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为了更好地利用玉米杂种优势,以国审玉米品种伟育618及其双亲为试验材料,对穗部性状和籽粒性状进行调查,计算各性状的遗传力和遗传效应,同时计算F1杂种优势指数、相对杂种优势、中亲优势和超亲优势。结果表明,轴粗、穗行数、穗粗的遗传力较高,行粒数、穗长的遗传力较低;从遗传效应来看,除粒厚外,其余穗部性状和籽粒性状均表现为超显性效应,说明在选育穗部性状及籽粒性状等优良的杂交种时,更应该对双亲的轴粗、穗行数、穗粗等遗传力高的性状进行选择。除考虑父母本的穗部性状和籽粒性状外,还要考虑双亲间的杂种优势。对各性状间的杂种优势进行比较,穗重和穗粒重的中亲优势和超亲优势均高于其他性状,穗部性状杂种优势的平均值大于籽粒性状,因此,在玉米杂交种的选育过程中,穗重和穗粒重也是重要的选择依据。对遗传效应和杂种优势的分析表明,与籽粒性状相比,对玉米穗部性状的选择相对来说更为重要。  相似文献   

以10个玉米自交系及其按4×6组配的24个杂交组合为材料, 研究了玉米5个株型性状的杂种优势, 遗传模型, 遗传相关及其与穗粒性状的简单相关和典型相关. 结果表明, 雄穗分枝数的平均杂种优势最大, 叶面积次之, 叶形系数、叶夹角、叶向值则较小. 叶形系数、叶夹角的遗传符合加性遗传模型; 叶向值、雄穗分枝数符合加性显性遗传模  相似文献   

玉米优良杂交种豫玉22产量性状的遗传分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
以玉米优良杂交种豫玉22的F2∶3家系为材料,通过一年两点的田间试验,研究其产量性状的遗传特征,以期为提高玉米产量杂种优势的利用水平提供有益信息。结果表明,在8个穗部产量性状中,广义遗传力较高的为行数、穗长、出籽率、穗粗;在F1代和F2∶3家系中,杂种优势强的性状是穗粒重、行粒数、穗长,较弱的是出籽率和百粒重;  相似文献   

以利用优良普通玉米自交系8984与高油玉米自交系GY220杂交构建的F2:3家系为材料,在春播环境条件下对8个植株性状进行了初步分析。结果表明:F1各植株性状介于双亲之间或高于双亲;F2:3家系间各性状均存在极显著的差异,并呈连续性正态分布,存在明显的双向超亲分离;株高与穗位高、顶高、穗上叶片数、叶面积、雄穗长,穗位高与顶高、穗上叶片数、叶面积、雄穗分枝数,顶高与顶高/株高、穗上叶片数、叶面积、雄穗长,穗上叶片数与叶面积、雄穗分枝数,叶面积与雄穗长,均呈显著或极显著的表型和遗传正相关;顶高/株高与株高、穗位高、叶面积、雄穗分枝数,穗上叶片数与雄穗长,均呈显著或极显著的表型和遗传负相关。  相似文献   

玉米雄穗的遗传和相关性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
霍仕平 《作物学报》1993,19(6):515-519
本研究以玉米的6个世代为材料,采用数量遗传学方法,分析了玉米雄穗主轴长度、分枝数、平均分枝长度、小穗着生密度和每穗小穗数的遗传模型,估算了它们的遗传力,并进行了相关分析。结果表明,除分枝数符合加性、显性遗传模型外,其余性状的遗传均可配合加性、显性、上位性模型;五个性状的h_B~2(%)分别为71.6、80.9、85.0、84.4  相似文献   

旨在研究玉米自交系单株产量等性状的配合力、遗传力及反交效应,为玉米自交系的选育和杂交种的组配提供依据。以11份玉米自交系为试材,按Griffing Ⅲ完全双列杂交法组配110个组合,观测杂交种的单株产量、株高、穗位高、雄穗分支数、雄穗主轴长、抽丝期和开花期等7个性状的表型数据,并对上述性状的一般配合力、特殊配合力、广义遗传力、狭义遗传力和反交效应进行估算。供试材料除雄穗主轴长的特殊配合力差异不显著外,其余性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力差异均达到极显著水平。JZ3和JZ6两个自交系单株产量的一般配合力为极显著正值,两对组合JZ9×JZ2和JZ2×JZ9、JZ6×JZ3和JZ3×JZ6的单株产量具有最大的正向SCA效应值,分别为40.68 g和35.24 g。单株产量的反交效应差异极显著,部分自交系的反交效应方差较大。7个性状的广义遗传力从大到小依次为,雄穗分支数、株高、开花期、穗位高、抽丝期、单株产量和雄穗主轴长;狭义遗传力从大到小依次为,雄穗分支数、株高、穗位高、开花期、雄穗主轴长、抽丝期和单株产量。试验结果表明单株产量性状的显性遗传方差占比最大,狭义遗传力最小,易受环境条件的影响,对该性状的选择适宜在晚代进行;单株产量性状具有显著的反交效应,故部分自交系需严格控制正反交方式。  相似文献   

