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《Fisheries Research》2007,88(2-3):229-239
North Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, used to migrate to northern European waters (Norwegian Sea, North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, and Øresund) where it supported important commercial and sportfisheries. The species disappeared from the region in the early 1960s and the species is now still extremely rare. The factors which led to the development of the fishery and its subsequent decline remain unclear and poorly documented. This investigation documents the development of the fishery in terms of landings, effort, and gears with focus on the time period from 1900 to 1950 when landings were increasing. The species was frequently sighted while fishermen were targeting other species (herring, mackerel) and occasionally was caught as bycatch with these and other species. Information from scientifically trained observers demonstrate that tuna schools were common in the North Sea for 2–3 months during the summers of 1923–1931. As fishermen realized that the species had market value, new catch methods were developed and employed. These included harpoon-rifle, improved hook and line methods, and hydraulically operated purse seines. Landings rose sharply as did the number of vessels and the capacity of processing facilities for bluefin tuna. Bluefin tuna in this area were generally medium-large (>50 kg whole weight). The most important countries which participated in bluefin tuna fisheries in this period were Norway, Denmark and Sweden, but bluefin tuna were also exploited by France, Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Similarly sportfishing increased in popularity in some of these countries and attracted many foreign participants. The increase in landings between 1900 and 1950 was driven particularly by an increase in fishing effort and technology. We found no evidence that the increase was due to a temperature-related shift in habitat into the region. Our results demonstrate that the species was an important part of the ecosystem at least back to the early 1900s and that commercial and recreational fisheries were well established in northern European waters before official ICCAT records.  相似文献   

根据FA0 1950 ~ 2011年世界主要金枪鱼类渔业生产数据统计,将长鳍金枪鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼、大眼金枪鱼和鲣鱼等8种世界主要金枪鱼类每10年的产量总和按不同鱼种和海域进行了总结.结果显示,鲣鱼的累计总产量最高,其平均年产量涨幅最快;除马苏金枪鱼年平均产量有所下降,北方蓝鳍金枪鱼保持稳定外,其他主要金枪鱼类均有增长,但平均增长率最高的是青干金枪鱼.各主要渔区中以中西太平洋海域累计总产量最高,平均年产量有上升趋势,大西洋海域以中东大西洋为产量最高,印度洋海域以西印度洋为产量最高,平均增长率以印度洋海域为最高,其他海域相对持平.我国(包括台湾省)捕获累计总产量最高的是鲣鱼,为418×104 t,占世界总产量比例最高的是长鳍金枪鱼,为22.9%.我国(包括台湾省)主要金枪鱼类捕获总产量占世界总产量比例最高为东南大西洋海域,最低为东南太平洋海域.论文结合世界主要金枪鱼类以及主要捕捞海域的开发现状和我国国情,提出我国目前面临的几点困难以及发展壮大我国金枪鱼渔业的建议.  相似文献   

