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The abundance index (AI) is a representative indicator used to assess the state of fishery resources. Conventional AI is generally calculated by summing the catch per unit of effort (CPUE) weighted by the size of each fishing area. However, CPUE data has many missing values owing to annual changes in operational fishing areas, and this can lead to a considerable bias in the estimated AI. To obtain an unbiased AI, a multivariate auto-regressive state-space (MARSS) model was used to estimate and interpolate missing values in a spatially arranged, long-term bottom-trawl CPUE dataset for yellow seabream Dentex hypselosomus and largehead hairtail Trichiurus japonicus in the East China Sea. As expected, increasing the number of analyzed fishing grids improved interpolation accuracy, but remarkably increased the time required for the analysis. Reducing the maximum number of expectation–maximization (EM) iterations in the maximum likelihood procedure was an effective way to practically reduce analysis time, while keeping the accuracy of the estimation. Thus, this EM-reduction MARSS model was applied to the entire CPUE datasets of yellow seabream and largehead hairtail to address the annual shifts in their AIs and their seasonal migration.  相似文献   

基于空间相关性的西北太平洋柔鱼CPUE标准化研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
徐洁  官文江  陈新军 《水产学报》2015,39(5):754-760
CPUE标准化方法通常都假设名义CPUE之间是相互独立且没有相关性,然而鱼类集群分布通常存在着空间相关性,为此本研究以西北太平洋柔鱼的CPUE标准化为例,采用1999-2012年6-11月中国鱿钓生产数据以及对应的海表面温度和叶绿素浓度的环境数据,将空间相关性加入广义线性模型(general linear model,GLM)中.在空间GLM模型中运用4个距离模型(指数模型、球面模型、线性模型和高斯模型),进行标准GLM模型和4种空间GLM模型的CPUE标准化结果比较.结果发现,4种空间GLM模型均比标准GLM模型的最小信息准则(akaike information criterion,AIC)更小,标准化结果更准确.同时,在4个距离模型中,指数模型的AIC值最小,其CPUE标准化结果最佳.研究表明,在CPUE标准化中,鉴于鱼类集群与分布特性,应该充分考虑空间相关性这一因素.  相似文献   

秘鲁沿岸秘鲁鳀渔场及渔汛分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈芃  汪金涛  陈新军 《海洋渔业》2016,38(5):449-458
秘鲁鳀(Engraulis ringens)是栖息于东南太平洋沿岸的小型中上层鱼类,了解秘鲁鳀渔场和渔汛的状况有助于渔情预报工作的开展进而实现资源的合理利用。利用2005~2014年秘鲁各港口的上岸量数据,以上岸量(landings)、总捕捞努力量(fishing effort)和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)为指标分析秘鲁鳀渔场分布及渔汛;结合二因素方差分析(two-factor analysis of variance)探究渔场月份和纬度上的显著性差异;利用分位数的方法,找出各年的旺汛时间。研究表明,每年的4~6月和11~12月为秘鲁鳀的主汛期;主要的捕捞区域分布在7°S~13°S;渔汛的前中期,上岸量和捕捞努力量有着明显的年间差异,而CPUE在渔汛后期年间差异明显。方差分析表明,不同月份和不同纬度对捕捞努力量[ln(effort+1)]有极显著的影响(P0.01);5月为一年中最主要的捕捞阶段。旺汛期分析表明,第一渔汛阶段的旺汛一般在5月出现,而第二渔汛阶段的旺汛一般在11月出现。研究结果有助于对秘鲁沿岸秘鲁鳀渔场及渔汛的认识。  相似文献   

