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周圻 《饲料研究》2003,(6):24-26
根据海南草地演变、植被利用动态、牧草生长特性以及外来牧草在海岛的表现等阐明了海南草地分布和饲料资源空间配置特征,据此提出在海南中部建设人工草场以轮牧为主、在农区以割草或制草粉补饲为主的草地饲料利用方式。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省平凉市崆峒区肉牛养殖户分布、饲养水平、养殖规模、草地资源、饲草结构及供需关系进行研究,结合区域气候环境、饲草品种、土地流转及种养政策对现有饲草的供应模式,适宜的草种遴选,饲草轮供优化,饲草产品的深加工及控制饲养成本等方面进行分析。提出充分利用当地天然草地资源、引入适宜饲草品种、增加人工牧草比例、促进饲草加工多样化,立足于饲草结构调整,建立饲草结构—家畜产业发展耦合系统,加快当地草地农业及肉牛养殖业的良性发展,有利于草食畜牧业扩大规模养殖及产业化经营。  相似文献   

肉牛是南涧县养殖业中最具发展潜力的传统优势产业,也是南涧县调整产业结构重点发展的四大产业之一.饲草饲料是发展草食畜牧业的物质基础,但饲草饲料一直是制约南涧县肉牛发展的“瓶颈”.近年来,通过人工牧草种植试验、示范,并在全县大力推广农田种草技术,良田好地种草、核桃林地种草已成为解决草料的主要途径.紫花苜蓿以其独特的优势成为南涧县牧草种植的主要品种.通过大面积示范种植,有效地解决了南涧肉牛养殖冬春饲草缺乏的矛盾,促进了全县肉牛养殖的快速发展.南涧县山区种植紫花苜蓿成为促进肉牛养殖的有效途径.  相似文献   

独特的热带雨林生态环境决定了海南岛是多种植物和动物生长繁育的天然温床。文章根据海南草地演变、植被利用动态、牧草生长特性以及外来牧草在海岛的表现等阐明了海南草地分布、生物生产及生态环境的多样性决定了海南热带生态型高效畜牧业具有多样性的特征。据此提出在海南中部建植人工草场以轮牧为主 ,在农区以割草或制草粉补饲为主 ,在供体母畜实现超数排卵的基础上发展胚胎移植和推广冷冻精液及人工授精技术的高效肉牛生产模式 ,并预期中国南方热带生态型草地畜牧业将率先在海南岛崛起  相似文献   

舍饲栓养小肉牛增重效果之测定刘进民龙岩地区兽医站364000闽西山区天然饲草资源丰富,有利于发展以放牧为主的小规模肉牛生产。鉴于闽西杂交牛源不足,肉牛产品市价平平,饲料日益看涨。为了探索以粗料为主舍饲栓养小肉牛效果,笔者对某场进行调查。现归纳整理如下...  相似文献   

陕西地区拥有较为丰富的饲草料及农作物秸秆资源,肉牛产业发展仍不充分,通过对陕西省自然资源、饲草料资源及近年来肉牛养殖的现状调查分析,总结了陕西省肉牛养殖业发展中繁育基础及品种改良滞后、养殖规模发展不足、资源利用率低等一些问题,提出通过充分发挥资源潜力,科学规划区域肉牛产业,鼓励肉牛繁育场发展,推广肉牛养殖新技术应用,发展秸秆饲草收储加工企业等方法,促进陕西省肉牛产业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

饲草组合生产和周年平衡供应是发展畜牧业的重要保障,其主要内容是搞好人工饲草基地建立,搞好单作和间作套种,最大限度地合理利用自然资源,发展田地持续性生产力。1 饲草组合生产和周年平衡供应原则 1.1 多年生牧草和一年生牧草结合,以多年生为主。1.2 温带饲草和热带饲草结合,寒冷地区以温带饲草为主,暖热地区以热带饲草为主。两者根据季节不同进行轮种,交替收割利用。1.3 上繁草和下繁草结合,视不同地区具体情况,或以下繁草为主,或以上繁草为主。1.4 豆科饲草和禾本科饲草结合,豆科占30%~40%,禾本…  相似文献   

云南省草地肉牛放牧系统中的草畜季节矛盾及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
云南省干湿季节分明,绝大多数地区牧草枯黄期超过5个月,草畜季节性矛盾相当突出,是造成云南省肉牛放牧系统中牧草利用效率、单位草地面积的生产力水平和18月龄肉牛活重均较低的重要原因之一。调节放牧管理、划分季节性放牧草地、干季充分利用种植业中的可替代性饲草资源是解决问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

随着以肉牛为主的草食畜牧业不断壮大发展,饲草加工利用已成为肉牛养殖的重要环节。本文着重探索影响全株青贮产量和质量的原因和对策,旨在进一步提高青贮饲草的品质和利用率。  相似文献   

