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This paper develops a simple two‐period present value maximizing model of forest management. The production possibility is determined by the initial forest endowment, a growth function and transformation relations between thinnings, final fellings, pulpwood supply and sawtimber supply. The model is applied on thinnings and final fellings data of three different ownership categories in Sweden; private industrial, private non‐industrial and public owners. The results show lower price elasticities than previous studies where no distinction between ownership categories are made. Also, a previously unused inventory variable seems to have an important explanatory power.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources have received significant attention in European countries as a result of increasing dependence on energy imports and concerns over high prices of fuels and climate change. Although private forests in Croatia account for less than one quarter of all forests, they may play an important role in woody biomass energy production, due to their underutilized exploitation. The objective of this paper is to identify the willingness of private forest owners to supply woody biomass and to understand how this willingness is affected by certain owner, management and forest property characteristics. A survey conducted in Croatia in 2012 of a random sample of 350 private forest owners shows that almost half of them were willing to supply woody biomass. A random utility model was used to determine the factors influencing private forest owners’ willingness to supply woody biomass. The results showed that willingness to supply woody biomass was influenced by property size, management objectives (production of fuel wood for personal needs and using the forest for outdoor recreation), cooperation with other forest owners and owner age. In order to enhance woody biomass mobilization from private forests it is important to identify the owners who are willing to supply it and to provide them with financial and administrative support using a mix of developed forest policy instruments.  相似文献   

Storm damage is considered to be one of the most important risk factors for forestry in Central Europe. At the end of 1999 a centennial storm event hit the south-east of Germany and Switzerland, as well as central and western parts of France, and caused great damage. Forests in Baden-Württemberg were severely affected, with 30 M m3 of timber felled due to storm damage, three times the amount of the normal annual cut. Approximately 5.2 M m3 of the wind-thrown timber was in private forests, of which most were located in the central Black Forest. Smaller shares came from other regions of Baden-Württemberg. The economic damages and strategies of the forest owners were analysed in a multi-dimensional approach, using economic data from long-term accountancy networks, in combination with the results of a qualitative opinion poll amongst private forest owners. A storm coefficient was devised as a suitable indicator for the concerns of owners or ownership classes. The predicted operating income of the private forest owners is related to this coefficient. Cash flow simulations suggest that enterprises with a coefficient of more than 100% suffer from a reduction of their economic base. By combining the results derived from the accountancy networks with findings from the opinion poll it was found that the owners took an active decision towards self-processing and were able to save more than 30 M £ by choosing this strategy. State support which was provided in a variety of ways is also identified. A range of programs and institutional support measures mitigated the impact of the storm disaster. The effectiveness and acceptance of these measures by forest owners was confirmed by the results of the opinion poll.  相似文献   

In the Nordic countries, the non‐industrial private forest (NIPF) owners play an important role in the roundwood market, and are essential to the successful implementation of environmental policies. We know little about the owners as managers, however; about their goals, procedures for identifying cutting opportunities, or the selection of buyers and price options. To study these issues, I have used a qualitative method, based on personal interviews with 35 owners. The results show that an overriding objective, influencing the cutting patterns of the owners, is to preserve and develop the property. A variety of formal and informal economic, production and environmental, and intangible goals are influenced by this overriding objective. In addition to relying on their own observations of price changes and the recommendations of the forest management plan, owners identify cutting opportunities through neighbours, friends, timber buyers, or extension rangers. Usually the owner uses the same selling form from one time to the next. Dissatisfaction with the result of the last cutting, however, may trigger a search for new options.  相似文献   

This paper presents a short-run roundwood supply analysis of self-employed Norwegian forest owners, based on a two-period utility maximising consumption-savings model. The supply function was estimated by applying the Tobit model on an unbalanced panel of approximately 160 Norwegian farmers, from 1976 to 1997, representing a total of 3413 observations. Simultaneity between the single forest owner's harvesting level and his individual tax rate was allowed by estimating simultaneous equations Tobit models. The current roundwood price and standing stock per hectare had significant positive impacts on the supply, while harvesting costs, age of the owner, tax rate and lagged roundwood price (representing expected price) had negative impacts. Price and cost elasticities were relatively sensitive to the prices forecasted for the owners who did not supply roundwood in a given period. These results suggest that price subsidies and operating subsidies, as well as tax relieves, could increase the harvest level, which is considerably lower than the sustainable harvest level. An operating subsidy seems at least as efficient as a price subsidy, while tax reliefs are the least efficient of the three policy means.  相似文献   

