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绵羊妊娠识别、建立和维持的信号系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
妊娠的建立和维持归因于胚体的信号和黄体对孕酮的产生,在反刍动物,胚体滋养层分泌的激素抑制子宫内膜产生前列腺素PGF2α.在发情周期的绵羊,孕酮下调子宫内膜腔上皮和子宫腺上皮孕酮受体基因的表达,并伴随着上皮雌激素受体和催产素受体的增加.在催产素的作用下,子宫开始分泌溶黄体作用的前列腺素F2α.在妊娠绵羊,孕体滋养层产生的干扰素可作用于子宫内膜而直接抑制雌激素受体基因和催产素受体基因的转录.孕酮、干扰素、胎盘催乳素和生殖激素共同组成了一个"作用网络"来调节子宫的功能分化和子宫腺的形态发生,从而维持绵羊妊娠.本文综述了绵羊妊娠识别、建立和维持的信号系统.  相似文献   

干扰素——τ及其在母体妊娠识别中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于妊娠期比排卵周期长的动物而言,要建立妊娠,就必须阻滞黄体的正常周期性退化,保证孕酮的持续产生,从而维持子宫内膜功能,保证胚胎的发育、着床、胎盘形成及胎儿的成功发育。这种黄体维持现象由Short(1969)首次证明,称为母体妊娠识别(maternalpregnancyrecognition,MPR)。不同物种在母体妊娠识别过程中抑制黄体溶解的方式各异。猪胚泡分泌的雌激素是黄体溶解信号,马的妊娠识别信号及其作用机制还所知不多,可能由胚体分泌一种低分子量蛋白作为信号。而在反刍动物(以绵羊、山羊、牛为代表)中,妊娠识别…  相似文献   

着床是指胚胎发育到胚泡阶段 ,与此同时子宫增殖和分化到可接受状态的同步化发育 ,并最后形成胎盘的过程。猪、马、牛、羊等都是表面着床 ,胚泡与子宫内膜只是表面接触 ,并未嵌入子宫内膜中。黄体产生的孕酮对于妊娠维持、子宫内膜接受态的建立以及着床后的妊娠维持都很重要。妊娠早期胚胎诱导母体的内分泌变化以维持卵巢黄体孕酮的持续分泌 ,这是母体对妊娠最早的生理反应 ,以使妊娠与正常的卵巢周期相区别 ,称为母体妊娠识别 ,它是着床起始必不可少的环节。最近证实 ,雌激素启动着床是通过诱导子宫上皮分泌细胞因子、生长因子以及粘蛋白等…  相似文献   

本文通过摘除卵巢6周后的40只绵羊,随机分为8组,接受4种不同的孕酮处理,以测定孕酮浓度降低能否诱导子宫催产素受体的产生。结果表明:摘除卵巢绵羊子宫内膜催产素受体浓度明显可测,雌二醇处理及连续孕酮注射使其浓度降低,停止孕酮注射后孕酮浓度下降导致子宫内膜催产素受体增加,这种作用将由于雌二醇的存在而被增强。此发现说明,黄体溶解的高浓度催产素受体出现的原因是由于孕酮水平的下降和雌二醇的存在。  相似文献   

产仔数性状是养猪业中一个重要的经济性状,而胚胎附植对猪产仔数的高低有重要的影响。胚胎附植的调控涉及到多个生物学过程,在其中发挥作用的物质(附植因子)很多。作者针对孕酮、孕酮受体、雌二醇、雌激素受体α(ESR1)和促红细胞生成素产生肝细胞受体配体(Eph-ephrin)系统这几种附植因子的相关研究进行了归纳总结,重点阐述了这些因子在母胎对话过程中的时空表达、功能、突变、调控等方面的研究进展。其中,孕酮及其受体在猪胚胎附植活动中全程发挥着重要作用,黄体分泌的孕酮与母猪子宫内膜腔上皮、腺上皮、基质和肌细胞中的孕酮受体结合发挥作用,使这些组织细胞分泌多种附植因子,这些附植因子进一步参与胚胎附植过程。雌二醇是雌激素中含量最多、活性最强的一种激素,主要由卵巢颗粒细胞分泌,雌激素受体α是子宫内雌二醇的主要受体,二者结合可使母猪发情;此外,附植中处于游离状态的胚泡也分泌雌二醇,其是一个让母猪子宫内膜得以识别的信号,允许胚泡附植。Eph-ephrin系统作用广泛,其在人、小鼠和猪的胚胎附植过程中发挥着重要作用。系统中的EphA1、ephrin A1、EphA4等基因在猪的胚胎附植期表达量显著高于空怀猪,它们在子宫内膜附植点的表达量显著高于附植点间的部位,且ephrin A1的抑制表达会降低子宫内膜上皮细胞的迁移和黏附能力。这些附植因子都在猪胚胎附植活动中发挥着重要作用,对它们的深入研究将有利于明确猪胚胎附植调控机理,进一步揭示猪高繁机理。  相似文献   

