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Between 1979 and 1991, hatchery-reared 1+ and 2+ rainbow trout were released in May and June in the Boknafjord at the mouth of the River Imsa, and from April to June in the Oslofjord, southern Norway. The fish were recaptured in the fjords of release, in rivers emptying there and from rivers and sea further along the Norwegian coast. Of the total recaptures, 35.6% ascended rivers in the year of release. Some fish released at the River Imsa returned to the area of release after spending 1 to 3 years at sea. Among those that were recaptured in rivers, 11.9% were recaptured in other rivers than the Imsa. The growth rate of the fish varied inversely with size at release. The growth rate was higher in the Oslofjord than in the Boknafjord, and in both areas the growth rate decreased with time after release. Rainbow trout that had escaped from local fish farms entered the River Imsa between March and December. Adults ascending in spring remained a shorter time in the river (37 days) than those ascending in autumn (200 days). Fish entering in autumn decreased more in weight during their river stay than those ascending in spring, and females more than males. Spawning took place in April-May. The monthly mean river stay of juvenile entrants ranged from 2 weeks to 6 months. In total, 27.8% of the rainbow trout escaped from fish farms and captured in the Imsa strayed to other rivers for repeat spawning. There is no evidence for continuing survival of escaped Norwegian rainbow trout in the wild.  相似文献   

Marked hatchery-reared smolts were released into the River Bush on the 1 May and 19 May 1980. and the time for their descent to trapping facilities was monitored. Of the smolts recaptured in each experiment 56.2% and 75.8% respectively descended the 3.5 km to the traps within 48 h, and the overall patterns of their downstream movements were found to be correlated to that of wild smolts. Smolts migrating from control tanks did so more slowly than those released into the river, and were not correlated with the movements of wild smolts. The feeding of recaptured hatchery smolts was compared with that of wild smolts for up to 11 days after the start of each experiment. It was found that most invertebrate groupings were not consumed at significantly different levels in the two groups, and that hatchery-reared fish began feeding on invertebrate food within 9 hours of release.  相似文献   

Abstract. In total, 10014 hatchery-reared 1+ and 2+ rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were released near the mouth of the River Imsa, south-western Norway, and in the Oslofjord, south-eastern Norway. The reported recapture rate was significantly higher in the Oslofjord(15·4%) than at Ims(3·6%). Between 70 and 80% of the recaptures were made in the year of release. The fish were recaptured in rivers and the sea along the Norwegian coast, most of them near the release sites. In total, 60% were recaptured in salt water and 40% in fresh water. Fish released in the Oslofjord were largely captured with rod and line. Of those released at Ims most of the freshwater recaptures were made in a fish trap in the River Imsa. In salt water most fish were captured by nets. Specific growth rate varied inversely with body weight at release, decreased with time after release and decreased faster for fish released in the Oslofjord than at Ims. In general, the proportion of fish recaptured increased with mean fish weight at release. Recaptured biomass per 1000 fish released was higher when released in the Oslofjord (87·12kg) than at Ims (24·42kg). Stocking of rainbow trout in fjords is feasible and may contribute to local recreational fisheries. Yield was highest when relatively small (∼50g) fish were released. Economically, the best results may be obtained when the fish are released in nutrient rich fjords.  相似文献   

Movement and recaptures of two hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., stocks and landlocked salmon, Salmo salar L., released at different sites in regulated Lake Oulujärvi, were studied in relation to release site. Five groups of fish from each stock were released in approximately equal numbers. Most of the fish released in June and July were recaptured within 3 months, whereas the majority of the fish released in early winter (October and November) were caught the following spring, about 7–9 months after stocking. The release site had a significant effect on recapture rate. The results showed that fishing restrictions targeted mainly at gill net fishing are needed to preserve the stocked fish from overfishing. Significantly fewer recaptures were observed from the landlocked salmon stocking compared with brown trout. The recaptures from the landlocked salmon stocking indicated more active movement and less clumping compared with the two brown trout stocks.  相似文献   

