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松毛虫是松树的大敌。是我省松林中常发性害虫,主要发生在桥山林区、韩城雷寺庄林区、商州二龙山和安康文武山林区,每隔8~10年大发生一次,每次持续2~3年,从未休止,危害面积少则数万亩,多则40多万亩。大发生时虫口密度千头以上,约有30~60%的针叶被食,局部地区叶被吃光,松林形似火烧,一片枯黄,严重时造成枯死。  相似文献   

采用室内饲养观察法、饵木诱集观察法、样木解剖调查法和诱捕器诱集调查法,对松墨天牛在恩施市海拔400~1 200 m处的发生期进行了调查研究。结果表明:松墨天牛成虫在恩施市发生期为4月下旬末~10月中旬;随着海拔的升高,成虫羽化高峰期逐渐推迟,海拔400~600、600~800、800~1 000 m、1 000~1 200 m天牛羽化高峰期分别在6月下旬、7月上旬、7月中旬、7月下旬。不同海拔高度该虫均为1年发生1代,都以低龄幼虫和老熟幼虫分别在韧皮部和木质部的虫道内越冬,但在不同海拔高度条件下该虫各虫态发生期不同,低海拔400m处各虫态的发生期要比高海拔1 200 m处提前30 d左右。恩施市为典型的盆地气候,松墨天牛成虫发生期差异显著,防治适期不一,该研究为该市松墨天牛的防治和预测预报提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

日本70%的国土上复盖着森林。这些森林除生产木材外,为涵养水源、水土保持、环境保护和卫生保健等方面提供各种机能。但历年来它却深受森林火灾的危害。日本的森林火灾,一年之中集中发生在1—5月份,这时期的次数占总数的70%。由于消防厅和林野厅都在努力推进着林野火灾对策,近年来森林火灾有下降趋势。森林火灾发生情况日本从昭和22年~40年间林火次数在3,000次以下,36年~40年有增加的趋势,41年的林火次数在5,000—8,000次之间。48年~52年间林火变化情况见表1。  相似文献   

灰白蚕蛾(Ocinara variana)是榕属(Ficus)植物的重要害虫,在广州地区每年发生6代。在室温条件下(25—27℃)。卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫的历期分别为3~4d、12~15d、3~5d、和3~5d;雌虫产卵量约为30-400粒/雌。平均产卵量约为200粒/雌;种群数量一年有两个发生的高峰期,分别出现在4~5月和9~10月。  相似文献   

2005年黑龙江省夏季林火特征及气象环境条件分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用黑龙江省林区2005年夏季林火火场资料及相应地区的同期和前期气象资料,分析了夏季林火的环境场特征,并着重分析了林火发生期的关键气象因子.研究表明:2005年黑龙江省夏季林火主要集中在大兴安岭林区,雷击火是引起林火的主要原因;林火集中出现在7月27日~8月14日,而且具有明显的日变化,主要发生在15:00~17:00时;林火发生期的高温少雨天气,为夏季林火的发生提供了有利的气象条件;日降水量5mm以内、连晴日数3~4d、连平日数5d以上、日水分蒸发量在3.1~5mm之间、日照时数10d以上、平均风速在1.5~2.5m/s有利于林火的发生.而且随着冷空气的入侵,在气温下降的阶段仍可能伴随有夏季林火的发生,这与冷锋带来的干雷暴有密切关系.  相似文献   

蜀柏毒蛾(Parocneria orienta Chao)是遂宁市柏木林区的主要食叶害虫。自1987年以来,发生面积越来越大,虫口密度也逐年上升,为了达到控制虫灾的目的,通过4年的实地调查和防治试验,了解蜀柏毒蛾在遂宁市的分布状况和发生规律,总结出可行的综合防治技术。 遂宁市所辖两县一区均有蜀柏毒蛾发生,主要分布在射洪县、蓬溪县和市中区的有柏木生长地方。1991年全市有120个乡(镇)发生越冬代蜀柏毒蛾危害,面积39.14万亩,其中危害严重的10.5万亩;15~30年生柏木林平均虫口密度80~250头/株,最高达到1746头/株,有虫株率96~100%。  相似文献   

研究大兴安岭林火历史,了解森林火灾发生发展规律,火灾时空变化,对该地区的主要树种兴安落叶松的更新生长发育和今后该林区林火管理都具十分重要意义。得耳布尔林业局位于大兴安岭的西北部,始建于1958年。笔者在该林业局不同地区选择6株被火烧过的兴安落叶松并伐倒。其中除一株树心腐朽查不出年龄外,最大一株为262年,最小一株185年,其余数株年龄分别为258、210、199年(见下表)。从火疤树分析,森林火灾发生在1741~1940年的200年内,分为四个时期:第一期1741~1800年共60年,发生火灾6次,占火疤树所记载的火灾总次数的21.4%;第二期1801~1850年共50年,发生  相似文献   

