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Sea lice data collected from Atlantic salmon farms in the Broughton Archipelago between 2003 and 2005 were examined for inter-regional differences in mobile Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer) abundance using the generalized linear model procedure. Factors such as age of the salmon populations, location of farms and time of year had a significant effect on the abundance of the mobile stages of L. salmonis whereas water temperature and salinity did not. Separate evaluation of SLICE® treatment data found no significant difference in treatment frequency among the areas but did show that there were significantly lower numbers of farm treatments during the summer months when compared with other seasons. The role of environment and wild fish in influencing sea lice abundance on the farmed salmon is discussed. The findings suggest that effective management programmes for sea lice should not only be based on geographical location but should take into account other factors which could influence lice abundance levels.  相似文献   

Salmon farming began in British Columbia (BC) in the 1970s and in 2006, aquaculture represented BC's largest agricultural export. Along with this growth in production has been a growth in controversy, including the concern that sea lice originating from Atlantic salmon farms negatively impact wild juvenile pink salmon in the Broughton Archipelago. To understand the dynamic interaction between wild and farmed fish, data for on‐farm abundance of sea lice are required. In this study, 33 000 Atlantic salmon from 20 active farms were examined over 3 years. Two species of lice were found: Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus clemensi. Inter‐annual and seasonal variations in abundance levels occurred with lower levels of L. salmonis in 2003 compared with 2004 and 2005, while C. clemensi levels were highest in 2003. The abundance of L. salmonis was greater on older farmed fish. The findings are compared with European and eastern Canadian sea lice reports, and possible sources of sea lice on farmed salmon are discussed.  相似文献   

Sea lice are the most important ectoparasites affecting farmed salmonids in marine water worldwide and pharmacological treatments are widely used to control their abundance. Synchronization of antiparasitic treatments among closely located salmon farms has been recently evaluated as a promising strategy for improving treatment performance. However, the optimum distance at which farms should synchronize their treatments is not clear. We used a repeated measures linear mixed effects model to evaluate the impact of two nationwide treatment synchronization procedures conducted in Chile in 2014 and 2015 on subsequent adult lice counts up to 13 weeks after the procedure. Each treatment synchronization procedure consisted of two 2‐week synchronization windows, in which farms were required to treat their fish. A period of 3 weeks elapsed between the two windows. Treatment synchronization was measured as the number of neighbouring farms that treated their fish within a certain geographical threshold, each of them weighted by its distance from the farm of interest. We tested four different thresholds: 5, 10, 20 and 30 km. The results indicate that the abundance of adult lice on farms that synchronized treatments with their neighbours within a distance of 5 km was lower than the abundance on non‐synchronized farms from weeks 4 to 11 after the procedure. Our findings suggest the treatment synchronization effect was distance dependent and greater when neighbouring farms up to 5 km joined the procedure.  相似文献   

The long and narrow Hardanger fjord in western Norway has a high density of salmon farms and has had severe salmon lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, problems. In the years 2004–06, salmon lice numbers were recorded in selected salmon farms in the fjord as part of a larger research project. Most farm sites participated in a strategic control programme and were deloused between November and January in each year. The aim of the programme was to achieve a mean abundance of <0.3 adult female lice at this time and to minimize the infection pressure on wild smolts in the spring. Dedicated teams carried out detailed counting of lice on farmed fish in April–September each year. Temperature conditions were fairly similar throughout the fjord and amongst years, but wide variations in salinities were observed. The two innermost zones, B and C, had the lowest lice mean abundances, whereas the outermost zones, D and E, consistently had more lice. General linear model analyses showed that differences in adult female lice abundance between the zones were associated with differing levels of salinity and emamectin benzoate treatments strategically administered. Mean fish weight was significantly positively correlated with mean abundance of adult female lice.  相似文献   

Hatcheries release >4.5 billion juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) into the North Pacific Ocean annually, raising concerns about competition with wild salmon populations. We used retrospective scale analysis to investigate how the growth of chum salmon (Oketa) from western Alaska is affected by the abundance of chum salmon from Japanese hatcheries and wild pink salmon (Ogorbuscha) from the Russian Far East. Over nearly five decades, the growth of Kuskokwim River chum salmon was negatively correlated with the abundance of Japanese hatchery chum salmon after accounting for the effects of sex and spring/summer sea‐surface temperature in the Bering Sea. An effect of wild eastern Kamchatka pink salmon abundance on the growth of Kuskokwim River salmon was detectable but modest compared to the intraspecific competitive effect. A decrease in Japanese hatchery chum salmon releases in 2011–2013 was not associated with increased growth of Bering Sea chum salmon. However, the abundance of wild chum salmon from the Russian Far East increased during that time, possibly obscuring reduced competition with hatchery chum salmon. Our results support previous evidence that chum salmon are affected by intraspecific competition, and to a lesser extent interspecific competition, in the North Pacific, underscoring that the effects of salmon hatchery production transcend national boundaries.  相似文献   

