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甘孜牧业气象灾害及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘孜州是川西北牧区的重要组成部分 ,是四川省主要的草原畜牧业生产基地。由于甘孜州地理位置特殊、地形地貌复杂多变 ,自然灾害十分频繁 ,尤其是气象灾害对畜牧业的危害程度特别大 ,畜牧业还未能从根本上改变“靠天养畜”的被动局面。本文就如何减轻气象灾害对畜牧业的危害提出粗浅看法 ,以望对我州牧业经济的发展有所裨益。一、甘孜牧业气象灾害甘孜州为四川省热量低值区 ,是全省最寒冷的地区 ,高原和山地表现为长冬无夏 ,或冬去春来、春秋相连的气候特点。一月平均气温 ,东南部可保持0℃以上 ,其余地区 - 6~ - 2℃ ,石渠、色达低于 - 1 …  相似文献   

依靠科技进步 促进肉羊业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我省乃至我国肉用羊品种较少 ,羊肉生产以本地羊为主 ,为寻求羊肉增产途径 ,海北州牧科所从 1999年开始引入陶赛特世界著名肉羊品种 ,其特点是 :生长发育快、早熟、肉用性能好 ,饲料报酬高 ,繁殖率高 ,全年发情配种产羔 ,是一种良好的能生产优质肥羔的终端肉用父系品种。利用其优秀个体公羊进行杂交改良藏系羊和青海半细毛 (细毛 )羊 ,深受牧民群众欢迎。1 自然情况海北州位于青海湖东北部 ,平均海拔高度 32 0 0~35 0 0m ,年平均温度 - 0 2℃ ,最暖月 (7月 )平均温度11 9℃ ,最冷月 (1月 )平均温度 - 14 7℃ ,年降水量4 0 2 4mm ,植…  相似文献   

在国家发展战略向西部转移和加入WTO组织的良好机遇下 ,我站通过可行性论证 ,在州科委的大力支持下 ,于 2 0 0 0年 12月作为科技推广项目 ,正式立项“山羊资源开发利用”课颗 ,在经费紧缺的情况下 ,利用现有资金 ,对我州山羊资源进行系统调查 ,并初步进行了一些山羊资源开发利用的前期工作 ,产生了一定的社会影响 ,推动了我州养羊业的发展。1 山羊资源概况1 1 数量与分布 我州山羊总数达 30 7万只 ,分布在我州“一江两河”沿岸地区、退耕还牧和农林牧交错的 90多个乡 (镇 )。特别是白龙江流域的舟曲、迭部两县 ,饲养山羊约占我州山羊…  相似文献   

<正> 1.北方小油莱在阿坝州草地的适应性阿坝州草地包括阿坝、红原、若尔盖三个县,位于四川省的西北部,属于川西北草地的一部份。居北纬32~34°,东经101~104°,海拔3000~4000米。气候严寒,年平均温度为1.6℃(0.6~3.2℃),最热月(七月)温度为11.5℃(10.9~12.7℃),最冷月(一月)温度-10.0℃(-12.9~-8.2℃),极端最高温度27.2℃,极端最低  相似文献   

青海省地处青藏高原东北部 ,平均海拔在 3 0 0 0m以上 ,牧区易受东南季风和西北冷空气影响 ,冬季漫长且风雪天气多 ,冬季最低温度为 -3 0℃~ -2 5℃。长期以来牧民靠天养畜 ,逐水草而居 ,管理粗放 ,羊群“夏壮、秋肥、冬瘦、春乏” ,严重束缚了本省养羊业的发展。上世纪 90年代中期塑料暖棚养羊技术在我省牧区推广使用 ,发展迅速。海南州 1996年建成暖棚 2 2 7座 ,1 97万m2 ,1997年建成 64 3座 ,6 92万m2 。 2年建成暖棚占全州畜棚总面积的 19% [1] 。海北州 1994年修建塑膜暖棚羊舍 3 847座 ,建筑面积达 5 0 68万m2 ,暖棚内养羊 177 5 1…  相似文献   

