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应用免疫组织化学ABC法,对妊娠山羊三个不同时期垂体前叶中CGRP免疫反应阳性神经纤维的分布进行了比较研究。结果表明:在妊娠三个不同时期(妊娠1~4周,妊娠5~8周,妊娠9~17周),山羊垂体前叶中均存在CGRP阳性纤维,形态各异。依据其形态大致可分为网络点线型纤维、细长串珠型纤维、字母型纤维三类。  相似文献   

肾上腺素是肾上腺髓质嗜铬细胞分泌的激素,也可从肾上腺素能神经纤维释放,为神经冲动传导的递质。兽医临床主要用于急性、严重的过敏反应和心脏骤停的急救,滥用和超量使用都可引起中毒反应。笔者总结了山羊肾上腺素中毒的急救体会,供同行参考。  相似文献   

β—兴奋剂在动物饲养中的负效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
β-兴奋剂全称β-肾上腺素能兴奋剂(BAA),又称卜激活剂,是一种化学结构和生理功能类似肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素的苯乙醇胺类衍生物。它能与动物体内大多数组织细胞膜上的肝肾上腺素受体相结合,激活p-’g上腺激导性受体,导致整个细胞改变代谢过程。根据与不同R一受体结合特异性的差异,卜兴奋剂可分为p;型和&型2大类。早期卜兴奋剂在医学上属交感神经作用药,能兴奋支气管平滑肌的e一受体,使得平滑肌松弛,支气管扩张,可用来治疗支气管哮喘病。在以后的研究中发现这些类似肾上腺素的物质能刺激脂肪组织释放脂肪酸,并增加蛋白质…  相似文献   

应用免疫组化ABC法发现羊垂体前叶有降钙素基因相关肽免疫反应神经纤维存在,这些纤维呈串球状分布于结节部及远侧部前2/3区域。纤维形态多样,细长者穿行于腺细胞之间;短小弯曲者围绕于腺细胞周围;反复分支折叠盘曲缠绕成团簇状者将腺细胞成堆的网络其中。神经纤维及串珠与腺细胞关系密切,提示有可能对腺细胞分泌起直接支配作用。在纤维分布区域可见散在的免疫反应细胞,形态不规则,大部分与神经纤维无接触关系,但有少数可位于纤维的网络之中。P物质免疫反应神经纤维及细胞在羊垂体前叶分布稀疏,且多位于结节部,远侧部很少。  相似文献   

大鼠垂体前叶内IFN-γ免疫阳性神经纤维的分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用免疫组化SP法发现大鼠垂体前叶内有IFN-γ免疫反应阳性纤维存在。纤维主要有纤维型和膨体型两种形式。纤维型表现为细、短淡染的IFN-γ免疫反应神经纤维;膨体型表现为大小不等、深染的点状结构。这些纤维围绕在腺细胞周围,与腺细胞有密切关系。阳性纤维周围有丰富的血管,血管壁上也可看到阳性纤维。  相似文献   

促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)由分布于下丘脑内侧视前区,下丘脑前部、弓状核、视交叉上核的神经内分泌小细胞(PvC)分泌,其分泌活动不仅受内分泌激素的反馈调节,而且受中枢神经递质的调节。在GnRH-PvC周围既有儿茶酚胺神经纤维分布,又有较高含量的儿茶酚胺类神经递质存在。刺激中枢去甲肾上腺素能(NE)或肾上腺素能神经纤维,或在第三脑室灌注NE或肾上腺素激动剂,均可抑制下丘脑的GnRH分泌。阿片样肽及其激动剂具有类似的GnRH释放抑制作用。相反,阿片样肽拮抗剂可以促进下丘脑分泌GnRH。促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素通过增强阿片样肽的活性而抑制GnRH的释放。研究GnRH释放的神经调节机制,对于进一步开发家畜繁殖新技术和治疗家畜不育症,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

