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Five Merino and five Dorper sheep were artificially infested with the sheep scab mite Psoroptes ovis and the effect of infestation on their haematology, serum protein levels and live mass recorded for a period of 14 weeks. The reaction of the Merino sheep to infestation was more severe than that of the Dorper sheep. Haematological values fluctuated within the normal range during the assessment period. The mean haemoglobin concentration of the Merino sheep declined until antiparastic treatment was administered 10 weeks after infestation, after which it gradually increased. The lymphocyte counts of both breeds of sheep declined from 2 weeks to 10 weeks post-infestation, but increased after treatment, while the highest eosinophil counts were recorded in the Merino sheep at the height of the acute disease 8-10 weeks post-infestation. Serum albumin values for both breeds and serum globulin values for the Merino sheep were higher than normal during the entire 14-week observation period. A decrease in serum albumin and an increase in serum globulin concentration occurred at the height of infestation in both breeds. The mean live mass of a second group of five infested Merino sheep decreased by 6.4 kg over a 16-week period compared to a gain of 4.56 kg for five infested Dorper sheep.  相似文献   

Pruritic behaviour and deranged fleece are often used as indicators of sheep louse infestation but the exact relationship between infestation and the observation of signs of pruritis was unclear. Two studies were conducted to examine this association. In the first, 24 castrate Merino sheep were randomly assigned to six pens in groups of four and the sheep in three pens infested with 10 lice each on the right mid-side. Louse numbers were counted, fleece derangement scored and pruritic behaviour assessed periodically on each sheep until 38 weeks after infestation. In the second study a single moderately infested sheep was paddocked for 15 weeks with 32 uninfested sheep and louse numbers and fleece derangement monitored for 41 weeks. In the pen studies, differences between infested and non-infested sheep in fleece derangement and pruritic behaviour first became significant (p<0.05) at 8 and 14 weeks, respectively and at louse densities of 0.06 and 0.27 per 10 cm wool part. Some sheep showed definite signs of deranged fleece as early as 5 weeks after initial infestation. In the paddock studies, it took 37 weeks until lice were detected on all sheep in the flock. The correlation between louse numbers and fleece derangement score first became significant (r=0.44 and p<0.05) at 9 weeks after introduction of the lousy sheep, reached a maximum of r=0.79 (p<0.001) at 22 weeks when 84% of sheep had lice detected and the mean louse density was 0.29 per part, and then declined to r=0.12 (n.s.) at 41 weeks when all sheep were infested and the mean louse density was 3.04 per part. It is concluded that fleece derangement is a powerful early indicator of the presence of lice and that sheep may exhibit signs of pruritis well before lice can be readily found by direct inspection. Fleece derangement may be useful as a basis for establishing economic thresholds for the application of long wool treatments in developing louse infestations but appears to be a poor indicator of louse numbers once the infestation is advanced.  相似文献   

Lambs infected with adult Haemaphysalis punctata and rabbits infected with nymphs developed a macrocytic normochromic anaemia during seven and six successive infestations, respectively. The anaemia was directly proportional to the degree of infestation but disappeared several days after the termination of infestation. A leucocytosis, due to neutrophilia, was seen in both lambs and rabbits. Rabbits developed a thrombocytosis and reticulocytosis. Infested lambs grew less rapidly than uninfested animals. Signs of tick toxicosis and several other clinical manifestations appeared in both infested sheep and rabbits. Circulating antibodies against salivary antigen of adult H punctata were demonstrated in the sera of infested lambs by the micro-ELISA test. Titres were first detected on day 3 after infestation and increased gradually as infestation progressed. No precipitating antibodies in either infested sheep or rabbits were detected.  相似文献   

Sarcoptes scabiei infestation was diagnosed in 278 sheep from 12 fatling flocks. The sheep presented crusted skin lesions initially appear on the lips or nostrils, the lesion on nostrils also extend towards around the eyes, the supraorbital fossae and in some cases over entire face. The infested male lambs by mating behavior in fatling flocks caused transmitting the infection to fat tail area and scrutum. Histopathological study of lesions demonstrated marked acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis. Tunnels could be observed in the hyperkeratotic stratum corneum and mite segments were located mainly in the stratum corneum and also in the stratum granulosum. Attempts to eliminate S. scabiei var. ovis were made in 3 naturally infested sheep herds, by two dippings with two weeks interval with Amitraz, Cypermetrin and Prompetamphos. The results of this study indicate that acaricidal treatment of S. scabiei var. ovis in 3 naturally infested herds was successful, but a few cases of reinfestation were found in each treated group.  相似文献   

