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通过夏季工况的地源热泵运行试验,对运行过程中水平埋管的换热性能参数、试验场地周围气象因素和换热过程中土体的温湿度变化等因素进行实时监测,探讨了地源热泵运行过程中水平埋管换热器热交换性能及其周围土壤的温、湿度场变化规律。研究结果表明,地源热泵间隙运行有利于土壤温度场的恢复,随着停机时间的增加,水平埋管与周围土壤的热交换能力明显提高;气候变化对水平埋管周围土壤的温度场分布具有显著影响,随着埋深的递减,土壤温度受气候变化的影响越明显;水平埋管周围土壤温度的变化幅度随着与埋管距离的增加呈递减趋势,其影响半径为1.0m左右;热交换对水平埋管周围土壤湿度场的影响不明显,但大气降雨引起的地表水入渗对土壤湿度场的分布具有显著影响。  相似文献   

地埋管地源热泵换热器的换热性能受到不同地质结构的影响。以武汉和重庆地区的典型地质构成为边界条件,建立了三维地埋管的单孔双U管换热模型,通过模型计算,获得了两种地质条件下的地埋管换热性能,以重庆地区的地源热泵热响应测试结果以及工程运行数据出发,对模型的计算结果进行了验证,结果表明,模型吻合度较好,可以应用于工程分析。以模型为条件,进行地质结构对换热性能的影响度分析,预测了两地地埋管地源热泵的换热性能并计算得到换热器的平均换热系数分别为武汉地区K1=1.65(W/m·K),重庆地区K2=1.51(W/m·K)。  相似文献   

桩基埋管换热器具有桩径大、埋深浅的特点,适用于桩基埋管特点的系列导热解析解模型被不断提出,但是该类模型均忽略了回填料与岩土热物性的差异。对于桩径较大的桩基埋管而言,较大的热物性差异将引起较大的计算误差。建立了区别回填料与岩土热物性差异的导热数值解模型,对比分析忽略热物性差异对桩基埋管换热计算的影响,研究表明:导热系数差异对桩基埋管长时间运行的换热热阻计算影响甚小;容积比热差异将引起桩基埋管较大的设计容量误差;桩径越大,热物性差异引起的计算误差越显著。  相似文献   

渗灌管不同埋深对蔬菜保护地土壤盐分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以番茄为供试作物,通过观测渗灌灌水前和灌水后土壤全盐含量的变化,研究了保护地渗灌及其渗灌管埋深对土壤全盐运移及积累过程的影响。试验结果表明,在渗灌管埋深为20~40cm范围内,保护地渗灌灌水后土壤全盐均表现出明显的表聚特性;土层深度、渗灌管埋深、土壤水分含量是影响土壤全盐含量的主要因素。在不同渗灌管埋深处理中以30cm埋深且渗灌管下有防渗槽的处理全盐在表层积累最少,且盐化速度较缓。  相似文献   

季节性冻融期不同地下水位埋深下土壤温度变化特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
土壤温度是土壤热状况的综合表征指标,影响土壤养分分布和冬春季节作物生长发育。以山西省水文水资源勘测局太谷均衡实验站为试验基地,对冻融期4种不同地下水位埋深下的土壤温度进行了分析研究。结果表明:在地下水浅埋区,冻融期地温的变化滞后气温变化,且滞后时间随土壤深度的增加而增大。12月初-2月下旬,地下水位为1.0m埋深的土壤温度较高;消融期地下水位为1.5m埋深下的土壤温度迅速回升。而0.5m埋深下的土壤温度较低且回升较慢;同一地下水埋深下,随着土壤深度的增加。剖面温度增高。50cm深度之下的土壤温度受地下水位埋深的影响较弱。研究成果可为冬春作物播种、预防冻害提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为解决地铁站冷却塔设置难题,提出了一种采用低速电机驱动旋转布水装置的间接蒸发冷却器,在两种布置方式下,对其换热性能进行了单因素实验,并运用正交实验法对较优布置方式下影响换热器换热的因素进行了分析。结果表明:两种布置方式下,喷嘴与蒸发冷却器的间距、两组换热管束间距均存在最佳值,喷嘴双侧旋转布水优于单侧旋转布水;换热器平行气流布置且喷嘴双侧旋转布水为较优布置方式,此时,换热器换热量随喷水量、转速、空气速度、冷却水进口温度的增加以及喷水温度、空气温度的降低而增大,其中,冷却水进口温度对换热器换热影响最为显著,其他因素对其换热的影响从主到次顺序为:喷水量、空气温度、空气速度、喷水温度、转速、冷却水流量。  相似文献   

