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为了更好地研究林业装备作业平台的运动,选用六自由度并联机构运动平台作为林机驾驶员的作业平台进行研究,运用Simulink软件对作业平台控制系统进行建模仿真,分析作用效果。通过对虚拟信号的输入及调试,使系统在动态环境中能得到最佳的控制效果,该作业平台的调平控制可为提高驾驶员的驾驶舒适性及安全性提供理论支持。  相似文献   

提出一种基于视觉和激光融合的林区采育机作业目标识别方法。在数据融合的基础上,运用惯性单元信息对激光数据进行修正,并应用差分算法提取独立目标点云簇的九种特征。提出高维模糊支持向量机(FSVM-HIGH)识别模型,并对林区环境的采育目标进行分类。结果表明,FSVM-HIGH对树木、行人、岩石三种目标识别的平均正确率达到93%;与传统识别模型相比,该算法对林区采育目标均具有较好的识别效果,特别是对树木目标的综合正确识别率高达91.79%,能够帮助操作人员快速准确地判断作业环境信息。  相似文献   

联合采育作业精确进料控制系统开发与测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高林木联合采育机的工作效率,开发测试一种进料辊精准进料控制系统,该控制系统是基于PID控制算法研究林木联合采育机作业机头自动精准进料的控制系统。本文从林木联合采育机作业机头自动精确进料的控制需求出发,结合其控制过程,研究基于增量式PID控制算法在自动精确进料控制上的应用。试验中针对不同的P、I和D参数,分组对进料结果进行了分析,随后提出改进的多段自适应PID控制算法。实验结果表明,通过改进的PID控制算法可以实现林木联合采育机作业机头进料辊自动精确进料,其误差在允许范围之内。此方法适应性强,能够有效提升采育机的作业效率,但仍需在后期作业中,针对不同树种树径、造材长度等特征数据,进行进一步优化。  相似文献   

利用虚拟现实技术对变电站中变压器运行及故障检修进行了模拟仿真。结合检修系统针对变压器检修人员的实际要求进行了需求分析,设计了变压器的观察、使用、故障模拟、拆装等功能。实际使用表明:与真实变压器检修培训相比,基于虚拟现实技术的变压器检修系统具有成本低廉、操作安全等优点,这对提高变压器检修人员工作效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着森林经营强度的加强,森林主伐方式也在不断地进行改革。目前实行的“采育伐”,一般人称之为一种采伐方式,实质上是“采育择伐”、“经营择伐”、“采育采伐”的总称。近似于“采育兼顾伐”,即“一次采育伐”。在采伐作业中既考虑森林工业利益又符合森林经营要求。是坚持“育”字当头,突出“留”字的森林采伐新型作业法,是把以营林为基础的方针落到实处,充分反映社会主义林业发展的客观规律,符合森林生物学特性,解决森林采伐与育林二者  相似文献   

采育择伐是采育林经营的关键措施。在进行采育择伐作业时,应重点把握采伐木与保留木的选择、采伐强度与采伐间隔年的确定、伐木与集材等技术环节。  相似文献   

由于对新技术、新工艺的应用和劳动组织的改变,我们黑龙江省十八站林业局创出了采育结合、人机结合和工序结合的三结合联产计酬承包责任制。其内容是: 1.采育结合。就是按照设计要求把采伐、更新结合起来承包给作业组,实行采育统筹作业。 2.人机结合。就是把林业生产的全部机械设备,按规定产量逐步转入生产产品。 3.工序结合。就是把林业生产中的准备作业、采伐、打枝、集材、装车、运材与清林、抚育、更新、造材共十项工序作业的质和量,由联合作业组统一承包,一包到底,五年不变。  相似文献   

随着轨道车辆技术的不断发展,自动驾驶技术在高速动车组上逐渐开展应用.对中国标准动车组装备ATO系统、列车网络控制系统与ATC系统之间的信号接口设计进行了分析和描述,对网络系统在自动驾驶功能上的应用研究进行了详细介绍,该应用研究有利于提高高速铁路的智能化和自动化.  相似文献   

