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A novel transport protocol for large scaled multimedia file EMFTP (Embedded Multimedia File Transfer Protocol) is proposed to match the receiving capability of embedded terminal with sufficient network bandwidth. EMFTP is an application level protocol using UDP, and adopts a method of uniform retransmission as its error recovery strategy and it also introduces an improved DAIMD (AIMD with decreasing increases) rate control algorithm based on bandwidth probe. It can improve the data transfer rate with a low resource taken of embedded client. As the experimental result shows, compared with UDT and FTP protocol implemented on embedded terminal, EMFTP data transfer rate is increased by 3% and 17% respectively, the embedded client CPU occupancy ratios are reduced by 50.3% and 42.3% separately, and memory usage reduced by 15% and 4%.  相似文献   

基于政策工具的视角,采用内容分析法,对中国罗非鱼主产区地方政府出台的罗非鱼产业政策进行计量分析和评价。从基本政策工具和产业链两个维度出发,构建罗非鱼产业政策分析框架,并对政策文本进行单元编码和统计分析,在量化分析的基础上剖析中国罗非鱼产业政策在政策工具设计和构建中存在的问题,为未来罗非鱼产业政策的完善和优化提出建议,以期为中国罗非鱼产业政策的制定提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

在对中国环境经济政策内涵及作用分析的基础上,针对西欧环境经济政策成功的经验及对中国的启示:政府与农户签订长期合同、发放补助金和实施减免税政策等。并结合中国西部地区退耕还林的调研结果述评,提出了中国退耕还林政策的取向:实行长期的补贴政策、尊重农户意愿、改善林业投资环境、对退耕还林成果实行产业化经营运作等。  相似文献   

张金梅 《中国农学通报》2011,27(26):218-222
通过访谈和问卷调查结合的方式,对国家级贫困县的惠农政策实施状况进行调查,问题涵盖农户对惠农政策的认知状况、总体满意度评价、实施组织与实施成本、期望需求与实现满足、信息宣传与反馈等方面。研究发现:普惠性惠农政策宣传基本到位,农户对惠农政策实施的总体满意度高,农民的生产生活条件得到较大改善。但是惠农政策在实施方面仍然存在诸多阻滞因素。提升惠农政策实施绩效,需要搭建具有乡土特色的惠农政策传播体系,实现惠农政策实施组织由“多中心行政”向“政府-民间”结构转型,重点推进农户期望需求指向的政策。  相似文献   

养蜂业由于蜜蜂为作物授粉而对农业生产起着关键作用,然而当前中国的蜂产业政策还十分欠缺,政府没有为养蜂业发展提供优良的政策环境。因此为了提出完善中国蜂业支持政策体系的政策建议,促进中国蜂业较快发展,本研究使用归纳分析的方法,分析和借鉴了美国相对健全的蜂业支持政策体系。分析结果表明:美国的蜂业支持政策可分为以下几类——以稳定养蜂者收入为目标的蜂蜜价格支持政策;以保护国内蜂蜜生产者利益为目标的蜂蜜贸易保护政策;以减轻养蜂灾害损失为目标的蜂业保险和紧急援助政策;以解决蜂业病虫害和蜂群消失问题为目标的科研支持政策以及以监管养蜂生产环节为目标的养蜂注册与检疫政策。结合中国蜂业政策现状,中国蜂业支持政策体系要从开发政策性蜂业保险并辅以养蜂风险救助,加大财政对蜂业补贴力度,加强对蜂业科研的支持,加强养蜂生产环节控制几个方面来完善。  相似文献   

Emerging CATV networks are evolution to Hybrid Fiber/Coax plants. It is widely believed that the HFC network will play an important role in providing broadband accessing service to subscribers due to it's large excess bandwidth and high penetration to the home. Asymmetry broadband data service is the main service provided in the HFC broadband access networks now. It's performance will determine whether the subscribers be satisfied or not and affect the growth of HFC broadband access networks. The authors outline the mechanism of transmitting data in the upstream channel of the HFC network, and analyze how it affecting the performance of data service. The performance of data service and TCP protocol in HFC network is examined. An optimal scheme of bandwidth allocating algorithm for the upstream channel is proposed to enhance the performance of the data service over these networks.  相似文献   

