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甘肃和全国一样,2006年以来,甘肃奶牛养殖效益大幅度下降,部分奶牛养殖户亏损,个别地方出现倒奶杀牛现象。奶农在饲料涨价、压级压价、拖欠奶资的泥潭中挣扎着,且越陷越深。只前,奶业出现的问题,实质上是加工环节出的问题,又反作用于奶牛饲养业,使奶农饲养积极性下降。实践证明,只有减少乳品企业用于促销的损失,增加利润空间,就在源头为原料奶收购的涨价创造了前提,乳品企业也只要在获得正常利润后反哺奶农.才能保护奶农的利益.保护整个行业。如何使奶业产、加、销各环节接成一个完整的产业体系,维护奶业各部门从业人员的利益,使奶农养牛实现与市场接轨,构建和谐健康的奶业。是热爱和关心奶业各方志士仁人的心愿。  相似文献   

从建立奶农和乳制品企业之间良好合作关系的客观要求出发,基于有限理性,应用演化博弈理论分析奶农生产合格原料乳和乳制品企业质量控制行为之间的演化博弈关系。结果显示,降低奶农生产合格原料乳所多付出的质量投入成本、增加乳制品企业采取"质量控制"策略所付出的成本、增加乳制品企业对奶农生产合格原料乳所给予的各种鼓励政策和补贴、加强乳制品企业对奶农生产不合格原料乳的处罚力度,有利于建立双方良好的合作关系,促进我国奶业的健康发展。  相似文献   

<正>突出奶企和奶农的利益联结,不仅是奶业走出低谷的重要一步,也构成了农业产业化进程中的核心一环。在黑龙江调研奶业发展,一位牧场主的一句话让人印象深刻:"见到奶业公司的人,不敢大声说话啊!"症结恐怕还在于奶贱伤农。奶价,深刻影响了奶业公司与养殖户的关系。尽管三聚氰胺事件之后,国内乳品安全性和品质大幅提升,随着乳制品需求量逐年增加,奶业市场长期向好,但眼前的境遇同样  相似文献   

新疆伊源乳业公司经过乳品市场上的恶性竞争后,认识到只有和奶农结成稳定的合作关系才是做强企业的出路,而合作社是连接企业和分散奶农的有效中介。他们通过帮助奶农组织奶牛养殖合作社,获得了双方共赢的效果。对推动伊犁地区奶业健康发展提供了可以借鉴的参考模式。  相似文献   

本文通过对小农经济特性的剖析,指出商品小农阶段,特别是在有着数千年小农经济历史的中国,实现奶业产加销一体化,要使千家万户的奶农走向市场,首先必须砸碎束缚在人们身上的小农意识枷锁,其次下决心拆除奶农之间、乳品企业之间、营销部门之间的篱笆,进而拆除奶业产加销之间的樊篱;最后通过股份制使三者统一到奶业合作社的轨道上来,走“奶业合作社+公司+奶农”的路子,最终实现奶业产业化。  相似文献   

<正>受多种因素影响,近期一些乳品加工企业停收限收生鲜乳,国内部分地区发生"卖奶难"问题,出现几起奶农倒奶现象,给奶农造成损失,影响到奶业生产发展的基础。针对这一情况,1月7日,农业部下发《关于协调处理卖奶难稳定奶业生产的紧急通知》,要求各级地方农牧部门在当地政府领导下,迅速行动起来,采取有效措施,全力以赴协调处理"卖奶难",确保奶农利益、稳定奶业生产。  相似文献   

2008年1月15日,黑龙江省奶业协会在双城市五家镇主持召开主题为“关爱奶农关爱奶牛”的奶农、市县奶业协会代表迎春茶话会,面对面了解奶农对国务院、省政府支持奶业发展政策落实的情况,倾听奶农对今后奶业发展的意见,组织专家和企业现场解答奶农提出的奶牛生产技术问题。中国奶业协会理事长刘成果亲临会议作了重要讲话,并向全国奶业界同仁拜年。省畜牧兽医局副局长王德胜、省奶业协会理事长侯兆江、秘书长吴和平等同志参加了会议。  相似文献   

江苏省农委近日下发《关于做好稳定奶业生产工作的紧急通知》,要求各地迅速行动起来,采取有效措施,全力以赴协调处理"卖奶难",确保奶农利益、稳定奶业生产。要求具体措施如下:一是千方百计组织协调加工企业保证生鲜乳收购稳定奶业生产的根本是保护奶农利益、稳定养殖基地,关键是乳品加工企业,保证生鲜乳正常购销是当务之急。各地要对当地的生鲜乳正常购销负起责任,密切关注生鲜乳销售形势,通过各种形式督促乳品企业履行收购合同,积极收购,善待奶农,共渡难关,力争做到不拒收、不倒奶、少限收、少卖牛。要千方百计帮助奶农和乳企建立利益联  相似文献   

