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To investigate the course‐related and other costs involved in obtaining a veterinary education in Australia and how these costs are met. The study also aimed to identify sociodemographic and course‐related factors associated with increased financial stress.


Students from seven Australian veterinary schools were surveyed using an online questionnaire. A total of 443 students participated (response rate 17%). Responses to survey items relating to finances, employment and course‐related costs were compared with sociodemographic factors and prior research in the area of student financial stress.


Respondents reported spending a median of A$300 per week on living costs and a median of A$2,000 per year on course‐related expenses. Over half of respondents received the majority of their income from their parents or Youth Allowance (56%). A similar proportion (55%) reported that they needed to work to meet basic living expenses. Circumstances and sociodemographic factors linked to perceived financial stress included requiring additional finances to meet unexpected costs during the course; sourcing additional finances from external loans; an expected tuition debt at graduation over A$40,000; being 22 years or older; working more than 12 hours per week; living costs above A$300 per week; and being female.


The costs involved in obtaining a veterinary education in Australia are high and over half of respondents are reliant on parental or Government income support. Respondents with certain sociodemographic profiles are more prone to financial stress. These findings may have implications for the psychological health, diversity and career plans of veterinary students in Australia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the family, educational and animal-related backgrounds and career aspirations of students who were selected on the basis of academic criteria with those selected using additional criteria. METHODS: Questionnaires were completed during class time in the first few weeks of enrolment by incoming veterinary students at the University of Sydney, who had been selected on the basis of academic background, and at Charles Sturt University, selected using more broadly-based criteria. The data were transferred to an Excel spreadsheet, and frequency distributions and chi2 statistics estimated using the SAS System for Windows 8. RESULTS: Students selected principally on academic criteria alone had higher average UAI scores, were more likely to have completed high school in a capital city, and to have parents with higher education levels than those selected using additional criteria. Both groups indicated that their choice of veterinary science was based largely on their affinity for animals and keenness to work in a veterinary practice. However, those at CSU placed much greater importance than those at Sydney on a desire to live and work in a rural area, and a desire to help farmers. The broad-based selection methods were the main reasons for students applying to CSU whereas the reputation of the university was the main attraction for Sydney students. Two-thirds of CSU students, but one-third of Sydney students, planned to enter rural mixed practice when they graduated, and most planned to stay for at least 10 years. Conversely, no CSU students, but 42% of those at Sydney, planned to enter small animal practice initially. The percentage planning to work full-time in the first, fifth and tenth year after graduation was not significantly different between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Criteria which included actual experience with farm animals have resulted in the selection of more students who plan to enter and remain in rural mixed practice. Further studies over the longer term will be necessary to assess the extent to which these plans are realized.  相似文献   

Objective-To characterize trends in gender, employment, starting salaries, and educational debt of graduates of US veterinary medical schools and colleges from 1988 to 2007. Design-Meta-analysis. Sample Population-Veterinary medical graduates from 26 or 27 of 27 US veterinary schools and colleges from 1988 through 2007. Procedures-Data were obtained from surveys published in the JAVMA. A chi(2) test for trend was used to analyze trends in choices of employment and educational indebtedness for the veterinary graduate populations over time. Results-The greatest changes in employment occurred in predominantly large animal practice, which attracted 10.7% of new graduates in 1989 but only 2.2% in 2007, and in advanced study, which attracted 15.2% of new graduates in 1989 and 36.8% in 2007. In 2007, 75% of graduates were women, but this gender shift was not associated with the decline in the percentage of graduates entering rural practice. From 1989 through 2007, starting salaries in private practice increased at a rate of 4.60%/y. During the same period, educational debt increased at an annual rate of 7.36%, or 60% higher than the rate of increases for starting salaries. As a result, debt at graduation increased from 1.1 times the starting salary in 1989 to 2.0 times the starting salary in 2007. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Veterinary students are now more in debt than they have ever been. This trend together with a substantial increase in the rate of interest charged for government-backed education loans create conditions for new graduates that appear unsustainable.  相似文献   