本文基于抽样调查获得的2014全年江苏省沿海刺网渔船的生产数据,对江苏刺网不同马力渔船生产习惯,包括时间和空间上的选择特征,进行了初步研究。分析结果发现,不同马力渔船生产时间有一定差别,多数渔船主要生产时间均在伏季休渔结束后;小马力渔船不仅伏休后出航率较高,年底出航也保持较高水平。江苏刺网渔业整体生产有明显的季节特征,年初1—3月出航船数处于全年最低水平;清明节后、伏休前4—5月,出现一个生产小高潮;休渔结束后出航船数为全年最高水平。不同马力渔船空间分布不同,小马力渔船外海水域分布相对较少,随着马力增大渔船生产水域往外海和往北方向水域生产的可能性更大。不同月份渔船空间分布不同,1—3月生产处于偏北、偏近海水域; 4—5月生产偏向外海,相对前期南北方向变化不大、仍处于偏北水域; 8―9月偏近海和北部水域; 10—12月向南和外海移动进行生产。另外分析渔船的生产能力与马力之间的关系发现,渔船马力大小与单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)之间存在着正相关关系,关系式为CPUE=5.3428e~((0.0062′Power)),该结果可以为江苏刺网渔船捕捞强度的评估提供重要参考。最后基于研究结果,针对刺网渔船时间和空间上的生产特征提出了相应管理建议。  相似文献   

We have analyzed the practice of assessing an assemblage of fish species in a multispecies fishery on the basis of aggregate catch per unit effort (CPUE), which is the summed catch of all species per unit of effort. We show that at the onset of fishing or of a large positive or negative change in fishing effort, aggregate CPUE will be hyper-responsive, that is, relative change of aggregate CPUE will be greater than that of aggregate abundance. We also show that as the fishery reaches equilibrium, the aggregate CPUE in most circumstances will continue to be hyper-responsive, with a greater relative change from its value at the start than the aggregate abundance. However, there are less likely circumstances in which the aggregate CPUE will be hyper-stable compared to aggregate abundance. The circumstances leading to hyper-responsiveness or hyper-stability depend on the distribution of productivity and fishery vulnerability parameters among the species in the aggregation.  相似文献   

为得到南海及临近海域黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacores)渔场最适宜栖息海表温度(SST)范围,基于美国国家海洋大气局(NOAA)气候预测中心月平均海表温度(SST)资料,结合中西太平洋渔业委员会(WCPFC)发布的南海及临近海域金枪鱼延绳钓渔业数据,绘制了月平均SST和月平均单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)的空间叠加图,用于分析南海及临近海域黄鳍金枪鱼渔场CPUE时空分布和SST的关系。结果表明,南海及临近海域黄鳍金枪鱼CPUE在16℃~31℃均有分布。在春季和夏季(3~8月),位于10°~20°N的大部分渔区CPUE较高,其南北侧CPUE较低;而到了秋季和冬季(9月到次年2月),高产渔场区域会向南拓宽。CPUE在各SST区间的散点图呈现出明显的负偏态分布,高CPUE主要集中在26℃~30℃,最高值出现在29℃附近;在22℃~26℃范围内CPUE散点分布较为零散,但在这个范围也会出现相当数量的高CPUE;在22℃以下的CPUE几乎属于低CPUE和零CPUE;零CPUE的平均SST为26.7℃(±3.2℃),低CPUE的平均SST为27.8℃(±2.1℃),高CPUE的平均SST为28.4℃(±1.5℃),高CPUE在各SST区间的分布要比零CPUE和低CPUE更为集中。采用频次分析和经验累积分布函数计算其最适SST范围,得到南海及临近海域黄鳍金枪鱼最适SST为26.9℃~29.4℃。本研究初步得到南海及临近海域黄鳍金枪鱼中心渔场时空分布特征及SST适宜分布区间,可为开展南海及临近海域金枪鱼渔情预报工作提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The stock size of sandfish in the northern Sea of Japan was estimated by a virtual population analysis (VPA) and sensitivity analyses were attempted on the VPA estimate. The stock size estimates were approximately 600–900 million until 1975, but since 1976 they have rapidly decreased. In the sensitivity analyses, the estimates of absolute stock size were not sensitive against the changes in the fishing mortality coefficient for terminal age and the measurement error in catch-at-age. This suggested that the relative stock size remains almost unaffected by the error in the data used in the VPA, if the degree of catch-at-age error and the natural mortality coefficient is correct. The relationships between the biomass estimated by the VPA and the density index from Danish seine fisheries, and between the biomass and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) from the experimental survey using Danish seine nets, were also examined. The density index and the CPUE indicated significant relations with the biomass. Consequently, the CPUE is useful to monitor the relative stock size in a timely manner, and the VPA estimate and the CPUE should be utilized for adjusting the total allowable catch in the multiseasons.  相似文献   

