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为研究不同产地与不同品种对马铃薯品质的影响,对7个不同马铃薯品种在甘肃省具有代表性的旱作农业县(区)(古浪县直滩乡、安定区香泉镇、渭源县会川镇、庄浪县通化乡和环县甜水镇)进行多点试验。方差分析结果显示,品种和产地因素极显著影响马铃薯块茎干物质含量、粗蛋白含量,品种×产地互作对马铃薯块茎干物质含量影响极显著,对粗蛋白含量的影响不显著;马铃薯块茎粗淀粉含量、维生素C含量受品种因素影响显著,产地因素和品种×产地互作效应对其影响不显著;产地因素显著影响马铃薯块茎中K含量、极显著影响Ca含量、Se含量,品种因素和品种×产地互作对马铃薯块茎中K含量、Ca含量、Se含量影响不显著;马铃薯块茎中Zn含量受产地因素影响极显著,品种对马铃薯块茎中Zn含量的影响显著,品种×产地互作效应对马铃薯块茎中Zn含量的影响不显著。研究结果可为提升马铃薯营养品质提供参考。  相似文献   

马铃薯低温贮藏造成还原糖积累是影响块茎加工品质最重要的因素,有关低温糖化机理一直是马铃薯品质改良研究的热点。本文总结了马铃薯基因型、环境因子、ABA和生物膜组成变化对还原糖积累的影响,重点从生理生化水平上探讨了块茎碳水化合物代谢路径变化与还原糖积累的关系,为抑制还原糖含量改良块茎品质打下了理论基础。  相似文献   

马铃薯加工性状是受多基因控制的数量性状,其表现与生态环境具有一定相关性。为研究马铃薯干物质、淀粉等主要加工品质性状在不同纬度和土壤类型的变异,选用6个马铃薯品种,在8个生态点进行试验,分析不同纬度、气候因子和土壤类型下马铃薯主要加工品质的变化规律。马铃薯干物质、淀粉、还原糖和粗蛋白的生态点(环境)、基因型×环境互作效应均在0.01水平上达到显著。在8个生态试验点,内蒙古自治区扎兰屯市试验点干物质和淀粉含量最高、吉林省公主岭市试验点最低;还原糖和粗蛋白含量吉林省通榆县试验点最高、吉林省公主岭市试验点最低。单株结薯数、单株块茎重和产量的基因型×环境互作效应均达0.01水平显著,单株结薯数和产量的环境效应0.01水平显著。综上,马铃薯加工品质和产量性状受环境效应影响较大。试验结果对于高蛋白、高干物质和高淀粉马铃薯区域化种植和新品种选育具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

马铃薯高淀粉栽培研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淀粉含量是马铃薯品质优劣的重要指标,人们从多方面开展了提高马铃薯淀粉含量的研究。有利于马铃薯块茎淀粉含量的增加的因素或措施包括:马铃薯淀粉积累期,温度下降较慢,昼夜温差大,较长的日照时数;结薯中后期和淀粉积累初期,土壤湿度维持在80%左右;适宜的栽培密度;生育中后期叶柄较高的氮、磷、钾的含量;马铃薯叶片及茎秆较高的干物率、可溶性糖含量、还原糖含量、淀粉含量。此外,马铃薯块茎淀粉积累速度与淀粉磷酸化酶活性呈正相关,与蔗糖转化酶活性呈负相关,AGPase是马铃薯块茎中淀粉合成的限速酶。马铃薯叶片及块茎ABA含量与块茎中淀粉的不断积累过程相一致,而GA3、IAA对茎叶的生长和块茎的增大有一定促进,但对淀粉的积累可能有抑制。  相似文献   

马铃薯主要生理性状和产量性状相关性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大西洋、滇薯6号、PB04和PB08 4个加工型马铃薯品种(系)为供试材料,进行不同品种块茎形成期主要生理性状和收获时产量特性的比较及部分性状间的相关性研究。结果表明:在马铃薯的块茎形成期大西洋的光合速率最强,根系活力较强,抗逆性较强,其农艺性状和块茎产量特征均表现较好。相关分析结果显示,马铃薯的块茎数量、块茎产量、干物质含量和块茎淀粉含量与光合速率呈正相关,生物产量、块茎数量、块茎产量、干物质含量和块茎淀粉含量与叶片电导率呈负相关,而生物产量与根系活力呈正相关。  相似文献   

