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针对传统水产养殖水质监测系统不能提前预警和通信延迟高的问题,提出一种带有溶氧预测的低延迟无线传感水质监测平台。本研究搭建了4个水质监测节点,通过LoRa模块与汇聚模块进行通信,实现了水质数据的实时监测。应用边缘计算的策略,将云服务器的计算和系统控制任务卸载到上位机来降低系统延迟。上位机更新本地和云服务器的数据,同时基于小波变换和长短期记忆网络(WT-LSTM)模型实现溶氧预测功能。结果显示:与其他预测模型相比,WT-LSTM模型效果更好;pH、温度、溶氧、电导率和氨氮监测数据的相对误差,分别小于1.4%、0.7%、0.2%、12%、5%;基于评测系数分析,溶氧1 h的预测结果比较准确,可作为溶氧预警的参考。本平台可以在低成本、低延迟的情况下,实现水质数据的实时监控,并完成1 h内溶氧的预测,使得系统对增氧机的控制更加合理化、智能化。  相似文献   

为实现水产养殖过程中,水质参数监测系统的信号采集简便、数据无线传输以及操作界面简单便捷,且上位机之间能够实现数据共享,设计了一种基于LabVIEW的水产养殖水质参数监测系统。该系统以MSP430微控制器为下位机,以nRF905为数据收发模块,中心电脑端(PC机)为上位机,通过LabVIEW构建上位机监控软件,同时采用基于TCP协议的通信方式进行远程通信,LabVIEW的虚拟仪器可以实现计算机数据共享通信功能,从而实现对重要水质参数进行监测以及数据共享。试验过程采集到的数据与标定仪器测量数据,误差在2%以内,丢包率低,能实现上位机之间的数据共享。研究表明,整套系统数据采集结果正常、稳定性良好,系统控制界面简洁,操作简便,且具有性价比高和易扩展等优点。  相似文献   

根据现代化水产养殖的低耗高效的发展要求,设计了基于nRF905的水产养殖环境参数自动监控系统.该系统把监控中心PC机作为上位机,通过VB 6.0构建上位机监控软件,同时以单片机MSP430作为下位机,并通过nRFg05构建无线传感网络,从而实现自动监控系统的各项功能.经过试验,该自动监控系统能够对DO、pH进行实时的数据采集、显示和存储,并与增氧机结合对DO进行自动控制以及超限报警.养殖现场试验结果表明,该系统工作稳定、实时性好、能耗低,控制电路设计简单、成本低,有一定的应用推广价值和实际意义.  相似文献   

为解决传统网箱养殖水质检测周期长、实时性差、数据误差大、维修成本高等问题,设计了一种基于无线网桥与ZigBee进行数据传输的深海网箱养殖水质与环境监测系统。该系统主要通过水质传感器获取网箱内海水的温度、盐度、浊度、pH以及溶氧等水质参数,同时利用水下摄像机采集水中鱼群状况、水面环境信息等图像信息,并通过无线网桥将监测的水质参数与图像信息实时传输至岸基数据监控中心,由监控系统实时监测养殖环境参数变化,并且可以通过无线接入点向设备发送控制指令来进行相关操作,如通过控制图像采集设备的云台来实现对网箱水面或水下环境的监控。结果显示:采用该检测系统后,能实时传输图像信息和水质参数,并能实现实时远程控制;操控中心具有数据显示、历史数据查看、水质异常时声光报警等功能。该系统具有操作简便、响应快速、成本较低、可靠性高等优点,具有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

为实现大规模海水养殖过程中养殖环境的动态移动采集、数据无线传输及结果的远程监控,设计了一种基于第4代移动通信(4G)、长距离无线通信(Lora)、遗传算法的小型无人船海洋养殖环境监测系统。该系统以小型无人船为载体,以STM32为控制核心,以4G、Lora为数据无线传输手段,岸基电脑(PC机)或云平台为上位机,通过搭载遗传算法,依据上位机给出的巡检坐标,自动完成区域内海水养殖环境巡检及数据上传,用户可通过浏览器、手机等手段进行数据查看。结果显示:p H、溶氧传感器采集的数据与标定仪器测量数据具有较高的一致性,温度最高偏差为0.5℃,行驶距离较未优化前有大幅度下降。研究表明:该系统准确性、稳定性良好,方便易用,具有一定理论及应用价值。  相似文献   

