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Forest floor characteristics influence nutrient cycling and energy flow properties of forest ecosystems, and determine quality of habitat for many forest plants and animals. Differential crown recession and crown development among stands of differing density suggest that an opportunity may exist to control the input of fine woody litter into the system by manipulating stand density. The objective was to measure the rate of branch mortality among stands of differing density and to estimate the range in total per hectare necromass inputs. Although litter traps are reliable for estimating per hectare rates of litterfall, branch mortality dating on sectioned stems uniquely allows assessment of several other litterfall components: (1) individual tree contributions to total litterfall; (2) the amount of branch material released by mortality, regardless of whether the branches are shed to the forest floor; (3) the distribution of basal diameters characterizing the litterfall from a given tree and stand. Twenty-four trees were felled and sectioned on permanent plots that were part of a silvicultural study of stand density regimes in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco.). Whorl branches were dissected out of bole sections to determine the dates of mortality, and a branch biomass equation was applied to estimate potential rate of litterfall. Periodic annual rates were expressed in four ways: (1) number of branches per tree; (2) mass of branches per tree; (3) mass of branches per unit of crown projection area; (4) mass of branches per hectare. For the growth periods investigated, larger trees and trees growing on denser plots tended to release a greater necromass through branch mortality. Average branch basal diameter generally decreased with increasing stand density. Annual branch mortality ranged from 33 to 430 g m−2 crown projection area for individual trees, and from 236 to 1035 kg ha−1 for individual plots. These rates approached the low end of the range of previously published fine litterfall rates for Douglas-fir. Rates on these plots were relatively low owing to the temporary delay in crown recession imposed by artificial thinning. A conceptual model of branch litter dynamics is presented to depict consistencies with crown development among stands managed under different density regimes.  相似文献   

Tree height and crown allometries reflect adaptations for resource acquisition and structural stability, as well as plastic responses to a heterogeneous environment. While both light and soil resources limit growth and influence competitive responses in tropical forests, the effects of belowground resources on allometries are less understood, especially within the understory. To characterize outcomes of tree competition along an edaphic resource gradient, we quantified variation in height and crown allometries of six Bornean tree species from contrasting regeneration niches (light-demanding vs. shade-tolerant) on two soil habitats (clay-fine loam and sandy loam) within a 52-ha forest dynamics plot. Using empirically-fit allometric parameters and diameter growth rates from plot census data, we modeled tree height and crown area growth over the projected life span of each species. Based on resource competition theory, we hypothesized that tree species specializing on and populations of generalist species growing on the relatively moister, more fertile clay-fine loam soil habitat would have faster height and crown growth rates, compared to those on the sandy loam habitat, regardless of regeneration niche. Among soil specialists and within generalists of both genera, trees growing on clay-fine loam had taller stems and larger crowns at a given age and faster height and crown area growth rates at most sizes than trees on sandy loam. Differences in height and crown growth were driven by the faster diameter growth rates of trees on clay-fine loam, not by differences in height- and crown-diameter allometries, as trees on sandy loam were significantly taller at a given diameter, and differences in crown allometry were not consistent across soil habitats. Characterizing the height and crown growth responses of trees along resource gradients provides insight into the mechanisms that maintain diversity in tropical forests. Our results point to the importance of adaptive and plastic responses to both above and belowground resource availability in determining the allometric growth of trees and suggest that this diversity of responses may contribute tree species coexistence through competition-based trade-off mechanisms and variation in growth among individuals. Additionally, as the importance estimating natural carbon sequestration increases with the escalating effects of anthropogenic climate change, differences in tree growth and architecture across soil habitats also have implications for the approximation of forest carbon storage on heterogeneous tropical soils.  相似文献   

