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Avian use of even-aged timber harvests is likely affected by stand attributes such as size, amount of edge, and retained basal area, all characteristics that can easily be manipulated in timber harvesting plans. However, few studies have examined their effects during the post-breeding period. We studied the impacts of clearcut, low-leave two-age, and high-leave two-age harvesting on post-breeding birds using transect sampling and mist-netting in north-central West Virginia. In our approach, we studied the effects of these harvest types as well as stand size and edge on species characteristic of both early-successional and mature forest habitats. In 2005-2006, 13 stands ranging from 4 to 10 years post-harvest and 4-21 ha in size were sampled from late June through mid-August. Capture rates and relative abundance were similar among treatments for generalist birds. Early-successional birds had the lowest capture rates and fewer species (∼30% lower), and late-successional birds reached their highest abundance and species totals (double the other treatments) in high-leave two-age stands. Area sensitivity was evident for all breeding habitat groups. Both generalist and late-successional bird captures were negatively related to stand size, but these groups showed no clear edge effects. Mean relative abundance decreased to nearly zero for the latter group in the largest stands. In contrast, early-successional species tended to use stand interiors more often and responded positively to stand size. Capture rates for this group tripled as stand size increased from 4 to 21 ha. Few birds in the forest periphery responded to harvest edge types despite within-stand edge effects evident for several species. To create suitable habitat for early-successional birds, large, non-linear openings with a low retained basal area are ideal, while smaller harvests and increased residual tree retention would provide habitat for more late-successional birds post-breeding. Although our study has identified habitat use patterns for different species in timber harvests, understanding habitat-specific bird survival is needed to help determine the quality of silvicultural harvests for post-breeding birds.  相似文献   

