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Food hoarding is prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic. To investigate the mechanism of urban consumers' food hoarding behaviors, we categorize hoarding motives into rational and irrational ones. Using random online survey samples from three cities in China, we employ the multivariate probit model to investigate the rational and irrational motives on food hoarding behavior. Our results confirmed the existence of both rational and irrational food hoarding, and also found factors attributing to the different buying behaviors. The amount of food at hand and the expectation on the infection possibility of COVID-19 are two major factors affecting rational hoarding. Bad mood and herd psychology are factors contributing to panic buying. This study provides an empirical evidence to support intervention policies aiming at mitigating panic buying behavior.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 outbreak has shocked the world's economies in the year of 2020. As this pandemic spreads around the globe, many experts feared that the global food supplies might start running short, especially if supply chains were disrupted. COVID-19 also added to the uncertainty of the business operation. Therefore, it is critical to understand how COVID-19 pandemic affected global food supply and market. In this study, we investigate the impact of COVID-19 on agricultural export companies in China using a unique firm-level survey data. We found that although on average agricultural businesses experienced declines in the exports, exports of some agricultural products especially grain and oil held strong and even increased, implying the essential demand for staple food during the pandemic. Not surprisingly, exports of medicinal herb also increased significantly during the pandemic. However, exports of goods such as edible fungus and horticultural products sharply decreased. Our results also showed that in general, impact of COVID-19 on smaller firms was more severe than that on larger firms. The results of this study can provide useful guidance and implications for agricultural businesses and policy makers on their COVID-19 mitigation efforts to navigate this global pandemic.  相似文献   

Family farms are considered the most desirable form of Chinese agriculture. Studies on the risk management of family farms are rare, while the COVID-19 pandemic provides an opportunity to explore how family farms respond to risks. Based on an online survey of 2 324 family crop farms, we examine for the first time the short-term impact (immediate impact or short-term fluctuation, and farms' instantaneous response) and long-term impact (on farms' future or long-term production) of the COVID-19 pandemic on family farms' production and operation in rural China. By using factor analysis and dummy variable regression, we find that the severity of the pandemic, the lockdown of the village, and farmers' knowledge of the pandemic contribute significantly to the short-term impact, but not on the long-term impact. Farmers' characteristics such as gender, age, and education are not related to the short-term impact, but family farms with male owners or owners with high school education or below are more likely to be diversified and large-scale. The number of years the farm has existed for and agricultural insurance affect both short-term and long-term impacts. We suggest that the government needs to pay more attention to stability-enhancing policies, the market environment, vocational training and the agricultural insurance market.  相似文献   

Pig farmers' willingness to recover production under the COVID-19 pandemic shock is significant to recover live pigs' supply in China in 2020. Increasing farmers' willingness to recover pig production contributes to enhance pig supply, stabilize the pig and pork market, and to improve pig farmers' income. This research studies the determinants of pig farmers' willingness to recover production under COVID-19 pandemic shock by applying survey data of 201 farmers in Huai'an City and Lin'an City and a logit regression model. The estimation results show that a farmer's risk perception, the duration time of a farmer's feed supply under COVID-19 pandemic shock, whether or not being a cooperative member, and a farmer's knowledge on government's policy designed to encourage pig production, a farmer's education level and production experience are the key determinants to a farmer's willingness to recover pig production. Thus, it's important for policymakers to solve the problems for farmers to get access to feed during the pandemic, to encourage the development of cooperatives, as well as to issue and advocate policies to encourage pig production. The study contributes to the scant literature by providing fresh empirical evidences on determinants of farmers' willingness to recover pig production. It has significance to farmers and governments to enhance farmers' willingness to recover production, which contributes to secure pig supply in China after the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

为了解和调整消费者对国产婴幼儿奶粉质量安全风险感知偏差,基于情景模拟实验法获取559位消费者数据,采用有序Logistic模型,对消费者的国产婴幼儿奶粉质量安全风险感知偏差及其影响因素展开实证研究.结果表明:1)89.98%的消费者主观感知到的国产婴幼儿奶粉质量安全风险高于客观风险水平,存在风险感知偏差.2)产品知识、...  相似文献   

利用1988—2012年《中国统计年鉴》的宏观数据,用调整离差率对收入不确定性和支出不确定性进行测算,在分析我国居民所面临的不确定性因素及其对城乡居民消费行为的影响路径基础上,建立引入不确定性的消费函数扩展模型,实证研究2类不确定性因素对我国城乡居民消费行为的影响,重点比较分析其对城乡居民消费行为影响的差异。结果表明:收入不确定性和支出不确定性对城镇居民消费行为皆具有正向影响,而对农村居民消费行为具有负向影响,且收入不确定性对农村居民消费的影响大于城镇居民,支出不确定性对我国城镇居民消费的影响大于农村居民。  相似文献   