Small-scale Forestry - Ageing, urbanization, and decreasing dependence of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners on forestry income have challenged the industrial timber supply of several...  相似文献   

As global competition increases for wood-based products, the need for more efficient supply chains becomes increasingly important. In the forest products sector, these supply chains involve individuals and firms ranging from private forestland owners with standing timber to factories producing final finished products. Long-term timber leases are one mechanism that can be used to develop access to timber supplies for companies unable or unwilling to purchase land outright for growing timber. To investigate private forest owner opinions and attitudes regarding long-term timber leases, we conducted a survey of landowners from Wetzel county, West Virginia. No long-term leases were reported by respondents, but 24% claimed they would enter a lease under certain conditions. The most frequently listed concern related to long-term timber leases was for the “loss of control”. Results of this survey are discussed in the light of forest management efforts that might be used to improve the social, financial, and environmental benefits for private forest owners.  相似文献   

More than half of the forest land in Bavaria belongs to private forest owners, who contribute a large amount of the industrial timber supply. The level of information about private forests is in comparison to the communal forests inadequate. The increasing demand for data about the forest sector in Bavaria can be partially covered by regular inventories but requires supplementary monitoring activities. Regular surveys based on voluntary participation deliver data, but often do not fulfil statistical requirements due to low response rates of 15–20% to postal surveys. The Bavarian annual postal cutting survey has been built up over 5 years using a roster of voluntary participants. This pragmatic and cost-effective approach provides reliable data for statistical purposes and gives insight in the forest management activities of small-scale forest owners. Recent technical developments, in particular the availability of grids and digital land-use maps, facilitate the random sampling of forest owners. This approach has been applied in a climate change project, but the results did not meet the expectations because of low response rates. The rather labour- and cost-intensive census of forest owners as applied in the project in Eastern Bavaria cannot be recommended except in exceptional circumstances. In the described project a qualitative approach with four distinct questionnaires has been adopted in order to identify ways to reach forest owners that are either not interested in their forests or do not respond to requests. Due to low response rates the objectives of the study could only be partially achieved.  相似文献   

The transformation of the forest sector toward a bioeconomy calls for finding new sources of competitive advantage for the whole sector to retain its future viability. Non-industrial private forest owners are an important group of actors in the Finnish forest-based sector, as they supply 80% of industrial roundwood and control numerous other tangible and intangible forest-based ecosystem services. Our study analyzes forest owner views on the future use of forests in Finland, their perceptions on the evolving sectorial interlinkages and the position of the forest sector now and in the future bioeconomy. The data were collected in two phases: through telephone interviews of forest owners (n?=?278) and four focus group (FG) discussions (n?=?17), and were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The interviews showed that forest owners consider the highest potential for strengthening the sector toward bioeconomy to come from collaboration with energy and construction businesses. During the FG phase, we identified new possibilities founded on forest-based recreational services, cooperation with nature-based tourism and in increasing value-added wood products. In total, forest owners as a high-involvement group emphasized future value creation to be based upon forest ecosystem services and in diversifying the utilization of forests beyond the dominant raw material-driven mindset.  相似文献   

The changes to the forest ownership structure of small private forests in recent times have opened up an intensive field of research throughout Europe. Most of the studies completed to date adhere to the classic survey model and describe the behaviour and attitudes of forest owners. The research presented in this article analyses the changes to small private forests with the aid of data collected from focus groups comprised of forestry extension officers in Germany. Through the reconstruction of the experiences gleaned by the consultants, it was possible to describe the manner in which they characterise their clientele, and the changes they have observed, against the backdrop of changes occurring across rural areas. The consultants’ strategies for describing forest owners are presented. The orientation pattern presented by the extension officers is compared with the urban orientation of forest owners’ model developed by social scientists.  相似文献   

During the first half of the 20th century the Baltic States were independent democratic nations where private forest ownership was practiced. After annexation to the Soviet Union, individuals in the Baltic States lost their ownership rights and collective ownership was introduced. Currently, after the break-up of the Soviet Union, the land restitution process in the forest sector is coming to an end and the ownership pattern as well as tenure rights are settled. A survey was undertaken to investigate the current state of the private forest sector in general, and the needs and expectations of private forest owners (PFO). Results of the study indicated that for private forest owners their forests first of all provide aesthetic and environmental protection values. Lithuanian PFOs lack information of forests and forest management, face extensive bureaucracy and need help in protecting their forests from fires, diseases and timber thieves.  相似文献   