Forest ecologists have long recognized that there are large differences in the vital rates of early- and late-successional species: early-successional species typically grow faster than late-successional species, while late-successional species typically have lower rates of mortality than early-successional species. Numerous studies have shown that the differences in mortality are particularly evident when comparing per-capita rates in stands of early- and late-successional species. However, fewer studies have examined whether such differences in per-capita mortality are manifest as a difference in biomass turnover: do stands comprised late-successional species have lower rates of basal area mortality (mortality per unit basal area) than stands comprised of early-successional species? In this paper, the relationship between stand mortality and successional composition is examined using forest inventory data from the state of Michigan (USA). Mortality was quantified as the annual percentage of basal area lost to mortality, and successional composition was quantified using a continuous variable that reflects the successional status of each of the component tree species. Analysis by multivariate regression revealed that the difference in mortality between early- and late-successional stands is as great as 50%, and that the significance of this result is robust to collinearity between stand composition, stand age, and stand structure. This result suggests that successional composition could be used to better forecast changes in timber supply, habitat supply, and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Numerous efforts have been invested in designing and configuring residual forest stands in Canadian boreal forest to preserve their overall biodiversity. Now that several landscapes have been partially logged, the next issue in forest management involves the planning of residual forest stand harvesting without compromising wildlife populations. Residual stands can be cut when adjacent regeneration reaches 3 m in height according to current regulations in several Canadian provinces (e.g., Québec, Ontario, Alberta, and British-Columbia). However, little is known on whether such regenerating habitat (RE-3m) can maintain wildlife communities similar to those found in unharvested mature forest (CO). We estimated the relative abundance of small mammals and forest birds in RE-3m and CO habitats and characterized landscape and stand structures. These variables were then compared between the two contrasting successional stages and were used to build habitat use models (HUMs) for 21 species. CO and RE-3m differed with regard to several landscape characteristics and stand structure variables as a result of logging. Snowshoe Hare, Northern Flicker, Alder Flycatcher, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, White-throated Sparrow and Magnolia Warbler were more abundant in RE-3m than CO, while Red-backed Vole, Brown Creeper and Golden-crowned Kinglet exhibited lower abundances in RE-3m. No significant differences in abundance were observed for the 12 other species. Species HUMs were highly significant and explained between 64.3 and 99.1% of the total variability in abundance. Following variance partitioning, stand structure variables accounted for most of the explained variability (54.2%) while landscape characteristics accounted for only 28.7%. No difference in species richness was observed but community evenness was greater in CO than RE-3m. Our results suggest that current regulations may threaten the maintenance of 3 out of 21 censused species for which abundances were significantly lower in regenerating 3 m tall stands. As stand structure explained a large amount of variability in abundance, it should be considered during timber harvest planning in both mature and regenerating stands. Until we know more on whether the current regulations are suitable for maintaining overall biodiversity, our results suggest that some mature forest stands should be maintained within managed landscapes for a complete logging rotation period.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the question of which vegetation characteristics have the most influence on avian assemblages in late-successional forests, the habitat preferences of bird-guilds in old-growth endemic forests of Macedonian pine were studied over 3 years in the Pirin National Park, Bulgaria. Bird–habitat relationships were investigated by comparing vegetation characteristics, and bird species richness, diversity, abundance, and guild structure of birds (determined according to food type, foraging and nesting sites) between mature (60–100 years old) and over-mature (>120 years old) Macedonian pine forest stands. Studied forest age-classes differed mainly by the density, height and diameter of trees, and the amount of dead wood. The first one of these parameters decreased and the latter two parameters increased with the forest succession. The difference in the vegetation structure affected the abundance of bird-guilds and thus, the overall bird abundance and the structure of avian assemblages within Macedonian pine forests. There was no significant difference in bird diversity among studied forest age-classes, but the overall bird abundance increased with forest maturation. Analyzed by study plots, species richness was higher in over-mature forests, but at cluster level, there was no significant difference between mature and over-mature forest age-classes. Half of the studied (insectivorous, hole- and ground-nesters, bark- and canopy-foraging bird species) guilds were more abundant in over-mature forests, while there was no bird-guild exhibiting a preference for mature forest stands. The abundances of bird-guilds were correlated with tree height, diameter at breast height and the amount of dead wood between the studied forest age-classes and this might explain their preferences for over-mature pine forests. Therefore, for future sustainable management of these endemic forests and the conservation of their avifauna, efforts should focus on protecting the remaining native old-growth forest stands and the importance of the structure of Macedonian pine forests on their bird assemblages should be considered in forestry practices.  相似文献   

The extensive removal of competing broadleaved shrubs in forest plantations typically results in structural and compositional simplification of early seral habitat. However, information on the tradeoffs between such intensive forestry practices and biodiversity is scant. Here we assess the magnitude and direction of potential impacts of intensive forest management on populations of early seral-associated breeding birds. Observed population declines of several Neotropical migrant bird species are hypothesized to be linked to the loss of early seral habitat on the breeding grounds. We investigated the association between broadleaved hardwood cover and avian abundance and diversity in intensively managed early seral Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stands of the Pacific Northwest. Bird species richness decreased across an elevational gradient, but did not vary as a function of either local vegetation composition or structure. In contrast, bird abundance was strongly associated with hardwood cover at local and landscape scales, especially for foliage-gleaning species. We found strong support for the existence of a threshold in relative bird abundance as a function of hardwood at the stand scale; abundance doubled with an increase from 1% to ∼6% hardwood and then reached a plateau. Though abundance of leaf-gleaners increased even more strongly across a gradient in hardwood cover, evidence for a distinct threshold was less clear. We conclude that when early seral hardwood forest is scarce, even small increases in hardwood may provide substantial conservation benefits. However, for some species (i.e., foliage gleaners), there may be more direct trade-offs in abundance and juvenile recruitment with hardwood management intensity.  相似文献   

