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新生骡驹溶血病又称血滚毒、乳热症,是新生骡驹吮食初乳后迅速表现以黄疸、贫血、血红蛋白尿为主要特征的一种急性溶血性疾病。近几年我县新生骡驹溶血病时有发生,现将发病特点、临床特征以及防治措施探讨如下:  相似文献   

1 初乳煮沸喂骡防溶血症新生骡驹溶血症是死亡率极高的一种病症,主要是幼骡吃亲母体乳造成的.因此,许多人主张骡驹生下后不让吃母乳,捋净弃掉,找“保姆”或喂奶粉代哺乳、直至初乳中凝集效价低了,再让其自由吸乳.这样做不仅提高了育驹成本,还会使幼骡因得不到初乳的营养而影响发育生长.  相似文献   

家畜的行为和生物学特性,有的取决于遗传,有的取决于后天的调教或使用。骡是公驴和母马交配所生的种间杂种,在体型和外貌上类似于驴的地方多,故在行为上与驴接近似的也多;但在生物特性上,因为它是杂种,有许作独特的地方。根据多年来各军马场繁殖军骡的经验,关于骡驹的行为与生物学特性有许多报道,现综合撰写于下,以供养骡者参考。一、记忆力很强根据养骡场的观察,从离乳到一岁半,虽经过一年的时间,远隔三、四十公里,仍能跑回原群找生母;有的虽已满2.5~3岁,如偶或遇见生母,仍能认识且表示恋母心情。因此,骡驹离乳,应远离母马群,善为  相似文献   

新生骡驹溶血症是一种常见病,死亡率近100%,主要是幼骡吃亲母体初乳造成的。许多人主张骡驹生下后不让吃母奶,将奶弃掉。找奶姆或喂奶粉代哺乳,直至测定乳中凝集效价低了,再让其吃母奶。这样做不仅提高了育驹成本,还会使幼骡因得不到初乳的营养而影响发育。  相似文献   

新生骡驹溶血病是初生仔驹吮食高效价抗体初乳后,表现以贫血、黄疸、血红蛋白尿为主要病症的急性免疫性贫血病。笔者应用凝集试验对85例新生骡驹进行了初生后哺初乳前的初乳——血液凝集反应预防性诊断,并对结果阳性、疑似反应的24例骡驹采取禁喂母马初乳,给人造乳,1至2天后再次同样诊断,结果转为阴性者改喂初乳的预防措施,收到良好效果,现报告如下。  相似文献   

新生骡驹溶血病是初生仔驹吮食高效价抗体初乳后 ,表现以溶血黄疸、血红蛋白尿为主要病症的急性免疫性贫血病。本病在我国以新生骡驹多发。发病后目前多以停喂母马初乳、输血、补充造血物质为主的治疗方法 ,但治愈率不高。本研究采用新生骡驹的血液与哺乳母马的初乳进行平板凝集反应 ,以作为预防性诊断检查。对诊断结果阳性及可疑的骡驹采取禁喂母马初乳 ,喂给人造乳 ,1 -2天后再次同样诊断 ,结果转为阴性者改喂母马初乳。诊断检查结果阴性者准许哺母马初乳。应用这种预防性诊断方法 ,经过临床上对 86例新生骡驹的应用 ,结果表明效果良好。1…  相似文献   

笔者收治母骡驹出生后三天产奶症一例,现将诊治经过介绍如下:1 经过及临床症状 2002年7月,内蒙古赤峰市敖汉旗敖音勿苏乡刘某一头毛驴产下一头母骡驹。出生三天后,骡驹乳房变大,来院就诊。经检查骡驹发育正常,精神状态良好,体温、呼吸、脉搏、哺乳均正常,手摸乳房无痛无热,没有采取治疗措施。第四天乳头变粗,流出白色奶样物。取白色物质与其母乳比较,颜色一致,口感味觉一致,仍未采取治疗措施。一周后骡驹乳房更大,触之有轻微痛感,体温正常,采取人工排乳连续5天,每天500ml,因泌乳不止遂进行治疗。  相似文献   

