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很多植物病毒经介体昆虫以持久循回型的方式水平传播至寄主韧皮部致病,而唾液腺是介体昆虫持久传毒的重要器官,也是植物病毒在介体昆虫内循回需要克服的最后一道防线。持久性植物病毒要完成水平传播,必须突破昆虫唾液腺屏障的阻碍,因此病毒和介体昆虫间形成了“攻”与“守”的较量与对决。揭示持久性植物病毒克服昆虫唾液腺屏障,实现水平传播的机制,对病害控制具有重要意义。该文着眼于介体昆虫唾液腺在持久传毒过程中的重要功能,回顾了虫传植物病毒突破介体昆虫唾液腺侵入屏障和释放屏障的分子机制,探讨了昆虫唾液蛋白通过调节植物或昆虫的适应性和行为促进或抑制病毒水平传播的功能,为制定阻断介体昆虫传播植物病毒途径的防控策略提供理论依据。  相似文献   

亢菊侠  杨林  兰文学 《植物保护》2021,47(5):164-170
植物病毒与介体蚜虫存在复杂的互作关系。前人关于植物病毒对蚜虫调控作用的研究主要集中在植物病毒通过寄主植物对蚜虫的间接影响上,未见植物病毒对介体蚜虫适合度直接调控的报道。鉴于此,我们以麦长管蚜Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi)为试虫,以其传播的大麦黄矮病毒-GAV(Barley yellow dwarf virus GAV,BYDV-GAV)为测试病毒,以全纯人工饲料加入BYDV-GAV病毒提取液饲养麦长管蚜4 d,使之在不接触寄主植物条件下获毒,然后分别在全纯人工饲料和无毒小麦叶片上继续饲养,直至死亡。利用生命表技术分析麦长管蚜生长发育和繁殖参数。研究结果表明:在无毒小麦叶片饲养条件下,与未获毒对照麦长管蚜相比,获毒后麦长管蚜生活史参数成虫历期和产仔天数显著降低,繁殖力显著增加;种群参数内禀增长率、净繁殖率、周限增长率显著增加,平均世代周期显著降低。在全纯人工饲料条件下,与未获毒对照相比,获毒后麦长管蚜仅成虫历期和产仔天数显著下降,而其他生活史参数及种群参数均无显著差异。说明BYDV-GAV使得介体麦长管蚜在小麦叶片上的适合度显著提高,这是由麦长管蚜与寄主植物互作引起的,而病毒对介体麦长管蚜的适合度无直接调控作用。  相似文献   

在与寄主植物长期共同进化的过程中,为了更好地适应和利用寄主,植食性昆虫进化出了多种取食方式。同时,为了应对植食性昆虫的取食,植物进化出了多种防御策略,包括直接防御和间接防御。在整个昆虫-植物互作过程中,昆虫唾液起着重要作用。一方面,昆虫唾液中一些组分可以被植物识别并诱导植物防御反应;另一方面,昆虫通过分泌唾液到植物中调控寄主防御反应。该文从昆虫-植物互作的角度出发介绍植食性昆虫唾液的成分与功能,着重对昆虫唾液激发子和效应子的研究进展进行了综述,并对未来唾液的研究及其在害虫防治中的应用进行展望。  相似文献   

对于多数植物病毒而言,其在田间的自然扩散主要依赖昆虫等介体生物,而媒介昆虫的垂直传播是植物病毒长期存在并发生的重要原因。对媒介昆虫垂直传播病毒机制的研究不仅可以为未来开发高效低毒农药奠定基础,更可为植物病毒与昆虫的互作和病毒病的预测预报提供新的视野及角度。媒介昆虫在植物病毒传播过程中的具体作用在近几年被广泛研究。该文综述了近年来植物病毒在昆虫体内垂直传播的研究进展,包括昆虫传播植物病毒的方式、植物病毒在昆虫体内的垂直传播方式以及虫媒病毒垂直传播的可能机制等。在整个垂直传播的过程中,植物病毒的衣壳蛋白、磷蛋白和媒介昆虫唐氏综合症细胞黏附分子、硫酸乙酰肝素糖蛋白、热激蛋白以及卵黄原蛋白,甚至共生菌都有参与。最后,基于媒介昆虫和植物病毒的关系对未来植物病毒病的绿色防控和生物防控进行了展望。  相似文献   