大多数农户种植马铃薯,习惯于施用大量的化肥,这使土壤养分缺乏,成分单一,导致马铃薯品质降低。本试验通过地上垄体栽培模式,研究不同施肥处理对马铃薯产量、品质及其它相关性状的影响。结果表明,施用巴斯夫公司生产的恩泰克稳定性长效复合肥的处理表现较好,马铃薯的主要农艺性状、产量、维生素C含量、蛋白质含量和商品薯率都比常规施肥处理有明显提高,其中产量与商品薯率显著高于其它处理;施用恩泰克稳定性长效复合肥处理中马铃薯的淀粉含量仅为15.03%,但由于其增产效果显著,所以单位面积淀粉的总产量最高。  相似文献   

马铃薯炸片颜色的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江杰  屈冬玉 《马铃薯杂志》1999,13(3):175-181
马铃薯炸片颜色是评价马铃薯炸片品质的主要指标,其研究的学术价值和经济价值都是非常重大的。影响马铃薯炸片颜色的因素有很多,其中块茎中还原糖含量是影响炸片颜色最重要的限制因素,马铃薯炸片加工品质的选炸片颜色来进行,马铃薯炸片颜色是遗传与环境共同作用的结果,而遗传因子起着主导作用,并据此对控制马铃薯炸片颜色的遗传机制进行了可行性分析和前景展望 。  相似文献   

马铃薯炸片颜色是评价马铃薯炸片品质的主要指标, 其研究的学术价值和经济价值都是非常重大的。影响马铃薯炸片颜色的因素有很多, 其中块茎中还原糖含量是影响炸片颜色最重要的限制因素, 马铃薯炸片加工品种的选育主要围绕炸片颜色来进行, 马铃薯炸片颜色是遗传与环境共同作用的结果, 而遗传因子起着主导作用, 并据此对控制马铃薯炸片颜色的遗传机制进行了可行性分析和前景展望。  相似文献   

钾肥对鲜食型马铃薯产量及品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过使用不同用量的钾肥,研究不同用量K肥对鲜食型马铃薯植株性状、块茎品质和产量的影响。试验于2007~2008年,在张掖绿洲灌溉农业区灌漠土上进行。试验结果表明:随着K肥用量的增加,马铃薯株高、茎粗、地上部干重和块茎粗淀粉、蛋白质、干物质、维生素C含量增加,K肥用量增加到一定程度则下降;增施K肥可以显著提高马铃薯的产量,马铃薯的产量随K肥用量的增加而增加,当K肥用量增加到一定程度则递减;马铃薯在K肥适宜用量为180kg·hm-2时,其产量最高,块茎还原糖含量最低,综合品质最佳。  相似文献   

龙海市是福建省重要的冬种马铃薯区。在传统栽培条件下,因气候、土壤、栽培等因素的影响而导致产量和效益的波动,成为了制约马铃薯产业发展的瓶颈。本项目针对龙海主体栽培模式——稻草包芯技术,探索、分析影响马铃薯产量效益的主因,寻找最佳栽培方法,以挖掘马铃薯的高产潜力。试验结果表明:冬种春收马铃薯采用稻草包芯+菇渣(土杂肥)+培土栽培技术可创造通透性好的土壤环境,有利于块茎和根系生长,促进马铃薯多结薯、结大薯,提高产量、品质与商品率。  相似文献   