为了实现对水产养殖池塘内水质参数的多点采集及实时监控,本文利用数字化数据采集技术、嵌入式系统技术以及无线传感器网络技术等,开发了一种水产养殖监控系统。此系统不仅可以利用基站采集到定点的水质参数,还能够利用机器鱼搭载无线传感器的方式采集到池塘内不定点的水质参数,实现了多点数据采集,并通过基站上的人机交互模块以及中心机房的上位机与用户进行交互。结果表明,该系统运行稳定,采集的数据符合所需的精度要求,监控范围大大提高,能够满足水产养殖监控的需要。  相似文献   

为实时掌握水产养殖水质和气象环境信息,针对溶氧控制过程中非线性、惯性大和时滞的问题,以循环水流水槽养殖模式为基础,设计了水产养殖环境监测和控制系统。通过PLC对养殖环境中溶氧、pH、温度、湿度、风速、风向、大气压等参数进行信息采集与传输,上位机实时显示环境信息,用模糊算法处理信息,处理后的结果作为PLC的输出传送到变频器中,变频器控制增氧机调节水中溶氧量。结果显示:该系统可实时传输与显示上述参数信息,提供历史数据和环境异常报警功能。模糊控制在调节溶氧过程中超调小、精度高,溶氧偏差±0.4 mg/L,可减少增氧机启停次数、延长设备寿命。监控系统进行实地应用测试,达到预期效果,可在水产养殖中进行推广和应用。  相似文献   

为了快速准确地实现对渔船捕捞设备测控系统的实时监控,对过程中信号数据进行实时跟踪与回放,利用过程控制服务器(OPC)软件,在LabVIEW中编程,实现PC与PLC S7-200实时通讯,在上位机实现复杂控制与数据存取等功能;此系统建立了友好的人机监控界面,实现了试验系统泵组、阀组以及传感器组多监控量的精准控制与实时显示,并实现了数据的自动跟踪报警功能.通过构建集中监控系统,方便了工作人员在后台监控各个设备的运行状态,管理设备的运行,从而降低了管理难度和强度.  相似文献   

华南沿海养殖近江牡蛎的分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏天凤 《南方水产》2006,2(6):72-75
近江牡蛎是我国贝类养殖的主要对象,在华南沿海养殖已有700多年的历史。根据肉的颜色,近江牡蛎通常被珠江三角洲蚝民称为“赤蚝”和“白蚝”,但它们的贝壳形态极其相似。近江牡蛎分类鉴定研究已被探讨多年,传统的形态学、解剖学等已不能完全解决近江牡蛎的分类问题。近年发展起来的分子生物学技术在近江牡蛎分类方面取得了突破性的进展。文章综述了近江牡蛎分类研究进展,综合有关研究报道认为华南沿海养殖的近江牡蛎可能是3个物种的混合体:“赤蚝”可能是一个新种,而“白蚝”含有香港巨牡蛎和有明巨牡蛎2个物种。  相似文献   

针对水产苗种培育过程中人工观测水体环境存在不精确和不及时的问题,设计开发了基于物联网云存储及Android平台的水产苗种培育水质参数远程无线监控系统。前端传感器用于检测培育水质的各物理参数,通过WIFI无线网络将所获得的数据发送至物联网云存储平台,然后通过手机客户端APP读取云存储平台上的数据并显示,供用户浏览查看,手机APP可对异常数据进行报警提示。用户可以通过手机客户端APP实现现场设备的手动远程控制,对超出阈值的参数,系统能够对现场相应设备进行自动控制。该系统中机智云的引入降低了物联网硬件的开发难度及成本,APP界面简洁、操作简单、成本低廉,还预留可扩展接口,为用户提供形象直观的实时数据监测平台。对该系统进行了水温、p H、溶氧和氨氮的采集和传输测试、也对现场设备进行了远程控制测试。测试结果显示该系统可以达到水产苗种培育水质参数监控要求。  相似文献   

