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<正>猪咬尾症是应激综合征的一种表现。规模化养殖中,猪咬尾现象较常见,一旦发生咬尾,会很快蔓延至全群。猪被咬部位易发生感染,可导致后肢瘫痪、淘汰,甚至死亡。被咬猪生长速度降低、饲料转换率下降、肉品品质降低。1病因接种、运输、转群、换料等导致猪发生应激反应;养殖环境不良,遇高温、高湿、噪音,舍内光照强度过高、光照时间过长,长期通风不良,二氧化碳、氨气、硫化氢等有害气体大量蓄积;  相似文献   

仔猪咬尾、咬耳恶癖症的发病原因及预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仔猪咬尾、咬耳是异食癖的一种,是由营养代谢机能紊乱、饲养管理不当、密度过大、环境、气候变化、饲料营养改变等引起的一种综合征。在断奶仔猪中,咬尾和咬耳症的发生率一般在10%左右,且多发生在断奶后3-5 d。患猪大多数对外界刺激敏感,表现为好动,食欲不振。当猪群中有一例发生时,则可引起连锁反应。仔猪之间相互咬尾或咬耳,常因被咬者流血不止,容易继发感染而死亡。猪场  相似文献   

造成仔猪咬尾症的原因很多,任何不适的环境因素都有可能引起猪的咬尾现象,轻者尾巴被咬成半截,重者整个尾巴被咬光。一般来讲,造成咬尾的原因主要包括营养、环境、管理和疾病等几个方面,如,当饲粮营养失衡时,会刺激猪只发生咬尾症;当舍内有害气体、温度和光照超标,或通风不良、饲养密度过大时会引起咬尾现象;当猪只患贫血和体内外寄生虫时,也会发生咬尾现象。针对以上原因可采用以下综合措施预防咬尾症。1提供充足全面的营养根据猪在不同生长阶段的营养需要,供给全价的配合饲粮。育肥猪前期要适当增加蛋白质或必需的氨基酸(如赖氨酸)、矿物…  相似文献   

吴韬 《四川畜牧兽医》2007,34(12):54-55
1 临床症状 猪咬尾症多由各种刺激因素引起。 病猪起初躁动不安,对外部刺激敏感,食欲不振,眼光呈恶毒状,个别猪只相互咬斗,以后逐渐发展为多只咬斗,出现咬尾或咬耳现象。不断的咬斗会造成继发感染并引起骨髓炎、脓肿等。如不及时采取治疗措施,被咬猪可因败血症而亡。该病多发于育肥猪,以25~40kg猪发病率较高。母猪咬尾症的发生率比去势公猪高。  相似文献   

浅谈仔猪咬尾症   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正仔猪咬尾症是生猪养殖生产中常见的一种疾病,主要发生于1-3月龄的保育猪,由于仔猪发生本病后,能降低饲料利用率,增加养殖成本,如果不及时治疗,甚至发生死亡,给养殖场造成很大的经济损失,为减少损失,增加经济效益,现将本人对仔猪咬尾症的发病原因与防治方法介绍如下:1发病原因引起仔猪咬尾症发病原因有很多,主要有以下两点:  相似文献   

现在大小养猪场常常发生断奶仔猪和育成猪咬尾现象,这种现象已成为养猪生产上十分重要的问题。猪出现咬尾症的原因较为复杂,下面我将最近国外兽医杂志关于猪的咬尾症的信息,简要介绍给大家,以供在生产实践中参考。猪的咬尾症可分为两个时期:第一期是损伤前期。这期的特点是一只猪把另一只猪的尾巴放在嘴里轻轻地吸吮、咀嚼,被害猪能接受并忍受着吸吮和咀嚼;接着就发生第二期是损伤期,尾巴被咬伤,出血,患猪对咬尾反抗、逃避。患猪尾巴会因细菌感染而发生炎症。创伤可分为轻度创伤,只有末端被咬伤;中度创伤,被咬掉的尾巴至少有一半;严重创伤,…  相似文献   

<正>猪咬尾、咬耳综合征是一种应激综合征,该病主要发生于保育猪和生长猪,被咬猪的尾巴或耳朵多被咬伤、咬流血。生产中,咬尾比咬耳更容易发生,轻者尾巴被咬破,重者尾巴被咬掉,咬尾可引起猪尾部发炎、溃烂,如治疗不及时可导致猪只死亡。1发病原因1.1仔猪的吸吮习惯仔猪断奶后仍有吸吮母猪乳房的习惯,但此时已没有母猪乳房可供吸吮,仔猪会寻找其他吸吮对象,如其他仔猪的耳尖、奶头、包皮、外阴、尾巴等,而尾巴特别容易成  相似文献   

