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为探究稻虾种养模式冬春季节合理的秸秆还田方式,本研究以秸秆还田配施氮肥调节C/N为切入点,在2017年12月—2018年5月通过田间试验,设秸秆不还田不施氮肥(对照, CK)、秸秆还田C/N为35(S)、秸秆还田配施氮肥C/N为25(SN1)、秸秆还田配施氮肥C/N为15(SN2)以及单施氮肥处理(N1)。探讨秸秆还田不同C/N对冬春季稻虾田养殖水体、土壤养分及酶活性的影响。结果表明:1)CK处理后期的水体总磷含量最低,各处理水体总氮含量在还田前期变化幅度不大;不同处理水体铵态氮含量低于克氏原螯虾安全耐受限度。2)秸秆还田后,SN2处理显著增加了土壤有机质含量,同时土壤硝态氮含量较还田前增加240%;秸秆还田降低了土壤容重,SN2处理组容重最低。3)N1和SN2处理提高了土壤多酚氧化酶活性,其中SN2处理组酶活性最高。在3种秸秆还田处理中, SN2处理土壤脲酶活性高于其他处理, N1处理前期表现出较高酶活性,后期开始降低。综上,秸秆还田配施氮肥调节C/N为15在稻虾田土壤养分含量、酶活性等方面优于其他处理。  相似文献   

通过田间试验研究了秸秆和氮肥管理对小麦生育期土壤无机氮、微生物量碳、氮和小麦生长的影响,设置秸秆还田不施氮(CK)、农民习惯施氮FN5∶5(5∶5为氮肥基追比,下同)、推荐施氮SN3∶7、SN5∶5、SN7∶3和秸秆移走推荐施氮N5∶5处理。施氮显著提高苗期土壤无机氮含量,其与基肥氮量成正比且在拔节期显著降低,拔节后追肥提高了后期无机氮且其与追肥量成正比。小麦生育前期土壤微生物没有增加对无机氮的固持,而在拔节和抽穗期显著增加,此后逐步降低。秸秆还田较秸秆移走增加了无机氮固持,且生育中期固持量远高于前期。氮肥基追比过高导致小麦前期氮奢侈吸收和旺长且影响后期生长,氮肥3∶7基追施能满足小麦养分供求同步并实现高产和提高氮肥利用效率。  相似文献   

不同促腐条件下玉米秸秆直接还田的生物学效应研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
通过2年田间定位试验,研究了冀东地区小麦玉米轮作制度下,不同促腐条件下玉米秸秆配施化肥直接还田的生物学效应。结果表明,秸秆配施化肥并调节其C/N条件下,施用促腐剂较未施用处理增产达显著水平,作物各生育期土壤微生物量、酶活性均表现出高于未施用处理的趋势。以土壤微生物量、酶活性及氮、磷动态变化综合评判,秋季玉米秸秆直接还田在施用氮磷钾化学肥料作基肥的基础上,调节秸秆C/N.15∶1~35∶1范围内,不同C/N未影响秸秆的转化进程;在调节秸秆C/N的前提下,施用促腐剂则促进了秸秆的快速腐解,使秸秆转化过程中氮素的净释放和磷素再次进入净释放的时间提前,利于作物生长发育和产量形成。  相似文献   

