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火是天然樟子松重要的生态因子,地表火对樟子松林乔木层空间格局的变化有着特殊的意义。全林木定位法调查记录了地表火干扰1年后1hm2典型样地中存活及火烧死乔木的位置坐标,利用成对相关函数g(r)进行空间点格局分析。结果表明:1)单变量空间格局分析显示,空间异质性泊松点过程零假设下,地表火干扰前所有立木、樟子松和白桦均在小尺度上呈显著性聚集分布;而地表火干扰后,樟子松林分及其乔木层不同组分的空间格局更加趋向于均匀分布,只有白桦在小尺度上仍表现为显著性聚集分布,所有立木和樟子松主要以随机分布为主。乔木层及其不同组分的随机标识零假设均不成立,火后存活的所有立木在小尺度上为均匀分布,而较大尺度上却呈现出聚集分布;火后存活的樟子松在小尺度上表现为聚集分布,而较大尺度上却呈现均匀分布;火后存活的白桦主要表现为小尺度上的聚集分布。2)双变量空间格局分析表明,所有立木、樟子松和白桦的存活立木与火烧死木之间均是相互独立的,其相互间的空间格局表现为随机分布。地表火烧死木(包括所有立木、樟子松和白桦)均在小尺度上表现为显著的正相关呈聚集分布,而较大尺度上不同程度地表现为显著的负相关为均匀分布。因此,地表火干扰下,林木的死亡过程并不是随机的,存活林木的空间格局趋于均匀分布,地表火驱动下的樟子松林自然稀疏过程削弱了存活个体间的竞争,促进了林分结构的优化和个体的生长发育,成为樟子松林演替中较活跃的生态因子。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地榆树疏林草地物种多样性及乔木种群空间格局   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
应用多样性指数对科尔沁沙地榆树疏林草地的物种多样性进行了研究,并用空间格局指数测定了乔木种群的分布格局。结果表明,灌木层多样性较低,而草本层物种多样性较高。在生活型功能群中,一、二年生草本处于优势地位,多年生草本具有稳定群落的效应;在生态功能群中,旱生、中生植物占有主体优势,但在群落中又存在植物功能互补效应。乔木种群的分布格局呈现出聚集分布,在其发育过程中具有不同的动态变化特征,即幼苗、幼树阶段为聚集分布,到了成树阶段为随机分布。  相似文献   

通过加性分配方法,在小样方、样方以及样地3个尺度上研究了黄土高原油松林林下物种多样性的格局,揭示了空间尺度在物种多样性评价中的重要性。结果表明:大尺度(样地尺度)决定物种丰富度格局,物种丰富度随尺度的增加而增加,在样地尺度上的β多样性贡献最大;Shannon多样性指数与物种丰富度呈现出截然相反的格局,小尺度(小样方尺度)决定Shannon多样性格局,其最大贡献来自于小样方尺度上的α多样性。扩散限制和环境筛选都是油松林群落构建的重要过程,二者相互作用,共同决定了其林下的多样性格局。  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地不同密度榆树种群空间格局   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用点格局分析方法对浑善达克沙地南缘不同密度下天然榆树种群的空间分布格局进行了研究,研究结果表明:1)榆树的生长指标随密度的增加有减小的趋势,当密度大于27株/hm2时天然榆树的各项生长指标趋于稳定;2)浑善达克沙地天然榆树种群空间分布格局在低密度下和中密度下随尺度的变化不大,在所有尺度下主要趋于集群分布,个别样方(样...  相似文献   

北疆荒漠优势灌木种群空间异质性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以北疆荒漠绿洲过渡带样地数据为基础,通过半方差分析、分形分析和各向异性分析对5种优势灌木空间分布格局进行了定量研究。结果表明:多枝柽柳各向同性,介于集群与均匀分布之间,异质性弱,对环境异质性适应最强;盐穗木为集群分布,交替存在各向异性,空间分布复杂;白刺呈带状集群分布,异质性程度大,变异曲线变化剧烈;琵琶柴呈自相关很强的集群分布,空间异质性弱;沙蒿呈集群分布,异质性程度大。5种灌木拟合指数模型或球形模型,对干扰的适应性均强;总变异中的随机部分和空间自相关部分影响各异;5种灌木均有明显的空间依赖性;多枝柽柳和琵琶柴在分布区内互补性生态效益明显。  相似文献   

2010年5-8月于乌拉山自然保护区内建立油松天然林固定监测样地10hm2,应用Ripley’k点格局法对油松种群空间格局和不同生长阶段油松空间关联性进行分析。结果表明:乌拉山油松在研究尺度上呈聚集分布,聚集强度随研究尺度增大持续上升,在尺度达到55m后开始下降,并且在油松的幼树、小树、大树三个生长阶段均呈聚集分布。油松幼树与小树在研究尺度内始终是正关联,幼树与大树在尺度小于48m时呈正相关,小树与大树在研究尺度内呈正相关。  相似文献   