Male graduates of veterinary medical colleges received a mean of 3.2 employment offers, compared with 2.8 offers received by female graduates. Overall, male graduates reported a mean starting salary of $38,786, compared with $37,148 for female graduates.  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the time veterinary graduates spend in private practice and in veterinary work generally, and to determine what factors influence this.
Methods Questionnaires were completed in the sixth year after graduation by 119 veterinarians who had participated in this longitudinal study since starting the veterinary course, and the data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results Of those who started the veterinary course, 90% graduated, and 96% of these then entered private practice. Five years later 94% (73% in full-time equivalents) were working as veterinarians, and 64% (50% in full-time equivalents) were still in private practice in Australia. Hours, attitudes of principals and clients, and inadequate rewards were the main reasons for leaving private practice. The likelihood of being still in private practice was greater for those who had had significant responsibility for animals before they entered the course, but it was not related to geographical origin (city vs country), age at entry or gender. Women were, however, more likely than men to be working part time as veterinarians. Predictions of veterinary working life were not affected by geographical origin or by previous experience with animals or on farms, but men expected to work longer than women.
Conclusion The average veterinary career, estimated by veterinarians who graduated 5 years earlier, is 24 years in fulltime equivalents for men, and 16 years for women. Almost all (94%, representing 73% in full-time equivalents) still work as veterinarians after 5 years, most of them (76%, representing 59% in full-time equivalents) in private practice. The likelihood of remaining in private practice is related to previous responsibility for animals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the attitudes of veterinarians to their work, career and profession during the 10 years after graduation. DESIGN: Longitudinal study of students who started their course at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986, and who completed questionnaires in their first and fifth year as students, and after one, five and 10 years as veterinarians. METHODS: Data from 129 (96%) questionnaires completed after 10 years as a veterinarian were coded numerically then analysed, together with data from previous questionnaires, with SAS System 7 for Windows 95. RESULTS: After 10 years, almost all respondents were either very glad they had done the veterinary course (57%) or generally glad, though with some misgivings (37%). Despite this, only 55% would definitely become a veterinarian if they 'had to do it over again'. The responses for about one-third were different from those given five years earlier. The views of many were related to the level of support and encouragement received in their first job after graduation. There were 42% who were working less than half-time as veterinarians, and their main reasons were, in order, raising children, long hours of work, attitudes of bosses and clients, and poor pay. A majority was concerned about the ethics and competence of some colleagues, and almost all believed that consideration of costs must influence the type of treatment animals receive. CONCLUSIONS: Most veterinarians were glad to have done the veterinary course, but for about one-quarter their career had not lived up to expectations and almost half would not do it again in another incarnation. Stress, hours of work, difficulties in balancing personal life with career and low income were important concerns for many. Low income may contribute to the low number of males entering the veterinary profession.  相似文献   

Equine Welfare and Carriage Horse Companies have been recently highlighted as matters of public concern, although little data exists to describe working conditions, municipal regulations, and veterinary attention. In light of the current pandemic of unwanted horses in this country, it is prudent for the veterinary community to identify objective measurements of satisfactory equine welfare in the carriage horse industry to regulate and maintain working horses in sound conditions. Retrospective data from a carriage company in South Carolina was collected from 2009 to 2012. Variables included days in work, hours and/or tours worked, veterinary charges, management practices, and environmental conditions. City veterinary reports were also reviewed for all five local carriage companies. The average number of days in work per animal ranged from 163 to 188 per year. On average, each animal performed 4.6 hour long tours per working day, resulting in an average 865 tours per year. Each animal cost on average $2.00 per day in veterinary costs, and $0.84 of each animal's tour went toward veterinary bills. Welfare among carriage horses is a subject on which equine veterinarians should be well versed; not only to answer questions from clientele but also to promote good working and living conditions for these animals in an effort to stem the number of unwanted horses in America. The carriage company reported in detail here provides acceptable welfare for their animals. Prospective studies are needed to collect objective, evidence-based data regarding stress levels in the animals.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the attitudes and opinions on veterinary education at the beginning and end of the veterinary course, and after graduation.
Design Longitudinal study.
Population Students – 154 in all – who began studying veterinary science at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986.
Procedure Questionnaires were completed in the first and fifth year of the course and in the second year after graduation. The data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results When they entered the course, the students were looking forward more to learning about animals than about basic sciences. At fifth year and after graduation most believed that more emphasis should have been placed on all facets of their education except the basic sciences. It may be difficult to increase this emphasis without placing undue pressure on the students, although more than half of the fifth year students and graduates agreed that there is much in the curriculum that is not needed by a practising veterinarian. Only one-third or less agreed that veterinarians are well equipped to practise veterinary science immediately they graduate. There was no relationship between the level of agreement with this statement, and the academic grades obtained.
Conclusions A majority of veterinary graduates do not believe that they are well equipped to practice immediately they graduate. They believe that more emphasis should have been placed on most facets of their education, but, conversely, that there is much in the curriculum that is not needed by a practising veterinarian.  相似文献   

