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随着工业化的快速发展,土壤盐碱化的问题严重制约着作物的产量及种植范围,成为阻碍农业发展亟待解决的问题。植物的盐碱胁迫主要是指土壤中的中性盐以及碱性盐离子对植物的生长发育过程中产生不利影响的一种非生物胁迫。盐碱胁迫与碱胁迫都会改变植物体内外的渗透平衡,引起离子毒害与氧化毒害等,p H所形成的碱胁迫危害往往大于中性盐所造成的危害,碱胁迫会改变植物体内的p H,并降低植物对营养元素的吸收、特别是可溶性铁。本文总结了盐碱胁迫对植物的危害,植物对盐碱胁迫的感知,通过活性氧(ROS),SOS途径,多种植物激素,表观修饰等一系列方式来响应并适应环境的盐碱胁迫,最终降低盐碱胁迫对植物的危害以及植物响应盐胁迫与碱胁迫过程中存在的共同分子机制。  相似文献   

铜胁迫对植物生长发育影响与植物耐铜机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
铜(Cu)是植物生长发育必需的微量营养元素,在光合作用、呼吸作用、抗氧化系统及激素信号转导等多种生理过程中发挥至关重要的作用,其在植物体内含量过高或不足均会影响植物的正常生理代谢。近年来由于含铜杀菌剂的广泛使用及工业含铜污染物的排放,铜污染对植物生长发育的危害备受关注。研究铜离子对植物生长发育的影响以及植物响应铜胁迫的分子机制,对人们了解植物的耐铜性和铜污染区的植物修复具有重大意义。本文从植物对铜离子的吸收转运及积累,铜胁迫对植物生长发育的影响及植物对铜胁迫的抗性机制3个方面,系统总结了国内外关于植物铜胁迫的研究进展,并提出了需要进一步加强铜胁迫分子调控机制及植物修复方面的研究。  相似文献   

褪黑素调控根系生长和根际互作的机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】根系生长和根际互作是影响植物对土壤养分吸收的关键因子。根系在土壤中穿插生长,不断改变其形态可塑性,进而改变根系构型,扩大与土壤的接触面积以获取所需养分。同时根系的生理可塑性协同根系形态可塑性显著影响根际互作效应,为植物经济高效获取养分资源提供可能。探究褪黑素等内源生长调节因子对根系形态和生理可塑性的调控机制,揭示通过最大化根际效应强化根际互作的有效途径,对集约化作物体系提高养分利用效率,促进绿色增产增效,具有重要的理论与实践意义。主要进展褪黑素作为新型植物生长调节信号分子,在盐害、干旱和低温等非生物胁迫中具有增强植物抗逆性、改善植物生长等重要调节作用。褪黑素显著改变根系生长,对植物主根生长主要表现为抑制作用,对侧根及不定根的发育和生长具有浓度依赖性调节,从而深刻影响植物根系构型。褪黑素调控根系生长的机制尚不清楚,总结已有进展表明:一方面褪黑素调节光周期,影响光合产物的运输和糖信号,从而调控地下部碳分配和根系生长;另一方面,褪黑素还能与生长素等植物激素互作,参与激素对植物生长调控的信号通路,从而对植物的生长发育和新陈代谢产生影响。这些进展对深入揭示褪黑素调控根系生长发育的机制提供了重要依据。问题与展望根系的生长发育以及根系构型的改变显著影响根际过程和根际互作,褪黑素作为调控因子在不同养分环境条件下显著影响根系的形态可塑性。然而,褪黑素在根际过程和根际互作中的作用机制并不清楚,有关研究亟待加强。深入探究褪黑素参与根际互作的机制,理解褪黑素调控根系生长和根际过程的作用途径,可为集约化农业体系下精准调控作物根系生长,强化根际互作,提高养分利用效率提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为探讨外源褪黑素对Cd胁迫下植物生长发育的影响,采用室内培养实验研究外源褪黑素对Cd胁迫下水稻种子萌发及相关生理指标的影响。结果表明:外源褪黑素对Cd胁迫下水稻种子萌发具有一定的促进作用,褪黑素施用可提高水稻种子的发芽率和发芽势,促进水稻幼根和幼芽的生长,当Cd浓度为100μmol·L-1时,添加100μmol·L-1褪黑素使得水稻根系活力和总根长分别比对照处理提高15.2%和133.7%;外源褪黑素能显著降低Cd胁迫下水稻幼芽的MDA含量,提高水稻体内的POD、SOD和CAT的活性,当Cd浓度为100μmol·L-1时,添加10~1000μmol·L-1褪黑素会使水稻幼芽MDA含量比对照处理降低8.2%~16.0%,POD、SOD和CAT的活性分别比对照处理提高21.3%~45.5%、24.2%~32.2%和77.8%~145.8%。褪黑素可以有效地缓解Cd对水稻的毒害作用。  相似文献   