低覆盖度柠条固沙林不同配置对植被修复的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
低覆盖度行带式固沙林具有显著的防风固沙效果,已经在我国的半干旱地区广泛推广。针对内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市和林格尔县不同配置的柠条锦鸡儿人工林,进一步研究不同带间宽度带内植被自然恢复过程及物种多样性的差异,结果表明:(1)在覆盖度为20%左右时,合理的行带式格局分布的柠条锦鸡儿人工林带间植被的恢复效果优于随机分布格局的样地。(2)柠条行带式造林不宜太窄和盖度太大,会影响其林下物种丰富度。(3)宽的带间距带内物种丰富度与物种多样性和均匀度以及其生物量变化曲线呈现了两个高峰,出现在距柠条带6-8m左右,而窄的带间距带内只有一个高峰。因此,该地区柠条带宽度为12m-16m可以使其带内的草本物种多样性和生物量达到最大。  相似文献   

青海云杉群落空间结构特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据祁连山林区青海云杉群落16块样地256个样方的调查结果,对青海云杉群落的垂直结构、种群空间分布格局进行了研究。结果表明:青海云杉群落垂直结构分化明显,一般分为乔木层,灌木层,草本层和苔藓层4层;乔木层和青海云杉种群呈聚集分布格局,乔木种群聚集强度大小依次为:青海云杉混交林>青海云杉群落>灌木-青海云杉林>马先蒿-青海云杉林>苔藓-青海云杉林>草类-青海云杉林。不同林型的垂直结构、空间分布格局都存在一定的差异,草类-青海云杉林中乔木种群呈随机分布,其它林型和青海云杉群落中乔木种群均为聚集分布。苔藓-青海云杉林、草类-青海云杉林、灌木-青海云杉林中青海云杉种群都有随海拔升高由均匀分布向聚集分布逼近的特点。苔藓-青海云杉林是该群落中最稳定的林型,青海云杉种群对维持群落稳定起决定性作用。  相似文献   

艾比湖湿地自然保护区典型群落物种多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用Shannon-Wiener和Simpson物种多样性指数,Margalef和Gleason丰富度指数,均匀度指数和生态优势度指数对艾比湖湿地自然保护区典型群落物种多样性进行分析研究。结果表明:植物群落在垂直结构上的多样性分布是灌木和乔木的物种均匀度、多样性和丰富度指数的变化趋势均大于草本,而生态优势度指数则与其相反,表现出单一的植物群落结构,说明艾比湖自然保护区典型群落在多个层次上物种的数量和分布与该地环境条件成正相关,即该区植物种类少、盖度低,生物资源丰富度十分匮乏。  相似文献   

为了解豚草Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.的入侵机制和传播规律,选取江西省南昌市新建县上罗村一块5 m×5 m样地为研究区域,分析不同距离尺度下该研究区内豚草的空间分布格局,并采用Ripley’s K函数和Taylor幂法则对该研究区内豚草的分布类型进行定量分析。结果表明:在研究区内,豚草强度出现一个黄色区域,其值超过0.025株/cm~2;豚草种群在0~1.2 m空间距离尺度上呈极强的聚集性分布,且随着距离尺度的增大,聚集程度增强;泰勒幂指数b的估计值为1.5477,大于1.0000,说明研究区豚草呈现明显的聚集性分布。  相似文献   

以石羊河中游荒漠河岸植被优势种群沙蒿(Artemisia arenaria)为研究对象,采用点格局分析法,对垂直于河道不同距离梯度上沙蒿种群的空间格局和空间关联性进行了分析。结果表明:① 随着垂直于河道方向距离的递增,沙蒿种群由增长型逐渐演变为衰退型;② 垂直于河道不同距离梯度上沙蒿种群的格局特征为,在相对小的尺度上聚集分布特征明显,随尺度的增加聚集性减弱并逐渐表现出随机分布的格局特征,但距离河道近的沙蒿种群聚集强度大于距离河道远的种群;不同距离梯度上,沙蒿种群均表现出幼体聚集分布,成体随机分布的格局特征;③ 垂直于河道不同距离梯度上沙蒿种群不同龄级之间的关联性表现出异质性。距离河道近的沙蒿种群中,形体差异大的植株之间具有正关联性,反映了互利的生态关系;距离河道较远的沙蒿种群中,形体差异小的植株之间具有负关联性,反映了互斥的生态关系;其他龄级植株之间没有表现出明显的关联性。  相似文献   