Guidelines for the assessment and management of developing swordfish fisheries are derived through an examination of five swordfish fisheries. As they develop, swordfish fisheries may be inclined to local depletion around underwater features, such as seamounts and banks. Few nations have applied the precautionary approach in managing their developing swordfish fisheries. Without controls, swordfish fisheries expand geographically and fishing effort increases, often overshooting optimum levels. However, it is difficult to distinguish clear evidence of fishery collapse; modern longliners harvest widely distributed tuna and swordfish and they are able to relocate to distant areas or switch between target species in response to fluctuations in species abundance and price. Furthermore, the wide distribution of swordfish combined with year‐round spawning and high growth rates amongst juveniles probably contribute to the apparent resilience of swordfish stocks to intensive harvesting. Over half the world’s swordfish catch is taken as an incidental catch of longliners fishing for tuna. In several areas, such as the North Atlantic, catch quotas have sometimes caused tuna longline fishers to discard swordfish. Minimum size limits have also resulted in discarding of swordfish in tuna fisheries and in dedicated swordfish fisheries. In addition to weakening the effectiveness of those management measures, bycatch and discarding add to the complexities of managing swordfish fisheries and to uncertainties in assessing the stocks. Longliners that target swordfish often fish at high latitudes where interactions with marine wildlife, such as seabird, are generally more frequent than at low latitudes. Concern over incidental catches of marine wildlife and other species is becoming a driving force in the management of several swordfish fisheries. Fishery management organisations will need to implement management measures to protect non‐target species and gather reliable data and information on the situation by placing observers on boats fishing for swordfish.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Mid-water trawl surveys were conducted from late August to late September in 1999 and 2004 in order to investigate the distribution pattern, hatch date, and growth of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis in the Sea of Japan. Juveniles were collected at the stations where ambient water temperature (mean water temperature from surface to 30 m deep, WT0−30) was 23.4–25.9°C, and most of them were found in waters where WT0−30 was higher than 24°C. Sampled juveniles ranged 108–280 mm fork length. Based on otolith analysis, they were estimated to grow to approximately 180 and 250 mm at 60 and 90 days old, respectively, and showed similar growth to that of Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean Sea. The back-calculated hatch date of the samples was mostly in July and most juveniles spawned in the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Thirteen adult bluefin tuna were tracked with electronic pop‐up satellite tags during their reproductive migration towards Mediterranean spawning grounds as they entered the Strait of Gibraltar. Fish were caught in tuna traps and tagged either underwater, with the aid of a modified spear gun, or on the deck of the boat. Fish tagged on board initially showed a shallower behavior than those tagged in the water. The pattern of horizontal movements was also different between both groups. Shortly after tagging, the eight fish tagged in the water entered the Mediterranean Sea. Six of these fish reached the spawning ground located southwest of the Balearic archipelago before heading back for the Atlantic, whereas the other two traveled farther east, reaching its easternmost longitudes between Formentera and Sardinia and the South Tyrrhenian Sea, respectively. In contrast, two out of the five fish tagged on board never entered the Mediterranean Sea, and another one did enter the Mediterranean when the reproductive season was already over. These results suggest an impact of the tagging procedure on the post‐release behavior of bluefin tuna. Excluding the tags that popped‐off east of the Strait of Gibraltar, bluefin tuna stayed in the Mediterranean Sea for 22–28 days. Analysis of the median depth indicated a shallow behavior during both day and nighttime throughout the return phase of the fish from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean with the exception of the area around the Strait of Gibraltar, where they showed a deeper behavior that coincided with a marked vertical gradient in the currents.  相似文献   

The Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) population in the western Atlantic supports substantial commercial and recreational fisheries. Despite quota establishment and management under the auspices of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, only small increases in population growth have been estimated. In contrast to other western bluefin tuna fisheries indices, contemporary estimates of catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence have increased rapidly and are at record highs. This area is characterized by the Cold Intermediate Layer (CIL) that is defined by waters <3°C and located at depths of 30–40 m in September. We investigated the influence of several in situ environmental variables on the bluefin tuna fishery CPUE using delta‐lognormal modelling and relatively extensive and consistent oceanographic survey data, as well as dockside monitoring and mandatory logbook data associated with the fishery. Although there is considerable spatial and temporal variation of water mass characteristics, the amount of available habitat in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (assuming a > 3°C thermal ambit) for bluefin tuna has been increasing. The percentage of the water column occupied by the CIL was a significant environmental variable in the standardization of CPUE estimates. There was also a negative relationship between the spatial extents of the CIL and the fishery. Properties of the CIL account for variation in the bluefin tuna CPUE and may be a factor in determining the amount of available feeding habitat for bluefin tuna in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence.  相似文献   

We tested whether synchronous, long‐term fluctuations in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) trap catches, collected from the ancestral Mediterranean and Atlantic trap fishery, might be related to large‐scale environmental change. Nine time series of trap catches of more than 80 yr long were compared with long time series of three preselected environmental variables, i.e. the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Length of the Day Index (LOD, a proxy of the atmospheric circulation index) and the temperature. Spectral analyses of trap catches, LOD and temperature displayed similar spectra with peaks at low frequencies, whereas those of the NAO exhibited a broad band spectrum. Regression analyses and tests of correlation did not reveal any clear relationship between trap catches on the one hand and NAO and LOD on the other hand. In contrast, long‐term fluctuations in trap catches appear to be closely and negatively related to long‐term trends in temperature. Underlying processes that could explain such a relationship are discussed, with special focus on changes in migration patterns of the Atlantic bluefin tuna.  相似文献   

Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT) has always displayed spectacular changes in its spatial distribution, but the underlying mechanism of such variations still remains obscure. This study focuses on this challenging issue by scrutinizing the intriguing ‘Brazilian episode’ during which a large quantity of ABFT (a temperate species) was caught during the 1960s in the equatorial Atlantic. To investigate this event, we applied a niche model to an extensive data set of catch and environmental variables from 1960 to 2009. ABFT exhibited a remarkably large ecological niche, which matches well with our current knowledge of ABFT. Our results also depicted a high probability of ABFT occurrence in the South Atlantic and, more interestingly, favorable environmental conditions in the western equatorial Atlantic during the 1960s, but not later. ABFT could thus have migrated from their northern spawning grounds to the South Atlantic during the 1960s through the western equatorial Atlantic, playing the role of an ‘ecological bridge’. We argue that the rarity of ABFT in the southern Atlantic during the last four decades would result from the interaction of several processes, particularly oceanographic conditions, migratory behavior, density‐dependence, exploitation levels and population structure. Examination of the catch data further indicated that the fish caught in the equatorial Atlantic were from the western stock and we concluded that the lack of rebuilding of this stock could result from a regime shift due to the combination of oceanographic changes in the equatorial Atlantic and overfishing in the North Atlantic in the 1960s and 1970s.  相似文献   

Although bluefin tuna are found throughout the Atlantic Ocean, spawning in the western Atlantic has been recorded predominantly in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) in spring. Larval bluefin tuna abundances from the northern GOM are formulated into an index used to tune the adult stock assessment, and the variability of this index is currently high. This study investigated whether some of the variability in larval bluefin tuna abundances was related to environmental conditions, by defining associations between larval bluefin tuna catch locations, and a suite of environmental variables. We hypothesized that certain habitat types, as defined by environmental variables, would be more likely to contain bluefin tuna larvae. Favorable habitat for bluefin tuna larvae was defined using a classification tree approach. Habitat within the Loop Current was generally less favorable, as were warm‐core rings, and cooler waters on the continental shelf. The location and size of favorable habitat was highly variable among years, which was reflected in the locations of larval bluefin tuna catches. The model successfully placed bluefin tuna larvae in favorable habitat with nearly 90% accuracy, but many negative stations were also located within theoretically favorable habitat. The probability of collecting larval bluefin tuna in favorable habitat was nearly twice the probability of collecting bluefin tuna larvae across all habitats (35.5 versus 21.0%). This model is a useful addition to knowledge of larval bluefin tuna distributions; however, the incorporation of variables describing finer‐scale features, such as thermal fronts, may significantly improve the model’s predictive power.  相似文献   

Abstract Variations in the age structure and number of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., running into the River Eo in northern Spain were assessed from catch records of sport fisheries for the period 1949 to 1991. The analysis focused on two periods (1951–1960 and 1981–1991) for which more complete data on fish number, size and age were available. Over the whole period, no evidence for a decline in the total salmon run was found, but the last few years revealed significant changes in both the number and age structure of salmon caught. The catches were mainly composed of multi-sea-winter salmon, and this did not change from the 1950s to the 1980s as the proportion of grilse remained unchanged. However, since 1980, there was a marked decline in both the proportion of 3-sea-winter salmon (versus 2-sea-winter fish) and the frequency of previous spawners among the multi-sea-winter salmon. These changes were probably linked because most of the previous spawners re-entered the river as 3-sea-winter or older salmon. River age of salmon caught in the 1950s was low and constant (about 90% of the catch had smolted at one year) but the mean age of smolting increased in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Time series (1825–1973) of the Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, landings from the trap fishery of Sardinia (W. Mediterranean) were analyzed to identify (i) patterns of catch variability in the historical traps of Isola Piana, Portoscuso and Porto Paglia, and (ii) effects of three local environmental variables: Mining, Run-off and Sea Surface Temperature.We applied different time series analysis techniques: auto-correlation functions, spectral analysis and Dynamic Factor Analysis (DFA). Moreover, an asymmetrical design using a Before/After and Control/Impact location approach was used to test the perturbations due to mining processes that have characterized the fishery area.A sharp decreasing trend of Porto Paglia trap landings beginning in 1880, coincided with mechanized mining. This result was confirmed by the ANOVAs contrasting Before vs. After (P < 0.01) and Controls vs. Impact location (P < 0.01).We found a slight cyclical behaviour in the same time series. Spectral analysis highlighted that pattern synchronized with the Run-off cycles with periods corresponding to 7 years. We hypothesized that the effect of Run-off from watershed mine tailing dams creates a pulsing boundary ‘reflective’ effect for tuna migration schools on the in-shore trap of Porto Paglia, resulting in a periodic oscillation of captures.We have identified (i) a reversal of trends in captures between Portoscuso and Isola Piana traps and (ii) significant differences of the monthly distribution of capture events and timing of landings (P < 0.01) with a higher proportion now in May, rather than in June as in the past. We assume there is a relationship with climatic changes because warmer waters can induce precocity in gonad maturation. DFA did not show any significant differences among environmental factors and landings probably because the cyclical component in Run-off is masked. We emphasize the importance of Mediterranean traditional traps as ‘sentinels’ of the homing reproductive behaviour of bluefin tuna and we argue the case for a plan to link the remaining traps in a common monitoring network.  相似文献   