产仔数性状是养猪业中一个重要的经济性状,而胚胎附植对猪产仔数的高低有重要的影响。胚胎附植的调控涉及到多个生物学过程,在其中发挥作用的物质(附植因子)很多。作者针对孕酮、孕酮受体、雌二醇、雌激素受体α(ESR1)和促红细胞生成素产生肝细胞受体配体(Eph-ephrin)系统这几种附植因子的相关研究进行了归纳总结,重点阐述了这些因子在母胎对话过程中的时空表达、功能、突变、调控等方面的研究进展。其中,孕酮及其受体在猪胚胎附植活动中全程发挥着重要作用,黄体分泌的孕酮与母猪子宫内膜腔上皮、腺上皮、基质和肌细胞中的孕酮受体结合发挥作用,使这些组织细胞分泌多种附植因子,这些附植因子进一步参与胚胎附植过程。雌二醇是雌激素中含量最多、活性最强的一种激素,主要由卵巢颗粒细胞分泌,雌激素受体α是子宫内雌二醇的主要受体,二者结合可使母猪发情;此外,附植中处于游离状态的胚泡也分泌雌二醇,其是一个让母猪子宫内膜得以识别的信号,允许胚泡附植。Eph-ephrin系统作用广泛,其在人、小鼠和猪的胚胎附植过程中发挥着重要作用。系统中的EphA1、ephrin A1、EphA4等基因在猪的胚胎附植期表达量显著高于空怀猪,它们在子宫内膜附植点的表达量显著高于附植点间的部位,且ephrin A1的抑制表达会降低子宫内膜上皮细胞的迁移和黏附能力。这些附植因子都在猪胚胎附植活动中发挥着重要作用,对它们的深入研究将有利于明确猪胚胎附植调控机理,进一步揭示猪高繁机理。  相似文献   

过氧化物酶体增殖物活化受体(PPARs)的表达及其功能的调控,可能在维持妊娠或诱发分娩的机制中产生作用。本研究利用免疫组化法,对PPARα、β/δ和γ基因在妊娠第12天、18天及第25天母猪的子宫内膜组织表达特点进行研究。结果表明:在胚胎附植早期,PPARβ在多数细胞中均有表达,且以绒毛膜滋养层细胞表达最强;而PPARα和γ则主要表达于腔上皮和腺上皮及子宫内膜外层组织细胞,但表达不强且多数无分布规律性。在附植中期,3种亚型的表达强弱差别不大,且主要呈无规律性分布;但在附植晚期,PPARβ的表达明显减弱且在绒毛膜细胞滋养层、合胞体滋养层、基质以及子宫腔上皮细胞中无表达,然而PPARβ和γ却仍表达于多种细胞中。可见,PPARβ与胚胎附植的初期、PPARα和γ与胚胎附植的中后期很可能密切相关。  相似文献   

在卵巢分泌的雌激素及孕铜的直接作用下,母牛子宫的状况发生相应的变化。即:在雌激素影响下,子宫内膜充血、增生,子宫肌层增厚,运动机能增强(因对催产素的敏感性增强);在孕酮的影响下,子宫内膜上皮  相似文献   

<正>动物妊娠的建立从受精卵开始,当受精卵从输卵管进入子宫后,已发育至囊胚阶段。在此期间,早期胚胎必须及时提供生物学信号给母体系统,以表明其在子宫中的出现,并通过阻止黄体溶解或提高黄体功能,维持母体血液中孕酮在较高水平,进而使妊娠得以维持,即母体对妊娠的识别[1]。灵长类动物和马通过胚胎滋养层分泌具有促黄体功能的绒毛膜促性腺激素来保证黄体功能并维持孕酮的分泌;猪主要通过滋养层分泌的具有抗黄体溶解功能的雌激素来维持黄体功能;干扰素-tau(interferon-tau,IFNT)是反  相似文献   