The importance of structural complexity in forest ecosystems for ecosystem diversity has been widely acknowledged. Tree microhabitat structures as indicators of biodiversity, however, have only seldom been the focus of diversity research although their occurrence is highly correlated with the abundance of forest species and ecosystem functions. In this study, microhabitat structures in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests were defined and their frequency and abundance in natural stands and stands of varying active management histories and stand ages was compared. Indicator microhabitat structures for natural forests were determined and the relationship of the abundance of microhabitat structures with tree diameter of Douglas-fir trees was analysed.  相似文献   

Early successional birds have declined in the northeastern United States due to the regeneration of forest on abandoned farm fields and the suppression of natural disturbances that once provided appropriate habitat. These species have become increasingly dependent on early successional habitats generated by such activities as timber harvesting. Recent approaches of timber harvesting, which range from single-tree harvesting to clearcutting, create forest openings of different sizes and configurations embedded in landscapes with different land use patterns. To assess the importance of forest openings created by timber harvesting for shrubland birds, we surveyed birds on 50 m radius plots in 34 harvest sites (0.5–21 ha). We collected data on multi-scaled habitat variables ranging from plot-level vegetation characteristics to land use patterns within 1 km of each study site. We also monitored mating and nesting success of Blue-winged Warblers (Vermivora pinus) in 10 forest openings.

The abundance of most shrubland species was influenced by plot-level habitat variables, such as tree density and vegetation height, rather than shrubland area or the composition of land uses in the surrounding landscape. Only Eastern Towhees (Pipilo erythrophthalmus) were more frequent in survey plots in larger forest openings. In contrast, neither abundance nor reproductive activity of Blue-winged Warblers was correlated with the size of the forest opening. Their abundance was negatively related to vegetation height, however. Only 54% of the territorial male Blue-winged Warblers in forest openings were mated. We documented relatively low nest success rates of 21.1% during the egg laying and incubation nest stages, but increased success rates during the later stages of nesting.

Our results indicate that even small forest openings with low vegetation provide habitat for Blue-winged Warblers and other shrubland birds. The overall reproductive rate of territorial male Blue-winged Warblers in forests openings was low during the 2 years of the study, however. Further studies are needed to assess the long-term value of this type of habitat for sustaining shrubland bird populations.  相似文献   

Fires occur frequently in dry forests of the Inland West. Fire effects vary across the landscape, reflecting topography, elevation, aspect, slope, soils, and vegetation attributes. Patches minimally affected by successive fires may be thought of as ‘refugia’, islands of older forest in a younger forest matrix. Refugia support species absent within the landscape matrix. Our goal was to predict the occurrence of pre-settlement refugia using physiographic and topographic variables.We evaluated 487 plots across a 47000 ha landscape using three criteria to identify historical fire refugia: different structure from surrounding matrix; different fire regime from surrounding matrix; presence of old individuals of fire-intolerant tree species. Several combinations of aspect, elevation, and topography best predicted refugial presence.Less than 20% of the pre-settlement landscape was identified as historical fire refugia. Refugia were not connected except by younger stands within the matrix. Current management goals of increasing amounts and connectivity of old, refugia-like forests for the benefit of species associated with late-successional habitat increase the risk of insect and pathogen outbreaks and catastrophic wildfires.  相似文献   

Stand composition and structure of natural mixed-oak stands of common-oak (Quercus robur L.) and pyrenean-oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) were studied. Diverse compositional and structural elements in early and late successional stand stages were analysed. The study was conducted in north and central Portugal where different natural mixed oak forests types are located. The following mixed-oak forest types involving common-oak and pyrenean-oak were studied: common-oak & other hardwoods; common-oak & cork-oak (Quercus suber L.); ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) & pyrenean-oak; and pyrenean-oak & madrone (Arbutus unedo L.). Measurements were made in early and late successional stand stages on the different mixed oak forest types. Different stand characteristics and indices were used to describe and compare stand structure and composition. The study showed changes in species diversity and stand structure. Most tree species in mature stands are present in early stages but with higher abundance. Shannon diversity index may change between 0.798 and 1.915. Significant differences on species diversity and abundance were found depending on the forest type and successional stage. Mature mixed-oak forests have high species diversity with an abundance of small to medium tree size species. Species distribution and diameter differentiation indices range from 0.30 to 0.70 and 0.52 to 0.82, respectively, revealing significant structural complexity. The average number of standing and downed dead trees was 265 and 83 trees ha−1 for early and late stage, respectively, with 6.9 and 65.4 m3 ha−1. Higher values of stand diversity index were 41 and 53 in more complex and developed forests. Later stand stages have complex structure, with a wider range of tree diameter distribution and higher degree of irregularity.  相似文献   

