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Ranunculus ophioglossifolius has become extinct at all but one of its British stations, surviving only in Gloucestershire at two sites of which the Badgeworth Nature Reserve is the more important. A study, undertaken over the past eight years, of the taxonomy, physiology, and cytology, of the plant, and of the environmental conditions at Badgeworth, has revealed interesting biological details of the plant and its exceptional habitat. This has allowed proposals to be made for advancing the management policy of the Reserve and for the conservation of the species in Britain.  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s the Indonesian Government has tried to establish marine nature reserves. The initial marine protected areas, however, have not been successful, due to lack of enforcement, and the present account is of a site on the western tip of Bali, where it is hoped that the idea will come to fruition. The marine resources of this Reserve, Bali Barat, are described, together with the various ways in which they are at present being exploited. The plan developed for the Reserve aims to prohibit destructive uses, while allowing those which are not as yet considered damaging to the area. The needs for strict protection of certain sites for tourism and for subsistence uses have been reconciled through a system of zones. The experience gained from Bali Barat should enable effective marine reserve conservation to be extended to other parts of the country, and the Reserve could also contribute directly to education of the public, and to research and management expertise.  相似文献   

Mount Meiron Nature Reserve is the largest Mediterranean reserve in Israel. Since its establishment, goat grazing and woodcutting have been prohibited and dense oak maquis has developed by succession. The succession of vegetation poses the risk of losing species. The peony (Paeonia masculla) is a locally endangered species in Israel, growing only in a small population in the Mount Meiron Nature Reserve with only 5% of plants flowering. We sought a management practice that would increase the flowering percentage of the peonies and secure the future of its population. We found that flowering peonies grew mainly in locations with about 47% direct sun radiation, while most plants grew under heavy shade with only 27% direct radiation. Creation of small gaps increased the flowering to 15-20%. To ensure the future of the peonies in the Mount Meiron Nature Reserve, small gaps must be created—even if this conflicts with broader current management policies.  相似文献   

Degradation of water quality is the major health concern for lakes and reservoirs in the central regions of the United States as a result of heavily devoted agricultural production. A vital key to the development of a reservoir management strategy is to identify nutrient loading that describes associated water quality conditions in reservoirs. This study integrated AnnAGNPS watershed and BATHTUB lake models to simulate actual lake water quality conditions of Cheney Reservoir, KS, and demonstrated the use of the coupled model for simulating lake response to changes in different watershed land use and management scenarios. The calibrated current-conditions model simulated in-lake reductions as much as 52% for TN, 48% for TP, and 70% for chlorophyll a due to conversion to native grass, and increases as much as 4% for TN, 9% for TP and 6% for chlorophyll a due to conversion of land from the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to cropland (15.5% of watershed). This model also demonstrated an increase in chlorophyll a (19%) as the lake sediment capacity was reached over the next century.  相似文献   