传播植物病毒的介体简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑礼 《植物保护》1984,10(4):15-16
植物病毒主要靠接触、种子、和介体三种途径传播,其中介体传播最为重要。传毒介体除昆虫、螨类外,还有所谓“土传”中的线虫和低等真菌。菟丝子也可算是“植物介体”,但从它桥接过程看仍脱离不了接触传播范畴。这些介体中,昆虫是最主要的。 介体的传毒特性还常分为三种类型。1.非持久性传播。其特点是只需数秒钟的采食便可获得病毒,病毒只机械地沾附在口器表面,不进入介体体内,所以不存在在介体内潜育的问题,只需几秒钟便能完成传毒过程;若得不到传毒机会,病毒在数小时内就会自然死亡,脱皮也能失去病毒。饲毒前禁食  相似文献   

水稻南方黑条矮缩病发生规律及防控对策初探   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
我国新发生水稻病毒病水稻南方黑条矮缩病由斐济病毒属建议新种南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒(Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus,SRBSDV,Genus Fijivirus)引起。迁飞性害虫白背飞虱为其传播介体。依据近年田间调查和试验结果分析,白背飞虱不能经卵将病毒传给下一代,后代须在病株上取食才能获毒。若虫最短获毒饲育时间为5~10min,体内循徊期为3~5d。若虫获毒后可终生传毒,最短传毒取食时间为5~10min,且若虫传毒效率高于成虫。白背飞虱带毒率与虫源性质密切相关,采自病株的虫源明显高于采于健株的虫源。因此,对灯下白背飞虱的检测能够反映自然种群的带毒状况,对早期监测和预警具有重要意义。田间发病表现为轻病田病株呈零星分布,重病田病株呈集团分布。水稻各生育期均可感病,感病生育期越早,症状越严重。针对大田的应急防控,应着重做好秧田避害、治虫防病和本田初期病株清除及介体防治,加强病情监测和灯下介体带毒检测。该病害的长期治理,除培育抗性品种、提高预警能力外,降低介体昆虫的种群数量,是控制病毒病流行的根本措施。  相似文献   

<正>植物病毒与介体昆虫之间存在互作关系,病毒会通过感染寄主植物或介体昆虫而间接或直接影响介体昆虫的适合度(Hu et al.,2013)。昆虫取食携带病毒植物后可能会引起自身的防御反应或调节反应。解毒酶和保护酶是昆虫体内的重要酶系,在对抗逆境及维持昆虫正常生理生化代谢方面具有重要作用(刘建业等,2017)。麦二叉蚜Schizaphis graminum是全球性农业害虫,除刺吸植物汁液、分泌蜜露  相似文献   

近年来植物病毒病频发,严重制约着农作物的产量与品质。绝大多数植物病毒依赖媒介昆虫进行传播,而传播的关键是病毒如何突破昆虫的肠屏障、唾液腺屏障和卵屏障等多个生物屏障。植物病毒一方面利用其外壳蛋白或非结构蛋白突破媒介昆虫的中肠屏障和唾液腺屏障;另一方面则与昆虫体内卵黄原蛋白、共生菌以及精子表面蛋白发生特异性互作,促进病毒跨越卵障碍,最终实现病毒在昆虫体内复制。此外,植物病毒还能通过侵染寄主植物影响其防御性状,间接改变媒介昆虫生理及其行为反应,促进病毒在植物间的传播。该研究对植物病毒突破昆虫生物屏障的分子机制,以及植物病毒-植物-媒介昆虫互作对于病毒传播的影响进行了综述,并对阻断病毒传播的方法进行展望。  相似文献   

对昆明西芹主产区滇池沿岸西芹病毒病的发生进行调查和病样采集,经电子显微镜检测和血清学试验,结果表明,西芹病毒病的严重发生流行是由多种植物病毒复合侵染所致,影响发病的因素主要有气温、生育期和传毒介体昆虫。提出以选用无病毒种子、杜绝毒源传播为主,药剂防治为辅的综合防治技术。  相似文献   

阮义理 《植物保护》1985,11(6):20-22
自1939年我国开始报道蚜虫传播蚕豆病毒病以来,至今已知虫传植物病毒和类菌原体有68个,引起100多种病害,其中属禾本科作物的近30种;十字花科、葫芦科、豆科和茄科等果菜类作物的病害60多种;果树及木本植物等病害20种。经接种证实的介体昆虫有52种,其中蚜虫22种,飞虱、叶蝉20种,其它10种。 近年来有关植物病毒介体昆虫的文献报道数量显著增加,从全国省级以上农业及生物科技刊物上发表的,与植物病毒和介体昆虫两者均有关的论文,在四十年代以前仅4篇,五十年代为17篇,六十年代74篇,七十年代42篇,1980—1984年增到130多篇。有  相似文献   