The released excess anthropogenic nitrogen and carbon produces habitat enrichment, as exemplified by the modification of one-storied pine stands by introducing deciduous species into the understory or second story. In this study, we discuss the validity of pine stand modification by pitfall-trapping epigeic carabid beetles. Two hypotheses were formulated: (1) proportion of late-successional species is higher in assemblages inhabiting pine stands with understory or a second story than in one-storied pine stands; (2) plant litter composition affects carabid beetle assemblages more than other environmental variables. Additionally, characteristic carabid species of the respective pine stand types were identified. GLMM analysis revealed a higher proportion of late-successional species in pine stands with understory or a second story than in one-storied ones. NMDS separated those pine stand types. RDA analysis indicated that pine litter and humus had the strongest effect on carabid beetle assemblage structure in one-storied stands, being drier and thicker in this stand type than in the others. Indicator value analysis identified two characteristic non-forest species in one-storied stands The study revealed that the introduction of understory and particularly a second story into pine stands increased carabid beetle diversity and the proportion of late-successional species, confirming the validity of pine stand modification.  相似文献   


We examined how canopy patterns at the landscape scale can influence bird community composition, abundance, or distribution. Our long-term goal is to determine how diseases and other small-scale disturbances that change canopy patterns influence bird distribution. Little is known about these relationships, partly because most measures of disturbance are based on timber production metrics. We developed a spatially dependent metric referred to as canopy closure roughness, which was significantly correlated to bird diversity on 4 ha sample plots, and used it to generate a spatial model showing the distribution of bird diversity at a resolution of 30 mover an area of 1 million acres (the entire Black Hills National Forest). Number of bird species per stand varied between 2 and 16. Number of species and bird diversity were positively related to intensity of tree cutting. Most common bird species were yellow-rumped warbler, dark-eyed junco, Townsend's solitaire, black-capped chickadee and red-breasted nuthatch. The spatial model of bird diversity showed clusters of high diversity at different locations within the forest. These methods may help lead to better tools for managing the linkages between specific disturbances and bird usage and enable more effective disturbance management by offering a platform for spatial planning.  相似文献   

Many shrubland bird species are declining in eastern North America and as a result forest managers have used a variety of techniques to provide breeding habitat for these species. The maintenance of permanent “wildlife openings” using prescribed burns or mechanical treatments is a widely used approach for providing habitat for these species, but there have been no studies of the effects of treatment regime on bird abundance and nest survival in managed wildlife openings. We studied shrubland birds in wildlife openings on the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF) in New Hampshire and Maine, USA, during 2003 and 2004. We analyzed bird abundance and nest survival in relation to treatment type (burned versus mowed), treatment frequency, time since treatment, and patch area. We found that wildlife openings provided habitat for shrubland birds that are not present in mature forest. There was relatively modest support for models of focal bird species abundance as a function of treatment regime variables, despite pronounced effects of treatment on habitat conditions. This probably was attributable to the combined effects of complex site histories and bird site fidelity. Overall nest success (52%) was comparable to other types of early-successional habitats in the region, but there were few supported relationships between nest survival and treatment variables. We conclude that wildlife openings provide quality habitat for shrubland birds of high conservation interest as long as managers ensure treatment intervals are long enough to permit the development of woody vegetation characteristic of the later stages of this sere. Also, wildlife openings should be large enough to accommodate the territory sizes of all target species, which was ≥1.2 ha in this study.  相似文献   

