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Forest regrowth is a notable phenomenon across the tropical forest latitudes. Such reforestation takes place in the wake of land abandonment, occurs cyclically in a rotational agricultural system, and may result from the deliberate planting of trees by farmers. Although less extensive than successional forest regeneration, tree planting by small farmers can have potentially important environmental impacts at both the site and global scale. This paper examines tree-planting efforts by small farmers in the tropical frontier regions of Panama and Brazil in order to gauge the magnitude of reforestation activities, and to identify factors that influence these efforts. This paper discusses the environmental regulations, forestry law, and tenure institutions in both countries, and performs a comparative analysis of reforestation efforts with information derived from household surveys (n = 356) and in-depth tree planting interviews (n = 35). Results from logistic regression are also presented. Our results show that tree planting occurs more frequently in Panama, which we attribute to greater external support in the provisioning of extension and materials and strong market incentives. We suggest that the proximity of the study sites to Panama City facilitates external support and market drivers. Finally, our results suggest that land tenure security is an influential determinant of reforestation activities in both countries.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

根据我国现行法律法规和基本政策,从法律视角透视我国农村集体林权制度改革,依据《物权法》、《农村土地承包法》、《森林法》等法律法规论述了林权改革法律依据、林地承包经营权,林地使用权、林地使用权流转和林地使用权的特殊保护五个方面的法律规定。提出推进农村集体林权制度改革必须强化其法定性,依法推动、规范有序、保障改革。  相似文献   

山东省保护和发展森林资源的对策与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文分析了山东省森林资源现状及动态变化,对现状特点进行了评价,提出了市场经济体制下保护和发展森林资源的对策:提高认识,增强自觉性,加快造林绿化步伐,扩大森林资源,实行分类经营,搞好林业规划,强化资源管理,依法治林,加强政府宏观调控职能  相似文献   

When devising policies for financing private silvicultural operations on public forest land, government agencies should consider carefully the benefits and costs of alternative arrangements and how they arc likely to affect tenure holders' behavior. Three general methods of achieving silvicultural objectives arc discussed — the creation of incentives for private voluntary expenditures, reimbursement by governments of expenditures on approved or required silvicultural operations, and required silvicultural operations at the tenure holder's expense.Private firms will only invest voluntarily in silviculture on public lands if they have adequate security of tenure and hold sufficient equity in the timber values resulting from their activities. If firms' silvicultural costs arc reimbursed, their behavior will depend on the extent of reimbursement and whether they have a financial interest in the outcomes of their reimbursed activities. Generally, reimbursement of expenditures must be supported by minimum performance standards and costly monitoring and enforcement procedures. If silvicultural operations are required at the tenure holder's expense, firms will only undertake silviculture to avoid penalties and have a strong incentive to achieve required standards at minimum cost. More stringent monitoring and enforcement procedures may be necessary than if costs arc reimbursed.The impact of policy alternatives is illustrated by means of a survey of silvicultural expenditures on two forest tenure types in British Columbia.  相似文献   

我国自然保护区集体林现状与问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中从全国198个自然保护区以及东南五省43个森林和野生动植物类型国家级自然保护区等3个层次全面阐述我国自然保护区集体林现状, 从历史上对土地权属问题的淡化或忽视、法律法规不足、当地社会经济发展与自然保护的矛盾及补偿机制等方面分析了我国自然保护区集体林权改革中存在的问题, 并结合国外自然保护区土地权属管理的成熟做法, 提出了加强试点、科学规划、完善法律法规及政策体系、创新模式、充分尊重社区群众的利益、完善生态补偿机制等对策, 以推动我国自然保护区集体林改工作, 促进自然保护区与社区和谐发展。  相似文献   

通过对辽宁省11县329户林农684块林地的调研, 从经营主体、林种、林地获取途径等方面对新一轮集体林权制度改革路径进行总结与归纳。以家庭经营与联户经营的改革路径为例, 建立Heckman二阶段决策模型, 实证分析林权制度改革路径对林农生产投资决策的影响。结果表明, 家庭经营对林农生产投资决策有显著的正向影响, 即家庭经营比联户经营更能提高林农林业生产投资的积极性, 并激励林农扩大林业投资规模。但是, 家庭经营也有受到资金、林地规模、生产技术的局限, 政府应进行林区金融产品创新, 鼓励林地流转, 引导林农参加林业合作经济组织。  相似文献   

Collective forest tenure reform is now carried out throughout China with the aim to clarify the property,increase forest farmers' income and motivate the development of forestry.But the collective forest tenure reform in nature reserves comes to a dilemma.The current implemented laws and regulations provide that forests and trees in nature reserves shall be under strict protection,while the forest farmers hope to improve their livelihood in the reform.The paper discussed the problems encountered in the c...  相似文献   

