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几种化学药剂对破除葡萄与桃自然休眠的效果   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以桃、葡萄为试材,探讨多种化学药剂和外源生长调节剂打破休眠的效应。结果表明:CaCN2打破葡萄的休眠效果稳定,可使萌芽提早6~17d,并提高萌芽率,其破眠效果随需冷量的增加而显著;几种化学药剂在桃树上应用,其打破休眠的效果差异较大,CaCN2、NH4NO3对打破桃休眠无效,硫脲的破眠效果最明显,可使叶芽萌发提前9~12d、花芽6d,并提高萌芽率;KNO3对破除休眠亦有一定效果。外源生长调节剂对休眠的调节作用因调节剂种类、浓度和使用时间而异:Ze(50mg/L)+GA3(100mg/L)可完全打破叶芽的休眠,100mg/L6-BA对尚未完成自然休眠的花芽萌发有明显的促进作用,IAA和2,4-D却对芽的萌发表现出强烈的抑制作用。  相似文献   

打破果树休眠的常用药剂及使用方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落叶果树进入自然休眠后,需要满足一定时期的低温,才能结束休眠,萌芽、开花。一般把50%的芽萌动所需要的最少低温(7.2℃以下)累积量,叫做低温需求量,或称需冷量。在热带、亚热带以及保护地栽培的苹果、梨、葡萄及桃、樱桃、杏、李等多种果树中,常常存在需冷量不足,萌芽、开花不整齐的现象,近年来保护地果树生产发展迅速,打破休眠、弥补低温需求量不足的问题日益引起人们的关注,下面介绍几种高效、低毒、低残留打破休眠的化学物质供大家参考使用。1.氰氨化钙(CaCN2) 俗称石灰氮,在多种果树(葡萄、苹果、桃等)上都有提早萌芽的作用。日本早…  相似文献   

大棚葡萄破眠剂应用试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
山东省蒙阴县大棚栽培葡萄已具一定的规模,大棚栽培的葡萄萌芽早、萌芽率高,这是其早成熟、早上市的关键.我们用石灰氮涂葡萄芽取得了较好的效果,但石灰氮涂芽存在着葡萄枝蔓发芽不整齐、费工、费时等缺点.2002年12月,我们在大棚栽培葡萄凤凰51上试用德国产破眠剂3%朵美滋,打破其休眠,促进提早萌芽、成熟,取得了较为满意的结果.  相似文献   

化学物质打破桃休眠的效应初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以油桃品种华光和寿星桃为试材,应用石灰氮、氰胺、苯基噻二唑基脲、赤霉素、6-苄基腺嘌呤、硝酸钾进行打破桃休眠的试验。结果表明,石灰氮破眠效果最佳,可使中芽提早萌发13-14天,花芽提早7天萌芽,提早开花7-13天,且萌芽率显著提高,其余供试药剂也有不同程度的破眠效应,只是效率较低,使用破眠剂的时期和浓度不同,效果也异。休眠芽中可溶性糖含量增加,淀粉含量下降,是解除休眠的标志。  相似文献   

石灰氮处理葡萄结果母枝,有促进ABA降解的作用,在一定程度上可代替低温的生物学效应提早解除葡萄休眠。营口地区南部有葡萄设施栽培1000hm2,其中,温室栽培‘晚红’面积占80%以上。为了提早温室升温,抢占鲜果市场,果农大都在12月上旬开始揭苫升温,并普遍使用石灰氮打破休眠。由于使用浓度不当造成效果不佳和药害反应发生。为此,笔者设计了浓度比较试验。  相似文献   

用石灰氮打破棚室葡萄的休眠期,以提早上市,这项技术已成为葡萄设施栽培中不可缺少的关键技术,在我国已应用近十年,越来越被广大农户所认可。但是由于石灰氮呈粉尘状,电石味很浓,对人畜的鼻粘膜有较强的刺激,所以无论是小包装,还是在葡萄上喷涂都不方便。因此笔者于2000年初在盖州市红旗镇八家村的无核白鸡心葡萄上,进行了用单氰胺来打破葡萄休眠的试验,收到良好效果。  相似文献   

利用石灰氮打破棚室葡萄休眠期的科学使用方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我校从1994年开始利用石灰氮(氰铵化钙)打破棚室葡萄休眠,1995年广泛应用在棚室葡萄的生产上,应用面积达万亩以上。石灰氮处理的葡萄不仅打破休眠,可提前20~25天发芽,而且芽齐、芽壮,为早熟、丰产奠定了基础,收到了较好的经济效益。 但是,由于对石灰氮的性质、成分和葡萄的生长发育了解不够,年年都有个别用户发生药害,轻者减产,重者绝产。总结几年的经验教训,  相似文献   