Summary The ability for nitrate accumulation in potato tubers as affected by mineral fertilisation (N, K2O and MgO), genotype and the site of cultivation was studied in a three-year-long field experiment. Fertilisation with potassium chloride and potassium sulphate increased nitrate concentration in the tubers while additional magnesium fertilisation reduced nitrate concentration. Significant differences in nitrate concentrations were observed in potato tubers depending on genetic conditions as well as on the cultivation location (with the same soil and climatic conditions, varieties and tillage). The nitrate content decreased as the result of storage at 4 °C. Concentration of these ions in tubers of table and industrial potatoes did not exceed Acceptable Daily Intake level determined by WHO.  相似文献   

1979~1984年,在黑龙江省北部黑土地区气象条件、生产水平和栽培条件下,通过田间试验,研究了整薯播种对马铃薯生育和产量的影响。结果表明:整薯播种与传统习惯的切块播种相比,6年期间平产出现频率为2次,一般年份整薯播种比切块播种增产9~12%,在春旱严重的1980年,整薯播种表现出非常突出的抗旱保苗效果。在群体叶面积发展进程上,整薯播种表现早发早衰,切块播种晚发晚表,一般年份光合势前者比后者高9.6%,春旱严重的1980年高82.8%。块茎商品率以112.5克为准时,6年平均整薯播种为74.1%,切块播种为80.0%,两者相差5.9%;以50克为准时,整薯播种为97.3%,切块播种为98.2%,两者相差0.9%。  相似文献   

Drycore is an important quality deficiency in Europe especially in organic potato production and after grass clover leys. The drycore symptom is attributed to Rhizoctonia solani Kühn (teleomorph: Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank) Donk). In the framework of a 3-year survey (2001–2003), data concerning potato quality, crop rotation, management, and site parameters were analysed from 185 potato fields. The hypothesis was tested that injuries on potatoes caused by wireworms facilitate the penetration of R. solani and favour the formation of drycore. Analysis of variance showed a significant influence of wireworm damage, seed quality, and grass clover leys in the crop on the level of drycore damage. On fields which had both a low occurrence of black scurf on the seed tubers and a low occurrence of wireworm damage at harvest, significant drycore damage was never observed. The relative risk for drycore damage on tubers was significantly higher if black scurf or wireworm damage was on the same tuber. In contrast, no higher risk for drycore was observed on tubers with slug damage. Abiotic factors like farm manure application, organic matter content, texture, and pH of the soil also had no significant influence on the level of drycore. Thus, the wounding of potatoes by wireworm could be confirmed as the major variable for drycore. The mode of action has to be clarified under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

Degradation of harvested tubers due to water loss, sprouting, and disease can cause severe economic difficulties in the cultivation of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). This study evaluated the storage losses of new varieties of potato and determined the sprouting dates of potatoes stored at different temperatures. Additionally, this study evaluated the influence of weather conditions during the vegetative growth period on the date of sprouting in storage. After storage at three different temperatures (3, 5, and 8 °C), we estimated natural losses and losses caused by sprouting or the development of disease. The potato varieties stored at 3 °C, and 5 °C had similar weight losses (8.8% and 9.3%, respectively), but the potatoes stored at 8 °C had higher losses (10.8%). The average potato losses caused by disease ranged from 0.6% to 10%. The onset of sprouting of potatoes stored at 8 °C depended on the variety and began in the 20 day of December. Storage at 5 °C delayed sprouting by about 50 days compared with storage at 8 °C. Weather conditions (hot and rainy) during vegetative growth of the plants also influenced sprouting date, natural losses, and the amount of disease during storage. Our data showed a significant correlation between the hydrothermal coefficient during the vegetative period and the date of sprouting of potatoes during storage.  相似文献   

Summary In a model experiment it was shown how potato tubers after harvest present on or in the soil are moved by ploughing and cultivation. It was demonstrated that as a result of ploughing many tubers were moved to a greater depth, while if a cultivator was used the vertical movement was only slight. This indicates that in areas where winter temperatures are sufficiently low, volunteer potatoes can be controlled reasonably well if, before the winter, fields on which potatoes have been grown are cultivated by a non-turning soil treatment with suitable machinery, instead of ploughing. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A00C5013 00005  相似文献   