近江牡蛎养殖水体中细菌产酶能力的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解近江牡蛎养殖水体中细菌的产酶特性 ,筛选出有应用潜力的有益菌 ,本实验从近江牡蛎养殖水体中分离到 32株菌。革兰氏染色表明 ,10株为革兰氏阳性菌 ,2 2株革兰氏阴性菌。在此基础上研究了它们蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶的产酶能力。结果表明 ,6 1.9% ( 17株 )的菌株能分泌蛋白酶 ,71.9% ( 2 3株 )菌株能分泌脂肪酶或淀粉酶 ,34.4 % ( 11株 )的菌株产纤维素酶。这些产酶菌株均以革兰氏阴性菌为主。在这 32株菌中 ,产四种酶的有 5株菌 ,产三种酶的有 9株菌 ,产两种酶的有 9株菌 ,产一种酶的有 9株菌 ,也就是说 ,所有的菌株都能产酶。由此表明近江牡蛎养殖水体中细菌在该环境物质循环中的重要地位。  相似文献   

Owing to heavy criticisms of nearshore fish farming for causing environmental pollution and encroaching on sea space used for shipping, boating, recreational sea activities and marine eco-tourism, offshore fish farming has now being seriously considered. Moreover an offshore site provides more pristine water and greater space for increased fish production. However, offshore fish farming poses challenges such as a more energetic sea environment. A higher sea current can lead to large deformation of fish net and hence a net volume reduction which compromises fish welfare. With the view to identifying the effects of various important parameters on net volume reduction of a gravity-type open-net fish cage, this paper adopts a mass-spring model for the dynamic analysis of current-induced net deformations of cylindrical fish nets with discrete weights hanging at the bottom edge of the nets. In this model, the net mesh comprises knot nodes and bar nodes connected by tension-only massless springs. The spring stiffness is determined from the net bar diameters and material properties. The current-induced loads are applied to each node and calculated based on Morrison’s equation. The governing equation system for nodal motions can be established according to Newton’s second law, and solved by using the Runge-Kutta method for the real-time net deformations. The effects of net string reinforcements, weight distributions and net shapes on the net volume reduction are studied with the view to shed insights into how one may improve fish cage designs to effectively mitigate net deformation under high sea current speeds in offshore fish farming sites.  相似文献   

为了解近江牡蛎肠道厌氧菌在食饵消化过程中的作用,为微生态饲用添加剂的开发研究打下基础,从近江牡蛎肠道中分离出8株厌氧菌,其中有5株为革兰氏阳性菌。并研究了它们蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶的产酶能力,结果表明仅有3株菌具有产酶能力:2株菌能分泌脂肪酶,1株菌能分泌蛋白酶。由此可见.厌氧菌在分泌消化酶、消化食饵中所起的作用不大。  相似文献   

In order to promote the development of aquaculture informatization and monitor aquaculture ponds more accurately and conveniently, this article has developed a water quality monitoring system for aquaculture ponds based on the narrow band internet of things (NB-IoT) technology. This system realizes remote collection and data storage of multi-sensor processor information (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and other environmental parameters), as well as intelligent control and centralized management of breeding ponds. The system uses STM32L151C8 microcontroller and sensor terminal real-time acquisition, such as temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen. It realizes data aggregation and transmission over a long distance to the Internet of things (IoT) telecom cloud platform through the technology of NB-IoT. The software called Keil implement the data format design of wireless communication module and data transmission. Java is used to develop background monitoring applications for accessing cloud platform, controlling underlying devices and local data processing. It can not only send hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) requests to monitor cloud platform data, but also issue commands to the underlying control module to control the startup and shutdown of equipment such as aerator. The system was implemented and tested in ChangZhou, JiangSu Province, China. The experimental results showed that the system can obtain water quality parameters in time. The temperature control accuracy is maintained at ±0.12℃, the average relative error is 0.15 %, the dissolved oxygen control accuracy is maintained within ±0.55mg/L, the average relative error is 2.48 %, the pH control accuracy is maintained at ±0.09, and the average relative error is 0.21 %. The system has stable overall operation, real-time and accurate data transmission, which can meet the actual production needs and provide strong data and technical support for further water quality regulation and aquaculture production management.  相似文献   

