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The Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand offers tourists opportunities for unregulated access to breeding sites of the yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes). The presence of people on beaches delays post-foraging landing by penguins, which in turn may affect the amount of food delivered by parents to their chicks, with consequences for chick growth and fledging mass. This study explored the relationship between human disturbance and yellow-eyed penguin chick fledging weight and survival by comparing five yellow-eyed penguin breeding areas with different levels of visitor frequency. We investigated whether chick fledging weights vary between breeding areas, and whether fledging weight is a predictor of juvenile survival. In 2002, chicks at Sandfly Bay, an area with high numbers of tourists, had significantly lower fledging weights than chicks at Highcliff, an area with no tourist visitors. An analysis of sightings of 2125 yellow-eyed penguin chicks banded between 1981 and 2000 indicated probability of survival was positively associated with mass at fledging. Thus lower fledging weights may have long-term population consequences. Fledging weight is influenced by many factors, however the results suggest the possibility of an effect of tourist numbers on chick fledging weight. This is noteworthy, especially in light of the rapid rate at which wildlife tourism is increasing in coastal areas of southern New Zealand.  相似文献   

This study presented evidence that creates a quandary for conservation management: predation by one threatened species, New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri), threatens the viability of another threatened species, yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes), at Otago Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand. Otago Peninsula holds the largest population of yellow-eyed penguins on South Island and the only breeding population of New Zealand sea lions on the New Zealand mainland. New Zealand sea lions here represent the vanguard of re-colonisation within their prehistoric range, with nine females and 50-70 males resident in 2005. The initial indication of a potential problem was an attack on a yellow-eyed penguin by a New Zealand sea lion witnessed in 1996. The majority of 20 records for attacks were at two neighbouring sites, where they coincided with decreases in penguin nest numbers and adult annual survival. In contrast, penguin nest numbers increased at a third site, the main base for male sea lions at Otago Peninsula. Evidence from prey remains indicated that male sea lions did not eat yellow-eyed penguins but that females ate 20-30 annually, with one individual possibly responsible for most kills. Modelling indicated that the penguin population at any one site could not remain viable if it was the sole source of penguins killed. The dilemma is either to do nothing, and risk collapse of the Otago Peninsula population of yellow-eyed penguins, or to take action against known culprits, and risk failure in re-colonisation of the New Zealand mainland by New Zealand sea lions.  相似文献   

Gould’s petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera) was restricted, essentially, to a single breeding locality - Cabbage Tree Island, Australia. As a safeguard against extinction, an additional breeding colony was established on nearby Boondelbah Island, where artificial nesting habitat was created by installing 100 plastic nest boxes. Over two years, a total of 200 nestling Gould’s petrels were translocated from Cabbage Tree Island to these boxes. Colonies on both islands were then monitored for a further four years. Selection of nestlings for transfer was based on prior knowledge of growth, plumage development and emergence from the burrow, and aimed to select only birds that were 11-28 days from fledging (DBF) in 1999 and 11-22 DBF in 2000. Of the first 100 nestlings translocated to Boondelbah Island (in March 1999), 95 fledged successfully 8-27 days after transfer (mean = 17.3 days). Of the second 100 nestlings translocated (in March 2000) all successfully fledged 9-22 days after transfer (mean = 15.1 days). The removal of young had no discernible effect on the subsequent breeding productivity of the donor pairs. In all, 41 Gould’s petrels have been recorded at the new colony on Boondelbah Island, where at least 27 nest boxes have been visited. Ten translocated fledglings (nine male, one female) have returned to the translocation site, taking up nest boxes that were, on average, 5.5 m from the box from which they fledged. An additional 27 non-translocated birds, of unknown origin, have also nested in nest boxes on Boondelbah, along with four birds previously known from Cabbage Tree Island. Two nestlings transferred to Boondelbah Island have returned to Cabbage Tree Island. Within five years of the first translocation, the newly established colony on Boondelbah Island has produced a total of 24 eggs and 14 fledglings. The translocation technique developed for Gould’s petrel has broad applicability, being readily adaptable for other burrow-nesting seabirds.  相似文献   

The ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) is a seabird that inhabits Arctic oceans throughout the year, often in association with polar pack ice. It is rare (<14,000 breeding pairs globally) and remains one of the most poorly known seabird species in the world. Canada supports breeding populations of international significance, and residents of communities in the Canadian High Arctic currently observe fewer ivory gulls than they did in the 1980s. However, no population trend data existed for this species in Canada prior to this study. We initiated aerial surveys in July 2002 and 2003 of most known ivory gull colonies in Canada to assess current population levels. Forty two colonies were visited, 14 of which were new discoveries. We recorded an 80% decline in numbers of nesting ivory gulls. Several of the largest known colonies were completely extirpated and those that remained supported significantly fewer nesting birds than previously observed. Results were similar in both years despite some differences in local sea ice conditions, suggesting a numerical decline in the population and not simply annual fluctuations in colony occupation. Declines have occurred in all habitat types and across the known Canadian breeding range, suggesting that causes of the decline may be related to factors occurring during migration or on wintering grounds. We recommend that international efforts now be directed at assessing population status and trends of this species in other circumpolar countries.  相似文献   

Micromorphological features of the fine earth and skeletal fractions of soils of West Antarctica forming under different conditions of pedogenesis have been studied in the areas of Russian Antarctic stations. The processes of mineral weathering and alteration of rock fragments are more pronounced in the Subantarctic soils with better developed humification and immobilization of iron compounds under conditions of surface overmoistening. The biogenic accumulative processes in the soils of King George Island result in the appearance of initial forms of humic plasma that have not been detected in the Antarctic soils in the areas of the Russkaya and Leningradskaya stations. Humus films on mineral grains are present in the soils of King George Island, and organic plasmic material is present in the ornithogenic soils under penguin guano on Lindsey Island. High-latitude Antarctic soils may contain surface concentrations of organic matter; rock fragments are covered by iron oxides and soluble salts. The formation of amorphous organic plasma takes place in the ornithogenic soils of Lindsey Island. The microprobe analysis indicates the presence of local concentrations of organic matter and pedogenic compounds not only on the surface of rock fragments but also in the fissures inside them. This analysis has also proved the translocation of guano-derived organic substances inside rock fragments through a system of fissures in the soils of Lindsey Island and the development of a network of pores inside rock fragments in the soils of King George Island.  相似文献   

The jackass penguin Spheniscus demersus (L.) is confined to the coastal waters of southern Africa, and breeds on 18 islands predominantly within the region of the cold, nutrient rich Benguella current. Since the early 1900s the species' population has declined in numbers of unknown magnitude. The decline appears to be continuing, although the absence of reliable census data precludes an accurate measurement of the rate of change. The initial fall in numbers was undoubtedly due to severe disturbance of nesting birds and excessive commercial exploitation of eggs. The average annual egg crop for the period 1900-30 exceeded 450,000 eggs from Dassen Island alone. Egg collection has been suspended temporarily, but the species now appears to be threatened by oil pollution, and by competition with a pelagic shoal fish industry. Threats to breeding colonies are posed by harbour developments. These factors are discussed and evaluated. South African marine organisms are considered officially to be an economic resource and are heavily exploited. Legislation governing the control of this resource is the concern of the Ministry for Economic Affairs. There is no provision for any government body to investigate the status and biology of economically insignificant, but yet integral, components of the marine ecosystem. The major priority of conservations is to safeguard the jackass penguin population at its present level. This includes proclamation of several offshore islands and their surroundings as national nature reserves. We consider current efforts to rescue, clean and rehabilitate oiled seabirds as contributing little to conservation in real terms, even though the activity has an important humanitarian and educational function. Research priorities include a comprehensive census of the jackass penguin and other seabird populations in southern Africa; a study of mortality and recruitment, with particular attention to factors affecting the rates of these processes; a study of the dynamics of the penguin/prey interaction, with special reference to the possible effects of competition with the pelagic fishing industry; an evaluation of the degree of disturbance that nesting penguins can tolerate; an investigation into the temporal and spatial patterns of oil pollution incidents, oil slick occurrence and movement, and the development of methods of keeping birds away from oil slicks; and, lastly, an evaluation of the efficacy of rehabilitating oiled penguins as a contribution to maintaining or increasing the current jackass penguin population. The responsibility for these projects rests with the South African government.  相似文献   