伐区采育作业系统综合效益评价的研究   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
在定量计算各伐区采育作业模式的经济效益指标和定位测定由这些作业模式所造成的土壤肥力、迹地更新效果和蓄水保土等指标变化量的基础上,采用多目标决策和层次分析等方法,定量计算各伐区采育作业模式的综合效益(经济效益和生态效益),改变单纯以经济效益为唯一目标确定伐区工艺方案的传统方法。计算结果表明,“40%择伐-原木人力集材-归带处理采作伐剩余物-人工促进天然更新”这一作业模式是马尾松天然次生林伐区作业的优  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术,构造的是一个"看起来景物真实、动作真实、声音真实、感觉真实"的虚拟世界.通过立体眼镜或数据头盔、数据手套等装备,你可以在计算机生成的虚幻三维世界中大展拳脚,通过视觉、听觉、触觉等多种感觉通道的实时模拟和实时交互,不受任何限制地在你的梦想里散步、观察并且动手操作.  相似文献   

Timber harvesting on steep terrain is always a challenge in terms of safety, operating costs, and environmental impact. The motor-manual, cut-to-length method is the most common in harvesting operations in the mountainous areas of Thailand. The motor-manual operations are characterized by various negative features such as high fatality rates, expensive operating costs, and low productivity. The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevailing harvesting operations, to propose new working methods and systems, and to suggest work safety improvement measures. The results indicated an extremely high fatality rate in Thailand compared to the average in other countries. Possible reasons for this may include ineffective safety regulations, inadequate worker training programs, seasonal forestry workers, and a lack of personal protective equipment. Consequently, alternative working methods have been suggested as a system. The proposed working method was intended to improve work safety, enhance productivity and reduce operating costs using by simulation to find best solution. Shifting from a cut-to-length to tree-length processing and moving forward to mechanization was introduced as alternative harvesting systems. The results showed that partly-mechanized systems would significantly improve the productivity. Potential work safety improvement measures may consist of adequate training, personal protective equipment, and technological improvement. Obstacle for implementation is the high investment for forest machines and silvicultural practices.  相似文献   

在归纳总结潮湿立地上的采伐作业对林地土壤、水质以及保留树木影响的基础上,评述了目前用于潮湿地的采伐设备与系统。提出在潮湿立地上减少环境破坏的采伐工艺类型主要是原条、长原木以及这2种工艺类型的一些改进;潮湿立地环境友好的森林采伐作业技术通常包括良好的伐区规划设计、机械设备的合理选用以及加强作业检查监督3个方面。  相似文献   

芬兰采运设备多为大型高效机械,如集材机,赛速运材汽车,由于我林区道路网密度低,等极差,其生产效率无法正常发挥,欲发挥其功效必须研究与其配套的道路建设问题,其涉及技术问题,同时又是一个经济问题。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):109-115
Operator impact on productivity and cost using similar processor machines was addressed in this case study. The study had two objectives: (1) determine the extent of operator productivity variation between six processor operators in a harvesting operation; and (2) determine potential cost implications associated with operator productivity variation. The study was carried out on the Zululand coastal plains near Kwambonambi. A multistem mechanised harvesting system, working in Eucalyptus grandis × camaldulensis pulpwood stands (with an average rotation length of seven years) was observed. The operators had all been operating their respective processors for 18 months; i.e. since the inception of the harvesting operation and had received similar in-house training. Time studies were carried out on the processors’ cycle times, and note taken of the respective operators working the machines during the time studies. Cycle time for each machine was measured as the time between a delimbed and debarked tree length leaving the processor head and the following tree length leaving the head. The required number of observations per processor was determined by cycle time and work element time variation. It was found that operators varied by up to 58% in terms of productivity, 24% in terms of utilisation and 70% in terms of cost. The potential difference in cost between using the cheapest operator and the most expensive operator was R9.34 m?3, R4 438 d?1 and R1 384 752 y?1.  相似文献   

