, isolate 2724 (a noncytopathogenic virus) and isolate 72 (a cytopathogenic virus), was compared. All calves were inoculated endobronchially, using fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Two calves were given Pasteurella haemolytica, 2 calves were given the noncytopathogenic BVD virus, and 2 calves were given cytopathogenic BVD virus. Five calves were inoculated sequentially with BVD virus and, 5 days later, with P haemolytica. Two of these calves were inoculated with the noncytopathogenic BVD virus and the other 3 with the cytopathogenic strain. Both BVD virus strains caused marked respiratory tract disease in the calves sequentially inoculated with P haemolytica and also impaired pulmonary clearance of P haemolytica. However, the effect of the cytopathogenic strain was more severe than the noncytopathogenic strain, indicating that strains of BVD virus may vary in their pneumopathogenicity for calves.  相似文献   

Based on current literature which commonly associates bovine virus diarrhea virus and Mycoplasma bovis with "pneumonic pasteurellosis," an investigation was conducted into the effect of these two pathogens on the capacity of bovine lung to clear inhaled Pasteurella haemolytica. There was no significant effect (p less than 0.05) of either bovine virus diarrhea virus or M. bovis on the mean clearance rate of P. haemolytica, nor did the time interval of three, five or seven days between the first inoculation and exposure to P. haemolytica and adversely affect the lung clearance rates. However, it was found that the left lungs and a higher bacterial retention (p less than 0.05) than the right lungs.  相似文献   

Clinically healthy calves were divided into five groups. Group 1 served as control; Group 2 received levamisole (LEV), 3 mg/kg, s.c.; Group 3 was aerosolized with parainfluenza-3 virus (PI-3); Group 4 received LEV and PI-3 and Group 5 was inoculated with Pasteurella haemolytica. They were killed 6 days after virus exposure or 5-6 days after bacterial inoculation. Lung mast cells were prepared by enzymatic treatment. Mast cell histamine (HIST) release was assayed spectrofluorometrically. Total HIST (micrograms/g) in mast cells was as follows (means +/- SEM): control (5.30 +/- 0.26); LEV (5.27 +/- 0.31); PI-3 (6.37 +/- 0.65); LEV + PI-3 (6.21 +/- 0.51); P. haemolytica (7.06 +/- 0.85). Spontaneous HIST release was as follows (% total, means +/- SEM): control (10.38 +/- 1.09), LEV (11.95 +/- 2.13), PI-3v (73.57 +/- 11.97), PI-3v + LEV (19.50 +/- 3.03), and P. haemolytica (70.59 +/- 5.94). Calcium ionophore A23187 (5 X 10(-6) M)-induced release (% total, means +/- SEM) was: 51.53 +/- 3.05, 50.02 +/- 2.70, 83.91 +/- 4.09, 75.21 +/- 4.51 and 70.59 +/- 6.91 for control, LEV, PI-3, LEV + PI-3 and P. haemolytica groups, respectively. Both virus and bacteria increased HIST content of lung mast cells and enhanced ionophore-induced release. Levamisole significantly reduced spontaneous HIST release in virus-infected calves but had no effect on ionophore-induced release. Results suggest a significant role for HIST in pathogenesis of bovine microbial pneumonia and that LEV probably does not modulate non-immunologic release of HIST from bovine lungs.  相似文献   

Groups of caesarean-derived, colostrum-deprived lambs were inoculated by the intratracheal route with Pasteurella haemolytica, either alone or 4 or 6 days after the inoculation of parainfluenza virus type 3 (PI3). Other groups were inoculated with PI3 followed by veal infusion broth, or with uninfected cell culture fluid followed by veal infusion broth (controls). All lambs were killed 24 h after the second inoculation. Pulmonary phagocytic cells were recovered by lavage and separated into alveolar macrophage (AM) and neutrophil fractions by density gradient centrifugation. Bacterial proliferation was detected in the lungs of all five lambs inoculated with P. haemolytica 6 days after PI3 but in only one of five inoculated with P. haemolytica 4 days after PI3 and one of five inoculated with P. haemolytica alone. The number of phagocytic cells recovered from the lungs was highest in animals inoculated with P. haemolytica 6 days after PI3 and, overall, a greater number of both AM and neutrophils was recovered from the lungs of animals where bacterial proliferation occurred (greater than 10(5.0) P. haemolytica 100 g-1 lung) than from those that controlled the bacterial infection. Oxygen-dependent bactericidal activity of AM and neutrophils was measured by chemiluminescence. Infection with PI3 and P. haemolytica increased the chemiluminescence responses. The highest responses were recorded from lambs inoculated with P. haemolytica 6 days after PI3, the group where pulmonary clearance was poorest. Overall, responses were higher in lambs in which bacterial proliferation occurred than in those that controlled the infection. On the other hand, oxygen-independent bactericidal activity, measured by the direct effects of neutrophil lysates on Escherichia coli, was lowest in lambs inoculated with P. haemolytica 6 days after PI3 and was lower in lambs where bacterial proliferation occurred.  相似文献   