高pH对植物生长发育的影响及其分子生物学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
盐碱是影响作物产量的主要非生物胁迫之一。pH恒稳态是植物正常生长和发育的必要条件,也是植物细胞生命过程中的重要信号,在许多信号转导中起重要的调控作用。但植物对高pH逆境响应和信号转导的分子机理研究尚未得到充分重视。本文对盐碱地高pH因素对植物生长发育的影响及相关分子生物学研究进展进行了综述,并提出了今后植物在盐碱复杂胁迫条件下遗传机理的研究策略。  相似文献   

根系对酸胁迫的应激反应及硼调控耐酸机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过量施用氮肥在提高作物产量的同时加速了土壤酸化进程,近20年间我国农田土壤pH下降了0.42个单位。过多的H+可破坏根系细胞壁结构稳定性,诱导细胞死亡,进而抑制根系伸长,降低其对养分和水分的吸收,限制农产品产量和品质的提高。因此,探究植物对酸胁迫的应激反应机制,对制定缓解酸胁迫措施十分必要。本文综述植株内部调控和耐受酸胁迫的响应,以及硼提高植株耐酸性的机制。通常,植物通过Ca2+和K+通道进行的信号传导可感应介质pH的改变,并同时在基因和蛋白水平进行调控,从而快速响应酸胁迫;近期多项研究表明,硼可调控植物根系有机酸分泌,通过改变细胞壁特性来维持细胞壁结构稳定,并通过刺激乙烯和Ⅲ类过氧化物酶 (CIII Prxs) 代谢等共同作用缓解植物酸胁迫。目前,对植物酸胁迫的研究逐步深入,但酸胁迫下植物根系代谢产物变化及诱导机制尚不清楚,响应低pH的特定基因尚不明确,仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

环境胁迫对植物的生长发育造成重大影响,因此,提高植物的抗逆性是农业面临的重要问题。自然界中存在多种抗逆基因,如抗盐基因、抗旱基因、抗寒基因等。利用植物基因工程和分子生物学技术提高植物对逆境的适应性及其抗逆分子机制的研究已成为当今热点。WRKY转录因子是一类参与多种胁迫反应的诱导型转录因子,本文综述了WRKY转录因子家族的结构特点、WRKY转录因子在非生物胁迫(高温、低温、干旱、盐)、外源物质(激素及O3)处理及生物胁迫下的表达模式。各种胁迫下的表达谱均呈现不同特点,这些差异表达可能与它们所行使的不同生物学功能有关。  相似文献   

冯雅岚  尹飞  徐柯  贾晓艺  周爽  马超 《核农学报》2021,35(9):2044-2055
蔗糖代谢在植物发育、应激响应和产量形成中起关键作用。糖类的合成和分解推动植物整个生长发育过程,蔗糖作为信号因子参与调节相关基因表达,并能与其他基因、激素、以及防御信号发生互作;然而,蔗糖代谢和细胞内外信号传递之间的耦合以及蔗糖代谢酶发挥其信号转导作用的机制并不相同。本文综述了蔗糖代谢关键酶在植物发育和非生物胁迫响应中的作用,并结合当前研究现状,对糖代谢及其信号转导研究的未来方向提出建议,以更好地理解和改善植物的生长发育及抗逆特性。  相似文献   

激素在植物冷胁迫应答中的角色   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
寒冷是限制植物生长发育的非生物胁迫因子之一。冷胁迫应答过程中,植物内源激素在生理水平和基因表达调控中起重要作用。本文综述了水杨酸、脱落酸、乙烯、茉莉酸、赤霉素和细胞分裂素等激素在植物抵御冷胁迫过程中的作用机制,并对这些激素在植物冷胁迫应答研究中存在的问题进行了讨论,以期为今后通过激素调节提高植物的抗寒性研究提供参考。  相似文献   