以科尔沁沙地小叶锦鸡儿群落为研究对象,对比分析了放牧干扰和不同封育年限下土壤种子库特征。结果表明:①放牧和封育样地土壤种子库均以一年生植物为主,物种丰富度没有明显差异;②放牧样地土壤种子库密度为(3 475±519)粒/m2,封育6年和封育12年样地土壤种子库密度分别为(20 241±1 714)粒/m2和(28 777±3 946)粒/m2,显著高于放牧样地;③Shannon-W iener多样性指数、S impson多样性指数和P ielou均匀度指数在放牧样地分别为1.36,0.68和0.56,并随着封育年限的增加而降低;④放牧和封育样地土壤种子库主要分布于0~2 cm的土壤表层,封育样地各层的种子库密度均显著高于放牧样地;⑤放牧和封育样地土壤种子库均为聚集分布,但放牧样地种子库的空间异质性高于封育样地。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The spatial pattern of Sharka disease, caused by Plum pox virus (PPV) strain M, was investigated in 18 peach plots located in two areas of southern France. PPV infections were monitored visually for each individual tree during one to three consecutive years. Point pattern and correlation-type approaches were undertaken using the binary data directly or after parsing them in contiguous quadrats of 4, 9, and 16 trees. Ordinary runs generally revealed a low but variable proportion of rows with adjacent symptomatic trees. Aggregation of disease incidence was indicated by the theta parameter of the beta-binomial distribution and related indices in 15 of the 18 plots tested for at least one assessment date of each. When aggregation was detected, it was indicated at all quadrat sizes and tended to be a function of disease incidence, as shown by the binary form of Taylor's power law. Spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) showed a nonrandom arrangement of quadrats with infected trees in 14 plots. The detection of patch clusters enclosing quadrats with above-average density of symptomatic trees, ellipsoidal in shape and generally extending from 4 to 14 trees within rows and from 4 to 10 trees perpendicular to the rows, could be interpreted as local areas of influence of PPV spread. Spatial patterns at the plot scale were often characterized by the occurrence of several clusters of infected trees located up to 90 m apart in the direction of the rows. When several time assessments were available, increasing clustering over time was generally evidenced by stronger values of the clustering index and by increasing patch cluster size. The combination of the different approaches revealed a wide range of spatial patterns of PPV-M, from no aggregation to high aggregation of symptomatic trees at all spatial scales investigated. Such patterns suggested that aphid transmission to neighboring trees occurred frequently but was not systematic. The mechanism of primary virus introduction, the age and structure of the orchards when infected, and the diversity of vector species probably had a strong influence on the secondary spread of the disease. This study provides a more complete understanding of PPV-M patterns which could help to improve targeting of removal of PPV-infected trees for more effective disease control.  相似文献   

Species richness and abundance are two important species diversity variables that have attracted particular attention because of their significance in determining present and future species composition conditions.This paper aims to explain the qualitative and quantitative relationships between species diversity pattern and grain size(i.e.size of the sampling unit),and species diversity pattern and sampling area,and to analyze species diversity variability on active sand dunes in the Horqin Sandy Land,northeastern Inner Mongolia,China.A 50 m×50 m sampling plot was selected on the windward slope,where the dominant species was annual herb Agriophyllum squarrosum.Species composition and abundance at five grain sizes were recorded,and the species-area curves were produced for thirteen grain sizes.The range of values for species abundance tended to increase with increasing grain size in the study area,whereas,generally,species richness did not follow this rule because of poor species richness on the windward slope of active sand dunes.However,the homogeneity of species richness increased significantly.With the increase in sampling area,species abundance increased linearly,but richness increased logarithmically.Furthermore,variograms showed that species diversity on the windward slope of active sand dunes was weakly anisotropic and the distribution pattern was random,according to the Moran Coefficient.The results also showed that species richness was low,with a random distribution pattern.This conflicts with the results of previous studies that showed spatial aggregation in lower richness in a sampling area within a community and inferred that the physical processes play a more important role in species diversity than distribution pattern on active sand dunes.Further research into different diversity patterns and mechanisms between active sand dunes and interdune lowlands should be conducted to better understand biodiversity conservation in sand dune fields.  相似文献   