A new habitat‐based model is developed to improve estimates of relative abundance of Pacific bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus). The model provides estimates of `effective' longline effort and therefore better estimates of catch‐per‐unit‐of‐effort (CPUE) by incorporating information on the variation in longline fishing depth and depth of bigeye tuna preferred habitat. The essential elements in the model are: (1) estimation of the depth distribution of the longline gear, using information on gear configuration and ocean currents; (2) estimation of the depth distribution of bigeye tuna, based on habitat preference and oceanographic data; (3) estimation of effective longline effort, using fine‐scale Japanese longline fishery data; and (4) aggregation of catch and effective effort over appropriate spatial zones to produce revised time series of CPUE. Model results indicate that effective effort has increased in both the western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) and eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO). In the WCPO, effective effort increased by 43% from the late 1960s to the late 1980s due primarily to the increased effectiveness of effort (deeper longline sets) rather than to increased nominal effort. Over the same period, effective effort increased 250% in the EPO due primarily to increased nominal effort. Nominal and standardized CPUE indices in the EPO show similar trends – a decline during the 1960s, a period of stability in the 1970s, high values during 1985–1986 and a decline thereafter. In the WCPO, nominal CPUE is stable over the time‐series; however, standardized CPUE has declined by ~50%. If estimates of standardized CPUE accurately reflect relative abundance, then we have documented substantial reductions of bigeye tuna abundance for some regions in the Pacific Ocean. A decline in standardized CPUE in the subtropical gyres concurrent with stability in equatorial areas may represent a contraction in the range of the population resulting from a decline in population abundance. The sensitivity of the results to the habitat (temperature and oxygen) assumptions was tested using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Sixty‐two years of voluntarily collected angling logbook data from a large natural Danish lake were used to study variation in pike, Esox lucius L., CPUE (catch per unit effort), expressed as no. of captured pike per boat trip, as an index of stock size. Pike CPUE was positively related to pike release rate by anglers and negatively affected by certain commercial fishers. The stocking of young‐of‐the‐year pike and a fishery‐dependent index of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., abundance (which may be pike prey or predator depending on size) did not correlate with pike CPUE. Analyses of the size distribution of pike, based on sizes of annual record trophy pike captured by anglers, confirmed the negative impact of commercial pike fishing and revealed a positive influence of air temperature. It is concluded that high‐quality angler logbooks that record effort and catch can be a cost‐effective tool to inform lake fisheries management by revealing long‐term population trends. Further, state space modelling, a statistical technique not yet seen in recreational fisheries science, is recommended as a tool to model proxies for population dynamics from angler logbook data.  相似文献   

东海带鱼渔获量变动原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1951~1984年东海带鱼年渔获量和捕捞努力量资料,以及降雨、风速和海表温度等的时间系列,分析了带鱼渔获量年际变化与捕捞努力量及环境因素的关系,并建立了渔获量对捕捞努力量和环境变量的回归模型。带鱼渔获量随捕捞努力量的变化可用Fox模型拟合(R=0·89,P<0·01),1951~1974年期间,渔获量随着捕捞努力量的增长而不断提高,但自1974年后,随着捕捞努力量的持续增长,渔获量开始下降。排除捕捞效应后的带鱼渔获量波动还与环境因素显著相关,分析结果表明,长江流域和东海沿岸地区年降水量、渤海海域年均风速、长江口年均风速、黄海和东海海表温度(2月)、东海中部年平均海表温度及南部冬季月平均海表温度等环境因子都与之显著相关。包含捕捞努力量和环境变量的渔获量模型的回归系数为0·97,其置信水平达到99%以上。运用1951~1984年的回归模型对1985和1986年的渔获量作出了预测,其预测值与实际渔获量的相对误差均小于5%,验证了其可靠性。研究的结果表明,带鱼渔获量变动不仅与捕捞作用有关,同时还受环境因素的影响,是两者综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

Fishery-dependent catch per unit effort (CPUE) data have been used as an abundance index (AI) in fish stock assessments. However, fishery-dependent CPUE data are influenced not only by changes in fish abundance but also by other factors, such as the choice or restrictions of fishing grounds to operate. Accordingly, bias may arise in AIs due to a lack of data from unfished or rarely fished areas. To improve the accuracy of AI estimates, spatially arranged CPUE datasets from both trawl fisheries and research vessel surveys in the East China Sea were concurrently analyzed in the present study using a multivariate autoregressive state-space (MARSS) model. Survey datasets complemented information on stock status in the fishing areas where fishery-dependent datasets were limited. As a result, the combined use of datasets from both sources effectively improved the accuracy of estimates of AIs and the spatial distribution of the population density of each fish species.  相似文献   