Competition for canopy space is a fundamental structuring feature of forest ecosystems and remains an enduring focus of research attention. We used a spatial neighborhood approach to quantify the influence of local competition on the size of individual tree crowns in north-central British Columbia, where forests are dominated by subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and interior spruce (Picea glauca × engelmanii). Using maximum likelihood methods, we quantified crown radius and length as functions of tree size and competition, estimated by the species identity and spatial arrangement of neighboring trees. Tree crown size depended on tree bole size in all species. Given low levels of competition, pine displayed the widest, shortest tree crowns compared to the relatively long and narrow crowns found in spruce and fir. Sensitivity to crowding by neighbors declined with increasing tree height in all but the pine crown radius model. Five of the six selected best models included separate competition coefficients for each neighboring tree species, evidence that species generally differ in their competitive effects on neighboring tree crowns. The selected crown radius model for lodgepole pine, a shade-intolerant species, treated all neighbors as equivalent competitors. In all species, competition from neighbors exerted an important influence on crown size. Per-capita effects of competition across different sizes and species of neighbors and target trees varied, but subalpine fir generally displayed the strongest competitive effects on neighbors. Results from this study provide evidence that species differ both in their response to competition and in their competitive influence on neighbors, factors that may contribute to maintaining coexistence.  相似文献   

Lianas are often overlooked in temperate ecological studies even though they are important components of forest communities. While lianas have been shown to damage tropical canopy trees and reduce the growth of juvenile trees, the impact of lianas on canopy tree growth in temperate systems is largely unknown. Growth of trees ≥8 cm dbh was examined over a 9-year period within 50-year old post-agricultural secondary forests in the Piedmont region of New Jersey, USA. Five lianas, Celastrus orbiculatus, Lonicera japonica, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Toxicodendron radicans, and Vitis species, occurred throughout the forest. Total liana basal area, number of stems, and percent cover within host trees were evaluated to assess liana burdens on 606 previously censused trees. These data were related to tree growth to assess liana impacts. Forest trees were separated based on their dominance in the canopy to determine whether lianas had the potential to influence forest composition. In general, lianas in the forests were fairly abundant, with 68% of the trees having at least one liana present. On average, each tree supported 9.7 cm2 of liana basal area and 23% of the canopy was covered by lianas. Most of the variation in tree growth was related to the dominance of trees within the canopy, with canopy dominant and co-dominant trees growing 2.5× more than suppressed trees. Liana basal area and number of lianas stems were not related to tree growth, but liana canopy cover decreased tree growth. However, not all trees were equally affected as canopy cover of lianas only reduced growth in dominant and co-dominant trees. Lianas were most influential on host tree growth in unsuppressed trees when occupying a majority of the canopy, only a minority of forest trees. This suppression was not related to differential liana colonization of canopy trees as all canopy classes supported equivalent liana burdens. Though lianas impacted only a minority of the trees in this system, some liana species, C. orbiculatus and Vitis spp., are still increasing and may pose future risks to forest growth and development.  相似文献   

Trees are able to respond to their local biotic and abiotic environment with morphological adjustments which improve resource acquisition and, thus, growth. In forests, light is broadly recognised as one of the major factors determining growth, and morphological responses comprise changes in crown architecture and stem stature. On sloping terrain, the interplay of phototropism and gravitropism may further affect morphological growth characteristics. However, different tree species are expected to show species-specific responses. In this study, we analysed three growth characteristics of tree individuals belonging to four species of two functional groups (evergreen: Schima superba, Castanopsis eyrei, deciduous: Quercus serrata var. brevipetiolata, Castanea henryi) in a species-rich Chinese subtropical forest. Crown projection area, relative crown displacement and stem inclination were related to biotic (local species richness, functional richness, competition, stand age) and abiotic (slope aspect and inclination, soil depth) variables in the local neighbourhood of the tree individuals. We hypothesised that (i) there are species-specific differences in the morphological response of crown architecture and stem stature and (ii) that crown size and asymmetry as well as stem inclination are influenced by both, biotic and abiotic factors. In contrast to our expectations we were unable to reveal any species-specific differences in any of the three growth characteristics. The results of mixed effects models showed that crown area was mainly affected by the target tree's dbh and biotic variables related to neighbours (competition, functional diversity), whereas stem inclination was mainly influenced by slope. Relative crown displacement was influenced by both, biotic and abiotic variables. We conclude that growth responses resulting in crown displacement and stem inclination seem to be an important mechanism to ameliorate foraging for light in our study area, but that these responses appear to be species-independent. The interplay of stem inclination and crown displacement allows for a plastic response of tree individuals in biotically and abiotically heterogeneous environments. Our results indicate that forest management in this region should focus on functionally diverse stands which are promoting crown area positively resulting in increased growth rates of individual trees.  相似文献   