化肥氮对冬小麦氮素吸收的贡献和土壤氮库的补偿   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
  【目的】  小麦对氮素的吸收消耗了土壤氮库,土壤中残留的化肥氮则可补偿土壤氮库的消耗,综合考虑这两方面的影响,核算施氮量和秸秆还田对小麦当季土壤氮库盈亏的影响。  【方法】  收集1980年以来国内报道的小麦15N示踪试验的研究结果,分析化肥氮和土壤氮对小麦当季氮吸收的贡献,小麦当季氮吸收、化肥氮的去向、土壤氮库的盈亏分别与施氮量之间的关系,以及秸秆还田对小麦当季土壤氮库盈亏的影响。  【结果】  施氮量与化肥氮对小麦当季氮吸收的贡献之间呈显著正相关 (P = 0.029),而与土壤氮的贡献之间呈显著负相关 (P = 0.031)。小麦当季氮素吸收源于土壤的比例约为2/3,源于化肥的比例约为1/3,追施氮对小麦氮吸收的贡献约是基施氮的1.5倍。施氮量与氮肥有效率 (氮肥利用率+氮肥残留率) 之间呈极显著负相关 (P = 0.004),而与氮肥损失率之间呈极显著正相关 (P < 0.001)。在秸秆不还田和还田条件下,小麦季土壤氮库的盈亏均与施氮量之间呈极显著正相关 (P ≤ 0.001)。  【结论】  在施氮量为N 60~500 kg/hm2时,小麦吸收的氮素1/3来自化肥,2/3来自土壤。冬小麦季化肥氮的3个去向为:地上部吸收、土壤残留和损失,其所占比例分别约为36%、33%和31%。在秸秆不还田和还田条件下,土壤氮库达到平衡的施氮量分别为N 308和233 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

水稻秸秆还田配施肥料对小麦产量和氮素利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解高C/N比秸秆还田与肥料施用对金坛地区小麦产量和氮素利用的影响,通过设置大田试验,研究了稻秸还田与肥料施用对麦季土壤养分、微生物生物量、作物产量和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明:稻秸还田配施肥料能够提高土壤速效养分含量。单施肥仅显著影响拔节期微生物生物量碳,单施稻秸显著影响拔节期和抽穗期微生物生物量氮,稻秸还田和肥料施用的交互作用在拔节期显著影响土壤微生物生物量和微生物熵。单施肥、稻秸配施肥料处理的氮肥表观利用率分别为31%和37%,稻秸配施肥料后的氮肥农学利用率和偏生产力表明每kg纯氮增产幅度约为6.86 kg籽粒。单施肥和稻秸配施肥料显著增加了小麦每穗粒数及千粒重,并且理论产量分别增加211%和319%,实际产量则分别增加119%和231%,而单施稻秸处理的实产却减产21%。综合分析认为,稻秸还田搭配肥料施用,能够保证当季土壤有效氮供应,促进土壤有机质转化为更易被微生物利用的形态,提高养分有效性,促进小麦对氮素的吸收利用,有利于每穗粒数和千粒重的增加,从而最终提高小麦的产量。  相似文献   

吴鹏年  王艳丽  侯贤清  李培富 《土壤》2020,52(3):470-475
针对宁夏扬黄灌区土壤质地黏重、土壤水分匮乏等导致作物产量低下等问题,研究秸秆还田配施氮肥对土壤物理性状的改良效应。本试验设计在玉米秸秆全量粉碎还田(12 000 kg/hm~2)的同时配施4种纯氮施用水平(0、150、300、450kg/hm~2),以秸秆不还田常规施氮225kg/hm~2为对照,研究秸秆还田配施不同量氮肥对玉米产量及土壤物理性状的影响。结果表明:与处理前相比,施用纯氮300 kg/hm~2和450 kg/hm~2可分别降低0~20 cm土层土壤容重1.25%和3.20%,土壤孔隙度2.69%和1.89%。与秸秆不还田处理相比,秸秆还田配施氮肥300 kg/hm~2和450 kg/hm~2可使0~20 cm土层2~5 mm、5 mm机械稳定性团粒结构显著增加。秸秆还田配施氮肥可显著增加土壤含水量,尤其在作物生长前期,秸秆还田配施氮肥300kg/hm~2较对照可显著增加土壤含水量13.64%。秸秆还田配施氮肥条件下玉米产量及产量构成因素较秸秆不还田均有增加趋势,秸秆还田配施纯氮300kg/hm~2可提高玉米产量20.21%,增加玉米百粒重9.37%,以及增加穗粒数37.91%。可见,秸秆还田配施纯氮300 kg/hm~2具有较好的蓄水保墒效果,其增产效果显著,可为该区土壤培肥提供参考。  相似文献   