We focused our attention on quantifying the factor complex of forest regeneration in 423 mature and old stands with contrasting environmental conditions. We recorded the microhabitat selection of tree recruits, the frequency of tree seedlings, and evaluated the drivers of sapling abundance and diversity. The majority of forest regeneration was established on undisturbed forest floor. Dead wood was a frequent substrate in spruce-(co)dominated forests. Seedling frequency within a stand was related to the site-type specific productivity gradient of stands—pine seedlings were common in low-productivity and spruce in high-productivity boreal forests. Seedlings of temperate broad-leaved trees dominated in productive boreonemoral forests, except for oak, which showed a uniform distribution of abundance in all forest site-types. Sapling abundance was dictated by forest site-type, and facilitated by stand diversity, variability in stand closure, lying dead wood, abundant moss, and a thick organic layer. Only in boreal forests was sapling abundance suppressed by the abundant spruce and younger trees. Upon considering the relationship between sapling abundance and species richness, sapling diversity was dependent on forest site-type, suppressed by stand density and dead wood (old gap) abundance, and facilitated by stand diversity. In addition, boreonemoral stands, competition from herbs, and facilitation by mosses occurred. The observed pattern of tree recruitment points to the importance of top-down effects of the overstory, competing or facilitating interactions with forest floor vegetation, and availability of regeneration microhabitats, which in complex make their ecology comparable with forest herbs. Natural forest regeneration can be enhanced if silvicultural methods support mixed stands and enhance field layer diversity. Oak can provide the universal tree species to improve stand structure over a wide range of habitats.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between forest succession following fire and the composition of bird communities, we investigated the vegetation structure, bird population density, foraging behavior and guild structure in bamboo grasslands (11 years since the last fire), pine savanna (41 years), pine woodland (58 years), old-growth hemlock forest (never burned), and old-growth spruce forest (never burned) in the Tatachia area of central Taiwan. Canopy height, total foliage cover, tree density, total basal area of tree, total basal area of snags, foliage height diversity, and tree species richness all increased with successional age. However, shrub cover peaked in intermediate successional stages. The vertical profile of foliage cover was more diverse in later successional forests, which had more breeding bird species and ecological guilds. All the breeding bird species recorded in early and intermediate stages were also found distributed in the late successional forests. Because Taiwan has high precipitation and humidity, and most forest fires in Taiwan are caused by human activities, forest fires and large areas of early successional vegetation were probably rare in the mountain areas of Taiwan prior to the arrival of humans. Therefore, bird species have not had enough time to adapt to areas with early or intermediate successional vegetation. Moreover, late successional forests host all the major plant species found in the early and intermediate stages and have higher foliage height diversity index, which was positively correlated with the bird species richness and bird species diversity index in this study. As a result, all breeding bird species and guilds in the area can be found in late successional forests. Efforts for conserving avian diversity in Taiwan should focus on protecting the remaining native old-growth forests.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine bird communities in regenerating (5–25 years) and mature (40–100 years) jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest in boreal Ontario. The study area was located near White River in north central Ontario with an area of 187,800 ha. We explored the response of bird community structure to stand age, and the influence of stand age on the distribution of individual species. We were interested in two principal questions. The first was how unique are the bird communities to specific age classes. If bird communities are highly specific to age classes then alterations to the age class distribution of the forest can have important impacts on the overall bird community composition and structure. The second question was how specific are individual species to age classes. Species that are highly specific to a single age class are expected to be highly sensitive to the amount and potentially the configuration of that age class on the landscape. We sampled birds for three breeding seasons. The number of bird species increased with stand age. Tree species composition did not change as stands aged, but there were distinctive changes in vegetation structure through succession. For example, the total amount of vertical vegetation structure increased significantly with age. More than half of the bird species examined were significant indicators of individual age classes. Blue-headed vireo, brown creeper, black-throated green warbler, golden-crowned kinglet, ovenbird and red-breasted nuthatch were all significant indicators of the mature age class. The bird assemblage of mature stands was significantly different from that of regenerating forest and within regenerating forest, 3–5-year-old stands contained a significantly different bird assemblage to that of 8–25-year-old regenerating forest. These results suggest that the distribution of forest age classes on the landscape is a critical element in determining habitat availability and therefore the viability of boreal bird populations in managed forests.  相似文献   