A single Merino sheep, artificially infested with the sheep scab mite, Psoroptes ovis, and a similarly infested Dorper sheep were placed with 9 uninfested Merino or 9 uninfested Dorper sheep respectively during winter and the rate of spread of infestation on the uninfested sheep observed. The same procedure was repeated in summer. It took 14 and 8 weeks respectively in winter before all sheep in the 2 groups displayed lesions of sheep scab, whereas in summer it took 10 and 12 weeks before all sheep had lesions.  相似文献   

The sampling distribution of Bovicola ovis (Schrank) on sheep was examined in two flocks, one with a light and one with a heavy infestation of lice. The derived distributions were used to calculate the sensitivity of detecting lice on individual sheep and in flocks by fleece parting regimes that varied in number of parts per animal and number of sheep per flock, different scenarios of flock sizes, proportion infested and louse density were examined. Lice were aggregated among fleece partings in the heavily infested flock and described by a negative binomial distribution with k values between 0.3 and 1.92. The distribution was indistinguishable from Poisson in the lightly infested flock. The assumed distribution had little effect on sensitivity, except when only one fleece part per animal was examined. On individual sheep where louse density was 0.5 per 10 cm part or greater, there were only marginal gains from inspecting more than 10 parts per animal. Increasing the number of sheep inspected always increased sensitivity more than increasing number of parts per sheep by an equivalent amount. This advantage was greatest in situations where a low proportion of sheep in the flock were infested with a high density of lice, and less where a low proportion of sheep were infested with a low density of lice, or a high proportion of sheep were infested with a high density of lice.  相似文献   

Goats and sheep were pastured together and held in close contact in yards twice a month for 21 months. The goats had a high prevalence of both the rabbit ear canker mite, Psoroptes cuniculi and the chorioptic mange mite, Chorioptes bovis. The sheep were not infested with P. cuniculi at the beginning of the study and viable C. bovis could not be detected. At no time during the study did P. cuniculi establish in the ears of sheep, despite a maximum prevalence of >95% P. cuniculi in goats. This may have been related to the viscous nature of sheep cerumen. Levels of cerumen in goats' ears increased with increasing prevalence of the mite in the flock. The prevalence of C. bovis in the sheep flock did not exceed 10%, despite a maximum prevalence of >90% infested goats. The difficulty of detecting light infestations of mites means that it was not clear whether the C. bovis infestation of sheep was derived from goats or was present when the study began. Whatever the source, close contact with goats with an active and extensive C. bovis infestation seems unlikely to seriously influence populations of the ectoparasite in sheep. Psoroptes cuniculi was found to he established in goats as young as five days and post-mortem examination of goats' ears was more successful at revealing P. cuniculi than was use of an otoscope during life.  相似文献   

Information provided by wool growers in Queensland, Australia between 1995 and 1997 was used to assess the prevalence and spatial distribution of louse (Bovicola ovis) infestation in sheep flocks. The estimated prevalence of louse-infested flocks was 40% (95% confidence interval, 35-46%). Although the prevalence of infestation was higher in western regions (41-50%) compared to the south region of Queensland (31%), the difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Significant (P = 0.02) clustering of infested flocks was detected in the south region where two foci were apparent. We conclude that Queensland sheep flocks have a moderate prevalence of louse infestation, and that clustering of infestation is not strong. The control of lice is an industry-wide issue that needs to be addressed by most wool growers in Queensland.  相似文献   

