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随着乡村振兴战略的持续推进,休闲农业逐渐成为实现城乡融合发展的重要路径.以利益相关者理论为切入点,分析了休闲农业发展中利益相关者以及不同主体之间的利益诉求与冲突,并提出解决方法,①当地政府要统筹规划,协调利益关系;②经营企业应提高责任意识,回馈社会;③当地村民需接受再教育,提升生活技能.  相似文献   

总结了休闲农业开发过程中由于不同利益主体的利益诉求不同而使得农民利益面临着诸多困境,分析了休闲农业开发过程中加强保障农民利益的必要性,最后从明确农民的利益主体地位、健全利益分配和社会保障机制、建立农村新型经济合作组织、采取参与式的开发模式等方面提出了休闲农业开发过程中农民利益保障机制的构建。  相似文献   

休闲观光农业的发展涉及诸多利益主体,不同利益主体的合作、协调至关重要.基于利益主体理论对江苏省句容市休闲观光农业开发做了较为细致的个案研究,探讨休闲观光农业可持续发展的途径.  相似文献   

新型农业经营主体的快速发展对于加快推动农业现代化、促进农业适度规模经营等有着重要的促进作用。但新型农业经营主体生成发展过程中也面临着损害农民利益、主体经营失败、土地规模化陷阱和社会不稳定的风险,这些风险的化解需要放在城乡一体化的背景下进行,需要协调好新型主体与农业转移人口市民化、新型城镇化发展之间的关系,平衡好新型主体与失地农户之间的利益关系,防止损害农民利益、影响社会稳定的风险;需要提升新型主体的自我发展能力,化解新型主体农业经营失败风险;需要国家严格监管制止打击以新型主体的名义套取国家补贴、圈占土地的异化行为,防止补贴陷阱和规模化陷阱。  相似文献   

随着城市化的深入发展,失地农民数量不断增多,同时农民维权抗争的事件也屡屡发生,带来了社会的不安定。在失地农民通过政治手段维护权利的背后是各种经济利益关系在相互博弈,文章研究了农地非农化过程中国家、地方与农民之间的利益关系以及失地农民政治参与所表现出来的特点,提出在利益主体多元化的背景下,如何协调各种利益关系,规范失地农民的政治参与。  相似文献   

该文借鉴国内众多学者的研究,以半月里村开发为实证对象,通过对4个关键利益主体:当地居民、游客、政府以及旅游企业的分析,研究在传统村落的实际开发过程中各利益主体的诉求表达途径是否能够发挥作用,并提出相应协调机制,对协调传统村落旅游开发相关主体利益的平衡有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

目前我国农田水利供给存在诸多问题,各利益主体的利益关系不协调是其中一个重要原因。文章对农田水利各利益主体的利益关系进行梳理,以期厘清各个利益主体之间的利益关系,构建相应的激励机制,改善我国的农田水利供给状况。  相似文献   

论生态旅游开发与"三农"利益保障   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国生态旅游开发方兴未艾。一方面,旅游的扶贫效应日益显现;另一方面,与山区紧密相连的农民利益在一定程度上被忽略,由此造成了生态旅游开发与“三农”利益的不协调。本文依据“实现主体利益持续互动均衡”的原则,就关乎生态旅游成败和农民生计的土地补偿、利益分配、培训与就业、社区参与等问题,提出了建立“三农”利益保障机制的设想。  相似文献   

近年来旅游业渐渐地兴起,旅游成为一种时尚,其中传统村落旅游尤为突出。掀起了全国各地的传统村落旅游的热潮,成为开发传统村落旅游的重点。该文以福建省平和县庄上村为例,对庄上村传统村落村民的收人,基础设施和土楼状况等现状进行分析。涉及传统村落旅游在开发过程中的相关利益主体,主体利益诉求方面以及利益主体之间的矛盾。如何正确的处理利益主体之间的矛盾和协调好主体之间的各方的利益,使传统村落旅游开发得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

吴忠军  潘福之 《安徽农业科学》2013,41(13):5828-5829
主要从民族村寨农民的视角,通过分析目前少数民族村寨农民利益分配现状来剖析问题的原因所在;通过利益相关者理论,分析农民在利益分配博弈中的弱势地位;通过实地调查了解当地农民真实的诉求,探讨民族村寨利益开发中农民利益分配问题的解决途径。  相似文献   