在葡萄栽培中,为终止芽的休眠,常用石灰氮悬浮液处理,由于悬浮液只能刷涂。费工费力,且效果也不太理想,故应用不广。本药剂以氨基氰为主要成分配制而成,使用方便,而且对打破葡萄树芽休眠效果显著。  相似文献   

通过实验验证朵美滋作为高效破眠促芽剂在水晶、玫瑰蜜等葡萄上的使用效果。实验证明,在正确使用多美滋后能有效打破水晶、玫瑰蜜葡萄的休眠,促进提早萌芽并使萌芽整齐,能有效提早成熟期。  相似文献   

花芽萌发前对砀山酥梨喷施不同浓度的石灰氮 ,观察其对打破休眠、促进花芽萌发的效应。结果表明 ,喷施 1 6.67%的石灰氮可使砀山酥梨提前 9天开花 ,平均每花序有花 4.9朵 ,花芽萌发率 5 7.0 %。喷施8.3 3 %的石灰氮 ,使花芽萌发率达 66.5 % ,在供试浓度中效果最好。但石灰氮打破休眠的机理尚不清楚  相似文献   

以"春雪"和"金辉"桃为试材,研究了不同浓度单氰胺处理对2个桃品种的物候期及果实品质的影响。结果表明:经过不同浓度单氰胺处理后,2个品种的物候期明显比对照有不同程度的提前;对单果重、产量和果实品质并无影响;但过度地使用单氰胺有芽脱落现象。综合不同浓度单氰胺处理对2个品种桃的物候期及果实品质的影响,认为1.7%的单氰胺处理效果最好。  相似文献   


In warm-winter regions, the need for artificial means to compensate for the lack of natural chilling becomes a dominant factor for maintaining economic production of table grapes. However, in the absence of a reliable method of predicting the time of natural bud break, the application of the dormancy breaking agent hydrogen cyanamide (HC) entails the risk of serious bud damage if the application is mistimed. In several studies in temperate regions, concentrations of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) were found to increase as the grape buds entered dormancy, and to decrease during winter months towards dormancy release. To assess the possibility of using bud ABA content as a marker for the stage of bud dormancy in grapevines grown in hot regions, we evaluated the dormancy depth of grape buds in the course of the dormancy cycle and monitored their endogenous ABA content in cv. Perlette vines grown in the Jordan Valley. The endogenous ABA content was highest at maximum dormancy. However, the decline in ABA content was not correlated with dormancy release. The involvement of ABA in dormancy induction and maintenance is discussed.  相似文献   

The fig tree (Ficus carica L.) is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean region under warm climates. Fig yield is governed by the previous crop load and is strongly dependent on shoot length. Special cultural practices are required to stimulate new vegetative growth that will ensure regular and high productivity. The present study focused on the use of the rest breaking agent hydrogen cyanamide (HC) as Dormex to enhance vegetative growth, which influences the yield. A field trial was held in northern Tunisia (36° 49′ N; 9° 48′ E) on mature fig trees cv. Zidi. In reference to untreated trees as control, two hydrogen cyanamide treatments at 1% and 1.5% HC were considered. Bud break rate, vegetative growth, starch content of shoots, yield, and fruit characteristics were assessed. Results indicated that 1.5% HC significantly increased shoot length, fruit number per shoot, and yield. It advanced bud break by 10 days and fruit ripening by 7 days compared to the control. However, leaf number, leaf area, and starch content seem to be unaffected by hydrogen cyanamide treatments. Regarding fruit quality, a 1.5% HC dose significantly increased dry matter content, while fruit diameter and total soluble solids remain unaffected. In conclusion, hydrogen cyanamide could be used under warm conditions to improve vegetative growth of fig trees cv. Zidi and consequently fig productivity. Application of 1.5% HC 40 days before bud break was the most effective in increasing shoot length and yield.  相似文献   

The effect of defoliation (DEF) alone or combined with hydrogen cyanamide (HC) on dormancy state, fruit quality and yield of Anna apple cultivar was studied. Trees were manually defoliated on three successive dates, November 15th, December 1st and December 15th. The flower buds (FB) entered the endodormancy synchronized with vegetative buds (VB) for most of the treatments. Most of the treatments terminated endodormancy between January 27th and February 8th during the season 2004/2005 and between January 18th and February 8th during the season 2005/2006. The treatments were effective in dormancy release of FB and somewhat with VB. Defoliation on November 15th + HC recorded the lowest chilling accumulation needed to reach 50% bud break. All the treatments exceeded the control considering the percentage of flower (FBB) and vegetative bud break (VBB) either in the lab or at the field. Growing degree hours and the number of days required to reach each stage of fruiting were differed between the two studied seasons. The control and DEF on December 15th exceeded all the treatments regarding initial fruit set percentage (IFS). The defoliation treatments alone gave the highest yield (kg/tree). Defoliation + HC treatments gave the best fruit quality, while the control gave the least values.  相似文献   