The results of an epidemiological and clinical study of flea infestations of farm animals in northern Libya is reported. Of 12,130 sheep examined from 124 flocks, 150 sheep were found to be infested with fleas from 50 different flocks. Likewise 23 goats from 2981 examined, and 11 calves from 1124 cattle examined were infested No fleas were recovered from camels or horses. Of 1861 fleas recovered from farm livestock, 1857 were Ctenocephalides felis strongylus and 4 were Pulex irritans. Dogs from farms and local clinics were also examined. Eight farms dogs were found to be infested with P. irritans. Of 79 infested dogs examined in veterinary clinics, 53 were found infested with P. irritans, 11 with Ctenocephalides felis felis, 12 had a mixed infestation of P. irritans and C. felis felis. Single dogs had mixed infestation of P. irritans and C. canis; C. felis felis and C. canis; and P. irritans, C. felis felis and Echidnophaga gallinacia. C. felis felis was also found on 15 infested cats. C. felis felis was never found on large farm animals despite frequently sharing their environment with dogs or cats. Likewise C. felis stongylus was never isolated from dogs or cats. This is consistent with the hypothesis that C. felis strongylus has become adapted to large farm animals, whilst C. felis felis is better adapted to dogs and cats. However, four stockmen were found infested with a total of 176 C. felis strongylus, which suggests that this subspecies is also a potential zoonosis. A significantly higher proportion of intensive farms had animals with flea infestation compared to semi-intensive farms. Fleas were not found in nomadic herds. Infested farm animals often presented with excoriation, alopecia, pruritis and hyperkeratitis particularly on the lower limbs. These signs are consistent with the generation of flea-bite hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

Separate groups of 3 oestrid-free lambs were exposed to infestation on irrigated pasture for periods of approximalely 33 days each over30 months, and on dry-land pasture for approxomately 42 days over a period of 18 months. With some exceptions, the lambs slaughtered from October-June were found to be infested with Oestrus ovis while, with one exception, those slaughtered from July-September were free. A minimum of 4 sheeps' heads, obtained weekly over 24 months from the Pretoria Municipal Abattoir, was examined for infestation. Of a total of 542 heads examined, 73,4% were infested, having a mean burden of 15,2 larvae. Mean larval burdens were slightly greater in hornless than in horned sheep in Dorper-type than in Merino-type sheep, and in lambs than in sheep with 2 or more permanent incisors. The largest larval burdens were recovered from sheep slaughtered during May and June and the smallest during September and October. The greatest number of 1st instar larvae were recovered during May and June and the smallest during September, but those recovered during the latter month were the largest. With one exception, mature larvae which pupated after 21 March or before 16 August failed to hatch as viable flies. Those which pupated after 16 August hatched as flies after a pupal stage of approximately 50 days and the first flies to hatch were invariably recovered during the first 2 weeks of October. The pupal stage decreased to approximately 25 days during December and January and increased again to approximately 50 days for flies hatching during May. No flies hatched between 18 May and 1 Cctober. The following life cycle ofr Oestrus ovis is suggested: sheep are repeatedly infested from October-June; thereafter infestation survives in the sheeps' heads until August, mainly as 1st instar larvae, then as pupae and larvae until fresh infestation takes place during October.  相似文献   

The pattern of population growth of the ectoparasitic mite, Psoroptes ovis (Acari: Psoroptidae), on its ovine host is considered through the development of a Leslie matrix-based, simulation model. The model is parameterised using experimental data in conjunction with reanalysis of published data. The model shows that on sheep P. ovis populations grow at a rate of approximately 11% per day and the population doubles every 6.3 days. Additional rates of adult mortality, in excess of 50% per day, need to be imposed to prevent population growth. The predictions of the model are tested by comparison of the expected numbers of mites with the numbers recorded in lesions either on naturally infested sheep where the date of infestation can be estimated or on one artificially infested animal, where the initial number of mites and date of infestation are known precisely. In both cases the observed number of mites in lesions relate closely to the numbers expected from the simulations. The model simulations do not support the concept of a 'lag' phase as distinct from the 'growth' phase in the changing pattern of mite abundance on an infested sheep and suggests that the observed pattern of growth is a natural function of an exponential increase in numbers. The development of such models and their use in explaining the demographic processes which drive mite population dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