猪咬尾症是异食癖的一种,是由于饲养管理不当、营养代谢机能混乱及味觉异常所引起的一种应激综合症,特别是在1-3月和8-12月猪的咬尾症发病率较高。近几年来在规模猪场中,猪互相咬尾、咬耳的现象逐渐增多,尤其在早期断奶猪群中发生的比较多,严重影响猪的健康和生产性能,为了有效防治猪咬尾症的发生,在养猪生产中采取以下防治措施。  相似文献   

猪群咬尾症防治的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尹邦才 《猪业科学》2017,34(3):133-135
猪场猪群发生咬尾症,不仅影响猪的形态、生长性能,尾根伤口能继发感染,引起脊柱化脓、骨髓炎,影响胴体在屠宰场的评级,严重者导致猪只死亡,造成经济损失。洞口县开展对猪群咬尾症调查,调查652个规模化猪场,存栏猪39 944头,发生猪群咬尾症猪782头,发生率1.96%,死亡19头,死亡率2.43%,发生率,死亡率较2013年分别降低4.97、2.69个百分点;其中15~30 kg仔猪咬尾症发生数618头,占咬尾恶癖发生总数的79.0%;调查屠宰场收购4 763头猪中,因患咬尾症影响胴体评级的降级猪29头,占0.61%。并同时对猪群咬尾症防治进行了研究。  相似文献   

李雨来 《猪业科学》2006,23(9):82-83
2005年九十月间,河北玉田很多养殖大户和一些小型的养猪场出现猪只咬尾症状,给养猪业造成了一定的经济损失。下面根据笔者几年来的体会谈谈仔猪咬尾症的成因及防治体会。  相似文献   

One of the costly and welfare-reducing problems in modern pig production is tail biting. Tail biting is an abnormal behaviour, characterized by one pig's dental manipulation of another pig's tail. Tail biting can be classified into two groups: the pre-injury stage, before any wound on the tail is present, and the injury stage, where the tail is wounded and bleeding. Tail biting in the injury stage will reduce welfare of the bitten pig and the possible spread of infection is a health as well as welfare problem. The pigs that become tail biters may also suffer, because they are frustrated due to living in a stressful environment. This frustration may result in an excessive motivation for biting the tails of pen mates. This review aims to summarize recent research and theories in relation to tail biting.  相似文献   

Two matched case-control studies were performed at an abattoir with a capacity of 780 pigs per hour, each study using the approximately 7000 pigs slaughtered on one day. In the first study, the severity of tail biting and pneumonia were recorded in pigs with bitten or intact tails. In the second study, the tail score, sex, and the presence of pleuritis, externally visible abscesses and trimming were recorded in pigs with bitten or intact tails. In study 1, there was no significant association between the tail score and the percentage of lung tissue affected by lesions typical of enzootic pneumonia, but there was a significant association between the severity of tail biting and the prevalence of lungs with abscesses and/or pleuritic lesions (P<0.0001). In study 2, there were significant associations between the severity of tail biting, and the prevalence of external carcase abscesses and carcase trimming; the carcases of castrated males had evidence of tail biting more frequently than the carcases of females (P<0.05).  相似文献   

The tail length (docked, tipped or undocked) and tail status (bitten or unbitten) of 27,870 pigs from 450 units was recorded at six UK abattoirs. A farm survey of the final finishing stage was used to investigate the relationship between management practice and tail biting. This showed that docking was the most important factor influencing the probability of being not bitten, with 2.4% of docked and 8.5% of long-tailed pigs being tail-bitten. The following factors reduced the probability of long-tailed pigs being tail-bitten; light straw provision, use of natural ventilation or artificially controlled natural ventilation (ACNV), mixed sex grouping, meal or liquid feeding, and use of double or multi-space feeders. Docked and long-tailed pigs provided with light straw and natural ventilation/ACNV had levels of tail biting of 1.2% and 4.3% respectively; 3.9% of docked pigs with artificial ventilation and no straw were tail-bitten. Long-tailed pigs fed via double or multi-space feeders also had 3.9% of tails bitten.  相似文献   

