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<正>植物通过细胞表面免疫受体识别来自于病原微生物的分子,激活天然免疫;而病原微生物通过向植物细胞分泌效应蛋白,这些蛋白往往通过翻译后修饰宿主蛋白,抑制天然免疫反应;植物通过进化,利用动植物中保守的、定位于胞质的NLR类型的免疫受体识别效应蛋白,重新激活免疫反应。研究胞内免疫受体识别病原微生物效应蛋白的分子机制不仅有助于理解植物与病原微生物间的进化关系,还能为研究动物  相似文献   

植物分子农业研究中的问题与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物分子农业是一个新兴的产业,人们对此很是关注。目前,植物分子农业的发展仍然有许多的限制因素。如蛋白产量低、下游加工困难、蛋白产品的异质性等等。研究人员正致力于对这些问题的研究,提出了许多技术方案。这些问题的解决,将使植物分子农业的发展进入一个新阶段。  相似文献   

微生物效应蛋白在植物与微生物的相互作用过程中发挥种间的信息交流功能,起到重要的桥梁作用。它通过抑制植物受体诱导的免疫、调控植物基因转录、酶激活或抑制等方式为微生物侵染植物提供便利。不同类型微生物效应蛋白发挥的功能不同,作用方式和分子机制也不尽相同,且研究状况存在一定的差异,本研究通过回顾近些年来微生物效应蛋白的研究结果,对其在细菌、真菌、卵菌等病原菌及有益共生菌侵染宿主过程中的作用和分子机制进行总结,为植物-微生物相互作用机制深入研究提供相关理论依据。  相似文献   

植物中氮素利用及硝态氮转运蛋白的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硝态氮转运蛋白在植物吸收利用氮素方面发挥主要功能,植物生长发育过程中对氮素的吸收、转运和再利用都需要硝态氮转运蛋白参与调控。目前硝态氮转运蛋白主要分为四类:NRT1(NPF)、NRT2、SLAC/SLAH、CLC。硝态氮在植物吸收、代谢和基因表达方面是一种很重要的信号调控分子,硝态氮转运蛋白可作为植物的硝态氮受体。通过论述氮素代谢过程中硝态氮转运蛋白家族基因的功能和在拟南芥等作物中的研究现状,为作物的抗逆性研究和优良品种的培育提供参考。  相似文献   

植物天然免疫性研究进展及其对作物抗病育种的可能影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物定植在充满各种病原菌的环境中却能健康生长,显示其拥有一套免疫系统以应对病原物的侵染。最近,人们发现植物免疫系统至少包括2个层次:第一层为病原相关分子模式(PAMP)激发的免疫性(PTI),即植物通过细胞表面模式识别受体(PRRs)对病原菌的PAMPs进行分子识别,从而启动植物的防卫反应;第二层为病原菌效应子激发的免疫性(ETI),即有些毒性强的病原菌通过产生效应子(effectors)来抑制PTI,从而突破植物的第一道防线,而植物又进化出新的分子受体(例如R基因编码的NBS-LRR蛋白质)以侦察病原菌效应子并启动第二道防卫反应。数亿年来,病原菌的侵染和植物的防卫交替进行,促进了病原菌和植物基因组的共进化。最新的研究还发现,黄单胞杆菌TAL effectors和寄主植物DNA 的相互识别中,利用了精准的分子密码。TAL effector类蛋白识别植物靶基因的启动子序列,识别模式是2个氨基酸识别一个核苷酸。通过这种识别,TAL effector操控植物靶基因的表达,引起寄主植物的感病或抗病反应。上述抗病分子机理研究的突破,将对植物抗病育种产生重要影响。  相似文献   

分子农业中,植物作为生物反应器生产药用重组蛋白是近十几年来基因工程研究的一大热点。植物具有完整的真核表达系统、重组蛋白通常可以正确组装、折叠和修饰,同时,由于植物表达体系的方便、廉价等优点,利用转基因植物生产药用蛋白的研究迅猛发展,已有100余种蛋白中得到表达,有些已进入商业化生产。但是植物与动物对蛋白的转译后修饰并不是完全保守的,植物是否能够真正“忠实”地表达出实用、可靠的目的蛋白产品已成为备受瞩目的话题,由于大多数药用蛋白都是分泌型蛋白,因此植物表达重组蛋白的N-糖基化成为新的研究热点。笔者对植物表达体系对药用蛋白的N-糖基化修饰途径和人源化改造植物表达重组蛋白的研究进展两个方面加以综述,并对生物反应器的未来发展方向进行了探讨和展望。  相似文献   

种质资源是水稻相关研究的物质基础。分子技术是品种改良中最为有效的手段之一。在国家自然科学基金、农业部“948”重大专项和科技部“863”分子育种专项的先后资助下,上海市农业生物基因中心和华中农业大学国家植物遗传改良重点实验室联合国内数十家农业大学和农科院,采用21个适应于我国不同生态区的优良品种(包括保持系和恢复系)作为受体亲本,导入来自全球24个国家180多个优异水稻资  相似文献   