对地处四川盆周西缘山地的彭州市林场天台山林区的退化天然阔叶林中的红桦、房县槭、卵叶槭、野樱桃、稠李、灯台、椴树、五角枫和花楸等主9种主要乔木树种进行了树冠调查,并选择其平均木进行树干和枝解析,测定各单木树冠特征,包括全树高、平均冠幅、冠长、冠长率、一级枝数、二级枝条数、一级枝条着生密度、一级枝条年生长数、树冠曲线、树冠体积(大小)、树冠密度等。通过SPSS拟合其树冠曲线,利用V=∫baπf2(h)d(h)求得树冠体积,定义并计算了9个树种的树冠密度(枝密度)。研究结果表明:(1)阔叶树树冠曲线表现出稳定的抛物线特征;(2)各阔叶树树冠体积变化较大,符合其各自生物学特征;(3)阔叶树枝密度能反映其树冠生长状态,可作为树冠特征指标使用。  相似文献   

Large-scale inventories of forest biomass and structure are necessary for both understanding carbon dynamics and conserving biodiversity. High-resolution satellite imagery is starting to enable structural analysis of tropical forests over large areas, but we lack an understanding of how tropical forest biomass links to remote sensing. We quantified the spatial distribution of biomass and tree species diversity over 4 ha in a Bolivian lowland moist tropical forest, and then linked our field measurements to high-resolution Quickbird satellite imagery. Our field measurements showed that emergent and canopy dominant trees, being those directly visible from nadir remote sensors, comprised the highest diversity of tree species, represented 86% of all tree species found in our study plots, and contained the majority of forest biomass. Emergent trees obscured 1–15 trees with trunk diameters (at 1.3 m, diameter at breast height (DBH)) ≥20 cm, thus hiding 30–50% of forest biomass from nadir viewing. Allometric equations were developed to link remotely visible crown features to stand parameters, showing that the maximum tree crown length explains 50–70% of the individual tree biomass. We then developed correction equations to derive aboveground forest biomass, basal area, and tree density from tree crowns visible to nadir satellites. We applied an automated tree crown delineation procedure to a high-resolution panchromatic Quickbird image of our study area, which showed promise for identification of forest biomass at community scales, but which also highlighted the difficulties of remotely sensing forest structure at the individual tree level.  相似文献   

Crown shyness or canopy disengagement, the phenomenon wherein gaps around trees develop from swaying, whipping and shading, has been identified in the literature since the 1920s. Recent results by researchers at the University of Alberta have clearly described many of the processes involved for lodgepole pine [e.g. Rudnicki, M., Silins, U., Lieffers, V.J., Josi, G., 2001. Measure of simultaneous tree sways and estimation of crown interactions among a group of trees. Trees 15, 83–90; Rudnicki, M., Lieffers, V.J., Silins, U., 2003. Stand structure governs the crown collisions of lodgepole pine, Canadian Journal of Forestry Research 33, 1238–1244; Rudnicki, M., Silins, U., Lieffers, V.J., 2004. Crown cover is correlated with relative density, tree slenderness, and tree height in lodgepole pine. Forest Science 50, 356–363; Fish, H., Lieffers, V.J., Silins, U., Hall, R.J., 2006. Crown shyness in lodgepole pine stands of varying stand height, density, and site index in the upper foothills of Alberta. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research 9, 2104–2111]. However, explicit models of crown shyness are sparse in the literature. This paper describes the development of empirical models of crown shyness in lodgepole pine for British Columbia (BC). We measured crown area and neighbour locations on 60 trees growing in 13 stands in central BC. We estimated potential crown area (AV) using stem maps and Voronoi polygons constrained by estimates of maximum crown width, and then related observed crown area (AC) to AV and additional individual tree variables. One of the nine prediction equations was coded into a spatially explicit tree growth model modified to evaluate the effects of crown shyness at the stand level. Crown shyness models validated well against two independent sources and when linked with a light model tRAYci [Brunner, A., 1998. A light model for spatially explicit forest stand models. Forest Ecology and Management 107, 19–46], increased the below-canopy light by 0.07–0.11.  相似文献   