新生骡驹溶血病是危害新生骡驹最严重的疾病之一。自推广广州部队“初乳凝集效价测定”预测新生骡驹溶血病的方法后,我们试用“试管法”测定初乳凝集价218例,效果准确,在预防新生骡驹溶血病上起到了  相似文献   

新生骡驹溶血病防治孙武山(甘肃山丹军马三场加工厂734108)新生骡驹溶血病,又名新生骡驹溶血性黄疸,是以黄疸为主要症状的新生骡驹疾病,如不及时治疗,死亡率极高。笔者在实践中对新生骡驹预防200余例,治疗8例,除1例未及时治疗死亡外,其余均取得满意效...  相似文献   

新生骡驹溶血病是初生仔驹吮食高效价抗体初乳后,表现以溶血黄疸、血红蛋白尿为主要病症的急性免疫性贫血病。本病在我国以新生骡驹多发。作者对175例新生骡驹进行了初生后哺初乳前初乳-血液凝集反应进行预防性诊断,取得了良好的效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

采用全天观察法,对京海黄鸡公鸡的性行为进行记录,获得京海黄鸡公鸡性行为的过程,总结京海黄鸡公鸡性行为规律,分析京海黄鸡公鸡个体间性行为的差异,并通过检测精液品质,研究京海黄鸡公鸡性行为与精液质量的关系;通过观察晴天与阴天时的性行为,分析不同的天气对京海黄鸡公鸡性行为的影响,结果显示:京海黄鸡性行为个体间差异不大,受天气的影响较为明显。本文通过对京海黄鸡公鸡性行为的观察研究,为进一步提高京海黄鸡公鸡自然交配的授精率和繁殖性能提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

为了比较广东大花白猪和蓝塘猪与大白、长白猪的哺乳期行为差异,分别选产后5~15d、带仔数为8~11头的5头土母猪与5头洋母猪,连续5d观察其在产仔限位栏内的行为表现。着重观察了母猪哺乳行为的引起、哺乳过程特征、母性行为、规癖行为和采食行为;研究结果表明,土母猪母性行为强、哺乳次数多4~5次、护仔性强,采食力不如洋母猪,小猪寄养换窝干扰母猪正常母性行为和哺乳。在此基础上讨论了土母猪和洋母猪对周围环境变化反应的敏感性。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether findings of urinalyses could be used to reliably distinguish gonadectomized cats with urine-marking behavior from those with no problem urination. DESIGN: Case control study. ANIMALS: 58 gonadectomized cats (47 males and 11 females) with urine-marking behavior (ie, marking of vertical surfaces) and 39 (26 males and 13 females) without problem urination or urinary tract-associated conditions. PROCEDURE: Urine was collected by cystocentesis from all cats. Findings of urinalyses of cats with urine-marking behavior were analyzed statistically for sex-related differences and differences between cats that marked vertical surfaces only and those that marked both vertical and horizontal surfaces; findings of urinalyses of control cats were compared between sexes. Subsequently, results of urinalyses of cats with urine-marking behavior were compared with those of control cats. RESULTS: With regard to variables measured via urinalysis, there were no differences between male and female cats within either group. Among cats with urine-marking behavior, there were no differences between those that only marked vertically and those that marked vertically and horizontally. Analyses of data from all cats with urine-marking behavior and control cats revealed no differences that could be associated with urine marking. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These data suggest that urine-marking behavior by gonadectomized cats is an aspect of normal behavior. Clinicians are advised to focus on behavioral history of house-soiling cats to differentiate between urine-marking behavior and inappropriate urination; for the latter, urinalysis is appropriate to rule out lower urinary tract disorders.  相似文献   

求偶行为是动物行为研究中的范例。在果蝇中,求偶行为由fruitless(fru)的基因所控制。果蝇的fru基因在雌雄中存在不同的剪接方式,雄的剪接方式是雄果蝇求偶行为和性别决定所必需的。本文就此基因的结构、功能和调控作一阐述。  相似文献   