β-肾上腺素能兴奋剂(β-adrenergic ago-nist,BAA)简称β-兴奋剂,或β-激动剂,是一类结构和生理功能类似肾上腺素(adrenalin或 epinephnine)和去甲肾上腺素(nora-drenalin 或 norepinephnine)的苯乙醇胺类衍生物(phenethanolamines),因能与动物体内大多数组织细胞膜上的β-肾上腺素能受体结合而得名(Wellenreiter,1991)(另可见本刊1988,6:12;1989,6:3;1991,3:29——编者注)。虽然早在本世纪50年代末期就发现,儿茶酚胺类物质(肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素)能刺激脂肪组织释放脂肪酸,并增加蛋白质沉  相似文献   

应用免疫组化ABC法发现羊垂有叶有降钙素基因相关肽免疫反应神经存在,这些纤维呈串球性分布于结节部及远侧部前2/3区域。纤维形态多样,细长者穿行于腺细胞之间;短小变曲者围绕于腺细胞周围,反复分支折叠盘曲缠绕成力簇状者将腺细胞成堆的网络其中,神经纤维主串珠与腺细胞关系密切,提示有可能对腺细胞分泌直接支配作用。在纤维分布区域可见散在免疫反应细胞、形态不规则、大部分与神经纤维无接触关系,但有少数可位于纤维  相似文献   

应用连续组织切片,采用免疫荧光染色的方法,使用3种抗体:蛋白基因产物9.5(PGP9.5)、一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)和乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE),分别对新生羔羊瘤胃内的所有神经元、氮能和胆碱能神经元进行定位分析。结果:PGP9.5、NOS和AChE阳性反应广泛分布于神经元胞体和神经纤维中。阳性神经元胞体在黏膜下未发现,但成群出现在肌间神经节内。阳性神经元胞体数目PGP9.5最多,其次是胆碱能,氮能最少。阳性神经纤维成簇分布在神经节内和节间形成神经束,并且延伸到环纵肌内。阳性神经纤维密度PGP9.5最多,其次是氮能,胆碱能最少。另外,一些阳性神经纤维经常围绕在血管周围,甚至延伸入瘤胃上皮。PGP9.5、NOS和AChE神经元和纤维在新生羔羊瘤胃内有广泛的分布,该结果提示其分布模式可能与功能的适应直接相关。  相似文献   

应用中药晶远亮八宝拨云散和0.1%盐酸肾上腺素治疗牛角膜炎14例,疗效100%。1病例选择轻度外伤性角膜炎,角膜上见有点状混浊或者损伤发生混浊,并在角膜上有新生血管网,共6例。不明原因的角膜全层形成银灰色半透明状云雾样的混浊,并有新形成的毛细血管网者8例。  相似文献   

Introduction The uniform distribution of collagen fibrils and proteoglycans maintain the transparency of normal cornea. We describe the ultrastructural features of camel cornea including collagen fibrils and proteoglycans (PGs). Methods Camel corneas (of 6‐, 8‐, and 10‐month‐old animals) were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde containing cuprolinic blue in sodium acetate buffer and processed for electron microscopy. The ‘AnalySIS LS Professional’ program was used to analyze the collagen fibril diameter. Results The camel cornea consists of four layers: the epithelium (227 μm), stroma (388 μm), Descemet’s membrane (DM), and endothelium. The epithelium constituted 36% of the camel cornea, whereas corneal stroma constituted 62% of the corneal thickness (629 μm). The PGs in the posterior stroma were significantly larger in number and size compared with the anterior and middle stroma. The collagen fibril diameter was 25 nm and interfibrillar spacing 40 nm. Fibrillar structures are present throughout the DM. Conclusion The structure of the camel cornea is very different from human and other animals. The unique structure of the cornea might be an adaptation to help the camel to survive in a hot and dry climate. The camel cornea may also be a good model to study the effect of hot and dry climates on the cornea.  相似文献   

