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Five Boxer dogs with a new neurological disease are described. There is a progressive ataxia and weakness, initially in the hind-legs but later involving forelegs. The onset of signs is usually around 6 months of age although an older dog was affected. Proprioceptive function, muscle tone and tendon reflexes are diminished or absent while pedal reflexes and pain sensation are preserved. Muscle atrophy is minimal. The peripheral nerves are depleted in myelinated fibres. Nerve roots and, to a lesser extent, peripheral nerves show demyelination/remyelination changes and in the cervical ventral roots in particular, regenerative clusters are present. Forelimb muscles show evidence of re-innervation. In the CNS numerous swollen axons are present. The dorsolateral and ventral columns of the spinal cord are affected throughout their length. In the brain a number of nuclei and tracts, particularly in the lower brain stem, are affected and the superior olives are severely involved. The cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter appear normal. Various portions of the auditory and optic pathways are affected pathologically as are a number of cranial nerves. The axonal swellings contain a number of organelles including smooth endoplasmic reticulum, disordered neurofilaments, vesicles and mitochondria. The disease may be specific to Boxer dogs and may be inherited.  相似文献   

Managing avian flock emergencies requires a thorough history, physical examination, and record review before instituting appropriate therapy. Although the general thought processes are similar between approaching a sick individual bird and a "diseased" aviary, the actual steps are different. Infectious diseases are often a component of aviary emergencies but are rarely the primary cause of flock "disease." Managing flock emergencies typically goes beyond addressing individual pathogens. Recognizing, evaluating, and treating flock emergencies are discussed with the intent to provide a better understanding of flock health medicine principles.  相似文献   

Oral trauma remains a common presentation in a small animal practice. Most fractures are the result of vehicular accidents. Among other causes are falls, kicks, gunshots wounds, and encounters with various hard objects ranging from baseball bats and golf clubs to horse hooves and car doors. Next in popularity are dog fights, especially when a large dog and a small dog are involved, and fights with other animals. With cats, falls from various heights are responsible for a large percentage of presentations.  相似文献   

The morphology of Cowdria ruminantium is described and its staining characteristics in the vertebrate host and in vitro are summarized. Morphologically, the organisms are characterized in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells, macrophages and reticulo-endothelial cells. Based on the morphology of the internal structure of the organisms, elementary (electron-dense), intermediate and reticulate bodies are identified. Each organism is surrounded by a double membrane and a "capsule" is evident around a few organisms in vitro. Usually, only organisms of the same form are found within a particular vacuole, although mixed colonies are described in the in vitro studies.  相似文献   

Most agricultural chemicals that horses are exposed to are pesticides. Toxicosis from pesticides is infrequent in horses and is usually the result of inappropriate use, handling, or storage. Most herbicides have low toxicity in mammals, especially if the dilution rate, application rate, and re-entry times are observed. However, some herbicides can alter the toxicity of poisonous plants. Herbicides that contain arsenic or chlorates are the most toxic. Pentachlorophenol is a fungicide and wood preservative that can be contaminated with dioxins. Horses develop a chronic wasting syndrome and significant skin lesions. Some pesticides are marketed in a pelleted form that may contain grains, which are readily consumed by horses. Metaldehyde is a molluscicide that affects the nervous system. Strychnine also affects the nervous system. Zinc phosphide is a rodenticide that is converted into a toxic gas in the horse's stomach and can be toxic to humans as well. The organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, the insecticide class most frequently associated with toxicosis. The most recognizable signs of toxicosis are the “SLUD” signs, but some of these insecticides, as well as the organochlorine insecticides, can cause seizures.  相似文献   

The macrolide group of antibiotics includes natural members, pro-drugs and semi-synthetic derivatives, thus named because they are composed of a large aglycone ring (from 14 to 16 carbon atoms), to which are attached several sugars. Some of them are amino-sugars, containing a diethylamino, tertiary amine function. A number of antibiotics, including erythromycin, oleandomycin, triacetyl-oleandomycin (troleandomycin), carbomycin, spiramycin, tylosin, rosamicin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, dirithromycin and others, are members of this group. On a comparative basis, erythromycin and oleandomycin are similar, with the same basic 14-carbon lactone ring and side chain sugars. The remaining compounds contain a basic 15- or 16-carbon lactone ring and one or two side-chain sugars. Most of the macrolides are produced by Streptomyces spp bacteria. An exception is rosamicin, which is produced by Micromonospora. Clarithromycin and azithromycin are new semi-synthetic derivatives of erythromycin.  相似文献   

为了解犊牛磺胺中毒的病理形态学变化特点,对2头因磺胺中毒而死亡的犊牛进行了详细的病理学研究.结果表明,犊牛磺胺中毒的病理性损伤主要发生于肾脏和肝脏.宏观检查可见,肾脏肿胀,色泽变淡,皮质增宽,肾盂有多量豆腐渣样物质.肝脏肿胀,淡橘红色,质地脆易碎.微观检查可见,近曲小管上皮细胞肿胀,核浓缩,染色不良,大量上皮细胞脱落....  相似文献   

