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利用半日光间歇弥雾果树育苗系统,对苹果矮化砧木M7、M9、M2 6和JM7进行硬枝扦插繁殖,研究两种基质对扦插生根的效果。结果表明,半日光间歇弥雾果树育苗系统可以调控到苹果矮化砧木硬枝扦插繁殖的适宜温度、湿度和光照等条件;以苔藓加河沙做基质进行苹果矮化砧木硬枝扦插繁殖,JM7的生根率达到61.5%,M7生根率32.5%,M2 6生根率21.5%,M9生根率仅为5.5%,均高于河沙做基质的生根率;而且平均每株生根数量和平均生根长度也优于河沙基质。  相似文献   

不同基质和激素对地石榴扦插生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在塑料小拱棚下进行地石榴扦插繁殖试验,研究不同扦插基质和不同生长激素及浓度对地石榴扦插繁殖生根率的影响。试验结果表明:3种不同扦插基质中,1号基质(河沙:泥炭=2:1)的扦插生根率比2号基质(山地红壤:泥炭=2:1)高;5种生长激素中以浓度0.5g/kg的NAA处理效果最好,成活率达92%。扦插繁殖的最佳组合是采用半木质化枝条作插穗,经0.5g/kg浓度NAA处理,在河沙:泥炭=2:1混匀的混合土基质上扦插,应在实践中予以推广应用。  相似文献   

以姬胧月叶片为材料,研究栽培基质对叶片扦插成活的影响。结果表明:不同部位叶片、不同栽培基质对姬胧月叶片扦插成活均有不同程度的影响。下部叶片在5种基质中扦插平均成活率最高,以纯河沙为栽培基质扦插成活生根率、出芽率最好,腐殖土∶河沙∶珍珠岩=2∶1∶1的栽培基质扦插的幼苗平均冠幅最大、长出的叶片数最多。  相似文献   

涧上杜鹃扦插繁殖研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采集湖南宜章莽山国家森林公园河道旁涧上杜鹃枝条作插穗,采用不同生根剂和不同基质进行扦插试验。结果表明:涧上杜鹃扦插繁殖基质以黄心土与河沙等量混合最佳;用GGR生根粉100 mg/L处理的插穗生根率最高,达到93%;涧上杜鹃具有良好的栽培适应性和市场应用前景。  相似文献   

基质和插穗对平欧杂种榛嫩枝扦插育苗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用平欧杂种榛达维品种1年生苗的半木质化新梢作为插穗,对不同部位的枝段用IBA处理后进行嫩枝扦插生根试验,研究7种基质对扦插成苗的影响.结果表明,苗干上部枝段的生根能力最强,适宜作嫩枝扦插的插穗.扦插基质影响插穗的生根效果,以插穗在水草、水草+河沙混合两种基质中生根效果最好,生根率90%以上,其次是在河沙、河沙+水草分层中,在锯末、泥土、锯末+河沙3种基质的扦插效果差,生根率不及50%.  相似文献   

采用不同生根剂浓度和不同基质种类对罗汉果的扦插繁殖技术进行研究,结果表明:6种生根剂浓度处理中,以生根剂浓度为40mg/kg的生根率和成活率最高,分别达到90%和95%,根数和根长均达最大值;4种扦插基质处理比较,以河沙+木屑+田园土(1:1:2)的处理效果最好,生根率、成活率和抽梢率分别达到92%、96%和88%,根数和根长均达最大值。  相似文献   

通过在不同基质中扦插勒杜鹃试验,比较勒杜鹃的生长情况,比较得出火烧土、黄心土适宜作为勒杜鹃扦插繁殖的基质,在沙质土中扦插繁殖较差。  相似文献   

试验对草原樱桃根插繁殖方式进行了较系统的研究,分析了药剂种类、草原樱桃品种、扦插基质、根段长度和扦插时期对根插繁殖的影响。结果表明,采用的四种药剂中除IAA外,其它药剂对生根都有很好的促进作用;三个品种中,阿斯卡生根效果好;基质中通透性好、带菌少的河沙、椰糠效果好;扦插的插穗进行一段时间的冷藏有利于发根萌芽。  相似文献   