植物抗线虫策略的分子研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
植物寄生线虫给农业生产带来极大危害。随着人们对线虫侵染的方式、、植物自身抗病防御体系等研究的深入,利用基因工程手段从分子水平防治线虫的抗线虫策略受到了广泛关注并取得长足的进步。通过对由外源蛋白、特异表达启动子及抗线虫基因介导的抗线虫策略的简要概述,阐明了植物抗线虫的分子机理及其进展。  相似文献   

植物U-box蛋白在植物先天免疫反应中的作用及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了分析植物U-box蛋白在植物先天免疫反应中的作用及其机制,总结了U-box的结构特点及其与RING-finger结构的异同;归纳了植物U-box蛋白的分类及分类特点;并综述了SPL11、PUB12/PUB13、PUB17等U-box蛋白在植物PTI信号传导途径中的调控作用与调控机制,以及ACRE276、PUB17、CMPG1、MAC3A/MAC3B等U-box蛋白在植物ETI信号传导途径中的调控作用与调控机制。得出植物U-box蛋白的结构特点、生化功能及其在植物先天免疫反应中的作用与分子机制,并认为对植物U-box蛋白的研究可为植物抗病分子育种提供基因资源与参考信息。  相似文献   

植物生物反应器转化体系进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高等植物生产外源蛋白有很好的优势.随着科学技术的发展,可作为受体的植物的种类正逐步扩大.但对于一个特定的目标蛋白,选用何种受体植物更有利于外源蛋白的高效稳定表达和经济快捷的提纯,仍是需考虑和解决的首要问题.本文简述了从转基因植物中获得目的蛋白的4种转化体系,并对各种体系作了一定的评述.  相似文献   

Plant breeding is not a discipline that readily comes to mind when agricultural sustainability is being considered. Sustainability is normally associated with farming practices such as stubble retention, direct-drilling, or amelioration practices such as contour farming or liming, or rotation practices for nutrient management and disease control. The contribution of plant breeding will be in providing germplasm for these changed practices and devising new methods of selection. This paper reviews opportunities where plant breeding can contribute to improvements in sustainable farming practices. The emphasis is on rainfed cropping systems and cereal improvement. The main contribution for breeding is to (i) increase crop water and nutrient use so that less escapes from the root profile; and (ii) preserve the soil resource with conservation farming systems by developing cultivars specifically adapted to changed farming systems and competitive cultivars that reduce herbicide use. To achieve these outcomes identification of desirable traits, suitable selection methods and development of appropriate germplasm are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the substantial differences between conventional and organic growing systems is the degree to which the farmer can control biotic and abiotic stresses; for organic growing systems varieties are needed with a broad adaptation to annually varying factors, while at the same time a good specific adaptation is necessary with respect to more constant climate and soil conditions. This combination of requirements implies that varieties for organic farming need to be better characterised with respect to genotype × environment interactions than varieties for conventional farming. Such interactions, which often are found for quantitatively expressed traits, are in general difficult to deal with in phenotypic selection. New approaches for QTL analyses (e.g. using physiological models) facilitate estimation of effects of genes on a trait (the phenotype) as a response to environmental influences. From such analyses, markers can be identified which may help to predict the trait expression of a plant genotype in relation to defined environmental factors. The application of markers to select for loci with specific interactions with the environment could, therefore, be especially important for plant breeders targeting organic farming systems.  相似文献   

中国养殖业中的外来物种入侵现象调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用文献调研、实地考察与专家咨询相结合的方法对调查了中国养殖业中外来物种入侵现象进行了调查。初步查明了中国养殖业中外来入侵物种种类共计27科40种,其中外来入侵水生植物、陆生植物、无脊椎动物、脊椎动物分别为5种、10种、3种、22种;来源于美洲、欧洲、非洲、亚洲和中国不同生态环境的分别有22种、3种、6种、3种、6种;中国养殖业中的外来物种入侵途径以不当的有目的的引入为主;外来物种入侵已对中国生物多样性、人民健康和经济造成了严重影响。针对中国养殖业中造成外来物种入侵的原因,需要采取必要的防治措施以促进中国养殖业的顺利发展。  相似文献   

Plant geneticists consider molecular marker assisted selection a useful additional tool in plant breeding programs to make selection more efficient. Standards for organic agriculture do not exclude the use of molecular markers as such, however for the organic sector the appropriateness of molecular markers is not self-evident and is often debated. Organic and low-input farming conditions require breeding for robust and flexible varieties, which may be hampered by too much focus on the molecular level. Pros and contras for application of molecular markers in breeding for organic agriculture was the topic of a recent European plant breeding workshop. The participants evaluated strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the use of molecular markers and we formalized their inputs into breeder’s perspectives and perspectives seen from the organic sector’s standpoint. Clear strengths were identified, e.g. better knowledge about gene pool of breeding material, more efficient introgression of new resistance genes from wild relatives and testing pyramided genes. There were also common concerns among breeders aiming at breeding for organic and/or conventional agriculture, such as the increasing competition and cost investments to get access to marker technology, and the need for bridging the gap between phenotyping and genotyping especially with complex and quantitative inherited traits such as nutrient-efficiency. A major conclusion of the authors is that more interaction and mutual understanding between organic and molecular oriented breeders is necessary and can benefit both research communities.  相似文献   