基于多个相关群体的玉米雄穗相关性状QTL分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
雄穗相关性状对玉米生产至关重要。为了解析玉米雄穗相关性状的遗传机制,利用以黄早四为共同亲本组配的11个重组自交系群体,对玉米雄穗一级分枝数、雄穗主轴长和雄穗干重3个性状进行QTL分析。经过对11个群体及亲本两年三点的田间鉴定,单环境和联合环境下的玉米雄穗相关性状QTL定位,及基因型与环境互作和上位性互作分析,检测到15个在多环境下稳定表达(5个环境以上)的“环境钝感”主效QTL,其中,在染色体bin3.04区域,齐319群体和旅28群体中都定位到1个主效雄穗一级分枝数相关QTL,其平均贡献率分别为17.4%和14.4%,并且2个群体的QTL标记区间高度重叠,在IBM2008 Neighbors图谱上的重叠区间为226.0~230.1。对比不同群体结果发现,在2个群体以上都能检测到的一致性区间21个,其中在第2、第3、第6、第8染色体上的5个一致性区间在3个群体中可稳定表达。这些多环境和多个遗传背景下稳定表达的位点可作为玉米雄穗性状分子标记辅助选择、精细定位及基因克隆的候选位点。  相似文献   

13个玉米杂交种主要农艺性状与其抗旱性的相关分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
选用13份玉米杂交种材料,同时在水、旱地种植,调查了多个性状值,计算比较出15个性状值水旱地之间的差异。其中,产量作为最主要的指标,水旱地之间差值最大达到7600.5 kg,最小为1000.5 kg,旱地平均减产4357.5 kg。计算出5个性状值的抗旱系数和抗旱指数,产量抗旱系数范围0.2245~0.8571,抗旱指数范围0.1289~1.3425,为选择耐旱品种提供了科学依据。估算出在水旱地中,产量分别和11个性状值之间的遗传相关系数:水地产量与穗粒重、穗长、穗粗、轴粗、百粒重、出籽率等6个性状呈正相关,遗传相关系数为0.3513~0.9999,水地产量与株高、生育期、穗位、茎粗、雄穗分枝数等5个性状呈负相关,遗传相关系数为-0.6336~-0.0846;旱地产量与穗粒重、株高、穗位、茎粗、穗长、穗粗、轴粗、百粒重、出籽率等9个性状呈正相关,遗传相关系数为0.0153~0.9898,旱地产量与生育期、雄穗分枝数2个性状呈负相关,遗传相关系数为-0.4962~-0.0157。以上数据体现了在水旱地中产量与11个性状的关联性大小及异同。为玉米抗旱育种的研究,在确保产量高和稳产性好的同时,兼顾选择其它性状提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对五个玉米杂交种及其亲本的株高、穗位高、第三节间茎粗、雄穗长度、雄穗分枝数、叶向值、叶夹角和叶面积等八个株型相关性状的分析,结果表明:在不同杂交种之间,八个性状均存在显著或极显著差异;在不同自交系之间,八个性状均存在极显著差异。杂交种株型相关性状存在的差异是由其亲本株型相关性状存在差异引起的。  相似文献   

以不同血缘的8份诱导系及按照NCⅡ组配的28份诱导系间杂交组合F1作为试验材料,分析株高、雄穗小花数的杂种优势,并以5份不同类群骨干自交系龙抗11、S 121、郑58、吉853、丹599作为测验种进行诱导率测验,分析不同单倍体诱导系间杂交组合F1诱导率的杂种优势。结果表明,对于株高性状,共计24份诱导系F1株高表现出超亲优势,最高超高亲值32.7cm;对于诱导率性状,共计15份F1诱导率表现出超亲优势,最高超高亲值2.36%;对于雄穗小花数性状,28份诱导系F1的雄穗小花数均表现出超亲优势,位于前5位的组合为DW 26/DW 27(602.7)、DW 8/DW 23(574.7)、DW 23/DW 27(554.7)、DW 24/DW 27(538.7)、DW 22/DW 27(522.7);综合诱导率、株高、雄穗小花数等3个性状分析,表现优良的诱导系间杂交组合有DW 24/DW 25、DW 25/DW 26、DW 23/DW 27和DW 23/DW 24。  相似文献   