1 扦插繁殖 扦插繁殖是蓝莓育苗的主要方法,分为硬枝扦插和绿枝扦插两类。 1.1硬枝扦插 也称休眠枝扦插。在早春芽萌动前(3月份),剪取2年生发育充实、生长健壮、无病虫害的枝条,放在-1-4.5℃条件下贮藏。4月份从枝条顶部开始30-75cm之间剪取10cm长,插条通常留3~5个芽,垂直插入浇透水的扦插基质(腐殖酸土、蛭石或腐苔藓等)。插条粗度以6~10mm为宜,插条细发根容易,但根发育较弱;插条过粗,发根困难。  相似文献   

以美国“三红”紫薇为研究对象,进行大田扦插繁殖实验,以摸索其不同品种的成活率差异以及扦插繁殖适合的基质配比,加快美国紫薇的繁殖。结果表明,红火球紫薇的扦插成活率最高,在田园土、珍珠岩、泥炭(体积比5︰2︰3)的混合基质中成活率可达87.2%,不同基质配比对苗木的苗高生长量无明显影响。  相似文献   

试验于夏季进行红叶石楠不同基质、生根剂不同浓度和不同浸泡时间的扦插繁育技术研究,结果表明:红叶石楠选用混合基质(黄心土:粗河沙:草木灰=1:1:1),ABT1号生根粉0.02%浓度浸泡2h的平均生根率最高,达96.6%。该技术为红叶石楠种苗大规模扩繁提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以五大连池野生兴安百里香当年生嫩枝为试材,进行了不同扦插时间(5月中旬、6月中旬、7月中旬、8月中旬)、不同扦插基质(沙土、沙土+火山灰土、火山灰土)、不同生根激素质量浓度(100、200、300、500、1000、1500 mg·L-1)等扦插育苗试验。结果表明:6、7月中旬气温适宜,插条活力较高,是较适宜的扦插时间。ABT生根剂质量浓度为300 mg·L-1时生根率最高,为97.67%。沙土基质扦插生根率最高,达到98.12%,火山灰土基质扦插生根率为88.57%,火山灰土作为五大连池常见土壤类型,在当地进行扦插繁殖时,也可考虑使用。  相似文献   

Several factors contributing to the successful rooting of stem cuttings of four peach clones and one almond × peach hybrid under intermittent mist were tested. With the almond × peach cross, leaf-bud cuttings were also tested.Severe cutting back of adult peach mother trees in winter favoured rooting of the cuttings, but less severe cutting back induced maximum roots per cutting.For short periods vermiculite was found to be a suitable medium. Sand alone or mixed with vermiculite or gravel gave poor results. Gravel alone or mixed with vermiculite was intermediate. For growing the rooted cuttings for a longer period, a mixture of perlite and peat was very suitable.A period of illumination of 3 h starting at midnight with incandescent light improved rooting of peach cuttings in August and October, but not in June.With cuttings obtained from old fruit-bearing peach trees highest rooting rates were obtained in July, but best root development occurred when rooting was carried out in October. In July rooting rate of basal cuttings was much higher than that of terminal ones. Success with leaf-bud cuttings (including a small branch piece) obtained from young mother trees of the almond × peach hybrid was only achieved at the end of May or in June.Dipping the base of peach cuttings in water before rooting was of advantage with one cultivar rooted in September, but of no advantage with another cultivar rooted in June.When the base of stem cuttings was dipped for a prolonged period in IBA solutions of various concentrations, highest rooting rates were obtained with 25–50 ppm IBA for peaches and with 200 ppm for the almond × peach hybrid. The addition of Phygon XL to this solution was of some advantage for peach cuttings. The concentration inducing maximum root development was higher than that required for maximum rooting and callusing. The optimal IBA concentration for rooting of almond × peach leaf-bud cuttings was 100 ppm.Penetration of the IBA into the leaf-bud cuttings reached a maximum 45 min a after floating them on a 100 ppm solution.Transplanting cuttings which had been rooted under mist was somewhat difficult; however, high rates of survival were obtained with cuttings planted in September which had developed a good root system.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the potential usefulness of different substrates produced from gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) for propagating cuttings of Thuja plicata ‘Atrovirens’. The gorse was composted by different methods, to produce four types of compost. These composts were then used as such (100% compost) or in mixes with coarse sand and pine bark compost (25% compost, 25% coarse sand and 50% pine bark compost, v/v/v) to prepare eight different substrates. The substrates were compared in cutting propagation trials carried out in a greenhouse, with a standard rooting medium consisting of 25% Sphagnum peat moss, 25% coarse sand and 50% pine bark compost (v/v/v). Cuttings were taken from a garden hedge in March 2003, and comprised shoots of the previous year's growth. The bases of the cuttings were treated with a 0.4% solution of IBA rooting hormone, then inserted into cells filled with the corresponding substrate and placed on a propagation bench. Rooting percentage and visual rooting score were determined in July. The quality of roots was evaluated, as total root length and number of root tips, in July, September and November 2003, by use of a Delta-T Scan system. The rooting success of the cuttings ranged from 75% to 90%, except when the substrate comprised the pure composted gorse, obtained after the shorter period in an enclosed composting system with addition of fertilizer and reuse of leachates. Most of the cuttings in this substrate died and only 4% of the cuttings rooted successfully. Physicochemical characteristics of this rooting medium included very high electrical conductivity, low C/N ratio and high water retention. Addition of coarse sand and pine bark compost to the composted gorse significantly increased the rooting success. The root quality variables differed depending on the substrate considered and date of harvest. The results showed that substrates made from gorse compost are of potential use as a peat substitute for propagating cuttings of T. plicata ‘Atrovirens’. The physicochemical properties of the composted gorse should be determined before its use to establish whether it can be used pure as a substrate for rooting or whether it should be mixed with other substances.  相似文献   