Spider communities (Araneae) inhabiting the canopy, the herbaceous layer and the borders, as well as the populations overwintering on the tree trunks of different aged IPM and conventional apple orchards were investigated in Hungary. Abundance and species richness of entire spider communities in IPM plots were significantly higher than in conventional plots, probably owing to the lower toxicity of pesticides used and higher prey densities. In the case of abundance, similar tendencies were observed in web-building and hunting spider guilds. Age of plantations can significantly influence spider density in the canopy, acting through the prey density. In young plantations, where size of the canopy was smaller and density of the pear lace bug (Stephanitis pyri L.) higher, significantly higher numbers of hunting spider communities were present than in old plantations which had been similarly treated. This relationship was not observed for web-building spiders. Diversity of canopy-inhabiting spider communities was higher in old plots, regardless of the treatments. The effect of the border of the orchard on spider communities was investigated and it was found that when selective insecticides were used, migration of spiders into orchards was increased significantly. When broad-spectrum insecticides were applied, spider densities in the canopy did not differ between outer and inner rows of the orchards. The effect of the treatments and orchard age, both on abundance and species richness of overwintering spider communities on the trunk, showed the same result as for canopy spiders, namely significantly larger spider communities were found in IPM plots and in the young plantation than in conventionally-treated plots and in the old plantation. Broad-spectrum insecticides reduced abundance and species richness of spider communities in the herbaceous layer of the conventionally-treated plot. At the same time, the spider communities of the herbaceous layer of the IPM plot did not differ significantly from adjacent herbaceous plants. A significant overlap exists between spider communities of the canopy and herbaceous layer. Despite chemical treatments, migration from the herbaceous layer into the canopy occurs. The effects of chemical treatments on the dominant species are discussed. There were no significant differences between the differently treated plots in abundance of one of the dominant species Oxyopes heterophthalmus Latreille. However, the other dominant species, Cheiracanthium mildei L. Koch, was more abundant in the IPM plots.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal progress of an epidemic of faba bean rust was monitored over a discontinuous field. Trap plots were sown at increasing distances from a source plot, in the centre of which plants were inoculated. Disease spread in the source plot followed a focal pattern, with a radial velocity of expansion slightly lower than 0.1 m per day. At the end of the experiment, all trap plots had been infected, and two of the most distant ones showed unexpected high disease severity. Using a three-dimension model of disease progress, we showed that the epidemics on the scales of the source plot and of the trap plots could not be combined into a single epidemic on the whole-field scale. The epidemics had equivalent infection rates on both scales, but changing the scale dramatically affected their distance parameter. The epidemic in the source plot could have been caused by a short-distance, high-frequency, deterministic mechanism of spore dispersal, whereas infection of the trap plots could have been caused by a long-distance, low-frequency stochastic mechanism of spore dispersal. Although our results agreed with the predictions of a simulation model postulating these two mechanisms, alternative hypotheses which could also explain the observed disease pattern remained to be tested.  相似文献   

Potato blackleg, caused by Pectobacterium and Dickeya species, is one of the most significant bacterial diseases affecting potato production globally. Although it is generally accepted to be a seedborne disease, the processes underlying the spread of disease largely remain unknown. Spatial point pattern analysis was applied to blackleg occurrence in seed potato crops in Scotland during the period of 2010–2013 (approximately 8000 blackleg‐affected crops), to assess whether its distribution was random, regular or aggregated, and the spatial scales at which these patterns occurred. Blackleg‐affected crops derived from mother stocks with symptoms were omitted from the analyses in order to examine the statistical evidence for horizontal transmission of blackleg. The pair correlation function was used to test for global spatial autocorrelation, and results indicated significant (< 0·05) clustering of incidence at a wide range of spatial scales. Strength of clustering (degree of aggregation) among blackleg‐affected crops was notably larger at spatial scales of 25 km or less. A hot‐ and coldspot analysis was performed to test for local spatial autocorrelation, and statistically significant clusters of high and low values of disease were found across the country. These analyses provide the first quantitative evidence of localized and large‐scale spatial clustering of potato blackleg. Understanding the mode(s) of inoculum dispersal will be important for developing new management strategies that minimize host–pathogen contacts in potato and numerous other crops affected by pathogenic Pectobacterium and Dickeya species.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of plant populations is an important feature of population structure and it determines the population's ecological preferences,biological characteristics and relationships with...  相似文献   

不同放牧压短花针茅荒漠草原群落植物种的空间异质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用样方法及GS+软件和地统计学分析方法对年荒漠草原植物种在不同放牧压下的空间异质性分布进行了研究。结果表明:不同放牧压对荒漠草原物种空间分布有明显影响。整个试验区植物种为38种。SA2(春季零放牧、夏季适度放牧和秋季重度放牧)处理区植物种数最多为10种。家畜选择性采食及践踏等随机因素引起的空间变异在SA2处理区中较小,在SA5(放牧季皆为适度放牧)处理区较大。植物种分布在不同放牧组合下存在强烈的空间自相关性,SA1(春季零放牧、夏季重度放牧及秋季适度放牧)处理区与SA5处理区空间自相关性表现强于SA2、SA3(放牧季皆为重度放牧)区和SA4(春夏季重度放牧、秋季适度放牧)处理区。SA3处理区分形维数最高,空间分布格局简单,空间依赖性强,空间结构性好;相反SA1分形维数最低,空间分布格局相对复杂,随机因素引起的异质性占有较大的比重。  相似文献   

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