Stocking is an important management tool for enhancing fisheries resources, but its actual contribution to fisheries resources is controversial, taking into consideration both the positive and negative effects. This study compared density and biomass of hatchery (otolith thermal marked) and wild masu salmon parr between stocked and unstocked rivers to evaluate the contribution of stocking with hatchery‐reared fish. Density and biomass of all fish did not differ between stocked and unstocked rivers. Moreover, density and biomass of wild fish in the stocked rivers were lower than those of the unstocked rivers. Density and biomass of hatchery fish in a non‐natural reproducing river were similar with those of all fish in natural reproducing rivers. These results indicate that hatchery stocking does not have positive effects on population density or biomass but replaces wild fish with hatchery fish and that non‐natural reproducing areas are more suitable as stocking sites.  相似文献   

The River Dalälven Baltic salmon, Salmo salar L., population has been maintained by stocking reared fish since the early 1920s. Initially, all rearing was carried out at one hatchery, but since the late 1980s two have been used. Both hatcheries are situated 9–10 km from the river mouth but some 600 m apart. All broodfish were caught in a single fish trap situated some 700 m upstream of the upper hatchery. The salmon smolts were released just below the water outlets of each hatchery, respectively. About 2% of the released smolts from each hatchery were tagged annually with Carlin tags. Total recapture rates were higher for smolts from the lower hatchery. A higher proportion of recaptured fish was reported from the home river for salmon from the upper hatchery. The migration within the river to the fish trap was more precise for fish from the upper station. Strays were very late in the season and of a higher number from the lower hatchery. Observations of jumping salmon by the outlet from the lower station indicated that salmon returned to that point. The lower recaptures in the trap were considered a result of a shorter river migration of salmon from the lower hatchery.  相似文献   

Migration success of hatchery-reared and wild sea trout smolts through the lower stretches and the estuary of a Baltic Sea river were studied. During 3 years, wild and hatchery trout smolts were implanted with acoustic transmitters and released 14 km upstream from the river mouth. In order to monitor their out-migration pattern, acoustic receivers were deployed along the migratory route. Data on number of fish detected and date and time of detections were analysed and the migratory performance of wild and hatchery-reared fish was compared. A significantly higher proportion of wild fish (80%) successfully migrated to the coast compared to fish of hatchery origin (27.5%) and migration was faster in wild smolts. Hatchery fish were larger and had a higher condition factor and lipid concentrations, which are proposed as possible reasons for the poorer migratory performance of the hatchery-reared fish.  相似文献   

Abstract  Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., reared from two Baltic strains were released around the islands Bornholm and Møn in the Baltic Sea between 1995 and 1999. A total 600 000 reared salmon were released from net pens using the delayed release technique, keeping the salmon in net pens for approximately 3 months after smolting, and 208 000 were released directly from the hatchery. Of these, 15 958 were tagged with Carlin tags. Additionally, 65 300 coded wire tagged salmon were released as delayed release salmon close to Bornholm in 2000. Recaptures from the five years of Carlin tagged releases varied between 2.8% and 21.2% (average 13.1%). Most recaptures were from within the Baltic Sea (average 98%), but some were recaptured outside the Baltic Sea, either in the sea (1%) or in fresh water (1%). Recaptures outside the Baltic Sea and in fresh water were higher for releases at Møn in the western part of the Baltic, than releases at Bornholm. Straying rates from the releases into six rivers on the Swedish west coast were estimated using information from capture in traps and sport and broodstock fisheries. The proportion of straying salmon in rivers on the Swedish west coast was about 3.8% of the salmon run, but with large variations between rivers. Releases were discontinued because of possible deleterious effect on the local wild salmon populations.  相似文献   

Releases of hatchery-reared smolts of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the Rivers Orkla, Gaula and Alta, Norway yielded large percentages of strays (194, 13.7 and 13.8% respectively), based on recaptures from anglers. Homing precision to the rivers of release was independent of the release site on the river. Distribution of recaptured adult salmon within the rivers was dependent on the release site; upstream releases yielded more upstream recaptures than did downstream releases.  相似文献   

. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr and smolts from three Norwegian rivers were examined with respect to whether or not they had been released from a hatchery. The hatchery background was known for some released fish and could be ascertained for others from their aberrant body morphology and eroded fins. Fish released after one winter in a hatchery had opaque otoliths like the fish examined from two hatcheries. Naturally produced fish showed a distinct, seasonal growth pattern in the otoliths, alternating between opaque summer zones and hyaline winter zones. Fish released as fry showed an otolith pattern similar to that of naturally produced fish. A test revealed little discrepancy between two independent otolith readings even though the test reading was conducted without any information about the fish accompanying the otoliths. The results suggest that examination of otoliths may help distinguish between juveniles that are hatchery-reared and juveniles that are naturally produced in the river, provided that the hatchery-reared fish have a 1-year history in the hatchery prior to release.  相似文献   

