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从植物源杀虫剂作用的特异性、作用机理、对非靶标生物的安全性以及害虫对植物源杀虫剂的抗性等方面介绍了植物源杀虫剂领域新的研究进展,并对该领域新的研究方向做了介绍,对植物源杀虫剂在未来的发展做了展望。  相似文献   

植物源杀虫剂作用机理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从植物源杀虫剂的作用特点入手,介绍了植物源杀虫剂的4种主用作用机理,全面阐述毒理机制,并总结研究植物源杀虫剂作用机理的意义,为植物源农药的更深一步应用奠定理论基础.  相似文献   

闫忠杰 《新农药》2004,(2):49-49
专家认为,利用植物中的有毒物质研究开发高效安全杀虫剂,将成为世界农药发展的重要方面,我国发展植物农药产业的资源和条件得天独厚,加入WTO后这一“绿色农药”产业将大有“钱”途。  相似文献   

对微胶囊技术在植物源杀虫剂中的应用进行总结,采用微胶囊技术制备植物源杀虫剂可提高其稳定性,通过控制释放时间及释放速度来提高其活性。微胶囊技术也是植物源杀虫剂在实际应用中最能模仿自然植物灭虫过程的技术。  相似文献   

植物源杀虫剂是当前农药研究的热点。系统论述茄科植物烟草、辣椒、曼陀罗、龙葵等杀虫植物的杀虫活性及其主要杀虫活性成分的研究进展。  相似文献   

植物源农药的进展   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
植物源农药具有在环境中生物降解快。对人畜及非靶标生物毒性低、害虫不易产生抗性、成本低、易得等特点,因此是潜在的化学合成农药的替代物。特别是在克服害虫的抗药性及减少环境污染方面,植物源农药具有的独特优势,使得人们对利用天然植物源产物防治害虫的兴趣木断提高。1研究现状1.1具有杀虫活性的植物源农药植物源杀虫剂具有使用安全、毒性低、对环境污染较轻等特点,而且大多数植物源杀虫剂是胃毒剂,无接触毒性,必须经靶标害虫取食后才能发挥作用,这样非植物食性的天敌仅接触叶面就不会造成伤害。我国利用植物源农药约3000年历…  相似文献   

杨凌馥稷生物科技有限公司针对甘蓝蚜、甘蓝菜青虫分别开发出植物源杀虫剂1.5%除虫菊素水乳剂、0.4%蛇床子素可溶液剂进行防治,均有较好的防效。两种植物源杀虫剂产品在农业生产中具有较好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

选用5种不同的植物源杀虫剂3%苦参碱水剂,0.2%苦皮藤素乳油,0.3%印楝素乳油,0.5%藜芦碱可溶性液剂,4%鱼藤酮乳油对烟蚜进行田间防治试验。结果表明,3%苦参碱水剂和0.2%苦皮藤素乳油对烟蚜防效皆达到90%以上,药效期可持续20 d。因此,3%苦参碱水剂和0.2%苦皮藤素乳油这两种植物源杀虫剂可作为无公害烟叶和有机烟叶生产中防治烟蚜的推荐药剂。  相似文献   

植物源杀虫剂的研究与应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文简要综述我国植物源杀虫剂的研究现状,介绍了杀虫活性物质的类型、有效成分、防治对象、杀虫机理及开发前景。  相似文献   

植物源杀虫剂的研究现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了植物源杀虫剂的研究现状,研究途径以及研究过程中存在的问题,并对这些问题提出了相应的改进措施,简单叙述了其发展前景。  相似文献   

Vegetables attract high applications of pesticides, and farmers in developing countries use many acutely toxic insecticides to control pests on these crops. With the liberalisation of agricultural markets in developing countries, the number of small-scale farmers growing vegetables for both domestic and export markets is increasing. Demand for supplies of year-round and exotic fruit and vegetables has grown in industrialised countries, but with rising quality standards and traceability requirements it is difficult for small-scale farmers to benefit from this lucrative non-traditional agricultural export trade. The demand is high for vegetables in the expanding cities in developing countries, and farmers in peri-urban areas, or rural areas with good access to the cities, are in a position to find a growing market for their produce. Poor storage facilities will often mean that farmers are forced to sell at peak times when prices are low. Farmers rarely have access to training in pesticide use, and have only limited or no access to advice on the complicated management of pesticides. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN is concerned about high levels of poor quality and adulterated pesticides on sale in developing countries. Surveys repeatedly show that without training, farmers are unable to make good crop decisions: recognition of pests and their predators is generally low, leading to decisions to spray to kill any insect; knowledge of product selection, application rates and timing is poor; different products are often combined in the belief that the effect will be greater; re-entry periods after spraying and essential harvest intervals are not known; and without knowledge of alternatives, farmers will often assume that the only solution to pest problems is to spray more frequently. From a consumer's point of view, few developing countries are able to monitor pesticide residues, particularly for produce grown for home consumption: most countries do not have laboratories for even simple residue testing. Changes in European Maximum Residue Limits means that export crops will be rejected if they contain residues at the Limit of Detection of pesticides not registered in Europe. Season-long field level training in Integrated Pest Management can help farmers to become better decision-makers, and to greatly reduce pesticide use while reducing risks to their own health and environment, producing safer products for consumers, maintaining yields, and increasing incomes.  相似文献   