Some of the techniques that may be used to study social, reproductive, and ingestive behavior in horses are described in this paper. One of the aspects of equine social behavior is the dominance hierarchy or patterns of agonistic behavior. Paired or group feeding from a single food source may be used to determine dominance hierarchies quickly. Focal animal studies of undisturbed groups of horses may also be used; this method takes longer, but may reveal affiliative as well as agonistic relationships among the horses. Reproductive behavior includes flehmen, the functional significance of which can be determined using combinations of field observations of harem groups and laboratory studies of stallions exposed to female urine or feces in the absence of the donor mare. Ingestive behavior may include food, salt, or water intake. Direct and indirect measurements of intake can be made and used to answer questions regarding the ability of horses to control their energy intake when the diet is diluted, the effect of feral equids on the ecology of an area, and the abilities of horses to compensate for dehydration and hypovolemia.  相似文献   

Unsolicited reports of estrous behavior in mares thought to be pregnant were received from owners or caretakers of Arabian mares. Estrous behavior was confirmed and mares were examined for pregnancy. Gender of the conceptus was determined at foaling in 11 mares in which estrous behavior was confirmed while an apparently viable, ultrasonically normal-appearing conceptus was present. In 9 mares in which the day of ovulation was known (Day 0), the estrous behavior occurred on Day 12, 13 or 14 (5 mares), Day 18 or 20 (2 mares), Day 40 (1 mare) and Day 60 (1 mare). In another study, 55 pony mares were observed for estrous behavior every 3 days for 20 minutes during Days 11 to 40. Estrous behavior was observed in 1 mare (2%) on Day 24. Combined for the 2 studies, the incidence of a female conceptus (12/12) was greater (P<0.01) than the incidence of a male conceptus (0/12) in mares that exhibited estrous behavior.  相似文献   

夏季飞来昆虫对放牧牛摆尾行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究选择黑毛和牛种牛4头作为实验牛。从2000年8月至10月,在0.8ha的实验牧草地进行了实验。实验结果表明:飞来昆虫消化的季节,飞来昆虫对放牧牛摆尾行为的影响可能存在个体飞来昆虫不仅引起牛的体表护理行为,还可能导致心理上的应激。  相似文献   

羊草草原放牧动物选择性采食研究(简报)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对羊草草原放牧动物采食行为的跟踪观测,将放牧动物选择性采食分为4种形式,即去顶、拔心、去顶 拔心和未采食,用上述4种采食方式代替以采食高度描述放牧动物采食行为的方法.在不同放牧率下动物对羊草草地主要植物选择性采食排序是不一样的.放牧动物采食率随着放牧率的增加而增加,采食率的高低表明该动物对草地植物的喜食程度,但是喜食程度并不能代表动物对植物的危害程度,危害程度的大小应以去顶 拔心率的高低来决定.  相似文献   

Resource managers continually attempt to influence stakeholder behavior to protect ecosystems. To aid managers and further our understanding of the human dimensions of natural resource management researchers have developed theories of pro-environmental behavior and to identify barriers to such behavior. However, there is a paucity of research integrating the two. There is a need to understand how perceived barriers influence the adoption of pro-environmental behaviors directly and how these barriers interact with the antecedents to pro-environmental behavior. Using the value-belief-norm theory as a guiding framework, we sought to fill this gap by investigating the effect of two barriers (lack of knowledge and low self-efficacy) among the antecedents to climate change–related behavior of anglers and other stakeholders (= 324) living adjacent to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Results suggested that modeling/theorizing about how barriers fit into this process is complex because of differing contexts and levels of inclusion of barriers in existing theories.  相似文献   

毛皮动物自咬症与大脑神经细胞脂质过氧化关系初步分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
分析了当前一些解释肉食性毛皮动物自咬症产生原因的假说,指出了其中存在的矛盾和问题。并根据水貂等肉食性毛皮动物食物的结构,结合目前人类自咬症模型的产生机理等相关研究结果,认为水貂自咬症的产生可能与动物性食物脂肪氧化导致的大脑神经细胞脂质过氧化及动物机体的抗氧化能力有关。  相似文献   

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