Seven samples, each consisting of approximately 50 Atlantic salmon, were collected from five marine farms in Norway. These farms reported to rear fish originating from the same commercial breed; however, all samples followed a unique route of production from breeder to marine farm via egg, fry and smolt producers. A group of farmed escapees (n=50) were also captured. Following genotyping with 18 microsatellite loci, the global FST was 0.083, and pair‐wise values were as high as 0.158. Four clusters, with varying degrees of genetic differentiation, were identified among samples from the farms, and the source of the escapees was identified successfully. It is suggested that the genetic differences observed among samples from the farms were created through the process of genetic drift, facilitated by parallel sub‐strains, extensive within‐strain selection and low to moderate numbers of adults contributing to batches of eggs. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that genetic identification of escaped Atlantic salmon, back to the farm of origin, may be possible even when farms rear fish reported to originate from a single breeder.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide has been the only medicine used to treat salmon infected with sea lice [Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer)] on many farms in Scotland since 1992 and reports have suggested reduced treatment efficacy. The present study tests the sensitivity of sea lice to exposure to hydrogen peroxide under farm conditions and also in vivo by comparing lice from a farm with suspected resistance and lice from a farm that had not been pre‐exposed to hydrogen peroxide. In bin treatments on fish from a farm treated with hydrogen peroxide on 41 occasions, numbers of ovigerous lice declined by only 15% and 16% in two replicates and other mobile stages by 25%. Where hydrogen peroxide had not been used, ovigerous females declined by 90% and 87% and other mobile lice stages by 97% and 99%. These trials and observed poor efficacy of cage treatments, for example only 7.5% reduction in lice numbers when fish were treated with 2000 p.p.m. for 20 mins, indicated resistance of lice to hydrogen peroxide. The mechanisms involved in the development of resistance, possible genetic selection for lice with reduced carapace permeability or detoxifying enzymes such as catalase, or tolerance through induction by subtherapeutic exposure are reviewed. Implications for lice control strategies relying on hydrogen peroxide are discussed.  相似文献   

Substantial economic losses of farmed catfish to fish‐eating birds such as the double‐crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus, continue to be reported on U.S. catfish farms. An economic analysis was conducted of the on‐farm effects of both the increased expenditures to scare fish‐eating birds from catfish farms and of the value of the catfish that were consumed by cormorants. A survey was conducted of U.S. catfish farmers in the Delta region of Mississippi and Arkansas, to obtain farm‐level data on expenditures to scare birds. Estimations of the lost revenue from catfish consumed by cormorants were developed from a concurrent study on cormorant distribution, abundance, and diet in the region. The economic effects of bird predation in terms of both fish consumption and management costs were evaluated across three farm sizes and nine catfish production practices. Catfish farmers spent on average $704/ha ± $394/ha to scare birds, making bird‐scaring costs one of the top five costs of raising catfish. The greatest cost components of scaring birds were manpower (39% of all bird‐scaring costs) and the variable and fixed costs of trucks used to scare birds (34% of all bird‐scaring costs). Losses were greater on hybrid than channel catfish fingerling ponds. Industry‐wide, the value of catfish losses averaged $47.2 million (range of $25.8–$65.4 million). Total direct economic effects (including both the increased costs to scare birds and the revenue lost from fish consumed by cormorants despite bird‐scaring attempts) averaged $64.7 million (ranging from $33.5 to $92.6 million). Profitability improved by 4% to 23% across the farm size/production strategies analyzed upon removal of the economic effects from bird predation, with greater effects occurring on smaller‐scale farms. One‐third of the farm size and production scenarios analyzed changed from being unprofitable to showing a profit in the absence of such negative economic effects associated with bird depredation. Overall, the combined effects of increased farm expenditures to scare birds from farms and the value of the catfish lost to predation by cormorants caused substantial negative economic effects on catfish farms.  相似文献   