Reserve networks are a major tool of ecological management aiming at biodiversity conservation. Maximizing the number of species conserved with the minimum land sacrifice is a primary requirement in reserve design. In this study, we examine the efficiency of five different scenarios to conserve: (i) the biodiversity of one target group and (ii) the overall biodiversity of an area. The study was conducted in Dadia Reserve, in northern Greece. Six groups of species were selected to represent its biodiversity: woody plants, orchids, Orthoptera, aquatic and terrestrial herpetofauna, and small terrestrial birds. The scenarios examined represent different conservation approaches to select network sites. For each approach, the starting point was one of the above six groups of species, considered as the target group. In scenario A, which reflects the hotspot approach, the sites richest in species are selected. Scenario B selects the sites most complementary in terms of species richness. The next two scenarios use the principle of environmental representativeness, expressed in terms of habitat (scenario C) or vegetation (scenario D). Under scenario E, sites forming the network are selected at random. The rank of scenarios in terms of preserving the species of the target group was always B > A > C > D > E, irrespective of the group considered as target group. Their rank, when preservation of the total biodiversity was the issue, was B, A > C, D > E.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of outdoor recreational activities in recent years has resulted in elevated human disturbance of waterbird communities. Anthropogenic disturbance is defined as any human activity that constitutes a stimulus sufficient to disrupt normal activities and/or distribution of animals relative to the situation in the absence of that activity. The goals of this study were (1) to quantify changes in habitat use by waterbirds caused by the proximity of people’s activities to the shoreline, in Los Padres Lagoon Reserve (Argentina), (2) to evaluate differential responses of waterbird groups caused by this human disturbance, and (3) to propose management guidelines to improve waterbird conservation in Pampas lagoon. We performed bird surveys monthly in areas with high levels of disturbance (HD areas) and with no or low levels of disturbance (LD areas) via recreational activities during days with (weekends) and without (weekdays) presence of people close to the lagoon. We recorded 34 bird species using the lagoon. The bird richness and abundance in HD areas was higher in days without recreational activities, conversely, in LD areas we found no differences in these parameters between days. Waders were found to be the group most vulnerable to disturbance, since these birds were only recorded in HD areas in days without human activity. Podicipedidae, as a group were less affected by recreational activities. We detected changes in the waterbird assembles and structure in relation to the presence of people on the shoreline. Our results in this study suggest direct effects of recreational activities on the habitat use of waterbirds. The buffer area defined by the current Reserve management strategy is working properly, and the impact of recreational activities on transitional area has only instantaneous effects on waterbirds because they return to that area in absence of disturbance. However, it should be considered that we only estimated the response to short-term effects of these activities on the waterbird community. Further studies should assess long-term effects.  相似文献   

近年来由于全球暖化,极端气候日渐加剧,暴雨所带来的土砂灾害,将破坏森林集水区的地景结构与功能,如何减低或因应极端气候所带来的森林集水区冲击,已是未来集水区经营必须面临的重要课题。该研究以高屏溪集水区为研究范围,以17 a自动测站雨量资料,进行极端降雨趋势分析,并以2001年与2009年桃芝与莫拉克台风所带来的不同降雨量,以卫星影像探讨集水区内不同土地使用分区崩塌比及其变化,以及相对应之降雨量资料,探讨极端降雨与崩塌发生与土地使用分区之关系。研究结果显现2005年以后,高屏溪集水区发生极端气候之频、降雨量与降雨强度有升高趋势。两场不同台风之最大24 h延时降雨量,莫拉克台风为桃芝台风的1.92倍。桃芝台风所造成之崩塌比,自然保护区由灾前的0.64%提升至灾后的0.86%,国土保安区由灾前的0.95%提升至灾后的1.15%,该场台风降雨以地形较为陡峻之自然保护区及国土保安区新增崩塌地比例相对较高,其冲击较为严重,而莫拉克台风则因属超大豪雨(单日累积降雨量达350 mm以上),其降雨范围小且集中,所造成之新增的崩塌范围高出桃芝台风的11.81倍,对于地形相对较为平坦之经济林区,亦造成大量的新增崩塌地,显现超大豪雨级以上的极端降雨,造成林地脆弱,使诱发崩塌之地形条件门槛降低,完整的植生覆盖已无法抵挡极端降雨的冲击,未来林地使用分区经营必须要有新的思维。  相似文献   

The use of monitoring, by means of transect counts, to assess the effect of management on the butterflies of a nature reserve is described. Trends in numbers at Monks Wood National Nature Reserve over a seven-year period are compared with the trends calculated from the combined data from a number of other sites in eastern England. Departures in the Monks Wood data from wider trends are shown. These departures are shown to be related to management of the rides and fields of the reserve.  相似文献   

