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A study was carried out to evaluate the impact of interventions to solve constraints in smallholder dairy farms of the Western Highlands of Cameroon. The interventions consisted of improved breeding through introduction of artificial insemination, better feed supplementation, farmers training in milk processing and better veterinary services. Results show that there was a decrease in average monthly expenditures of 18% relative to the month before interventions started. Much of the expenditures were related to feed (38% of all costs). There was an overall increase in farm income. Close to 2/3 of the income were derived from milk products from home processed milk and culled animals. Only 7% income came from milk sold to the processing plant. The partial budget shows that before interventions, farmers lost $4.5/cow/month but gained $38/cow/month because of the interventions. The return was 2.32 and included opportunity income for milk home consumed and shared. When this opportunity income was ignored, the return stood at 1.93. The positive impact of interventions led to poverty alleviation and some farmers acquired more cows. A spill over effect is that more crop farmers are willing to be engaged at least partially in dairy farming. It will be good if many more farmers could benefit from these interventions.  相似文献   

Organic farming principles give rise to multifunctionality: different activities are combined at farm level to create ecological and economic synergies. These principles do however allow for different operationalisations and different farm development strategies, for example with regard to the use of external inputs or the decision whether or not to use advanced breeding technologies such as artificial insemination. Maintaining and improving diversity are therefore characteristic to organic farming. Since organic farming took off in the early 1990 s, many specialised dairy farms which tend to be more mono-functional in nature, have converted to organic, adding a new farming strategy to the diverse collection of farming strategies in organic dairy farming. All these farming strategies actually create different organic production environments for cows, which might result in different demands on selective breeding and breeding technology. This differential demand was explored in a survey, among 151 organic dairy farmers, on general farm strategy, milk production, breeding goal, choice of breed and approach to reproduction. Farmers were divided into one of two groups on each of three strategic options: a) diversification in farm business—Specialised Dairy Farming vs. Multifunctional Farming; b) intensity of milk production—Low Input vs. High Input Farming and c) naturalness of breeding—Farming with Artificial Insemination vs. Farming with Natural Service.A pair-wise comparison within each strategic option showed that each pair differed significantly with regard to farm characteristics, farm goal and animal production goals. However, there were only minor or no significant differences within each pair with regard to overall breeding goal. For each strategic option, big differences were found within each pair as regards preferred cattle breeds and crossbreeds. Farmers in the Specialised Dairy Farming and High Input Farming groups preferred milk-type cattle (Holstein and Holstein crossbreeds), while farmers in the Multifunctional Farming and Low Input Farming groups preferred various native Dutch breeds. But even farmers with a similar strategy (within one group) differed strongly in their choice of breeds and crossbreeds. These results indicate that organic farmers are going through process of learning by doing, experimenting as they search for breeds or crossbreeds that are optimally suited to their farm environment and that best agree with their farm development strategy. In this, the growing preference for keeping bulls on the farm for natural service is remarkable.  相似文献   

Dairy Australia is the national service body for the Australian dairy industry. Its role is to help farmers adapt to a changing operating environment and achieve a profitable, sustainable dairy industry. Although the use of antibiotics in Australian agriculture is relatively low in global terms, Dairy Australia recognises important drivers for continuous improvement in antimicrobial stewardship (AMS). Dairy Australia’s first strategic priority is to support profitable farms. This priority has driven the development of a range of on‐farm change management programs in the animal health and welfare fields to optimise the unit cost of production and dairy cattle welfare. Dairy Australia’s third strategic priority is to further develop a ‘trusted dairy industry’. Previous and current work under these two strategies position the dairy industry favourably with respect to confronting the challenge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and supporting sound AMS with the guiding principle of ‘as little as possible, as much as necessary’. However, given an incomplete but ongoing threat of AMR, more work is needed. Supported by Dairy Australia, the dairy industry has developed an antimicrobial use strategy aligning with the Australian Animal Sector National AMR Plan 2018.  相似文献   