众所周知,子宫是一个内分泌、旁分泌和自分泌的分子作用靶器官,类固醇激素对其具有特殊的重要性。本试验通过RT-PCR、Western bloting和免疫组化技术对怀孕猪整个妊娠期(交配后10、18、32、50、71、90 d)的雌激素受体(ERα和ERβ)mRNA和蛋白质进行了定位。研究结果首次发现,猪的整个妊娠周期中都有雌激素受体蛋白存在。ERα存在于怀孕猪子宫的腔上皮(LE)、腺上皮(GE)细胞和子宫肌层的肌细胞中,而且在妊娠的不同阶段染色的强度并不相同;在怀孕猪妊娠周期内LE和GE细胞中均可检测到ERβ,但子宫肌层上仅只有少许细胞中存在ERβ,并且染色结果显示弱免疫反应。Western bloting分析结果表明,试验期内都能检测到ERα和ERβ蛋白。RT-PCR结果显示,在妊娠期的每一阶段都有ERα和ERβ的mRNA表达。以上结果表明,相对ERβ而言,妊娠猪子宫中ERα含量更丰富,且占主导地位;怀孕猪整个妊娠周期内都能发现ERα和ERβ,并且可能对雌激素细胞的增值和分化起直接作用。  相似文献   

孕酮的内分泌调节与免疫功能对动物早期妊娠建立和维持十分重要。目前,在反刍动物生产中,胚胎丢失、早期流产等问题一直困扰着养殖户,而孕酮引起的免疫耐受机制还不很清楚。作者通过介绍孕酮的来源及作用方式、孕酮与机体免疫、孕酮介导妊娠免疫耐受等内容,阐述了孕酮在反刍动物早期妊娠中的免疫耐受作用,为孕酮在妊娠免疫耐受方面的研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The stimulatory role of equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) in the production of steroid hormones was evaluated during the first 4 months of pregnancy in mares impregnated by either stallions or jack donkeys. Twenty mares were divided in two groups: Mares in the first group were inseminated with stallion semen (horse pregnancies), and those in the second group were inseminated with donkey semen (mule pregnancies). Blood samples were collected twice weekly from day 30 to day 120 of pregnancy to determine the concentrations of eCG, progesterone, androstenedione, and testosterone. Analysis of variance for repeated measures was used to compare the concentrations of each hormone between groups. Linear regression models that considered the linear and quadratic effects of week of gestation as well as the linear and quadratic effects of the concentrations of eCG on the production of each steroid hormone were carried out. Concentrations of eCG, progesterone, and androstenedione were higher in horse than in mule pregnancies (P < .01 for eCG and P < .05 for progesterone and androstenedione). Testosterone concentrations were also higher in horse pregnancies than in mule pregnancies at weeks 7, 9, and 10 (P < .05). Regression analysis indicated that eCG had considerable stimulatory effects on the secretion of progesterone and androstenedione and weaker effects on the secretion of testosterone. The results suggest that eCG stimulates luteal production of progesterone, androstenedione, and testosterone in horse and mule pregnancies, these effects being more evident in horse pregnancies than in mule pregnancies due to the higher concentrations of eCG in horse pregnancies.  相似文献   


The variation in progesterone secretion during the luteal phase and pregnancy in blue fox vixens was analyzed. Progesterone was measured in blood plasma once or twice a week using radioimmunoassay. The material was allocated into three groups; five mated, but barren, blue fox vixens, six mated vixens with implantation zonès in the uterus, but no cubs at parturition, and 26 normally parturient vixens. The progesterone profiles for the three different groups of females showed a steady increase in progesterone immediately after mating. Maximum values were observed on days 8–12 of pregnancy. Then the progesterone levels decreased gradually until delivery around day 52. The levels of progesterone were found to be significantly different (P<0.05) between non-pregnant and pregnant females from day 22 after mating. The plasma progesterone level seems to be affected by the presence of conceptuses.  相似文献   