我县有优越的气候条件和丰富的土地资源,非常适宜人工牧草种植。为探索优质牧草饲喂肉牛增重效果情况,我站2009年分别在钱相万亩牧场、普坪镇罗庄肉牛养殖小区进行优质牧草饲喂肉牛增重效果的对比试验,现将情况报道如下。  相似文献   

南方肉牛产业发展的优势和途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了南方水热条件充足、草山草坡资源丰富、市场对外依存度高、投资资金充足、饲草成本低等肉牛产业发展的有利条件,结合南方肉牛养殖的成功案例,从品种改良、饲草体系建设、放牧与舍饲二元养殖方式、南方高档牛肉生产开发等几个方面,分析了南方肉牛产业发展的途径,提出将南方建设成为继北方牧区畜牧业、农区畜牧业之后的第三个草食畜牧业基地,形成"南方农区牧场"。  相似文献   

利用稳定现有人工草地播种面积、增加农用物质投入、改善农业生产条件、调动农牧民种草积极性、提高农业科学技术水平5个方面的21项指标,建立了海南州草地资源开发利用综合效益的评价体系。在此基础上,对海南州饲草资源开发利用状况及草产业发展采取的措施状况进行了合理的评判。结果表明,措施权重依次为发布草产品购销信息〉增加农业科研与推广投资〉增加牧草良种培育繁殖投入〉宣传推广现有的科学种草技术〉控制现有人工草地播种面积〉增加化肥有机肥投入。  相似文献   

张家口市塞北管理区种草养畜的成本收益分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
刘玉杰  李向林  何峰 《草地学报》2008,16(3):283-288
为给华北农牧交错带典型区域张家口市塞北管理区的农、牧业结构调整提供决策支持,在实地调研基础上,对当地种草养畜进行成本收益分析.结果表明:饲草、饲料作物的成本纯收益率为45.2%~125.1%,依次是青贮玉米>青稞>禾本科牧草≥豆科牧草;青贮玉米和多年生牧草的生产成本分别为其购入价格的44.4%~59.1%和48.6%~68.9%;投入不足是限制青贮玉米生产效益提高的主要因子;"全年舍饲"模式下,产奶量4550~6300 kg/头的中、高产奶牛的养殖纯收益为-86.5~1544.2元/头,成本纯收益率为-1.1%~15.5%,盈亏临界产奶量为4588.1~4789.8 kg/头;"舍饲+暖季放牧"模式下,种草养畜(中、高产奶牛)的纯收益为1453.6~3435.2元/头,51.0%以上的纯收益来源于饲草种植,成本纯收益率为22.7%~42.5%,盈亏临界产奶量为2850.0~3182.8 kg/头.  相似文献   

我国牧草产品生产、贸易现状及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前中国传统农牧业靠"精料+秸秆"的饲养模式已经走不通,只有依靠草牧业才能保证我国的消费需求及食品安全。然而受政策、基设、科技、市场、组织因素制约,我国牧草产业发展现状不容乐观。本文深入分析我国牧草生产、商品草生产、草种生产、牧草产品贸易、不同类型牧草产品进出口量、牧草产品贸易伙伴现状及背后成因,得出我国牧草产品供不应求需要从国外大量进口、进口呈现急剧增长趋势而出口总体呈现下滑趋势、牧草贸易市场集中度高而草种贸易伙伴国较分散三个结论,和加大政策支持、推进基础建设、增加科研投入、加强市场建设、发展产业组织五个启示,以期为我国牧草产业发展提供理论指导。  相似文献   

At present,China's traditional agriculture and animal husbandry has no way to rely on the "fine fodder + straw" feeding model. Only relying on grass and animal husbandry can guarantee China's consumer demand and food safety. However, due to the restraints such as policy, infrastructure, technology, market and organizational factors, the "lacking" status of China's pasture industry is not optimistic. In this paper, we analyze the pasture production, commercial grass production, grass seed production,forage product trade, the import and export volume of different types of pasture products, the current status of pastoral products trading partners and the causes behind it in depth. And concluded that the supply of forage products in China needs to be imported. Imports are growing while exports are generally declining,the pasture trade market is highly concentrated while grassland trading partners are dispersed. Five suggestions are given to provide theoretical guidance for the development of China's pasture industry: increase policy support, promote infrastructure, increase investment in scientific research, strengthen market construction, and develop industrial organizations. © 2019 China Agricultural University. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Fifteen cattle, with the typical copper deficiency symptoms of scouring and emaciation, gained .45 pound more daily after receiving copper injections than the control group in a three-month period. Copper injections did not prevent scouring on this ranch in the North Okanagan Valley. Copper deficiency symptoms have occurred in this area whenever cattle have been restricted to forage from ground-water soils though animals improve when moved to upland soils. Dairy calves and beef cattle are most frequently affected. Subclinical deficiencies may be more important economically than the easily recognized severe deficiencies.