In a seven-year-old male cynomolgus monkey, erythema of the upper eyelid and forehead and corneal opacity, edema and conical protrusion in the eye were observed. At necropsy, ophthalmological and serological examinations revealed binocular corneal opacity and conical protrusion and a high IgE level, respectively. Thinning of the epithelium and stroma of the cornea were noted histopathologically. At the center of the corneal epithelium, the number of epithelial cells was reduced, their cytoplasm was poorer and the basal cells were flatter than at the periphery. Bowman's membrane was folded with partial loss or breakage. Collagen fibers were compacted or disarranged, and the keratocytes were increased in the stroma, with focal pyknosis or loss of the endothelium and folding of Descemet's membrane. Electron microscopical examination revealed atrophy of the corneal epithelial basal cells. This is the first report of a case of keratoconus in a cynomolgus monkey.  相似文献   

The cornea is the anterior, transparent portion of the fibrous tunic of the eye. It is continuous with the sclera at a transition called the limbus. In healthy conditions, the transparency of the cornea is maintained by the smooth, nonkeratinized, squamous epithelium, which is further enhanced by the precorneal tear film, the lack of corneal vascularization or pigmentation, the size and regular arrangement of the collagen fibrils that make up the corneal stroma, and the relative dehydration of the cornea (which is maintained by the endothelium and epithelium). The cornea can respond to adverse stimuli through vascularization, pigmentation, fibrosis, accumulation of cellular or noncellular infiltrate, and/or edema. Because of these limited responses, routine diagnostic procedures are critical in the diagnosis and treatment of corneal disorders. This article discusses tests of the precorneal tear film, corneal staining procedures, culture and sensitivity, cytology, and a few other procedures that are performed less commonly or require specialized instrumentation.  相似文献   

The cornea provides protection and transparency to the eye, allowing an optimal sharpness view. In some pathological conditions the cornea is able to regenerate thanks to the presence of a stem cells reservoir present at the level of the transition area between cornea and sclera (limbus). Corneal cell therapies in Veterinary Medicine are really limited due to the lacking of knowledge about the anatomy of the limbal area, the putative presence of stem cells and their identification in domestic species. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the main distinctive structural features of the sclero-corneal junction and conjunctival-corneal junction areas in some species of veterinary importance, using optic microscope observations of histological sections. The resulting data were compared with cornea from humans adapting protocols already used to identify stem cells by means of a specific cellular marker. We tested the expression of ΔNp63α isoform in the cornea basal cells, trying to correlate the distribution profile with areas of highly proliferative turnover. The results obtained from this study represent a first step towards the identification of a corneal stem cells reservoir in different animals.  相似文献   

This report describes the use of porcine urinary bladder matrix (UBM) to repair a full thickness defect in the cornea of a Thoroughbred racehorse. The horse presented with acute keratomalacia of the right eye of 12 h duration that had rapidly progressed to perforation of the cornea with partial iris prolapse. The cornea was surgically debrided with the horse under general anaesthesia and the defect repaired with ACell multilayer wound matrix. A temporary tarsorrhaphy was performed. The defect in the cornea was successfully repaired and the horse regained vision in the eye. Four months after surgery the defect was still undergoing remodelling and the area of opacity in the cornea was progressively reducing.  相似文献   

Ulceration of the cornea, a common ocular disorder of the dog, is reviewed. Corneal anatomy and physiology and the healing of the cornea are noted, together with the diagnosis of the condition. The many causes of ulceration are discussed and treatment, both general and specific, medical and surgical, is detailed. Finally, the various complications that can follow corneal ulceration are described and a full bibliography is included for further reading.  相似文献   

