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兴凯湖翘嘴鲌是翘嘴鲌的一个地理种群,主要分布在中国黑龙江省的兴凯湖,由于兴凯湖具有独特的地域和水域环境,使其在生理性状上形成一个独立品种。本文着重介绍兴凯湖翘嘴鲌的渔业资源状况、生物学特性及研究现状,以促进对兴凯湖翘嘴鲌的保护与开发。  相似文献   

兴凯湖翘嘴鲌的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
兴凯湖翘嘴鲌主要分布在黑龙江省的兴凯湖,由于兴凯湖具有独特的地域和水域环境,使其在生理性状上形成一个独立的地理种群。文章着重介绍兴凯湖翘嘴鲌的渔业资源状况、生物学特性及研究现状,以促进对兴凯湖翘嘴鲌的保护与开发。  相似文献   

兴凯湖翘嘴鲌Culter alburnus是淡水珍品,也是黑龙江省鸡西市兴凯湖的特产鱼类。本文概括介绍了兴凯湖翘嘴鲌的生物学研究和养殖概况。兴凯湖翘嘴鲌生长快、快速生长期持续时间长。上世纪的过度捕捞,导致兴凯湖翘嘴鲌资源衰退,近年来采取了多项保护措施,兴凯湖鱼类资源已有所恢复。目前,兴凯湖翘嘴鲌已成为新兴的名优养殖鱼类,实现了全人工繁殖,开展了商品化苗种生产和食用鱼饲养,其增养殖在东北地区得到推广。近年来,诸多学者在兴凯湖翘嘴鲌的生物学特性、渔业资源现状、肉质性状、人工繁殖和胚胎发育特点、营养饲料研制等方面开展了深入研究,为科学保护与有效开发兴凯湖翘嘴鲌这一名贵鱼类资源提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

<正>鲌亚科鱼类中的翘嘴鲌、黑尾近红鲌、团头鲂等是我国重要的养殖对象,肉质鲜美,经济价值高。项目组以经选育的翘嘴鲌为母本、经选育的黑尾近红鲌为父本进行远缘杂交,2012年培育出具有双亲优良性状的新品种杂交鲌"先锋1号"。鉴于黑尾近红鲌优良养殖性状和良好的育种价值,  相似文献   

为研究野生和养殖翘嘴鲌(Culter albunus)之间肉质指标的差异,对野生和人工养殖翘嘴鲌的基本营养成分、氨基酸组成、脂肪酸组成、质地特性、体色等指标进行了分析。结果显示:野生翘嘴鲌肌肉蛋白质含量(19.84%)及灰分含量(0.27%)均显著高于养殖翘嘴鲌(13.29%和0.21%),但是脂肪含量(4.34%)和水分含量(71.84%)均显著低于养殖翘嘴鲌(5.51%和78.61%);野生翘嘴鲌氨基酸总量和鲜味氨基酸总量分别较养殖翘嘴鲌高出11.36%和11.16%;野生和养殖翘嘴鲌的氨基酸评价指数(EAAI)分别为100.51和98.13;养殖翘嘴鲌肌肉单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)含量及n-3/n-6系列多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)的比值显著高于野生翘嘴鲌,但是饱和脂肪酸(SFA)含量显著低于野生翘嘴鲌。此外,野生翘嘴鲌背部和腹部红色值、黄色值及侧线部红色值均显著高于养殖翘嘴鲌;野生翘嘴鲌的肌肉硬度和内聚性显著高于养殖翘嘴鲌;养殖翘嘴鲌的肌肉滴水损失、蒸煮损失及pH值显著高于野生翘嘴鲌。结果表明,野生翘嘴鲌的营养价值更高、鲜味更好,而养殖翘嘴鲌在脂肪酸组成方面更具优势。  相似文献   

为了解翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)的形态特征和生化遗传特性,为其种质鉴定提供理论依据,本研究采用传统形态学方法测定样品的可量性状和可数性状,通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板电泳对人工养殖翘嘴鲌群体的6种组织(心脏、眼晶状体、肾脏、脾脏、肌肉和肝脏)的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)进行分析。结果表明:1)翘嘴鲌的主要形态特征为:头背平直,口上位,下颌厚,向上翘起,突出于上颌之前;鳍式为背鳍D.ⅲ—7和臀鳍A.ⅲ—20~24;左侧第一鳃弓外侧鳃耙数为23~26;2)翘嘴鲌的心脏、眼晶状体、肾脏、脾脏、肌肉和肝脏中的LDH酶带条数分别为6、6、6~7、6、6和8条;MDH酶带条数分别为6、1、6、6、4和4条。翘嘴鲌的LDH和MDH具有组织特异性,肌肉组织LDH可作为鉴定翘嘴鲌种质的特征生化遗传参数。本研究可为翘嘴鲌种质鉴定及良种选育提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