Poisoning is a frequent problem in domestic animals. Horses are the third most commonly affected species and pesticides are one of the main causes of toxicosis. Here within are reviewed the most frequent toxicoses where it emerges that the main causes are misuse and accidental exposure. Rodenticides, acetylcholinesterase insecticides followed by herbicides are the main cause of toxicosis and effects of emerging chemicals are being reported. Metaldehyde is still a problem, together with methiocarb. No information has been reported on poisoning with pesticide mixtures.  相似文献   

Suppose one of your clients from southern Florida starts talking about cattle egrets while you are vaccinating her cat. It seems she found a nearly dead egret near the cattle pen a few days ago, picked it up, and noticed a number of what looked like small ticks on the legs. Or, suppose you are called out to a small dairy in central Texas to look at some cows that are feverish and anemic. The first animal you examine has a few brown ticks attached just under the tail. Finally, perhaps you are looking at a lame tortoise for a reptile fancier, a new client, and find a large, colorful tick on a hind leg, well up under the shell. Ring any bells? Egrets are great hosts for the immature stages of Amblyomma ticks and have been captured and marked in the eastern Caribbean, then recaptured in the Florida Keys. Those cattle ticks in Texas might be acaricide-resistant Boophilus ticks that originated in Mexico. The Amblyomma tick on the tortoise could well have "hitch-hiked" all the way from South Africa. By now you remember that both Amblyomma and Boophilus ticks are efficient vectors of two tickborne diseases in this hemisphere, heartwater (in the case of Amblyomma) and babesiosis (transmitted by Boophilus ticks). Both of these diseases are exotic to the United States, and because our livestock are considered to be totally susceptible, an introduced infection could result in high initial death losses (approximately 70%); thus, both the ticks and the diseases pose immediate threats to the health and economic security of United States animal industries. Most importantly, you, whether as a small animal or large animal practitioner, are the first line of defense against such exotic diseases and their vectors.  相似文献   

Thiocyanate-ions are ubiquitous in living nature. They are important for the cell-function and the ongoing of vital functions. Therefore they are an essential factor in both, animal and human being. The Thiocyanate-ions are brought in alimentary but also built by the organism itself. Beneath the guarantee for many different body-functions Thiocyanate-ions are an important part of the immune response. To that belongs their involvement in H2O2-Thiocyanate Peroxidase-Systems. Furthermore Thiocyanate-ions are agents for cell-protection and for the repair-mechanism of the host in the struggle with toxic substances of germs. Therefore they also have a tumour-prophylactic effect. Thiocyanate-ions participate at physiochemical reactions which due the protein-conformation. There are hypothesis that a deficiency of Thiocyanate-ions may be a co-factor for causative agents of diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathia. References for calculations of the alimentary balance are given, if deficiency of Thiocyanate-ions occurs. From the view of an optimal animal-feeding the sufficient alimentary supply of Thiocyanate-ions and their precursors is mentioned.  相似文献   

Amphibians are a diverse group of species; much work remains to be done to elucidate the viruses of amphibians. Viral diseases may play an important role in wild and captive amphibian populations. Iridoviruses are a leading cause of wild amphibian mortality events in the United States and are a common cause of amphibian mortality events worldwide. In addition to frank viral diseases, viral infections may play a role in the establishment of bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases and are an underlying cause of neoplasia. It is important for the amphibian clinician to recognize disease syndromes and pathology that are consistent with viral etiology.  相似文献   

In Bavaria a BHV-1 eradication program was initiated in 1986 and was changed to a compulsory program in 1998. The eradication success increased progressively from < 50% in 1986 to 87% of the farms in 2002. BHV 1-free farms are controlled by bulk milk serology twice a year along with blood serology in animals that are negative but from herds where positive field virus infected animals are present. All serological tests are performed with an indirect ELISA test, all positive results are confirmed by a gB ELISA. Currently about 100.000 virus infected cattle are in Bavarian herds, approximately 80% of these animals are in heavily infected herds (> 10 infected animals). These herds comprise about 5% of all Bavarian herds. The eradication of the virus in these heavily infected herds is the most diifficult, whereas the prevention of new infections appears controllable. In this review current problems in BHV1 eradication are named and possible improvements are discussed.  相似文献   

A total of six AVA members have formally nominated for the two positions to be contested in the coming election to choose a President-Elect and a member of the AVA Board. There are three candidates for President-Elect and four for the Board position (one nominee has chosen to contest both ballots). The candidates for President-Elect are: Tom Lonsdale, Norm Blackman and Ian Denney (a member of the current Board). The nominees for the Board are: Norm Blackman, Joanne Sillence, Breck Muir and Robert Baker. Each of the nominees was requested to submit a 200 to 300* word'biography for publication in this edition of the AVJ (see below) as a means of indicating to members why they are seeking support for the positions they are contesting.  相似文献   