Static models of individual tree crown attributes such as height to crown base and maximum branch diameter profile have been developed for several commercially important species. Dynamic models of individual branch growth and mortality have received less attention, but have generally been developed retrospectively by dissecting felled trees; however, this approach is limited by the lack of historic stand data and the difficulty in determining the exact timing of branch death. This study monitored the development of individual branches on 103 stems located on a variety of silvicultural trials in the Pacific Northwest, USA. The results indicated that branch growth and mortality were significantly influenced by precommercial thinning (PCT), commercial thinning, fertilization, vegetation management, and a foliar disease known as Swiss needle cast [caused by Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii (T. Rohde) Petr.]. Models developed across these datasets accounted for treatment effects through variables such as tree basal area growth and the size of the crown. Insertion of the branch growth and mortality equations into an individual-tree modeling framework, significantly improved short-term predictions of crown recession on an independent series of silvicultural trials, which increased mean accuracy of diameter growth prediction (reduction in mean bias). However, the static height to crown base equation resulted in a lower mean square error for the tree diameter and height growth predictions. Overall, individual branches were found to be highly responsive to changes in stand conditions imposed by silvicultural treatments, and therefore represent an important mechanism explaining tree and stand growth responses.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition of the role of mechanistic scaling laws in shaping ecological pattern and process. While such theoretical relationships explain much of the variation across large scales, at any particular scale there is important residual variation that is left unexplained among species, among individuals within a species, and within individuals themselves. Key questions remain on what explains this variability and how we can apply this information in practice, in particular to produce estimates in high-diversity systems with many rare and under-sampled species. We apply hierarchical Bayes statistical techniques to data on crown geometry from diverse temperate forests in order to simultaneously model the differences within and among species. We find that tree height, canopy depth, and canopy radius are affected by both successional stage and wood mechanical strength, while tree height conforms to the predicted 2/3 power relationship. Furthermore, we show that hierarchical modeling allows us to constrain the allometries of rare species much more than traditional methods. Finally, crown radius was shown to vary substantially more within individuals than among individuals or species, suggesting that the capacity for local light foraging and crown plasticity exerts the dominant control on tree crowns.  相似文献   