可变剪切在植物发育和非生物胁迫响应中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可变剪切(AS)主要在转录后水平对植物发育和逆境胁迫响应进行调控,极大地增加了转录组和蛋白质组的复杂性,是植物调控其基因互作网络的分子机制之一。本文简要综述了目前关于AS的分子机理和作用模式,及其在植物发育和非生物胁迫响应中的作用,并结合当前研究现状,对未来AS的研究方向提出建议,为植物生长发育进程调节和优良抗逆性品种的选育提供了一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

The plant growth, nutrient acquisition, metal translocation and antioxidant activities [ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutatione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)] were measured in plants growing in a heavy-metal (HM) multicontaminated soil inoculated with selected autochthonous microorganisms [arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus and/or plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB)] and/or amended with an Aspergillus niger-treated agrowaste. The treated agrowaste on its own increased root growth by 296% and shoot growth by 504% compared with non-treated control plants. Both chemical and biological treatments, particularly when combined, enhanced plant shoot and root development. The stimulation effect on plant biomass was concomitant with increased AM colonization, P and K assimilation, and reduced metal translocation from soil to plant shoot. The treated residue, particularly through interactions with AM inoculation, produced the expected bioremediation effect, leading to enhanced plant development and successful rehabilitation of contaminated soil. The enhancement of CAT, APX and GR activities caused by AM inoculation suggests that AM colonization helped plants to limit oxidative damage to biomolecules in response to metal stress. The response of the plant's antioxidant activities to the amendment appears to be related to enhanced plant biomass production. The application of amendments and/or microbial inoculations to enhance plant growth and reduce metal translocation in multicontaminated soil could be a promising strategy for remediating HM pollution.  相似文献   


Phytophthora root rot (PRR) is an important disease of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in wet soils. Excess soil water (ESW) stress is required for the successful infection and development of PRR. The effects of P at 0, 40, and 80 μg.g‐1 soil and K at 0, 120, and 240 μg.g‐1 soil (in factorial combinations) on the severity of PRR or ESW stress was investigated on a PRR‐susceptible (Iroquois) and a resistant (Oneida) alfalfa cultivar in a greenhouse trial. P and K applications significantly increased the dry weight of tops prior to imposition of PRR or ESW stress. However, plants subjected to PRR or ESW stress did not respond significantly to P or K and there was no significant effect of P or K on the severity of PRR or ESW injury. The plants subjected to PRR or ESW stress had lower tissue P concentration than those under stress‐free conditions. Increasing P additions resulted in a significant increase in P concentration of Iroquois plants, while in Oneida the response was non‐significant. The response of K concentration in the plant to increasing K additions was dependant on P levels.  相似文献   

Drought and heat are major environmental stresses that continually influence plant growth and development. Under field conditions, these stresses occur more frequently in combination than alone, which magnifies corresponding detrimental effects on the growth and productivity of agriculturally important crops. Plant responses to such abiotic stresses are quite complex and manifested in a range of developmental, molecular, and physiological modifications that lead either to stress sensitivity or tolerance/resistance. Maize (Zea mays L.) is known for its sensitivity to abiotic stresses, which often results in substantial loss in crop productivity. Bioaugmentation with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has the potential to mitigate the adverse effects of drought and heat stresses on plants. Hence, this is considered a promising and eco-friendly strategy to ensure sustainable and long-term maize production under adverse climatic conditions. These microorganisms possess various plant growth-promoting (PGP) characteristics that can induce drought and heat tolerance in maize plants by directly or indirectly influencing molecular, metabolic, and physiological stress responses of plants. This review aims to assess the current knowledge regarding the ability of PGPR to induce drought and heat stress tolerance in maize plants. Furthermore, the drought and heat stress-induced expression of drought and heat stress response genes for this crop is discussed with the mechanisms through which PGPR alter maize stress response gene expression.  相似文献   

