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林权抵押贷款发展的制约因素与对策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林凤英 《福建林业科技》2012,39(2):164-167,172
阐述了林权抵押贷款发展的现状及存在的问题;分析了森林资产变现风险、评估风险等因素对金融部门林权抵押贷款供给的制约作用,贷款期限过短、贷款费用偏高、贷款抵押率较低等因素对林业经营主体林权抵押贷款需求的抑制作用;从刺激金融部门供给与林业经营主体需求的角度提出了相应的建议,包括降低森林资产的变现风险与评估风险、合理调整贷款期限与贷款抵押率和降低贷款费用等。  相似文献   

About 100 million rural households in China have obtained forest property certification, which could serve as collateral to help households obtain microloans intended for forest management and investment. However, it is still difficult for households to receive these loans using forests as collateral. The strong demand for loans from the Rural Credit Cooperative cannot be met. This paper attempts to understand microloan access behavior using 241 respondents in three typical Chinese counties. It argues that the loan is determined by both the demand from the household as well as the supply from banks. Logistic regression models are used to investigate what might affect accessibility to households’ microloans. Household characteristics like age, education, income, forest characteristics as well as the regional variation of loans are used as explanatory variables. Age, education and income as well as the perception of the bank services are found statistically significant. Other findings include that only half of the respondents who received loans supposed for forest management but use for other purposes. Most importantly, it is found that joint-loan arrangement is more suitable for small-scale households and direct-loan and guaranteed-loans are better match larger property size. A simplified loan-process and discount points would lower transaction costs and improve rural households’ accessibility to microloan using of forest property collateral.  相似文献   

为进一步加快江西省林业产业化发展,建设林业产业强省,实现生态效益、经济效益和社会效益多赢的目标,必须建立林业产业发展所匹配的贷款担保机制,促进林业产业发展对信贷资金的需求。以及从"十五"以来,林业贷款落实难面临着许多实际难题。对此,要求各地林业主管部门解放思想、与时俱进,创新管理与服务机制,对新时期落实林业贷款的新途径、新办法进行有益尝试。  相似文献   

林业投融资信用平台构建的实践与探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过分析具有典型集体林区特征的尤溪县集体林业经营和林业投资需求状况,阐述林业担保公司市场化运作模式的实践和存在的问题,提出南方集体林区建立林业投融资信用平台,解决林权制度改革后林业生产经营贷款担保和融资难的建议和发展思路。  相似文献   

作为中国重要的基础产业和公益事业,林业正处在建设发展的新阶段。林业资金缺口已经对林业可持续发展形成了一定制约,中国林业投融资体系有待进一步创新和完善。文中对比分析中国、美国、日本3国林业投融资现状,发现中国林业投融资存在高度依赖财政投入、融资渠道单一、未有效利用资本市场等问题;在此基础上提出几点启示:完善国家持续的林业公共财政投入体系、优化投向结构,减少信贷约束、扩大信贷覆盖范围,有效利用资本市场、创新多元的投融资渠道。  相似文献   

构建资金集聚平台 破解林业融资瓶颈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着集体林权制度改革不断深入,林业生产周期长,资产不易变现,给融资带来极大困难,永安市通过建立林业要素市场,提供林权流转平台,构建林业信用平台,设计贷款方案,强化保障措施,防范金融风险等一系列措施,有效地破解林业融资瓶颈,促进了林农观念的改变,实现高效经营措施,形成了社会办林业的氛围,从而带动了森林资源的培育,实现了林农增收、村财增收和林业增效。  相似文献   

The absence of available credit to finance reforestation investments among NIPF landowners has been one of the contributing reasons why landowners do not reforest after harvest. Financial assistance programs are therefore a solution to initiating reforestation investments. However, previous studies indicate many landowners are not actively participating in existing government assistance programs. This paper examines reforestation loans as an alternative financial assistance program. Landowner participation in a proposed reforestation loan program is modeled using logistic regression. Results indicate that landowner participation in the program is influenced by ownership size, socio-demographic characteristics, and availability of other forestry incentive and assistance programs.  相似文献   