This qualitative study seeks to determine the nature of the instruction librarians provide to veterinary medical students at all 28 United States veterinary colleges. A secondary goal of the study was to determine in what ways and to what extent librarians participated in other instructional activities at their colleges. Over half of the librarians formally taught in one or more courses, predominantly in the first two years of the veterinary curriculum. One presentation per course was most common. Over half of the librarians interviewed stated that evidence-based veterinary medicine was taught at their colleges, and about half of these librarians collaborated with veterinary faculty in this instruction. Many librarians participated in orientation for first-year veterinary students. The librarians also taught instructional sessions for residents, interns, faculty, graduate students, and practicing veterinarians. This study found that librarians teach information literacy skills both formally and informally, but, in general, instruction by librarians was not well integrated into the curriculum. This study advances several recommendations to help veterinary students develop information literacy skills. These include: encourage veterinary faculty and administrators to collaborate more closely with librarians, incorporate a broader array of information literacy skills into assignments, and add a literature evaluation course to the curriculum.  相似文献   

Interprofessional education (IPE) has received little attention in veterinary education even though members of the veterinary and nursing professions work closely together. The present study investigates veterinary and veterinary nursing students' and practitioners' experiences with interprofessional issues and the potential benefits of IPE. Based on stakeholder consultations, two teaching interventions were modified or developed for use with veterinary and veterinary nursing students: Talking Walls, which aimed to increase individuals' understanding of each other's roles, and an Emergency-Case Role-Play Scenario, which aimed to improve teamwork. These interventions were piloted with volunteer veterinary and veterinary nursing students who were recruited through convenience sampling. A questionnaire (the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale [RIPLS]) was modified for use in veterinary education and used to investigate changes in attitudes toward IPE over time (pre-intervention, immediately post-intervention, and four to five months afterward). The results showed an immediate and significant positive change in attitude after the intervention, highlighting the students' willingness to learn collaboratively, their ability to recognize the benefits of IPE, a decreased sense of professional isolation, and reduced hierarchical views. Although nearly half of the students felt concerned about learning with students from another profession before the intervention, the majority (97%) enjoyed learning together. However, the positive change in attitude was not evident four to five months after the intervention, though attitudes remained above pre-intervention levels. The results of the pilot study were encouraging and emphasize the relevance and importance of veterinary IPE as well as the need for further investigation to explore methods of sustaining a change in attitude over time.  相似文献   

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Council on Education (COE) has challenged veterinary schools to improve self-assessment of curricular outcomes. One way to assess the quality of education is to gather feedback from alumni. To successfully gather feedback using a questionnaire, questions must be pertinent to veterinary education and include quantifiable responses. Several principles must be applied in questionnaire development to ensure that the questions address the intended issues, that questions are interpreted correctly and consistently, and that responses are quantifiable. The objectives of the questionnaire for alumni of Mississippi State University's College of Veterinary Medicine (MSU-CVM) were twofold: (1) to determine whether graduates were comparable to their US peers in terms of work opportunities and salary, and (2) to evaluate how well the CVM curriculum prepared students to begin their veterinary careers. Demographic categories used by the AVMA and published knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aptitudes of veterinary graduates were used in developing the questions. College-specific questions, such as those relating to student activities and impressions of college resources, were also incorporated. Questionnaires were mailed to participants, who could respond via the World Wide Web. Questionnaire results allowed leaders within the college to determine which aspects of alumni's experiences were exceptionally positive, which needed immediate response, and which might require further study. This article describes the application of principles in developing, administering, and analyzing responses to a questionnaire regarding veterinary education.  相似文献   