The economic effects of the implementation of regulations on aquaculture farms in the United States, while of concern, are not well understood. A national survey was conducted of salmonid (trout and salmon) farms in 17 states of the United States to measure on‐farm regulatory costs and to identify which regulations were the most costly to this industry segment. The response rate was 63%, with a coverage rate of 94.5% of the U.S. production of salmonids. The regulatory system resulted in increased national on‐farm costs of $16.1 million/year, lost markets with a sales value of $7.1 million/year, lost production of $5.3 million/year, and thwarted expansion attempts estimated at $40.1 million/year. Mean farm regulatory costs were $150,506/farm annually, or $2.71/kg; lost markets with annual sales values of $66,274/farm; annual lost production of $49,064/farm; and an annual value of thwarted expansion attempts estimated at $375,459/farm. Smaller‐scale farms were affected to a disproportionately greater negative extent than larger‐scale farms. Per‐farm regulatory costs were, on average, greater for foodfish producers than for producers selling to recreational markets, but per‐kg regulatory costs were greater for those selling to recreational compared to foodfish markets. Regulatory costs constituted 12% of total production and marketing costs on U.S. salmonid farms. The greatest regulatory costs were found to be effluent discharge regulations. The majority of regulatory costs were fixed costs, but regulatory barriers to expansion precluded compensatory adjustments to the business in spite of growing demand for salmonid products. Results of this study show that the on‐farm regulatory cost burden is substantial and has negatively affected the U.S. salmonid industry's ability to respond to strong demand for U.S. farm‐raised salmonid products. Results also suggest that the regulatory system has contributed to the decline in the number of U.S. salmonid farms. While regulations will necessarily have some degree of cost to farms, the magnitude of the on‐farm regulatory cost burden on U.S. salmonid farms calls for concerted efforts to identify and implement innovative regulatory monitoring and compliance frameworks that reduce the on‐farm regulatory cost burden.  相似文献   

Nutrient discharges from fish farms can be determined retrospectively, simply and with a high degree of accuracy from records of fish production and feed conversion ratios (FCR), combined with chemical analyses of feed and fish. Prospective prediction of the inputs (via feed and outputs) via production and discharges) of given chemical elements, on a daily basis and over longer periods of time, would represent a valuable management tool for farmers, and for regulatory and planning authorities. A dynamic model is presented for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., which integrates biomass, growth rate. FCR. and nutrient retention and discharges in relation to feeding rate, diet composition and environmental factors. In view of the importance of feeding rate on growth, FCR and nutrient discharges, three simulation alternatives were modelled; namely, feeding 50%. 75 or 100% of the estimated maximum daily ration of a specified diet to salmon smolts of 80 g initial weight over a period of one year in sea water. The 50 and 75% rations, in comparison with 100% ration, showed dramatic reductions in fish weight after one year (0.4 and 1.4 kg versus 3.3 kg). The discharges of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) per unit biomass production were reduced to some extent in the first months of the simulation period, and thereafter, there were no clear differences in discharges of N and P per unit biomass at the three ration levels. However, the accumulated N and P discharges per unit weight gain were slightly increased on the 75% ration, and two-fold higher on the 50% ration compared to the 100% ration. The FCR was also higher in fish fed the lower rations. The simulation result indicates that reduced ration is not effective strategy for minimizing nutrient discharges from fish farms. In order to control discharges within any limits and to utilize the resources optimally, it is better to adjust the biomass on the farm and to feed the fish to appetite, at which growth rate is maximum and FCR is minimum.  相似文献   

The relationship between aquaculture and infestations of sea lice on sea trout, Salmo trutta L., is controversial. Here, the association between sea lice infestations on wild sea trout and characteristics of local Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms were investigated using data collected on the Scottish west coast. The proportion of sea trout with louse burdens above a critical level was positively related to the fork length of the sea trout and the mean weight of salmon on the nearest fish farm, and negatively related to the distance to that farm. The distance to the nearest fish farm did not influence the probability of infestations above the critical level beyond 31 km although there was considerable uncertainty around this cut‐off distance (95% limits: 13–149 km). The results support a link between Atlantic salmon farms and sea lice burdens on sea trout in the west of Scotland and provide the type of information required for marine spatial planning.  相似文献   

