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黄河林场3种啄木鸟繁殖期生态的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黑枕绿啄木鸟,斑啄木鸟和小星头啄木鸟时,空生态位的研究表明:它们在人工林中生态位宽度重迭值较大,但绿啄木鸟与小星头啄木鸟之间的空间生态位重迭较小;日活动曲线2个高峰,前峰高于后峰且稍有差异,3种啄木鸟活动取食范围较大,除叶枝外,能在树木所有部位配合捕食愉株害虫;啄木鸟在混交林出现频率高也与林中有宜巢树等栖息条件有密切关系。因此,营林方式对啄木鸟的招引及群落结构都有一定的影响。  相似文献   

黄河林场3种啄木鸟繁殖期生态位的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黑枕绿啄木鸟、斑啄木鸟和小星头啄本鸟时、空生态位的研究表明:它们在人工林中生总位宽度重这位较大,但绿啄木鸟与小星头啄木鸟之间的空间生态位重迭较小;日活动曲线出现2个高峰,前峰高于后峰且稍有差异,3种啄木鸟活动取食范围较大,除叶枝外,能在树木所有部位配合捕食全株害虫;啄木鸟在混交林出现频率高也与林中有宜巢树等栖息条件有密切关系。因此,营林方式对啄木鸟的招引及群落结构都有一定影响。  相似文献   

啄木鸟春枫啄木鸟天生没有金嗓子,从来没人听见它唱出美丽的歌。更没有听说有谁把啄木鸟捕来关进笼子喂养观赏的。而百灵鸟则凭着一副永不疲倦的嗓子赢得了养鸟人的宠爱。据说一座山上绝不会同时见到啄木鸟和百灵鸟的影子。因为,百灵鸟看不惯啄木鸟“笨头呆脑”的样子,...  相似文献   

2001年至2003年,作者对朔城区杨树人工林内人工招引的大斑啄木鸟营巢的特性进行了研究,提出了人工鸟巢悬挂的合理时间、高度、位置、密度及间隔距离等,为该区大斑啄木鸟的保护和人工招引工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

啄木鸟·猫头鹰·麻雀苏玉芹啄木鸟学会了给大树治病的本领。一年中,它成功地医治了近千棵病树,成了出色的外科大夫。年终,它被评为飞禽界的先进工作者。评选结束后,猫头鹰对麻雀说:”论嘴的锋利、论眼光的敏锐,我都不比啄木鸟差,我就不相信干不过它!”麻雀翘翘尾...  相似文献   

啄木鸟又名列鸟,属列鸟形目树栖鸟类。啄木鸟种类多,分布广。全球有224种.我国有25种。据科学考察测定,除了澳洲和印度洋岛国马达力。斯加外,全球各地森林中都有分布。在我国分布较广的是缘啄木鸟和斑啄木鸟.均属留鸟。啄木鸟虽是典型的爬树鸟类,但它们一上一下的短距离跳跃式飞行速度也极快。啄木鸟目明耳聪,嗅觉灵敏,听听看看嗅嗅便能准确地判断出害虫藏身作恶的部位,捕捉时百发百中."弹"无虚发。啄木鸟的足趾很奇特,第二和第三趾朝前,而第一和第四趾则向后,并且具有锐利的钩爪,所以它能有力地抓握树十。啄木鸟那粗硬而富…  相似文献   

啄木鸟在林区凿树洞栖息、繁衍;同时,以啄虫为生,终被誉为“森林卫士”、“森林医生”。然而当其在树干上凿洞营巢时,也对树木造成伤口,且伤口较明显,农民认为损伤了自己的经济利益。由此看来,人们对啄木鸟在农区功与过的认识有待澄清。  相似文献   

在茂密的森林里,常可听到“笃、笃、笃……”的梆敲声,这就是啄木鸟在为遭受虫害的病树“看病”,进行精心“叩诊”治疗。所以,人们又管啄木鸟叫“百树笑”,这是人们对它的赞颂和评价。啄木鸟又叫捣木棺,奔打木,属鴷形目啄木鸟科。在我国啄木鸟共有十八种,其中黑枕腹啄木鸟、黑啄木鸟、大斑啄木鸟和棕  相似文献   

