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每年的夏季和初秋,公猪的性欲和睾酮、雄烯酮水平都较低,唾液中排出的信息素在高温环境中较易挥发失效,这对于诱导母猪性行为以及卵泡发育会产生不利影响。采用三分子公猪信息素产品Boar Better~?配合公猪在夏季进行诱情查情,通过对2 000头母猪的试验,证明Boar Better~?+公猪能有助于改善夏季母猪的繁殖成绩,使配种率提高6%,分娩成功率提高12%,每窝增加0.54头活仔数,每窝降低0.3头死胎数,每批次多产25%的仔猪。  相似文献   

正越早发情的后备母猪其繁殖力越高,在后备母猪出现初情期前有计划地利用公猪进行诱情,以促使其早发情是饲养管理中的一项重要措施。本研究对比了两种不同的诱情方式对后备母猪初情期的影响,发现通过设置诱情专区,160日龄开始赶母猪见公猪的方式,能够提高小母猪210日龄发情比例,及早诱导小母猪出现发情,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

公猪诱情对后备母猪初情期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>后备母猪发情可通过许多日常管理来实现,与成熟公猪的接触来刺激,可使发情日龄提前。在诱情过程中,公猪要经常替换,避免习惯性,以保持兴趣。公猪单独饲喂,每天将公猪赶到母猪栏内诱情,进行可靠的刺激,促使小母猪早些达到初情期。笔者从2012年9月至2013年4月对黄陵基础母猪存栏数800头的某猪场进行追踪,对新引进后备母猪160日龄时与公猪接触后对发情影响的统计,总结了后备母猪与公猪接触对发情的影响。  相似文献   

正检查后备猪是否发情的重要手段就是公猪诱情,因此,后备母猪同公猪接触区域的设计是否合理直接关系到配种效果是否成功。引言后备母猪驯化诱情舍(GDU)是现代配种猪舍中明确区隔出的区域。这一区域用来饲养正在诱情,等待第1次配种的后备母猪。公猪接触  相似文献   

雷宁利 《中国猪业》2013,8(8):66-66
在猪场中,公猪出生后什么时间结扎比较合适?后备母猪什么时候使用结扎公猪进行诱情?很多猪场将诱情的结扎公猪放在后备母猪圈中饲养,是要一起饲喂?还是需要单独饲喂?公猪可以在很小的时候就直接结扎,例如产房内结扎,然后再把结扎的小公猪养大。后备母猪诱情可以选择在150~170日龄之间,在每个圈舍里放一头结扎的公猪,长期跟母猪一起饲养,这样既不用担心结扎公猪的配种问题,又可以节省很多劳  相似文献   

梁妍  石旭东 《猪业科学》2015,(9):110-110
随着规模化养猪业的发展,国外良种的大量引入和杂交利用,人工授精技术的普及应用,目前猪场大龄后备母猪初情期延迟的现象较普遍,一定程度上制约了母猪繁殖效率的提高。因此,在后备母猪初情期前有计划地利用公猪进行诱情,以促使其早发情是饲养管理中的一项重要措施。诱情是一项细致繁琐、技术性强和劳动量大的工作,要达到预期的效果,就必须从诱情的适宜日龄、诱情公猪的选择、公母猪接触方式、每天接触次数、每次接触时间、接触空间要求、建立发情记录等环节入手认真进行。  相似文献   

<正>借助上海农业"四新"技术推广项目《母猪高效繁殖技术的推广应用》课题的实施,上海市动物疫病预防控制中心成功研制出了"母猪试情车",并于近日通过中华人民共和国国家知识产权局审查,被授予实用新型专利权。利用公猪接触母猪试情,开展后备母猪诱情、空怀母猪查情以及妊娠母猪检查工作,是养猪生产的重要环节,也是提高母猪繁殖水平的必要手段。传统试情采用人工驱赶公猪的方式。由于公猪行动不易控制,试情时或呆立不动,浪费时间,需以人力前拉后推;或窜来窜去,引发母猪骚动,影响检查准确性,  相似文献   