绿肥和秸秆还田对稻田土壤供氮能力及产量的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
研究了绿肥、秸秆还田及施用无机氮肥对水稻田土壤供氮能力及水稻产量的影响。结果表明在缺乏外源无机氮时,C/N高的有机物更能激发土壤氮的矿化,土壤速效氮含量增加。而在无机氮充足的情况下,C/N低的绿肥腐熟分解,使土壤矿质氮增加。绿肥还田使得施肥对土壤速效氮的影响加大。改变轮作制度,有机无机氮肥结合还田,水稻产量增加,无机氮肥需求量降低。  相似文献   

秸秆还田与氮肥运筹对土壤水碳氮耦合及作物产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
探究全覆膜双垄沟播栽培下玉米秸秆还田与氮肥运筹对土壤水、碳、氮及作物产量的影响,为内蒙古黄土高原秸秆还田氮肥合理施用和节氮、高效秸秆还田技术研发提供科学依据。对比分析了氮肥习惯施用(FN)、氮肥习惯施用配合秸秆还田(FNS)、氮肥高量施用配合秸秆还田(HNS)、氮肥后肥前移施用(RN)、氮肥后肥前移施用配合秸秆还田(RNS)5种不同耕作措施对玉米农田土壤水分、土壤碳氮、酶活性、微生物量及玉米籽粒产量的影响,并通过相关分析和通径分析进一步揭示土壤理化性质和生物学性质变化规律及其耦合效应,明确秸秆还田玉米田不同氮肥运筹方式下土壤水碳氮演变特征。结果表明,与不还田相比,秸秆还田可显著提高0~100 cm土层土壤水分含量,且玉米秸秆还田与全膜垄沟栽培结合后(FNS、HNS、RNS),二者的协同效应较单一地膜覆盖(FN、RN)增强了土壤纳雨增墒能力,为秸秆的正常腐解提供了适宜水热环境;秸秆还田下不同氮肥运筹处理较对照FN均可显著提高土壤有机质和全氮含量,其中以氮肥后肥前移施用配合秸秆还田和氮肥高量施用配合秸秆还田提升效果最显著,土壤过氧化氢酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶和碱性磷酸酶活性以及微生物量碳、氮明显增加,表现为0~20 cm土层大于20~40 cm土层,秸秆不还田氮肥习惯施用和氮肥后肥前移施用无显著性差异;土壤微生物量碳、氮与土壤酶活性和土壤碳氮呈显著或极显著正相关关系,且土壤微生物量碳、氮对土壤有机质、蔗糖酶、全氮和过氧化氢酶变化较敏感,对土壤性质变化具有一定指示作用。在产量方面,还田处理FNS、HNS、RNS较对照FN分别提高5.30%、10.93%、11.41%,且氮肥的常量投入即可获得较高的氮肥偏生产力。综合土壤因子、玉米产量和氮素利用率来看,秸秆还田条件下可通过调整氮肥的后肥前移平衡土壤碳氮收支,实现节本增产增效,同时提高氮肥利用率,是内蒙古黄土高原地区一种节氮、稳产、增效秸秆还田技术模式。  相似文献   

梁斌  赵伟  杨学云  周建斌 《土壤学报》2012,49(4):748-757
以长期不同施肥处理土壤为对象,研究了不同施肥土壤中施用氮肥后土壤氮素含量、微生物固持及释放和作物吸收及利用特性。结果表明,施用氮肥显著增加长期不施肥土壤(NF)矿质氮含量,对长期施用化肥土壤(NPK)和有机无机配施土壤(MNPK)矿质态氮含量无显著影响;施用氮肥对NF中土壤微生物生物量氮(SMBN)含量无显著影响,使拔节期NPK和MNPK中SMBN含量分别增加了4.3倍和0.8倍。从小麦拔节期到开花期,NPK和MNPK中土壤微生物生物量氮含量分别显著降低51%和56%。小麦收获时NPK和MNPK土壤氮肥的利用率分别为36%和45%;而NF土壤所施入的氮素几乎未被小麦吸收利用,但在玉米季有34%被吸收。小麦收获时,NF土壤施入的氮肥有50%以上淋溶至土壤30 cm以下土层,施氮也显著提高了NPK土壤30~50 cm土层硝态氮含量,但施用氮肥对MNPK土壤0~100 cm剖面硝态氮含量无显著影响。说明长期有机无机配施增强了土壤氮素的缓冲能力,协调了土壤氮素固持与作物吸氮间的关系,为提高氮素利用率,减少氮素对环境影响的有效手段。  相似文献   