In isolated areas without direct human impact where several species of seabirds nest, transformations affecting the soil come mainly from natural processes, such as chemical enrichment caused by seabirds. Penguins constitute an important bird biomass in the Southern Hemisphere, where they breed in colonies on different sites from 100 to thousands of individuals. The accumulation of trace elements and nutrients in soils within two perennial colonies of Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) located in north western Chile and three colonies of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) in the Antarctic Peninsula area were investigated here. Surface soil samples were collected directly from nesting sites. Control samples were taken outside the colonies within sites adjacent to the nesting areas, but not affected by bird excrement. The contents of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Sr, V and Zn were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3) ions were determined colorimetrically. Extractable potassium (K) was determined by flame emission spectrometry, and available phosphorus (Olsen-P) was determined by spectrophotometry. The highest concentrations of trace metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, V and Zn) and macronutrients (available N, K and P), along with an increase in salinity and acidity levels, were found directly below the seabird colony, a situation occurring in northern Chile as well as in the Antarctic Peninsula area, highlighting the role that penguins have as bio-vectors on generating geochemical changes in different ecosystems. Some terrestrial plants and animals that live near those penguin colonies might be affected at a greater level than the organisms that live in sites similar but distant from colonies of birds. New data about the role of these species of seabirds as bio-vectors of chemical contaminants are added.  相似文献   

Over the last decade the Humboldt penguin, Spheniscus humboldti, has become a focus for ecotourism. Current management applies visitor guidelines similar to those developed for Magellanic penguins, Spheniscus magellanicus. However, unlike these, Humboldt penguins are extremely sensitive to human presence. Breeding success was significantly reduced at frequently visited sites. Heart rate telemetry during disturbance experiments revealed that Humboldt penguins respond more strongly to human presence than do any other penguin species thus far studied. A person passing an incubating penguin at 150 m distance already provoked a significant heart rate response. Recovery times were up to half an hour after direct human approach, causing increased energy expenditure without any overt behavioural reaction. Being extraordinary sensitive to human activity with little habituation potential the Humboldt penguin proves to be a difficult focal species for ecotourism. For sustainable ecotourism visitors are required to stay out of sight of Humboldt penguin breeding and moulting areas. Management guidelines need to acknowledge that even closely related species may react very differently towards human presence.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 2004, the breeding success of African penguins Spheniscus demersus at Robben Island, South Africa was significantly related to estimates of the abundance of both their main prey species, anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax, and to the combined biomass of these species. When the combined spawner biomass of fish prey was less than 2 million ton, pairs fledged an average of 0.46 chicks annually. When it was above 2 million ton, annual breeding success had a mean value of 0.73 chicks per pair. Given previously estimated values of survival and age at first breeding, these levels of breeding success are inadequate to sustain the African penguin population. With the higher level of breeding success, an equilibrium situation might be attained if adult survival could be increased by 6-7% per annum. Attempts to reduce mortality of penguins have included the collection, cleaning and return to the wild of oiled birds, culling of Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus seen preying on penguins around breeding localities and control of the spread of disease. Management of the purse-seine fishery should ensure adequate escapement of fish to maintain the combined biomass of anchovy and sardine above 2 million ton. The maintenance of suitable breeding habitat and removal of feral predators from breeding localities will also be important in improving breeding success.  相似文献   

In a previous study, soil bacterial diversity at environmentally distinct locations on Signy Island was examined using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling, and a range of chemical variables in soils was determined in order to describe variations between them. The dominant bacterial communities of all locations were found to be significantly different, although higher levels of similarity were observed between locations with similar physico-chemical characteristics, such as at penguin rookeries, seal wallows and vegetated soils. Extending this study, here soil prokaryote biodiversity was compared between 15 distinct locations in order to elucidate any interaction between four general habitat types on Signy Island (South Orkney Islands, maritime Antarctic) and any influence of previous human impacts at these sites. Specific sites were selected to represent the range of different soil environments present and to cover a range of environmental factors present in the maritime Antarctic which are known to influence bacterial community composition in soils elsewhere. A diverse prokaryote community is described, again with the majority of excised and sequenced bands belonging to the Bacteroidetes. Although DGGE profiling identified significant differences in prokaryotic biodiversity between all sampling sites, aggregations of banding patterns were also apparent across the different soil environments examined. Correlations between specific DGGE profiles and 10 selected soil parameters suggested that much of this variation could be explained by differences in the levels of environmental disturbance and soil pH. In particular, a greater proportion of variation in soil bacterial diversity was explained by differences in soil properties at human-disturbed locations than at undisturbed locations, with higher explanatory values by edaphic factors in the former and soil metal content in the later. In general, our data indicate that small-scale variation is an important factor in understanding patterns of prokaryotic distributions in soil habitats in the maritime Antarctic environment.  相似文献   