渔场捕捞强度信息可以为渔业资源评估和管理提供帮助。本研究结合2017年10—11月船舶自动监控系统(AutomaticIdentificationSystem,AIS)信息和同期中国中西太平洋延绳钓渔船捕捞日志数据,通过挖掘延绳钓渔船作业航速和航向特征,建立渔场作业状态识别模型,提取渔场捕捞强度信息。以3~9节为航速阈值和0°~10°及300°~360°为航向阈值,渔船作业状态识别准确率为68.29%。阈值识别和日志记录的捕捞强度信息在空间上相关性很高(0.96),基于AIS信息挖掘的渔船捕捞强度空间分布特征和实际非常相似。阈值识别和日志记录的捕捞强度信息在空间上与单位捕捞努力量渔获量(catch per unite of effort, CPUE)、渔获尾数、渔获重量和投钩数的空间相关系数均大于0.62,基于AIS信息挖掘的渔船空间捕捞强度也可替代用于渔业资源分析。  相似文献   

Several oceanographic studies have associated tuna fisheries to sea surface temperature (SST) fields, although catch per unit of effort (CPUE) has not shown a clear relationship with SST. However, most results concerned species that occur deep in the water column. In this paper, we present a study on the relationship between SST and CPUE for the skipjack tuna fisheries off the southern Brazilian coast, which take place at the sea surface. We use historical data from the Japanese fleet, which operated in the area from July 1982 to June 1992. Fishing sets occurred only in areas where SST ranged from 17°C to 30°C. Frequency of occurrence vs. SST showed a Gaussian distribution, with highest CPUEs in waters of SST 22°-26.5°C. The relationship between CPUE (or fishing set occurrence) and SST varied seasonally. Largest CPUEs occurred in summer, independently of SST. Therefore, temperature alone could not be used as a determinant of CPUE, suggesting that seasonal variability of other environmental parameters has a stronger effect on the CPUE than does SST. However, when the seasonal cycle was excluded from the data sets, a relationship between the interannual variability of SST and CPUE became apparent. Cross-correlation analysis between CPUE and SST has shown that oscillations in CPUE anomalies precede oscillations in SST anomalies by a month, but the mechanism relating them in this way is unknown.  相似文献   

The catch per unit effort (CPUE) is a widely used index for assessing the abundance of exploited populations in fishery management. To obtain appropriate CPUE values, it is essential to standardise catch-effort data from fisheries. This task is particularly important for squid fisheries because squid generally have a short life-span and are vulnerable to environmental variability, and thus effective fishery management should take such factors into account. In this study, we analysed unit catches of paired vessels operating under similar fishing conditions to calculate their relative fishing power (RFP) in order to standardise the CPUE of the Taiwanese fleet jigging for Illex argentinus in the Southwest Atlantic. To evaluate the appropriateness of the method, we used a logbook dataset covering eleven years (1993–2003), in which 93.5% of the total catch during the period was included. The results indicate that 98.7% of the fishing effort can be standardised according to the estimated RFP. Compared to nominal CPUE, the standardised CPUE values projected an explainable temporal pattern, indicating an increasing trend in abundance from 1995 to 1999 and a subsequent sharp plunge from 1999 to 2003. However, the RFP was not related to apparent physical factors of the vessel, such as gross tonnage or vessel length. Our evaluations suggest that the RFP method is appropriate for standardising the CPUE, so that it can serve as an abundance index that reflects the annual recruitment size of the squid fishery, because the quality of the method can potentially take possible affecting factors into account in order to satisfy the general assumptions of standardisation criteria. However, the effects of varying the settings of parameters should be carefully examined prior to applying this standardisation method to other squid fisheries.  相似文献   