翘嘴红鲌(Erythroculter ilishaeformis),隶属于鲤抖、鲌亚科,俗称白鱼、翘嘴白鱼,是我国淡水水域常见的一种经济鱼类。其肉质细嫩、味道鲜美、营养价值较高、经济价值较大。本文对翘嘴红鲌的生物学特性进行简单的介绍,初步探讨了翘嘴红鲌的人工繁殖技术和夏花培育技术。  相似文献   

主要阐述了酉水湘西段翘嘴鲌国家级水产种质资源区的基本情况、翘嘴鲌的资源价值及分布,并对该流域翘嘴鲌渔业资源的保护对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

前几年在市场很难寻觅的翘嘴红鲌,现在盐城大小菜场都能见到它的一席之地,已进入寻常百姓的“菜篮子”。翘嘴红鲌俗称白条、太湖白鱼、翘鲌子,是有名的“太湖三白”之一。其肉质细嫩,鳞下脂肪多,酷似鲥鱼,味道鲜美,营养丰富且可入药,素有“长江上等名鱼”的美誉。由于长期的过度捕捞,其天然资源越来越少,而市场需求量日趋增长。为有效地保护和合理开发这一名贵品种,近几年盐城市盐都区水产科技部门,在江苏省水产三项工程项目的支持下,进行了翘嘴红鲌的苗种繁育和商品鱼养殖的研究和推广,取得了较好的生产效果。据盐城市盐都区水产站介绍,该…  相似文献   

翘嘴红鲌的生物学特性及养殖技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翘嘴红鲌 (Erythroculterilishaeformis)在分类上隶属于鲤科、鲌亚科、红鲌属 ,是长江流域的优质经济鱼类之一。与蒙古红鲌相比 ,前者无论是个体大小 ,还是生长速度均超过后者。翘嘴红鲌俗称白条、和顺、太湖白鱼 ,是远近闻名的“太湖三白”之一。该鱼个体大 ,生长快 ,肉质洁白细嫩 ,味道鲜美 ,为鱼中上品 ,鲜食或腌食都十分可口 ,目前在江浙沪市场价格比较高。然而 ,近年来湖泊、水库翘嘴红鲌的天然资源日益减少 ,不能满足市场需要。因此 ,翘嘴红鲌人工养殖的前景看好 ,对翘嘴红鲌开展人工繁殖及池塘养殖技术的…  相似文献   

试验以广州梅县鱼类苗种场为试验基地,研究了池塘水体自然净化系统技术在鱼类人工繁育中的应用。试验中应用成果的核心技术对该场老化鱼池和陈旧设施进行调整和改造,形成了鱼类人工繁育两套鱼池水体自然净化系统。结果显示:经过2007—2008两年运行试验,25亩鱼池和繁育设施展现出高效功能,亲鱼成熟率和催产率达100%,受精率和孵化率达95%以上,年鱼苗生产总量达5亿多尾的规模化程度,比试验前提高效率达38.7%;育成10 cm以上的草鱼鱼种成活率达80%以上。结果表明,该两套系统特别适合水源较为缺乏,水质不同程度污染区域应用;也可作为鱼池建设和改造升级的技术支撑。  相似文献   

Heterozygosity at seven enzyme loci was compared with the degree of fluctuating asymmetry of three bilateral traits in a wild population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and a hatchery strain derived from it. In the wild population, average heterozygosity per fish was higher (p < 0.01) and average asymmetric value per fish was lower (p < 0.01), compared with the hatchery strain. Analyses at the intrapopulation level did not provide unequivocal support for the relationship between heterozygosity and developmental stability, with correlation between the number of heterozygous loci per fish and the asymmetric value per fish being non-significant. However, comparisons of asymmetric value per fish between homozygous and heterozygous individuals at separate loci indicated that heterozygotes had significantly lower asymmetry values per fish at IDDH-1* in the hatchery sample. These results are discussed in relation to the potential utility of fluctuating character asymmetry as an indicator of loss of heterozygosity in cultured Atlantic salmon stains.  相似文献   