热流固耦合作用下页岩渗透特性实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨地温对页岩渗流特性的影响规律,按照温度对页岩作用部位的不同,从流体动能、骨架应变、吸附解吸三个方面,分析甲烷内摩擦力对动能的影响、页岩热应力及热膨胀导致应变、甲烷解吸引起基质收缩随温度变化的规律,得出热流固耦合作用下页岩渗流特性。以渝东南酉阳龙马溪组页岩样品为分析对象,进行页岩型岩的温度渗流实验,提出三方面五因素的分析方法:温度增加,流体内摩擦力增大减小了流动速度;粘土矿物与有机质的差异性膨胀产生热应力,压缩了页岩骨架,加之基质热膨胀减小了基质间隙,双重作用使渗流通道减小;基质收缩效应对孔隙裂隙双重结构介质渗透量影响很小。温度升高对页岩渗流特性的主要影响体现为,内摩擦力的减速作用及热应力和热膨胀对渗流通道的压缩作用。  相似文献   

芦苇种子萌发对不同环境因子的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以扎龙湿地芦苇种子为试验材料,采用培养皿室内培养的方法,研究不同培养基质、不同萌发温度、不同基质埋藏深度和不同基质水分饱和度条件下芦苇种子的萌发过程,比较不同处理条件对芦苇种子萌发的影响.结果表明,不同培养基质条件下芦苇种子萌发过程呈现“S”型曲线,种子发芽率均较高,土壤培最高(达94%),滤纸最低(为82.6%),发芽势土壤最高(为93.34%),滤纸最低(为71.34%);芦苇种子低于20℃恒温培养很难发芽,20~30℃随温度的增高芦苇发芽率和发芽势均呈增加趋势;蛭石培1~6 mm埋深芦苇种子均能出苗,发芽率2 mm埋深最高(为96%),土壤培仅在1~2 mm埋深时出苗,发芽率和发芽势1 mm埋深最高;蛭石培、土壤培在80%水分饱和度发芽率最高(分别为93.34%、90%).不同培养条件对芦苇种子萌发影响较大,蛭石在30℃、80%水分饱和度、2 mm埋深为芦苇种子萌发的最适条件.  相似文献   

为了探索日光温室番茄栽培时痕量灌溉管适宜埋深,以番茄仙客1号为试材,研究了春季日光温室栽培条件下,痕量灌溉管不同埋深对灌溉量、产量和品质的影响。试验结果表明,灌溉管埋深20cm和30cm处理与表面覆土相比,分别增产6.1%和15.2%,同时品质有所改善。灌溉管埋深10cm、20cm和30cm与表面覆土相比,耗水量分别降低15.7%、10.6%和5.7%,水分利用效率分别提高13.5%、19.6%和24.0%。灌溉管埋深30cm处理产量和水分利用效率最高。因此,灌溉管埋深30cm是本试验条件下日光温室春茬番茄较适宜的灌溉管埋设深度。  相似文献   

