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2006年5月,宏伟乡合胜村3个养猪户的猪群都发生了疑似传染病。最初有2头猪发病,逐渐呈散发性蔓延。发病猪以仔猪和架子猪最多。  相似文献   

1999年4月,湖南新宁县近郊某养殖场发生了猪沙门氏杆菌和猪瘟混合感染所致的疾病,引起了大批仔猪发病、死亡,给养殖场造成了巨大的经济损失。现将诊治情况报告如下:1发病情况湖南省新宁某养殖场饲养存栏猪约2000头,其中仔猪和架子猪约1000头左右。1999年4月,仔猪舍中有一头仔猪出现食欲减退,精神沉郁,喜卧,喜钻稻草,不愿行走等现象,经猪场技术人员注射抗菌素等药物并无好转,后逐渐蔓延到其它栏舍仔猪,引起仔猪发病、死亡,前后持续约3个月之久,造成600余头仔猪和架子猪发病,200余头死亡。2临床症…  相似文献   

1发病情况 2006年,万州区白羊镇鱼泉社欧黄大川养猪场饲养的312头猪(其中,仔猪106头、2月龄断奶猪68头、架子猪115头、经产母猪22头、种公猪1头),从11月中旬以来先后发病,并大量死亡,至12月7日,死亡仔猪87头、架子猪19头,死亡率分别为50%和13.7%。  相似文献   

我县龙溪区养猪户田某饲养猪43头,1987年5月下旬猪群中发生了一起原因不明的疾病,先后发病24头,占55.8%。其中仔猪22头,架子猪2头,死亡23头,占发病数95.8%。病猪先后用青、链霉素、磺胺、庆大霉素、亚硒酸钠、硫酸钠治疗无效。根据病情调查,实验室诊断为霉变饲料引起中毒死  相似文献   

李琨 《广西畜牧兽医》2003,19(3):121-122
20 0 2年 8月初 ,贵港市港北区大圩镇中西村发生了一起猪急性传染病 ,该病传染迅速 ,猪和牛可交叉感染 ,且死亡率高 ,以急性出血性败血症为主要特征。病畜发生咳嗽 ,呼吸困难 ,头、颈肿大 ,皮肤从发红到发绀继而死亡。经综合诊断 ,确认为猪链球菌感染。1 发病情况2 0 0 2年 8月初 ,贵港市港北区大圩镇中西村农户散养的家畜相继发病死亡。此病来势凶猛 ,怀孕母猪、仔猪和架子猪都可感染。从 8月4日起至 16日 ,全村死亡猪 36头 ,其中怀孕母猪 13头 ,仔猪 15头 ,架子猪 8头 ;牛 3头 ,其中母牛 2头 ,小牛 1头 ,死牛主要是以败血症和皮炎为特征…  相似文献   

1998年 7~ 8月 ,某县暴发了一起猪败血性链球菌病。由于及时采取有效控制措施 ,疫情在 3周内被平息 ,报告如下。1 流行情况  1 998年 7月底 ,该县某养猪专业户饲养的猪开始发病 ,且病情逐渐蔓延 ,1周内全县 37个乡镇中 1 3个乡镇陆续发生病例 ,经调查发现病情似沿某国道传播 ,涉及国道附近的 1 1 5个行政村。该病多发生在2 0~ 5 0 kg的仔猪和架子猪 ,同群发病率约1 5 %~ 2 5 % ,死亡率较高。疫情严重的有 5个乡镇 6 7个行政村 ,发病死亡 77~ 2 0 7头 ,至8月 6日全县共发病死亡 979头。该病发生突然、传播快、流行广 ,疫区内未见有牛、…  相似文献   

猪痢疾是由猪密螺旋体引起的一种严重的出血性下痢性传染病。主要侵害断乳仔猪及架子猪,但乳猪和种母猪也能发生本病。我县某猪场于1982年9月至11月发生了1次以血痢为主要临床症状的仔猪疫病,发病猪为30~40日龄的哺乳仔猪,曾用合霉素、氯霉素、复方敌菌净、青霉素、链霉素等药物治疗,疗效不佳。30~45日龄的316头仔猪中在47天内先后发病215头,死亡156头,发病率为68%,死亡率为72.5%。根据3例病死猪直肠、结肠粘  相似文献   