北京市森林火灾发生的原因、时间及对策分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对北京市1986~2004年322起查明了原因的森林火灾进行了分析,认为吸烟、上坟烧纸和烧荒是造成森林火灾的三大火因。总结了森林火灾的发生次数与时间的关系,即从1986到2004年,森林火灾次数在大趋势上是减少的,出现较高的年份有1986~1989、1992、1994~1996、2000年,占森林火灾发生总数的83%;一年中,森林火灾发生于11月至翌年的6月,4、11两个月为森林火灾发生的高峰,森林火灾发生集中于3月和4月,占全年的64.78%,其次是11月和2月,占全年的21.66%;一天中易发生火灾的是9时~18时,高峰时是14点左右。提出了组建现代水平的森林火险预测预报网、营造生物防火林带和开设防火隔离带、增加护林员、加强基础设施建设等改进措施。  相似文献   

大兴安岭地区森林火险变化及FWI适用性评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据研究区内及附件气象站每日气温、相对湿度、24小时降水和风速计算1987—2006年大兴安岭每日的加拿大林火天气指数系统(FWI)各组分值。利用空间插值方法,获得1987—2006年所有森林火灾发生日的FWI系统各组分值。大兴安岭林区森林火灾主要发生在落叶针叶林(61.3%)、草地(23.9%)和落叶阔叶林(8.0%),主要火源是雷击火(占57.1%)。4—6月份森林火灾发生时的FWI、FFMC和ISI平均值高。根据1987—2006年FWI组分指数的分布和火发生情况,对森林火险指数进行了分级,低、中、高、很高和极高火险的FWI取值范围分别为0~2.5,2.6~10.0,10.1~18.0,18.1~31.0,≥31.1。FWI对大兴安岭地区森林火险有显著的指示意义,FFMC和ISI对预测火灾的发生与蔓延有较好的指示作用。1987—2001年每年明显有春季和秋季2个火险期,但2002—2006年火险期显著延长。春季火险严重度指数(SSR)波动幅度比较大,夏季SSR和春季SSR有相反的波动趋势,2000—2006年秋季火险严重度明显升高。  相似文献   

松烂皮病发生规律与防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松烂皮病又名垂枝病、软枝病、枝枯病,是松类枝干重要病害。主要危害赤松,黑松,华山松等树种。近十几年来,山东有两次大发生过程,其时间分别为1989~1990年、1999年,每次都造成巨大经济和生态损失。1989~1990年松烂皮病大发生时,  相似文献   

Our study focuses on predicting the ultimate short-term load carrying capacity of timber-to-timber connections with dowel-type fasteners. The wide range of possible configurations in practice makes the resolution of these values by tests unrealistic. Moreover, different current regulations do not consider some specific failure mechanisms. In many countries, the reduction of resistance involved by this phenomenon is taken into account by considering an effective number of dowels (nef) smaller than the actual number of dowels (n) in the connection. However, these different regulations disagree on the values of nef and on other points (spacing, partial coefficient of security, formulas). These discrepancies in design rules invite the fundamental research on this topic and, therefore, new methods are sought in order to estimate the load carrying capacities of the connections. In the light of these, our approach consists of predicting the load carrying capacity with the neural network numerical tool. The results obtained by this analysis tool are satisfactory, although the model remains complex. Subsequently, we focus on the simplification of this numerical model with classical regression techniques in order to implement it in a design code.  相似文献   

Pavela R 《Fitoterapia》2004,75(7-8):745-749
The methanol extracts of eight species of medicinal plants were tested for insecticidal activity in third instar larvae of Egyptian cottonworm (Spodoptera littoralis). All extracts showed a certain degree of larval toxicity. The extracts of Ocimum basilicum, Origanum majorana and Salvia officinalis appeared to be highly toxic. The extracts significantly affected the growth indexes [relative growth rate (RGR), efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD)].  相似文献   