Abstract  The development of distant water fisheries at West Greenland and in the Northern Norwegian Sea during the 1960s and, more recently, in the Faroese zone, led to the establishment, in 1984, of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO). This paper summarizes the progress made in the 10 years since this Organization was established towards achieving its goals of conservation, restoration, enhancement and rational management of salmon, Salmo salar L., stocks. Agreements on regulatory measures have reduced the proportion of the total catch taken by the distant water fisheries and, in the case of the West Greenland fishery, management is now firmly based on scientific advice. The stability created by these regulations has allowed NASCO to address the broader areas of conservation called for under the Convention and international action has been taken to address a number of threats to the resource, including the impacts of aquaculture, introductions and transfers, and fishing in international waters by non-contracting parties. These actions are described and the paper concludes that NASCO has a significant role to play in the future, both through continued regulation of the fisheries and by promoting international cooperation to address these broader threats to the resource.  相似文献   

Environment–recruitment relationships can be difficult to delineate with parametric statistical models and can be prone to misidentification. We use non‐parametric time‐series modeling which makes no assumptions about functional relationships between variables, to reveal environmental influences on early life stages of bluefin tuna and demonstrate improvement in prediction of subsequent recruitment. The influence of sea surface temperature, which has been previously associated with larval growth and survival, was consistently detected in recruitment time series of bluefin tuna stocks that spawn in the Mediterranean Sea, the North Pacific, and the Southern Ocean. Short time series for the Gulf of Mexico stock may have precluded a clear determination of environmental influences on recruitment fluctuations. Because the non‐parametric approach does not require specification of equations to represent system dynamics, predictive models can likely be developed that appropriately reflect the complexity of the ecological system under investigation. This flexibility can potentially overcome methodological challenges of specifying structural relationships between environmental conditions and fish recruitment. Consequently, there is potential for non‐parametric time series modeling to supplement traditional stock recruitment models for fisheries management.  相似文献   

This paper provides an exploratory analysis aiming to seek whether the colour of environmental noise theory could help in understanding the intriguing reproductive strategy of Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT). A frequency‐based approach based on spectral exponents, fβ with β < 0, is chosen and applied on 10 biogeographical provinces covering the North Atlantic. The major BFT spawning area, i.e. the Mediterranean Sea, was the only one to display a pink power spectrum, whereas open ocean regions displayed more reddened fluctuations, i.e. greater variance at low frequencies. Environmental noise in the Mediterranean could, thus, offer more favourable characteristics on the long‐term than the open ocean. The implications of these findings are discussed in regards to medium and long (possibly evolutionary) time scales.  相似文献   

One of the clearest relationships between a single marine climate variable and fisheries yield is found between the transport of Atlantic water into the North Sea in the winter and catches of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) in the northern North Sea 6 months later. A three‐dimensional numerical model, the NORWegian ECOlogical Model system (NORWECOM), has estimated this inflow during the winter from 1976 to 2000, which is strongly correlated with the Norwegian fleet's catch of horse mackerel (r2 = 0.70) in the following autumn. It is hypothesized that a large influx of this relatively warm and nutrient rich water during the winter may support an early spawning of zooplankton and high biological production during the spring and summer. This might be the biological reason for a large fraction of the horse mackerel stock migrating into the North Sea during strong inflows.  相似文献   

To analyze the effects of mesoscale eddies, sea surface temperature (SST), and gear configuration on the catch of Atlantic bluefin (Thunnus thynnus), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) and swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the U.S. northwest Atlantic longline fishery, we constructed multivariate statistical models relating these variables to the catch of the four species in 62 121 longline hauls made between 1993 and 2005. During the same 13‐year period, 103 anticyclonic eddies and 269 cyclonic eddies were detected by our algorithm in the region 30–55°N, 30–80°W. Our results show that tuna and swordfish catches were associated with different eddy structures. Bluefin tuna catch was highest in anticyclonic eddies whereas yellowfin and bigeye tuna catches were highest in cyclonic eddies. Swordfish catch was found preferentially in regions outside of eddies. Our study confirms that the common practice of targeting tuna with day sets and swordfish with night sets is effective. In addition, bluefin tuna and swordfish catches responded to most of the variables we tested in the opposite directions. Bluefin tuna catch was negatively correlated with longitude and the number of light sticks used whereas swordfish catch was positively correlated with these two variables. We argue that overfishing of bluefin tuna can be alleviated and that swordfish can be targeted more efficiently by avoiding fishing in anticyclonic eddies and in near‐shore waters and using more light sticks and fishing at night in our study area, although further studies are needed to propose a solid oceanography‐based management plan for catch selection.  相似文献   