鳜鱼生长性状遗传参数的估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入了解选育过程中鳜鱼(Siniperca chuatsi)生长性状的遗传变化规律,本研究以来自湖南、江苏、广东的翘嘴鳜为基础群体,构建了21个同胞半同胞家系,利用动物模型对不同家系进行了遗传分析:鳜鱼210日龄体重、体长的遗传力为0.40、0.45,属于高遗传力;体高的遗传力为0.29,属于中遗传力。相关分析表明,鳜鱼体重?体长间的遗传相关为0.96;体长?体高间的遗传相关为0.92,体重?体高间的遗传相关为0.94,因此进一步选育采用个体选育或者个体选育与家系选择法相结合的方法都能获得较好的结果;对某一生长性状进行选育时,其他两个相关性状也会得到间接选育。经过选育鳜鱼F2群体平均体重遗传进展为7.5 g,较第一代增加7.5%,F3群体平均体重的遗传进展为9.75 g,较第二代增加9.0%。F3群体平均体长与F1比较无显著提高。F3群体平均体高的遗传进展为0.22 cm,较第一代增加9.9%。本研究旨在为提高鳜鱼育种效率提供重要参数,加速育种进程。  相似文献   

以鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)选育群体为实验材料,在易驯食与不易驯食鳜转录组Unigene数据库中共预测到4809个SNP位点,其中胃蛋白酶基因(pepsinoge, pep)和生长激素基因(growth hormone, gh)均为转录组筛选获得的鳜驯食性状候选基因,本研究将候选基因上的多态SNP位点在易驯食和不易驯食鳜群体中进行基因分型,并与鳜驯食性状进行关联分析。在易驯食与不易驯食的鳜群体中共发现5个单核苷酸(SNP)多态性位点,有效等位基因(N_e)在1.1959~1.7001,观测杂合度(H_o)和期望杂合度(H_e)分别分布于0.1800~0.3585和0.1655~0.4160,多态信息含量(PIC)为0.2477,全部位点都属于中度多态性位点。结果表明SNP位点pep-A T/C中2种基因型TT和CT与鳜驯食性状呈高水平显著相关(P0.05),组合得到的3种基因型Genotype1(CT,CC/CT/TT,AA,AA,TT)、Genotype2(TT,CC/CT/TT, AA, AA, TT)和Genotype3(TT, CC, AA, AA, TT)也与鳜驯食性状呈高水平显著相关(P0.05),显著影响鳜驯食性状表型,其中Genotype2相关性最高,可作为最优基因型个体进行选育。本研究在鳜pep和gh基因中鉴定出与驯食性状呈显著关联的SNP分子标记,为加快易驯食鳜新品种的基因辅助选育提供有效的SNP分子标记。  相似文献   

Economic values of different fish traits are needed to direct breeding programs to optimize economic benefits for aquaculture industry. The aim of this article is to highlight and calculate how different traits affect the value of farmed fish supply chain. Supply chain approach is needed to calculate economic impact of fish traits because several fish traits affect costs and returns not only in fish farming but also at the processing and retail level. In this article, economic values are calculated for 14 productivity and product quality traits in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Productivity affecting traits, such as growth, mortality and different yields, are included in the study. In addition, economic values are calculated for several quality traits like fillet gaping, appearance and fat content of flesh.

Productivity traits had the highest economic importance if the traits could be improved. However, quality traits may cause even higher economic losses, if the quality decreases. Thus, the management of the breeding program should pay simultaneous attention to both quality and productivity traits.  相似文献   

This article records the trade practice and culture cycle of Ophiocephalus maculatus (snakeheads) as adopted by a fish farm at Ngau Tam Mei, the New Territories, Hong Kong. This farm is one of the few remaining local enterprises that have the skills to spawn this labyrinth fish. Documentation is timely not only because there has been great demand for the transfer of culture technology (spawning) to China, but also because the species may become extinct with the demise of the culture business through urbanization. The discussion throws light on the effectiveness and limitations of the institutions of private rights as a means of conserving common resources.  相似文献   