Increasing population in the forest zone of Cameroon has led to reduction of fallow periods and to diminution of per capita cropping land area. Alley farming is a promising technology for the zone; however, its large scale adoption depends on host of factors of which an important one is tree and land tenure. For this reason, a study was conducted in 1990 to determine implication of national land legislation and customary land and tree tenure on the adoption of alley farming in the forest zone of Cameroon.Despite national laws purposing to regulate land and tree use, ownership rights to land and trees are largely determined by customary tenure rules. According to the forest zone customs, land is passed on from father to son when the father dies. Owners of inherited lands have full rights on lands and these rights are rarely revoked. Women do not own lands but are allowed to crop any piece of their husband's land as long as they stay married. Despite the lack of land ownership, women might still readily adopt alley farming because they are primarily concerned about food crop production and the amount of land to be given to their sons in the future.Study funded by the International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA), Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia, and technically supervised by the Land Tenure Center (LTC), University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin USA.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how farmers in the Sewu Hills, a limestone hill complex in Java, were led to grow trees on their holdings. In the past, the area had been notorious for its deforestation, soil erosion and poverty. A historical analysis of change in land use in the area bears out a number of factors that were conducive to these changes: increased crop productivity, depletion of forest resources, better marketing opportunities for tree products, greater security of the trees and increased non-agricultural employment opportunities. Tree planting campaigns launched by the government provided the population with important incentives, establishing a critical mass of farmers adopting tree growing. Trees and their products have diversified, buffered and expanded household economies in the Sewu Hills. Yet it remains to be seen whether the system can withstand the economic and social pressures the area is facing today. A historical, multi-level analysis of land use adds considerably to cross-sectional studies in understanding what causes farmers to grow trees on their fields. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

在论述近自然林业理论的形成过程、基本内涵及其特点的基础上,分析了用近自然林业理论指导三北四期工程建设的必要性,并结合实际在良种壮苗、适地适树、资源保护更新、合理选择造林方式、科学布局林种树种方面提出了用近自然林业理论指导三北四期工程建设的具体对策建议。  相似文献   

关于国有林权流转若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
立足于国有林这一特殊的所有制形态, 通过对我国现有法律法规中有关国有林权流转的条款进行梳理分析国有林权流转制度的现状; 在借鉴国外国有林经营管理模式及林权流转制度的基础上, 就国有林权流转的概念、流转范围、流转程序和流转方式等问题进行分析探讨, 提出加强国有林权流转管理的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Biodiversity is declining throughout southern African miombo woodlands due to poor land use practices that are detrimental to soil, vegetation and habitat. We aimed at examining tree and shrub species diversity and distribution in Uapaca kirkiana-dominated woodlands under three land tenure types; forest reserves, customary and leasehold land. The study was conducted at different forest sites within similar agroecological zone in southern Malawi. Study sites were located at a range of altitudes between 900 and 1,200 m a.s.l. Three circular plots each with 32.60 m radius were established at each study site to sample tree and shrub species composition, structure and distribution under three land tenure types. We found that forest reserves had higher species diversity with an average of 16 tree families, 27 genera and 34 species as compared to only 10 tree families, 6 genera and 6 species on customary forest lands. Comparisons of diameter at breast height size class distributions showed that customary land had significantly low numbers of small (5.0–10.0 cm) and very large (≥30 cm) diameter classes suggesting lower levels of regeneration and high rate of anthropogenic activities. The high species diversity and richness in forest reserves and leasehold land indicate high potential for protected lands to restore tree species diversity. It is concluded that levels of human activities as influenced by land tenure type reduce tree species diversity, composition and distribution at the different sites, and this confirms the hypothesis that open access lands are not compatible with conservation of tree and shrub species diversity because of high anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

The ‘when, where and how’ of decisions by smallholder upland farmers to plant trees as part of their use of natural, human and capital resources needs to be understood if policy support is to result in actual recovery of tree cover as part of a ‘forest transition’ trajectory. In large parts of the Philippines the turning point may be close. Data on resource access and tree planting decisions were gathered from a household survey, with a total of 148 respondents in four rural communities in Leyte Province in Central Philippines. Data were analysed using logistic regression analysis. Household-level results reveal that the outcomes of the decision-making processes primarily depend on the availability of land and access to remaining forest resources rather than socio-cultural or economic factors. The total area of land and number of parcels managed by the household plus security of land tenure through ownership was found to have a statistically significant effect on farmers’ decision to plant native timber trees. Access to surrounding natural forest is negatively associated with farmer tree planting.  相似文献   