The limited spatial scales of many bird–habitat studies restrict inference regarding large scale bird–habitat relationships. A potential solution to this challenge is integrating the USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) and USGS Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) databases. We describe a methodology for integrating these databases into a uniform dataset for modeling bird–habitat relationships at multiple spatial scales. We accumulated route-level BBS data for four species guilds (canopy nesting, ground-shrub nesting, cavity nesting, early successional), each containing a minimum of five bird species. We developed 43 forest variables at the county level using FIA data from the 2000 inventory cycle within 5 physiographic regions in 14 states. We examined spatial relationships between the BBS and FIA data at three hierarchical scales: (1) individual BBS routes, (2) FIA units, and (3) physiographic sections. At the BBS route scale, we buffered routes at 100 m, 1 km, and 10 km radii, intersected these buffers with county boundaries, and developed weighted averages for each forest variable within each buffer width. Weights were a function of the percent of area each county had within a buffer. We calculated 29 landscape structure variables from 1992 National Land Cover Data (NLCD) imagery using Fragstats within each buffer width. At the BBS route scale, we developed models relating variations in bird occupancy and abundance to forest and landscape structure within each buffer width using classification and regression trees (CART). We aggregated the FIA variables to the FIA unit and physiographic section scales and recalculated the landscape variables within each unit and section using NCLD imagery resampled to a 400 m pixel size. We used regression trees (FIA unit scale) and general linear models (GLM, physiographic section scale) to relate variations in bird abundance to the forest and landscape variables. At the BBS route scale, 80% of the best CART models accounted for >50% of the variation in bird occupancy and abundance. Among FIA units and physiographic sections, the regression trees accounted for an average of 54.1% and the GLMs accounted for an average of 66.3% of the variability in bird abundance, respectively. This methodology shows promise for integrating independent databases for evaluating bird–habitat relationships across broad spatial extents, and the hierarchical nature of these models provides a potentially consistent means of evaluating management options at varying spatial scales.  相似文献   

