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农业部部长杜青林7月13日在全国兽医管理体制改革工作会议上透露,为适应防控重大动物疫病和提高动物产品安全水平的需要,我国将推行官方兽医制度和执业兽医制度,逐步建立起与国际接轨的兽医管理体制。以此为标志,我国兽医管理体制改革全面铺开。官方兽医制度,是指由官方兽医(又  相似文献   

由于官方兽医制度推行时间较短,官方兽医如何面对当前畜牧业发展现状和按照官方兽医的职责履行工作尚在摸索之中。根据永丰县工作实际,就官方兽医如何在动物卫生监督工作发挥作用进行了一些探索。  相似文献   

2005年7月13日,在全国兽医体制改革工作会议上,传出了令广大兽医工作者振奋的消息——我国将推行官方兽医制度和执行兽医制度。此项决策是在为适应降控重大动物疫病和提高动物产品安全检查的大背景下提出的,是继农业部兽医局成立后,为加快我国兽医体制改革的又一举措,标志我国从大体上来说,兽医官制度分三种类型,分别以美国、欧盟和澳大利亚为代表。借鉴国外兽医体制改革的一些成功经验,对我国顺利推行官方兽医制度和执行兽医制度会大所裨益!  相似文献   

梁宝忠 《中国家禽》2005,27(15):50-50
农业部部长杜青林7月13日在全国兽医管理体制改革工作会议上透露,为适应防控重大动物疫痛和提高动物产品安全水平的需要,我国将推行官方兽医制度和执业兽医制度。逐步建立起与国际接轨的兽医管理体制。以此为标志,我国兽医管理体制改革全面铺开。  相似文献   

农业部部长杜青林7月13日在全国兽医管理体制改革工作会议上透露,为适应防控重大动物疫病和提高动物产品安全水平的需要,我国将推行官方兽医制度和执业兽医制度,逐步建立起与国际接轨的兽医管理体制。以此为标志,我国兽医管理体制改革全面铺开。  相似文献   

农业部部长杜青林7月13日在全国兽医管理体制改革工作会议上透露,为适应防控重大动物疫病和提高动物产品安全水平的需要,我国将推行官方兽医制度和执业兽医制度,逐步建立起与国际接轨的兽医管理体制。以此为标志,我国兽医管理体制改革全面铺开。官方兽医制度,是指由官方兽医(又  相似文献   

2005年5月14日,《国务院关于推进兽医管理体制改革的若干意见》(国发[2005]15号)明确提出“参照国际通行做法,逐步推行官方兽医制度,逐步实行执业兽医制度”,这既是洞观世界发展潮流和我国社会经济发展趋势作出的科学判断,更是对我国推进兽医管理体制改革提出的工作要求。只有把握官方兽医和执业兽医制度的实质内涵,认清我们所处的时代背景才能因势利导。  相似文献   

国务院已经明确表示,我国将推行官方兽医制度,逐步建立起与国际接轨的兽医管理体制。作为改革的第一步,国家已经在农业部设立国家首席兽医师,在国际活动中称国家首席兽医官。这种制度的实行,表明我国在兽医管理体制上正逐步与国际通行做法接轨。1官方兽医和官方兽医制度世界动物卫生组织(OIE)对官方兽医的定义为:是指由国家兽医行政管理部门授权其执行动物卫生和(或)公共卫生及商品检查监督等明确指定官方任务的兽医,且在适当时按照《法典》1.2章的条款签发证书。官方兽医制度,是指由官方兽医作为执法主体,对动物及动物产品进行全过程监控…  相似文献   

官方兽医制度是我国新型兽医制度的重要内容。本文梳理了OIE规则及美国、英国等官方兽医制度建设情况,分析了其官方兽医制度特点,以期为我国官方兽医制度优化发展提供参考。分析结果表明其制度的基本特点包括:官方兽医都具有兽医资格,官方兽医队伍人员精干,官方兽医职责与兽医技术密不可分,重视发挥社会资源承担官方职能,不同部门从事官方动物卫生监督工作的兽医都属于官方兽医。  相似文献   

2005年5月14日,《国务院关于推进兽医管理体制改革的若干意见》(国发[2005]15号)明确提出“参照国际通行做法,逐步推行官方兽医制度,逐步实行执业兽医制度”,这即是洞观世界发展潮流和我国社会经济发展趋势作出的科学判断,更是对我国推进兽医管理体制改革提出的作要求。只有把握官方兽医和执业兽医制度的实质内涵,认清我们所处的时代背景才能因势利导,稳步推进我国的官方兽医和执业兽医制度的改革进程,走出一条既与国际接轨又适合我国国情的兽医体制改革之路。[编者按]  相似文献   