Psoroptes ovis of sheep origin, and Psoroptes cuniculi of rabbit origin were used in experimental infestations. In experiment I, groups of four rabbits and four sheep were infested with 50-100 mites of each isolate on the skin of the back (skin infestation, SI) or in the external auditory canal (aural infestation, AI). In rabbits, SI and AI with P. cuniculi and AI with P. ovis induced in all animals typical ear lesions and pronounced antibody reactions to P. cuniculi antigens in ELISA. After SI of rabbits with P. ovis no clinical signs were detected, no mites could be reisolated and no specific antibodies were detected. In sheep, P. ovis SI induced mange whereas AI did not induce typical clinical signs and mites could not be reisolated. In both these animal groups, ELISA revealed pronounced and comparable specific antibody reactions. After SI and AI with P. cuniculi no clinical symptoms were observed and no mites could be reisolated. Nevertheless, low levels of specific antibody were detected. In experiment II, clinical progression and antibody reactions to P. ovis SI in naive sheep were compared with sheep previously exposed to P. ovis or P. cuniculi. In both pre-exposed groups of animals, clinical signs appeared within 2 days after challenge infestation and three days earlier than in primarily infested sheep. Subsequently, no obvious difference in the clinical progression was observed between the three groups of animals. The results of this study document antigenetic crossreactivity of the two morphologically and genetically distinguishable Psoroptes species but differences in their biological behaviour and virulence which both are of epidemiological and taxonomic relevance.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the presence or absence of lice in a flock of sheep enables wool growers to make informed decisions as to the need for insecticidal treatments. However, with inapparent infestations, traditional methods of detection are not sufficiently sensitive and, as a consequence, flocks may be left untreated. Conversely, the routine application of insecticide to sheep with no sign of infestation is an unnecessary cost. The sensitivity of 3 procedures for detecting lice was evaluated in 68 mobs of sheep from 50 farms. In 24 mobs of sheep known to be lightly infested, lice were detected in 17% by either parting the fleece of 10 sheep or by the lamp test in which 8 g samples of shorn wool from 30 randomly selected fleeces were placed under lamps for 10 min to repel the lice. Twenty of 23 mobs (87%) were found to be infested by the table locks test in which a 30 g sample of locks wool was dissolved in 10% sodium hydroxide and the filtered residue examined with x 40 magnification. A screening test, in which either fleeces on 5 sheep were examined by fleece parting or lice were repelled from 30 shorn fleeces for 5 minutes, detected about 60% of lightly infested mobs. When this was followed by the table locks test 91% of lightly infested mobs were detected. Conducting any one of the tests on more than one mob, and in large mobs testing more frequently, increases the sensitivity of detection of lice within the whole flock.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for the detection of specific antibodies against crude Psoroptes antigen. The diagnostic sensitivity was 93.7% in 191 sheep with clinical signs associated with mange. These animals originated from 29 flocks in which psoroptic mites were detected. All of 59 sheep infested with Psoroptes ovis were seropositive. Additionally, in 49% of 70 clinically unaffected sheep originating from P. ovis-infested flocks, specific antibodies could be detected, suggesting that asymptomatic infestations can be diagnosed by serology. The specificity of the ELISA was 96.5% as determined with 254 sheep originating from 44 flocks without clinical mange. Cross-reactivity in a low range was detected with selected sera of sheep with clinical chorioptic or forage mite infestations. Four sheep seroconverted 2 weeks after experimental P. ovis infestation, i.e. 2 weeks before clinical signs became obvious. After successful doramectin treatment of 14 sheep with naturally acquired P. ovis infestation, the ELISA values declined slowly but remained positive in seven cases beyond 17 weeks.  相似文献   

Flumethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid, used in the laboratory as a sheep dip (Bayticol) at a concentration of 55 ppm, eradicated sheep scab from 30 infested sheep and provided protection against infestation for at least seven weeks. Similar results with at least five weeks protection were obtained on monitor sheep dipped under field conditions with flocks of 525 and 870 sheep. The dip was prepared and replenished with 66 ppm flumethrin and the concentration did not strip.  相似文献   