去冬今春以来 ,我县高寒阴湿地区某些乡村流行以排水样粪便、呕吐和脱水为特征的猪病 ,当地群众称之为“冬季拉稀症”。该病传播迅速、感染率高、治愈率低 ,给养殖户造成重大的经济损失。笔者就杨河乡西山村第 3村民小组该病流行情况综述如下。1 流行情况 该组共居住 67户村民 ,养猪 1 2 5头(其中繁殖母猪 9头 ,种公猪 1头 ,架子猪 70头 ,仔猪 45头 ) ,自 2 0 0 1年 2月 5日至 1 7日相继发病 67头 (其中繁殖母猪 2头 ,架子猪 2 9头、仔猪 36头 ) ,感染率为 5 3.6% ,死亡 2 7头 (其中架子猪 1头 ,仔猪 2 6头 ) ,致死率为 40 .3%。2 临床症…  相似文献   

<正> 仔猪渗出性皮炎,也叫仔猪葡萄球菌皮炎,是猪葡萄球菌感染引起的仔猪急性接触性皮炎,以全身油脂样渗出性皮炎为特征。细菌侵入途径为皮肤创伤,疾病传播迅速,同一窝的仔猪可在短时间内相继感染发病,其主要的传播途径为接触感染,母猪的皮肤、耳朵等处藏有的病菌,是主要的传染源。因此必须采取综合性的防治措施才能控制疫病的发展。河北省威县章台乡王某养猪场,2006年7月间发生一起仔猪渗出性皮炎,共有发病猪87头,死亡5头,通过诊治使疫情迅速控制,现报告如下:1 发病情况及症状2006年7月20日,河北省威县章台乡王某饲养的150多头猪,其中13头母猪,40多头架子猪,其它均为仔猪,有一窝仔猪发病12头,1周内先后  相似文献   

2006年,万州区白羊镇鱼泉社区居委会,黄大川养猪场饲养的312头猪(其中,仔猪106头、双月龄断奶猪68头、架子猪115头、经产母猪22头、种公猪1头)。从11月中旬以来先后发病,引起生猪大量死亡,至12月7日为止,在短短的一个月时候内,死亡仔猪87头、架子猪19头,死亡率分别为50%和13.7%。  相似文献   

福建部分地区猪肺炎双球菌感染调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2004-2005年对福建部分地区中、小猪表现呼吸困难和肺炎的41个猪场进行调查,并采集病料经实验室检查表明肺炎双球菌感染的有23个场,占56·1%,其中单一肺炎双球菌感染的有12个场,占29·3%;混合感染11例,占26·8%,其中混合感染巴氏杆菌5个场,混合感染猪链球菌、猪瘟、猪附红细胞体各2个场。发病与饲养方式、栏舍卫生密切相关。因肺炎双球菌的血清型复杂,治疗时应选择高敏抗菌药物,且不提倡配合使用解热镇痛类药物。  相似文献   

In the winter of 1987/88 a previously unrecognized septicemic disease syndrome — actinobacillosis in mature sows and gilts — was diagnosed in two minimal-disease swine herds in southwestern Ontario. In herd 1, 34 sows, 2 boars, 13 feeder pigs, and 30 suckling pigs were affected; 11 sows, 2 feeders, and 18 suckling pigs died. In herd 2, 13 sows and 1 feeder pig were affected; 1 sow and 1 feeder pig died. The disease was manifested by moderate fever (39-40.5°C), round or rhomboid erythematous skin lesions, and inappetence. Sudden deaths without previous clinical signs were frequent. Histologically, coccobacillary thromboemboli in superficial and deep dermal vessels were associated with infarcted dermal and epidermal tissues. The causative organism, Actinobacillus suis, was isolated from the affected pigs. Treatment with commonly used antibacterial drugs was effective.

In many respects, the disease resembled acute swine erysipelas and presented diagnostic problems for this reason.


In order to prove the effects of mass application of oral erysipelas vaccine via drinking water, in a farrow-to-finish production unit in Croatia, the growing-finishing animals were divided into 3 groups and treated as follows:--Group 1 (n=199) was vaccinated intramuscularly against swine erysipelas at 1 week and 3 weeks after arrival in the growing-finishing facility with a swine erysipelas bacterin.--Group 2 (n=199) were vaccinated at the same time with an avirulent culture of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae oral vaccine through drinking water.--Group 3 (n=200) was not vaccinated. Animals with clinical signs of swine erysipelas, chronic progressive arthritis at slaughter, mortality, average daily weight gain during the growing-finishing phase were evaluated. None of the pigs in the groups 1 and 2 showed clinical signs typical for acute swine erysipelas. Twenty-four of the pigs (12 %) in group 3 had pyrexia and skin lesions typical for swine erysipelas. Fifteen pigs in group 1, 13 pigs in group 2, and 63 pigs in group 3 had chronic progressive arthritis (group 1 and 2 vs. group 3: P < 0.01). No significant differences in mortality were recorded between the groups. Group 1 and 2 had higher (P < 0.05) average daily weight gains compared with the group 3.  相似文献   