In the past, farming of the European lobster in land-based systems has turned out to be difficult. The ideal system for rearing lobsters individually should be relatively inexpensive to construct and operate, simple to maintain, based on automatic feeding and self-cleaning of tank and cages, maintain ideal water quality conditions, use space in three dimensions, enable high densities, conserve water at high temperatures, ensure good survival and permit easy access to the livestock for inspection and feeding. Several attempts have been made to mass-produce these cannibalistic crustaceans under controlled environments. However, none of the many previous attempts have proved to be successful in incorporating all of these features into a single design. Thus, the development of land-based lobster farming has been severely hampered by lack of suitable technology and production methods. The major constraints have been the need for individual rearing cages to avoid cannibalism, need of heated water, lack of high quality dry food, high labor costs, inadequate technological solutions and high investment costs.Today, Norwegian Lobster Farm operates the world's first land-based RAS farm producing plate sized lobsters. The company also operates its own brood-stock department and a hatchery for production of IV-stage juveniles. The system contains a patented single cage technology with moving bed biofilters where the recirculation system is designed to fit the water management. Automated solutions for accurate feeding, robots supporting mass-rearing of the IV-stage juveniles and image processing programs for daily monitoring of each single individual have been developed and successfully tested.  相似文献   

A prepared dry feed containing bloodworm meal Glycera chirori Izuka and oyster meal Crassostrea rivularis Gould, together with a natural diet consisting of G. chirori and shelled C. rivularis (1:1 ratio) and a mixed diet consisting of the prepared dry feed and the natural diet in equal proportion were evaluated as broodstock diets for female Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei- (Boone ). Results showed that shrimp fed the prepared dry feed gave higher maturation ratio and significantly higher hepatosomatic index (HSI) values (P < 0.05) than those fed the natural diet and the mixed diet. The prepared dry feed and the mixed diet induced higher total spawn numbers and significantly higher average daily spawns per female than the natural diet (P < 0.05), while the gonadosomatic index (GSI) values and fecundity (eggs per spawn) were not significantly affected by these diets. Results of this study showed that both the prepared dry feed and the mixed diet outperformed the natural diet to improve the spawning performance of female L. vannamei , and that using G. chirori meal and C. rivularis meal as the main ingredients of the prepared dry feed would be an effective way to promote the broodstock nutrition.  相似文献   

针对无线化的水产养殖水质监测系统耗能大、电池寿命短的问题,设计了基于Zigbee和GPRS的节能型水质监测系统。通过采用低功耗器件,在电源与传感器、信号调理电路之间添加选通芯片ADG1414控制各模块分时分区工作,减少各模块的供电时间来降低硬件能耗;通过设置阈值对采集的数据进行判断,对阈值范围内的数据不发送,减少数据发送量,从而减少系统数据发送能耗。以CC2530为核心构建无线传感网络,将传感器采集到的温度、p H、溶氧等水质参数传输至监测中心,构建实时监测平台,并在此基础上建立数据管理系统,实现对水产养殖水质环境的实时监测。系统测试与实验结果表明,该系统节能效果显著,能有效延长无线水质监测系统电池的工作时间。  相似文献   

A computer model characterizing the performance of a u-tube oxygen absorption system was developed based on finite difference-mass transfer calculations. Performance was assessed in terms of oxygen utilization, transfer efficiency and economy. The system evaluated was unique in that oxygen not absorbed initially (off-gas) was captured and recycled. Mass transfer coefficients derived from pilot-scale test data were used to calibrate the computer model. A separate series of tests served to verify the effects of off-gas recycling as predicted by the program. Simulation data indicate off-gas recycling can result in substantial savings in variable and total costs of oxygen transfer with only a minor increase in capital expenditures, both initially and when amortized. The benefits achieved will increase with lower oxygen flow rates, deeper shaft depths, and low influent dissolved oxygen concentrations. Performance algorithms developed should be useful to those establishing design conditions for pure oxygen u-tube systems.  相似文献   

为探讨江苏沿海地区海水鱼类养殖过程中的越冬问题,构建了基于温室保温与微藻净水的封闭式循环水养殖系统,用于开展黑鲷越冬试验。通过在线监测系统记录冬季运行期间系统内外水温与气温,研究太阳能温室的保温性能;通过定期采样检测养殖系统水质,比较投加微藻前后养殖池水质的差异,研究微藻净水的可行性。结果显示:冬季温室内海水循环养殖系统的平均水温显著高于温室外水温,有利于黑鲷顺利越冬并延长生长期;在养殖系统内接种微藻可有效降低水体氨氮(NH+4-N)浓度,并将亚硝酸盐氮(NH-2-N)浓度维持在较低水平,有利于维护养殖系统水质稳定。研究表明:集成温室保温与微藻净水的海水循环养殖系统可实现黑鲷越冬养殖。本研究可为存在积温不足和越冬问题的区域发展海水鱼类养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

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