以北京市5个自然保护区为研究对象,运用Probit 模型分析了影响社区居民参与保护区管理意愿的主 要因素,结果表明社区居民的文化程度对保护区建立目的的认知状况,对保护区内资源的利用情况,保护区野生 动物对居民庄稼的破坏情况,增加工作岗位,提高家庭收入是主要的影响因素,根据研究结果,提出加强宣传和教 育,帮助社区发展经济,通过旅游业合作带动社区参与管理健全和完善保护区管理机构和职能等促进社区居民参 与保护区管理的政策建议.  相似文献   

基于南京老城区居民拆迁安置后生活工作情况的调查数据,分析迁居后低收入居民通勤行为特征与影响因素。结果表明:安置后总体通勤时间增加,历次就业变动通勤时间区段经历了三个演变阶段;安置后每日往返通勤费用增加,通勤方式以步行为主,选择公交车与电动车通勤的比例上升;不同类型通勤行为特征街道的空间分布存在差异;历次就业变动后的通勤行为受到居民社会经济属性、安置小区交通设施配套、居住区功能定位与城市产业布局等多种因素影响。  相似文献   

为切实保障蔬菜的质量安全,蔬菜领域正逐步推广可追溯体系.通过对消费者购买蔬菜行为的实地调研,探索消费者购买蔬菜一般性习惯的同时,运用Logistic回归模型,重点考察影响消费者对蔬菜可追溯标签认知及支付意愿的重要因素.研究结果表明,消费者普遍关注蔬菜的质量安全,对蔬菜的质量安全信息有较大需求,但对蔬菜可追溯标签的认知度较低,加之性别、年龄、家庭规模等因素的影响,消费者对加贴可追溯标签蔬菜的支付意愿呈现出差异性,男性消费者比女性消费者对加贴可追溯标签蔬菜的支付意愿更强烈,消费者年龄越大,支付意愿越强烈.  相似文献   

为了解消费者对可追溯牛肉的偏好情况,基于北京市实地调研的400份消费者问卷数据,利用假想价值评估法研究消费者对可追溯牛肉的支付意愿,重点关注的是依据计划行为理论并选用有序Logistic模型分析消费者对可追溯牛肉支付意愿的影响因素。研究发现:北京市消费者对可追溯牛肉的认知水平较低;但信息强化后,消费者对可追溯牛肉又表现出较高的认可程度,只有4.75%的受访者不愿意为可追溯牛肉支付额外价格;然而,只有20.00%的受访者愿意为每千克可追溯牛肉额外多支付至少20元,参考当前北京市可追溯牛肉的市场价格,消费者对可追溯牛肉的支付意愿还是偏低;风险感知障碍、辨别能力障碍、经济实力障碍、牛肉购买数量和年龄这些变量显著影响消费者对可追溯牛肉的支付意愿。根据本研究结论提出对策建议。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to assess the COVID-19 pandemic's impacts on the dairy industries in China and the United States and to derive policy recommendations for enhancing the diary industries' resilience to pandemics and other market shocks. Specifically, data from the two nations are used to analyze and compare the mechanisms through which the pandemic has affected their dairy industries and to discuss potential lessons from their experiences. The findings suggest that this pandemic has heavily affected the dairy industries in both China and the United States through similar mechanisms, such as decreased farmgate milk prices, disruption and difficulties of moving milk within the supply chains, worker shortages, increased production costs, and lack of operating capital. There were also significant differences in the affecting mechanisms between the two nations, including transportation difficulties from widespread road closures and significant reduction in holiday sales of dairy products in China, and the shutdown of many dairy processors in the United States due to the closing of schools, restaurants, and hotels. While government financial reliefs are highly needed to help many dairy farms and processors survive this pandemic in the short term, the dairy industries and governments need to work together to develop long-term strategies and policies to balance the industries' efficiency and flexibility, product specialization and diversification, supply chain integration and local food systems, and market mechanisms and policy regulations and interventions.  相似文献   

基于我国7省份1 059户水稻种植户调查数据,运用倾向得分匹配法克服农村居民参与农业科技培训的样本选择性偏误问题,实证分析农业科技培训对农村居民收入的影响。结果表明:在考虑了农业科技培训的样本自选择问题之后,农业科技培训对农村居民收入提高的作用更小,统计描述分析或者最小二乘法估计会高估农业科技培训的增收效果。培训方式和培训费用对农村居民收入有显著的影响。田间示范的培训方式更有利于农村居民收入的提高,农村居民所支付的培训费用越高,其收入也相应的越高;培训费用由农村居民个人支付比由政府支付收入提高效果更明显。  相似文献   