Molecular markers: It’s application in crop improvement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past few decades, plant genomics research has been studied extensively bringing about a revolution in the field of plant biotechnology. Molecular markers, useful for plant genome analysis, have now become an important tool in crop improvement. The development and use of molecular markers for the detection and exploitation of DNA polymorphism is one of the most significant developments in the field of molecular genetics. The presence of various types of molecular markers, and differences in their principles, methodologies and applications require careful consideration in choosing one or more of such methods. No molecular markers are available yet that fulfill all requirements needed by researchers. In this article we attempt to review most of the available DNA markers that can be routinely employed in various aspects of plant genome analysis such as characterization of genetic variability, genome fingerprinting, genome mapping, gene localization, analysis of genome evolution, population genetics, taxonomy, plant breeding, and diagnostics. The emerging patterns make up a unique feature of the analyzed individual and are currently considered to be the ultimate tool for biological individualization.  相似文献   

现代园林植物景观中的中国元素应用探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在园林景观中,植物是最重要的因素之一,中国元素是探寻中国特色园林景观的源泉。农耕文化中朴素自然观指引下的城市生态群落、适地适种原则影响下的乡土植物的回归,以及风水模式中中国古代科学的思维方式,都是遵循了天人合一,人与自然和谐相处的原则,为现代园林景观提供了生态意义上的模版。诗词文化与传统植物艺术在现代植物景观中的适当运用也会带来很好的社会效应。这些中国元素带给现代园林植物景观可探寻的应用途径及意义。  相似文献   

尹立成 《小麦研究》2010,31(1):9-13
植物保护工作关系生产安全、食品安全、生态安全、公共安全乃至国家安全,关系到农业可持续发展和人与自然和谐发展。但是,随着有机农业的迅速发展,现有植保体系已经难以适应现代农业的发展。文章通过分析博山区植保现状,认为新型的植保体系必须建立专业化防治队伍,推进植物病虫害统防统治;树立植保工作新理念,建设公共植保、绿色植保;建立完善有害生物的预警体系,积极推行无害化治理;推广诱杀技术,加强有益生物保护;减少高毒农药使用,推广生物制剂;政府财政保证植保专业经费,乡镇农技人员"实职名归"。  相似文献   

Improving the land-use efficiency (LUE) of farming systems could satisfy increasing global food, feed, biomass and bioenergy demand in a sustainable manner. This study presents a new method for calculating LUE, beginning with an overview of different approaches to assessing agricultural LUE. This new method takes into account the quality and function of agricultural products and the relationship between the yield of the assessed farm and the average yield of the reference region with comparable soils, climate and socio-economic conditions.The new approach was tested using data from long-term experiments at the Scheyern Research Farm in southern Germany, which include different farming systems (organic mixed farming, arable farming, and agroforestry; conventional arable farming and agroforestry). In our case studies, the LUE of conventional systems (arable farming: 1.00; improved arable farming: 1.06; agroforestry: 0.98) was higher than those of the organic systems (mixed farming: 0.69; arable farming: 0.33; agroforestry: 0.43) due to different crop rotations, dry matter yields, and biomass usage (harvest ratio). The conversion of high-input arable farming systems (conventional farming) to agroforestry systems is an extensification with negative effects on the dry matter yield and land-use efficiency. Nevertheless, the conversion to agroforestry systems can increase dry matter yield and land-use efficiency in low-input arable farming systems (organic farming). LUE should be used in combination with agri-environmental indicators, in order to ensure both efficient and sustainable land use.  相似文献   

马铃薯种质资源缺乏,适宜干旱半干旱条件下生长的品种更为紧缺,引进马铃薯种质是丰富种质资源的有效途径。本文采用Shannon-Wiener’s多样性指数及综合得分(F值)对119份从秘鲁国际马铃薯中心引进的马铃薯材料的表型性状(出苗率、株高、茎粗、叶面积、生育期、单株结薯数、单株产量、商品率、干物质含量和块茎长宽比)进行遗传多样性分析及综合评价。结果表明,参试材料的10个表型性状中生育期遗传多样性最为丰富;茎粗、叶面积、生育期、单株结薯数、单株产量、商品率、干物质含量、块茎长宽比对马铃薯种质资源表型性状综合值具有显著影响,这些指标可用于旱作条件下对马铃薯种质资源的综合评价;综合得分F值与所测经济性状(单株产量、商品率、干物质)具显著相关性,可作为马铃薯种质资源的主要评价指标;引进材料中CIP393228.67和CIP 385561.124在干旱区,CIP304350.95、CIP392797.22、CIP388615.22在半干旱区分别表现出较好的丰产稳产特性。这些材料综合评价较好,可有效补充中国马铃薯种质资源。  相似文献   

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