奶业是非洲居民重要的收入和就业来源,是重要的农业产业。2018年,非洲奶业生产总值171.22 亿美元,占畜牧业总产值的24.0%;奶牛存栏6 752.49 万头,主要集中在东非、北非和西非地区,养殖方式以散养为主,平均存栏仅3 头,部分品种仍以役用为主,牛奶生产仅是副产品,平均单产512.8 kg/头·年,年生鲜乳产量3 462.85 万t;埃及、肯尼亚和南非是主要的乳制品加工国家,加工量占非洲生鲜乳产量的近30%;2019年乳制品消费量折合生鲜乳为5 468.21 万t,鲜奶是最主要的消费品类,占60%以上,其次是奶粉和奶酪,分别占消费量(折合生鲜乳)的16%和15%,人均消费量有所下降,2019年为41.74 kg/人·年;乳制品贸易长期处于净进口趋势,2018年进口量198.72 万t,进口额48.57 亿美元,北非、西非和东非是主要进口地区。非洲奶牛养殖提升空间巨大,乳制品加工前景广阔,乳制品消费增长空间巨大,中国进一步加强与非洲奶业在奶牛养殖、乳制品加工以及奶业贸易等方面的国际合作,推动奶业走出去。  相似文献   

Dairy production in the tropics represents a major challenge, especially when reliant on grazed forages, because of the conflicting factors of a high nutritional demand to sustain lactation on the one hand, and the relatively low quality of tropical grasses and a stressful environment, on the other. This paper focuses primarily on those tropical situations where grazed pasture is the cheapest feed resource. Effective management of the pasture as well as the animals that graze it is required in order to maximize economic viability of the farming enterprise. Feed planning helps to ensure that pasture use is maximized, either directly by grazing or, where profitable, indirectly by cutting for conservation. High rates of pasture utilization at each grazing minimize pasture senescence and decay and ensure that pasture remains in a vegetative state of the highest possible nutritional quality. Total annual feed requirements of the grazing herd must therefore be matched as closely as possible to the total annual pasture production on the farm. Stocking rate is critical in this regard, and is the single most important determinant of productivity in pastoral farming. Periods of pasture surplus or deficit will inevitably arise, but can be minimized by matching the monthly feed requirements of the herd as closely as possible to the monthly feed production on the farm. Herd requirements can be influenced, for example, through altering calving patterns and drying off dates. Even with good pasture management practices, it is highly likely that tropical pasture quality will be low for part of the year. Utilization of low-quality forages can be improved through the appropriate use of feed supplements, and the key principles are discussed. Firstly, conditions for optimum fermentative digestion in the rumen must be promoted through adequate provision of fermentable energy and nitrogen as well as essential minerals, such as phosphorus and sulfur. Further supplementation with metabolizable energy or protein, depending on what limits animal production, may be profitable. Various practical supplementation strategies for tropical forages are discussed. Finally, some suggestions for future research and development for enhancing the profitability of pasture-based dairy production in the humid tropics are made.  相似文献   

本文从乳品生产、牛奶价格、养殖结构以及优质饲草行业发展等4个方面,分析了2013年内蒙古奶业发展情况,认为当地奶业发展在进入转型调整期后,受国内、国际乳品市场价格和供求力量对比等因素影响,奶牛养殖行业结构升级与生产稳定之间存在微妙的动态平衡,乳品加工企业更加倾向于高盈利性产品市场的开拓。虽然产业自身及其外部都存在不确定性因素,但内蒙古奶业总体仍处于上升发展阶段。建议政府和金融机构加快理念转换,创新服务产品,为奶业发展营造更加稳定有利的外部环境。  相似文献   