Application of the regulatory principle of ‘best available technology’ (BAT) to fish farm effluent control has, to some extent, been a driving force for the development of new culture and treatment technology. In Norway today, there are a number of farms for the production of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., fingerlings that utilize microstrainers for the removal of particles from the effluent water. At least one commercial farm also utilizes a simplified recirculation system called BIOFISH as a demonstration of new and alternative technology for the production of brown trout restocking fish. In this paper, calculated effluent discharge and rates of waste production from the biofish demostration trials are compared to literature data and to measurements on un-treated as well as microstrained effluents from the production of Atlantic salmon smolts in a traditional flow-through tank system. Rates of fish waste production in the biofish trials were obtained from mass-balance calculations based on measured concentrations of water quality parameters at several points in the system. The results of these calculations show fish waste production rates that are low, but comparable to data found in the literature. Given the level of waste treatment that takes place in the biofish tanks, the specific effluent discharge levels from those tanks, in terms of grams per kilogram biomass and grams per kilogram feed, are considerably lower than those found for salmon smolt production in traditional flow-through tanks. There are also substantial differences in hydraulic self-cleaning properties of the two systems and a corresponding difference in the distribution of effluent discharge during normal tank operation and during tank/effluent pipeline flushing. The results presented here give valuable information related to: (1) waste output characterization; (2) the long-term efficiency of commercially available particle separation systems; and (3) the capabilities of the simplified biofish recirculation technology under field conditions.  相似文献   

This paper examines freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in southwest Bangladesh where a large number of farmers have converted their rice fields to export oriented prawn farms, locally known as gher. The gher design potentially provides good opportunities for diversified production of prawn, fish, rice and dike crops, that has brought about a ‘blue revolution’. The average annual yield of prawn, fish and rice was estimated at 467, 986 and 2,257 kg ha−1, respectively. Large farmers produced higher production due to more inputs, larger farm size and longer experience of prawn farming than others. All farmers in different gher size categories (i.e., small, medium and large) made a profit, with seed and feed dominating variable costs. Despite a higher production costs per hectare, the average annual net return was higher in large farms (US2,426), compared with medium (US2,426), compared with medium (US1,798) and small (US$1,420) farms. Prawn production in gher systems has been accompanied by a great deal of social and economic benefits. Most farmers associate the blue revolution with increases in income and living standards. Socio-economic benefits of the households of prawn farmers depend on resource ownership (i.e., farm size) and are very apparent. Nevertheless, a number of significant challenges, particularly social and environmental issues, are vital in translating its benefits effectively to the thousands of rural poor.  相似文献   


Since 2005, Norwegian salmon farmers have experienced increasing unit costs, contrasting pre-2005 trends characterized by innovations, rapid productivity growth, and diminishing unit costs. This article investigates these cost changes using a panel of salmon producers. The drivers behind cost changes in the industry are identified for the period of 2001–2014 using a flexible cost function. In particular, it is explored how cost changes can be attributable to scale economies, negative productivity shocks, production expansion, and input prices. The results indicate that cost increases in the sector are affected by external factors out of the control of individual firms such as input prices and environmental conditions like sea lice.  相似文献   

Early ocean survival of Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, varies greatly inter‐annually and may be the period during which later spawning abundance and fishery recruitment are set. Therefore, identifying environmental drivers related to early survival may inform better models for management and sustainability of salmon in a variable environment. With this in mind, our main objectives were to (a) identify regions of high temporal variability in growth potential over a 23‐year time series, (b) determine whether the spatial distribution of growth potential was correlated with observed oceanographic conditions, and (c) determine whether these spatial patterns in growth potential could be used to estimate juvenile salmon survival. We applied this method to the fall run of the Central Valley Chinook salmon population, focusing on the spring and summer period after emigration into central California coastal waters. For the period from 1988 to 2010, juvenile salmon growth potential on the central California continental shelf was described by three spatial patterns. These three patterns were most correlated with upwelling, detrended sea level anomalies, and the strength of onshore/offshore currents, respectively. Using the annual strength of these three patterns, as well as the overall growth potential throughout central California coastal waters, in a generalized linear model we explained 82% of the variation in juvenile salmon survival estimates. We attributed the relationship between growth potential and survival to variability in environmental conditions experienced by juvenile salmon during their first year at sea, as well as potential shifts in predation pressure following out‐migration into coastal waters.  相似文献   