罗非鱼主要生长性状的杂种优势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用完全双列杂交配组方法和加性显性遗传分析模型,在水泥池和网箱2种不同放养环境中,计算了罗非鱼生长相关性状杂种优势。结果表明:(1)杂交F1代相对于F2代在各生长性状上均表现出更强的杂种优势。各性状的优势程度也有所不同,F1代群体平均优势在15·1%~30·6%之间,F2代则有所降低,在7·6%~15·3%之间。结果说明,罗非鱼各生长性状在F1代均表现出超中亲优势,但在F2代则表现出负向群体超亲优势。(2)各生长性状的基因型效应与杂种优势都存在明显的环境差异,表现为在网箱内高密度的养殖环境中存在较强的杂种优势,而在水泥池环境中杂种优势效应则相对较弱,表明在对罗非鱼的杂种优势利用中应当充分考虑环境因素的影响。  相似文献   

Olive mill vegetation water (VW) is an olive oil by-product rich in polyphenols has powerful antioxidant effects. In light of the interest on the research of novel natural antioxidants to use in fish feed, the aim of this research was to use VW as a potential substitute for artificial antioxidants in rainbow trout diet as well as checking its effects on the blood chemistry and digestive organ physiology of the fish. The experimental plan was monofactorial, balanced (4 × 3) and the experimental factor considered was the fish diet. Diets were isoproteic (CP 40%) and isoenergetic (18 MJ kg−1 DM) with two inclusion levels of VW (1 and 5%: VW1 and VW5) tested against a control diet. A feeding trial was performed on quadruplicate groups of 200 fish (mean body weight: 44.2 g) fed experimental diets for 94 days. At the end of the trial, the growth performance traits were determined and sampling of blood and different tissues (brain, ovary, stomach, liver, and intestine) were carried out for haematology, endocrinology, histology, and digestive enzyme analysis. The main results of the present experimentation are that VW inclusion in rainbow trout feed slightly affects the productive traits and blood chemistry, while the histological structure of digestive organs and digestive enzyme physiology were not affected.  相似文献   

Abstract.— This study evaluated the effects of dietary protein concentration (26, 28, and 32%) on growth. feed efficiency, processing yield, and body composition of USDA103 and Mississippi "normal" (MN) strains of channel catfish raised in ponds. Fin-gerling channel catfish (average weight = 32.5 and 47.3 g/fish for USDA103 and MN strains, respectively) were stocked into 24 0.04-ha ponds (12 ponds/ strain) at a density of 18,530 fish/ha. Fish were fed once daily to apparent satiation from May to October 1999. There were no interactions between fish strain and dietary protein concentration for any parameters measured. Regardless of dietary protein concentrations, the USDA103 strain consumed more feed and gained more weight than the MN strain. There were no differences in feed conversion ratio (FCR) or survival between the two strains. Feed consumption, weight gain, FCR, and survival were not affected by dietary protein concentration. The USDA103 strain exhibited a lower level of visceral fat, a higher carcass yield, a lower level of fillet moisture, and a higher level of fillet fat than the MN strain. Regardless of fish strains, fish fed the 32% protein diet had a lower level of visceral fat and a higher fillet yield than fish fed the 26% protein diet. Fish fed the 32% protein diet were also higher in carcass yield as compared to those fed the 28% protein diet. Fillet moisture, protein, and fat concentrations were not affected by dietary protein concentration. Results from this study indicate that the USDA103 strain of channel catfish appears to possess superior traits in growth characteristics compared with the MN strain that is currently cultured commercially. Both strains appear to have the same dietary protein requirement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:     To improve stock enhancement strategies, the influences of repeated cross-breeding on several traits were studied in hatchery-reared juveniles of the Japanese flounder. Ten families (seven caught in the wild and three from cross-bred brood fish) were produced by artificial fertilization. Ninety-four days after hatching, we investigated settlement, burying in the sand and escape behavioral traits, and then measured tolerance of high salinity and six morphological traits. Juveniles from the repeatedly cross-bred brood fish showed significantly higher growth and tolerance than those from the wild-caught brood fish. Among the behavioral traits, a significantly lower settling speed and incidence of burying in the sand were observed in the juveniles from the repeatedly cross-bred families. Heritability ( h 2) of growth traits was more than 0.2 in both origins, while that of other traits was close to zero. These results suggest that repeated cross-breeding of Japanese flounder under hatchery conditions improves growth performance and leads to the loss of certain behavioral traits that are considered essential to survival in wild environments.  相似文献   

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