The productivity and financial performance of dairy farms in New Zealand and Japan (Hokkaido) were analyzed. By recomposing the official statistics on the dairy industry relative to Japan, New Zealand has low milk yield productivity per cow, but higher per hectare performance because of their seasonal breeding and pasture grazing systems. In the revenue and expenses analysis, New Zealand had a high cash surplus ratio compared with Hokkaido. In the cost analysis, for expenses on a “per kg of raw milk” basis, New Zealand milk production costs are 29% of those in Hokkaido. More than 60% of the production costs were attributable to feed, interest charges and wages in New Zealand. In Hokkaido, the feed cost alone accounted for 73% of the total cost. There is also a remarkably high interest expenditure in New Zealand caused by non‐subsidized fund procurement from finance organizations. In the financial analysis, New Zealand dairy farms have only approximately 50% of the total assets per cow compared with farms in Hokkaido. But total liabilities per cow in Hokkaido are twofold to threefold greater than in New Zealand. The difference between total assets and total liabilities shows that Hokkaido dairy farmers have an equity that is 50–200% greater than New Zealand dairy farmers. In the management analysis, New Zealand has a low turnover ratio of gross assets caused by the seasonal breeding system. In conclusion, New Zealand has higher per hectare production performance than Hokkaido, but has a low utilization of gross assets caused by a seasonal breeding system based on pasture grazing.  相似文献   

The understanding of animal products and dairy farming is important for the promotion of dairy farming. Thus, to examine the effects of farm experience on the understanding of animal products and the management of dairy farming, the interaction between students and dairy cows was investigated in groups of first‐year veterinary nursing students in 2011 and 2012 (n = 201). These students included 181 women and 20 men. Nine items about dairy cows were presented in a questionnaire. The survey was performed before and after praxis on the educational farm attached to the authors' university. After praxis on the farm, increases occurred in the number of positive responses to the items involving the price of milk, dairy farming and the taste of milk. For these items, a significant difference (P < 0.05) was found between the scores obtained before and after training. The results of the study suggested that farm experience is useful for improving the understanding of animal products and dairy farming.  相似文献   

奶山羊养殖是一项投资小、设备及技术要求低、资金周转快、收益相对稳定的养殖产业项目,很适应农村发展。奶山羊以产奶为主,奶肉兼用,可提供营养丰富、适口性好的生鲜乳和鲜羊肉,市场需求量大;近年来,活羊出栏价相对稳定,在中小城市,羊肉价格保持在80元/kg左右,鲜羊奶市场价格在14元/kg左右。奶山羊体格健壮、活泼好动,适应性广、生存能力强,爱清洁、喜干燥,既适应放牧又适应圈养;体质较好,相对皮实,抗病能力强,对饲养管理要求不高,较适应农户养殖。本文分析了奶山羊养殖相对于奶牛、绵羊、生猪、肉牛及家禽养殖等具有的优势。  相似文献   

奶牛酮病的研究概况   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
奶牛酮病是由于体内代谢紊乱所引起的一种代谢性疾病,主要表现为产奶量、乳汁质量下降,繁殖性能降低,以及内分泌紊乱等,导致奶牛淘汰率增加,给奶牛场造成严重的经济损失。近年来,奶牛酮病的发生率有呈上升的趋势,与目前奶牛产奶量高、日粮结构改变有很大的关系。通过营养调控在一定程度上可以降低酮病的发生率。  相似文献   

随着人民物质生活水平的不断提升,畜禽产品的需求量也在不断增大,奶牛产业作为畜牧业的重要组成部分,是农牧民增产、增收的重要途径。奶牛饲养过程中,泌乳量的多少直接影响奶牛养殖场(户)的经济效益,如何让奶牛充分发挥其泌乳性能一直是奶牛养殖过程中需要解决的问题。本文在阐述高产奶牛生产特点的基础上,从多个角度分析了奶牛高产养殖技术的要点,为奶牛养殖场(户)正确进行饲养和管理,充分发挥奶牛生产性能提供理论基础。  相似文献   

本文从上海牛奶集团各个牧场TMR饲料推广的实际经验出发,对TMR饲料生产过程的重要环节进行评价,从而进一步研究TMR饲料产品的质量评价方法,构建了一套行之有效的TMR质量监控体系,为饲料产品安全、奶牛健康和乳制品安全提供重要保证。  相似文献   