养猪场猪瘟净化技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在4个流行仔猪猪瘟半年以上的养猪场实施了初乳前猪瘟首免的方法,进一步证实了这种免疫方法的免疫可靠性。随后,建立了以实施初乳前首免、建立严格隔离检疫和消毒制度、淘汰可疑带病毒母猪、建立健康种猪群等技术措施为主要内容的猪瘟净化技术,并在一个连续多年经常散发或暴发猪瘟的某养猪场应用,经连续3年多的临床和实验室检测,未发现临床病猪和健康带毒猪。  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test was developed and standardized to detect and quantitate antibody for swine infertility and respiratory syndrome (SIRS) virus in swine sera. Test results were evaluated using sera of pigs infected both experimentally and naturally with SIRS virus. The IFA test used swine alveolar macrophage (SAM) monolayers prepared in 96-well microplates and infected with SIRS virus. The monolayers were incubated with test sera, washed, and stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled rabbit anti-swine IgG. After another wash step, the monolayers were examined under a fluorescent microscope. A noninfected SAM control well was included for each sample. The antibody titers for each serum sample were recorded as the highest serum dilutions with specific cytoplasmic fluorescence but no fluorescence in the control wells. To evaluate the test, sera of 4 6-week-old pigs that had been infected with SIRS virus, 2 contact pigs, and 13 experimentally infected sows were used. In the experimentally infected pigs, antibody was first detected at 7 days postexposure (PE) and peaked (1:256-1,024) between 11 and 21 days PE. All 13 sow sera were negative at time of infection but were positive (1:64- greater than or equal to 1:1,024) at 14-26 days PE. Seven hundred twenty sera collected from 25 different swine farms with or without a history of SIRS were also tested. Of 344 sera from 15 swine farms with a clinical history of SIRS, 257 (74.7%) sera had IFA titers greater than or equal to 1:4, whereas 371 (98.7%) of 376 sera from herds with no history of SIRS were negative.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The value of a skin test for the diagnosis of Aujeszky's disease (pseudorabies) in swine was examined. Semipurified and concentrated antigens, obtained by ether/tween 80 inactivation of Aujeszky's disease virus, were inoculated intradermally into seronegative, experimentally infected and vaccinated swine and into pigs with maternal antibodies. A specific skin reaction, characterized by a visible indurated swelling, was observed within 24 hours in animals with active immunity, No reaction was seen in pigs with maternal immunity or in seronegative uninfected and unvaccinated animals. In the infected and vaccinated groups, 89% and 58% respectively of the animals with seroneutralizing antibodies were positive by the skin test response. Positive reactions were observed as early as 8 days after the infection. All but one seronegative animals remained free of antibodies after 2 consecutive skin tests and the course of decline of maternal antibodies was not changed. An earlier skin test did not lead to sensitization for a later application. The present results, together with field experience on 8 farms, revealed that the skin test could be considered a reliable method for diagnosis of Aujeszky's disease in swine on a herd basis.  相似文献   

急性死亡猪中猪丹毒杆菌的分离鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本试验从江西省南昌市某规模化猪场送检的2份疑似猪丹毒杆菌引起的急性死亡猪组织中分离出2株可疑菌株,经细菌分离培养、染色镜检、生化试验等实验室诊断,进一步以猪丹毒杆菌16S rRNA的特异性引物进行PCR鉴定,确定2株分离菌为猪丹毒杆菌.然后进行动物致病性试验及药敏试验,并对该厂常用的消毒药进行最小抑菌浓度(MIC)的测定.结果表明,1×108 CFU的剂量可致死小白鼠;分离菌对β-内酰胺类抗菌药高度敏感,对多数抗菌药耐药;该厂常用消毒药的抑菌作用已明显下降.本试验结果对临床防制猪丹毒具有参考意义.  相似文献   

Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae causes erysipelas in swine and is considered a reemerging disease contributing substantially to economic losses in the swine industry. Since an attenuated live vaccine was commercialized in 1974 in Japan, outbreaks of acute septicemia or subacute urticaria of erysipelas have decreased dramatically. In contrast, a chronic form of erysipelas found during meat inspections in slaughterhouses has been increasing. In this study, a new strain-typing method was developed based on nucleotide sequencing of a hypervariable region in the surface protective antigen (spaA) gene for discrimination of the live vaccine strain from field isolates. Sixteen strains isolated from arthritic lesions found in slaughtered pigs were segregated into 4 major patterns: 1) identical nucleotide sequence with the vaccine strain: 3 isolates; 2) 1 nucleotide substitution (C to A) at position 555: 5 isolates; 3) 1 nucleotide substitution at various positions: 5 isolates; and 4) 2 nucleotide substitutions: 3 isolates. Isolates with the same nucleotide sequence as the vaccine strain were further characterized by other properties, including the mouse pathogenicity test. One strain isolated from pigs on a farm where the live vaccine had been used was found to be closely related to the vaccine strain. The phylogenetic tree constructed based on the spaA sequence suggests that the evolutionary distance of the isolates is related to the pathogenicity in mice. The new strain-typing system based on nucleotide sequencing of the spaA region is useful to discriminate the vaccine strain from field isolates.  相似文献   