刘慧纯 《北方园艺》2012,(13):55-56
在温室大棚栽培"晚红"葡萄的生产中,升温前1周,应用含50%单氰胺的果树破眠剂2号喷布葡萄冬芽芽眼。结果表明:应用果树破眠剂2号20倍液催芽,催芽效果好于石灰氮,萌芽期比涂抹石灰氮提前7d,花期提前6d,萌芽率提高16.2%,坐果率提高9.1%,可在生产中代替石灰氮应用。  相似文献   

石灰氮和水杨酸对破除葡萄芽休眠的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 2003年12月~2004年3月, 在江苏省镇江市南山农业科技示范园葡萄园, 以藤稔品种为试材, 分别在树体的初休眠期(12月上旬) 、深休眠期( 1月上旬) 和休眠后期( 2月上旬) , 取芽体饱满、生长充实的1年生枝条, 用不同浓度的石灰氮(CaCN2 ) 和水杨酸( SA) 进行涂芽破眠处理; 之后放入温室进行发芽培养, 并每5 d取冬芽测定H2O2及其抗氧化酶系统的变化, 21 d后统计各处理最终萌芽率。结果表明: 施用CaCN2和SA能不同程度的提高H2O2含量和POD活性, 降低CAT活性; 但在不同休眠期对SOD活性的影响不一致。而破眠或促进萌芽效果好的化学药剂处理, 花芽在培养前期的H2O2含量、POD和SOD活性增幅较大, CAT活性下降较明显。对萌芽率的统计表明, 初休眠期施用石灰氮和水杨酸对葡萄破眠无效; 到深休眠期及以后施用25%的石灰氮对葡萄破眠效果较为明显, 萌芽较对照提前4~6 d, 最终萌芽率达41.6%~90.0%; 而水杨酸处理对葡萄花芽破眠基本无效。  相似文献   

以平棚架式栽培的6年生巨峰葡萄为试材,用稀释的单氰胺海棉球点药与喷施枝条2种方式催芽。结果表明,不同催芽时间、单氰胺浓度及催芽方式,均能显著的影响巨峰葡萄的萌芽率,稀释25倍的单氰胺浓度催芽效果较好,海棉球点药效果优于喷施枝条。此外,不同浓度的单氰胺处理对葡萄的花芽分化也有较为显著的影响。  相似文献   

Commercial fig production is relatively new to the Mediterranean-type climate Western Cape Province of South Africa. A lack of lateral branch development impedes tree structure development and therefore adequate yields of quality fruit. The chemical rest breaking agents, Lift® (thidiazuron 3 g L−1) at 6%, Dormex® (hydrogen cyanamide, 520 g L−1) at 4%, mineral oil at 4% and a combination of mineral oil and Dormex® at 2% each were evaluated in a split plot design in combination with tip-pruning vs. no-pruning to overcome apical dominance and increase complexity (Experiment 1). During the 2008/2009 season, an additional investigation was conducted to evaluate the use of thidiazuron and hydrogen cyanamide for harvest scheduling (Experiment 2). Dormex® at 3% and Lift® at 6%, were applied to dormant trees on 30 June 2008, 3 August 2008, 15 August 2008 or 30 August 2008. In general, Lift® can be used to increase the number of buds breaking in ‘Bourjasotte Noire’ and ‘Col de Damme Noire’, while tip pruning decreased bud break with a resultant increase in shoot length. Dormex® and oil combined decreased bud break in these two cultivars but was effective on ‘Noire de Caromb’. Where bud break was increased the resultant N + 1 shoot length was decreased. RBAs increased the number of fruit in both the breba and main crop of ‘Noire de Caromb’, but decreased fruit size of the breba crop. Our data are not conclusive as to what the reason for low lateral bud break might be but leans towards strong AD in seasons with 400 Utah CU or more, but might include some delayed foliation response in seasons with less than 200 Utah CH.  相似文献   


The effect of chilling temperatures on bud sprouting and flower formation was compared on fruiting and non-fruiting ‘Owari’ satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc) trees. On non-fruiting trees, bud dormancy was weak, and a significant proportion of buds were able to sprout at high temperatures without being chilled. Separate effects of low temperatures on bud sprouting and flower induction were demonstrated. On fruiting trees these two effects of low temperatures were also demonstrated on summer-flush buds, but not on older (spring-flush) buds. The spring-flush buds from fruiting trees scarcely sprouted without being chilled. These buds required a longer chilling period for dormancy release than for flower induction, and it was not possible to separate the effect of low temperature on flower induction from the effect on dormancy release. The presence of fruit reduced flower formation by reducing bud sprouting. Furthermore, fruit had a direct inhibitive effect on vernalization which resulted in increased formation of vegetative shoots. The effect of fruit and low temperature on flowering was unrelated to carbohydrate accumulation in the leaves or the roots.  相似文献   

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