Understanding the links between large scale spatial structuring of fish assemblages and shaping factors is essential to develop comprehensive ecosystem-based fisheries management. In this study, we investigated spatial patterns of bottom fish assemblages in the North Sea in relation to prevailing water masses in the region. We based our analysis on catch data from the German Small-Scale Bottom Trawl Survey conducted between 1987 and 2005 and used both ordination techniques and Mantel tests. Spatial variability of bottom fish assemblages was larger than inter-annual variability. Five significantly different bottom fish assemblages were associated with the following prevailing hydrographical regimes: i) the English Channel, ii) Continental Coastal, iii) central North Sea, iv) northern North Sea, and v) northern Atlantic water masses. Associations were generated by gradients in relative proportions of abundant species such as grey gurnard ( Eutrigla gurnardus ), dab ( Limanda limanda ), whiting ( Merlangius merlangus ), haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus ) and Norway pout ( Trisopterus esmarki ). Taking into account large scale spatial structuring of catch data Mantel tests confirmed significant correlation between the fish assemblages and hydrographical variables. In summary, our results strongly support the hypotheses that hydrographical features such as water masses, fronts, and residual currents could shape bottom fish associations in the North Sea. Spatial demarcations of bottom fish assemblages indicated by this study can be used to support ecosystem-based fisheries management strategies.  相似文献   

The effects of different stressors on the atretic degeneration of ovarian vitellogenic follicles, as well as on the ovarian mass, were examined in female Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (L.), from the Mediterranean Sea. The stressors taken into consideration were short-term starvation (up to 14 days), long-term cage rearing (1 year) and crowding-induced severe panic frenzy. Wild-caught individuals were used as a control group. Fish subjected to either severe panic frenzy or starvation exhibited a decrease in gonad mass and had significantly higher intensity of α atresia in the vitellogenic follicles (means: 78% and 58%, respectively; range: 36-100%) than either wild or long-term caged individuals (means: 32% and 30%, respectively; range: 19-44%). The extensive atresia in fish stressed by severe panic frenzy was observed as early as 24 h after the stressing event. The present study represents the first evidence of the extreme susceptibility of Atlantic bluefin tuna to severe acute stress during vitellogenesis; it also shows that starvation is associated with progressive reabsorption of vitellogenic oocytes.  相似文献   

Alternative error distributions were evaluated for calculating indices of relative abundance for non-target species using catch and effort data from commercial fisheries. A general procedure is presented for testing the underlying assumptions of different error distributions. Catch rates, from an observer program, of billfish caught mainly as bycatch in a pelagic tuna longline fishery in the Western Central Atlantic were standardized. Although catches of billfishes are not common in pelagic tuna longline fisheries, these fisheries are one of the main sources of fishing mortality for these stocks in the central Atlantic due to the magnitude and spatial extent of longline fishing effort. Billfish CPUE data are highly skewed with a large proportion of zero observations. Delta distribution models can accommodate this type of data, and involve modeling the probability of a non-zero observation and the catch rate given that the catch is non-zero separately. Three different Delta models were compared against other error distributions, including the lognormal, log-gamma, and Poisson. Diagnostic checks and deviance table analyses were performed to identify the best error distribution and the set of factors and interactions that most adequately explained the observed variability. The results indicated that the Delta-lognormal model (a binomial error distribution for the probability of a non-zero catch and lognormal error for the positive catch rates) complied best with the underlying characteristics of the data set. Analyses of catch rates for blue marlin, white marlin and sailfish confirmed the spatio-temporal nature of their distribution in the central Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. Also, the analyses indicated that catch rates of billfish differed among fishing vessel types; larger vessels had a higher probability of catching blue marlin, the more oceanic-oriented species, and lower probabilities of catching the more coastal-oriented species white marlin and sailfish. Standardized catch rates indicated in general a lower relative abundance for blue and white marlin in the most recent years, although estimated confidence intervals overlap through the years especially for white marlin.  相似文献   

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