双U型埋管能源桩桩周岩土体温度场分布特征试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以信阳地区两根相邻的双U型埋管能源桩为研究对象,通过较长时间的TRT增温测试地温恢复TPT制冷测试模拟了能源桩的间歇性运行状态,在能源桩桩壁和岩土体中埋设传感器实测获得了能源桩运行过程中的桩周岩土体温度场分布。研究成果显示,能源桩运行过程中的传热表现为三维传热特征,桩端岩土体的温度变化滞后于桩体中间区域岩土体,建议能源桩设计时在桩端部位适当增加埋管量,以提高能源桩的换热效率;测试结果显示在经过172 h的TRT测试并进行约25 d的地温恢复后,桩周岩土体温度整体升高了约1℃,验证了岩土体温度扩散的缓慢性及其具有良好的热储性,同时也预示了地源热泵运行过程中存在冷热失衡的可能性。  相似文献   

保护性耕作对潮土碳、氮含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探明保护性耕作条件下有机碳循环与农田地力提升机制,为保护性耕作技术的推广应用提供科学理论支撑,笔者以保护性耕作长期试验地为平台,研究不同耕作处理对总有机碳、全氮及其不同组分在潮土中含量的影响。笔者通过研究不同耕作处理下土壤总有机碳、全氮、溶解性有机碳、溶解性有机氮、微生物量碳、易氧化有机碳在不同土层深度中的分布情况,揭示保护性耕作措施对潮土碳、氮含量的影响。结果表明:相比于常规翻耕,2年或4年翻耕1次的间歇性翻耕和全免耕处理0~5cm土层土壤总有机碳含量分别提高了2.40%、2.80%、16.00%,全氮含量分别提高了-1.23%、1.32%、11.11%,免耕处理下10~20cm土层中总有机碳、全氮含量显著低于其它处理;秸秆还田条件下,实施间歇性翻耕和免耕能显著提升0~5cm、5~10cm土层中土壤溶解性有机碳、氮含量;相比于常规翻耕,间歇性翻耕、免耕处理下0~5cm土层土壤微生物量碳与易氧化有机碳含量均有不同程度地升高,免耕处理下10~20cm土层中微生物量碳含量显著低于其它处理;秸秆还田对0~10cm土层土壤总有机碳、全氮、溶解性有机氮及其它活性有机碳组分含量均有不同程度的提升作用。总体来看,保护性耕作措施有利于表层0~5cm土层中碳、氮储量的增加,免耕条件下“养分表聚”的负面效应可通过间歇性翻耕得到改善。  相似文献   

《Soil Technology》1997,10(3):185-206
Accurate measurements of soil heat flux are important for energy balance studies on bare soils. Measurements are usually made with passive transducers that transform the vertical soil heat flux into an e.m.f.. Measurement errors or bias result from differences between the calibration coefficients provided by the manufacturer and those determined in the field. These differences result from bad thermal contact between the soil and the fluxmeter and/or changes in soil thermal conductivity. New printed circuit heat fluxmeters are very thin (0.2 mm) and they provide a better thermal contact with the soil because they have an external copper layer instead of an insulating resin. We carried out a theoretical analysis to identify properties of the transducers (geometrical, thermal or electrical) most important for reducing the calibration variability. The transducer thickness was found to reduce the calibration variability due to large soil thermal conductivity variations. Transducer thermal conductivity is also important when the soil thermal conductivity is accurately known. The printed circuit transducers and classical soil heat flux transducers (thermopiles) where then compared in three different soils, a sandy loam, a loamy and a chalky soil under changing climatic conditions in spring. The outputs of both transducers were compared to reference soil heat flux measurements obtained by the heat storage method. The thermopile transducers were more sensitive (4.1 μV W−1 m2) than the printed circuit transducers (1.6 μV W−1 m2). Both transducers gave similar responses when the soil thermal conductivity varied over a narrow range. The total variation of the calibration coefficients of the printed circuit transducer was smaller for all three soils and for days where the soil thermal conductivity varied widely. We conclude that the printed circuit transducers should be used when field calibration is not possible, or when the calibration is not stable following large soil thermal conductivity variations. The experiment also showed that the theory does not completely describe the interaction between calibration coefficients and soil properties. We have therefore developed a new interpretation of the experimental data that takes into account the thermal contact between the soil and the transducer.  相似文献   