以全国13省(市、区)305个消费者调研数据为基础,运用Logistic模型对消费者购买安全认证肉鸭产品的意愿及其影响因素进行计量分析。结果表明:消费者购买安全认证肉鸭产品受到多种因素的影响,其中,受教育程度、家庭成员数量、是否为家庭主要食品购买者、肉鸭产品质量安全关心程度、市场上安全认证肉鸭产品种类、安全认证肉鸭产品销售渠道、卫生、产地和品牌认可度、能承受的价格及人患H7N9禽流感事件出现后关注肉鸭产品的安全问题等因素的影响都较显著且方向有所差异。受教育程度、产地和品牌认可度、人患H7N9禽流感事件出现后关注肉鸭产品的安全问题等影响因素在统计显著性水平10%上是显著的;家庭成员个数、是否为家庭主要食品购买者、能承受的价格、市场上安全认证肉鸭产品种类等影响因素在统计显著性水平5%上是显著的;而消费者对肉鸭产品质量安全关心程度、安全认证肉鸭产品销售渠道、卫生等影响因素在统计显著性水平1%上是较显著的。据此,揭示出以下政策启示:细分安全认证肉鸭产品市场;最大程度减少信息不对称问题;政府与市场应用并重;优化消费环境;提高安全认证肉鸭产品在市场上的竞争力。  相似文献   

广东省消费者对食用农产品标识的认知及支付意愿   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
农产品标识是传播农产品信息的有效途径,能够消除农产品信息不对称现象。广东省于2009年率先在我国颁布实施了农产品标识市场准入制度,因而其消费者具有较好的认知基础。通过对广州、湛江、东莞和惠州4市消费者进行实地调研,运用二元Logistic回归模型,重点研究消费者对农产品标识的认识水平以及影响其支付意愿的主要因素。研究结果表明:消费者对加贴标识农产品的认知水平和支付意愿具有正相关性,即认识水平低,支付意愿也低;另外,年龄、收入、文化程度、支付能力和农产品价格也是影响消费者支付意愿的重要因素;其中,农产品价格与支付意愿负相关,其他影响因素与支付意愿正相关。  相似文献   

张超一 《河北农业科学》2010,14(4):113-114,121
2009年7月在河北省6地市进行了农村居民对食品安全的认知及消费行为调查。结果表明:河北省农村居民食品安全意识不高。究其原因,主要是农村经济发展水平不高、农村地区食品市场信息不对称、农村居民的维权意识差以及相关制度不够完善。  相似文献   

基于食品特征价格需求模型,考量城镇居民和农村居民对蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物三种常量营养元素的效用评价,结果显示,相对高收入人群对食品的营养程度和安全度更加重视,相对低收入人群对价格更为敏感。食品安全问题相关的新闻报道统计数据表明,监管力度强并不能完全杜绝食品违规生产行为,消费者尤其是低收入消费者对食品中必需品的需求,会为企业过度压低生产成本提供空间。鉴此,应从需求角度考虑食品安全治理问题,提高低收入消费者的收入水平,是对加强监管力度的重要补充。  相似文献   

为了解居民对烟台采摘型休闲农业旅游认知情况和参与意愿,填补相关研究的空白,基于消费者的视角、采用问卷调查与评分法进行了研究。结果表明:居民对采摘型休闲农业(果蔬采摘)旅游的认知情况属于较低水平,该旅游项目具有广阔的客源市场空间。有关部门和旅游项目的组织者应该通过加强采摘型休闲农业旅游的宣传,提高居民对采摘型休闲农业旅游的认知水平,吸引更多的居民参与到采摘型休闲农业旅游中来。采摘型旅游项目的组织者应根据消费者的意愿,有针对性的设计不同层级的旅游产品和旅游形式,设计不同层次的消费价格,满足更多消费者的需求。  相似文献   

In the face of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, it is essential to stabilize the security of urban “shopping baskets”. Through a survey and interviews with 46 agricultural cooperatives in Shanghai, this paper analyzes the impact of the pandemic on vegetable production and offers suggestions on agricultural insurance. The research results show that: (1) the pandemic has impacted almost all stages of the vegetable supply chain but has had a greater impact on the sales stage; (2) the market risks of vegetable production have increased significantly, and the gap between the field price and the market price has widened. The sales price difference between traditional channels and e-commerce is notable; (3) farmers' incomes have generally declined due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and traditional small-scale farmers have suffered more losses; and (4) agricultural insurance plays an important role in stabilizing the supply of vegetables to the city. To minimize the impact of the pandemic on vegetable production and to stabilize both urban “shopping baskets” and farmers' incomes, it is necessary to further improve agricultural insurance, especially to provide insurance against market risks.  相似文献   

针对城乡间、区域间居民收入水平存在差异的问题,采用动态面板数据实证研究方法,对居民收入水平的影响因素及城乡和区域差异进行研究,结果表明:1)居民消费能有效促进城乡居民收入水平提高,居民消费性支出每提高1个百分点城市居民收入提高0.2个百分点,农村居民提高约0.1个百分点。2)总人口抚养比具有显著抑制作用,其每提高1个百分点东中部农村居民收入水平下降0.25个百分点,西部城市居民收入水平下降0.21个百分点。3)城乡收入差距对东中部地区农村居民收入水平的影响更为显著,每提高1个百分点,东中部地区农村居民收入水平下降0.5个百分点。城市化水平、经济增长、财政支出、居民消费、产业占比以及人口抚养比等因素显著影响居民收入水平,且影响存在明显的城乡和区域差异。  相似文献   

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