Harvest hatchery programmes serve to augment fisheries but should also minimise impacts to wild populations. In an experiment to increase harvest in an anadromous hatchery steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), terminal river fishery, a new hatchery strain, was created using selective breeding of early arriving adults to the river. First‐generation progeny of the new early arriving strain were reared and released over 4 years concurrent with releases of the standard hatchery strain. This study compares adult return timing, terminal harvest and straying behaviour of progeny of the early arriving and standard hatchery strains. The new strain migrated towards the terminal river fishery earlier, they were harvested earlier in the eight‐month fishing season and their overall harvest was 17% greater, but 7.7% of the new strain strayed to other rivers compared to 5.0% of the standard strain. Selective breeding to match adult return timing with fishing effort may help bolster harvest, but a paired release evaluation, such as was conducted in this study, would be prudent before switching all hatchery production to a selectively bred strain.  相似文献   

Abstract The post-stocking behaviour of hatchery-reared juvenile European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), with in-stream acclimatization in a pool for 4, 8, and 12 days before release was compared with fish released directly into a 370-m long seminatural stream during 1995 and 1996. The behaviour of these groups was compared with fish acclimatized for 16 h in a holding pen (0.7 m3) in a more fast-flowing part of the stream. All fish were released in the experimental stream at the same time. Initially groups of 30 individuals were compared, but this was reduced because of the mortality during acclimatization. Temporal and spatial distribution, feed intake in relation to sex and size of fish were followed for 7 days after release. Between 33 and 59% of all groups of fish released into the pool left the experimental area and were recaptured in a trap at the downstream end of the experimental stream. The acclimatization period had no significant influence on the percentage of fish moving downstream. Significantly more grayling left the stream from the holding pen (76.7%) than fish released in the pool (47.2%). Of the recaptured fish, 77% had been feeding. Fish recaptured within a week had lost more than 10% of their initial weight measured at the hatchery. Fish recaptured more than 2 weeks after release had lost a significantly smaller percentage of their initial weight compared with fish recaptured in the first 2 weeks. No differences were found in spatial distribution or feeding activity between sexes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., yearlings were captured shortly (3h to one week) after their release in a Norwegian stream. The feeding of recaptured hatchery fish was compared with that of wild brown trout. The investigations were carried out during three different periods (May, July and October). Investigations of drift fauna indicated that food availability was best in May. Most hatchery-reared brown trout started feeding shortly after their release in all three periods. Hatchery fish went through a learning process with respect to feeding. This was most clearly demonstrated by the amounts of plant fragments in their stomachs, which were always greater in hatchery fish than in wild fish but which decreased with time after release in hatchery fish stomachs in all three periods. By about a week after release, hatchery trout appeared to be feeding on wild prey nearly as well as did wild fish, but they achieved this better in May than in October.  相似文献   

Abstract. Shortly after their release in two Norwegian lakes (3 hours to 3 weeks), hatchery-reared brown trout, Salamo trutta L., yearlings were recaptured, and their feeding was compared with that of wild brown trout. Investigations were conducted during three different periods (June, August and September). In all three periods most of the hatchery-reared fish started feeding immediately after their release. The amounts of exuviae from Ephemeroptera larvae and Chironomidae pupae found in the stomachs of hatchery-reared trout decreased with time, indicating that their feeding habits were influenced by a learning process. However, within one week of their release, hatchery trout appeared to be feeding on wild prey as well as did wild fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two groups of 0+ brown trout, Salmo trutta L., one pond-reared and one hatchery-reared (fish length 32-80mm), were released in eight small streams in three different areas of Norway between 1984 and 1987. Hatchery and pond fish were reared at different sites, but releases were made both near the rearing site and in the home area of the other group. A total of 2550 fish were recaptured by electrofishing the year after stocking. We found great variations in the recapture rates of pond and hatchery fish in one stream between years, and between streams in different areas the same year. These results indicate that the rearing method is not essential to the recapture rate. Both pond and hatchery fish generally had higher recapture rates in streams near their rearing site than in the distant areas. Thus factors associated with transportation seem to influence the survival of stocked fish. The results also indicate that size at stocking may be an important factor for the recapture rate.  相似文献   