养殖规模小、单产水平低、抗风险能力差; 奶源基地建设滞后且与饲草料基地建设不同步;乳品企业加工能力偏低,产品单一,缺乏市场竞争力,产业化程度不高;奶农与乳品企业两头不见利是甘肃奶业发展出现的新问题。通过法律和市场规范,解决龙头企业与奶农的逐利性矛盾,建立和完善风险共担机制;加快奶业协会培育,促进奶业生产和乳品加工协调发展, 实现数量规模型向质量效益型转变;加快奶源基地建设,优化整合企业、品牌资源,实施产品差异化经营,努力塑造区域乳业品牌,是甘肃奶业持续稳步快速健康发展应对的良好策略。  相似文献   

我国是世界第三产奶大国,21世纪以来,奶类产量连续跨越3个千万吨台阶,已接近4000万吨.但2008年发生的婴幼儿奶粉事件,推倒了"多米诺骨牌":生产企业"三鹿"应声倒地,奶农杀牛倒奶,消费者丧失信心,国产奶业陷入前所未有的危机. 这几年,我国奶业积极调整脚步与方向,寻求转型与升级.在不久前召开的第四届中国奶业大会上,农业部副部长、中国奶业协会会长高鸿宾说:我国奶业已走出困境,目前是新中国成立以来奶业发展水平最好的时期.  相似文献   

Dairy industry is the pillar of Heilongjiang Province. The contractual relationship of the dairy supply chain played a vital role in the dairy industry for development. The contractual relationship between the main dairy farming body and the dairy processing enterprise, as well as the impact of this contractual relationship on their cooperation in dairy supply chain were studied. Taking 366 dairy farming bodies in Heilongjiang Province as the main research objects, Likert scale was used to measure the factors affecting the contractual relationship and applied these factors to the correlation construction of dairy farming body and processing enterprise. Then, confirmatory factor analysis was used to collect data and made the conclusion that once dairy farming body perceived the opportunistic behavior and lacking of cooperation, the trust of dairy processing enterprise would be lost. Additionally, the satisfaction of dairy farming body on partnership also had a positive effect on the level of trust and commitment, the relative dependence and the perception of the partnerships, which made it possible to analyze how to strengthen the contractual relationship and provide theoretical basis for dairy industry development in Heilongjiang Province.  相似文献   

Applying dairy cow behavior in management practice is an effective way of improving cow health, welfare and performance. This paper first reviewed daily time budget and normal patterns of dairy cow behavior, and then discussed the influence of major management conditions and practices (such as competitive environments, stocking density, grouping strategies) on cow's feeding, lying and social behavior. Finally, new findings of using feeding behavior to predict disorders in transition period were addressed. It was suggested that dairy researchers and farmers should take advantage of related knowledge of dairy cow behavior to improve dairy cow health and welfare. More research is required to further study dairy cow behavior so as to better apply it in practical management and meet the needs of production.  相似文献   

经过多年快速发展,天津奶牛养殖业取得了显著成就。研究表明:提高规模化程度,有助于降低原料奶生产成本,提高奶牛养殖经济效益,增加奶农收入。在影响奶农收入的诸多因素中,牛奶销售价格居于首位,生产成本居于其次;各因素对奶农收入的影响与饲养规模相关;主产品产量和牛奶销售价格对农民饲养意愿的影响较为突出。为提高奶牛养殖经济效益,增加奶农收入,建议对原料奶实行优质优价和地方最低保护价,合理确定奶牛养殖总存栏量和布局,鼓励适度养殖,推动新技术、新工艺和新产品应用,持续提高奶牛单产,率先实行"蓝箱"政策试点,加大补贴力度,用好"黄箱"政策,充分发挥奶农协会和奶农合作社的作用。  相似文献   

内蒙古奶业生产组织模式创新与乳品质量安全控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
牛奶分散生产存在诸多安全隐患.本文从饲料安全、饲养设施、饲养管理、疫病防治、奶农和中间商机会主义行为等方面,分析了牛奶分散生产的质量安全风险.以乳品安全为主线,阐述了内蒙古奶业牧场园区集中饲养和业主规模化饲养两种新型组织模式的基本内涵与运行机制,并总结了两种新型组织模式对牛奶生产的质量控制及其利益分配,最后提出从产业发展长期看,牛奶生产向规模化、专业化,标准化发展是生产组织模式演进的一个方向.  相似文献   