Farmers use different non‐conventional protein supplements and different feeding strategies to aid their animals survive the dry season in Zimbabwe. The strategies can be giving supplements once a week or once every other day up to very little supplement daily. Supplements are either legume crop residues or forage legumes. However, the efficacy of the use of non‐conventional protein supplements in promoting growth and at the same time lowering the age at first calving is little understood. The study tested whether supplementing with farm‐formulated non‐conventional feeds could reduce live weight loss during the dry season and promote live weight gain as well as early development of sexual maturity in beef cattle. In a completely randomized design, thirty dams with calves on hooves were allocated to five different treatments which were repeated during the dry season for 3 years. The 3‐year study results show that weight loss can be controlled, resulting in positive growth in both the pre‐weaning and post‐weaning phases of growing cattle. Yearlings fed solely on natural pasture lost significant weight during the dry season as compared to supplemented groups. The period to puberty and first calving was achieved at 18 and 27 months, respectively. Using non‐conventional protein supplements could thus improve livestock productivity in resource‐poor farming communities. It was concluded that smallholder farmers can supplement cattle with a kilogram per day of low‐cost farm‐based non‐conventional legume meal to improve livestock productivity in semi‐arid regions of Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

奶牛酮病是围产期奶牛常见的由碳水化合物和脂肪代谢紊乱引起的一种群发性代谢病,该病主要以酮血症、酮尿症、酮乳症为特征,常表现为低血糖症、血浆中游离脂肪酸升高、脂肪肝、糖原水平下降等。酮病多发于高产奶牛,可对奶牛业造成巨大损失,及时有效地预防和治疗奶牛酮病对提高奶牛养殖业水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess and compare the environmental impacts of two types of dairy farming systems, one of which makes use of whole‐crop rice silage and the other of which is conventional, using life cycle assessment (LCA). The functional unit was defined as 1 kg of 4% fat‐corrected milk (FCM). The processes associated with the dairy farming life cycle, such as feed production, feed transport, animal management including biological activity of the animal, and waste treatment were included within the system's boundaries. Environmental impacts of the rice silage‐using and conventional dairy farming systems were 987 and 972 g CO2 equivalents for global warming, 6.87 and 7.13 g SO2 equivalents for acidification, 1.19 and 1.23 g PO4 equivalents for eutrophication, and 5.53 and 5.81 MJ for energy consumption, respectively. Our results suggest that the dairy farming system using rice silage in Japan has smaller environmental impacts for acidification, eutrophication, and energy consumption, and a larger impact for global warming compared with conventional farming. Further interpretation integrating these impact categories suggested 1.1% lower environmental impact of the rice silage‐using dairy farming system as a whole.  相似文献   

Two on-farm experiments and one on-station observation were conducted between July 1994 and September 1995 to study the effect of supplementation with fresh fodder of Calliandra calothyrsus on milk production from grade Friesian and Ayrshire cows in the second trimester of their lactations. The cattle were kept under zero-grazing systems on small farms in the coffee-based land use system at altitudes of 1500 to 1800 m on the slopes of Mt Kenya. These cows form a pivotal part of the farming system since they produce both milk for sale and manure for crop production. Milk production is normally in the region of 10 kg/cow per day when the animals are fed on a diet based on Napier grass and crop residues, together with 2–4 kg/day of commercial concentrate. In terms of milk production, 3 kg of fresh calliandra had the same effect on yield as 1 kg of additional dairy meal and, at normal production levels, the effects of the two supplements were strictly additive. Calliandra had a marked positive effect (about a 10% increase) on the butterfat content of the milk, a factor that was highly valued by farmers, even though institutional buyers as yet offer no premium price for milk quality. The average small farm can produce enough calliandra fodder to supplement two dairy cows and some additional small stock from relatively underutilized niches along the farm perimeter and terrace risers, without any adverse effect on current levels of crop production.  相似文献   