Little is known about the survival rate of wild masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou. To examine the effects of smolt length and migration timing on the recovery rate of wild masu salmon, we reanalyzed past tagging and recovery data (1993–1994). The tagging study was conducted in the Shokanbetsu River, northern Japan; 863 wild masu salmon smolts were captured, tagged, and released in a downstream site, and a total of 19 fish were recovered in coastal fisheries and in the natal river the following year. The data were analyzed by a logistic regression analysis with recapture as a response variable and tagging date and smolt length as explanatory variables; the tagging date had a significant effect on the recapture rate, whereas the effect of smolt size was not significant. Despite the small number of recaptures, this study indicates that migration timing is a factor affecting the marine survival of wild masu salmon smolts, although this conclusion has been repeatedly documented for other species of Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp.  相似文献   

Abstract. One thousand each of pond and hatchery reared 0+ brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were fin-clipped and released in a 1300-m2 large earthen pond. The pond was drawn down 5 days after the introduction, and descending individuals were caught in a trap at the outlet. A total of 904 pond-reared and 890 hatchery-reared fish were recaptured, i.e. a loss of 9·6 and 110% respectively, A total of 25 pond-reared and 16 hatchery reared fish were recorded stranded in the pond during the draw-down, accounting for 2·7 and 1·8% of total recoveries.
Pond-reared fish descended significantly earlier than did hatchery fish. Most individuals descended during the first 4·5h (75-83%). However, the final recoveries were made 10 days (233h) after the first descent.  相似文献   

Abstract  Scales from hatchery-reared, stocked and wild mulloway Argyrosomus japonicus (Temminck and Schlegel) captured in the Georges River, and a library of mulloway scales from coastal New South Wales, were examined for the presence of scale checks. Checks specific for hatchery-reared fish were present in 100% of recaptured hatchery-reared mulloway; the origin of which was confirmed by the presence of a chemical mark in the otolith or fin spine. Up to 7% of wild mulloway were incorrectly classified as hatchery-reared on the basis of these checks. An abrupt reduction in salinity from 35 to 5 and 6 days starvation successfully induced checks in the scales of hatchery-reared mulloway. The marking efficiency for stocking checks was comparable to that obtained using oxytetracycline hydrochloride, and supports the short-term use of scale stocking checks to evaluate mulloway stock enhancement programmes in Australia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   In relation to the stock enhancement program for barfin flounder, hatchery juveniles produced in 2001 were genotyped using microsatellite DNA markers (msDNA) and then released to natural waters. Subsequently, recaptured individuals, designated as 'tentative recaptured', were examined using msDNA. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the stock enhancement program, pairwise F ST and genic differentiation tests were used to estimate the genetic divergence between the wild samples, the hatchery broodstock, and the tentative recaptured samples. Analysis showed significant differentiation among these three groups. Pedigree determination by msDNA was used to establish the origin of the tentative recaptured individuals, in order to elucidate whether they were hatchery produced, 'real recaptured', or wild specimens. Wild individuals were not found. The effective population size of the real recaptured stock was very low ( N e = 16.6). Equal family survivability was observed between the released and real recaptured stocks, indicating that the genetic variability of the released stock was maintained in the natural environment. Future broodstock management, breeding designs, and family contribution equalization of the offspring to be released will be required in this rare species to avoid unintended genetic differentiation between the wild population and the hatchery broodstock.  相似文献   

Fishing is a major recreational activity in Denmark, involving both inland and coastal waters. Anglers, aged 18–67, and amateur fishermen, aged 12–67, must hold a valid fishing permit. Fees are used for stocking, river restoration and fisheries research. All proposals for stocking inland waters require stocking plans based on the carrying capacity of the aquatic habitat in question. All stocking is undertaken using hatchery-reared fish that are the offspring, either of wild fish caught in nature for subsequent stripping, or of more or less domesticated fish stocks that have lived in captivity for several generations. Stocking is also subject to genetic guidelines. This paper reviews the status of fisheries in Danish inland waters, their regulation, socio-economic aspects, stocking, aquaculture and the main problems and trends.  相似文献   

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