改进施氮运筹对水稻产量和氮素吸收利用的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
【目的】秸秆还田不仅可改良土壤和增加土壤有机质,还能提高作物产量和品质。但秸秆还田后,土壤有机酸积累和微生物固氮,抑制水稻前期生长。在长江流域稻麦两熟地区,当地农户往往通过增加施氮量来解决秸秆还田的负效应,造成肥料浪费和氮污染。因此,探索研究秸秆还田条件下水稻优化的氮肥运筹措施,阐明水稻产量形成和氮素吸收与利用对氮素响应特征,对于提高水稻产量和氮素利用效率具有重要意义。【方法】2012 2013年,以超级粳稻武运粳24号和宁粳3号为材料,在江苏省兴化市进行大田试验,在秸秆全量还田条件下,设置常规施氮300 kg/hm2(N1)、增加施氮量345 kg/hm2(N2)和常规施氮运筹(CFP,基肥∶分蘖肥∶穗肥=3∶3∶4)、改进施氮运筹(MFP,基肥∶分蘖肥∶穗肥=4∶3∶3),以无氮处理为对照,研究施氮量和氮肥运筹措施对水稻产量及其产量构成、干物质积累、氮素积累、氮素吸收速率和氮肥利用效率的影响。【结果】随着氮肥水平提高,水稻穗数显著增加,每穗粒数、结实率和千粒重下降,最终增产不显著。与常规施氮运筹比较,改进氮肥运筹显著增加穗数,显著提高群体颖花量并增产,在N1水平下,改进施氮运筹增产幅度为5.18%7.10%,高于N2水平的2.70%4.29%。随着施氮量增加,水稻分蘖中期、拔节期、移栽期至分蘖中期、分蘖中期至拔节期干物质积累量、氮素积累量显著增加,最终成熟期干物质积累量和氮素积累量有所增加,但差异不显著,而氮肥农学利用率、氮肥吸收利用率和氮偏肥生产力显著下降。与常规氮运筹处理相比,改进氮运筹显著增加水稻移栽期至分蘖中期干物质积累量、氮素积累量和氮素吸收速率,增加成熟期干物质积累量和氮素积累量,提高氮肥农学利用率、氮肥吸收利用率、氮肥生理利用率和氮偏肥生产力,在N1水平下成熟期干物质积累量和氮素积累量分别增加6.52%和5.55%,氮肥农学利用率、氮肥吸收利用率、氮肥生理利用率和氮偏肥生产力分别提高13.36%、8.55%、4.44%和5.29%,差异均达显著水平。【结论】秸秆全量还田条件下,增加氮肥用量水稻增产不显著,且氮肥利用效率低。不增加氮肥用量,通过适当提高基肥比例(基肥∶分蘖肥∶穗肥=4∶3∶3),可实现提高水稻产量、干物质积累量、氮素积累量和氮肥利用效率。  相似文献   

Summary A pot experiment was conducted to study the availability of soil and fertilizer N to wetland rice as influenced by wheat straw amendment (organic amendment) and to establish the relative significance of the two sources in affecting crop yield. Straw was incorporated in soil at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% before transplanting rice. Inorganic N as 15N-ammonium sulphate was applied at 30, 60, and 90 g g-1 soil either alone or together with wheat straw in different combinations. After harvesting the rice, the plant and soil samples were analyzed for total N and 15N. Straw incorporation significantly decreased the dry matter and N yield of rice, the decrease being greater with higher rates of straw. The reduction in crop yield following the straw incorporation was attributed mainly to a decrease in the uptake of soil N rather than fertilizer N. The harmful effects of organic matter amendment were mitigated by higher levels of mineral N addition. The uptake of applied N increased and its losses decreased due to the straw incorporation. Mineral N applied alone or together with organic amendment substantially increased the uptake of unlabelled soil N. The increase was attributed to a real added N interaction.  相似文献   