In Chile the integration of Gracilaria chilensis with salmon culture has shown high potential. Seaweed integrated aquaculture is of great interest as it allows waste recycling within fed cage aquaculture. The development of economically feasible suspended methods of seaweed cultivation is therefore of high importance. Hence, production and performance of two suspended Gracilaria cultivation methods, spore inoculated ropes and ropes with twined field collected seaweed, were studied in open water. The production from spore-seeded ropes was comparable to that of twined ropes for the first month of culture. Thereafter, the twined ropes had a significantly higher productivity. Fish farm wastes had no significant fertilizing effect upon Gracilaria growth rate. In addition, spore-originated thalli and field collected thalli were compared under laboratory conditions and in suspended culture using the same cultivation method. Spore-originated thalli had a 50% lower growth rate than the field collected thalli under laboratory conditions; however, no significant differences were detected in the field. Also, the occurrence of spore coalescence growth enhancement was not significant on the spore-seeded ropes. It was concluded that spore-originated cultivation techniques could be of interest for an integrated open seawater aquaculture system due to the high levels of Gracilaria polymorphism. This would result in greater adaptability to environmental variations, and a continuous supply of restocking material.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is the most significant aquaculture species in Europe, both in terms of production and economic value, with Norway, followed by Scotland and Ireland as the three major European producers. The objective of the present study was to develop a spreadsheet tool for aquaculture farm-food safety and diseases risk assessment (AquaFRAM) for salmon farms in the UK, (and possibly more widely) to encourage farms to assess potential hazards and diseases. AquaFRAM functions primarily as a self-assessment risk ranking and risk-learning tool to determine the potential of farm food safety hazards, diseases and the level of possible risk for contamination and infections. AquaFRAM has been developed using MS Excel software utilising a qualitative risk assessment approach for farmers to evaluate their food safety practices and diseases on their farms. The risk assessment is based on the risk matrix of frequency of likelihood × severity, where the farmers can judge the likelihood of the hazards occurring on their farm based on given examples or scenarios. Grounding of the model, based on severity scoring is predicated on relevant reports in the literature and expert opinion derived from a separate Delphi study. The AquaFRAM Tool has since been tested on 9 salmon companies throughout UK. All of the farms which tried and tested the AquaFRAM Tool reported it being farmer-friendly and practical. It was highlighted that the current tool focused mainly on risk reduction and not risk elimination. However, such farm food safety and diseases risk assessment tool would be helpful, and certainly timely, to further encourage farms to assess potential hazards and diseases. It is also appropriate for educational and training of full-time and seasonal farm workers.  相似文献   

The Norwegian aquaculture of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) is hampered by ulcerative disorders associated with bacterial infections. Chronic ulceration may provide microenvironments that disturb the normal microbial biodiversity of external surfaces. Studying the composition of microbial communities in skin ulcers will enhance our understanding of ulcer aetiology. To achieve this, we tested marine farmed Atlantic salmon and sampled the base and edge of ulcers at the end of winter (April) and end of summer (September), in addition to skin mucus of healthy individuals. In order to assess microbiota associated with the host and obtain insight into the environmental ecology, we also sampled sea water, the sediment layer underneath the farm facility and the distal intestine of Atlantic salmon. The skin microbiota of Atlantic salmon was different from that of the surrounding water. Residential Tenacibaculum and Arcobacter species persistently dominated the cutaneous skin and ulcer mucus surfaces of Atlantic salmon during both winter and summer periods. The intestinal microbiota was dominated by Mycoplasma with an increase in Aliivibrio and Alcaligenes abundance in the intestine of fish with ulcerative disorder at the end of winter. These findings suggest the presence of resilient microbes in the mucus surfaces of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Water quality in sea-cages, and metazoan ectoparasites on bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), and bream, Sparus aurata L., were sampled at two fish farms in south-west Greece over 2 years. The seabed and marine life around the cages of one farm was surveyed using scuba. The most frequent and abundant parasites were the monogeans Sparicotyle chrysophrii and Furnestinia echeneis on the gills of bream, and Diplectanum aequans on the gills of bass. The copepod Caligus minimus occasionally occurred in the buccal cavity of bass, but only in low numbers. Prevalence and abundance of parasites increased with bass size but F echeneis levels decreased with bream size. There were no other clear relationships between water quality, parasite levels and fish size. Ammonia varied seasonally with sea temperature, and with oxygen levels below 6 mg 1-1 on many occasions, it is possible that fish suffered stress from a combination of high ammonia and low oxygen conditions. There was no accumulation of waste food or faeces below the cages at the one farm surveyed, but there were thousands of wild fish, including mullet (Mugilidae), Spicara sp. and Diplodus spp., present around the cages. Water quality may be improved by changes in farm management, such as reducing stocking densities below the present 16 kg nr-3. Oxygen should be monitored at the cages on site daily. How comparable environmental conditions and impacts, and parasitization are at other bass and bream sea cage farms is unknown.  相似文献   

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