Dental extractions are a very common veterinary procedure. As common as they are, they are not a simple undertaking and should be approached with the same depth of preparation as any other surgical procedure. Regardless of size of the tooth, all extractions start with the 9 steps used for simple single-root extractions. These are: obtain consent, expose a dental radiograph, obtain proper lighting and visualization, administer proper pain management, cut the gingival attachment, elevate carefully, remove the tooth, perform alveoplasty, and close. Multi-root teeth require sectioning into single-rooted pieces, which are then treated as single-root extractions. Finally, some extractions (especially canine and carnassial teeth) are better performed after the creation of gingival flaps and removal of bone to ease the extraction process.  相似文献   

Some of the predisposing factors for the development of degenerative joint disease, such as fatigue, early training, conformation defects, and others, are outlined. Swimming, a controlled weight-bearing exercise, is discussed and strongly recommended for treatment of degenerative joint disease in the horse. A brief review of counterirritants and vesicants, as well as current therapeutic suggestions, are presented. Cryotherapy, which is a relatively new form of counterirritation, is discussed. The benefits and limitations of radiation therapy are briefly discussed, and gamma rays are felt to be superior to x-rays. The most frequently used antiinflammatory drugs are discussed, and the two main categories, corticosteroids and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, are presented in detail. Among the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, hyaluronic acid, DMSO, and superoxide dismutase are presented and their mode of action, as well as benefits and disadvantages, are evaluated. Joint lavage is an effective tool in the management of joint disease, because it removes degenerative debris and inflammatory cells from the joint. The management of degenerative joint disease generally involves more than one of the therapeutic regimens mentioned. On the other hand, there is not a single treatment combination that is superior in all situations. The clinician treating degenerative joint disease must select the treatment regimen that works best for him and for the case to be treated. Such a choice must be based on a thorough understanding of applicable therapeutic agents and modes of physical therapy.  相似文献   

笔者认为苔丝、爱玛、安娜“自杀”主要有三个方面的原因:首先,对爱情的绝望是她们自杀的最直接原因;其次,她们自身带着沉重的罪恶感。一方面想从现实环境中逃脱出来,一方面又无法摆脱既定的社会法则;最后,她们都生活在转型时期比较混乱的社会环境中,各种社会因素交织成一张巨网,使她们围困其中而无法动弹。  相似文献   

Many of the important diseases of sport and pleasure horses are thought to have a genetic component. The majority of these diseases, however, are multifactorial and are influenced not only by genetics, but also by environmental factors. In this review some of the most important multifactorial diseases are described and the current evidence for a genetic background is discussed.  相似文献   

Diseases are a major cause of variation in drug response. Although many different diseases are known that have an effect on the pharmacokinetics or sometimes the pharmacodynamics of a drug, disorders associated with a so-called acute phase response (APR) are the most important in this respect. During APR, for example caused by tissue damage or invasion of a pathogen, a group of symptoms can be observed that often include fever, lassitude, inhibition of gastric function and synthesis of acute phase proteins. All phases that together determine the pharmacokinetic profile of a drug, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, can be affected during APR. From a clinical point of view however, the effects on absorption and metabolism are the most relevant. For drugs that are given orally, a slower absorption rate is often observed during APR due to a delayed gastric emptying. Even more important from a clinical point of view is the depression of biotransformation capacity in the liver during APR, especially affecting the enzymes of the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) complex. Although much has become known about the mechanism of this effect, a number of questions remain. Cytokines, nitric oxide and possibly the enzyme heme oxygenase are playing a role in a complex process that depends on a mutual interaction between Kupffer cells (macrophages) and hepatocytes in the liver. The clinician should be aware of unexpected changes in drug effects or residue levels due to cumulation of the compound during disease or after vaccination. In these situations, drugs that are excreted unchanged may be better alternatives.  相似文献   

Macrolides and lincosamides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macrolides and lincosamides are first choice bacteriostatic antibiotics used in veterinary dermatology. The main antibiotics in these classes are erythromycin, lincomycin, clindamycin and tylosin. They are well absorbed if given orally and are able to penetrate well into infected skin. Their spectrum of action comprises bacteria commonly associated with skin infections, including staphylococci. Their main disadvantages are the rapid development of bacterial resistance and occasional gastroenteric upset, most often seen with erythromycin. More recently developed macrolides, such as azithromycin and clarithomycin, are bactericidal, have a larger spectrum of action, a longer endurance, less resistance and may be given once a day instead of two or three times daily.  相似文献   

Veterinary dentistry for geriatric patients is a vital part of the health maintenance program. For detailed procedures on the many facets of veterinary dentistry, there are a number of texts and articles in journals. The practitioner who wishes to become more proficient in dentistry should take a planned approach of reading, attending seminars, and practicing. Most importantly, look. The conditions are there and they are causing problems. If we are to attend to the entire health needs of our geriatric patients, then a thorough knowledge of veterinary dentistry is absolutely necessary.  相似文献   

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