郑梦奇 《猪业科学》2011,28(7):24-27
评述了公猪试情和公猪与母猪接触的不同时机对断奶母猪发情的启动及发情征兆的影响。有证据表明公猪试情能影响母猪LH的释放,卵泡发育的启动和断奶后的定时发情。公猪与母猪接触的不同时机和频度对诱发母猪发情的效果有显著的差异。  相似文献   

<正> 有一些养母猪的单位和农家常常遇到母猪发情症状不明显,不发情或屡配不孕等异常现象,下面介绍促使母猪发情排卵的几种方法。 1、异性诱导:简称诱情,是用试情公猪追赶不发情的母猪,也可以每天将公猪关进母猪圈内两、三小时。这样母猪与公猪接触,通过公猪的追赶,爬跨等动作的刺激,  相似文献   

王帅  蔚飞  冯迎春 《猪业科学》2017,34(1):36-38
<正>荐语:后备母猪是猪场的未来,越来越多的猪场也逐渐意识到后备母猪选择及培育的重要性。但目前,行业对后备母猪更多关注的是体型、肢蹄、乳头等外在的选择,对于其繁殖性能的选择上则缺乏行之有效的方法。本文作者提出了以后备母猪在公猪诱情后的发情反应作为其繁殖性能的一个表现,对后备母猪进行选择,也详细阐述了不同的公猪诱情方法在实际生产中的应用,为广大猪场对后备母猪的选育提供了参考。  相似文献   

为了研究新型公猪信息素对大龄后备母猪发情的影响,选取526头255日龄左右无初情期记录的二元回交后备母猪,随机分为2组,试验组每天在鼻镜上喷新型公猪信息素4 mL,连喷21 d,21 d后还不发情的猪则并栏7 d应激,每天喷1次新型公猪信息素,每次4 mL;期间有发情表现的猪即可停止喷洒。对照组在相同条件下仅仅依靠人工查情,期间只要出现发情并且符合配种条件即可配种。分别统计每组的发情率,刺激-发情间隔。结果发现,在无初情期记录的大龄后备母猪.上每天喷4 mL新型公猪信息素,可显著提升后备母猪的发情比例(P<0.01),缩短刺激-发情的间隔(P<0.01)。由此得出,对大龄后备母猪使用新型公猪信息素28 d,可有效提升其发情率,缩短刺激-发情间隔。  相似文献   

发情鉴定一直无法突破安静发情鉴定瓶颈,严重制约了奶牛养殖产业发展.关于信息素的研究为通过仿生学办法促进母牛发情鉴定技术创新提供了新思路.对公、母牛交配的观察显示,公、母牛交配前发情母牛间都存在明显的性嗅反射,这表明除性器官的感官刺激外,公、母畜间还存在较强的信息素交流,这种方式早已在蜜蜂、蚕蛾等物种中得到了证实.因此,...  相似文献   

This study was designed to establish: a) whether boar pheromones, 5alpha-androstenone and 5alpha-androstenol, may affect the contractile reactivity of superficial veins of the face in prepubertal gilts deprived of ovarian hormones, and b) what is the influence of ovarian hormones secreted during sexual maturation on the contractility of these veins. The isolated rings of frontal, facial and dorsal nasal veins were treated with androstenone (5alpha-androst-16-en-3-one), androstenol (5alpha-androst-16-en-3-ol) and testosterone (17beta-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one) in concentrations of either 1 or 10 microM. Changes in the contractile activity of the isolated vein segments were measured using isometric transducer and recorded on HSE-ACAD W software. Sex boar pheromones androstenol and androstenone affected the contractility of the superficial veins of the face and nose in both of the prepubertal ovariectomized gilts and prepubertal intact animals. The way these veins reacted to pheromones differed between animal groups, particular vessels and even their parts and was also dose - dependent. In prepubertal ovariectomized gilts, androstenol had stronger action and caused the constriction of the facial vein, dorsal nasal vein and the distal part of the frontal vein. Androstenone produced constriction of the nasal vein, distal part of the frontal vein and proximal part of facial vein, but relaxation of the proximal part of the frontal vein and the distal part of the facial vein. In prepubertal untreated gilts, androstenone was more effective and strongly influence on the constricted of the frontal vein and facial vein and produced the relaxation of the nasal vein. Androstenol influence on the constriction the frontal vein and the distal parts of the facial vein and nasal vein, and influence o the relaxtion their proximal parts. Testosterone used as a control androgen affected both superficial veins of the face veins in a dose-dependent manner, and, at a higher dose, increased the contractility more effectively. Only the nasal vein did not react to this hormone. The present results suggest the existence in prepubertal gilts of frontal and facial veins' specific reactivity which may participate in the regulation of blood flow from the nasal cavity to the perihypophyseal vascular complex and play a role in the humoral pathway for the male pheromone priming functions in the central nervous system. This reactivity was displayed by the vessels in prepubertal gilts without ovarian hormones. The presence of active ovaries in maturing gilts changed the reactivity of these veins to pheromones and testosterone.  相似文献   