Nearly all veterinary and medical students (94 per cent) found it morally acceptable to use animals in research and believed it to be a necessity in order to treat human diseases. In contrast with the medical students a substantial proportion of veterinary students (40 per cent) considered themselves animal rights activists. Unlike the medical curriculum, the veterinary curriculum contains a two-week course in laboratory animal medicine, and a higher proportion of the students who had not been through this course was opposed to the use of animals in research than of the students who had completed the course. The course modified the views of half the students; more than 26 per cent of them became more positive towards animal use in research after the course, whereas 3 per cent became more negative.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To map out the career paths of veterinarians during their first 10 years after graduation, and to determine if this could have been predicted at entry to the veterinary course. DESIGN: Longitudinal study of students who started their course at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986, and who completed questionnaires in their first and fifth year as students, and in their second, sixth and eleventh year as veterinarians. METHODS: Data from 129 (96%) questionnaires completed during the eleventh year after graduation were coded numerically then analysed, together with data from previous questionnaires, with SAS System 7 for Windows 95. RESULTS: Ten years after they graduated, 80% were doing veterinary work, 60% were in private practice, 40% in small animal practice and 18% in mixed practice. The equivalent of 25% of the working time of all females was taken up by family duties. When part-time work was taken into account, veterinary work constituted the equivalent of 66% of the group working full-time. That 66% consisted of 52% on small animals, 7% on horses, 6% on cattle/sheep and 1% on pigs/poultry. Those who had grown up on farms with animals were twice as likely to be working with farm animals as were those from other backgrounds. Forecasts made on entry to the veterinary course were of no value in predicting who would remain in mixed practice. CONCLUSIONS: Fewer than one-fifth of graduates were in mixed practice after 10 years, but the number was higher for those who grew up on farms with animals. Forecasts that may be made at interview before entry to the course were of little value in predicting the likelihood of remaining in mixed veterinary practice.  相似文献   

The future of veterinary parasitology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Current evidence suggests research in veterinary parasitology is in decline despite its importance. This is particularly true in the UK where research funds have been diverted into BSE. Decline in interest in veterinary parasitology is at least in part due to the success of major pharmaceutical companies in producing a range of effective and safe anti-parasitic drugs. Research is needed because of the effects of parasites on animal welfare and the economic costs of parasites. However, there is little information on the actual costs of animal parasites. Another major reason for research is the development of drug resistance in protozoa, helminths and arthropods of veterinary importance. This is a serious problem particularly for sheep and goats in the southern hemisphere. A prioritised list of research requirements is suggested: (i) new drugs; (ii) resistance management; (iii) vaccines; (iv) breeding for resistance; (v) improved diagnostics; (vi) zoonoses; (vii) global warming and parasites. There is a major political challenge to raise the profile of veterinary parasitology and thus the funding essential for its advancement and the continued welfare and productivity of animals.  相似文献   