An 8-yr (1998–2005) field experiment was conducted on a Gray Luvisol (Boralf) soil near Star City, Saskatchewan, Canada, to determine the effects of tillage (no-tillage – NT and conventional tillage – CT), straw management (straw retained – R and straw not retained – NR) and N fertilizer (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha−1, except no N to pea (Pisum sativum L.) phase of the rotation) on seed and straw yield, mass of N and C in crop, organic C and N, inorganic N and aggregation in soil, and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions for a second 4-yr rotation cycle (2002–2005). The plots were seeded to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in 2002, pea in 2003, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in 2004 and canola (Brassica napus L.) in 2005. Seed, straw and chaff yield, root mass, and mass of N and C in crop increased with increasing N rate for barley in 2002, wheat in 2004 and canola in 2005. No-till produced greater seed (by 51%), straw (23%) and chaff (13%) yield of barley than CT in 2002, but seed yield for wheat in 2004, and seed and straw yield for canola in 2005 were greater under CT than NT. Straw retention increased seed (by 62%), straw (by 43%) and chaff (by 12%) yield, and root mass (by 11%) compared to straw removal for barley in 2002, wheat in 2004, and seed and straw yield for pea in 2003. No-till resulted in greater mass of N in seed, and mass of C in seed, straw, chaff and root than CT for barley in 2002, but mass of N and C were greater under CT than NT for wheat in 2004 and for canola in 2005 in many cases. Straw retention had greater mass of N and C in seed, straw, chaff and root in most cases compared to straw removal for barley in 2002, pea in 2003 and wheat in 2004. Soil moisture content in spring was higher under NT than CT and with R than NR in the 0–15 cm depth, with the highest moisture content in the NT + R treatment in many cases. After eight crop seasons, tillage and straw management had no effect on total organic C (TOC) and N (TON) in the 0–15 cm soil, but light fraction organic C (LFOC) and N (LFON), respectively, were greater by 1.275 Mg C ha−1 and 0.031 Mg N ha−1 with R than NR, and also greater by 0.563 Mg C ha−1 and 0.044 Mg N ha−1 under NT than CT. There was no effect of tillage, straw and N fertilization on the NH4-N in soil in most cases, but R treatment had higher NO3-N concentration in the 0–15 cm soil than NR. The NO3-N concentration in the 0–15, 15–30 and 30–60 cm soil layers increased (though small) with increasing N rate. The R treatment had 6.7% lower proportion of fine (<0.83 mm diameter) and 8.6% greater proportion of large (>38.0 mm) dry aggregates, and 4.5 mm larger mean weight diameter (MWD) compared to NR treatment. This suggests a lower potential for soil erosion when crop residues are retained. There was no beneficial effect of elimination of tillage on soil aggregation. The amount of N lost as N2O was higher from N-fertilized (580 g N ha−1) than from zero-N (155 g N ha−1) plots, and also higher in CT (398 g N ha−1) than NT (340 g N ha−1) in some cases. In conclusion, retaining crop residues along with no-tillage improved some soil properties and may also be better for the environment and the sustainability of high crop production. Nitrogen fertilization improved crop production and some soil quality attributes, but also increased the potential for NO3-N leaching and N2O-N emissions, especially when applied in excess of crop requirements.  相似文献   