Aride Island is one of the smaller granitic islands in the Republic of Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. The first permanent inhabitants settled before 1861 and since then man has extensively exploited the large seabird colonies on the island. In order to encourage more terns to lay, most of the trees on the island were coppiced annually. However, commercial exploitation and coppicing ceased in 1967 and in 1975 Aride was declared a Special Reserve by the Government of Seychelles. Two Oxford University Expeditions visited the island in 1975 and 1976 to complete a survey of the flora and fauna. The main objective of the survey was to collect baseline data for a monitoring programme so that the effectiveness of management policies could be ascertained in the future. The survey concluded that the status of most of the island's wildlife was satisfactory, although action needed to be taken to eliminate poaching, control certain introduced plants and to reduce disturbance of nesting seabirds to a minimum. The longer-term problems which may arise as a result of the regrowth of the trees are discussed.  相似文献   

Marine reserves are increasingly advocated not only as conservation but also as fisheries management tools to safeguard the decline of coastal fishing resources. Still, conclusive evidence of their functioning is lacking, amongst others due to the influence of spatio-temporal variations in fish populations and habitat heterogeneity which could hamper a sound data interpretation. We conducted a spatial analysis of the benefits of the Medes Island Marine Reserve by combining geostatistical and Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. Concurrently, we analysed effects of trends reflecting habitat heterogeneity and spatial structuring of data on spatial predictions of fish catch per unit effort (CPUE) and length. Predicted spatial patterns showed the complexity and simultaneous action of trend factors leading to mostly non-linear gradients in CPUE and length data. CPUE of total fish and CPUE and length of common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) increased close to the Integral Reserve due to direct and indirect reserve effects. CPUE and length of striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus) slightly increased also near the Integral Reserve, but distinct reserve effects could not be identified due to the strong influence of artificial reefs. We conclude that the spatial dimension of the Buffer Zone, where artisanal fisheries are allowed, permits in general protection only for target species, favouring a habitat with no discontinuities from the reserve outwards. Our spatial approach to assess reserve benefits provides major insights into complex systems like coastal marine reserves in the northwestern Mediterranean. In addition, it contributes to a crucial aspect of marine conservation, viz. the decision on the spatial dimension of protected areas.  相似文献   

The most detailed survey yet made of the numbers, distribution and conservation status of gorilla in the Bwindi Forest Reserve indicates a total population of 95–135 animals and a breeding population of only about 75. Within the Reserve the local people use an area more than twice as large as that used by the gorillas, and it is clear that gorillas avoid areas of human use. Conflict exists therefore between present human use of the reserve and gorilla conservation in Uganda. Small populations are especially vulnerable to extinction and since one of the primary aims of the Reserve is to provide a sanctuary for the gorilla, together with the other species of this immensely rich forest community, steps should be taken now to lessen the conflict. In particular it is recommended that the extent of all human use be reduced from the present 35–40% of the Reserve area to less than 20% as long as such use can be adequately controlled; if it cannot, National Park status should be considered; that no further access roads be built; that mechanised felling never be allowed; and that the Reserve be extended in the northwest to include extra gorilla habitat and to protect an important watershed in the region.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers and annual production of Cape Barren geese have led to conflict between the geese and farming interests. The present reserves are inadequate to provide for the future of the geese and a new State Reserve is proposed. Further, a management programme is urgently needed to provide the necessary habitat conditions and to find ways of converting their pest status into a conservation asset for the public.  相似文献   

为提高自然保护区的综合管理与服务水平,进一步整合与开发保护区的信息资源,基于GIS技术研发国家级自然保护区信息管理系统,并以小五台山为例开展应用示范研究.结果表明:系统采用3层结构体系,构建4个保护区数据库,设计8大功能模块和6项基本功能,可以满足保护区的管理需求.该系统可实现保护区多源异构数据融合和综合集成,促进业务部门协同和数据成果共享,形成对保护区信息资源的定性分析、定量计算和直观展示相结合的新型一体化管理模式,为全国自然保护区的信息化管理提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