Drought stress greatly affects the growth and development of plants in coal mine spoils located in the Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can increase plant tolerance to drought. However, little is known regarding the contribution of AMF to plants that are grown in different types of coal mine spoils under drought stress. To evaluate the mycorrhizal effects on the drought tolerance of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in weathered (S1) and spontaneously combusted (S2) coal mine spoils, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of inoculation with Rhizophagus intraradices on the growth, nutrient uptake, carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus (C:N:P) stoichiometry and water status of maize under well-watered, moderate and severe drought stress conditions. The results indicated that drought stress increased mycorrhizal colonization and decreased plant dry weights, nutrient contents, leaf moisture percentage of fresh weight (LMP), water use efficiency (WUE) and rehydration rate. A high level of AMF colonization ranging from 65 to 90% was observed, and the mean root colonization rates in S1 were lower than those in S2. In both substrates, inoculation with R. intraradices significantly improved the plant growth, P contents, LMP and WUE and decreased the C:P and N:P ratios of plants under drought stress. In addition, maize grown in S1 and S2 exhibited different wilting properties in response to AMF inoculation, and plant rehydration after drought stress occurred faster in mycorrhizal plants. The results suggested that inoculation with R. intraradices played a more positive role in improving the drought stress resistance of plants grown in S2 than those grown in S1. AMF inoculation has a beneficial effect on plant tolerance to drought and effectively facilitates the development of plants in different coal mine spoils.  相似文献   

Nonnodulated soybean plants (Glycine max. [L.] Merr. ‘Lee') were supplied with nutrient solutions containing growth limiting concentrations of N or P to examine effects on N‐ and P‐uptake efficiencies (mg nutrient accumulated/gdw root) and utilization efficiencies in dry matter production (gdw2/mg nutrient). Nutritional treatments were imposed in aerial environments containing either 350 or 700 μL/L atmospheric CO2 to determine whether the nutrient interactions were modified when growth rates were altered.

Nutrient‐stress treatments decreased growth and N‐ and P‐uptake and utilization efficiencies at 27 days after transplanting (DAT) and seed yield at maturity (98 DAT). Atmospheric CO2 enrichment increased growth and N‐ and P‐utilization efficiencies at 27 DAT and seed yield in all nutritional treatments and did not affect N‐ and P‐uptake efficiencies at 27 DAT. Parameter responses to nutrient stress at 27 DAT were not altered by atmospheric CO2 enrichment and vice versa. Nutrient‐stress treatments lowered the relative seed yield response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment.

Decreased total‐N uptake by P‐stressed plants was associated with both decreased root growth and N‐uptake efficiency of the roots. Nitrogen‐utilization efficiency was also decreased by P‐stress. This response was associated with decreased plant growth as total‐N uptake and plant growth were decreased to the same extent by P stress resulting in unaltered tissue N concentrations. In contrast, decreased total P‐uptake by N‐stressed plants was associated with a restriction in root growth as P‐uptake efficiency of the roots was unaltered. This response was coupled with an increased root‐to‐shoot dry weight ratio; thus shoot and whole‐plant growth were decreased to a much greater extent than total‐P uptake which resulted in elevated P concentrations in the tissue. Therefore, P‐utilization efficiency was markedly reduced by N stress.  相似文献   

邹娜  李保海  强晓敏  施卫明 《土壤》2013,45(1):166-171
向重性是决定植物根系构型的主要因素之一,对根系锚定及水分养分吸收具有重要影响.铵显著影响拟南芥根构型,尽管高铵抑制主根伸长和侧根数,然而铵对主根生长方向的研究却少有报道.本文以拟南芥为材料,利用室内培养基模拟试验,研究了高铵胁迫对根系向重性生长的影响,发现高铵胁迫不仅抑制植物生长,还影响主根的生长方向.0~30h动态观测结果表明:10 mmol/L (NH4)2SO4对根系的向重性反应仅表现为延缓效应,而30 mmol/L(NH4)2SO4则显著减弱主根的向重性弯曲.降低基本培养基养分浓度后,铵对主根向重性反应的抑制效应可发生在较低的NH4+浓度.外源添加Ca2+可部分恢复铵对主根伸长的抑制效应,却不能缓解铵对主根向重性反应的影响.不同部位分开供铵,结果显示铵对拟南芥主根向重性的影响主要是根部铵效应.上述结果表明,铵对主根向重性的影响机制部分独立于其对主根伸长的影响,也不是由于Ca2+缺乏引起的,而有可能与根部高铵诱导的根尖其他生理活动过程改变有关.  相似文献   