The application of polymer matrix ear tags impregnated with 8.5% w/w cypermethrin to 6 wethers following shearing reduced lice to non-detectable levels on 4 of them at 29 weeks after tagging. At the conclusion of the study at 45 weeks the mean count of lice on tagged wethers was 3 per sheep compared to 158 on untreated wethers. In a second experiment, 6 non-infected sheep were treated at shearing with cypermethrin tags, 6 with 25 g/l cypermethrin backline formulation, 6 with tags plus backline and 6 were left untreated. Each group was exposed to 6 sheep with moderate to heavy infestations of lice. Compared to controls, all treatments delayed infestation, but cypermethrin tags gave no longer protection than backline treatment. All sheep were infested by 17 weeks after commencement of the study. At 45 weeks mean counts of lice were 38, 27, 20 and 74 respectively for sheep treated with tags, backline formulation, backline plus tags and untreated. Possible reasons for the better effect observed from applying tags to infested sheep than to sheep which were not infected at application but which were subsequently exposed to infested sheep are discussed.  相似文献   

Tissue extracts from larval instars of the sheep nasal bot, Oestrus ovis, were resolved by gel electrophoresis under both native and denaturing conditions. Polypeptides resolved under these conditions were tested by immunoblotting against sera of infested sheep. Of all tissues examined in this study, salivary glands proved to be major immunogens in infested sheep. Salivary gland polypeptides were also detected in the washing solution as larval secretory products (LSP). To a minor extent, a few polypeptides from the larval cuticle were also found to be immunogenic, but they did not contribute to LSP. These results were further corroborated by nasal infestation of rabbits that also developed specific antibodies against larval salivary gland polypeptides from Oestrus ovis.  相似文献   

An investigation of sheep flocks in the main sheep raising areas of New South Wales showed that the itchmite Psorergates ovis was frequently associated with fleece derangement. In 26 of the 41 flocks examined, P. ovis was the only ectoparasite detected. P. ovis and the sheep body louse Damalinia ovis, were found in 5 flocks. No external parasites were found on sheep examined from the 10 remaining flocks. The type of fleece derangement most frequently recorded was rubbing which in some cases was combined with areas of chewed fleece. Among flocks, there were positive relations between the prevalence of fleece derangement and prevalence of itchmite or scurf and between itchmite count and mean scurf score. Within flocks, itchmite infested sheep or sheep with scurf had higher prevalences of fleece derangement than sheep on which no mites or no scurf were found. Itchmite infested sheep had a higher prevalence of scurf than those with no detectable mite infestation. There were no significant differences in itchmite populations or fleece derangement between untreated flocks and flocks treated with synthetic pyrethroids, organophosphates or arsenic and rotenone.  相似文献   

The eradication of lice from Merino sheep with wool up to 65 mm long was achieved by spraying insecticide onto the tip of wool over the sides and back. The insecticides used were cyhalothrin and diazinon in small volumes and at high concentration. When infested sheep were sprayed with 100 ml of cyhalothrin 1,500 ppm or diazinon 36,000 ppm, no live lice were seen 23 days after treatment. When treated sheep were challenged with live lice 100 days after treatment an infestation did not establish. Cyhalothrin at a lower concentration of 1,000 ppm gave excellent control but at 500 ppm only fair control was obtained. Diazinon at 24,000 ppm gave probable eradication and at 12,000 ppm excellent control. If a practical method of applying the insecticide to the tip of wool can be developed, then this technique should provide an effective means of eradicating lice in sheep with long wool. This would greatly assist the sheep industry in controlling and eradicating sheep lice.  相似文献   

Between October 1976 and January 1980 a total of 368 feral goats was examined in New Zealand for the presence of Chorioptes bovis and 434 for the presence of Psoroptes cuniculi. The seasonal pattern of C. bovis infestation in feral goats was similar to that seen in sheep and cattle. The prevalence of infestation reached 100% in July and August (winter) and declined to 27% in February and March (summer). Fewer goats were infested with P. cuniculi and prevalence of infestation reached a maximum of 41% in July. No goats were found infested in the December and January samples. Chorioptes bovis infestation was independent of the age and sex of hosts. Infestation with P. cuniculi was independent of the sex of the hosts, but older goats were more frequently infested (16%) than younger goats (8.6%). Unilateral infestation with P. cuniculi was more common (74.5%) than bilateral infestation. No severe lesions were associated with C. bovis, but 21.3% of goats with P. cuniculi had the external auditory meatus blocked by waxy material and 12.8% had scabby encrustations on the ears. The importance of goats as a possible source of infestation to domestic animals is discussed.  相似文献   

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