Analysing data from 903 permanent sample plots situated in medium-moist and moist forests in the southern Cape, South Africa, we explored factors controlling forest structure. Pronounced subcanopy stem density persistence (well-stocked subcanopy forest matrix) and stem density packing (comparatively high stem densities of relatively large-sized trees) were found in the moist, less seasonal (quasi-tropical) Tsitsikamma forests. These attributes of structure were linked to the prevailing dystrophic, less seasonal conditions and the associated metabolic vertical growth orientation. The cool, moist and seasonal (quasi-temperate) Knysna forests had lower densities of relatively large-sized trees at the canopy level (stem density intolerance). This was attributed to the lateral growth mode and extended persistence of the trees involved. The warm, seasonal (quasi-subtropical) Outeniqua forests, on relatively nutrient-rich soils, had high stem densities at the canopy level relative to the subcanopy stratum; due to a combination of low subcanopy tree persistence, fast ingrowth of trees into the canopy stratum, which were then lost to mortality before they reached large sizes (high canopy tree turnover). Persistence of the multi-species subcanopy forest matrix supported asynchronous establishment and death of individual trees. Typical for tropical-type forests, the development of trees towards maturity (phase) was associated with a spatially fine-grained disturbance regime. A metabolic performance trade-off model was developed and provided an ecophysiological framework for the interpretation of forest structure and its underlying dynamics. This explanatory model indicated causal links between intraspecific metabolic tactics of trees in response to their edaphoclimatic environment and associated attributes of forest structure. Some implications of the findings for tropical forest management are discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】解析和定量评价林分因子对赤松赤枯病发生(发病率和病情指数)的影响,为昆嵛山赤松纯林的营林措施和赤枯病的预防提供理论指导。【方法】在昆嵛山区域选取林龄相对一致(约34年)的赤松纯林为研究对象,调查林分密度、郁闭度、树高、枝下高、胸径和冠幅6个林分因子及赤枯病的发病率和病情指数,采用方差分析、相关性分析和多重比较分析各项林分因子与赤松赤枯病之间的关系,并通过冗余分析得影响赤枯病发生的关键因子。【结果】赤枯病在赤松林中普遍发生,发病样地占调查样地的96.3%。整体上,高密度林( 2 956 ~4 089株·hm -2 )的发病率和病情指数显著高于低密度林(688~1 822株·hm -2 )和中密度林(1 823~2 955株·hm -2 )的发病率和病情指数;疏林(郁闭度<30%)的发病率和病情指数显著低于中疏林(郁闭度30%~70%)和密林(郁闭度> 70%)的发病率和病情指数;在不同的树高、枝下高、冠幅和胸径分组中,发病率和病情指数均随着分组值的增大而减小。相关性分析表明:林分密度对赤枯病发病率和病情指数的影响均达到极显著正相关水平( r =0.761, P < 0.01;r =0.748, P < 0.01);赤枯病的发病率和病情指数也均受到郁闭度的极显著影响( r =0.509, P < 0.01;r =0.442, P < 0.01);二者与树高均呈极显著正相关( r =-0.443, P < 0.01;r =-0.362, P < 0.01);赤枯病的发病率和病情指数均随枝下高的增大而极显著减小( r =-0.460, P < 0.01;r =-0.419, P < 0.01);二者与胸径均呈负相关关系,且相关性极显著( r =-0.425, P < 0.01;r =-0.373, P < 0.01);随着冠幅的增大,林木发病率和病情指数均极显著降低( r =-0.345, P < 0.01;r =-0.381, P < 0.01)。冗余分析证明林分密度和枝下高对赤枯病发生的贡献最大。【结论】松赤枯病在昆嵛山区域发生较普遍但不严重,其发病率和病情指数在不同林分因子分组中均有差异,且均受各林分因子极显著影响。RDA分析证明,林分密度和枝下高对松赤枯病影响最显著,建议对昆嵛山区域赤松纯林赤枯病的防治工作要以重要因子为主要调控对象,进行合理修剪和间伐。  相似文献   

Saproxylic beetles are highly sensitive to forest management practices that reduce the abundance and variety of dead wood. However, this diverse fauna continues to receive little attention in the southeastern United States even though this region supports some of the most diverse, productive and intensively managed forests in North America. In this replicated three-way factorial experiment, we investigated the habitat associations of saproxylic beetles on the coastal plain of South Carolina. The factors of interest were forest type (upland pine-dominated vs. bottomland hardwood), tree species (Quercus nigra L., Pinus taeda L. and Liquidambar styraciflua L.) and wood posture (standing and downed dead wood, i.e., snags and logs). Wood samples were taken at four positions along each log and snag (lower bole, middle bole, upper bole and crown) ∼11 months after the trees were killed and placed in rearing bags to collect emerging beetles. Overall, 33,457 specimens from 52 families and ≥250 species emerged. Based on an analysis of covariance, with surface area and bark coverage as covariates, saproxylic beetle species richness differed significantly between forest types as well as between wood postures. There were no significant interactions. Species richness was significantly higher in the upland pine-dominated stand than the bottomland hardwood forest, possibly due to higher light exposure and temperature in upland forests. Although L. styraciflua yielded more beetle species (152) than either Q. nigra (122) or P. taeda (125), there were no significant differences in species richness among tree species. There were also no relationships evident between relative tree abundance and observed or expected beetle species richness. Significantly more beetle species emerged from logs than from snags. However snags had a distinct fauna including several potential canopy specialists. Our results suggest that conservation practices that retain or create entire snags as opposed to high stumps or logs alone will most greatly benefit saproxylic beetles in southeastern forests.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition is a key process determining the dynamics of mixed forest stands and influencing the yield of multispecies tree plantations. Trees can respond to competitive pressure from neighbors by crown plasticity, thereby avoiding competition. We employed a high-resolution ground-based laser scanner to analyze the 3-dimensional extensions and shape of the tree crowns in a near-natural broad-leaved mixed forest in order to quantify the direction and degree of crown asymmetry of 15 trees (Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus) in detail. We also scanned the direct neighbors and analyzed the distance of their crown centres and the crown shape with the aim to predict the crown asymmetry of the focal tree from competition-relevant attributes of its neighbors. It was found that the combination of two parameters, one summarizing the size of the neighbor (DBH) and one describing the distance to the neighbor tree (HD), was most suitable for characterizing the strength of the competitive interaction exerted on a target tree by a given neighbor. By summing up the virtual competitive pressure of all neighbors in a single competitive pressure vector, we were able to predict the direction of crown asymmetry of the focal tree with an accuracy of 96° on the full circle (360°).The competitive pressure model was equally applicable to beech, ash and hornbeam trees and may generate valuable insight into competitive interactions among tree crowns in mixed stands, provided that sufficiently precise data on the shape and position of the tree crowns is available. Multiple-aspect laser-scanning proved to be an accurate and practicable approach for analyzing the complex 3-dimensional shape of the tree crowns, needed to quantify the plasticity of growth processes in the canopy. We conclude that the laser-based analysis of crown plasticity offers the opportunity to achieve a better understanding of the dynamics of canopy space exploration and also may produce valuable advice for the silvicultural management of mixed stands.  相似文献   