Penguins can bioaccumulate metals, a portion of which can be deposited in the environment through organic remains such as excrement, carcasses, and eggshells. In order to determine Cu and Pb concentrations and their relationship to soil, organic matter and grain size were determined in 27 samples collected in zones without penguins, penguin transit zones, and Adelie (Pygoscelis adeliae), Chinstrap (P. antarctica), and Gentoo penguin (P. papua) colonies on the Ardley Peninsula, Maritime Antarctica. An atomic absorption spectrophotometry analysis was carried out, organic matter was determined by loss on ignition, and grain size was measured with a laser diffraction particle size analyzer. The principal component analysis shows a relationship between the variables Cu, Pb, and grain size and areas with penguin presence. Cu concentrations in soils varied among areas (χ2, 15.707; p =?0.0004), with higher concentrations in transit zones and penguin colonies (142.63 and 140.79 mg/kg, respectively) than in zones without penguins (83.33 mg/kg). Pb concentrations in soils also varied among areas (χ2, 6.5029; p =?0.0387), and were higher in transit zones (5.92 mg/kg) than in the penguin colonies (4.45 mg/kg). Grain size differed significantly among areas (χ2, 13.506; p =?0.0012), with higher values in transit zones (avg. 37.38 μm) than in penguin colonies (avg. 26.93 μm) and zones without penguins (avg. 20.72 μm). Organic matter did not differ significantly among the studied zones (χ2, 2.0882; p =?0.3520). There is a positive correlation between Cu-Pb (Rho, 0.5532; p =?0.0028), Cu-grain size (Rho, 0.4756; p =?0.0130) and Pb-grain size (Rho, 0.4879; p =?0.0098). The presence of penguins increases Cu concentrations in Antarctic soils due to its bioaccumulation and elimination through excrement; however, the presence of penguins has a minor influence on Pb concentration in soil, probably because this metal is stored efficiently in bones, feathers, and eggshells.  相似文献   

Original data on humus-forming substances and their elemental and biochemical compositions in Antarctic soils are discussed. Mosses, lichens, algae, remains of higher vascular plants, and penguin guano of two types differ considerably in their chemical compositions. This leads to significant differences in the formation of humic substances in plant materials themselves in the course of their transformation. However, no significant differences in the composition of humus in the fine earth of soils developing under different humus-forming materials have been revealed, which may be related to the extremely low rates of humification. Significant differences between the soils of Antarctic landscapes proper and the soils of the Subantarctic King George Island are only observed in the humus enrichment with nitrogen. The soils of Antarctica are low-humus soils with the humate-fulvate or fulvate types of humus.  相似文献   

Nematode worms are one of the most important soil faunal groups in Antarctica. However, relatively little is known about their wider distribution, biogeography and history in the region, and taxonomic information remains confused or incomplete. Here, we hypothesise that the Alexander Island (southern maritime Antarctic) fauna includes elements that have survived (at least) the period of Pleistocene glaciation in situ, forming a regional centre of endemism and biodiversity hotspot. We describe nematological surveys carried out across a latitudinal gradient between 68 and 77°S along the southern Antarctic Peninsula, comparing the data obtained with the maritime Antarctic fauna described in the few previous studies between northern Marguerite Bay and the South Orkney Islands (60-68°S). In general, our survey supports previous findings of a lack of overlap at species level between the maritime and continental Antarctic biogeographical zones, with the large majority of specimens obtained from all survey sites being attributable to known maritime or new and currently endemic taxa. However, collections from Alexander Island, Alamode Island and the most westerly site sampled, Charcot Island, include specimens morphologically very close to two known continental Antarctic species, which may indicate a link between the two regions. The fauna obtained at the northern study sites (ca. 68°S, Adelaide Island, Marguerite Bay) closely matches that described previously. However, in contrast with widely described patterns of decreasing diversity in other Antarctic biota, species richness increased markedly at locations on Alexander Island (ca. 72°S), including a substantial element of undescribed species (50% of taxa across all locations, 40% of taxa found on Alexander Island). Finally, the most southerly samples obtained, from inland nunataks in Ellsworth Land (75-77°S), indicate a fauna that does not include nematodes, which is exceptional not only in an Antarctic context but also for soils worldwide.  相似文献   