妇女参与和林业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
妇女与林业有着紧密的依存关系。广大发展中国家的妇女积极地参与了治山治水、植树造林、农林间作、采集运输、加工销售、节柴改灶等与林业有关的活动。文章论述了妇女在林业生产中的地位和作用,介绍了发展中国家的妇女参加林业活动的现状及其限制因素。借鉴国际上有关妇女与农村发展的经验和理论,结合中国的国情,研究妇女在农村发展中的作用十分必要。  相似文献   

通过对比3种可用于林业生态建设的融资模式,即银行专项资金贷款、Private Finance Initiative(PFI)融资、CDM林业碳汇融资各自优劣性,试图找出更完善、更适合林业生态工程建设的融资模式。对国家林业生态系统工程建设融资提供有意义的理论探索以及有价值的对策,为林业这种高持续性、发展性、规模性的产业开辟一条新的融资之路。  相似文献   

利用2010年在浙江省丽水市3个县(市)9个乡镇28个行政村随机抽取的591户农户调查数据,对影响农户林权抵押贷款需求的情况进行计量分析。主要研究户主个人特征、农户家庭特征、农户家庭经济状况以及金融服务对于农户林权抵押贷款需求的影响。研究表明:农户家庭拥有的林地面积、家庭支出和贷款贴息政策等因素对农户的信贷需求产生正显著影响;户主年龄、贷款用途是否限制对农户的信贷需求产生负的显著影响。提出进一步促进农户贷款需求的政策建议。  相似文献   

对云南省景谷县197户林农的融资情况进行调查分析,结果表明:林改后林农融资需求强烈,民间融资作用突出,"公司+基地+农户"模式成效显著,林农在林业生产经营中存在融资困境、信贷约束和金融供给与融资需求错位的问题.藉此,从金融机构、林农、林改配套改革和农村金融环境4个方面提出了相应的对策和建议.  相似文献   

林业产业资产证券化是一种重要的金融创新,是化解林业产业融资困境的重要手段。文中从银行授信风险角度出发,提出把林业产业和资产证券化技术结合起来,通过银行在资本市场认购资产支持证券的方式,为林业产业提供资金支持;基于我国林业产业特点,设计了5种林业产业资产证券化融资模式,即林权收益权资产证券化、林业财政补贴资产证券化、林业银行信贷资产证券化、林产品销售应收账款资产证券化、森林公园门票收益权资产证券化。  相似文献   

随着我国林业产业发展和生态修复工程的加速开展,林业资金投入与需求之间的缺口日渐变大,林业投融资机制存在的问题日益凸显,已成为制约我国林业进一步发展的重大障碍。不动产信托基金(REITs)作为流动性高、投资风险较低、收益较为稳定的金融产品,能够起到盘活存量资产,拓宽社会资本投资渠道,使资本市场高效服务实体经济的作用。自2020年4月起,关于REITs的政策密集出台,标志着我国不动产信托基金试点的正式起步。随着政策发布,各大基金公司积极地寻找优质项目,截至2020年11月,多家拟发行REITs的基金公司已赴国家发改委进行答辩,意味着大批REITs产品即将面世,新的蓝海也即将出现。但由于目前的试点要求,林业类项目暂时还不具备大规模发行REITs的条件。从资本市场的角度出发,通过分析REITs的特性和我国林业的融资困境与发展趋势,结合实际数据与政策要求,对林业行业运用不动产信托基金融资的可行性和必要性进行了分析研究,为进一步拓宽我国林业的融资渠道,降低融资成本提供启示和政策建议。  相似文献   

The importance of strategic planning as an instrument to cope with the uncertain future has been long recognized, especially in forestry which is characterized by its relationship with the distant future. Surprisingly, the question to what extent the future is indeed considered in forestry decision-making has received only limited attention. It is therefore the objective of this paper to explore empirically foresters' relation with time (called time perspectives), and more specifically their future orientation, as a basic prerequisite for strategic planning in forestry. In a case study approach, Dutch foresters were questioned with Cottle's Circles Test on the role of the future in their decision-making and the extent to which their planning is merely an extrapolation of past experiences and/or the perception of present conditions. The results indicate a strong future orientation of (Dutch) foresters in planning and decision-making. This allows for strategic planning in a truly entrepreneurial style with uncertainty being interpreted as a valuable resource. However, the results also show that this future orientation is constantly contested by the importance which foresters are assigning to the ‘past’ for learning.  相似文献   