We studied luteinizing hormone (LH) pulsatility and episodic progesterone release of the corpus luteum (CL) on Day 11 and Day 21 in inseminated gilts and aimed to establish a relationship between these two hormones. Blood was collected at 15-min intervals for 12 hr on Days 11, 16 and 21 from a vena cava caudalis catheter. At euthanasia, eight gilts were pregnant and six gilts were not pregnant. Progesterone parameters (basal, mean, pulse frequency and pulse amplitude) did not differ between pregnant and non-pregnant gilts on Day 11, LH pulse frequency and amplitude tended to differ (p = .07 and p = .079). In pregnant gilts, basal and mean progesterone, progesterone pulse amplitude and frequency declined significantly from Day 11 to Day 21 (p < .05). A significant decline was also seen in the LH pulse amplitude from Day 11 to Day 21 (p < .05). None of the LH pulses was followed by a progesterone pulse within 1 hr on Day 21. On Day 11 and Day 21 appeared a synchronicity in the LH pulse pattern, as there were two or three LH pulses in 12 hr and these LH pulses appeared in the same time window. We conclude that on Day 11 and Day 21 of pregnancy in gilts, progesterone pulses do not follow an LH pulse within one hour. Further we demonstrated that the successful or not successful formation of a CL of pregnancy is independent of progesterone release on Day 11 after insemination. We confirmed the decline of progesterone from Day 11 to Day 21 in the vena cava caudalis and could demonstrate that this decline is partly due to lower progesterone pulse amplitude and frequency and that the decline occurs simultaneously with a decline in LH pulse amplitude.  相似文献   

Premature luteal demise or luteal insufficiency is not well characterised as a cause of pregnancy loss in domestic species, including horses. In this report, a mare inseminated with cooled‐transported semen at our facility returned for a routine pregnancy diagnosis at 15 days post ovulation. Ultrasonography per rectum revealed endometrial oedema and the absence of visual indication of a corpus luteum on either ovary. Nonetheless, an embryonic vesicle small for the gestational age was identified. Daily oral altrenogest treatment was implemented immediately. Serum progesterone concentration was 0.67 ng/ml, which is below the threshold considered adequate for pregnancy maintenance in the mare. Examinations were repeated at 17, 25, 30, 39, 49, 72 and 120 days post ovulation. At 25 days post ovulation the embryonic vesicle presented normal development for the gestational age. In addition, sequential blood samples were collected to measure progesterone, equine chorionic gonadotrophin and oestrone sulphate concentrations. Although progesterone concentration did not exceed 2 ng/ml until 72 days post ovulation, all other results were unremarkable and a healthy filly was born uneventfully at 344 days post ovulation.  相似文献   

Aquaporins have been shown to be regulated by phosphorylation of serine residues, but the possible role of tyrosine residues phosphorylation has not been evaluated. Changes in the localization of aquaporin 2 (AQP2) in the queen endometrium have been related to serum progesterone levels. The aim of this study was to determine whether these AQP2-localization changes are mediated by variations in its tyrosine phosphorylation levels. Twelve queens were included in the study and divided into (a) non-macroscopically pregnant with low levels of progesterone; (b) non-macroscopically pregnant with high levels of progesterone; (c) 30 days of pregnancy; and (d) 60 days of pregnancy. Samples from endometrium and placental transference zone were obtained, immunoprecipitated and analysed by immunoblotting to determine the abundance of AQP2 and its relative levels of tyrosine phosphorylation. No significant differences in the tyrosine phosphorylation levels of immunoprecipated-AQP2 were observed between groups. We can thus conclude that changes in the localization of AQP2 in the queen endometrium are not modulated by tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

This study investigated pregnancy rates on day 16 in dairy cows following artificial insemination and blood sampling to monitor hormonal status. Collection of blood samples by jugular venepuncture coupled with single fixed time insemination resulted in a poor pregnancy rate (27.8%). Modification of the protocol to include double insemination and collection of blood samples from jugular cannulae inserted four days prior to insemination did not improve pregnancy rate (27.3%). Acclimatization of cows to the experimental facility, however, resulted in a dramatic increase in pregnancy rate (85.7%;P < 0.005). This improvement was not associated with any difference in plasma progesterone but was associated with a marked advancement in the decline in oestradiol at the end of the follicular phase, indicative of earlier ovulation. Non-pregnancy was associated with a delayed fall in oestradiol and reduced plasma concentrations of progesterone. The results support a role for inadequate progesterone in early embryo mortality but suggest that impaired ovulation is a more important problem in cows under the 'stress' of experimentation.  相似文献   