青云 《森林与人类》2005,25(6):90-93
近来,美国多家媒体报道,美国政府已经赶制出一项耗资1500万美元的保护象牙喙啄木鸟的计划,民间投资也超过了1000万美元,大家都希望把握住这个大自然赐给人类的第二次机会。象牙喙啄木鸟曾经在1944年被定为“灭绝物种”,却在最近奇迹般地被重新发现,一些鸟类学家则称象牙喙啄木鸟在人间“复活”。  相似文献   

斑啄木鸟及诱饵树防治桑天牛效果的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过两年对斑啄木鸟啄食桑天牛越冬幼虫的系统观察表明,在斑啄木鸟种群密度约为0.37 ̄0.55只/hm^2时,其平均啄食率可达24.71%,啄食高峰期在1月份。用栽植构树饵树诱杀桑天牛成虫的方法,两年后使试验林有虫株率下降了51.3 ̄84.8%,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

In bottomland hardwood forests, partial cutting techniques are increasingly advocated and used to create habitat for priority wildlife like Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and Neotropical migrants. Although partial cutting may be beneficial to some species, those that use dead wood may be negatively affected since large diameter and poor quality trees (deformed, moribund, or dead) are rare, but normally targeted for removal. On the other hand, partial cutting can create dead wood if logging slash is left on-site. We studied foraging behavior of pileated woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus) in one- and two-year-old partial cuts designed to benefit priority species and in uncut forest during winter, spring, and summer of 2006 and 2007 in Louisiana. Males and females did not differ in their use of tree species, dbh class, decay class, foraging height, use of foraging tactics or substrate types; however, males foraged on larger substrates than females. In both partial cut and uncut forest, standing live trees were most frequently used (83% compared to 14% for standing dead trees and 3% for coarse woody debris); however, dead trees were selected (i.e. used out of proportion to availability). Overcup oak (Quercus lyrata) and bitter pecan (Carya aquatica) were also selected and sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) avoided. Pileated woodpeckers selected trees ≥50 cm dbh and avoided trees in smaller dbh classes (10–20 cm). Density of selected foraging substrates was the same in partial cut and uncut forest. Of the foraging substrates, woodpeckers spent 54% of foraging time on live branches and boles, 37% on dead branches and boles, and 9% on vines. Of the foraging tactics, the highest proportion of foraging time was spent excavating (58%), followed by pecking (14%), gleaning (14%), scaling (7%), berry-eating (4%), and probing (3%). Woodpecker use of foraging tactics and substrates, and foraging height and substrate diameter did not differ between recent partial cut and uncut forest. Partial cutting designed to improve or maintain habitat for priority wildlife did not affect pileated woodpecker foraging behavior or availability of selected trees compared to uncut forest in the short term.  相似文献   

斑啄木鸟生物学特性及控制光肩星天牛危害初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001—2003年,观察掌握了斑啄木鸟在内蒙古鄂尔多斯地区的主要生物学特性,雄鸟的平均取食范围是12.7 hm2,雌鸟为15.8 hm2;3 a挂出710个杨、柳心腐木段招引啄木鸟,成功营巢率8%,对光肩星天牛幼虫的啄食率为62.3%~80%,斑啄木鸟控制光肩星天牛幼虫危害效果显著。  相似文献   

Plantations of exotic trees for industrial and agricultural purposes are burgeoning in the tropics, and some of them offer the opportunity to study community ecology of animals in a simplified forest setting. We examined bird community assembly in different aged groves of the industrial tree mangium (Acacia mangium) at two plantations in Malaysian Borneo: Sabah Softwoods near Tawau, Sabah, and the Planted Forest Project, near Bintulu, Sarawak. Bird communities were compared among three age-groups of mangium (2-, 5-, and 7-years old) and logged native forest. Mangium rapidly developed into a secondary forest consisting of a wide diversity of understory trees and shrubs. The bird community correspondingly increased in species richness and diversity, and we were able to relate these increases specifically to canopy height, secondary canopy development, and shrub cover. Species of common, small bodied frugivores, nectarivores, and insectivores were diverse in older plantation groves, as were common mid-sized insectivores. However, large, specialized, and normally uncommon taxa (e.g., galliforms, pigeons, hornbills, barbets, midsized woodpeckers, muscicapine flycatchers, and wren babblers) were rare or nonexistent in the plantations. Because we lacked species-specific data on foraging, nesting, and other behaviors of most groups of birds, it was difficult to explain the precise causes of seral diversification in any group except woodpeckers, which have been well studied in Southeast Asia. Thus, in future, particular emphasis needs to be placed on obtaining such data. Industrial plantations, by virtue of their simple structure, variably aged groves, and bird community richness, are good places to gather such data.  相似文献   

