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Dairy industry has become an increasingly important enterprise in China as people's dietary preferences and composition have changed dramatically with rapid economic development in the past several decades. A number of problems, however, exist in China's relatively young dairy industry, including the imbalanced allocation of profits throughout the dairy supply chain. One of the root causes of the melamine infant powered milk scandal in 2008 was the unfair profit allocation mechanism in dairy supply chain. The revenue sharing contract approach has proven to be effective in generating market shares and total profits. In this study, we apply the three-stage revenue sharing contract model of Giannoccaro and Pontrandolfo (2004) in an analysis of dairy supply chain to explore its problems in profit allocation and possible solutions to them. The analysis was conducted by a case study of Hohhot, often called as “milk capital of China”. Our results show that the current profit distribution in the dairy supply chain is not balanced: the supermarket's profit>farmer's profit>manufacturer's profit. Under the revenue sharing contract setting, the dairy industry's total profit increased by 12.49%. By exploring different parameters in the revenue sharing contract model, we have found that a win-win situation can be created among all the members of the supply chain. In dairy supply chain, the ratio of the revenue reserved for the supermarket itself is equal or greater than 47% and the ratio of the revenue reserved for the manufacturer itself is between 46.4 and 50.2%. The values of the parameters that generate a sustainable or win-win situation are related to the bargaining position in the dairy supply chain. The revenue sharing contract has proven to be effective and desirable by all the dairy chain partners in dairy supply chain. The results of this study provide relevant information for improving the dairy supply chain structure and the revenue sharing contract model can be applied to other industries, sectors and regions.  相似文献   

2020年开年之初,新冠肺炎病毒肆虐中国大地。此次疫情对我国各地区各行业影响巨大,对北京市农业也带来了严重的影响。北京市农业主要产值由种植业、养殖业、休闲观光农业构成。受疫情影响,农产品运输成本增加,养殖业长期供给紧张,休闲观光农业面临游客出游意愿锐减等困难与问题。未来北京市应在资金、技术、政策方面帮扶农业企业,如采取减税等政策帮扶受损农企,搭建智慧农业平台,拓展线上销售市场,加强农业技术指导,制定旅游业重振计划等。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 outbreak has shocked the world's economies in the year of 2020. As this pandemic spreads around the globe, many experts feared that the global food supplies might start running short, especially if supply chains were disrupted. COVID-19 also added to the uncertainty of the business operation. Therefore, it is critical to understand how COVID-19 pandemic affected global food supply and market. In this study, we investigate the impact of COVID-19 on agricultural export companies in China using a unique firm-level survey data. We found that although on average agricultural businesses experienced declines in the exports, exports of some agricultural products especially grain and oil held strong and even increased, implying the essential demand for staple food during the pandemic. Not surprisingly, exports of medicinal herb also increased significantly during the pandemic. However, exports of goods such as edible fungus and horticultural products sharply decreased. Our results also showed that in general, impact of COVID-19 on smaller firms was more severe than that on larger firms. The results of this study can provide useful guidance and implications for agricultural businesses and policy makers on their COVID-19 mitigation efforts to navigate this global pandemic.  相似文献   

This study examines the development and trends of China's alfalfa market and imports, identifies key factors for the rapid increase in China's alfalfa imports, and discusses potential impacts of the U.S.–China trade dispute and retaliations on the alfalfa markets and trade in both nations. China's rapid transition toward larger-scale commercial dairy production, with enhanced feed and cost management as well as quality and safety control, and its limited resources for high-quality alfalfa production are key factors for the dramatic increase in its alfalfa imports, from 19 601 metric tons in 2008 to 1.38 million metric tons (mmt) in 2018. While the United States dominated China's alfalfa imports with an average share of 97.01% from 2007 to 2017, the share dropped to 83.76% in 2018 and 63.28% in January 2019 due to the trade dispute and retaliations started in 2018. China will likely remain a large importer of alfalfa because of both its growing demand and the comparative advantages of imported alfalfa in quality and price, but the imports from the United States will be highly affected by the ongoing trade dispute and negotiations. China is also expected to make more efforts to reduce its dependence on U.S. alfalfa through increased investment in domestic alfalfa production and identification of alternative sources of alfalfa and other hay imports.  相似文献   