Polyamines play a variety of physiological roles in plant growth and development. To investigate whether exogenous putrescine (Put) has roles in protecting plants against salt stress, Put (100 μ M) was added to nutrient solution three days before cucumber (Cucumis sativusL. cv. “Jinyan No.4') seedlings were exposed to 100 mM sodium chloride (NaCl) treatment. Putrescine treatment significantly ameliorated the detrimental effects of NaCl on root growth and this was associated with a decrease of Na uptake and an increase in potassium accumulation in roots. Manganese (Mn) content in roots was decreased by salinity stress but increased by Put pretreatment. Furthermore, osmotic stress associated with NaCl treatment decreased leaf water potential and water content, while these effects were alleviated by Put pretreatment. The decreases in net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) by NaCl were also diminished by Put treatment. The results indicate that Put may play an important role in protecting cucumber plants against salt stress.  相似文献   

Melatonin, known as an animal hormone and an antioxidant with a low molecular weight, is one of the most commonly used substances to improve plant resistance against various environmental stresses. However, there are no studies explaining the effects of melatonin on the relationship between defense system and mineral composition of plants under stressed and unstressed‐conditions. The present study was conducted to investigate whether the mitigating effect of melatonin is associated with its modulating influence on the mineral elements of cold‐stressed maize seedlings. The seedlings were treated with melatonin (1 mM) and cold stress (10/7°C) for 3 d separately and in combination. After 3 d, the seedlings were harvested to determine several physiological, biochemical, and molecular parameters. Melatonin application effectively mitigated the damages from cold stress, as demonstrated by higher relative water concentration, chlorophyll concentration and antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase), as well as lower superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and malondialdehyde concentrations. Similarly, melatonin significantly ameliorated cold‐induced reductions in the concentrations of potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc. Besides, it further increased calcium and boron concentrations compared to cold stress alone. Our results reveal that melatonin has an important modulating influence on the mineral element composition of plants and mitigates cold stress through up‐regulation of these elements and simultaneously enhanced antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Temperature plays a crucial role in plants development whereas a sudden rise may cause severe consequences. Heat stress impairs plant growth, photosynthesis, pollen development and reproduction. The plant photosynthetic efficiency is mainly reduced by the over production of reactive oxygen species, denaturation of heat shock proteins and alteration in many enzymes activities. Unlike drought stress, plants have developed a very few mechanisms to encounter heat stress problem. Recently, the use of nutrients such as sulphur has emerged as one of the efficient methods to enhance plant tolerance against high temperature stress. The mechanistic understanding of sulphur-based strategies could be very helpful to sustain plant development and global food supplies in future hotter climates. The present review mainly focuses on (1) high temperature induced changes in plant functions, (2) possible roles of sulphur metabolites in heat stress tolerance and (3) possibilities of using sulphur as a management strategy. Moreover, the review consolidates the future research needs that must focus on (i) heat tolerant germplasm screening; (ii) sulphur dose optimisation, application method and crop growth stages response; (iii) finding of sulphur induced heat tolerance mechanisms and (iv) the use of omic approaches to discover sulphur metabolites role in heat stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Organic matter‐derived soil amendments containing humic substances (HS) have a functional role to improve plant growth and soil quality, but their response to water deficit stress is less reported, particularly in vegetable crops. This study assessed the impact of lignite‐derived HS on biota growth and evaluated their potential mitigative effects under water deficit stress in growth chamber and greenhouse environments. Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Revolution) plants were grown in sandy and clay soil previously mixed with lignite‐derived HS and subjected to four irrigation levels (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) based on soil water‐holding capacity. Plant growth traits, soil chemical properties, and microbial populations were measured and analyzed. HS increased plant root development and soil bacteria population in moderate and no stress conditions (60%, 80%). Physiologically, HS rapidly decreased leaf stomatal conductance and transpiration after imposing severe or mild stress (20%, 40%). The results indicate that HS transiently ameliorated plants exposed to water stress by reducing moisture loss. In addition, due to their capacity to improve plant root growth, soil nutrient cycling and microbial activity, application of HS might have long‐term benefits in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

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