Returning rice straw and leguminous green manure alone or in combination to soil is effective in improving soil fertility in South China. Despite the popularity of this practice, our understanding of the underlying processes for straw and manure combined application is relatively poor. In this study, rice straw (carbon (C)/nitrogen (N) ratio of 63), green manure (hairy vetch, C/N ratio of 14), and their mixtures (C/N ratio of 25 and 35) were added into a paddy soil, and their effects on soil N availability and C or N loss under waterlogged conditions were evaluated in a 100-d incubation experiment. All plant residue treatments significantly enhanced CO2 and CH4 emissions, but decreased N2O emission. Dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) and microbial biomass C in soil and water-soluble organic C and N and mineral N in the upper aqueous layer above soil were also enhanced by all the plant residue treatments except the rice straw treatment, and soil microbial biomass N and mineral N were lower in the rice straw treatment than in the other treatments. Changes in plant residue C/N ratio, DOC/DON ratio, and cellulose content significantly affected greenhouse gas emissions and active C and N concentrations in soil. Additionally, the treatment with green manure alone yielded the largest C and N losses, and incorporation of the plant residue mixture with a C/N ratio of 35 caused the largest net global warming potential (nGWP) among the amended treatments. In conclusion, the co-incorporation of rice straw and green manure can alleviate the limitation resulting from only applying rice straw (N immobilization) or the sole application of leguminous green manure (high C and N losses), and the residue mixture with a C/N ratio of 25 is a better option because of lower nGWP.  相似文献   

Straw incorporation is a useful management practice in sustainable agricultural systems to improve soil fertility and to reduce air pollution from straw burning. A three-year field experiment was conducted under two rice straw managements and four nitrogen (N) application rates in Rugao, China during 2010–2013, to examine whether straw management practices integrated with fertilizer N applications affect crop yield, N balance and N use efficiency in the wheat season of rice-wheat cropping systems. The results showed that straw incorporation had positive effects on plant N uptake and grain yield. This may be attributed to the greater soil water content and lower amount of seasonal rainfall. However, straw incorporation resulted in lower soil inorganic N and more N surplus at the early growth stage. Grain yield had a significant relation with wheat N uptake from sowing to jointing and from jointing to anthesis with straw incorporation. Therefore, our results suggest that in adjusting the ratio of basal and topdressing N fertilizer, it is important for the supply of optimum N to the crop and to maintain grain production with straw incorporation.  相似文献   

A 12-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different tillage methods and fertil-ization systems on microbial biomass C,N and P of a gray fluvo-aguic soil in rice-based cropping system .Five fertilization treatments were designed under conventional tillae(CT) or on tillage(NT) system:no fertilizer(CK) ; chemical fertilizer only(CF) ; combining chemical fertilizer with pig manure(PM); combining chemical fertilizer with crop straw (CS) and fallow (F). The results showed that biomass C,N and P were enriched in the surface layer of no-tilled soil,whereas they distributed relatively evenly in the tilled soil,which might result from enrichment of crop resdue,organic manure and mineral fertilzer,and surficial developent of root systems under NT.Under the cultivation system NT had slightly greater biomass C,N and P at 0-5 cm depth ,significantly less biomass C,N and P at 5-15 cm depth ,less microbial biomass C,N and equivalent biomass P at 15-30 cm depth as compared to CT,indicating hat tillage was beneficial for the multiplication of organims in the plowed layer of soil.Under the fallow system,biomass C,N and P in the surface layer were significantly greater for NT than CT while their differences between the two tillage methods were neligible in the deeper layers.In the surface layer,biomass C,N and P in the soils amended with oranic manure combined with mineral fertilizers were significantly greater than those of the treatments only with mineral fertilizers and the control.Soils without fertilzer had the least biomass nutrient contents among the five fertilization treatments.Obviously,the long-term application of organic manure could maintain the higher activity of microorganisms in soils.The amounts of biomass C,N and P in the fallowed soils varied with the tillage methods;they were much greater under NT than under CT,especially in the surface layer,suggesting that the frequent plowing could decrease the content of organic matter in the surface layer of the fallowed soil.  相似文献   