利用油茶蜜源克服蜂群蜂量“冬消春衰”获得成功。意大利蜜蜂采集油茶蜜源,在科学饲喂“蜂乐”解毒灵的基础上,加强保温,适时取蜜,强群采集,就可克服蜂群因冬季气温不适、蜜源不足而造成的群势消减现象,春季群势复壮速度明显加快,同时可培育越冬蜂王,取得显著经济效益。  相似文献   

通过不同林分黑翅土白蚁采食工蚁的饵料筛选结果,分析白蚁取食经历对食物选择的影响。结果表明:来自不同林分的黑翅土白蚁喜食树种最佳为鹅掌楸树皮粉,其工蚁数量、泥被覆盖率和饵料被食率均较高,泥被出现时间在所有饵料中也相对较早。筛选出的辅食饵料最佳比例为15%小米粉和5%蔗糖,高糖分对黑翅土白蚁仅有短暂的诱食作用,一段时间后,高糖分诱食作用减退。白蚁采食工蚁存在取食记忆现象,取食记忆的持续时间与原取食材料在食物资源中的嗜食序列有关。若原取食材料属于食物选择试验中最嗜食物质,取食记忆可持续存在;否则,一定时间后发生食物选择的改变。试验筛选出最佳饵料配方为80%鹅掌楸树皮粉+15%小米粉+5%蔗糖,采食工蚁对不同树种树皮粉的取食选择可能与化学成分有关。  相似文献   


In order to maximize food intake per harvesting effort and minimize energy expenditures required to move between feeding patches in nature, herbivores such as moose (Alces alces L.) generally select large plant shoots when browsing in winter. To determine moose preferences for shoots of different morphologies, an experiment was conducted in northern British Columbia in which shoots from birches cut at different times of the growing season were fed in 2 consecutive years to eight human-habituated moose in cafeteria-style feeding trials. The results indicate that moose preferred smaller winter shoots of birches regardless of when the parent plant was cut and also appeared to reject larger shoots containing sylleptic branches. It is argued that the preferences for smaller shoots by moose detected in these trials should be observable under natural conditions, but are generally only supported by literature from some parts of Scandinavia. The findings underscore the importance that factors such as mouth filling per harvesting effort, snow depth and consistency, predators and browse patch distribution must have on foraging decisions made by moose while browsing in the wild. Implications of the findings include the significance of cutting time on the size of shoots produced by birch after cutting, how this affects moose browsing birch and, subsequently, how managers can theoretically use cutting time as a tool in forest cleaning operations to direct the foraging efforts of moose towards or away from forest plantations.  相似文献   

Diversionary winter feeding of browsing ungulates is an increasingly common management practice although evidence for its efficacy to reduce excessive browsing remains ambiguous. Moreover, comparative estimates on changes in browsing pressure (proportion of available shoots browsed) following long-term winter feeding are currently lacking. We quantified spatiotemporal changes in browsing pressure of moose (Alces alces L.) on commercial and non-commercial tree species around 30 feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding. The results were compared with browsing pressure indices recorded at the same feeding stations 10 years previously. We expected leader stem and lateral twig browsing to have increased over time at a fine spatial scale (≤200 m from feeding station) and to have increased in spatial extent away from feeding stations. Furthermore, we tested whether moose browsing patterns conformed to central-place foraging theory. Despite 2–3-fold higher faecal pellet group numbers in the vicinity of feeding stations, leader stem browsing increased only on the commercially valuable Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst), a species normally avoided by moose. Lateral twig browsing largely decreased within 200 m of feeding stations while at a broader scale (≤1 km from feeding stations), leader stem browsing was high on most tree species (ca. 60% of available stems browsed) as expected, Peak browsing on lateral twigs of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) occurred further from feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding than 10 years earlier. Browsing pressure on active feeding stations (n = 18) was comparable to that on inactive feeding stations (n = 12), suggesting the occurrence of rebrowsing. The ability of central-place foraging theory to explain fine-scale browsing patterns around feeding stations decreased as diversionary feeding continued over time. Long-term diversionary winter feeding of moose in unproductive boreal forests has serious implications for the intensity of fine-scale browsing pressure, which may lead to resource depletion close to feeding stations followed by high browsing pressure at distances further away from feeding stations. Our study emphasizes the importance of considering the longevity of a winter feeding programme at its inception.  相似文献   