Horses inoculated with either equine cornea or killed Leptospira interrogans serovars pomona, tarassovi, icterohaemorrhagiae, wolffi and hardjo, developed corneal opacity and produced antibodies which made it possible to demonstrate partial antigenic identity between equine cornea and four of those serovars employed. These antibodies were isolated by means of immunoadsorptions, purified by ion-exchange chromatography (DEAE-Sephadex A-50) and run by immuno-electrophoresis in agar gel. Both antibodies, anti-equine cornea and anti-leptospira, showed that they corresponded to the IgGb subclass. They bound themselves to equine cornea in vivo and in vitro as was proved by immunofluorescence. This antigenic relationship may be in part responsible for pathogenesis of corneal opacity in leptospirosis of horses.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the efficacy of lamellar keratoplasty in the rabbit using a graft of lyophilized acellular porcine corneal stroma (APCS). Animal studied Twelve adult 2–2.5 kg Zealand white rabbits were studied. Procedure The cell components of the porcine cornea were removed by the means of enzymatic digestion, freezing, and thawing and then APCS was lyophilized. The 6.5 mm diameter APCS was implanted on a 6.0‐mm diameter keratectomy wound each of 12 rabbits. The postoperative clinical and histological evaluations were performed in the early, intermediate, and late periods. Results All corneal wounds healed. Ten of the 12 grafts of APCS were integrated completely with the receptive cornea except two grafts scraped partially off by the eyelid. The blepharospasm, ocular discharge, and edema of the cornea were marked 1 week after transplantation. New vessels invaded the graft after week 2 and regressed after week 8. The cornea became transparent gradually. The histological evaluation showed that the epithelium on the graft stratified normally post surgery. The keratocytes of the recipient grew into the graft and were proliferative at week 4. The inflammatory cells and new vessels were observed before week 8. The fibrosis in the graft was revealed at week 4 and lessened at week 8. The histological structure of the cornea after surgery was similar to the normal cornea at week 32. Conclusions APCS can recover the integrity of the rabbit's cornea and become transparent in vivo. APCS is an effective graft for lamellar keratoplasty in the rabbit.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare corneal thickness, intraocular pressure, and optical corneal diameter in Rocky Mountain Horses with cornea globosa and those with clinically normal corneas. ANIMALS: 129 Rocky Mountain Horses. PROCEDURE: Ultrasonic pachymetry was used to measure corneal thickness. Applanation tonometry was used to measure intraocular pressure. A Jameson caliper was used to measure optical corneal diameter. RESULTS: The central and temporal peripheral portions of the cornea were significantly thicker in horses with cornea globosa than in horses with clinically normal corneas, but corneal thicknesses in the dorsal, ventral, and medial peripheral portions of the cornea were not significantly different between groups. There were no differences in corneal thickness between male and female horses or between right and left eyes. However, there was a positive correlation between age and corneal thickness. Intraocular pressure was not significantly different between horses with cornea globosa and those with clinically normal corneas, or between right and left eyes, or male and female horses. Optical corneal diameter for horses with cornea globosa was not significantly different from diameter for horses with clinically normal corneas, but optical corneal diameter was positively correlated with age. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cornea globosa in Rocky Mountain Horses is not associated with increased intraocular pressure. Corneal thickness and optical corneal diameter increase with age in Rocky Mountain Horses.  相似文献   

Objective To determine if opioid growth factor (OGF, [Met5]enkephalin) and its specific receptor (OGFr) are present in normal cat, dog and horse cornea. Animals studied Normal dog, cat and horse. Procedure Corneas were obtained from animals euthanized for reasons unrelated to this project. One cornea from each of three normal cats, dogs and horses was evaluated. The right or left cornea from each animal was chosen randomly. Corneas were harvested and placed in corneal storage media for transport to The M.S. Hershey Medical Center of The Pennsylvania State University where immunocytochemistry techniques were used to demonstrate the presence and location of OGF and OGFr. Tissues were rinsed in Sorenson's phosphate buffer, immersed in 20% sucrose in buffer and then snap frozen in isopentane. Corneas were then embedded in OCT medium and 15 µm cryostat sections were created. Presence of OGF was determined by using a polyclonal antibody to [Met5]enkephalin and assessing immunoreactivity. OGFr presence was determined by using a previously characterized rabbit polyclonal antibody to the receptor. Results OGF and OGFr were identified in large quantities in the corneal epithelium of all three species. Conclusion Opioid growth factor and its specific receptor are present in the corneal epithelium of normal cats, dogs and horses. OGF is present in the cornea of many species and its presence is theorized to inhibit healing of injured tissue.  相似文献   

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