A study was performed in five identical outdoor production units in the same geographic area using growing-finishing pigs of similar genetic makeup, age, diet and feed management. The severity of tail-biting (TS) was scored 1-4. The average group prevalence of bitten tails at slaughter on different farms was between 14.1+/-2.1% and 20.1+/-3.0% (P<0.05). The odds of a barrow being bitten were 2.9 times higher than those for a gilt. The most frequently recorded score of bitten tails was TS3, indicating moderate wounds with low grade infection. The prevalence of bitten barrows was positively correlated with the percentage of gilts in a group (r = 0.54, P<0.001). Pigs with zero TS score had no significantly higher weights at slaughter compared to pigs with a score of TS1. As the TS increased from 1 to 4, weights decreased (TS 1 to TS 2 to 4, P<0.05). TS 3 and 4 were positively (P<0.001) associated with subsequent carcass condemnation. We concluded that outdoor rearing does not prevent tail-biting.  相似文献   


The effect of early rearing environment and tail docking on behaviour and production of fattening pigs was investigated in 576 cross-bred pigs. Half of the pigs came from four commercial pig units with tethered or otherwise confined sows, 4 weeks' weaning, little space per piglet and no use of straw. The other half of the pigs came from another four commercial units with loose-housed sows, 5-6 weeks' weaning and liberal space and use of straw. Half of the piglets from each of the units were tail docked. At an average weight of 33.5 kg the pigs were transferred to environmentally rich experimental pens where they stayed until slaughter at approx. 100 kg liveweight. On 8 observation days evenly distributed during the fattening period the pigs' use of the straw sections of the experimental pens was recorded as well as oral activities directed towards pen mates, including tail biting. The pigs' use of the pen's straw section declined significantly (p < 0.005) during the fattening period. The rearing environment had a significant effect on nibbling on pen mates (p <0.04) but not on tail biting. The nibbling on pen mates decreased (p < 0.02) while tail biting increased (p < 0.03) during the fattening period. The tail status had no significant effect on either of the two behavioural parameters. Neither rearing environment nor tail status influenced the relative growth rate. Pigs recruited from the “barren” environment showed an almost statistically significant higher incidence of chronic pleuritis (p = 0.069).  相似文献   

本试验对60 头断奶仔猪进行6 周的持续观察,旨在探讨集约化生产条件下,咬尾等几种与仔猪啃咬有关的行为随着年龄增长的变化趋势。结果发现,断奶仔猪的啃物行为随年龄增长显著下降,咬尾行为随年龄增长显著上升,而且强度逐渐加大,特别是当尾巴被同伴咬破以后频率及强度上升更快,雌性咬尾多于雄性。咬耳、咬蹄行为没有明显变化趋势。  相似文献   



There is increasing interest in recording tail damage in pigs at slaughter to identify problem farms for advisory purposes, but also for benchmarking within and between countries as part of systematic monitoring of animal welfare. However, it is difficult to draw conclusions when comparing prevalence’s between studies and countries partly due to differences in management (e.g. differences in tail docking and enrichment routines) and partly due to differences in the definition of tail damage.


Tail damage and tail length was recorded for 15,068 pigs slaughtered during three and four consecutive days at two slaughterhouses in Sweden. Tail damage was visually scored according to a 6-point scale and tail length was both visually scored according to a 5-point scale and recorded as tail length in centimetres for pigs with injured or shortened tails.


The total prevalence of injury or shortening of the tail was 7.0% and 7.2% in slaughterhouse A and B, respectively. When only considering pigs with half or less of the tail left, these percentages were 1.5% and 1.9%, which is in line with the prevalence estimated from the routine recordings at slaughter in Sweden. A higher percentage of males had injured and/or shortened tails, and males had more severely bitten tails than females.


While the current method to record tail damage in Sweden was found to be reliable as a method to identify problem farms, it clearly underestimates the actual prevalence of tail damage. For monitoring and benchmarking purposes, both in Sweden and internationally, we propose that a three graded scale including both old and new tail damage would be more appropriate. The scale consists of one class for no tail damage, one for mild tail damage (injured or shortened tail with more than half of the tail remaining) and one for severe tail damage (half or less of the tail remaining).  相似文献   

A longitudinal study was carried out in Kikuyu Division (a peri-urban area in central Kenyan highlands) between January 1999 and December 1999 to estimate the baseline parameters on reproductive performance of the sow, as well as health and productivity of grower and preweaning pigs of smallholder herds. Data were collected on 155 breeding pigs, 795 grower pigs and 801 preweaning piglets in 74, 50 and 40 smallholder herds, respectively, using record cards that were updated during monthly visits.