The antibody responses to the capsular carbohydrate (CC) purified from Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1 were determined by an ELISA, using 135 sera from 6 calves vaccinated with phosphate-buffered saline solution, formalin-killed P haemolytica bacterins, live P haemolytica, or an extract of P haemolytica referred to as carbohydrate-protein subunit (CPS). Calves vaccinated with live P haemolytica, bacterins, or CPS developed serum antibodies to CC. Bacterins containing Freund incomplete adjuvant or Freund complete adjuvant induced higher antibody responses than did bacterins containing aluminum hydroxide. In 4 of 6 experiments, high antibody responses to CC were significantly (P less than 0.05) correlated with resistance to transthoracic challenge exposure with P haemolytica. When calves were challenge exposed with a dose of P haemolytica that was 4.5 times greater than the standard challenge exposure dose or when calves that had been vaccinated with CPS were challenge exposed, antibody responses did not significantly (P greater than 0.05) correlate with resistance to challenge exposure. The amount of serum antibodies to CPS increased significantly (P less than 0.05) when calves were vaccinated with live or killed P haemolytica or with CPS, compared with that in calves given saline solution. In 5 of 6 experiments, correlation between high antibody responses and resistance to challenge exposure was significant (P less than 0.05). The correlation between those variables was not significant (P less than 0.07) for CPS-vaccinated calves. In the ELISA, treatment of CPS with sodium m-periodate, to oxidize periodate-sensitive carbohydrate epitopes, failed to markedly alter the antibody response to CPS.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A streptomycin-dependent, live Pasteurella haemolytica vaccine was given in 1 or 2 doses to 2 groups of weaned calves; 2 other groups of calves were not vaccinated. All calves in the vaccinated groups and calves in 1 of the nonvaccinated groups were stressed by transport, intratracheally inoculated with bovine herpesvirus type-1 (Cooper strain), and then intratracheally inoculated with P haemolytica type A1. The 4th group of calves (nonvaccinated controls) was not stressed and were not intratracheally inoculated with virus or bacteria. Mean daily weight gains, total clinical sign scores, lung lesion scores, plasma fibrinogen concentrations, and antibody titers against P haemolytica were determined at various intervals. Calves that had been vaccinated twice had greater mean daily weight gains and lower total clinical sign scores and lung lesion scores than did nonvaccinated, challenge-exposed calves, but the difference was not significant (P greater than 0.05). Calves vaccinated once had the greatest mean daily weight gains, the lowest total clinical sign scores, and the lowest lung lesion scores when compared with the other 2 challenge-exposed groups of calves. Mean daily weight gains and total clinical sign scores of calves vaccinated once were significantly different (P less than 0.05) than those of calves vaccinated twice. Nonvaccinated, nonchallenge-exposed control calves did not develop clinical signs of disease, did not develop lung lesions, and had consistently positive daily weight gains, and had scores in these areas that were significantly different (P less than 0.05) from those of all challenge-exposed groups of calves. Increases in plasma fibrinogen concentrations corresponded to infection with P haemolytica.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to do a comparative study on the deposition and clearance of inhaled bacteria between the lungs and tracheae of mice exposed to aerosols of bacteria. Two hundred and eighty-eight mice were divided into four groups (n = 72) and exposed to aerosols of Pasteurella haemolytica or Staphylococcus aureus in four replicates. The numbers of bacteria were determined in the trachea and lungs of mice sacrificed 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours postexposure. Results indicated that bacterial deposition was greater in lungs than in tracheae. No significant (p greater than 0.05) difference was observed between P. haemolytica and S. aureus clearance rates. Although bacteria were rapidly eliminated from the whole respiratory tract, bacterial clearance was significantly (p less than 0.002) faster in tracheae than lungs. A significant (p less than 0.05) replicate effect was also observed.  相似文献   

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