A. Ester  R. Trul 《Potato Research》2000,43(3):253-261
Summary After a wet autumn and harvesting under wet conditions, slugs brought into potato stores via clods and soil adhering to tubers may cause substantial damage by feeding on the tubers. A carvone sprout inhibitor, Talent?, applied in the potato stores at a dose of 50 ml per tonne potatoes, controlled slugs within a few days. A dose of 25 ml carvone was insufficient. Using a laboratory box test, the slug (Deroceras reticulatum) affected only wounded tubers and, although slime was present on the unwounded potatoes, they were not damaged by slugs.  相似文献   

Volunteer potatoes were investigated as infection sources for potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus X (PVX) in a high elevation seed potato growing area of eastern Idaho. Population densities ofMyzus persicae were assessed. Percentage of PLRV and PVX infection of the volunteers and seed potato crops was determined, as well as density of volunteers and certain parameters of volunteer growth and reproduction. Volunteers apparently harbored no more PLRV than the potato crop from which they originated. But they were found to be an important reservoir of PVX with the infection increasing as much as 12.43% in one year. No aphids capable of transmitting PLRV were found although one species that can transmit potato virus Y was recorded. The mean density of volunteers varied from 0 to 84,880 stems/ha. The number of tubers remaining in the field after harvest and winter weather conditions appeared to be the only factors affecting volunteer density. Volunteer plants arising from seed pieces at an average depth of 6.1 cm were found to set an average of 2.1 new tubers per plant at an average depth of 4.0 cm. These results suggest that volunteer potatoes are a significant source of PVX infection in subsequent seed potato crops.  相似文献   

赵多长 《中国马铃薯》2010,24(3):190-191
通过多年的试验研究和实践探索,掌握了天水市马铃薯晚疫病、环腐病等重大病害的发生流行及危害情况,总结出了推广运用抗病良种、严格精选种薯、选用无病小种薯整薯播种、改进栽培方式等农业措施和化学防治相结合的一套较为规范的马铃薯重大病害综合防治技术。  相似文献   

马铃薯枯萎病(Fusarium oxysporum)是一种重要病害,重茬地发病重,对马铃薯生产造成威胁。为了解该病发生规律,试验进行了枯萎病初侵染来源及栽培与发病关系的研究。盆栽试验结果表明,土壤接菌的植株萎蔫率、病株率及病薯率分别为36.7%、58.3%和71.3%,播种带病种薯的植株萎蔫率、病株率及病薯率分别为11.7%、18.0%和21.4%,由此明确土壤带菌是主要的初侵染来源。田间不同施肥种类及栽培方式对病害发生的影响。试验结果表明:合理施肥均能延缓植株发病,其中施用尿素的植株萎蔫率、病薯率分别是13.3%、47.1%,显著低于CK及其它施肥处理,产量达到最高,为2 202 kg/667 m2;其次是马铃薯专用肥及碳酸氢盐类处理,均比CK植株萎蔫率低,产量有所增加。采用覆膜起垄栽培可以有效降低病薯率。  相似文献   

Internal brown spot (IBS) is a physiological disorder of potato tubers consisting in the appearance of punctiform and/or enlarged rust-coloured necrosis in parenchymal tissues. The IBS disorder leads to important economic impact and yield depreciation since quality, sensory and processing features of tubers may be highly compromised. Nowadays, the causes of IBS are still debated; however, the combination of several genetic, nutritional and environmental factors seems to have a relevant role in modulation of symptoms. In the current work, IBS occurrences together with skin roughness were monitored in potato tubers of different cultivars harvested in 2 years of field trials under different field conditions (environment, irrigation rate). All three IBS-susceptible cultivars used, Luminella, Majestic and Ricciona di Napoli, showed significant IBS incidence. Importantly, incidence and severity increased with tuber size. Ricciona di Napoli was the cultivar most affected by both IBS and skin roughness. Findings showed a strong positive correlation between IBS and skin roughness, suggesting that suboptimal growth conditions may have affected both physiological disorders. The association between IBS and potato skin roughness may provide new insights for the implementation of non-destructive IBS detection in potatoes.  相似文献   

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