虚拟现实(VR)技术应用于仿真系统中,将极大拓展仿真技术的研究和应用领域,具有广阔的理论及实际意义。本文提出了基于因特网浏览器的虚拟现实仿真技术方案,并以板厚控制系统的生产过程作为实际应用背景,提出了进行虚拟现实仿真的设计方法。  相似文献   

The authors tested two harvesting systems especially designed for mallee agroforestry plantations on farmland. Both systems were based on versatile forest technology commonly used for conventional logging operations. They differed especially for the felling technology: small-scale drive-to-tree or industrial swing-to-tree equipment. Both systems were tested side-to-side on 12 experimental plots each. The resulting harvesting cost was 22 and 27 AU$ t?1, for the industrial and the small scale system, respectively. Chipping represented between 60 and 80 % of the overall harvesting cost, and offered much room for improvement. The industrial system always offered the lowest harvesting cost, regardless of annual usage, when equipment mobilisation costs were not considered. The productivity of conventional forestry equipment was strongly dependent on belt stocking and tree size. If the diameter at ankle height dropped below 10 cm, economic viability decreased very rapidly.  相似文献   

The use of optimization techniques is well established in forest short-term planning and decision-making. Yet, existing techniques may pose some limitations for tackling with stochastic factors impacting in the execution of forest operations, such as delays, equipment breakdowns and other unexpected events. This paper explores the potential of using optimization techniques in combination with discrete-event simulation (DES) models for planning harvesting and logistics operations acknowledging uncertainty. DES models may be useful for assessing the performance and identifying bottlenecks associated with the execution of the deterministic plans retrieved with optimization techniques, when such stochastic events occur. This paper further presents an approach for the combination of a heuristic and a DES model developed in SIMIO. This approach was used to solve the raw material reception problem (RMRP) at a Portuguese pulp mill. This paper concludes with the analysis of the performance of deterministic schedules for the wood trucks considering uncertainty in their arrival at the mill.  相似文献   

This paper offers a forest operations perspective in environmentally sensitive areas in Europe and the United States. The objective is to help inform key sustainability knowledge gaps in forest operations to reduce impacts on the environment and the equipment operators in these increasingly targeted and difficult to operate in areas. Under existing guidelines and best management practices, the protection of ecosystem services linked to soil, water, wildlife and biodiversity have rightly received the highest considerations. However, the connection between protecting these ecological values, safe operational practices and technological advancements is rarely well articulated. One means to address the operational and technological gap is the selection of equipment and tailor the work conditions to terrain type, forest features and management objectives. To that effect, this paper discusses the environmental, planning, equipment selection and operator considerations and proposes possible solutions and guidelines to contain both the operators’ safety and environmental risks in forest operations.  相似文献   

张清 《林业调查规划》2020,45(3):119-123
阐述云南省当前森林采伐作业设计中存在着的调查设计人员专业能力参差不齐,调查设计单位质量保障意识淡薄,林分调查设计内容与相关林业规划间存在冲突,森林资源现状调查中存在采伐地点遗漏,采伐小班四至情况遗漏,采伐林种设计脱离市场需求等问题。藉此提出建立、健全采伐作业设计质量管理及考核制度,加强对相关专业人员全面培训,制定作业设计所用卫星影像图的分辨率、时效、几何校正等的技术标准,及时按市场木材需求材种编制出材量表等对策、建议。  相似文献   

FSY30型林木枝丫切碎机是林区林木剩余物碎化处理的专用设备,该机采用圆盘式切碎装置,结构简单实用,解决了我国现有林木剩余物碎化处理设备野外作业性能差、切削效率低和原料适应面窄等问题,为我国林区人工林迹地整理更新、抚育和采伐等作业产生的各种林木剩余物碎化处理提供了适用的设备。该机性能和生产试验结果表明:其作业效率比现有机型提高20%以上,作业成本减少15%以上,具有显著的经济效益和一定的生态效益。  相似文献   

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