Norway has set ambitious targets for increasing bioenergy production. Forest residue extraction levels are currently very low, but residues have the potential to be an important component of the wood energy supply chain. A representative sample of Norwegian nonindustrial private forest owners having at least 8 ha (20 acres) of productive forest land was surveyed about their willingness to supply logging residues for wood energy production. About 59 % responded that they were willing to do so. Logistic regression analyses revealed that the following factors were positively associated with the likelihood of being willing to supply logging residues: total forest area, education level, living in a region with active timber markets and a history of forest production, and having positive perceptions of residue extraction and forestry’s role in mitigating climate change. Four variables were negatively associated with the likelihood to supply residues: living on property, being older than 65 years, having family or friends who are opposed to residue extraction, and having negative perceptions of residue extraction. The study provides insight regarding nonindustrial forest owners’ attitudes towards extraction of forest residues that may aid policy-makers designing effective means to meet national bioenergy production goals.  相似文献   

Voluntary biodiversity protection tools have been adopted for practical use in many countries where non-industrial private forest ownership includes invaluable biodiversity resources. This has created a new kind of decision problem for individual forest owners: they should be able to define their conditions for entering into a biodiversity protection contract including sometimes a predetermined subsidy. This study presents a holding-level method for examining this decision problem. The method is based on utilization of interactive optimization where the possible subsidy has been included in the protection (no treatment) alternative of the examined stand. Generally, interactive optimization means that the landowner pinpoints the best plan by interactively studying and learning the production possibilities of his/her forest holding. Following changes made to the objective function by the forest owner, new solutions are presented for forest owners’ evaluation. If the “No treatments” option is selected in optimization for these areas, the forest owner would benefit more—in the current location of the production frontier and with the current subsidy—from entering into the protection contract than from cutting the specific forest area. In the case study, we demonstrate that the values of the holding-level goals, production possibilities of the planning area and the levels of the subsidy have a significant effect on the optimal decisions relating to biodiversity protection on the stand level.  相似文献   

Due to the urgent demand for thinning in planted forests and the tend towards sustainable forest resource management, the forest stand age class eligible for the thinning subsidy in Japan was expanded during the period from 2000 to 2004. Currently, further expansion is under consideration in line with meeting the Kyoto Protocol target of carbon sequestration. In this paper, we conducted evaluation analyses of carbon sequestration and subsidy effects within the optimization framework for the forest stand management. The optimal forest stand management model called Dynamic Programming model for Kyushu Stand Simulator (DP-KYSS) was utilized for the analysis of the target sugi (Cryptomeria japonia) forest stand in the Kyushu region, Japan. Our results showed that the thinning subsidy was effective to stimulate thinning activities at the eligible age class for the subsidy, and that 20% of the current or proposed payment was appropriate to give an incentive to forest owners for conducting the same optimal thinning regime. The amount of carbon sequestered in remaining trees at final harvest was not always shown to increase over time. Depending upon the subsidy condition, it could decrease. The average annual amount of carbon sequestered under no subsidy showed its maximum at age 35, while under the other subsidy conditions, it was shortened to age 25. The net present value of cost per unit carbon loss associated with subsidy became the highest for the rotation age of 35 years for all subsidy policies considered here.  相似文献   

世界私有林补贴制度形成过程纵向分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中以时间为序列, 以工业革命为主线, 利用逻辑推理的方法, 概括了世界私有林补贴制度形成的3个阶段:木材需求的急剧扩张——根源, 缓解木材需求紧张政策的提出——演进, 林业扶持政策的拓展——形成, 得出了世界私有林补贴制度的形成具有滞后性的结论, 然后从经济学的角度对其原因进行分析, 揭示了私有林补贴制度诞生的客观必然性, 勾勒出世界性私有林补贴制度的发展轨迹。  相似文献   