汤茜  丁圣彦 《农学学报》2016,6(9):91-95
为了探明农户对农业景观的感知水平是否会对将来农业的可持续发展产生影响,通过问卷调查于2012 年4—5 月在河南省巩义市开展了相关调查研究。研究结果显示:受访农户普遍能够认识到农业景观的经济和生产功能及其服务,但对农业景观的其他功能及相关服务并没有明显认知;受多重因素的影响,有42%的受访农户明确表示不愿意改变他们当前的发展状态;约有25%的受访农户表示,政府提供经济补偿是他们愿意参与退耕还林生态工程的主要原因,这也充分说明了在经济利益的驱动下农户有景观改造和改变农业发展模式的意愿。今后应进一步深入探讨农业景观管理、农户发展意愿与政府决策之间的相互关系,为缓和局地人地关系矛盾并促进未来农业的可持续发展奠定重要的研究基础。  相似文献   

城市化伴随着大量土地被征用,这引发了地方政府、农民和土地开发商三者的利益冲突。本文简要阐述了现阶段城市化过程中地方政府征地的现状,选用博弈分析方法,对农民与征地方的各种博弈关系进行分析,剖析了在征地过程中失地农民与地方政府、开发商在征地补偿、再就业和社会保障等方面的矛盾,并提出了缓解矛盾的思路。  相似文献   

采用数理统计、相关分析、调查问卷等方法对广西1990~2007年农民人均纯收入演变特点及存在问题进行了研究。结果表明:农民人均纯收入增速阶段性波动与地方GDP增速阶段性波动趋势相似;农民人均纯收入与地方GDP高度正相关;农民人均纯收入结构随时间的推移发生了变化;农民人均纯收入区域性差距明显。存在的主要问题是农业生产成本上升、基础设施薄弱及工资性收入比例偏低。主要对策建议是:促进农业产业化经营,提高农民组织化程度;转移农村劳动力,增加工资性收入;增加对农业基础设施投入;大力发展农业优势产业;因地制宜。分类指导。  相似文献   

陈彦虎  顾宁  刘静  金伟平 《安徽农业科学》2012,(27):13508-13511
利用石嘴山市历年枸杞产量资料和气温、日照等常规气象资料,通过因子筛选,研究了气象因子与产量的关系,分析了各因子的生物学意义,构建了石嘴山市枸杞产量气象预报统计模型。根据该模型的相关气象因子分析,结合惠农区各地土质条件,农业生产情况,对枸杞生长与产量形成过程中与气象因子的关系加以分析,为农民种植枸杞提供帮助,为相关部门开展产量预测服务,为当地政府种植、收购与销售决策及农业结构调整提供依据。  相似文献   

农村土地流转中的十大关系探讨   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
蔡志荣  任蒴  张志刚 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(6):3159-3161,3206
探讨了土地流传的十大关系。其中,在农户与政府关系中指出,由于农民在土地流转中往往没有话语权,提出应以农民为土地流转的主体,政府只应履行其服务和监管职能;在土地所有权和承包经营权关系中,侧重于探讨土地承包经营权的流转,并指出土地流转的客体就是一定期限的土地承包经营权;在土地流转和深化改革关系中指出,土地流转只是发展规模经营和深化农村改革的一个途径,只有大力发展二、三产业与加快农村剩余劳动力转移,才能加快土地流转;在土地流转和土地改革中指出,现阶段我国不适于进行新土改;在附期限的土地承包与永包制、私有制关系中指出,永包制、私有制不适合我国国情,应该继续坚持附期限的土地承包方式;在土地流转与经济发展关系中指出,土地流转是自然过程,不应带有强制性,否则将不利于农村经济的发展;在企业与农户关系中指出,土地流转应在农户之间进行,公司和企业可以参与其中;在土地流转与农业经营绩效关系中指出,土地流转应因地制宜;在土地流转与土地兼并、流失关系中指出,土地流转必须坚持合法原则,规模经营必须坚持适度原则,防止土地流失到少数人手中;在小农经济和农业现代化关系中指出,小农经济的家庭经营模式未必成为农业现代化的障碍。  相似文献   

论发展农户庭院经济的八个关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对农户庭院经济的“认识-规划-实施”的关系、“生态、经济、社会”三个效益的关系、“庭院开发、大田生产、乡镇企业”的关系、“过去、当前、长远”的关系、“种、养、加、服”四业的关系、“领导、技术人员、农户”的关系、“试验、示范、推广”的关系、“人、财、物”的关系等八个关系进行了扼要的论述。  相似文献   