Environmental sustainability concerns make improving yield under lower N input a desirable breeding goal. To evaluate genetic variation and heterosis for low-N tolerance breeding, 28 F1 hybrids from a diallel scheme, along with their eight parental lines, were tested for agronomic traits including kernel number per ear (KNE) and grain yield per plant (GY), in replicated plots over two years under low-nitrogen (LN, without nitrogen application) and normal-nitrogen (NN, 220 kg N ha−1) conditions. Taken together the heritability in this and our previous studies, the correlation with grain yield, and the sensitivity to the stress for target trait selection, KNE was a good secondary target trait for LN selection in maize breeding. KNE also showed much higher mid-parent heterosis than hundred-kernel weight under both nitrogen levels, particularly under LN, indicating that KNE contributed the majority of GY heterosis, particularly under LN. Therefore, KNE can be used as a positive target trait for hybrid performance prediction in LN tolerance breeding. Our results also suggest that breeding hybrids for LN tolerance largely relies on phenotypic evaluation of hybrids under LN condition and yield under LN might be improved more by selection for KNE than by direct selection for GY per se.  相似文献   

棉花杂种优势与几种生理生化指标的相关性   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对8个陆地棉杂种及其亲本的四种生理生化指标进行了测定,并研究了这些指标与杂种产量优势的相关性,结果表明:幼芽匀浆互补法对F1皮棉超亲优势、中亲优势的预测相符率分别为87.5%和75.0%;杂种萌动种子ATP含量普遍高于双亲平均值。超亲优势、中亲优势与杂种ATP含量及双亲ATP含量的平均值均呈正相关,且中亲优势与杂种ATP含量相关显著(r=0.7188,P〈0.05);杂种产量优势与盛蕾期、盛花期的  相似文献   

为探讨玉米杂种优势形成的分子机理,选用了8个玉米自交系和它们的5个杂交种,采用mRNA差异显示技术分析了杂种和亲本之间抽穗期叶片的基因表达差异模式。结果表明:所选用的杂交种与自交系之间的基因表达模式可以分为5种类型:杂种特异表达型(W1)、单亲显性表达型(W2)、双亲表达沉默型(W3)、单亲沉默表达型(W4)、亲本和杂交种表达一致型(W5),所占比例分别为2.81%,16.92%,11.79%,4.25%和64.23%。还对每种差异表达模式与12个杂种性状表现和中亲优势进行了相关分析。  相似文献   

Summary To determine the levels of heterosis in F1 hybrids, four current pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars from southern Australia were used as female parents and crossed with 18 introduced genotypes. The 22 parents, 72 F1 hybrids and, depending on the environment, either 54 or all 72 F2 families were grown in replicated plots in four environments. Grain yield, total dry matter, harvest index, branches per plant, pods per plant, seeds per pod, hundred seed weight, plant height, onset of flowering and flowering periods were evaluated. For both the F1 and F2 generation, heterosis was determined as the superiority over the mid-parent and also over the better parent. In addition, the superiority over the best commercial cultivar was calculated. Most hybrids were higher yielding than their mid-parent but were less stable in yield across environments. Four F1 hybrids were significantly higher yielding than the best parent, by up to 26%. There were significant correlations between F1 hybrid and mid-parent value for plant height, pods per plant and hundred seed weight but not for yield. Overall, grain yield heterosis was mainly due to more pods per plant in the hybrids. The level of heterosis for yield in a poor yielding environment was higher than that in a high yielding one. Both additive and non-additive gene effects were important in the expression of all studied traits. The average level of heterosis for grain yield and total dry matter in the F2 population was half of that in F1 hybrids. The low level of inbreeding depression from the F1 to the F2 generation suggested that epistatic gene action also contributed to the expression of grain yield. Some F2 populations maintained the high yield levels of the corresponding F1 hybrids.  相似文献   