Ovine meat production in France, which is continually regressing due to economic difficulties, is based on two main production systems. The first system is located in plains in which one part of the lambs born in the spring are fed grass, and the other part of the lambs are from out of the season parturitions following hormonal treatments and are fattened in sheep houses. The second system is represented by farms in the mountains using hardy breeds which have a natural faculty for out of the season breeding and whose lambs are fattened indoors, whatever the season of birth. Amongst the sanitary problems encountered, parasitism in particular of young animals, is crucial, especially for farms on plains practising grass fattening. These farmers systematically use conventional anthelmintic treatments, in particular against Moniezia and Strongyles. With organic farming, the limited number of conventional anthelmintic treatments is a strong constraint, especially for the management of young grass-fed animals. A study of 10 organic farming farms or farms converting to organic farming (six in the mountains and four in the plains) showed that the size of these farms is inferior to that of conventional ones and have technical performances which are comparable to the average with 20 to 30% extra over-prices on lamb sales. Despite this, the gross margins per ewe in organic farming are equal to the average of those for conventional farms. This is due to the high consumption of concentrate at a high cost (50 to 100% greater than that for conventional farms). Finally, to prevent sanitary risks, certain organic farmers use important amounts of feed supplements containing phytotherapy products whose costs burden a part of the financial results of the farm. On the contrary, other organic farmers are able, by adapting breeding and grazing managements, to significantly decrease animal health costs without increasing feed supplements nor decreasing zootechnical performances.  相似文献   

Milk produced by the grazing system, referred to as “grazing milk” contains many components required for human health. The milk fatty acid (FA) profile is strongly associated with the diet on the farms. In the present study, based on the FA profile of farmer's bulk milk, we determined how to discriminate between milk produced on grazing and on a confinement system. A field survey was conducted four times (grazing and confinement season) in the Konsen (29 farms) and Okhotsk (25 farms) area in Hokkaido. Farmer's bulk milk samples and details of feeding management were collected and the FA profile of milk was measured. Milk produced during the grazing season contained less C16:0 and cis‐9 C16:0, and more C18:0, cis‐9 C18:1, trans‐11 C18:1, cis‐9,12 C18:2, cis‐9,trans‐11 C18:2 and cis‐9,12,15 C18:3 than milk produced during the confinement season. Discrimination analysis using 16 FA revealed that almost all milk samples were discriminated correctly (confinement season: 90% correct and 10% borderline, grazing season: 88% correct, 9% borderline and 3% incorrect). For farmers that were categorized incorrectly and were considered borderline in the grazing season, the dependency on pasture was low compared with that for farmers correctly discriminated. Therefore, to claim “grazing milk”, a high dependency on pasture is required for grazing dairy farmers.  相似文献   

This study intends to clarify the effects of hands‐on dairy farming experience on the consumption of milk and dairy products. A survey was conducted on 474 elementary schoolchildren and their parents at eight elementary schools that offered hands‐on dairy farming experience at four dairy farms in Hokkaido, Japan. In the survey, questionnaires were used to inquire about the children's milk and dairy product intake before and after the hands‐on experience. In addition, milk intake at school was investigated weekly for 3 months after the hands‐on experience. The parents were asked about the children's intake of milk and dairy products at home before and after the hands‐on experience. Analysis of the survey results indicated a significant increase in the amount and frequency of milk consumed and the frequency of yogurt consumed at home by the children immediately after the hands‐on experience. Accordingly, the study suggested that the hands‐on dairy farming experience had the effect of increasing children's milk and dairy product consumption at home.  相似文献   

鲁录 《中国奶牛》2014,(3):49-52
通过对临夏地区奶牛小养殖户、养殖大户、行了综合分析。数据表明,小养殖户养殖成本较低;小养殖户和养殖大户在鲜奶销售渠道上有竞争优势;合或组成合作社逐渐向养殖大户和养殖场过渡。养殖场的摸底调查,笔者对不同规模养殖的经济效益进养殖场的奶牛单产高于小养殖户和养殖大户,养殖场较小养殖户在整个奶产业中处于劣势地位,今后应通过联  相似文献   

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