赵永春 《中国蜂业》2001,52(6):19-19
黑龙江地区到 1 0月底 ,蜂群就开始越冬。之前 ,对蜂群进行简易包装 ,如蜂箱上盖草帘等是十分必要的 ,因为此时气温通常在 -5~ -1 0℃ ,但有时还会回升到 1 0℃之上。如 1 999年和 2 0 0 0年连续两年的 1 1月 1 1日左右 ,气温回升到 1 5℃ ,蜂群飞翔十分活跃。有位蜂友在气温 -1 0℃时就把蜂箱靠拢 ,结果 ,气温回升时 ,造成工蜂偏集严重。笔者连续数年 ,在蜂群正式越冬前 ,当气温下降至-5℃时 ,都着手简易包装进行保温 ,蜂群不靠拢 ,在蜂箱后面用豆皮埋上一半高度。当气温 -1 0℃时 ,在箱盖上放一些豆皮 ,前面用草挡巢门控飞。当气温 -2 0…  相似文献   

的卜.几邑次。一一。一卜OO川.Q撒拍高“K邢︸册T功O记艺一邻扣 万一认毛C气,-一1了气1广 二,州,州引汉,协声气一习刃一祠吕.囚一C叶.闪司薄一︵担军当带喇叫卜.U 一闪co T6叫一总︸︸COCO蓦品昌上令\、暇二妞哥,洲C二C二C二,-甘1甲叫亡二C、织品O闪6 .0州.思.1,叫C二朔启刽日窦取祀僻尝侧令味侧H窦寒祀搔尝︸︸.︸TO卜0.州T 一O叫口.叫OO一.00一一廿0 .T功。。.。一留断[一一贺一誉三 霉卜的.0绝乖﹁吴县吕泉器曳d,1户t、COe’1、DO心七、(幻(二甲叫、二 OOO 功6 功CO叶OO卜吧O卜竹卜OOO州OO旧.州TCO功怕.T0 006O一。…  相似文献   

手握法采集种公猪精液,收集富含精子的部分,取下层浓缩精液,用3种不同的应激温度冷冻猪精液,第1种方案是:5℃~0℃,0℃~60℃,-60℃~-90℃,-90℃~-130℃,然后放入液氮;第2种方案是:5℃~0℃,0℃~60℃,-60℃~-90℃,-90℃~-140℃;第3种方案是:5℃~0℃,0℃~60℃,-60℃~-90℃,-90℃~-150℃,通过鲜精精子活力检测、加冷冻液后活力检测和解冻后精子活力检测,发现第3种方案较好,精子存活率较高,但还达不到冻精受精的要求,还需进一步研究.  相似文献   

1 试验条件和方法1 1 地理环境和饲养管理1 1 1 地理环境 昌黎县属河北省秦皇岛市。处于东经 1 1 8°34′至 1 1 9°5 1′,北纬 39°2 6′至 40°37′之间。气候特点是四季分明、冬夏较长、春秋较短 ;冬季寒冷少雪 ,春季干旱多风 ,夏季炎热多雨 ,秋季凉爽晴朗。 1月平均气温 - 6 5℃ ,极端最低气温 - 2 1 5℃。 7月平均气温 2 4 5℃ ,极端最高气温39 9℃ ,年降水量 6 0 0~ 80 0毫米 ,全年平均气温 1 1℃ ,无霜期1 6 0~ 1 80天 ,全年日照达 2 70 0~ 30 0 0小时。降水较多 ,蒸发较少 ,相对湿度较大 ,年相对湿度达 6 0 %以…  相似文献   

影响琯溪蜜柚品质的主要因素及提高品质的措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 影响溪蜜柚品质的主要因素1 1 遗传因子 溪蜜柚品种有两个局限性 :一是区域性 ,即在适宜的气候和土壤条件下栽培 ,才能表现其优良性状 ;二是易发生裂瓣及汁胞粒化。1 2 生态因素 溪蜜柚生长温度 12 5~ 36℃ ,最适温度 2 3~ 30℃ ,>37℃则生长受阻 ;冬季能耐- 3℃低温。溪蜜柚栽培要求适宜的区域条件是 :年平均温度 2 0~ 2 3℃ ,1月平均气温 11℃以上 ,≥ 10℃年积温 70 0 0~ 76 0 0℃ ,绝对低温 - 3℃以上 ,年降雨量 14 0 0~ 180 0mm ,光照 12 0 0~ 15 0 0小时 ,土壤适宜沙质壤土或壤土。地势、坡度和坡向等均会影…  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1983   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1983, 2 800 veterinarians across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of heartworm disease in Canada in 1983 and 26% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 59 504 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 771 dogs (1.30% of those tested) were found with Dirofilaria immitis. Heartworm disease was diagnosed in all provinces except New Brunswick and Newfoundland but most (733) of the cases were in Ontario.