十万大山地处北热带山地,有着丰富的生物多样性,但定居的外来种在不断增多,有的外来种成了入侵种,如飞机草等,给该自然保护区带来了严重威胁。通过实地调查以及查证文献,全面整理了十万大山国家级自然保护区的外来植物,并分析了外来种的类型、原产地、引种原因及引入途径,确认:①迄今为止共计99种(含亚种)外来植物,隶属于38科83属,其中菊科最多(10种),占10.1%,其次为禾本科(6种),占6.1%;②栽培种56种,逸生种20种,入侵种23种,分别占56.6%、20.2%和23.2%;③外来植物的原产地主要是热带美洲(有54种,占54.5%),其次是印度(10种)、非洲(9种)和地中海地区(7种);④人为有意引入有87种,占87.9%。最后对保护区内外来植物的危害预测和防治策略做了分析。  相似文献   

This paper presents the impact of ecotourism on livelihood and natural resource management in the periphery of Amboseli Biosphere Reserve in Kenya. Ecotourism initiatives that have been introduced by Porini Ecotourism, a private investor, are benefiting Eselenkei Group Ranch in terms of income, improved infrastructure, employment opportunities and exposure. Over US$5000 is received annually as land rent, gate fee and bed charges. Twenty‐six Maasai men are employed for the upkeep of project facilities. The community's capacity to facilitate resource‐related conflicts has improved following support from development institutions. An expanding livelihood base is reducing local vulnerability to disaster and people–wildlife conflicts. The numbers of resident wildlife species in the conservation area have increased due to regeneration of woody species and reduced frequency of livestock. Despite the achievements, ecotourism is threatened by cultivation. The latter is jeopardizing conservation efforts, as the area frequented by wildlife is being lost and people–wildlife conflicts intensified. Another dilemma is that the Eselenkei community is not effectively participating in ecotourism a situation that is associated with inadequate management and negotiation skills in the group ranch committee. The latter requires leadership and microenterprise management skills if earnings from ecotourism are to be effectively invested in alternative sources of livelihood, to reduce current and potential conflicts. There is also need to build the community's capacity for the promotion of activities that compliment ecotourism. Frequent breakdown of community boreholes lead to dependence on the conservation area for water during prolonged drought, intensifying conflicts between livestock and wildlife.
  • 1 Referring to low‐impact nature‐based tourism packages that benefit local communities and the national government while helping to conserve the resource base (Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), unpublished report, 2001).
  • Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    In India, conservation of biodiversity goes hand in hand with human welfare, as millions of people live adjacent or within protected areas and depend upon forests products. The high density and biomass requirements of these households could result in the degradation of forests and loss of biodiversity. We assessed the collection of forest products among households in five sites in the Western and Eastern Ghats of peninsular India: the Kogar region of the Central Western Ghats, the Bandipur and Sigur regions of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, the Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve of the southern Western Ghats and Similipal Tiger Reserve of the northern Eastern Ghats, and tested whether extraction pressure on forests was associated with the proportion of agricultural households, wage labour and population density. We also examined whether data on loss of cover as stated by the State of the Forest Reports was supported by field data. The regions differed in land use: Kogar, KMTR and Similipal were primarily agricultural regions, whereas households engaged in wage labour or in running small businesses were predominant in Sigur and Bandipur. Fuel-wood was collected ubiquitously for household use in all sites, used mainly for domestic requirements and secondarily for generating income. Green leaves for making fertilizer and fodder were collected for household use and did not enter the market. Cattle manure for the global organic coffee industry was a major forest product in Bandipur and Sigur. Extraction pressure on forests was positively associated with the availability of wage labour and was negatively with the proportion of agricultural households. Data from official sources seem inadequate to measure forest degradation in protected forests. Accurate estimation of forest condition through field assessments and remote sensing, and understanding the socio-economic variables associated with forest loss and degradation are needed for the sustainable management of Indian protected areas.  相似文献   