添加尿素和秸秆对三熟制水旱轮作土壤各形态氮素的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张丽  张磊  鲁剑巍  李小坤  任涛  丛日环 《土壤》2017,49(1):13-18
添加不同外源氮对土壤中不同形态氮素的转化具有十分重要的影响。选取长期耕作土壤,设置对照、添加尿素N 150 kg/hm~2(U150)、添加秸秆(相当于添加N 38 kg/hm~2,Straw)、添加尿素N 150 kg/hm~2+秸秆(相当于添加N188 kg/hm~2,U150+Straw)和添加尿素N 188 kg/hm~2(U188)5个处理进行室内培养试验,研究了添加不同外源氮对土壤铵态氮、硝态氮、可溶性有机氮、微生物生物量氮含量的影响。结果表明,土壤铵态氮随着培养时间的延长表现为先增后减的趋势,添加尿素的两个处理其土壤铵态氮较Straw、U150+Straw处理能够更快地达到峰值;而土壤硝态氮则表现为逐步增加的趋势。添加尿素处理能够显著提高土壤矿质氮的含量,在添加等量氮素的条件下,U188处理矿质氮含量在培养期间始终高于U150+Straw处理;此外,U150+Straw处理矿质氮含量在培养前期均低于U150处理,至培养30天后其含量略高于U150处理。与对照相比,培养结束时添加不同外源氮素处理的土壤矿质氮含量能够提高169.61%~496.75%。对于微生物生物量氮和可溶性有机氮而言,添加不同外源氮素分别在培养10天和30天达到峰值,此后逐渐降低。不同处理而言,添加秸秆+尿素、添加秸秆处理的微生物生物量氮和可溶性有机氮含量在培养前期明显高于仅添加尿素的两个处理,说明添加有机物料氮源主要有益于提高土壤有机态的氮素含量。  相似文献   

Field experiments (established in autumn 1979, with monoculture barley from 1980 to 1990 and barley/wheat–canola–triticale–pea rotation from 1991 to 2008) were conducted on two contrasting soil types (Gray Luvisol [Typic Haplocryalf] loam soil at Breton; Black Chernozem [Albic Agricryoll] silty clay loam soil at Ellerslie) in north-central Alberta, Canada, to determine the influence of tillage (zero tillage and conventional tillage), straw management (straw removed [SRem] and straw retained [SRet]), and N fertilizer rate (0, 50 and 100 kg N ha?1in SRet, and only 0 kg N ha?1in SRem plots) on seed yield, straw yield, total N uptake in seed + straw (1991–2008), and N balance sheet (1980–2008). The N fertilizer urea was midrow-banded under both tillage systems in the 1991 to 2008 period. There was a considerable increase in seed yield, straw yield, and total N uptake in seed + straw with increasing N rate up to 100 kg N ha?1 under both tillage systems. On the average, conventional tillage produced greater seed yield (by 279 kg ha?1), straw yield (by 252 kg ha?1), and total N uptake in seed + straw (by 6.0 kg N ha?1) than zero tillage, but the differences were greater at Breton than Ellerslie. Compared to straw removal treatment, seed yield, straw yield, and total N uptake in seed + straw tended to be greater with straw retained at the zero-N rate used in the study. The amounts of applied N unaccounted for over the 1980 to 2008 period ranged from 1114 to 1846 kg N ha?1 at Breton and 845 to 1665 kg N ha?1 at Ellerslie, suggesting a great potential for N loss from the soil-plant system through denitrification, and N immobilization from the soil mineral N pool. In conclusion, crop yield and N uptake were lower under zero tillage than conventional, and long-term retention of straw suggests some gradual improvement in soil productivity.  相似文献   

Fertilizer nitrogen (N) equivalency estimates of sewage sludge are essential to assess benefits from its use in agricultural fields and minimize agronomic failure and environmental risks. Using an outdoor pot experiment, where sludge was applied to the upper layer of the soil in pots, this study aimed to estimate the rate of dried sewage sludge application needed to replace a given amount of inorganic fertilizer and to investigate eventual variations of this estimate depending on whether N replacement value referred to grain yield of barley, biomass production, or overall plant N uptake. Equivalencies were obtained from the response curves of these crop characteristics in relation to the rate of sludge application. It was shown that the patterns of carbon (C) and N allocation to grain and straw were different between the inorganic fertilizer and the sewage sludge treatment, presumably due to the timing of mineral N provision. When the same grain yield was obtained at these two treatments, straw yield and grain N content were greater at the sludge fertilized crop. It was concluded that fertilizer N equivalency value of sewage sludge should inevitably refer to a single crop yield component determined by a producer.  相似文献   