In order to make peach meadow orchard systems feasible, the possibility of propagating peaches by hardwood cuttings and thus reducing the establishment cost of this extremely high-density planting system was examined.A medium temperature of 25°C was harmful to auxin-treated peach cuttings, but excellent rooting could be obtained at a temperature as low as 12°C. Further trials conducted under outdoor conditions in winter in the coastal plain of Israel, with a soil temperature of 12–14°C, did not show any effect of timing on rooting, providing the cutting was taken mature enough (after mid-November) and not later than about 6 weeks prior to bud break. In 30 days root initiation started. Although variations were found between cultivars, 1500 mg/l of indole butyric acid in a 5-second base-dip was found to act well with most cultivars. Good aeration was shown to be critical for good root formation. Leaving the cutting for 1 month in damp sand prior to planting in orchard soil was satisfactory. An area of a few hectares of commercial meadow orchards has already been established with this method.  相似文献   

"长白山"欧李全光照弥雾扦插技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在全光照弥雾条件下,以"长白山"欧李为试料,以洁净的河沙、细炉灰、田土为基质,以ABT1号生根粉4种浓度为诱导生根药剂,做绿枝扦插试验。结果表明:适宜欧李绿枝扦插的基质为洁净的河沙和细炉灰,适宜的ABT1号生根粉使用浓度为1 000 mg/L。以洁净的河沙基质与ABT1号生根粉1 000 mg/L组合处理欧李绿枝扦插生根率、生根数及根长最高;细炉灰基质与ABT1号生根粉1 000 mg/L组合效果次之。  相似文献   

早熟蟠桃新品种‘红蜜蟠桃’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
‘红蜜蟠桃’是在日光温室‘早露蟠桃’栽培过程中选育的优良变异品种。果实发育期为70d,为早熟品种。平均单果质量144g,最大可达198g,可溶性固形物含量13.2%。果实扁平形,白肉,硬溶质,味甜,着色面积80%以上,粘核。  相似文献   

正交试验在含笑嫩枝扦插繁殖中的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用正交试验方法,对含笑(Michelia figo)进行了嫩枝扦插繁殖试验.结果表明:以对最早生根天数影响最大的是生根剂处理时间,以处理2 h最早生根;对生根率影响最大的是生根剂类型,以根太阳处理生根率最高;对生根数目影响最大的是扦插基质,其中以沙作基质效果最好,生根剂浓度对生根数目也有显著影响,以200 mg/L浓度处理效果最好.综上所述:含笑嫩枝扦插的最佳组合是采用根太阳200 mg/L浸泡穗条基部2 h,使用沙作扦插基质.该组合扦插后100 d,生根率达到70%,生根数目平均达到4.12条.  相似文献   

何赟  孙庆军 《北方园艺》2012,(19):58-60
利用正交实验方法,对园林观赏树种香茶藨子进行了扦插繁殖试验。结果表明:不同基质和不同的浸泡时间是影响扦插生根的主要因素,其中,基质珍珠岩对促进香茶藨子生根的效果最好。  相似文献   

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