建设国家储备林能够缓解国家木材供应的紧张局面,对于我国林业项目的发展具有至关重要的作用,但国家储备林项目始终面临着贷款难、融资模式单一等融资困境。PPP模式非常适合国家储备林项目,却并未被大范围推广。文中通过分析目前国家储备林项目PPP可用的几种模式,提出PPP模式的适用条件,找到相关制约因素,最后提出解决方法与应用推广策略。  相似文献   

林权抵押贷款是农村金融体系的重要组成部分,在支持林业发展、推动乡村振兴中发挥着重要作用。文中从交易费用视角探讨林权抵押贷款的发展演变规律发现:发展演变的本质是对森林资源价值属性的不断认识与确认,发挥林地的财产功能;发展演变的动力是交易费用通过新的制度安排转化成外部利润,形成规模收益;发展演变是朝着降低交易费用的方向进行。由此提出如下建议:及时改善交易市场环境,鼓励多种市场主体参与贷款交易,不断设计和完善利益分配机制,创新符合林业普惠金融与林业规模化经营双重要求的信贷模式。  相似文献   

通过对国家开发银行1994、1995两年林业信贷资产质量现状的回顾,指出了当前存在的贷款项目达标达产率降低和贷款本金回收难度加大、利息回收率逐年下降两个突出的问题;而认识上的偏差、政策上的不配套、贷款项目结构不尽合理、项目决策上的失误和项目经蓉管理的不善是问题的主要成因;按照转变经济增长方式的要求,转变观点调整贷款投向,按照现代化企业制度的要求建立项目管理体制,同时积极做好项目贷款条件的评审,加强项目的监管,并对已建成而未投产的项目进行实事求是的分析处理,是可以提高林业信贷资产的质量的。  相似文献   

对浙江林业融资创新的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从促进林业发展,拓展信贷支农渠道,推进社会主义新农村建设层面,对浙江省开展以林权抵押贷款为主的林业融资创新工作的必要性和现实可行性进行论述,认为当前在浙江省开展林权抵押贷款不仅条件已经成熟,而且是一项有利于“三农”和林业发展、金融展业增效的多赢之举,同时结合浙江省的现实情况,提出了开展林权抵押贷款工作的总体思路和框架。  相似文献   

This paper provides insights into foresters’ perceptions of forest recreation and its management. It is based on qualitative interviews with foresters in Berlin and the region of Stuttgart, Germany (N = 16). The results highlight the lack of strategic planning concerned with recreation management at both locations. Moreover, recreation management seems to depend mostly on the local forester in charge. Foresters’ perceptions of recreation, in turn, appear to be closely linked with how they perceive their work. Three narratives of the foresters’ self-perception are constructed that address three key items: perception of foresters’ skills and tasks, perception of the societal and political context of the foresters’ work and of their own scope of action in this context, and visions for future recreation management. The first narrative emphasises classical forestry and silvicultural aspects; the second understands foresters as multifunctional service providers for communal clients; and the last criticises the classical orientation of forestry and highlights new challenges for foresters in urban areas. These three views of recreation management in urban forests relate to classical forestry culture in different ways: either embodying this culture; differentiating from it; or adopting a new view which challenges this culture. Further research needs are discussed. The paper lastly argues for increased awareness of the importance of the social dimensions of forest management as one of the crucial future challenges for the forestry profession.  相似文献   

国际金融机构普遍制定了较为完善的林业投融资活动环境和社会风险管理政策。作为支持中国境外林业投资合作的重要主体之一,中资银行业金融机构近年来不断提高对境外项目的环境和社会风险管理意识与水平。文中介绍国际开发性和商业性金融机构涉及林业投融资活动的环境和社会风险管理政策与实践;在此基础上,为进一步完善中资银行业金融机构境外林业投融资活动的环境和社会风险管理框架,从总体要求、组织架构、政策制度和管理流程4个方面提出具有参考性的建议。  相似文献   

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