In irrigated grain-growing soils on Canada's prairies, straw management can affect nitrogen (N) fertility and long-term soil organic matter reserves. We conducted a 2-year field experiment in southern Alberta, on a Dark Brown Chernozemic Lethbridge loam (Typic Boroll), to determine the effects of straw removal, tillage, and fertilizer timing on crop uptake of soil and fertilizer N. During the study (1991 and 1992), the crop was oat (Avena sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), respectively, in an experiment that had been in a wheat-wheat-oat-wheat rotation since 1986. Five straw-tillage treatments were: straw-fall plow, straw-pring plow, no straw-fall plow, no straw-spring plow and no straw-direct seeding. Fertilizer N was applied in fall or spring. Ammonium nitrate (5 at.% 15N) was added at 100 kg N ha−1 in fall 1990 or spring 1991. For oat (1991), plant N derived from soil was higher under fall plow than under spring plow, higher with tillage than direct seeding, and unaffected by straw removal. The plant N derived from fertilizer was not affected by straw removal in fall plow treatments, but under spring plow, it was higher with straw removal. The plant N derived from fertilizer showed a significant straw-tillage × fertilizer timing interaction; with fall incorporated straw, plant N derived from fertilizer was 44.0 kg N ha−1 for spring-applied, and 30.6 kg N ha−1 for fall-applied N, but in other straw-tillage treatments there was no effect of fertilizer timing. Cumulative fertilizer N recovery (plant + soil) over the 2 years averaged 64.2%, and was unaffected by straw-tillage treatment. Fertilizer N recovery, however, was less with fall-applied N (61.3%) than spring applied N (66.8%). At mid-season, fall plow treatments had higher soil inorganic N and inorganic N derived from fertilizer than spring plow treatments, apparently because of less immobilization. The fall plow treatments also retained higher inorganic N after harvest. Straw removal and fertilizer timing did not influence soil inorganic N and soil inorganic N derived from fertilizer. N removal in straw (16 kg N ha−1 yr−1) could deplete soil N in the long-term. Long-term effects of tillage timing on soil N will depend on the relative amount of N lost by leaching with fall plowing and that lost by denitrification under spring plowing. With direct seeding, crop yield and uptake of soil N was less, and N losses by denitrification could be greater. Application of N in spring, rather than fall, should enhance crop N uptake, reducing N losses and enhancing long-term soil organic N.  相似文献   

秸秆配施氮肥还田对水稻土酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间试验研究秸秆还田时间及配施氮肥比例对水稻土酶活性的影响,以期为培育水稻土肥力和稳定稻田生态系统功能提供理论依据。试验设置2个秸秆还田时间(WS,冬季还田;SS,春季还田)和4个氮肥配施量(N0,秸秆还田,试验期内全程不添加矿质氮;NB,常规施肥,还田时不添加矿质氮;N30B,秸秆还田时添加早稻基肥用量的30%矿质氮;N60B,秸秆还田时添加早稻基肥用量的60%矿质氮)。研究结果表明:1冬季秸秆翻耕还田能增加冬闲期6种与土壤碳周转相关酶(β-葡萄糖苷酶、β-纤维二糖苷酶、β-木糖苷酶、多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶和蔗糖酶)的活性,冬闲期冬季秸秆还田条件下土壤酶活性均高于春季还田,生育期内冬季秸秆翻耕还田措施对土壤β-葡糖苷酶和过氧化物酶有增加作用;2秸秆还田并配施氮肥措施显著地增加冬闲期和生育期β-纤维二糖苷酶的活性,但配施氮肥的3个比例间土壤酶活性并无显著差异;3除多酚氧化酶外,其他5种酶均与其有机碳投入量呈显著正相关。因此,冬季秸秆还田及配施氮肥能在一定程度上调控与碳周转相关的土壤酶活性,对推广冬闲期秸秆翻耕还田及保障作物的产量具有重要的生态学意义。  相似文献   

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