In the boreal forest of Alberta, fire and wind often open gaps in the canopy where late-successional species can establish and over time cause a shift in the species distribution from deciduous (e.g., trembling aspen) dominated to mixedwood, to shade-tolerant conifer (e.g., white spruce) dominated stands. This study attempted to understand the change of density-dependent competition in a boreal chronosequence and the role of tree competition in affecting stand structure and mortality. Four 1-ha stem-mapped plots were established to represent a chronosequence comprised of aspen dominated, mixedwood, and spruce dominated stands in Alberta. Second order spatial point-pattern analysis using Ripley's K(t) function showed that intraspecific competition is a prevailing force causing conspecific tree mortality and thus shaping the stand structure. The results of bivariate K(t) function analysis did not reveal sufficient evidence of interspecific competition. This suggested that competitive interaction among heterospecific trees was not strong enough to cause significant tree mortality, but the analysis of marked correlation function revealed that interspecific competition could have a negative impact on tree growth. This study highlights the importance of density-dependent competition in understanding stand dynamics of boreal forests over succession.  相似文献   

Prescribed fire is an important tool in the management of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) forests, yet effects on bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) activity and tree mortality are poorly understood in the southwestern U.S. We compared bark beetle attacks and tree mortality between paired prescribed-burned and unburned stands at each of four sites in Arizona and New Mexico for three growing seasons after burning (2004–2006). Prescribed burns increased bark beetle attacks on ponderosa pine over the first three post-fire years from 1.5 to 13% of all trees, increased successful, lethal attacks on ponderosa pine from 0.4 to 7.6%, increased mortality of ponderosa pine from all causes from 0.6 to 8.4%, and increased mortality of all tree species with diameter at breast height >13 cm from 0.6 to 9.6%. On a per year basis, prescribed burns increased ponderosa pine mortality from 0.2% per year in unburned stands to 2.8% per year in burned stands. Mortality of ponderosa pine 3 years after burning was best described by a logistic regression model with total crown damage (crown scorch + crown consumption) and bark beetle attack rating (no, partial, or mass attack by bark beetles) as independent variables. Attacks by Dendroctonus spp. did not differ significantly over bole heights, whereas attacks by Ips spp. were greater on the upper bole compared with the lower bole. Three previously published logistic regression models of tree mortality, developed from fires in 1995–1996 in northern Arizona, were moderately successful in predicting broad patterns of tree mortality in our data. The influence of bark beetle attack rating on tree mortality was stronger for our data than for data from the 1995–1996 fires. Our results highlight canopy damage from fire as a strong and consistent predictor of post-fire mortality of ponderosa pine, and bark beetle attacks and bole char rating as less consistent predictors because of temporal variability in their relationship to mortality. The small increase in tree mortality and bark beetle attacks caused by prescribed burning should be acceptable to many forest managers and the public given the resulting reduction in surface fuel and risk of severe wildfire.  相似文献   