规模化种猪场猪瘟免疫情况调研   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
猪瘟是由猪瘟病毒引起的一种以高热、出血为主要特征的烈性、高度接触性传染病,至今仍在中国广泛流行。接种疫苗是防控该病发生的最根本的方法,为了查清山西省规模化种猪场猪瘟疫苗免疫情况,课题组采用ELISA试剂盒,对8个地市42个规模化种猪场465头哺乳猪、456头保育猪、436头育肥猪、419头母猪进行了猪瘟免疫抗体检测。查明了哺乳猪抗体阳性率平均为70.11%,保育猪抗体阳性率平均为40.57%,育肥猪抗体阳性率平均为50.22%,母猪抗体阳性率平均为69.69%,证明被检猪群免疫抗体不理想,尤其是保育猪抗体水平较低。同时对12个规模化种猪场,4类不同免疫方法免疫猪瘟疫苗的133头哺乳猪、110头保育猪、105头育肥猪、135头母猪进行了免疫抗体检测。结果表明:乳猪在吃奶前超免猪瘟高效细胞苗6头份,21日龄时二免猪瘟高效细胞苗4头份,60日龄三免猪瘟高效细胞苗2头份,母猪产后21 d跟胎免疫效果最好,使保育猪免疫抗体阳性率达到89.29%,有些猪场使用该方法免疫后,使保育猪的死亡率有了明显的降低,生长发育逐渐走向正常;而采用仔猪在断奶后28日龄至35日龄时首免猪瘟普通细胞苗4头份,60日龄二免猪瘟普通细胞苗2头份,母猪产后28 d跟胎免疫的方法效果最差,不宜推广应用。通过对山西一些规模化种猪场猪瘟免疫情况的调研,基本查清了规模化种猪场猪瘟免疫效果和最佳免疫方法,可为养猪场防控猪瘟提供依据。  相似文献   

A retrospective cohort study of 116 British pig farms was undertaken to investigate the epidemiological risk factors associated with herd breakdowns with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). Farmers reported the PMWS status of their herd (case definition 1) and, where applicable, when the disease was first suspected and what they observed; they described a prolonged increase in mortality in six to 16-week-old pigs that was not attributable to any disease known to be on their farm. There was over 90 per cent agreement on the farmers' PMWS status between the farmers and their veterinarians. Approximately 70 per cent of the breakdowns were confirmed at the laboratory (case definition 2) except during the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in 2001 when it was reduced to 30 per cent. Porcine circovirus type 2 antigen was detected in pigs examined postmortem (case definition 3) in approximately 90 per cent of the farms with increased mortality. The breakdowns occurred initially in the south of England and spread west and north, as well as locally in a radial pattern from the affected farms, and there was strong statistical evidence that there was non-random space-time clustering. The risk of herd breakdowns with PMWS was not constant; therefore, for each case definition, three survival models were developed with outcome variable time to breakdown of between January 2000 and January 2001, February 2001 to September 2001 (during FMD) or October 2001 to December 2003. Exposures with a bivariable significance of P<0.20 were tested in three multivariable Cox proportional hazard models. From January 2000 to January 2001 the risk of a herd breakdown with PMWS for definitions 1, 2 and 3 was greater for farms with 600 or more breeding sows, and for definitions 1 and 3 there was an increased risk associated with the purchase of replacement gilts rather than using homebred replacements. For definitions 1 and 3 the farms where the nearest pig farm had no breeding pigs were at greater risk of a breakdown than those where the nearest farm had breeding stock, as were the farms where visitors were not requested to avoid pigs for more than three days before visiting the farm during the FMD outbreak. From October 2001, the associated risks were identical for all three case definitions; farms were at greater risk when they had 600 or more breeding sows, if visitors had not avoided contact with pigs for more than three days before visiting the farm, and when there was a farm with PMWS less than five miles away. The affected farms were more likely to have disease associated with porcine parvovirus, porcine reproduction and respiratory syndrome virus, erysipelas, Escherichia coli and salmonella. These exposures were positively associated with large herds and the farm being close to other pig farms, but did not remain in the final models for breakdown with PMWS, indicating that such farms may be at greater risk of many infectious diseases.  相似文献   

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