Uteroferrin,also known as type 5 tartrate resistant acid phosphatase ( ACP5 ) or TRAP,is an iron-containing glycoprotein secreted by uterine gland epithelium (GE) in response to progesterone and transported across the placental areoalae into the fetal circulation and allantoic fluid to deliver iron and to stimulate hematopoeisis in pigs.This study determined if ACP5 was expressed in the ovine uterus in response to pregnancy,progesterone,interferon tau,placental lactogen,and placental growth hormone.ACP5 protein was present in uterine GE of cycfic and early pregnant ewes,particularly between days 18 and 120 of pregnancy.ACP5 mRNA was expressed in uterine GE of cyclic and pregnant ewes in the same temporal and cell-specific manner.ACP5 was present in secretions from uterine glands,i.e.,uterine milk,and aUantoic fluid from days 40 to 80 of pregnancy,and in uterine flushings from cyclic and early pregnant ewes.Progesterone induced expression of ACP5 mRNA and intrauterine infusion of recombinant ovine interferon tau further stimulated ACP5 expression in uterine GE of ewes,but intrauterine injections of ovine placental lactogen and ovine growth hormone had no effect on ACP5 expression in uterine GE.These results indicate that ACP5 is:1 ) expressed only in GE in response to progesterone ;2 ) secreted into the uterine lumen and transported into the conceptus via plaeental areolae during pregnancy;and 3) present in secretions from uterine GE and in allantoic fluid.The roles of ACP5 in the ovine uterus may include transport of iron across the placenta and stimulation of hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine whether short-term progesterone supplementation post mating or shearing of ewes in early pregnancy affected either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs.

METHODS: Romney ewes (n=457) were synchronised in oestrus using controlled internal drug-releasing (CIDR) devices containing progesterone, and mated to Romney rams over a 5-day period. The mid-point of mating (Day 0) occurred 2 days after the withdrawal of CIDR devices. Ewes mated (n=397) were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups: shearing at Day 5, shearing at Day 30, no shearing, and no shearing plus progesterone supplementation using a CIDR device inserted on Day 3 for 6 days. During the period from Day 5 to Day 27, six harnessed Suffolk rams were placed with the ewes and matings recorded. At Day 48, all ewes that did not return to the Suffolk rams were scanned for pregnancy using ultrasound. At Day 140, single- and multiple-bearing ewes were set-stocked at 15.1 and 12.2 ewes/ha, respectively, and equivalent numbers of ewes from each treatment group were placed in each paddock. Blood samples from 10 unshorn and 10 progesterone-supplemented ewes were collected on Days 3, 6 and 9, and analysed for plasma progesterone concentrations. Lambs were identified to their dam and weighed within 12 h of birth, and again at 27 and 93 days after the mid-point of lambing. The ewes were weighed at regular intervals throughout the trial.

RESULTS: Plasma progesterone concentrations of supplemented ewes were higher than those of unsupplemented ewes (3.28 vs 1.75 ng/ml) on Day 6 (p=0.02) but not on Day 9 (4.58 vs 4.63 ng/ml). Treatment of ewes had no effect on either the proportion of ewes which lambed to the synchronised mating period or that had multiple lambs. Lambs born to ewes shorn at Day 30 tended (p=0.09) to be heavier at birth (by 0.28 kg) than those born to unshorn ewes but this effect was not evident when data were corrected for length of gestation. Neither shearing at Day 5 nor progesterone supplementation had any effect on the birthweight of lambs, and the treatment of ewes had no effect on the survival rate of lambs to weaning.

CONCLUSIONS: Progesterone supplementation for 6 days beginning 3 days post mating did not increase either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs. Shearing 5 days after mating had no significant effect on the reproductive performance of ewes and need not be avoided, but is unlikely to result in an increase in lamb birthweight. Shearing ewes at Day 30 may result in an increase in the birthweight of lambs but, ideally, ewes should be further advanced in pregnancy before shearing is undertaken.  相似文献   

3种食蟹猴早孕诊断方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本试验旨在对3种食蟹猴早孕诊断方法进行比较,找出比较准确、可靠的诊断方法。在食蟹猴怀孕第20天时用直肠触诊、B超检查和孕酮值检测3种方法进行早孕诊断,在怀孕第30天时B超确诊是否怀孕。结果表明,B超检查的准确率为96.4%;直肠触诊的准确率为92.9%;孕酮值检测的准确率为64.3%。因此B超检查准确率高,是食蟹猴怀孕诊断的金标法;直肠触诊准确率较高且方便、经济,适合基层生产中进行大批量诊断;孕酮值检测确诊率较低,但可作为早孕诊断的辅助方法。  相似文献   

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