  • ? In forests, rainfall is partitioned into intercepted water (IW), throughfall (TF) and stemflow (SF). We reviewed the majority of published works comparing water flows among tree species in temperate and boreal forests to test the effect of several tree traits on water flows.
  • ? We hypothesized that water flows differed between evergreen and deciduous species, and according to successional status and bark roughness. We also investigated that water flows would be explained by stand variables such as basal area.
  • ? Linear mixed models fitted on reviewed data showed that evergreens had a lower TF than deciduous trees (decrease of 13.9% of total precipitation year-round and 8.4% over the growing period). Similar results were found for conifers compared to broadleaves. TF also declined with the successional status from pioneer to late-successional tree species. SF decreased with bark roughness from smoother to rougher bark. Evergreens had water flows that were dependent on age of the stand, especially for TF which increased by 15.6% of total precipitation from young to adult forests.
  • ? The large scale of TF differences between tree genera together with specific transpiration amounts and rooting features highlighted in other studies should result in significant differences in soil water content among tree species. This may have consequences on stand fitness and growth, and understory vegetation.
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    Old-growth forests are ecologically relevant reservoirs of biodiversity and provide valuable and unique ecosystem functions in the landscape. However, what constitutes an old-growth stand is confusing because the definition depends largely on the forest type under study. Despite the ecological importance of old-growth temperate rainforests in southern Chile in comparison to other global forests, no attempts have been made to characterize them as a way to assess their structural variability. Here, we characterized old-growth stands of Valdivian and North Patagonian rain forest types located in Chiloé Island (Chile, 42°30′S) using inventory data from 23 permanent plots (0.1 ha each) located in rural landscapes and protected areas of northern Chiloé Island. For each stand, its age (average age of the oldest trees present in each stand) and disturbance regimes (evidence of recent human impact, e.g. cuttings or fires, and tree growth rates) were used as defining old-growth criteria. We characterized the structure (tree species richness, size-density distributions, vertical stratification and presence of snags) and floristic composition of each stand. Environmental variables (i.e. temperature, distance to coastline and elevation) were related to stand structure using multivariate constrained correspondence analysis. Old-growth forests were commonly characterized by (a) tree basal areas >80 m2/ha; (b) density of shade-tolerant tree species in the emergent and dominant canopy layer >36%; (c) higher tree species richness (>7 tree species) than successional stands; (d) presence of large canopy emergents (>80 cm dbh, >25 m tall); (e) high vertical heterogeneity; and (f) minimum stand ages older than 200 years. Old-growth forests showed a distinctive structural variability and floristic diversity influenced both by stand age and disturbance history of the stands. Structural variability was also related to environmental differences among sites (e.g. air temperature, distance to coastline, soil types). Old-growth forest features described here can offer a baseline for managers interested in maintaining and restoring old-growth forest structure in southern temperate rain forests.  相似文献   

    Recent studies have highlighted the key role of tree microhabitats in forest habitat complexity and have suggested using them as surrogates for local taxonomic biodiversity. However, few practical guidelines have been published to help foresters in managing microhabitats at the stand scale. This paper provides scientific background information to help to develop such guidelines. We surveyed trees in nine long-unmanaged beech–fir forests to model tree microhabitat occurrence and diversity at the tree level. Data were upscaled to a size range of tree cluster, i.e., at the tree population scale, by aggregating observed values of microhabitat occurrence. Accumulation curves were used to estimate the minimum number of trees required to make all the microhabitat types available. Two managed forests were then studied to quantify management effects on microhabitats. Diameter at breast height (dbh) and tree species, respectively, explained 16 and 10 % of the variations in the number of microhabitat-bearing trees, and 21 and 10 % for the number of microhabitat types. Beech trees and firs with a dbh of less than dbh 50 and 65 cm, respectively, did not ensure the provision of all microhabitat types. At least 20 ha of unmanaged forest were necessary to conserve all the microhabitat types. Current management practices have reduced the number of microhabitat-bearing beeches both by reducing the number of very large trees (dbh > 67.5 cm) and by tree selection within mid-size diameters. For fir, only the logging of very large trees (dbh > 62.5 cm) negatively affected microhabitats. These figures may inspire guidelines for conservation-friendly forestry.  相似文献   

    We investigated whether partial cutting used to mimic small-scale natural disturbances could maintain cavity and bark nesting breeding birds. We assessed changes in the relative abundance of cavity nesting birds in two intensities of partial cutting, compared to uncut and clearcut stands, 9 years post-treatment. We then examined the relationship between forest structure and nesting abundance (stand scale) and compared characteristics of used nest and forage trees to unused trees (tree scale). The relative abundance of most species was highest in either heavy removal or light removal treatments 9 years post-harvest. Brown creepers were most abundant in uncut, and red-breasted sapsuckers were most abundant in clearcut and heavy removal treatments. The proportion of deciduous trees and the density of dead trees were the best predictors of nest abundance. Individual nest tree use was predicted by the presence of large deciduous trees with broken tops and early to advanced stages of decay. Forage tree use was predicted by the presence of large conifer trees in advanced stages of decay. To maintain breeding habitat for cavity nesters, we suggest that forest managers retain the specific structural attributes required for nesting, but also the diverse forest conditions required for foraging.  相似文献   

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