基于DEA模型与农户调研的北京市粮食补贴政策效果研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北京市自2004年开始实施粮食补贴政策以来,粮食生产和农民收入有了显著提升。科学评价粮食补贴政策的实施效果是今后进一步优化补贴政策体系、提升强农惠农效应的重要前提。首先梳理了北京市相关政策文件,分析了北京市粮食补贴政策的演变历程及特征,然后基于DEA模型和农户调研评估了北京市粮食补贴政策效果。结果表明,北京市粮食补贴的政策效率处于较高水平,但通过制度创新等途径仍有进一步提升的空间;补贴政策执行到位、农民认可程度较高,但同时也存在一些问题。最后针对模型评估和农户调研结果,提出完善北京市粮食补贴政策的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

In the Mekong Region, the Asian Development Bank and partners have promoted economic corridors as a way to achieve regional economic integration and growth. This study evaluates how a transboundary policy narrative of shared prosperity around the East–West Economic Corridor programme emerged, and then how it was elaborated and used, taking a set of border policies of the government of Thailand as cases. For two decades the shared prosperity narrative has been used by a coalition of elite actors to support a programme of investments in road infrastructure, as well as to push for agreements on trade, border logistics, investment and tourism. The shared prosperity narrative has helped maintain support for the programme despite its failures to meet projections and expectations. Although criticised by civil society and experts from time to time, no coherent shared counter‐narrative emerged. Policy elites in Thailand have used the transboundary narrative to justify investments in special economic zones, and transport infrastructure near the border and inside neighbouring countries. Thailand has also reproduced the narrative in support of efforts to bolster tourism cooperation, and negotiate cross‐border trade and logistics agreements. Roads and bridges have been built, underlining how discursive practices have material consequences and reinforce the narrative.  相似文献   

This article introduces the preferential policies for foreign investment in Chongqing and analyses and compares such policies .Then it puts forward suggestions based on the characters of industrialized housing so as to promote the industrialized housing in Chongqing.  相似文献   

The influence of fiscal policy on income of farmer is analyzed in terms of theory and studied by real data from 1978 to 2002. The coefficients of effect of state expenditure and revenue on income of farmer are 0. 0296 and -0. 1033 respectively. The fiscal policy have negative influence on income of farmer. Some policies are suggested based on the above analysis.  相似文献   

龚金龙 《中国农学通报》2008,24(12):511-513
尽管有令人信服的证据表明,由美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)来管制美国的烟草业将会带来负面影响;同时,尽管也有令人信服的证据表明,环境烟气并不会对非吸烟者产生太大的健康危害,但是,反烟运动者仍不断地要求政府制定法规,在工作场所和公共场所完全禁烟,增加烟草税收也是反烟运动者实施控烟措施的一项重要的手段。他们认为,因税收增加而增长的烟草价格可以减少烟草制品的整体消费量,但增税的结果却导致了假冒卷烟及非法烟草制品走私活动的加剧,从而给社会带来了一系列的不良影响。  相似文献   

I studied the similarities and differences of public housing policy between European countries and the United States using historic and comparative methods. Public housing policy was put in place in postwar European countries and the U.S. Differences in the policies of these countries were that the European policy intervened in the housing market directly and thoroughly but the American policy intervened in the housing market indirectly by financial and revenue means. The key finding is that housing in P. R. China is an important part of the people's livelihood and the government should not completely pass responsibility for providing it to the market. China should set up its own public housing policy and change the mode of land supply and housing manufacturing. China also should adopt multiplicative means, including direct government investment and encouraging the social anticipation and planning adjustment to guarantee the housing rights of middle-and-low-income households.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a basic concept of network virtual instrument and presents a solving scheme based on the .net framework for web network virtual instrument in which the component technology are used to construct UI component, data-service component, signal-processing component, DB-component, controlling component and data-acquiring component, in accordance to demand these component above can be flexibly put on the right place to realize remote test and control. In the light of the scheme, a set of network oscilloscope based on web is designed to remotely sampling data, and the technology of data base is successfully used to administer the saving and taking of signals in network virtual instrument .  相似文献   

中国农业补贴政策及其实施效果分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近几年,中央根据粮食产销形势的新变化,先后出台了良种补贴、粮食直补、农机具购置补贴等一系列农业补贴政策,初步形成了农业补贴政策框架。这些措施极大地调动了广大农民种粮积极性,有力地推动了粮食生产的恢复发展,基本实现了粮食增产和农民增收的政策目标。但由于中国农业补贴政策体系仍处于初创阶段,在实施过程中仍存在许多问题。首先对中国农业补贴政策的实施现状进行了分析。然后,基于对江西省的实地调查数据,运用Cobb-Douglas生产函数对中国农业补贴效果进行了定量研究。最后,提出完善中国农业补贴政策的对策建议。研究的主要结论是,中国农业补贴政策在实施过程中仍存在许多问题,如补贴政策目标的短视化、补贴方式不科学、补贴结构不合理、补贴机制不健全等,应针对以上具体问题调整农业补贴政策的具体实施方式。  相似文献   