Intermittent operation can affect the heat exchange performance of the vertical ground source heat pump system, thereby affecting life cycle cost (LCC) of the ground source heat pump system. The simulation analysis on the hourly load of an office building is implemented by using the DeST software.The heat exchange model of vertical ground heat exchanger pipe-group and energy consumption model of per part of heat pump system are established. Through the comparison between calculation results of continuous operation for 15 years and calculation results of intermittent operation 15 years of the heat pump system, it can be concluded that the LCC value of intermittent operation decreased by 13.45%,relative to the LCC value of continuous operation, and the average energy saving rate of intermittent operation mode is 17.20% in the entire life cycle. Intermittent operation mode can effectively improve energy efficiency of the ground source heat pump system and reduce the LCC value.  相似文献   

不同覆膜处理对土壤水分温度及春玉米产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了研究可降解地膜的农用特性以及对不同种可降解地膜进行择优,试验通过对比研究的方法,对一般大田条件下普通地膜,不同可降解地膜以及露地栽培条件下土壤的温度、水分以及产量性状进行了对比研究。结果表明:在玉米生育前期,各地膜组均可以有效提高地下0~40 cm土壤水分含量,地下5~25 cm土壤温度,保温作用持续65天,其保水保温作用均表现为普通地膜与可降解地膜1差异不大,可降解地膜2次之,露地处理最差。普通地膜、可降解地膜1、可降解地膜2玉米增产率分别为19.5%,22.0%和13.1%,说明可降解地膜1和普通地膜对玉米产量影响显著且差异不大。由此可得,可降解地膜1代替普通地膜从事农业活动具有实际可操作性。  相似文献   

The research object is the coupled heat transfer effect between freezing soil,water and horizontal heat exchange tube,use finite volume numerical method to dispersed solving for continuity equation and heat transfer equation of unsaturated freezing soil,gives part of the temperature fields and freezing percentage distribution graphs,and analyzes the reason of the coupled heat transfer.The analysis result shows that:the temperature field of freezing soil are some horizontal lines parallelling to the ground surface.The peak value of solid-liquid phase change region appears in the upper part where there is backwater pipe,the low value appears in the place where there isn't horizontal heat exchange tube.The horizontal heat exchange tube makes the freezing front deviate towards the ground surface.The arrangement difference of inlet and outlet position of horizontal heat exchange tube will effect the size and position of the phase change region of freezing soil.Arranging the backwater pipe at one side or middle position is the optimized mode.  相似文献   

The vertical U-tube ground-coupled heat pump system provides cold and heat for the controlling of indoor environment. Under the air-conditioning condition, the vertical U-tube ground-coupled heat pump system with heat recovery can provide domestic hot water. The influence of supplying domestic hot water on the heat transfer performance of ground heat exchangers is different under different operating modes in summer and winter. Through a project design of ground-source heat pump system, the influence of supplying domestic hot water under heat storage mode on the heat transfer performance of ground heat exchangers in summer and winter is respectively analyzed. The dynamic performance of heat exchangers under different working conditions is analyzed, and through numerical calculation, the heat transfer performance parameters of ground heat exchangers under different operating modes are obtained. From the calculation results, the adjusting methods based on the load characteristics of this project represent.  相似文献   

The influence of applying different heat transfer models coupled different data processing methods on determining the ground thermal properties and borehole resistance is analyzed and studied in allusion to constant heating flux method of thermal response test. Results indicate that the calculated thermal properties and borehole resistance are different when applying line heat source model and cylindrical heat source model respectively; volume specific heat barely affects the unknown thermal conductivity, but affects the borehole resistance. Three-parameter estimation has good credibility in determination of thermal properties and borehole resistance. However, the stability of three-parameter estimation on the determination of thermal diffusivity is not good. Finally, the approach of three parameters estimation coupled the line heat source model and cylindrical heat source model is proposed to determine the thermal properties and borehole resistance based on the analysis of the minimum average error on the two heat transfer models.  相似文献   

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