Forty-eight people, considered to the swine experts, were asked to collaborate in a Delphi exercise to identify the factors which they believed affect litter size in Ontario swine. The panel included 16 animal scientists, 16 pork producers, and 16 veterinarians in swine practice. The ten factors with the highest ratings were parity of the sow, mycotoxins in the feed, infections with porcine parvovirus or Leptospira spp., breeding gilts on their second versus first observed estrus, the timing of breeding with respect to the onset of estrus, purebred versus crossbred sows, boar overuse (bred by a boar that was mated more than six times per week), pen versus hand mating, age of gilt when first bred, and body condition of the sow at the time of conception. The experts did not agree about the effect on litter size of the sow's previous lactation, factors ensuring adequate nutrient intake during lactation, health of the sow and the boar, breed of a purebred sow, or the ease of mating the sow.

Key items in the use of the Delphi technique to arrive at a consensus are discussed.


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of boar presence on aggression, shoulder scratches, and salivary cortisol in group-housed sows during the period after mixing, which is when dominance hierarchies are formed. A total of 225 York-shire sows were used. Five groups of 15 sows were each exposed to 1 of 3 levels of boar presence (n = 15): physical (boar in pen with sows; 2.15 m2 per sow), fenceline (boar housed adjacent to sows; 2.3 m2 per sow), or control (no boar in the room; 2.3 m2 per sow). The experiment was divided into 2 phases. In phase 1, behavioral measurements were taken for 48 h after mixing and boar introduction. In phase 2, behavioral measurements were taken beginning on d 6 after mixing and included 24 h before and 48 h after boar removal. In phases 1 and 2, shoulder scratches were scored 24 h before and 24 h after mixing and boar removal, respectively. Saliva samples were collected each morning (0600 to 0700) and afternoon (1600 to 1700) during both phases. Frequencies of intersow aggressive contact (bite, body knock, and head knock) and threats as well as frequencies and durations of fighting bouts were determined from video recordings during daily feeding (49.6 +/- 1.4 min) and nonfeeding (21 +/- 0.2 h) periods. During phase 1, boar presence did not affect the frequency of threats during either the feeding or nonfeeding periods. Control groups had fewer aggressive contacts at feeding during the 25- to 48-h period compared with the fenceline groups (P = 0.01). Total duration of fighting and average fighting bout duration were unaffected by treatment. However, the number of fights occurring during feeding 25 to 48 h postmixing was lower in the physical groups than in the fenceline groups (P = 0.023); measures for the control groups were intermediate. Physical sows also received fewer shoulder scratches postmixing than did control sows (P = 0.048). After mixing, physical sows showed greater morning (P = 0.08) and afternoon (6 h postmixing, P = 0.01; 32 h postmixing, P = 0.08) salivary cortisol concentrations compared with fenceline sows, although they were only numerically greater than those for control sows. During phase 2, removing the boar did not increase fighting among sows or affect shoulder scratches or salivary cortisol concentrations. The presence of a boar was minimally effective at reducing fighting and scratches during the postmixing period, and sows showed a greater stress response in the presence of a boar.  相似文献   