对于投资国来说,对外直接投资的产业选择对投资收益和潜在收益有较大影响。为了研究中国对美直接投资的产业选择对中国产业的影响,本文基于比较优势,构建发展中国家OFDI决策模型,通过构造评价指标以及构建回归模型,并利用2005-2014年中国对外直接投资数据、出口数据、行业相关数据对中国对美直接投资的效应进行了实证分析。结果表明,作为中国对美直接投资的两个重点产业,第二、第三产业可以为提高本国对应产业的比较优势提供支撑;中国对美直接投资、美国自身的产业比较优势、其他国家对中国直接投资、中国国内的固定资产投资、中国各行业从业人员数均有助于提高中国产业比较优势;由于中国内部约束和外部约束的原因,中国对美直接投资对提升中国产业比较优势的作用还不明显。  相似文献   

美国是世界苜蓿生产大国。美国苜蓿产业从最初的发展到如今的发达,乃至支撑了强大的畜牧业发展和节能减排,经历了一条漫长的道路,也积累了宝贵的经验。"三聚氰胺"事件后,美国苜蓿对中国奶牛业和牧草产业的影响越来越大。通过对美国苜蓿产业发展历史及现状的分析,总结其在种植、加工和进出口贸易方面积累的宝贵经验,发现中国需要从规模化水平提高、机械补贴制度完善、苜蓿良种体系和苜蓿产品可追溯体系建设及与国际市场接轨等方面推进苜蓿产业不断发展。预期中国高端苜蓿草依赖美国的局面还将持续一段时期,但随着中国苜蓿产业在发展规模、整体素质、经营模式等方面的持续快速发展,最终还是主要依靠国内解决优质牧草短缺问题。  相似文献   

基于Nerlove模型的我国牛奶供给影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪90年代以来,我国奶业快速发展。但一系列宏微观影响因素经常会导致牛奶生产和价格剧烈波动,甚至对我国奶业产生致命打击,特别是经常发生的"倒奶事件"、"杀奶牛事件"等,直接影响着我国奶业生产的稳定和牛奶市场的均衡供应。采用1995-2013年我国牛奶产量、牛奶价格、饲料价格和规模化率数据,运用Nerlove模型对牛奶供给反应进行研究。研究结果如下:滞后两期牛奶产量和滞后一期饲料价格对本期牛奶产量有着负影响,滞后一期牛奶产量、滞后一期牛奶价格和规模化率对本期牛奶产量有着正影响;牛奶的短期弹性为0.104 0,短期内缺乏弹性,长期弹性为2.126 8,长期内富有弹性,表明牛奶供给对价格的反应存在滞后性。因此,政府应该提升规模化水平,扶持饲料企业发展和扩大优质饲料的种植面积,保持奶业价格政策的持续、稳定性,引导奶产业构建更加紧密的、合理的利益分配关系。  相似文献   

2013年,国内奶业市场供需总体偏紧,由于生鲜乳产量的下降,全国很多省市出现了阶段性"奶荒"。总体看,国内原料奶收购价格持续上涨,鲜奶零售价格高位震荡,奶粉零售价格总体略升,乳品进口继续大幅增加,出口明显下滑,新西兰所占奶粉进口比重略有下降,但仍占主导地位;国际市场乳品价格整体提升,美国牛奶产量同比略增,英国牛奶产量同比下降。2014年,国内奶业生产形势依然相对严峻,原料奶收购价格和鲜奶零售价格保持上行态势的概率较大,国际市场主要乳品价格继续上升。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic had an enormous impact on the vegetable supply chain in China. Effective evaluation of the pandemic's influences on vegetable production is vital for policy settings to enhance the security of vegetable supply. Based on first-hand data from 526 households, we explored regional differences in different types of loss and potential factors affecting the severity farmer households suffered during the pandemic. The results underline that sales contraction and price volatility in the context of interruption of supply chain dominate the total losses during the pandemic. Such losses differ across provinces and are more substantial in provinces with stricter confinement measures. Farmer households' participation in local market and modern marketing methods helps mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 shock, while labor hiring and facilities adoption in production widen the losses due to the shortage in the workforce. In the future, the vegetable industry practitioners and relevant government departments should work together to coordinate the development of short and long supply chains and strengthen the stability and security of the vegetable supply chain.  相似文献   