Agriculture is a major cause of non-point source water pollution in the Midwest. Excessive nitrate, phosphorous, and sediment levels degrade the Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico. In this research we ask, to what extent can citizen involvement help solve the problem of non-point source pollution. Does connecting farmers to farmers and to other community members make a difference in moving beyond the status quo? To answer these questions we examine the satisfaction level of Iowa farmers and landowners with their current conservation measures as a proxy for willingness to change. A survey of 360 conservation minded farmers obtained from a random sample of 75 HUC (Hydrologic Unit Code) 12 Iowa watersheds reveals that 27% of the variance among farmers’ perception of adequacy of their conservation practices is explained by a combination of beliefs about the seriousness of water pollution, personal, civic, and expert connections. The more farmers talk with other farmers the more likely they are satisfied with their conservation efforts. However, the more frequently farmers talk to friends and neighbors that don’t farm, the more likely they are to not be satisfied with their conservation efforts. Further, the more social organizations farmers belong to—e.g., more non-farmers they interact with in a group setting—the more likely they are to be dissatisfied with their level of effort being adequate to protect local water bodies. These findings suggest the personal and civic connections among farmers and communities are important in explaining perceptions of how adequate conservation measures are. These perceptions have implications for farmers’ willingness to go beyond current actions and more actively engage in solving local watershed problems and explain why they may not currently be engaged in additional actions.  相似文献   

Actor network theory and supply chainmanagement theory provide suggestive researchdirections for understanding regional agri-foodnetworks. These theories claim that relationshipsbased upon trust and cooperation are critical to thestrength and vitality of the network. This means thatexploring and detailing these relationships among thesuppliers, producers, workers, processors, brokers,wholesalers, and retailers within specific regionalgeographies of these networks are critical forfurthering cooperation and trust. Key areas ofcooperation include resource sharing andapprenticeship programs. Employing food networks as akey unit of contextual analysis will deepen ourunderstanding of how to enhance their resiliency andvibrancy. Important questions can be raised about thedifference gender makes for farmers, brokers,entrepreneurs, and workers in local food networks.  相似文献   

Conversion to organic farming, along with its associated driving forces and barriers, has been explored intensively over the past decade, while studies on the distribution and impacts of local socio-cultural processes in relation to conversion to and diffusion of organic farming have been scarce. The concentration of organic farms in Denmark differs according to county and, moreover, there appears to be large within-county variation in the density of organic farms. The present study explores local aspects of conversion to organic farming and the factors that may help explain variation in density and concentration of organic farms within smaller areas. The study is based on nine qualitative interviews with organic farmers from two neighboring areas, referred to as “mainland” and “island,” respectively. Three farms were situated in the high-density area (mainland) and the remaining six in the low-density area (island). Furthermore, five advisors with connections to the area provided information with regard to their local experience and perceptions. Three main, and to some extent interacting, issues are discussed. The first is the price of land related to local scarcity of land, in the context of structural development and the effects of agricultural policies. The second is distance – both physical and social. Cooperation and exchange of experience among organic farmers was frequent on the mainland side, while isolation and lack of interaction was more common for the island farmers. Third, the role of the agricultural advisory service and the existence of champion farmers are important: pioneer farmers on the mainland have been supported by committed agricultural advisors, while lack of organic champion farmers and low priority granted to organic farming among agricultural advisors were found on the island. Marie-Louise Risgaard has an MSc within the field of organic agriculture. Her research interests are organic farming and rural development with the present occupation as innovative partner at a small-scale organic enterprise. In this capacity she is responsible for creating links between the organic enterprise, the gastronomic sector and organic markets, locally as well as nationally. Pia Frederiksen, PhD, is a geographer and senior scientist with research skills in rural development, sustainability, landscape analysis, and agri-environmental indicators. Pernille Kaltoft, PhD, is an environmental sociologist and senior scientist whose work focuses on organic farming and farmers’ perceptions. Dr. Kaltoft’s general research interests include values, perceptions, and views of nature related to agricultural and environmental issues.  相似文献   

Farm to school programs are at the vanguard of efforts to create an alternative agrifood system in the United States. Regionally-based, mid-tier food distributors may play an important role in harnessing the potential of farm to school programs to create viable market opportunities for small- and mid-size family farmers, while bringing more locally grown fresh food to school cafeterias. This paper focuses on the perspectives of food distributors. Our findings suggest that the food distributors profiled have the potential to help institutionalize farm to school programs. Notably, their relationships with farmers may be a critical element in expanding the scale and scope of local school food procurement. Their ability to catalyze local school food procurement however, is limited by the structural context in which farm to school programs operate. Specifically, the oppositional school year and agriculture production cycle, and tight food service budget constraints disembed and limit the potential of farm to school programs to decrease the “marketness” of school food procurement and to shift it from a process based largely on price to one that is more territorially embedded. As farm to school programs continue to gain support, regionally-based food distributors that have the meaningful relationships necessary to re-embed the school food service market back into the larger society may be critical to enabling advocates to achieve their goals.  相似文献   

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