The average copper level in pasture forage on this ranch was 10.2 ppm and copper content of forage was not related to scouring. The average molybdenum level was 8.8 ppm but the molybdenum content of 9.7 ppm in affected forage was high compared to 2.2 ppm in forage from a pasture where scouring did not occur and 4.2 ppm in pasture which caused less scouring. The average copper to molybdenum ratio was 1.0 in the affected forage which was low compared to the ratio of 4.3 in forage from the pasture where scouring did not occur and 2.3 in forage from the pasture where there was less scouring. Manganese tended to be higher in non-scouring forage. Sulphur contents were high but not related to the degree of scouring.

In a 1957 survey on farms not far from this ranch, no difference was found between the copper and molybdenum contents of scouring and non-scouring forage though copper was double and molybdenum comparable to levels found on this ranch. However, in the survey, scouring forage contained .65 per cent sulphur whereas non-scouring forage only contained .26 per cent.


In grazing operations, forage quality and availability are sometimes limited, and cattle are unable to consume enough nutrients from pasture forage to fulfill requirements. During such situations, supplemental or replacement feeding is necessary to meet production goals. A fundamental understanding of ruminant nutrition and forage management is helpful in deciding which feed or supplement type (ie, energy versus protein) best fits the goals of a specific beef production system. It is important to choose a delivery method and supplement form that provide the targeted amount of desired nutrients to each animal in the herd and that minimize input costs. The objective of this article is to serve as a resource for veterinarians as they provide nutritional management support to beef cow producers.  相似文献   

Supplementation of grazing cattle is a routine management practice that serves several purposes. It can be used to fill the gaps created by seasonal deficiencies in forage growth and quality. Supplementation can also extend pasture availability during drought, increase the carrying capacity of the pasture, and provide nutrients that are inadequate or missing in the forage. Supplementation can also be used effectively to dilute anti-quality factors present in certain forages. Locally available by-products of the grain and food-processing industries can provide a cost-effective source of nutrients to balance the nutritional needs of grazing cattle. It is expected that the availability and cost effectiveness of these feeds will only grow as cattle compete with the biofuels industry for grain in the future.  相似文献   

本文系统地回顾了近60年以来国内外乡土灌草青贮利用与牛羊健康饲喂的研究现状与进展。通过对已有研究文献的年度分布、研究内容与研究区域进行分析,结合饲草青贮技术领域、草食畜牧业领域以及社会发展的背景,将乡土灌草青贮与牛羊健康饲喂划分为3个阶段,20世纪50年代到80年代末期为萌芽阶段、20世纪80年代末期到21世纪初期为缓慢增长阶段、21世纪初期至今为快速增长阶段。其次,根据研究内容从理论研究、监测评价、技术示范、技术研发4个方面进行归纳总结,分析了各分支领域的主要成果与关键问题,提出下阶段应重点研究的内容,应加强对乡土灌草饲料生产与牛羊健康饲喂的研究,综合提高饲料能量与蛋白质的利用率,尽可能改善牛羊的能氮平衡,促进畜牧业和饲料加工业的发展。  相似文献   

Because wheat forage contains high concentrations of N, NPN, digestible DM, and water, beef cattle and sheep require an adaptation period before positive BW are seen. The objective of the present experiment was to determine the impact of length of exposure of lambs and steers to wheat forage on BW gains, N retention, and forage digestibility. Sixteen steer calves (average BW = 210 +/- 12 kg) and 20 wether lambs (average BW = 31.5 +/- 2.0 kg) were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups. Group 1 grazed a wheat pasture for 120 d during the winter, whereas group 2 was wintered on dormant warm-season grass pastures plus warm-season grass hay and plant-based protein supplements. In the spring (April 5), all lambs and steers grazed wheat pasture for 14 d and were then housed in metabolism stalls and fed freshly harvested wheat forage to determine forage digestibility and N metabolism. Data were analyzed for lambs and steers separately as a completely randomized design, using the individual animal as the experimental unit. Lambs and steers grazing wheat pasture for the first time in the spring had less ADG during the first 14 d than lambs (80 vs. 270 g, respectively; P = 0.01) and steers (1.06 vs. 1.83 kg, respectively; P = 0.09) that had grazed wheat pastures all winter. Digestibility of DM, NDF, and ADF fractions and N metabolism of freshly harvested wheat forage by lambs and steers were not different (P > 0.10) between the 2 treatment groups. Less ADG during the first 14 d of wheat pasture grazing is most likely the result of less DMI by nonadapted animals and is not due to diet digestibility or N metabolism.  相似文献   

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