Pig farmers' willingness to recover production under the COVID-19 pandemic shock is significant to recover live pigs' supply in China in 2020. Increasing farmers' willingness to recover pig production contributes to enhance pig supply, stabilize the pig and pork market, and to improve pig farmers' income. This research studies the determinants of pig farmers' willingness to recover production under COVID-19 pandemic shock by applying survey data of 201 farmers in Huai'an City and Lin'an City and a logit regression model. The estimation results show that a farmer's risk perception, the duration time of a farmer's feed supply under COVID-19 pandemic shock, whether or not being a cooperative member, and a farmer's knowledge on government's policy designed to encourage pig production, a farmer's education level and production experience are the key determinants to a farmer's willingness to recover pig production. Thus, it's important for policymakers to solve the problems for farmers to get access to feed during the pandemic, to encourage the development of cooperatives, as well as to issue and advocate policies to encourage pig production. The study contributes to the scant literature by providing fresh empirical evidences on determinants of farmers' willingness to recover pig production. It has significance to farmers and governments to enhance farmers' willingness to recover production, which contributes to secure pig supply in China after the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下粮食保障应对策略分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称“新冠肺炎”)疫情背景下,全球的粮食保障面临前所未有的挑战。为掌握全球粮食状况,保障我国粮食安全,分析了全球和中国的粮食供应情况,并提出了粮食保障应对策略。通过分析发现,疫情之下全球粮食生产预期总体平稳,具有较强地抗冲击能力,中国的主粮供给有保障,但大豆等进口商品受到一定的影响。由于各国形势差异,不同国家采取了多种措施保障本国粮食供应,例如增加财政和政策支持、加大粮食库存、建立绿色通道、限制粮食出口、减免进口关税、进行价格管制等。在此基础上,建议通过破解供应瓶颈来稳定粮食生产、通过加强调控力度来稳定粮食价格、通过有效引导市场来稳定社会预期,以保障我国的粮食安全和粮食供应链的稳定运行。  相似文献   

中国大豆进口量持续保持高位,其价格波动一直是关注焦点。为研究不同大豆市场价格传导的差异,选取中国、巴西、阿根廷和美国大豆市场2014年1月—2021年5月的日度价格数据,采用小波模型与Copula函数对中国与各国大豆市场价格关联进行实证分析。结果表明:中国大豆市场价格与各国大豆市场价格之间均存在显著正向关联,关联程度随时间尺度的扩大而增强,其中与巴西关联性最为显著;尾部价格联动效应存在差异,价格波动超过1个月,与阿根廷、美国分别对价格下降、上涨更敏感;中国与巴西、美国大豆市场价格都存在明显的非对称价格传导,不同国家正/负向传导效应在时间尺度上存在差异。基于研究结果,提出了提高国内油料生产,丰富进口来源,加强市场监测预警等政策建议。  相似文献   

试论新疆奶业发展的几个问题和对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
针对新疆奶业发展的实际,就建立外向型、科技型乳制品龙头企业,充分发挥奶牛的生产潜力,正确处理产加关系等问题作了较全面的论述和讨论;认为上述问题是新疆奶业发展的当务之急,并提出了相应措施和建议.  相似文献   

为探究中美棉花期货市场泡沫风险的水平与特征,基于2004—2019年中美棉花期货价格日度数据,运用GSADF方法对中美棉花期货市场泡沫风险进行了测度与比较。结果表明:中美棉花期货市场均面临泡沫风险,并在泡沫出现时多伴随着价格的暴涨或暴跌;综合泡沫的持续时间、发生频率和发生强度来看,中国棉花期货市场的泡沫风险程度高于美国棉花期货市场;中美棉花期货市场泡沫风险特征存在差异,中国棉花期货市场的泡沫发生频率更高,但泡沫期内价格变动率较低。基于此,需要通过加快风险管理理论的发展并将其应用于棉花期货市场,完善期货市场监管体系,注重对棉花期货市场机构投资者的培育等措施,保障中国棉花期货市场的健康发展,进一步提升中国棉花期货的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

中国是世界第三大奶业生产国和第一大奶制品进口国。近年来,受三聚氰胺等食品安全事件影响,中国奶类产量波动增长,进口大幅度增加。未来10年,中国奶业生产进入关键转型期,规模化程度明显提升,单产水平稳步提升,奶类产量将继续小幅增加,人均消费量较快提升,农村居民增速快于城镇。受资源条件约束,国内奶制品供需缺口将长期存在且呈扩大趋势,进口将进一步较大幅度增加,出口量占奶产量的比重仍较小。  相似文献   

The cow stock of smallholder farmers with less than 100 cows still accounted for nearly 50% of total cows in China. Since the milk scandal occurred in 2008, raw milk safety has become focus for the sound development of the Chinese dairy industry. Adoption of on-farm milk safety measures by smallholders is a key for ensuring milk safety, and these measures are largely voluntary in nature. The recent survey conducted in northern China reveals that an overall adoption rate of various milk safety measures by smallholders is close to 48% with wide variations across the dairy farmers. We employ the Poisson regression model to study the determinants of farmers' adoption of voluntary milk safety measures. Compared with backyard dairy farmers, dairy complex and scaled dairy farms adopted more milk safety measures. Moreover, the empirical result indicates that farmers' adoption of raw milk safety measures is positively affected by farm size. These findings suggest that the changing dairy production structure towards larger farms and away from backyard dairy farming prompts smallholder dairy farmers to adopt more raw milk safety measures. This lends some support to the role of recent policy initiatives towards larger farms and away from backyard dairy farming on increasing the farmers' milk safety practices and reducing on-farm incidence of milk safety.  相似文献   