中国农业政策环境影响初步分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
国家农业政策是国家总体经济政策的重要组成部分,是政府为了实现一定的农业、经济和社会发展目的。对影响农业发展的重要环节所采取的一系列具有宏观调控作用的政策措施的总称。国家农业政策的实施,可能会对中国的环境及其保护事业造成巨大的压力和影响。通过对中国农业政策背景、政策目标、政策利益相关者、政策手段等进行分析总结,指出中国农业政策通过改变农户生产结构、生产方式和生产技术等对农业环境产生影响。目前对农业环境影响较大的农业政策有粮食安全政策、土地政策、提高农民非农收入的政策、结构调整政策和农业环境政策。通过对这些政策对农业环境的影响分析,提出了要提高对农业环境问题的重视程度、实施农业政策与环境政策一体化,深化农地使用制度改革、明确界定土地所有权主体、稳定土地承包关系,制定激励政策减轻农业面源污染,建立健全农业环境污染监管机制,重视生态建设,发展生态农业等政策调整建议。  相似文献   

苏世伟  刘甜 《中国农学通报》2015,31(23):267-271
生物质能源利用已成为减少温室气体排放和缓解能源危机的有效途径,各国政府采取了一系列政策措施鼓励和引导生物质能源产业的发展,农作物秸秆资源作为重要的生物质能源备受国内关注。本研究梳理了国内外现有的秸秆生物质能源财税政策,归纳总结了生物质能源的政策有效性评价文献。研究发现目前中国财税政策工具应用较为单一,政策组合工具灵活性不够;国内对秸秆生物质能源政策实施效果的研究以定性为主,对政策组合工具进行综合评价的实证研究相对缺乏,未能有效地给政策制定者提供理论依据和参考价值。  相似文献   

我国生态草牧业政策梳理及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草牧业是以草为基础的畜牧业,是在传统畜牧业和草业基础上提升的新型生态草畜产业。我国草原面积近60亿亩,草地畜牧业发展拥有巨大潜力,如何实现草地资源可持续利用是当前政策制定者面临的重要任务与挑战。本研究借鉴柳卸林的政策分析框架,梳理2000年以来我国政府颁布的草牧业政策,并基于呼伦贝尔地区的农、牧户调研,辨识草牧业发展的政策缺口,厘清当地生态草牧业发展中不同利益相关者的需求与困境,为长期的政策制定提供支撑。  相似文献   

邹小娇  张郁 《中国农学通报》2021,37(15):150-157
为了保障粮食安全和农户种植收益,实现区域种植结构合理布局,本研究基于农产品收购政策研究视角,运用DID模型,对黑龙江省2001—2018年种植结构变化与政策驱动的关系进行实证分析。结果表明,最低收购价格政策、临时收储价格政策、“价补分离”政策对水稻、玉米种植面积和收益有显著正向影响;目标价格政策对大豆种植面积有显著负向影响,临时收储价格政策、“价补分离”政策影响效果不明显,且“价补分离”政策对大豆收益产生显著正向影响,但临时收储价格政策、目标价格政策影响效果较小;农作物滞后一期收益对除玉米“价补分离”政策时期外的农户种植决策产生正向影响。分析种植结构变化与政策驱动关系,对重新审视农业政策、制定和完善未来粮食安全保障措施等有重要意义。  相似文献   

The notion of dark networks has recently received attention in the literature on policy network analysis. Dark networks are defined as illegal and covert, in contrast to bright networks which are legal and overt. In this article, we suggest a third category – grey networks – which are characterised by their use of secrecy and concealment despite their ostensibly legal status. These networks are subject to contradictory imperatives. They employ methods that cannot be openly acknowledged within the larger legal and social framework in which they function. In this article, we illustrate this concept through an interview‐based study of Australia's immigration detention network. This network enacts a deterrence policy which has been widely condemned as breaching Australia's obligations under international law. At the same time, it is required to maintain a façade of lawfulness and respect for human rights.  相似文献   

For that the characteristics of low voltage power line channel are complicated and variable, how to use low voltage power line to realize reliable and high speed communication has always been the hottest question in power line communication field. This article introduces how to apply MSK to the low voltage power line communication. It analyses the application elements of MSK and structures the model of low voltage power line communication based on MSK. simulation result indicates that MSK modulation technology can satisfy the characteristics that the bandwidth of power line communication channel is narrow and the attenuation to the amplitude of signal is time variable and frequency selected. Also, it makes better use of the spectrum.  相似文献   

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