棉花是我国重要的经济作物, 虫害严重制约了棉花生产, 造成棉农的经济损失。目前, 化学杀虫剂仍是防治棉花虫害的主要手段, 长期使用化学杀虫剂导致棉蚜Aphis gossypii、绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum产生抗药性, 降低防治效果。本研究使用80亿孢子/mL金龟子绿僵菌CQMa421可分散油悬浮剂防治棉蚜、绿盲蝽, 室内生测结果表明, 金龟子绿僵菌CQMa421能有效侵染棉蚜和绿盲蝽, 随着浓度的升高, 对棉蚜和绿盲蝽的毒力增强。〖JP+2〗田间试验结果表明, 该药剂能有效控制棉花主要害虫棉蚜和绿盲蝽。采用1 200 mL/hm2用量, 药后14 d对棉蚜的防效达94.42%; 采用1 350 mL/hm2用量, 药后14 d对绿盲蝽的防效分别达到87.25%(新疆), 91.62%(湖北)。  相似文献   

蔬菜蚜虫抗药性现状及抗性治理策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蚜虫是为害蔬菜作物的一类重要害虫,如不防治会给蔬菜生产造成重大经济损失。长期以来主要依靠使用农药防治蔬菜蚜虫,但由于化学农药的不合理使用,蔬菜蚜虫对有机磷、拟除虫菊酯、氨基甲酸酯、新烟碱等多种类型的杀虫药剂均产生了不同程度的抗性。本文对常见的蔬菜蚜虫的抗药性现状、抗药性机理以及治理策略进行了论述,以期为该类害虫的可持续控制提供参考。  相似文献   

植物寄生线虫现已成为危害农业生产的第二大类病害,其防治迫在眉睫。线虫的生物防治是一种新型的线虫防治策略,主要是利用动植物和微生物及其次级代谢产物对线虫进行防治。植物源次级代谢产物即植物源化合物,源于自然,是植物源农药的核心。相比于化学杀线虫剂,植物源杀线虫剂对环境影响较小、靶向性强且不易使线虫产生抗药性。因此,从植物中获得结构新颖且杀线虫活性好的小分子化合物并将其开发成绿色农药,对于线虫病的防治具有重要意义。本文对杀线虫植物、具有杀线虫活性的植物源化合物及其杀虫机理、植物源杀线虫农药的应用情况展开综述,并对该研究领域进行了展望,希望能为植物寄生线虫病的防治与植物源杀线虫农药的开发利用提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

由于农业集约化生产引起的非作物生境减少和农业化学品的过量使用减弱了农田生态系统中害虫天敌的自然控制作用。合理而有效地利用显花植物可以为害虫天敌提供食物来源和庇护场所,从而能有效地提高天敌对害虫的自然控制能力、减少化学农药的使用量。本文综述了显花植物对天敌种群的促进作用及其在果园、蔬菜和粮食作物等害虫防治中应用的最新进展,同时对进一步利用显花植物提高农业生态系统稳定性的发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Legumes have evolved effective defences against many pests by accumulating high levels of poisonous or indigestible compounds, pubescence and vigorous growth. These defences are greatly reduced in many cultivars of cowpea and common bean, which are susceptible to a succession of pest complexes. Stem pests and defoliators may kill seedlings but well-established plants tolerate heavy insect damage to leaves, flowers and green pods before pod or grain yields are reduced; virus vectors and root-knot nematode may be of greater importance. Generally, pod-borers, pod-sucking bugs and seed beetles are the main key pests. Control programmes are based on post-flowering treatments with broad spectrum insecticides. Battery-powered, controlled-droplet application machines are ousting knapsack sprayers in small-scale farming and competing with tractors and aircraft in larger units; subsistence cropping is still predominant and most legume crops remain unsprayed. Consequently, current emphasis is placed on developing cultivars with high yield potential and multiple pest and disease resistance. Insect infestations are lower in most other major legume crops largely due to pubescence (e.g. soybean, blackgram, greengram), fruiting in the dry season (e.g. pigeonpea, chickpea) or geocarpy (e.g. groundnut). Future entomological research will presumably concentrate on assessing the status of pests on resistant cultivars and introducing integrated control methods for the key pests.  相似文献   