过氧化物酶杂合性与玉米F1产量性状相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨过氧化物酶的同工酶在产量杂种优势预测中的作用,在利用玉米F1代杂种优势群的基础上,选用安徽科技学院玉米研究所选育的6个高产组合,分析了玉米F1代杂交种过氧化物酶的同工酶杂合性与产量性状的相关性。产量杂种优势与亲本数目具有一定的相关性,同时,产量性状与过氧化物酶的同工酶杂合性具有一定的关系,但并非杂合性越高产量杂种优势越强;利用过氧化物酶的同工酶杂合性可以作为预测产量杂种优势表现的一个参考指标。  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to evaluate genetic divergence among eleven japonica rice cultivars and to assess the relationship between genetic distance and hybrid performance in partial non-reciprocal crosses among them. The 44 F1 hybrids along with the eleven parents were evaluated for five cold tolerance-related traits; discoloration at seedling stage, days to heading, culm length, fertility, and spikelets per panicle in a cold water screening nursery (17 °C). The eleven parents were examined for DNA polymorphism using amplified fragment length polymorphisms(AFLPs). A total of 855 polymorphic variants were generated and based on the polymorphism data, genetic distances (GDs) ranged from 0.023 to0.524. Very little heterosis was observed in hybrids for most of the traits,whereas heterosis was high for fertility. The correlation values of GDs with F1 performance were mostly non-significant except for discoloration and fertility. The correlations of GDs with mid-parent and better-parent heterosis were not significant and proved to be of no predictive value. Our results indicate that GDs based on AFLP markers are not useful for predicting heterosis for cold tolerance in japonica hybrids. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

通过测定123个不同玉米品种杂交当代种子及其母本、父本的百粒重和容重,分析了杂交育种对玉米籽粒的产量性状即百粒重和容重产生的优势以及其具有的超母本优势和超父本优势对玉米籽粒产量的影响。结果表明:不同玉米品种杂交当代籽粒百粒重、容重之间存在显著差异;玉米籽粒百粒重和容重杂交当代具有一定的杂种优势,既存在正向优势,也存在负向优势,以中亲优势、超亲优势均为正向优势为指标,本研究基于百粒重筛选出农单9139等21个品种,基于容重筛选出农单9080等16个品种。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between the genetic distances (GD) and phenotypic distances (PD) of parents and the specific combining ability (SCA) and heterosis effects. The experiment comprised 18 parental genotypes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 76 F2 hybrids, obtained after crossing in a line × tester scheme. Parents and hybrids were examined in a field experiment conducted in a block design with three replications. SCA as well as mid-parent heterosis effects were estimated for selected morphological and technological traits. PDs and GDs were investigated between pairs of parental genotypes. GD between parental genotypes was evaluated by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Heterosis was observed in all hybrids, and protein content exhibited the highest heterosis among the seven examined traits. The relationship between PD and GD as well as the SCA and mid-parent heterosis effects were evaluated using correlation coefficient. The correlation between PD, SCA and heterosis were low and not significant for the examined traits, whereas the correlation between SCA, heterosis and GDs were significant for protein content and rheological properties. The results indicate that GDs between parents can be used to predict performance of hybrids for selected technological traits.  相似文献   

Twelve parental lines of faba beans and 27 F1 hybrids derived from them were field-tested under a dry and a well-watered treatment, at two German locations (Göttingen, Hohenheim) in two years (1995, 1996). Drought was artificially induced using rain shelters from anthesis until maturity. Data were collected on yield under dry (Yd) and well-watered (Yw) conditions. Drought tolerance was assessed as Yd/Yw. The mid-parent heterosis was significant for Yd and Yw, but not for Yd/Yw. Relative heterosis for Yd (52.0%) was greater than for Yw (39.3%). Parental heritability was greater for Yw (0.86) than for Yd (0.61). However, it was similar for both traits in F1 hybrids (0.65 and 0.66). Principal component analysis showed that F1 hybrids exhibited the same pattern of adaptation as their parents. The heritability of drought tolerance was 0.48 in F1 hybrids and 0.70 in parents. Attention should be paid to its negative correlation with yield. Several hybrids combined high tolerance, a favourable pattern of adaptation and appropriate performance.  相似文献   

A total of six TGMS (thermosensitive genic male sterile lines) and nine pollinator lines were subjected to molecular characterization using 48 genome-wide SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers. Cluster analysis revealed clear differentiation among the TGMS lines according to their source of origin. The SSR-based genetic distance between the hybrids of the parental lines ranged from 0.36 to 0.79 suggesting a high degree of genetic divergence. Among a set of 54 hybrids generated using parental lines, 32 showed better parent heterosis (+21.7%) while 19 showed mid-parent heterosis (+15.0%). For the trait yield per plant genetic distance (GD) was negatively correlated with F1 performance (r = ?0.202), mid-parent heterosis (r = ?0.325*; P < 0.05), and better parent heterosis (r = ?0.261), while it was positively correlated with specific combining ability (r = 0.042). Based on the grouped genetic distance (GGD), the hybrid combinations were divided into four groups. The GGD showed linear correlation with hybrid performance within the group (GGD = 40–50: r = ?0.07; GGD = 70–80: r = 0.32). This information can be utilized in the development of higher yielding, two-line rice hybrids through selection of intermediately diverse parental lines using GGD.  相似文献   

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