Selective logging of tropical forests damages residual trees and creates canopy openings throughout the stand. In the Amazon, reduced-impact logging results in significantly less damage than conventional unplanned logging; yet either logging method leads to substantial fragmentation of the forest canopy. Increased mortality rates of trees damaged in logging have been documented. In this paper, we investigate the effect of logging disturbance on treefall rates.Using repeat inventories of canopy trees (≥35 cm dbh) in six large (≥50-ha) forest stands at two sites in the eastern Amazon, we measured mortality rates in three treatment classes: unlogged, conventionally logged (CL) and logged using reduced-impact methods (RIL). At least 3000 trees were mapped and inventoried per stand prior to timber harvests. In the second inventory, 3 years after harvests in the logged stands, all trees were located and scored as living, standing dead, uprooted or broken.We found significantly higher overall mortality rates for trees in logged forest (both CL and RIL stands) than in adjacent unlogged forest. This effect was largely due to higher rates of treefall (i.e., stems uprooted or broken from natural causes). Moreover, significantly higher treefall rates were recorded for trees in logged forest that were not damaged in the logging than for trees in unlogged stands. Treefall rates were nearly twice as high in conventionally logged forest as in forest logged using reduced-impact methods. We found indirect support for the hypothesis that increased treefall rates in logged forest are related to increased canopy opening and fragmentation through analysis of the locations of fallen trees in relation to canopy disturbance.  相似文献   

Chusquea ramosissima is a native monocarpic bamboo species growing in subtropical forests of northeastern Argentina, which can dominate gaps and open forests in the region, particularly after human disturbance. This bamboo species started to flower in different areas of northeastern Argentina in 2001, with the flowering peak during 2002 and 2003 and small isolated flowering events still occurring until 2010. We studied the effects of C. ramosissima flowering and die-back on microclimate, litter decomposition, nutrient availability, sapling growth, abundance and regeneration of tree canopy species. We wanted to know how environmental conditions and ecosystem processes change through time after bamboo flowering and if bamboo die-back would favor regeneration of canopy trees. Twenty 50 × 50 m plots of flowering and non-flowering bamboo were permanently marked and vegetation dynamics as well as nutrient cycling and microclimate studies were performed. C. ramosissima die-back enhanced growth and reduced mortality rate of tree saplings during the first year after flowering. Only growth of tree saplings previously established was enhanced by the flowering event and tree-species richness and saplings abundance of canopy trees did not change as expected due to bamboo flowering. The short-term effect of tree saplings growth was likely due to incident solar radiation at the forest floor which doubled in the first year after the bamboo flowering event. Increased light availability at the forest floor simultaneously promoted the growth of other understory plants such as ferns, lianas and Piper spp. that rapidly colonized gaps and intercepted a percentage of the incident solar radiation after the first year, which together with an increased litter layer due to the senescence of the bamboo, may have inhibited establishment of new tree individuals and affected tree growth. Contrary to predictions, soil water, litter decomposition and soil nutrients were not significantly affected by bamboo flowering. Thus, successful tree regeneration in gaps following bamboo flowering appears to be restricted to a very narrow window of increased light availability (i.e., 1 year) before growth of other understory plants and rapid re-colonization of bamboo. Changes in resource availability, and the opportunity for overstory regeneration after bamboo flowering events appears to depend on climatic and community characteristics of the ecosystem where the flowering event occurs and also, on the flowering patterns and their synchronicity.  相似文献   

Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) form mixed-evergreen forests along the northern California coast. In the mid-1990s, an introduced pathogen (Phytophthora ramorum) began causing extensive mortality of tanoak in these forests. This research reconstructed stand development patterns occurring in stands with and without the pathogen, measured stand responses to tanoak mortality, and developed projections of future stand development and structure in the presence of P. ramorum. Redwood forms an upper canopy layer while tanoak forms a multicohort lower canopy, resulting in distinct vertical stratification patterns. Individual redwood tree response patterns to tanoak mortality included crown expansion, increased basal sprouting, and increased basal area growth. Future stand structures will likely have greater proportions of redwood relative to tanoak.  相似文献   

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