中美农作物收入保险产品:比较与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农作物收入保险能够对因产量降低、价格下跌或产量与价格共同变化所引致的收入损失提供补偿,因而成为国际农业保险产品发展的方向。美国农作物收入保险运作已经相当成熟,对中国发展收入保险具有重要借鉴意义。采用比较研究法,分别介绍中美两国农业保险的组织架构,阐释两国农作物收入保险产品的具体设计和运作,并将两国农业保险产品置于巨灾保险(CAT)、买入保障水平(BUY-UP)和补充保障选项(SCO)的产品分类框架下进行比较分析。结果表明,中国农作物收入保险以准收入保险产品为主,尚存在产量和价格数据设置不合理、保障水平和保费补贴政策单一等不足。相比之下,美国农作物收入保险种类丰富,以累积多年的农作物产量数据和期货价格数据为基础,提供多档次可供选择的保障水平,保险单元按照个体和农场进行了区分,并设置了差异化的保费补贴政策。因此,从政策性农业保险要追随农业政策发展目标、提高农业保险组织效率和加强农业保险数据建设方面,对我国发展农作物收入保险给出重要启示。  相似文献   

为探究三产融合对农民合作社绩效的作用机制,利用黑龙江省254家农民合作社的调查数据,以治理机制、利益机制、技术进步和政策供给为中介变量,构建多重中介效应的结构方程模型。结果表明:第一,三产融合对提升合作社绩效的直接效应显著。第二,以合作社内部治理机制和技术进步为中介变量的两条中介路径成立。第三,农民合作社三产融合在完善内部利益机制以及获取政府政策供给方面有促进效果,但利益机制与政策供给发挥的中介效应并不显著。因此,发挥治理机制和技术进步的重要作用、处理好三产融合过程中的利益关系、避免政策供给落实不到位有助于进一步提高农民合作社绩效。  相似文献   

中国成品油管道存在管道互联互通性差、区域油品不平衡、管道负荷率偏低及部分区域输送瓶颈等问题,亟需推动成品油管道公平开放,促进成品油运输行业的健康发展。介绍了美国成品油管道公平开放现状,并对其管道公司制订的准入条件、信息交流、服务模式、管输费率、运输能力分配以及混油处理等准入规定进行了分析。结果表明:推动成品油管道公平开放有利于促进能源体制改革、保障成品油供应安全以及提高成品油管道系统负荷率。借鉴美国成品油管道公平开放经验,结合中国成品油输送行业的现状,提出了中国成品油管道公平开放方案的构想:①加快成品油管道基础设施建设,为成品油管道公平开放奠定基础;②规范和完善成品油管输定价体系,维护成品油运输市场的秩序;③在有“剩余能力”基础上开放管道,社会各界行使监督权;④保障管道公司经营话语权,分步推动成品油管道独立;⑤规范成品油管道公司的开放条款,无歧视性对待各类用户。  相似文献   

In Western Kenya, smallholder dairy production is becoming incrementally commercialized through the commodification and sale of milk through formal market channels. While commercialization is often construed as a way to boost rural livelihoods through increased income from milk, emerging evidence suggests that married women are not directly benefiting from formal milk market participation. This critical issue of gender power imbalance has been framed by development interventions in economic efficiency and social justice perspectives, but thus far interventions in the sector have not addressed how underlying social-market mechanisms embedded in gendered ideology influence smallholder engagement in dairy commercialization. Drawing on feminist theories of power and social embeddedness, this study investigates how gendered power relationships materialize and influence formal milk marketing engagement and practices in Western Kenya. Facilitated discussion groups with smallholder farmers revealed the gendered ideologies and norms that ascribe masculinized meaning to cattle, milk, and commercial enterprise. Key informant interviews with commercial dairy management and farmers were used to identify current practices for increasing women’s formal market participation—namely, direct payments to women for milk deliveries. Findings from this study indicate that cattle and formal dairy market participation are imbued with gendered meaning that create legitimacy around men’s privilege over dairy proceeds. Interventions in the sector aimed at addressing gender power imbalances must acknowledge this dynamic, and accept the social trade-offs and gendered costs of dairy commercialization.  相似文献   

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