The recognition of the rapid and ongoing biodiversity loss has been leading to increasing conservation efforts. To maximise conservation success it is important to evaluate when interventions are likely to be effective. In Portugal, previous research identified that lack of suitable nest-sites was limiting the populations of the endangered lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni). Consequently, a massive provisioning of artificial nest-sites and the implementation of a medium term monitoring scheme was established. Our study showed that artificial nest-site provisioning is an effective measure in mitigating the lack of traditional sites. The lesser kestrel population increased from 155–158 pairs in 1996 to 527–552 in 2007, with 52% breeding in artificial nests. We investigate the factors affecting colony growth and found that colony growth was positively affected by the provisioning of artificial nests but negatively affected by predation rate and human disturbance. Between 2003 and 2007, mean colony growth was estimated at 6.46 ± 1.86 pairs for colonies where artificial nests were provided and −0.69 ± 0.5 pairs in colonies without nest-site provisioning. Moreover, predation rate was significantly lower in artificial nests than in natural ones and, although the number of competitor pairs in lesser kestrel colonies increased, the proportion of nests occupied by competitor species decreased. High risk of collapse and restoration of rural abandoned farmhouses may jeopardize the future of the lesser kestrel in Portugal. Nest-site provisioning and the establishment of a protection status for buildings holding colonies are likely the most effective means to guarantee the long-term survival of this species in the area.  相似文献   

The Tristan albatross Diomedea [exulans] dabbenena is the third rarest albatross species, with a breeding population of around 1500 pairs almost totally restricted to Gough Island in the Tristan da Cunha group, central South Atlantic. During January 2000, the entire breeding population of Gough was surveyed for the first time since 1956, and 2400 incubating pairs were counted. An analysis of the areas that are likely to have been surveyed most accurately in the past suggests that the population has decreased by around 28% over 46 years. The number of large chicks counted over three successive seasons (1999-2001) was highly variable (range 318-1129). The average count over this period (705 chicks) is less than counts made in 1979 (792) and 1982 (798). A total of 656 chicks were counted in September 2001, giving an island breeding success of just 27.3%. However, breeding success varied considerably in different areas of the island, ranging from 17.6 to 68.0%. During the 2001 season most breeding failures were of large chicks, and over 4 years where data were available, 75% of breeding failures occurred during the chick period. Predation by introduced house mice Mus musculus is the most likely cause of chick mortality. In a small study population, birds began breeding at an average age of 9.7 years and annual adult survival from 1985 to 2001 was 92.6% (SE=1.6%). Both breeding success and adult survival estimates are low in comparison with other Diomedea species and population modelling predicts a population decreasing at an annual rate of 2.9-5.3%. Further research is needed urgently to assess whether breeding success is typical, and to confirm that mouse predation is the cause of chick mortality. The low productivity of this species will compound the negative impacts of longline fishing mortality, which are likely to be reducing adult and juvenile survival.  相似文献   

American white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) are colonial-nesting birds and their breeding sites are concentrated in a few small areas, making this species especially vulnerable to factors that can influence productivity, such as disease, disturbance, predation, weather events and loss of nesting habitat. Nearly half of the American white pelican population breeds at four colonies in the northern plains: Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in North Dakota, Bitter Lake (Waubay NWR) in South Dakota, Medicine Lake NWR in Montana, and Marsh Lake in Minnesota. Thus, sustained productivity at these colonies is crucial to the health of the entire species. During the latter half of the 2002 and 2003 breeding seasons, unusually high mortality of pelican chicks was observed at these colonies. West Nile virus (WNv) was identified as one source of these losses. In 2004–2007 we monitored three major colonies in the northern plains to assess mortality of chicks during the late breeding season. We documented severe weather events, disturbance, and WNv as factors contributing to chick mortality. Before WNv arrived in the region in 2002, chick mortality after mid-July was 4%, and then jumped to as high as 44% in the years since WNv arrived. WNv kills older chicks that are no longer vulnerable to other common mortality factors (e.g., severe weather, gull predation) and typically would have survived to fledge; thus WNv appears to be an additive mortality factor. Persistence of lower productivity at American white pelican colonies in the northern plains might reduce the adult breeding population of this species in the region.  相似文献   