The probing and feeding behaviour of aphids can result in uptake of viruses from infected plants and subsequent transmission to healthy plants. It is possible to interfere with virus acquisition and transmission by influencing aphid host-selection and feeding behaviour with antifeedant chemicals. Published work is reviewed and new work is presented in this paper. The two most successful classes of antifeedants against aphids are (a) compounds derived from the aphid alarm pheromone and (b) plant-derived antifeedants such as the sesquiterpene (-)-polygodial. Results with these and other compounds are discussed in terms of antifeedant activity against Myzus persicae, their effects on resistant aphids and the evidence for dec?ease in virus spread by aphids in laboratory and field.  相似文献   

The study of the transmission biology of insect-borne plant viruses is important to develop disease control practices. We characterized the transmission of a nanovirus, Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV), by its aphid vector Pentalonia nigronervosa Coquerel (Hemiptera, Aphididae) with respect to temperature, vector life stage, and plant access time. Adult aphids transmitted BBTV more efficiently than third instar nymphs at all temperatures tested. Adult aphids transmitted the virus more efficiently at 25 and 30 degrees C than at 20 degrees C, but temperature had no impact on transmission efficiency by nymphs. By decoupling the relationship between temperature and aphid BBTV acquisition or inoculation, we determined that temperature affected inoculation events more strongly than acquisition. Longer plant access periods increased viral acquisition and inoculation efficiencies in a range of 60 min to 24 h. Both BBTV acquisition and inoculation efficiencies peaked after 18 h of plant access period. We also show that BBTV transmission by P. nigronervosa requires a latent period. Our results demonstrate that vector transmission of BBTV is affected by temperature, vector life stage, and plant access period.  相似文献   

 1983年6月,在南京郊区的长豇豆上采到1株表现植株矮缩症状的C-7病毒分离物。接种试验证明,它不能摩擦接种传病,但可以由豆蚜(Aphis craccivora)、棉蚜(A.gossypii)和桃蚜(Myzus persicae)以持久性方式传病。寄主范围测定的结果表明:分离物可以侵染长豇豆、豇豆、蚕豆、大豆、菜豆、豌豆、赤豆、利马豆、苜蓿、红三叶、地三叶、绛三叶、葫芦巴,紫云英和苕子等15种豆科植物和曼陀罗1种茄科植物。这些植物大都出现植株矮化,叶片扭曲,卷缩或僵缩,不能开花结实等症状。豆蚜的传病性状中,获毒饲育的最短传病时间为3小时,接毒饲育最短传病时间为10分钟,循回期是24小时左右。但是,传病率最高的获毒饲育时间是2~3天,接毒饲育时间在1天以上。接种1头蚜虫就具有传病能力,5头蚜虫能达到100%的传病率。蚜虫可以终身传毒,蜕皮不影响其传毒力,但传毒有间歇性。根据它的基本性状,病毒C-7分离物是一种豆科植物的黄化型病毒,可能是属于大麦黄矮病毒组(Luteovirus Group)的成员。  相似文献   

The transmission efficiency of Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) by three aphid vectors (i.e., Aphis gossypii, A. craccivora, and Myzus persicae) was studied. Efficiency was measured by single-aphid inoculation, group inoculation (using five aphids), duration of virus retention, and the number of plants following a single acquisition access period (AAP) to which the aphids could successfully transmit the virus. Single-aphid inoculation studies indicated that M. persicae (56%) and A. gossypii (53%) were significantly more efficient in transmitting PRSV than A. craccivora (38%). Further, in the former two species, the time required for initiation of the first probe on the inoculation test plant was significantly shorter compared to A. craccivora. PRSV transmission efficiency was 100% in all three species when a group of five aphids were used per plant. There was a perceptible decline in transmission efficiency as the sequestration period increased, although M. persicae successfully transmitted PRSV after 30 min of sequestration. A simple leaf-disk assay technique was employed for evaluating the transmission efficiency of three species of aphids. The results of leaf-disk assays also indicated that A. gossypii (48%) and M. persicae (56%) were more efficient PRSV vectors than A. craccivora. Using leaf-disk assays, the ability of individual aphids to inoculate PRSV serially to a number of plants was studied. Following a single AAP on an infected leaf, M. persicae was more efficient than the other two species with 52.5% transmission after the first inoculation access period (IAP). However, its inoculation efficiency significantly decreased with the second and subsequent IAPs. A. gossypii was able to transmit PRSV sequentially up to four successive leaf disks, but with significantly declining efficiency. Since A. gossypii is reported to be the numerically dominant vector in south India in addition to being a more efficient vector capable of inoculating PRSV to multiple plants, it should be the target vector for control strategies.  相似文献   