The objective of this case study was to test the effectiveness of biocontrol for the rehabilitation of abandoned, diseased (moniliasis, witches' broom and black pod) cocoa and to develop testable hypotheses regarding the effect of shade and biocontrol timing. Three trial fields differed in their shade regimes. Biocontrol was administered starting either at flowering or pod filling. Disease incidence and yield were compared with cultural control alone. Biocontrol reduced moniliasis from 49% to 25%, independent of the shading regime and application time. Witches' broom was most severe without shade and unaffected by biocontrol. No significant effects on black pod were observed. Although biocontrol increased percentage healthy fruit independent of shading and timing, only the shaded plot with biocontrol from flowering onwards responded with increased yield. Our hypothesis is: 'In the rehabilitation of abandoned cacao, only fields under sustainable shade management and early onset of biocontrol can realise their production potential.' This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Contour hedgerows of multipurpose tree species in the sloping tea lands of Sri Lanka are expected to reduce soil erosion and also add significant amounts of plant nutrients to the soil via periodic prunings. The objective of this experiment was to characterize the biomass decomposition pattern and quantify the amount of nutrients added through prunings of six tree species (Calliandra calothyrsus, Senna spectabilis, Euphatorium innulifolium, Flemingia congesta, Gliricidia sepium and Tithonia diversifolia) currently being used in hedgerows associated with tea. Withered leaf and stem prunings (50 g) were enclosed in 2-mm litter bags, placed at 5-cm depth and retrieved after one, three, six, nine and 12 weeks. Loss of initial dry weight, N, P and K was measured. Single exponential decay function adequately described both dry weight and nutrient loss. Tree species differed significantly in their rate of breakdown with decomposition constants (k) varying from 0.0299 to 0.2006 week−1 for leaves and from 0.0225 to 0.0633 week−1 for stems. Gliricidia showed the highest k for leaves with the rest in the following descending order: Senna > TithoniaEuphatorium > Calliandra > Flemingia. A similar pattern was observed for loss of all nutrients with Calliandra and Flemingia always having lower k values than the rest. Although N immobilization was not observed, immobilization of P and K was observed during the first week of incubation in some species, particularly in stem prunings. Annual biomass of prunings differed significantly between tree species in the following descending order: Calliandra > Senna > Flemingia > Tithonia > Gliricidia > Euphatorium. Calliandra added the greatest amount of nutrients annually to the soil with Euphatorium adding the least. Calliandra prunings provided the annual total K requirement and 49% of the N requirement of mature tea. However, none of the species provided more than 5% of the P requirement. It is concluded that among the tree species tested, Calliandra and Flemingia are the most suitable for contour hedgerows in tea plantations of this agroclimatic region because of their higher soil nutrient enrichment capacity and slower decomposition rates which would minimize leaching losses. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Trees and shrubs as sources of fodder in Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experience with browse plants in Australia is briefly reviewed in terms of their forage value to animals, their economic value to the landholder and their ecological contribution to landscape stability. Of the cultivated species only two have achieved any degree of commercial acceptance (Leucaena leucocephala and Chamaecytisus palmensis). Both of these are of sufficiently high forage value to be used as the sole source of feed during seasonal periods of nutritional shortage. Both are also leguminous shrubs that establish readily from seed. It is suggested that a limitation in their present use is the reliance on stands of single species which leaves these grazing systems vulnerable to disease and insects. Grazing systems so far developed for high production and persistence of cultivated species involve short periods of intense grazing followed by long periods of recovery. Similar management may be necessary in the arid and semi-arid rangelands where palatable browse species are in decline.  相似文献   

崖柏属植物的核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了从细胞学角度探讨崖柏属植物分类与进化问题,[方法]采用根尖压片法对崖柏属5种植物进行核型研究。[结果]表明:崖柏和日本香柏的核型公式为2n=2x=22=18m(2SAT)+4sm,朝鲜崖柏、北美乔柏和北美香柏的核型公式为2n=2x=22=20m(2SAT)+2sm,5种植物的核型均属于1A类型。[结论]该属在柏科中可能处于比较进步的进化地位;通过进化趋势图分析发现,崖柏在该属中分化最晚,而朝鲜崖柏则较原始。  相似文献   

Carvacrol is a component of numerous aromatic plants. Up to now, no toxicological data were available. Carvacrol show a weak activity in the mutagenicity studies. Moreover, in the metabolism study, carvacrol has shown to be excreted with urine after 24 h in large quantities or unchanged or as glucoronide and sulphate conjugates. The available data do not allow the assessment of the NOEL. Further toxicological studies are needed.  相似文献   

Samy RP 《Fitoterapia》2005,76(7-8):697-699
The results of a preliminary antimicrobial screening of the methanol extracts of Zingiber officinale, Asteracantha longifolia, Citrus acida, Salacia microsperma and Tinospora cordifolia are reported.  相似文献   

Adult fungus gnat and shore fly populations were monitored in four container nurseries near Victoria, British Columbia. In general, populations of both insects were larger in summer than in winter. Also, both insects were more abundant in the nursery with a plastic-covered, soil floor, which favored moisture accumulation and build up of algae, liverworts and mosses, than in nurseries with other types of floors such as cement. Results of fungus isolations revealed that gnats and flies both harbor the seedling pathogens Botrytis cinerea and species of Fusarium and Phoma, plus several non-pathogenic fungi. The results are discussed in relation to nursery sanitation practices, their effects on gnat and fly populations, and some possible roles of these insects in seedling disease epidemiology.  相似文献   

The slash and mulch system of frijol tapado or covered bean is a pre-hispanic system of bean production found throughout much of Central America. However, land use pressures have forced farmers to shorten the traditional fallow period, thus resulting in decreasing productivity. A potential solution is to enrich the fallow by using leguminous nitrogen-fixing trees. The enriched fallow systems evaluated in this study include both single and mixed species treatments: 1) Erythrina poeppigiana; 2) Calliandra colothrysus; 3) Gliricidia sepium; 4) Inga edulis; 5) Inga edulis and Erythrina poeppigiana; 6) Inga edulis and Calliandra calothrysus; and 7) Inga edulis and Gliricidia sepium. Biomass production of the fallow vegetation is shown to be of greater quality and quantity in all fallow enrichment treatments. However, bean yields did not show a significant response to the fallow enrichment treatments.  相似文献   

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