Aircraft operations have the potential to disturb and to impact negatively on bird life. A gradient of increasing behavioural response is evident in birds when exposed to increasing aircraft stimulus. The most major disturbance is likely to lead to impacts on the health, breeding performance and survival of individual birds, and perhaps bird colonies. A process of revision to policies on aircraft operations contained in management plans for a number of specially protected areas in Antarctica by the United Kingdom, accompanied by consultations made within the scientific community through the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and with operational interests through the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes (COMNAP) resulted in new guidelines being adopted by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties in June 2004. The principal recommendations of the guidelines are that bird colonies should not be overflown below 2000 ft (∼610 m) above ground level and landings within 1/2 nautical mile (∼930 m) of bird colonies should be avoided wherever possible. These guidelines are less stringent and less specific than those that were recommended by the SCAR specialist group on birds, and represent a compromise to accommodate operational needs. While the adoption of clear and consistent guidelines for the operation of aircraft in Antarctica is welcome in that this provides practical advice that is likely to reduce incidences of close aircraft/bird encounters, there remains insufficient knowledge of the interactions between aircraft and birds in Antarctica, and the consequent impacts on individual birds and on bird populations. It is important, therefore, that the guidelines adopted are considered interim, and should be kept under scrutiny with revisions made as new and improved research results appear.  相似文献   

During 1970–72 aerial surveys were made along the coasts of the Guianas, South America, and a reliable assessment of the present breeding status of the scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber (L.)) along these coasts was obtained. During this period seven scarlet ibis breeding colonies were active simultaneously, with a total number of about 20,000 breeding pairs, over half in Surinam.From correspondence with other ornithologists, it appears that little is known about the present breeding status in Columbia, in the Venezuelan llanos, and along the coast of eastern Brazil.It is argued that in the future adequate guarding of the breeding areas (and possibly also of the feeding areas) would be necessary to ensure the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

The flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes) is a migratory seabird that ranges widely across the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The principal breeding populations are in Australia and New Zealand. The only breeding site in eastern Australia is on Lord Howe Island. Despite it being afforded a high level of legislative protection, the population on Lord Howe Island has declined substantially during the last few decades. The total extent of nesting habitat in 2002 was 24.3 ha, a reduction of 13.4 ha (35.6%) since 1978. Loss of nesting habitat was associated with increased urbanisation, the adverse impact of which extended beyond the footprint of buildings and gardens. In 2002, overall burrow density was 0.123 per m2 and the total number of burrows was estimated to be 29,853 ± 5867, a decline of about 19.0% since 1978. A substantial decline in burrow density was evident in the colony where loss of habitat to urbanisation had been greatest. In 2002, 58% of burrows were occupied by breeding birds, and the total population size was estimated to be 17,462 breeding pairs. Breeding success (the proportion of eggs that produced fledglings) was 50%, but was lowest in the most urbanised colony. To avert further declines in the population of flesh-footed shearwaters on Lord Howe Island major changes in land use practices, enforced through appropriate legislation, are needed, together with reductions in the level of seabird bycatch in fisheries operations and in the amount of plastics that litter the world’s oceans.  相似文献   

The spectacled petrel Procellaria conspicillata is listed as critically endangered due to its small population size and ongoing mortality on long-lines. Spectacled petrels were counted in 2004, repeating a census made in 1999 at their sole breeding locality, Inaccessible Island. The 2004 survey took place earlier in the breeding season than the previous count, allowing for more robust estimates of burrow occupancy. During early incubation, birds responded to call playback at 69% of burrow entrances, but birds in at least 8% of burrows remained silent. Birds in shallow burrows were less likely to respond to playback than were those in deep burrows. Two repeat trials at 100 marked nests showed that at least 61% of apparently ‘unoccupied’ burrows were occupied on subsequent checks, resulting in an overall occupancy estimate of 91%. Occupancy was equally high in peripheral colonies. The apparent spatial extent of colonies increased slightly from 1999, and the estimate of total burrow numbers increased by 50%, from 5900 burrows in 1999 to 8900 in 2004. Validation surveys indicated that burrow numbers were underestimated (84 ± 3%) to the same extent as that in 1999 (85 ± 4%), and repeat checks of one colony where all nests were marked showed that even careful counts underestimated actual numbers of burrows by up to 10%. This suggests there are some 11-12,000 burrows, and assuming 90% occupancy, the adult population is likely to be at least 20,000 birds. The population has increased over the last five years, continuing the apparent recovery from a very small population size in the early 20th century. Despite this increase, demographic models indicate that the population remains at risk from relatively small increases in mortality, if mortality is determined primarily by fishing effort. Mitigation of long-line mortality remains the key conservation goal for this species.  相似文献   

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