Woodpeckers (family Picidae) merit specific monitoring and management efforts, both as keystone/facilitator species and as indicators of forest condition. Recent studies indicated that species richness of woodpeckers was correlated with richness of all forest birds, thus suggesting potential exists for management practices that can address needs of woodpeckers in particular and other forest birds in general. We used data from a long-term study (1995–2008) from forest sites in the interior of British Columbia to evaluate how abundances of seven woodpecker species varied with habitat variables previously identified as associated with forest bird richness. We found that tree species richness had either a neutral or positive effect on the abundance of all woodpecker species, whereas abundances of most woodpecker species tended to be lower in stands with high densities of lodgepole pine. Abundances of most woodpecker species were positively correlated with density of beetle-killed pines. Relative to control sites, higher densities of most woodpecker species were found at harvested sites where most trembling aspen and large Douglas-fir trees had been retained. Therefore, management strategies that favour a mixture of tree species, with particular attention to retention of aspen, should safeguard populations of most woodpecker species. Abundances of individual woodpecker species were weakly but positively inter-correlated before the beetle outbreak, and less so during and post-outbreak. It thus appears that no strong trade-offs exist among woodpecker species. These results, combined with previously identified positive correlations between woodpecker and forest bird richness, indicate woodpeckers can be managed as a suite for the purpose of managing avian biodiversity as a whole.  相似文献   

Areas of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) outbreaks in the Black Hills can provide habitat for black-backed woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus), a U.S. Forest Service, Region 2 Sensitive Species. These outbreaks are managed through removal of trees infested with mountain pine beetles to control mountain pine beetle populations and salvage timber resources. To minimize impacts to black-backed woodpeckers while meeting management objectives, there is a need to identify characteristics of these areas that support black-backed woodpeckers. We examined the habitat associations of this species nesting in areas of beetle outbreaks in the Black Hills, South Dakota in 2004 and 2005. We used an information theoretic approach and discrete choice models to evaluate nest-site selection of 42 woodpecker nests at 3 spatial scales—territory, nest area, and nest tree. At the territory scale (250 m around nest), availability and distribution of food best explained black-backed woodpecker selection of beetle outbreaks versus the surrounding forest. Selection at the territory scale was positively associated with densities of trees currently infested by mountain pine beetles and indices of wood borer (Cerambycidae and Buprestidae) abundance, and was greatest at distances of 50–100 m from the nearest patch of infestation. At the nest-area scale (12.5 m radius around the nest), densities of snags positively influenced nest-area selection. Finally, at the nest-tree scale, aspen (Populus tremuloides) and 3–5-year-old ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) snags were important resources. The association between abundant wood-boring insects and black-backed woodpeckers creates a difficult challenge for forest managers. In the absence of fire, areas of beetle outbreak might serve as the only substantial source of habitat in the Black Hills. Regulating insect populations via salvage logging will reduce key food resources to black-backed woodpeckers during nesting. Therefore, given the relatively infrequent occurrence of large-scale fire in the Black Hills, management should recognize the importance of beetle-killed forests to the long-term viability of the black-backed woodpecker population in the Black Hills.  相似文献   

我国应用生物措施防治林木天牛概述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章对生物措施防治林木天牛在生产中的应用进行了概括总结,主要包括天敌昆虫、病原细菌、病原真菌、病原线虫、啄木鸟及不育等新技术,并对目前存在的不足和今后应用前景做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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