Deforestation and degradation of productive lands are serious threats to the sustainability of forestry/agricultural practices in Kenya. In the last two decades farm forestry (FF) has been promoted through pilot projects among local communities as an example of sustainable land use. However adoption of FF is limited outside the project locations because FF improvement measures focused mainly on biological (e.g. succession, biodiversity and traditional industrial timber production) and technical concerns (e.g. material input delivery such as providing free tree seedlings for field planting) rather than local values, and interests and the constraints facing farmers. This study examined the local farm priorities and constraints and the prospects for the wider implementation of farm-level tree planting in four communities in Rachuonyo District. Using interviews with 597 randomly selected household heads, the study assessed farmer’s production assets and activities, land tenure, priority tree species and the constraints to growing trees on farms. Results show that farm labour is represented by a young population, 56.3% under the age of forty. They are mainly engaged in small-scale mixed cropping integrated with multipurpose trees and some livestock. Tree products contribute about 32% to household cash income, more than any other source (agricultural products, labour sales, etc). Females were more often household heads and had considerable influence over productive activities, making them an important target group in FF development. Farmers preferred exotic tree species due to their ability to provide short-term cash income, fuel and shade. Farmers’ concerns included population pressure on limited farmlands and the problem of credit for agricultural inputs. Given the feeling of secured tenure arrangement and influence of tree products on the household economy, farmers are likely to invest more in efficient land uses such as FF if consideration is given to local priorities.  相似文献   

福建省县域森林转型社会经济影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究森林转型的主要社会经济影响因素,为推动区域社会经济与森林生态协调发展提供参考。【方法】基于福建省32个典型样本县2000—2016年遥感影像,获取森林面积数据,结合社会经济统计数据,利用分位数回归方法研究不同森林资源条件下社会经济和制度等因素对森林转型的影响。【结果】1)林农人均收入水平对森林面积增长具有显著促进作用,在森林资源适中的地区,人均收入提高对森林转型的促进效应较大,而在森林资源较为丰富或相对匮乏的地区,人均收入提高对森林转型的促进效应较小;2)人均粮食产量对森林转型具有显著正向作用,在森林资源相对匮乏的地区,人均粮食产量提高对森林面积增长的促进效应更显著;3)集体林权制度改革对森林转型具有负向影响。【结论】林农收入增长和人均粮食产量提高是促进福建省县域森林转型的重要因素,提高林区人均收入水平、促进土地集约化利用有助于森林面积恢复和增长;集体林权制度改革对森林转型具有负向作用,应进一步完善集体林权制度配套改革,形成促进林农投资林业的长效激励。  相似文献   

近30年来,世界许多国家开展了森林及林地权属制度改革。改革的主要方向是将森林/林木的所有权/经营管理权下放给政府之外的利益主体,包括家庭、企业和社区。这种改革涉及到森林管理权和经营利用权的下放及森林所有权私有化等复杂多样的产权形式。文中以联合国粮农组织发布的相关报告及国外林权改革相关文献资料为主要素材,选择德国、日本、新西兰、欧洲部分转型国家及独联体国家等诸多国家的改革案例,对国外林权制度改革类型进行梳理,以总结国外林权制度改革的现状、路径和趋势等,为我国林权制度改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>How to effectively meet the globally increasing demands for forest products and meanwhile put forest resources and eco-environment under better protection for achieving the balance between protection and growth is a long-term challenge in face of the international community.China is the largest country in world forest products import/export.In such sense,the realistic state and future orientation of China's forest product procurement policy will impose considerable impacts on and play a significant role in forestry industry development in China as well as the global sustainable forestry development.In view of the state and trend of forest product procurement by Chinese enterprises,the paper analyzed the problems and challenges facing China's green procurement of forest product based on the results of field survey carried out for different types of forest product processors,including customers' weak awareness of green consumption,deficient green procurement resources of forest products,high prices of green procured products,limited list of forest products under green procurement,lack of laws and regulations for green public procurement and lack of policy support and green market planning.At the same time,by comparing and learning the experiences and lessons of the UK,Japan,France, Netherland and other countries in green public procurement of forest products,the paper,in line with the national and forest conditions in China,proposed some policy recommendations,e.g. strengthening dissemination and education for raising the awareness of green consumption, updating laws and regulations for government green procurement,adopting marketing means to encourage green enterprises development,updating green product lists to incorporate more green procurement enterprises into government green procurement programs,establishing monitoring and execution mechanism for green procurement and enhancing the oversight of green procurement,with the aim to facilitate China's green procurement process of forest products and quicken China's pace of green socioeconomic transition.  相似文献   

森林认证对林业政策与管理的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林认证作为一种市场激励手段和"软政策"工具,林业政策法规作为一种强制性的"硬政策"工具,这两方面在促进森林可持续经营和加强林业管理方面具有较强的互补性。目前,森林认证已发展成为加强林业政策管理的一种新工具,包括促进各方对林业问题和林业政策的讨论、推动国家法规政策的制定和实施、改进公有林的管理、提高森林可持续经营的意识和能力以及加强有关森林可持续经营的国际政策协商等。文章分析了森林认证与林业法规政策的关系,并对森林认证在推动包括我国在内的林业政策管理中的作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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