南极磷虾是南极海域生态系统的关键物种,是南极渔业的主要捕捞对象,其渔场具有显著的时空分布特征.为明晰南极半岛北部水域磷虾渔场的变动情况,本研究根据中国2010—2020年南极磷虾渔业统计资料,运用全局Moran's I指数和热点分析对该水域磷虾渔场的时空分布特征进行了分析.结果显示,南极半岛北部水域磷虾渔获量在空间分布...  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential for using data from a vessel monitoring system (VMS) to create indices of commercial fishery performance that may be used in monitoring snow crab resource status. Fishing hours were screened from hourly positional signals to create an index of fishing effort (hours fished) for comparison with that derived from logbooks (number of trap hauls). Similarly, a VMS-based fishing catch per unit of effort (CPUE) index was developed for comparison with CPUE derived from logbooks. Analysis of these indices showed that VMS-based fishing effort and CPUE indices can be interpreted to provide reliable complementary or alternative indices to logbooks for assessment of fishery performance in the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery. We also developed a VMS-based index of fishing efficiency and illustrate how it can be applied toward understanding various behaviors and anomalies in the fishery. VMS data may offer other potential applications for snow crab assessment and management. Our approach and methods are applicable to other commercial fishery resources worldwide that are monitored using vessel monitoring systems.  相似文献   

曹少鹏  刘群 《南方水产》2007,3(2):42-48
东海带鱼(Trichiurus haumela)是东海区重要经济鱼类之一,目前还没有研究在生物学参考点F0.1和Fmax的估计中引入不确定性并在此情况下对东海区带鱼渔业资源进行量化评估。文章应用蒙特卡罗模拟方法研究了渔业数据中不同水平的不确定性和不同初次捕捞年龄对F0.1和Fmax估计的影响,用其与现在的捕捞死亡系数Fcur做比较,初步评估了东海带鱼渔业资源。计算结果表明,高水平的不确定性将会增加在F0.1和Fmax估计中的差异,从而使其被定义为过度捕捞的可能性减小。经过比较表明,F0.1比Fmax是一更好的参考点,且东海区带鱼渔业明显处于过度捕捞状态。不同初次捕捞年龄下单位补充量渔获量的变化情况的研究表明,增大初次捕捞年龄可以减小现在的捕捞死亡率大于参考点死亡率的概率,从而增大初次捕捞年龄可以改善现在捕捞过度的资源状况。  相似文献   

In this study, catch and effort data of southern bluefin tuna (SBT) from Taiwan longliners operating in the Central Indian Ocean (CIO) during 1982 to 2003 were compiled and their catch per unit effort (CPUE) was standardized using the generalized linear model (GLM). The GLM includes factors such as year, season, by-catch, latitude, sea surface temperature (SST) and the interactive effects among factors. The standardized CPUE and its relationship with SST fluctuation were then analyzed to understand the effects of fishing ground SST variations on CPUE of SBT, as well as their connection to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. The standardized CPUE in the CIO seemed to oscillate with the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) between 30 and 50°S where SSTA fluctuations were prolonged and slower than the ENSO cycle. It is then very likely that fishing conditions at the CIO fishing ground were influenced by the expansion of the cold water mass from the Southern Ocean, and the colder SST is beneficial to increasing SBT catch rate.  相似文献   

金枪鱼延绳钓钓具的最适浸泡时间   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据2010年10月—2011年1月金枪鱼延绳钓海上调查数据,分两种起绳方式,建立每次作业每一根支绳的浸泡时间计算模型。将钓具的浸泡时间以1 h为间隔分别统计每个区间的支绳数量及大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)、黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacores)的渔获尾数,并计算其钓获率(CPUE)。结果表明:1)大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的CPUE都随浸泡时间的增加呈现先增后减的趋势,这是由于饵料的诱引效果变化及渔获的丢失引起的;2)二次曲线可拟合浸泡时间与大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼CPUE的关系;3)大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼CPUE最高的浸泡时间分别为9.9 h和10.1 h。建议:1)今后在金枪鱼延绳钓作业中,保证每一根支绳在水中的浸泡时间为9.5~10.5 h,以提高捕捞效率并减少副渔获物;2)可把延绳钓钓具的浸泡时间作为有效捕捞努力量,并用于CPUE的标准化。研究结果可用于提高捕捞效率并减少副渔获物的技术方案制订,并为渔业生产和CPUE的标准化提供科学参考。  相似文献   

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