Eighty-six cow-calf operations involved in the Colorado National Animal Health Monitoring System were monitored for a 12-month period, and data were collected on the incidence, prevention, and costs of disease. The costs of veterinary services and vaccines/drugs used in the treatment and prevention of disease conditions in these beef herds were determined and expressed on a per cow basis. Beef producers in this study spent an average of $2.04 ($0 to $29.88) per cow annually on veterinary services for treatment of disease conditions. The cost of veterinary services was a relatively small percentage (5.4%) of the total mean cost of disease incidence. The reproductive tract disease class was the most costly class in terms of veterinary services for disease treatment ($0.99/cow). Dystocia was the disease condition with the largest veterinary treatment cost. The total mean annual cost of drugs used in the treatment of disease conditions was $1.22/cow. The enteric, miscellaneous, and respiratory tract disease classes had similar mean drug costs for disease treatment and ranged from $0.31 to $0.39/cow. The total mean annual cost of veterinary services for administration of preventive measures in these herds was $1.85/cow ($0 to $12.03). Pregnancy examination, breeding soundness examination in bulls, brucellosis vaccination, pulmonary arterial pressure test, and campylobacteriosis vaccination accounted for over 90% of the money spent for preventive veterinary services. Approximately 60% of the total mean annual disease prevention cost was attributed to the purchase of vaccines/drugs ($6.59/cow).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Data on costs associated with episodes of disease and disease prevention, including expenditures for veterinary services, were collected from 57 California beef cow-calf herds during 1988-1989 as part of the National Animal Health Monitoring System. Mean cost associated with episodes of disease was $33.90/cow-year, with $0.78 and $1.37/cow-year being spent for veterinary services and drugs, respectively. The highest cost for veterinary services related to episodes of disease were for dystocia, lameness, and ocular carcinoma. For disease prevention, mean expenditures for veterinary services were $1.67/cow-year, nearly all of which was spent on prevention of reproductive tract conditions. Preventive expenditures for veterinary services related to female infertility (pregnancy examination), vaccination against brucellosis and male infertility (breeding soundness examination) were $0.72, $0.39, and $0.22/cow-year, respectively. Many costs associated with episodes of disease and disease prevention were similar to those reported from Colorado National Animal Health Monitoring System beef herds.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the career paths of veterinary graduates from the University of Queensland during the first 15 years after they graduated, paying particular attention to the fifteenth year. PROCEDURE: Longitudinal study. Questionnaires were completed by 154 first year veterinary students in 1985 and 1986, then while they were in fifth year, and after 1, 5, 10 and 15 years after they graduated. This paper describes findings from the most recent questionnaire but includes comparisons with previous ones. RESULTS: Completed questionnaires were received from 134 of the 137 graduates. They were spread widely, but 58% were in Queensland and 20% in New South Wales; 17% were overseas. Most (85%) were in private practice, and 56% of them were part or sole owners; 58% were working in cities with > 100,000 people, and 28% in centres with < 10,000 people. Overall 80% of the workload of the group was with dogs and cats, 8% with horses and 11% with farm animals. Most felt that their income was too low. Of those doing less than half-time or no veterinary work, 44% were at home with family, 8% in another business, 11% another profession, and the rest in a wide variety of occupations. Changed interests, need for greater challenges, poor remuneration, loss of interest in veterinary work, and caring for family were, in order, the top five (of 15) reasons for leaving veterinary work. Three-quarters (78%) of all those doing veterinary work, but 52% of those no longer doing veterinary work agreed that their career had lived up to their expectations. CONCLUSION: After 15 years 77% were still doing veterinary work, 85% in private practice, and 80% of their work was with dogs and cats. Almost all were either very glad or generally glad that they had done the veterinary course, though most (78%) felt that their income was too low.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess veterinary students' perceptions regarding the importance of addressing the human-animal bond in veterinary practice and their perceptions about the adequacy of curricula on the human-animal bond as presented in US veterinary colleges. DESIGN: Survey. PROCEDURE: Data were collected via a brief questionnaire mailed during the summer of 1996. Questionnaires were returned by 552 senior veterinary students representing 21 of 27 veterinary colleges in the United States. RESULTS: Senior veterinary students believed that the human-animal bond should be a concern of practicing veterinarians, but most did not believe they were receiving adequate instruction about the human-animal bond in their veterinary colleges. Gender was significantly related to differences in perceptions; female students appeared to have more interest in addressing the human-animal bond than male students. Students in small animal programs viewed the human-animal bond differently than those in large animal programs. Finally, students attending schools with extensive human-animal bond or human relations curricula were more likely to believe they were receiving adequate instruction in this area than students in other schools. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Curricula addressing the human-animal bond need to be developed and implemented in veterinary colleges in the United States.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate relationships between declining owned-cat populations and cat-related clinical work and practice activities. DESIGN: Sydney practitioners were interviewed, and practice records were examined, from small animal veterinary practices (n = 56) in Sydney. Using data that covered a 4 year period, the age distribution of cats was examined and associated trends in cat-related clinical work were analysed. RESULTS: Important changes in the pet population attending veterinary practices were found, with 38.2% of respondents reporting a fall in cat desexings from 1996 to 2000. CONCLUSIONS: While economic impact could not be determined, the qualitative data demonstrated that the majority of practices in the survey were active in the promotion of cat ownership. The study provides a useful model for future investigations. To facilitate this process and to enhance principals' knowledge of their practice's population dynamics, we advocate a minimum standard of data collection that records week-by-week activities and the deaths of pets.  相似文献   

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