The influence of co‐infection on concentration and accumulation of genetically different isolates of Potato virus Y (PVY) in potato and tobacco plants and the efficiency of transmission by Myzus persicae of PVY isolates from doubly versus singly infected plants were evaluated. The vector ability to simultaneously transmit two virus isolates was examined. Eight PVY isolates represented three strain groups: PVYO (pathotype and serotype O), PVYNW (pathotype N and serotype O), and PVYNTN (pathotype and serotype N). Different diagnostic methods, including DAS‐ELISA, multiplex RT‐PCR, aphid transmission tests and bioassays, were applied to detect the presence of PVY isolates in source and assay plants. Significant reductions in concentrations of certain PVY isolates during co‐infection with other isolates were found both in potato and tobacco plants. The observed effects were both isolate‐ and host‐dependent in form. The highest rates of virus transmission by single aphids were recorded with PVYNTN isolates, and the lowest ones with PVYO isolates. Individual aphids of M. persicae were able to simultaneously transmit two PVY isolates. The frequency of transmission was generally low, but it reached as high as 20% for one of the isolate combinations. The findings presented in the work provide proof for antagonistic within‐plant interactions between isolates of PVY, with some implications of these interactions for virus transmission by aphid vectors. Consequently, this research contributes to a better understanding of the epidemiology of the disease caused by PVY.  相似文献   

蚜虫是农业生产上的重大害虫,不仅通过取食韧皮部直接为害植物,还会传播很多植物病毒病,严重影响农作物产量和品质。目前防治蚜虫仍以化学农药为主,然而生物防治作为绿色环保、可持续的防治策略在这几十年中也得到了长足发展。该文对我国近60年关于主要农作物蚜虫生物防治的研究进展进行概述,包括主要农作物蚜虫的天敌资源(主要寄生性天敌196种,主要捕食性天敌16种,主要病原微生物6种)、蚜虫主要天敌生物学和生态学研究、人工扩繁及应用技术及植物抗蚜机制和抗蚜种质资源挖掘,并对目前蚜虫生物防治中存在的问题及未来的研究方向进行展望,以期为蚜虫生物防治技术的发展和推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

NS-83对桃蚜传播芜菁花叶病毒(TuMV)的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 1% NS-83乳剂喷布饲毒毒源芥菜(Brassica juncea)病株与检测植物油青菜(Brassica chinensis)植株,桃蚜传播TuMV受到了显著抑制,抑制效果为39.0%左右,但用乳化剂处理的植株未表现抑制作用。NS-83的抑制效果随使用乳剂中NS-83浓度升高而增加,随接种压力(每株传毒蚜虫数)增大而降低。桃蚜在传毒前、饲毒时和传毒时口针接触NS-83后,传播TuMV分别受到了41.8,29.4和14.1%的抑制。NS-83以不同方式处理饲毒株与传毒株,抑制效果不同,结果表明NS-83在TuMV一桃蚜复合关系中起作用。用1% NS-83乳剂涂抹芥菜叶片6、12、24、48小时后,桃蚜在上面的探食(试探取食)行为发生了显著的改变,表现在所观察的探食时间的缩短及两次探食间爬行时间的延长。  相似文献   

The RMV strain of Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-RMV) is an unassigned member of the Luteoviridae that causes barley yellow dwarf in various cereal crops. The virus is most efficiently vectored by the aphid Rhopalosiphum maidis, but can also be vectored with varying efficiency by R. padi and Schizaphis graminum. Field collections of alate aphids migrating into the emerging winter wheat crop in the fall of 1994 in central New York identified a high proportion of R. padi transmitting BYDV-RMV. This prompted a comparison of the BYDV-RMV isolates and the R. padi populations found in the field with type virus and aphid species maintained in the laboratory. A majority of the field isolates of BYDV-RMV were similar to each other and to the type BYDV-RMV isolate in disease severity on oat and in transmission by the laboratory-maintained population of R. maidis and a field-collected population of R. maidis. However, several field populations of R. padi differed in their ability to transmit the various BYDV-RMV isolates. The transmission efficiency of the R. padi clones was increased if acquisition and inoculation feeding periods were allowed at higher temperatures. In addition, the transmission efficiency of BYDV-RMV was significantly influenced by the aphid that inoculated the virus source tissue. In general, BYDV-RMV transmission by R. padi was higher when R. padi was the aphid that inoculated the source tissue than when R. maidis was the inoculating aphid. The magnitude of the change varied among virus isolates and R. padi clones. These results indicate that, under certain environmental conditions, R. padi can play a significant role in the epidemiology of BYDV-RMV. This may be especially significant in regions where corn is a major source of virus and of aphids that can carry virus into a fall-planted wheat crop.  相似文献   

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