合作猪生长曲线分析和拟合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对在异地舍饲的高原型小型猪种——合作猪的生长发育规律进行了研究,并利用Logistic、Gompertz和R ichards三种曲线拟合了其生长模型。研究结果表明,三种模型中,Gompertz模型拟合效果最理想(R2=0.999 5);公、母猪在150日龄前生长基本一致,但150日龄后母猪明显快于公猪;公、母猪的生长拐点分别为118.32、146.75日龄,母猪的成年体重明显快于公猪,但达到生长拐点的日龄比公猪迟。  相似文献   

Three experiments, using a total of 132 pre-pubertal gilts, were carried out to investigate the influence of contact with oestrous female pigs on the attainment of puberty by gilts. Experiment 1 compared the effect of removing the gilts from their groups as they reached puberty in response to exposure to a boar, with leaving the gilts in their groups for five to 15 days after puberty or five to 15 days after second oestrus. All the groups exposed to boars reached puberty significantly earlier than controls (P less than 0.05) but there was no difference between these groups in their mean age at puberty. However, the synchrony of puberty was significantly greater among the gilts which remained in their groups after puberty (P less than 0.01) or second oestrus (P less than 0.001) than among the gilts which were removed at puberty. Experiment 2 investigated the influence of housing pre-pubertal gilts with penmates induced into puberty with injections of oestradiol benzoate. Puberty was significantly advanced by the presence of penmates regularly exhibiting oestrous periods. Experiment 3 compared the effect of daily exposure to an anoestrous ovariectomised sow, an oestrous ovariectomised sow or a boar, on the attainment of puberty by gilts. Gilts exposed to either an oestrous sow or a boar were significantly younger at puberty than isolated control animals (P less than 0.05) whereas the mean age at puberty of gilts exposed to an anoestrous sow was not significantly different from that of controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

外激素是生物体向环境释放的一种或多种化学物质的混合物,在环境中起着同种个体间传递信息、引起对方产生特殊反应的一类生物活性物质。在动物中,外激素是应用最广和最古老的通信方式,它们表现的是一种精练过的社会行为和繁殖策略的工具。对外激素在化学特性、产生器官、接受器官、作用及其作用途径方面取得的研究进展作一概述,以亟为该领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Social cues, often in the form of priming pheromones, can retard or enhance the rate of sexual development in a variety of mammals. The complex interactions between the social environment and reproduction have been explored most thoroughly in the house mouse. A urinary pheromone produced by females in a group inhibits sexual development, and a urinary pheromone from adult males accelerates onset of puberty in juvenile females. These priming pheromones apparently are detected by the vomeronasal organ and induce the changes in ovarian function via changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Accelerated onset of puberty is not accompanied by deficits in reproductive performance. Puberty acceleration can have important management implications for domestic farm animals. It already is proving useful for manipulation in rearing swine and in synchronizing seasonal reproductive recrudescence in sheep. In cattle, the results are less clear that signals from the bull can hasten onset of puberty in heifers. The effect may be operable only under certain nutritional or other interacting conditions. Presumably, the postpartum anestrus period in the cow can be shortened by stimulation from the bull, although pheromones have not been implicated in this effect.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify the usefulness of the measurement of chosen cardiovascular activity parameters for examination of sex pheromones effects in male dogs. We evaluated the influence of the bitches' sexual pheromones (BSP) on heart rate (HR) with the use of a Holter monitor, and chosen parameters of blood flow in vessels of penis, testes and kidney, with color-coded and pulsed Doppler ultrasonography. We found that the BSP increased HR in all examined males even without showing any other signs of arousal. There were no changes in the RI (resistant index) and PI (pulsative index) in any trials during the pheromone presentation. The increase in blood flow intensity was noted in penile vessels but not in the testes and kidney. We concluded that measurement of flow intensity in the penis as well as the changes in heart rate as the male's reaction to the BSP can be useful in research concerning sex pheromones in dogs.  相似文献   

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