The sow-level medians were: weaning-to-service interval 3 months; interfarrowing interval 6.4 months; number of live-born piglets 9.0; and number of piglets weaned per litter 7.5. The piglet crude morbidity incidence risk was 29%. The cause-specific incidence risks for the important health problems encountered in preweaned piglets were diarrhea (4.3%), pruritus (17.1%), and skin necrosis (4.2%). The estimated crude mortality incidence risk to 8 weeks of age was 18.7%. The cause-specific mortality incidence risks to 8 weeks of age for the important causes of mortality were overlying (9.9%), savaging (2.4%), unviable piglets (2.0%) and unknown (1.9%). Overall, 78.8% of the total live-born piglet mortality occurred during the first week postpartum with 69% of these deaths being caused by overlying. The grower-pig crude morbidity incidence risk was 20% and the cause-specific incidence risks of the important health problems encountered were gut edema (1.3%), pruritus (21.1%), and unknown (2.3%). The crude mortality incidence risk was 3.8% and the important causes were gut edema and unknown causes (cause-specific mortality incidence risks of 1.3 and 1.6%, respectively). The median weight:age ratio and average daily weight gain for the grower pigs were 5.1 kg/month of age and 0.13 kg/day, respectively. For preweaning pigs, the median average daily weight gain was 0.13 g/day.  相似文献   

The primary aim of the present study was to investigate whether the same piglet traits contributed to the same causes of neonatal piglet mortality in crates (CT) and pens (PN). Gilts originating from 2 distinct genetic groups that differed in breeding value for piglet survival rate at d 5 (SR5) were used. These were distributed to farrow in either PN or CT as follows: high-SR5 and CT (n = 30); low-SR5 and CT (n = 27); high-SR5 and PN (n = 22); and low-SR5 and PN (n = 24). Data on individual piglets were collected at birth, including interbirth interval; birth order; birth weight; rectal temperature at birth, 2 h after birth, and 24 h after birth; cordal plasma lactate; and latency to first suckle. Based on autopsy, causes of mortality were divided into stillborn, bitten to death, starvation, crushed, disease, and other causes. Potential risk factors of dying were estimated using a GLM with a logit link function. No significant effect (NS) of housing was observed on the odds of a piglet being stillborn (F(1,73) = 0.1, NS), being crushed (F(1,53) = 1.4, NS), or dying of starvation (F(1,53) = 0.3, NS). No significant differences were observed between the 2 genetic groups for any category of mortality. Piglet traits for pre- and postnatal survival were the same for CT and PN. The odds of being stillborn were increased in piglets born late in the birth order (F(1,1061) = 33.5, P < 0.0001), after a long interbirth interval (F(1,1061) = 19.2, P < 0.0001), and with a lighter birth weight (F(1,1061) = 9.2, P = 0.003). The lighter the birth weight of the piglets, the greater were the odds of being crushed (F(1,1050) = 18, P < 0.0001) and dying of starvation (F(1,1050) = 19, P < 0.0001). The lower the rectal temperature 2 h after birth, the greater were the odds of being crushed (F(1,1050) = 4.6, P = 0.03), starving (F(1,1050) = 16.6, P < 0.0001), or dying of diseases (F(1,1050) = 4.9, P = 0.03). Increased cordal plasma lactate increased the odds of dying from starvation (F(1,1050) = 18, P < 0.0001). In both CT and PN, the birth weight, body temperature 2 h after birth, and birth process were important traits related to crushing, starvation, and disease. Neither housing nor breeding value influenced mortality or traits of importance for the inborn viability of piglets. The results emphasize that the microclimate in the PN for newborn piglets and its heat-preserving properties are more important for survival than whether the sow is crated or penned.  相似文献   

目前中国母猪年生产力(PSY)水平与同期发达国家相比偏低,主要表现为仔猪断奶前死亡率高,对养猪业造成较大损失。为了解中国仔猪在繁育环节的经济损失情况,基于1980~2016年中国PSY数据,总结中国近37年PSY的波动趋势及原因,对仔猪繁育环节死亡仔猪带来的乳汁及教槽料损失进行估算。估算结果为:中国仔猪繁育环节乳汁的损失系数为3.47%~3.50%,2015年损失乳汁56.17万~77.71万t;教槽料损失系数为1.63%,2015年损失教槽料4.80万t。中国仔猪繁育环节的损失系数远高于发达国家,其中乳汁与教槽料损失系数均是PSY最高的丹麦的1.59倍,均是损失系数最低的爱尔兰的2倍多。仔猪繁育环节的损失系数与仔猪断奶前死亡率有关,教槽料的损失系数由于不同生猪养殖场饲养方式不同存在较大差异,所以,要提高养殖场管理水平,尤其要加强断奶前仔猪的保育,减少死亡率。  相似文献   

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