Insecticide resistance has developed within many classes of pesticide, and over 500 species of insects and mites are resistant to one or more insecticides. Insecticide resistance and the consequent losses of food and fiber caused by failure to control insect and mite pests causes economic losses of several billion dollars worldwide each year. It is the goal of insect resistance management (IRM) to preserve useful pesticides by slowing, preventing or reversing development of resistance in pests. Important aspects of this goal are understanding the development of resistance and monitoring to determine ways to prevent its development. We describe programs specific to missions of the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, which are designed to characterize insecticide resistance in insects and mites with the goal of managing pests in an ecologically acceptable manner. Resistance management of cotton, potatoes, vegetables, melons, ornamentals, greenhouse crops, corn, stored grains, livestock, honeybees and mites, as well as management of transgenic crops are evaluated. We conclude that IRM is a vital part of stewardship of any pest management product and must be a combined effort of manufacturers, growers, consultants, extension services and grower organizations, working closely with regulators, to achieve logistically and economically feasible systems that prolong the effectiveness of all pest-control products.  相似文献   

郭予元院士带领团队研究人员通过多年协同攻关研究,解析了棉铃虫发生为害规律和自然种群生命表机制,明确了棉铃虫对多种农药抗药性动态并应用于棉田抗药性治理,揭示了黄河流域棉区棉花对不同世代棉铃虫为害的补偿生长规律和防治策略,基于不同世代棉铃虫为害阈值和防治指标创建了准确预报二代棉铃虫发生数量的一代麦田扫网法,开展棉花种质资源抗病虫性鉴定并指导选育多抗棉花系列新品种。通过整合诱杀、选择性杀虫剂、生物农药与化学农药次序使用和局部精准施药等绿色防治技术,组建区域性棉花主要病虫害综合防治技术体系,棉区棉铃虫为害得到有效控制,引领了我国农作物主要病虫害综合防治技术的发展。本文简要回顾了郭予元院士在该领域研究中做出的主要历史贡献。  相似文献   

The use of botanical insecticides could be an alternative efficient pest management in Cucurbitaceae against melonworm Diaphania hyalinata and less harmful to its predator. Few studies jointly assess the efficiency of botanical insecticides, their effects on pest, and their effect on the natural enemy and target crop. Here we examine (1) their impact against the melonworm D. hyalinata, a key pest of Cucurbitaceae, (2) their toxicity to the predatory ant Paratrechina sp., and (3) their phytotoxicity to pumpkin plants. The botanical insecticides citronella oil and eucalyptus oil were highly toxic to D. hyalinata and they exhibited to be less harmful for the predatory ant Paratrechina sp. Andiroba oil, eucalyptus oil, garlic extract, and citronella oil caused feeding inhibition of the D. hyalinata larvae. Eucalyptus oil, andiroba oil, garlic extract, and rotenone inhibited the oviposition of D. hyalinata. None of the insecticides was phytotoxic to pumpkin plants. Eucalyptus oil and citronella oil have induced high mortality and altered the behavior of target pests. In addition, they were selective for the predator Paratrechina sp. and not exhibited phytotoxicity on pumpkin plants. Eucalyptus oil and citronella oil seem the most promising compounds for incorporation into melonworm management programs, because they induced high mortality and altered the behavior of target pests and were selective for the predator Paratrechina sp.  相似文献   

Coccinella septempunctata L. is one of the most abundant ladybird species in Greece, preying on several aphid species and other arthropods, of which many are pests of cultivated plants. These pests are usually controlled with chemical insecticides. During this process, however, beneficials are also exposed to pesticides. The development of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs against aphids requires the evaluation of the effects of insecticides on beneficial insects. We evaluated the LD50 of imidacloprid, acetamiprid, bifenthrin and deltamethrin on first, second, third and fourth instar larvae of C. septempunctata by topical application. Moreover, we studied their sublethal effects (LD10) on the development, weight and prey consumption of fourth instar larvae. The topical application bioassays showed that deltamethrin and bifenthrin were highly toxic to all larval instars, whereas imidacloprid and acetamiprid were less toxic to fourth instar larvae. The LD10 dose significantly affected, developmental time, adult weight and daily predation. These results show the importance of assessing potential effect of insecticides on C. septempunctata for developing effective IPM programs of aphids in Greece.  相似文献   

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