Mastitis is a complex, multifactorial disease. Pathogens, cows and farmers (via management) all play a role. It is costly and annoying for the farmer and threatens the image of the entire dairy industry. Prevention and control of mastitis is based on multiple principles that have been known for a long time. To implement them successfully, they should be put forward by a motivated and motivating advisor that transfers the existing knowledge to the farmer. When the changes are data-driven, applied by an encouraged farmer through a farm-specific implementation, prevention and control of mastitis will be successful and result in happy cows, happy farmers, happy advisors, happy consumers, and a happy industry. Nationwide projects focussing on communication and transfer of existing knowledge in prevention and control are very helpful in reaching high numbers of farmers and advisors and harmonizing the message brought by different parties. This paper gives an overview of multifactorial approach of mastitis management and prevention with a focus on milking, bedding and data-analysis.  相似文献   

根据资本结构影响因素理论,选取我国8家乳业上市公司2004-2008年5年间的年报数据为研究样本,研究乳业上市公司资本结构的影响因素。结果表明,影响乳业上市公司资本结构的显著因素依次是企业盈利能力、非债务税盾、资产担保价值和企业成长性。并根据实证研究结论,提出优化乳业上市公司的对策。  相似文献   

乳腺炎是影响奶牛生产者经济效益的三大主要疾病之一。壳聚糖具有提高动物免疫力,发挥类抗生素的作用,在维护奶牛乳腺健康方面具有重要意义。为此,综述了壳聚糖在奶牛乳腺健康中的作用及应用研究进展,并对壳聚糖的应用前景进行了展望,以期为有效控制奶牛乳腺炎提供理论依据。  相似文献   

围产期是整个奶牛产业的重中之重,该时期的管理在整个奶牛场管理中的地位也随着奶牛养殖户的认识凸显出来。该文简单叙述了奶牛围产期的饲养与管理的技术要点,以期为临床应用提供依据。  相似文献   

近年来,黑龙江省的畜牧业生产蓬勃发展,尤其在农村,畜牧业成为农业和农村经济的支柱产业,在某些村屯,可以说奶牛养殖是农民增收的重要渠道。为了解黑龙江省奶业发展情况和存在的问题。经过实地考察调研,从扶持奶业发展,规范奶业管理,实现规模化养殖等方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

In order to remain globally competitive and to ensure traceability, intensive and extensive livestock operations are adopting radio-frequency-based electronic identification (RFID) and data recording systems. Such integrated systems offer dual advantages of lowered labor costs due to automation and enhanced profits due to optimization of animal productivity, health and welfare. However, RFID-based systems might not be economically viable for small-hold livestock farmers unless there is considerable value advantage. Further, the set up and operation of a data recording system for small-hold farmers is also difficult due to size-constraints and distant farm units. We have developed an integrated system for small-hold dairy farmers to enable employing of RFID technology to ensure credibility of data recording, and avoidance of livestock insurance-related claim malpractices. The system can additionally be used to periodically collect performance records and to operate veterinary service delivery. The integrated system comprises of: (a) an RFID tag or insert; (b) an RFID reader; (c) a PDA/mini-laptop with custom software installed; (d) a USB modem internet connection; and (e) a central data server on web platform with dedicated server-level software. The unique feature of the system is that the veterinary health worker (VHW) is able to register and enter new records only when the RFID reader connected to a mini-laptop is within reading range of the associated RFID tag. This also authenticates the visit by the VHW. Other data management operations such as browsing, sorting, data analysis and report generation can be carried out when the VHW is away from the RFID field. We have deployed and validated the system in a cluster of 5000 dairy animals spread over more than 10 villages with an average of two to three animals per farmer in Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu, India. The system is user-friendly and easy to operate in that the animals’ insurance registration and issuance of policy documents can be done in a single farm visit. The system can also be used for collecting periodic animal records and sending SMS ‘alerts’ to the farmers. Initial economic analysis suggests that the investment cost would be recovered even if fraudulent claims in around 0.5% of the insured animals can be prevented. The sustenance cost can be recovered from the improvised health and production management service delivery to the farmers. It is however emphasized that the system can only be implemented in organized dairy operations wherein the milk processing company can establish functional collaboration with veterinary service providers, insurance company micro-finance companies and this consortium can bear the cost of RFID in exchange for long term multilateral benefits to all the stakeholders.  相似文献   

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