    为了进行乌冈栎生存状况评价并提出相应的保护策略,在瑞云山风景名胜区、桃源洞风景名胜区、邵武将石省级自然保护区和南平茫荡山省级自然保护区,用立木级结构代替年龄结构、重要值、物种多样性、群落相似性系数等指标对乌冈栎群落特征进行研究。结果表明:在4个研究区,乌冈栎均属于衰退型种群,瑞云山和桃源洞风景名胜区的赤楠种群将替代乌冈种群,种群衰退趋势明显;瑞云山风景名胜区和邵武将石省级自然保护区乌冈栎群落优势种显著,物种组成也丰富,而桃源洞风景名胜区和南平茫荡山省级自然保护区乌冈栎群落优势种显著,但物种组成少;在4个研究区之间的乔木层和草本层,Shannon-Wiener指数变幅较大,而Pielou均匀度指数乔木层、灌木层和草本层变幅均不大;瑞云山风景名胜区与桃源洞风景名胜区、邵武将石省级自然保护区与南平茫荡山省级自然保护区群落相似性系数均很大,其中,瑞云山风景名胜区与邵武将石省级自然保护区的群落相似性系数最大(0.65)。  相似文献   

    It is suggested that there is an ‘intermediate demand’ in wildlife conservation. For the public to see spectacular ‘native’ species set in a background of functioning ecosystems even if those systems are, to an extent, managed rather than natural. To satisfy this demand diversification of the fauna and polarisation of land use management are required.The implications and management needs are discussed in the context of the Isle of Rhum National Nature Reserve, Scotland, in the uplands and Thetford Chase, East Anglia, in the lowlands. These serve to show the different policies for choice of species, habitat management, and management of public access which would be necessary. Satisfying the ‘intermediate demand’ is not only a legitimate aim in itself, and one which need not interfere with wholly recreational or purely scientific objectives, but would also provide a continuing source of finance.  相似文献   

    Prey scarcity compromises population survival, especially for specialist predators. Supplementary feeding is a management tool that can be applied to reverse the decline of food-limited populations. We analyse how a population of Iberian lynx, a threatened food specialist, initially reacted to, and subsequently used, supplementary food. Twenty-seven feeding stations (FS) with domestic rabbits were placed in the Doñana Biological Reserve, SW Spain, between 2002 and 2005. We recorded lynx tracks inside and around stations to analyse spatio-temporal patterns of use, as well as the performance of several station designs. Iberian lynx used 62% of the FS installed, and consumed most of the supplied food. All station designs were used and food provision apparently covered the energetic needs of the lynx inhabiting the reserve. There was spatial aggregation in the use of the FS. Fourteen weeks were needed on average for lynx to become familiar with feeding stations and making a regular use of the supplementary food. Seasonal variations in consumption frequency appeared to be modulated by fluctuations of wild rabbit numbers throughout its annual cycle as well as by variation in energy demand of breeding females. The Iberian lynx responded positively to our supplementary feeding programme. We show that this technique allows the persistence of lynx populations during long periods in areas where wild rabbits are extremely scarce. Supplementary food may be used to sustain lynx whenever rabbit populations need recovery, as well as in the context of lynx restocking or reintroduction programmes.  相似文献   

    Since 1994 the Barnacle Goose Management Scheme (BGMS) has integrated conservation and agricultural aims on the Scottish side of the Solway Firth. In the 4 years before the introduction of the BGMS, the density of barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) on the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust Reserve at Caerlaverock was four times higher than on the non-Reserve area. In the 6 years following establishment of the BGMS, the density of geese on non-Reserve fields rose so that the Reserve had twice the density of the non-Reserve area. No difference in density was found between fields in the Feeding Zone and Intermediate Zone of the BGMS. The density of barnacle geese around the study area appears to be at a maximum under current management regimes. The remaining geese from this increasing population are using other feeding areas. This may lead to further conservation-agriculture conflict in the future, but could be mitigated through expanding the range and quality of the BGMS, through increasing the dedicated reserve network, or through a combination of the two.  相似文献   

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