Small-scale forestry in Serbia is characterized by high fragmentation of properties, a large number of parcels and forest owners. Numerous activities for private forest owners in Serbia supported by the State, FAO and CEPF have resulted in an increased interest of owners in forming private forest owners’ associations (PFOA). The goal of this paper is to explore preconditions that are necessary for organizing private forest owners in Serbia into effective associations. In order to reach this goal, results of PRIFORT project were used. The over-arching research questions of this paper are: “What is the level of interest among forest owners in forming owners’ associations?”; “Why has forest owner interest in organizing developed so slowly?” and “What are the necessary preconditions for the development of private forest owners’ organizations in the country?” In order to answer these questions, quantitative survey with 42 close, open and Likert scale questions was conducted. Sample size was determined following Malhotra’s proportion method and, in total, 350 private forest owners, from nine municipalities were interviewed. Results of this paper show that majority of respondents are very little or not at all aware of existing legislation. Almost half of respondents consider that their interests are not represented well. Although about 50% of interviewed forest owners miss interest organization, only 0,3% are members of PFOA. More than 70% are ready to join association, if it would provide some economic advantages.  相似文献   

Policy tools are employed to effect changes in the behaviors of citizens. Policy tools, such as incentives and regulation, act as the medium through which the target population may comply with policy objectives; however, policymakers must choose carefully which policy tools to adopt. Given the predominance of privately-owned forestland in Indiana and the United States, this research explores forest policy tool preferences of family forest owners in southern Indiana. The research is based on data from 309 respondents to a mail survey of landowners in 32 southern Indiana counties. The research objectives were 1) to determine what factors influence policy preferences among family forest owners and 2) to make recommendations to policymakers regarding what policy approaches are best suited to differing landowner types. Regression analyses identify landowner attitudes as significant predictors of policy preferences and also identified both absentee and riparian forest owners as more supportive of private forest policies. Based upon the results, recommendations to private forest policymakers are made.  相似文献   

Climate change is a global concern. Within Nordic countries such as Finland it has particular influence on the use of natural resources. Family forest owners own 61% of the forested land in Finland and 80% of the industrial roundwood purchased comes from these forest owners. Thus how private forest owners approach climate change is of high national economic and ecological importance. In order to understand family forest owners' perspectives on climate change in their own forests, qualitative interviews along walks through the owner's forests were conducted. Analysis of the conversations during these walks highlighted that forest owners discussed the phenomenon without prompting more often than hypothesized. Additionally, forest owners were less certain as to the causes of changes observed in their forests, mostly willing to take advice from professionals, and economically-driven in their response. For those forest owners who did express concern regarding climate change, they were at a loss for ways their efforts could make a meaningful difference. The prevalent uncertainty among forest owners calls for guidance from authority. Policy practices should make an effort to combine monetary incentives along with climate change focused forest management practices. Additionally, forest owner's reliance on the advice and expertise of forestry professionals should be utilized when pursuing climate-motivated forest management.  相似文献   

Forests are important for providing wood for products and energy and the demand for wood is expected to increase. Our aim was to estimate the potential supply of woody biomass for all uses from the forests in the European Union (EU), while considering multiple environmental, technical and social constraints.The potential woody biomass supply was estimated for the period 2010-2030 for stemwood, residues (branches and harvest losses), stumps and other biomass (woody biomass from early thinnings in young forests). We estimated the theoretical biomass potential from recent, detailed forest inventory data using the EFISCEN model. Constraints reducing the availability of woody biomass were defined and quantified for three mobilisation scenarios (high, medium, low). Finally, the theoretical potentials from EFISCEN were combined with the constraints to assess the realisable potential from EU forests.The realisable potential from stemwood, residues, stumps and other biomass was estimated at 744 million m3 yr−1 overbark in 2010 and could range from 623 to 895 million m3 yr−1 overbark in 2030, depending on the mobilisation scenario. These potentials represented 50-71% of the theoretical potential. Constraints thus significantly reduced the biomass potentials that could be mobilised. Soil productivity appeared to be an important environmental factor when considering the increased use of biomass from forests. Also the attitude of private forest owners towards increased use of forest biomass can have an important effect, although quantifying this is still rather difficult.The analysis showed that it is possible to increase the availability of forest biomass significantly beyond the current level of resource utilisation. Implementing these ambitious scenarios would imply quite drastic changes in forest resource management across Europe.  相似文献   

中美私有林补贴制度比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先对私有林及私有林补贴的概念进行了界定; 进而从造林成本补贴、生态效益补偿、税收优惠政策及信贷优惠政策4个方面对中美有关私有林补贴的政策进行比较分析; 最后, 对我国私有林补贴的发展提出若干建议。  相似文献   

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