对一个事物内涵与外延的界定是了解该事物的基础,尤其是在法规体系的构建过程中,一个清晰、明确、无歧义的定义更是立法和执法的基本依据.文章通过对兽医器械产生背景的追溯,对各国医疗器械内涵和外延的分析,结合我国兽医器械行业现状,对兽医器械进行了初步定义,明确其内涵和外延,以期为兽医器械立法工作提供借鉴.  相似文献   

在兽医临床中使用抗生素类药物应注意以下几点:(1)严格掌握适应症,弄清致病微生物的种类及动物对药物的敏感性。动物对一些抗生素也有过敏反应,也应当进行皮试,有条件时应做药敏试验,为了减少损失,对一些敏感性强的名种畜,宜皮试为好。这样既可对症下药,又可节省用药,减少开支;(2)注意用量及疗程,应根据药物作用和对动物的药动学特点,制定给药方案与剂量。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the attitudes of Australian veterinarians to issues related to rural veterinary practice. METHODS: A questionnaire was completed by 1367 AVA members, and the data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows 7.0. RESULTS: The country lifestyle and the type of work were seen as major advantages for rural practitioners, and long working hours and after hours demands coupled with sexist attitudes in the case of women, were seen as the main disadvantages. Remuneration, the tiring and often dangerous nature of the work, and social and professional isolation were also seen as major disadvantages. Personal qualities, including the ability to relate to rural people and to fit into rural communities were seen as the most important qualities for a veterinarian in rural practice. The future of rural practitioners was seen to be closely linked to their ability to contribute to the financial viability of the whole animal enterprise and to the fortunes of the rural industries. Companion animals were also seen as a key part of the future work of rural practitioners. CONCLUSIONS: Rural practitioners are characterised by a strong commitment to rural life and work, and they will increasingly be required to contribute to the financial viability of the whole animal enterprise. The full range of professional skills required are likely to be beyond the scope of the undergraduate veterinary course, but the internet and other modern forms of distance education should help practitioners to acquire relevant skills.  相似文献   

回顾国家兽药产品电子追溯的背景和发展历程,提出国家兽药产品电子追溯体系的概念和框架,介绍生产环节、经营环节、监管环节和使用环节开展兽药电子追溯的业务流程,对兽药电子追溯体系建设和应用进行思考,展望兽药电子追溯体系的发展前景,为智慧兽药监管奠定基础。  相似文献   

总结分析了兽用生物制品GMP飞行检查中发现的问题及产生原因,并从强化企业GMP管理理念、提升企业技术能力、加强监管等方面提出了提高兽用生物制品企业GMP管理水平的建议。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the role of lectures from the perspective of staff and students involved in the veterinary course at The University of Queensland. METHODS: The Nominal Group Technique of Delbecq et al, which provides the maximum opportunity for group members to put forward points, was used to help develop a questionnaire which was completed by 351 students (a response rate of 84%) and 35 staff (76%) from the five years of the veterinary course, and was analysed using the SAS System for Windows. RESULTS: Almost all the staff and students agreed that lectures should fulfil many roles including stimulating and motivating students and encouraging them to think, as well as presenting ideas and concepts and an indication of the structure and relevance of the material. They should provide a guide for effective deep learning, but not encourage rote (or superficial) learning. A smaller percentage of staff and even fewer students agreed that lectures did fulfil these roles, especially those directed at encouraging students to look beyond simple memorisation of facts. The perceived disparity between reality and the ideal was greater amongst the older, clinical students than amongst their more junior colleagues. CONCLUSIONS: The focus of attention in lectures needs to change from the superficial, rote learning of information to deep, active learning directed at using information to solve problems that are perceived by the students to be relevant. If done in a stimulating and interesting way, this should develop skills in reasoning and critical analysis as well as providing a framework for storage and recall. It should also increase the motivation towards learning both during the veterinary course, and over the professional lifetime. Furthermore, the place of the lecture in veterinary education needs to be reassessed regularly in the face of newly-emerging educational technology.  相似文献   

兽医超声诊断仪是用于动物妊娠和疾病诊断等的重要兽医器械,应用日益广泛。梳理兽医超声诊断仪的技术要点,分析影响其性能的质量评价指标,对制定产品行业标准、加强质量检验和行业管理具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

知识产权是兽药企业重要的无形资产,新药品研发在很大程度上决定兽药企业的竞争力。通过对21省市96家兽用化学药品生产企业的研发状况进行调查分析结果显示,虽然企业主观上重视新产品研发,但客观上研发投入总量偏低。影响企业研发积极性的原因主要有研发周期长、费用高、保护期短、企业研发人员数量与能力不足以及新药评审咨询服务缺乏。由此建议政府加大扶持力度,设置新药研发基金或给予奖励;延长保护期,并进行分类保护;鼓励企业与科研院校、企业之间联合研发;建立规范的新药研发指导与评审咨询服务体系。  相似文献   

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