Heartworm disease was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 31% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 64% had a history of not having left Canada. Southwestern Ontario continues to be the focus of the infection and most of the dogs there had not left the province previously.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1985   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1985, 1485 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1985 and 44% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 137,300 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1210 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 36 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number diagnosed in 1985 as 1247 (0.91%).

Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Saskatchewan but most (1126) of the cases were in Ontario. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. From Quebec, 91 cases were reported mostly from and around Montreal. From Manitoba, 19 cases were reported from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 28% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 78% had a history of not having left Canada.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1988   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1988, 1581 small and mixed animal clinics and institutional veterinarians across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1988, and 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 181,577 dogs were blood-tested for heartworm disease and 367 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 60 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1988 as 441 (0.24%).  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1984   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1984, 1853 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1984 and 35% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 97,794 dogs were blood-tested to check for microfilariae and 1417 dogs (1.45% of those tested) were found with heartworm. Another 34 dogs were amicrofilaremic, but were diagnosed as having heartworm disease, to give the total number diagnosed in 1984 as 1451 (1.48%). Heartworm was reported from all provinces except Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland but most (1310) of the cases were in Ontario. In Quebec, 126 cases were reported mostly from west of Montreal.

Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 27% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 72% had a history of not having left Canada. Southwestern Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection.


In late November 1991, 1883 clinics in Canada were sent a questionnaire to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in dogs in 1991 and there was a 60.0% response. There were 344,031 dogs tested for heart-worm (HW), 627 were found infected and the prevalence of HW infection was 0.18%. There were 417 dogs with HW in Ontario, 116 in Manitoba, 38 in Quebec, 53 in British Columbia, three in Alberta, and one in Nova Scotia. In British Columbia, all of the infected dogs but one were from the Okanagan valley which, as from 1991, is a new focus of infection in Canada. Most dogs with HW had not been on preventive medication in 1990, and the prevalence among dogs tested and unprotected was 0.59%. That prevalence was considerably higher in endemic areas. Companion dogs, over three years of age and maintained primarily outdoors in rural areas, were most frequently infected. One cat was diagnosed with D. immitis and 33 dogs had Dipetalonema reconditium.  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1989   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1989, 1732 clinics and institutional veterinarians were sent a questionnaire to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis, and 51.7% responded. Of 247,716 dogs tested, 394 had D. immitis microfilariae and 51 were amicrofilaremic for a total of 445 cases and heartworm prevalence of 0.17%. Most (408) of these dogs had no preventive medication and the prevalence among dogs tested and unprotected was 1.01%. That prevalence was considerably higher in endemic areas. Thirty-seven dogs with heartworm had preventive medication. Heartworm was most frequent in companion dogs over three years of age maintained outdoors in rural areas. About 75% of the cases had never left Canada, 26% had clinical signs and 125 were not treated.

Heartworm was reported from British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, but 383 cases were in Ontario. South-western Ontario was the primary focus of infection. There were 33 cases in Quebec and 24 in Manitoba, mainly found in and around Metropolitan Montreal and Winnipeg respectively.


Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1987   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late November 1987, 1246 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1987, and 50% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 165,428 dogs were blood tested for heartworm disease and 511 dogs were found with D. immitis microfilariae. Another 78 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease to give the total number of cases diagnosed in 1987 as 589 (0.35%).  相似文献   

Heartworm in dogs in Canada in 1986   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In late December 1986, 1224 institutional veterinarians and small and mixed animal clinics across Canada were sent a questionnaire in order to assess the status of Dirofilaria immitis in Canada in 1986; 46% of them responded. Veterinarians reported that 150,989 dogs were blood-tested for microfilariae and 869 dogs were found with heartworm. Another 65 dogs were amicrofilaremic but diagnosed with heartworm disease and one was found with heartworm at necropsy to give the total number diagnosed in 1986 as 935 (0.62%).

Heartworm was reported from Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario and Quebec, but most (810) of the cases were from Ontario. South-western Ontario continued to be the primary focus of the infection in Canada. There were 103 cases reported from Quebec, mostly from and around Montreal, and 21 cases from Manitoba, from Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Heartworm was found most frequently in companion dogs over three years of age maintained mainly outdoors in rural areas. About 33% of the cases were observed with clinical signs of heartworm disease and 81% had a history of not having left Canada.


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